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Online Jewellery Shop

Palus Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s

Arts, Commerce and Science College, Palus


Submitted To
“Shivaji University, Kolhapur”

For The Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of

Bachelor of Computer Science (BSC.CS)

Submitted By,
Miss. Ganeshkar Rasika Sanjay
Miss. Mane Priyanka Anand
Under the Guidance of
Miss. P. A. Jadhav

Department Of Computer Science

[Year 2022-2023]

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Palus Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s

Arts, Commerce and Science College, Palus
This is to certify that the project entitled “Online Jewellery Shop” Submitted by
Miss. Ganeshkar Rasika Sanjay & Miss. Mane Priyanaka Anand partial
fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor of Computer Science for academic
year 2022-2023.

To the best of my knowledge and belief, this is their original work and
not submitted anywhere for any purpose.

Date: / /

Miss-P. A. Jadhav Mr-S. S. Patil Mr-R. S. Salunkhe

Project Guide Head of Department Principal

Examiner 1: Examiner 2:

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The Principal,
Arts, Commerce and Science College,

Respected Sir,
We undersigned hereby declare that the project entitled “Online
Jewellery Shop” developedand submitted by us and under the guidance of Miss-
P.A.Jadhav, is our original work. The empirical finding in this project work is
based on the information collected by me, while preparing this project we have
not copied from any other report submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur
We understand that any such copying is liable to be punished in a way the
centre university authority may be deem fit.

Place: - Palus.
Date: / /

Miss- Ganeshkar Rasika Sanjay

Miss-Mane Priyanka Anand

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The struggle, hard work and proper guidance leads to success. It is a

golden moment and great pleasure to present this report on “Online Jewellery

We take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards our

department. We are thankful to our project guide Mr. P.A.Jadhav for the kind of
helping hand.

We wish to express our knowledge about computer science thanks to

principal Dr.R.S.Salunkhe, Prof.Mr.S.S.Patil, Head & Co-Ordinator of Computer
Science Department and all teaching and non teaching staff for their
extraordinary help throughout period of our project.

We once again thank all the staff members for their timely help and
inspiration they gave us. Finally we are thankful to our friends and colleagues for
the inspiration and encouragement they gave us through the project.

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Sr. No Particulars Page No
1 Introduction to project
 Introduction 1-5
 Existing System
 Need and Scope of Computer
 Organization profile

2 Proposed System
 Objectives of Proposed System 6-10
 Rquirement Engineering
 Rquired Gathering
 System Requirement system

3 System Analysis
 System Diagram
 Context Level Diagram 11-14
 Data Flow Diagram
 Entity Relationship Diagram
4 System Design
 Database Design 15-31
 Input Design
 Output Design

5 Implementation
 System Requirement 32-38
 Installation Process
 User guidelines

6 Conclusion and suggestion 39-42

 Conclusion
 Limitation
 Suggestion
7 Bibliography 43

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Chapter - 1


1.1 Introduction to system

1.2 Existing System
1.3 Need and scope of Computer System
1.4 Organization profile

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Jewellery is a popular item that can be used for personal use or as a gift. When
you have a natural talent for making jewellery, you can use a variety of techniques to
create specific designs. This industry is highly competitive. Starting your own
jewellery business may appear daunting, but there are several advantages to doing
Ranging from necklaces to bracelets, rings, and costume accessories, fashion
jewellery tends to go in and out of style quickly. These pieces tend to be lower in
quality and longevity but highly affordable for shoppers who are looking to make a

One way to stay on top of the fashion jewellery market is to browse magazines such
as Seventeen, Vogue, Marie Claire, Harper’s BAZAAR, and Cosmopolitan. Influencers
on TikTok and Instagram often set the tone for trends.

Fashion jewellery tends to consist of lower quality materials such as imitation metals
(i.e. silver instead of platinum) and gemstones (i.e. cubic zirconia instead of
diamonds). Designers will often base designs on higher-priced items.

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In existing system online booking can done in a manual way, the

customer has to go for online booking, and then he is having the possibility to
choose the vehicle whatever he wants. It is a time consuming process.
It is very easy to book your favourite model from a large number of
online booking sites available on the internet. You can perform an online vehicle
booking from your home comfort. Here is no need to go to the crowed
supermarkets. It is very easy.
You will choose your favourite models from variety of online booking
sites comparing price and quality.
You will have more fir your family.
Just need a computer and a payment sending option cash on delivery.
Almost all kinds of items can be brought through online vehicle booking.
You will get your goods at your home.
It is very secure.
Customer service is available.

