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“The Impact Of Mobile Phone Towards Academic Performances Of Senior High

School Students In Bunawan National High School S.Y. 2022-2023”

A Research Paper

Presented to
The Faculty Of Senior High School Department
Bunawan National High School,In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements
For Practical Research 2 With The Specialization In General Academic Strand.


1.1 Introduction

As The world grows Into technologically sophisticated,there Is great demand for the latest
Electronic gadgets, There are cellphones, laptop, camera, MP3 player, and several cool electronic
gadgets. Cellphones support a wide variety of other services such as text Messaging, Multi-media
messaging, Email, Internet, Bluetooth, Business Application, Games, Photography, and among other
service/s. Kahari (2010) stressed that mobile phone Is a very important tool for study as most of the
respondents used their phones for study purpose. Mobile phones are Increasingly one of the most
popular Information access devices and what stand out from the study in the high use interactive
multi user functions which can at times be descriptive or beneficial during study. Mobile phone is
undeniably convenient, helpful source of distraction depending on the attitude and use of as tudent.
Similarly. Coughlan (2015) emphasized that students are always busy sending and receiving
messages while studying. As a result,they got lower score in the test and were less effective at tasks
such as note-taking. This Generation of “Voracious Texters” might be affected by so many online
distractions.When Students did not use mobiles or any social cite, they were better at being able to
recall information. in Addition, He said how will students could carry out task, such as watching a
lecture and then taking notes and answering questions while facing a series of interruptions on their
internet-connected mobile phones.Mobile and Portable devices are now such as pervasive part of
young people lives, how students could really study at the same time Interacting online.
Despite the fact that smart phones are now regarded as necessity for everyone, their
Incorrect use is becoming a problem and a top worry for parents and educators of teens. Numerous
research have examined the harmful impacts of mobile phones during the past ten years. The effects
of substance abuse on people’s mental health and well being as well as on teenagers psychiatric
health. Recent research have also emphasized the adverse consequences of smart phone use on
academic achievement among students, studies on how using a smart phone affects academic
achievement have been done from a variety of angles. Some have looked at educational practices
using a mobile phone and discovered a lower overall and cumulative grade point average pupils who
frequently utilized their smart phones for learning were more prevalent than others have looked at
various who frequently feel irrational, overwhelming urges to utilize a smart phone attribute.If a
person experiences anxiety when they are not using their smart phones,or if they worry about losing
it or not having access to it,they may be going through.
However, when a person exhibits a strong want to use a smart phone despite its drawbacks
(i.e., neglecting other facets of life owing to frequent he or she is probably dealing with if they exhibit
urges and binge use, and there are two contemporary activities that every students engage in
frequently, and this compulsive propensity frequently appears as problematic mobile phone use
smart phone addiction and phobias.
1.2 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Availability of Devices Senior High School Students

Mobile Phones Academic Performance

Figure 1 Shows Hypothesized relation variables on the influence of mobile phone towards the
Academic performance of the students

1.3 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the influence of Mobile phone towards Senior high School
Students Academic performance In this S.Y. 2022-2023 at Bunawan National High School.

1.Are Students literate in using mobile phones?

2.How does the student spend their time with mobile phone?
3.How does mobile phone influence the Academic performance of students?

1.4 Significance of the Study

The significance of this research could be measured by the effective outcomes and recommendations made in this research
to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes in the class room environments. The conducted research would
be beneficial for educational industry especially for teachers in higher education facing problems with students due to the use of
their gadgets during the delivery of their lectures in the class room environments. Further, the research would benefit the
universities in the policies of teaching and learning, looking to develop new approaches that could balance the approaches of
learning process between teachers and learners. The research will provide a comprehensive reading for universities students to
understand the importance of mobile

Teacher and Staff. Through this, they can implement other plans,strategies and rules that can help the students be satisfied o f
using gadgets

Students..The result of this study will make the students aware of the factors that affect their satisfaction.

Parents. This study will help the parents to know their children’s behavior and preferences and the effects on their children’s
health and mental health.

To the Students.This study gives Information to the student on how they can able use technology in proper way and to be aware
on how useful technology on their school performance.

To the Faculty.This study gives Information to the teachers on the advantages of technology and how this new technology
improved our youth nowadays

1.5 Scope and limitation of the study.

The conducted research will be useful for the education industry as it will help teachers to adopt new teaching
techniques and methodologies in the class room environment and to balance to use of information technology and
systems. The research is also beneficial to understand the behaviour of the students due to the impacts of the
technology and information systems in education. The scope of the research could be measured through the scope
of information technology and its use in the educational environment. Time and available resources could be the
possible limitations of this research. From academic and educational point of view, the research will provide a
comprehensive approach adopted to understand the use of mobile technology and its role in the education
especially in the class room environment. From social aspect, the research will provide an opportunity to
understand the behaviour of students and its relationship with technology during the provision of teaching and
learning. The scientific value of the research will be the outcomes in the form of recommendations that would be
helpful to balance the use of mobile technology and new teaching methodologies to achieve educational objectives.

1.6 Definition of Terms

BNHS.refers to a Bunawan National High School.

Mobile Phone. A telephone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area,without a
physical connection to a network.Also called cellular phone.

Questionnaire.the instrument used by the researchers as the primary source of data.

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