Grammar Review L1 5

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Lesson 1 – Lesson 5
Sentence Structure
The key part in Japanese sentence is PREDICATE (≒ VERB).
By putting other information before the predicate (verb) part,
we can express various things in Japanese.

For example, go is いく in Japanese. ます-form of いく is いきます.

1) いきます。← only one verb is in this sentence, and that is correct
2)がっこうへいきます。 ← add information about place to the verb
3) わたしはがっこうへいきます。← add information about the person
Verb Form Changes
Japanese verbs can be devided into 3 groups (Group 1, Group 2, Group 3).
Each group has 6 forms of verb changes.

1) ない-form 2) ます-form 3) Dictionary-form

negative polite

4) Conditional-form 5) Volitional-form 6) て-form

“ if ” “ let’s ”
Verb Form Changes
いく (go) おきる (wake up) くる (come) する (do)

ない-form いかない おきない こない しない

ます-form いきます おきます きます します

Dictionary-form いく おきる くる する

Conditional-form いけば おきれば くれば すれば

Volitional-form いこう おきよう こよう しよう

て-form いって おきて きて して

Verb Form Changes
The rules of て-form in Group 1 and Group 3 verb is below:

when the verb ends with う, つ, る → って

む, ぶ, ぬ → んで
す → して
く → いて
ぐ → いで

when the verb is する → して

くる → きて
いく → いって
1) Conditional-form + いいですか = “Should I ○○?”

2) Volitional-form + とおもいます = “I plan to ○○.”

3) て-form + ください = “Please ○○.”

4) ない-form + でください = “Please don’t ○○.”

5) ます-form - ます + ましょう = “Let’s ○○.” or “Shall we ○○”?

1) は particle = topic marker The pronounciation of this particle is WA,
negative marker But be careful NOT to write わ.

2) へ particle = direction marker The pronounciation of this particle is E,

But be careful NOT to write え.

3) に particle = purpose marker

time of action or event
4) か particle = question marker
Put this particle at the end of the sentence.

5) の particle = connecting nouns

6) も particle = “too” or “also”

Put this particle after the topic or subject of the sentence.

7) を particle = object marker

8) が particle = subject marker

9) で particle = place of action or event

methods or means

10) よ particle = emphasis of statement Put this particle at the end of the sentence.

11) から particle = “from”

12) と particle = “and”
This particle only can be used
“with” to connect nouns and pronouns.

13) ね particle = expectation of listener’s agreement (= ○○, right?)

14) まで particle = “ until ” or “ up to ”

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