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Need and scope of Computer System

The computer is electronic device which has large storage capacity which
accept data and give desired result in the form of output. It is capable of doing many
calculations in few times with great accuracy. As its speed is very high. So it is used
not only in big organization but also in other selection like banking education due to
computerized system. One can get required policy information as early as possible
wit right choice.
To maintain the purpose and agent report and also all required report we
have to require large size of resisters as well as files. It is very difficult to store and
difficult to handle as well as to maintain .To overcome all these drawback there is
great need of computerization.
There are many limitations in manual system. Therefore solving all these
problems and keeping all the facilities in proper way there is need of
computerization now a day, everyone lives with very fast life ; no one can wait a time
consuming. So, computerization is necessary for fast working. Main drawback of
manual system is to maintain paper record. To overcome this problem
computerization is essential to give more accurate and speedy job the daily,
monthly, yearly easily and quickly.
Searching of any information become easier. Calculations are done with
greater accuracy and quickly. It gives particular result. The main objective of system
includes the high amount of data. It also aims to achieve accurate and quick
processing of data.

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Organization Profile

Personally, I believe Pednekar Jewellers' major achievement is the trust we

have earned from millions of people across the length and breadth of a huge
subcontinent like India, and abroad in the GCC.

We have always believed in fair and transparent business. We have believed

that the customer should be understood so well that we know his needs much
before he understands them himself. We have believed that an enlightened
customer is the best customer. These are the simple principles that have helped us
reach where we are today.

Today, Pednekar Jewellers has 150 retail stores spread across INDIA and
MIDDLE EAST. Pampered by your unbound love and support and with the blessings
of the Almighty, we believe we are in the right path towards the accomplishment of
our vision to open stores and serve customers across the world..

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Chapter – 2

Proposed System

2.1 Objectives of Proposed System

2.2 Requirement Engineering
2.2.1 Required Gathering
2.2.2 System requirement system (SRS)

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Objective of System

 To analyze the customer satisfaction.

 To analyze the customer preference.

 To know which manufacture is providing better services.

 To analyze after sales services of bikes.

 To study the behaviour factors of customers in motor bikes.

 To suggest various factors to improve sales.

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Requirement Engineering

The process to gather the software requirement from client, analyze and
documented them is known as requirement engineering.
The goal of requirement engineering is to develop and maintain
sophisticated and descriptive ‘System Requirements Specification’ document.
Requirement engineering process:-
It is a four step process, which include:-
• Feasibility study
• Requirement gathering
• Software requirement specification
• Software requirement validation

Feasibility study:-
The feasibility study involves three main phases’ as-technical
feasibility, operational feasibility and economical feasibility. It is necessary to
do detailed cost of each and every system to be computerized.
1) Technical Feasibility:-
This study focuses about the hardware & software requirement for
the system. It can support the proposed modification. The system can
proposed computerized.
2) Operational Feasibility:-
Operational feasibility focuses on the ability of management
and consumer of an organization to use and handle the system. The
programming nature are flexible and hence the person can do entry or operate
system also communication with program very easily.
The system can develop very easily and hence each and every person
can handle easily. No one barrier can create at the type of handling system.

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Requirement Gathering

If the feasibility report is positive towards undertaking the project, next

phase starts with gathering requirements from the user. Analysts and
engineers communicate with the client and end-users to know their ideas on
what the software should provide and which features they want the software
to include.
Requirement gathering is an essential part of any project and project
management. Understanding fully what a project will deliver is critical to its
success. Requirements gathering sounds like common sense, but surprisingly,
it’s an area that is given far too little attention.
Many project starts with the barest headline list of requirements, only
to find later the customer’s needs have not been adequately understood.
One way to avoid this problem is by producing a statement of
requirements. This document is a guide to the main requirements of the
The contents of the statement of requirements should be stable or
change relatively slowly.
Once you have created your statement of requirements, ensure the
customer and all other stakeholders sign-up to it and understand that this, and
only this, is being delivered.
Finally, ensure you have cross-referenced the requirements in the
statement of requirements with those in the project definition report to insure
there is no mismatch.

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Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

SRS is a document created by system analyst after the requirements

are collected from various stakeholders.
SRS defines how the intended software will interact with hardware,
external interfaces, speed of operation, response time of system, portability of
software across various platforms, maintainability, speed of recovery after
crashing, Security, Quality, Limitations etc.
The requirements received from client are written in natural
language. It is the responsibility of system analyst to document the
requirements in technical language so that they can be comprehended and
useful by the software development team.
SRS should come up with following features:
• User Requirements are expressed in natural language.
• Technical requirements are expressed in structured language, which is used
inside the organization.
• Design description should be written in Pseudo code.
• Format of Forms and GUI screen prints.

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Chapter -3

System analysis

3.1 System Diagram

3.1.1 Context Level Diagram
3.1.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
3.1.3 Entity Relation Diagram

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1] Context Level Diagram:-

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2] Data Flow Diagram:-

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3] Entity Relationship Diagram:-

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Chapter 4

System Design

4.1 Data base design

4.2 Input design
4.3 Output design

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Table : tbladmin
Field Name Data Type
Username Nvarchar(50)
Password Nvarchar(50)


Field Name Data Type

assignid Int

eid int
Oid int

Field Name Data Type
contactid int
name nvarchar(100)
email nvarchar(150)
subject nvarchar(150)
Message nvarchar(500)


Field Name Data Type

eid int
ename nvarchar(150)
email nvarchar(150)
mobile nvarchar(50)

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Table: tblfeedback

Field Name Data Type

fid int
name nvarchar(150)
email nvarchar(150)
type nvarchar(100)
comment nvarchar(100)

Field Name Data Type
oid int
uid nvarchar(100)
odate nvarchar(100)
amount nvarchar(15)
paymode nvarchar(250)
country nvarchar(50)
fullname nvarchar(150)
company nvarchar(150)
address nvarchar(250)
city nvarchar(50)
state nvarchar(50)
email nvarchar(150)
phone nvarchar(50)
notes nvarchar(250)
zipcode nvarchar(50)
status nvarchar(50)

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Field Name Data Type
detailsid int
oid int
item nvarchar(100)
Qty int
Price int
Total int

Field Name Data Type
Pid int
pname int
details nvarchar(100)
Mrp Int
discount Int
Price Int
photo1 nvarchar(100)
photo2 nvarchar(100)
Photo3 nvarchar(100)

Field Name Data Type
Uid Int
fname Int
Email nvarchar(100)
Mobile nvarchar(100)
Password nvarchar(50)

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HOME (Offer)

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Home Main Page

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Update Profile

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Admin Panel

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Shopping Cart:

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Billing Details:

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About Us:

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Contact Us:

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Product Report

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Chapter 5


5.1 System Requirement

5.2 Installation Process
5.3 User guidelines

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System Requirement

1. RAM 2GB (minimum)
2. Hard Disk 20GB (minimum)
3. Processor 13
4. Keyboard
5. Mouse
6. Printer
7. Monitor

1. Operating System (windows 7)
2. Microsoft visual studio 2010
3. Microsoft Office Access 2007
4. Crystal Reports

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Microsoft .NET initiative is broad-based and very ambitions. The .NET
Framework introduces a completely new model for the programming and
of Applications.
The .NET framework introduces a completely new model for the
programming and development of application. NET presents a radically new
approach to software development. This is first development designed from the
ground up with the internet in mind, previously, internet functionality has simple
been bolted on to pre-internet operating system like UNIX and Windows. This has
required internet designed and intended for highly distributed software ,making
internet functionality and interoperability easier and more transparent to include in
system than ever before.
The vision of .NET is globally distributed system, using XML as the
universal glue to allow functions running on different computer across an
organization or across the world to come together in single application. In this vision,
system from server to wireless palmtops, will share the same general platform, with
version of .NET available from all the them, and with each of them able to integrate
transparently with the others. But these do not levees out classes application, as
we’ve always known them. .NET also aims to make traditional business application
easier to develop and deploy. same of the technologies of .NET, Such as win forms,
demonstrated that Microsoft has to forgotten the traditional business developer.
The .NET framework introduces a completely new model for the
programming and development of applications. .NET is Microsoft’s vision of
“software as a server”, a development environment in which you can build, create,
and deploy Your application and the next generation of compounds, the ability to
use the web rather than one computer for version services. Microsoft introduced
grate technologies like COM, DCOM, COM+ etc. to enable reuse of software,
Although this technologies are very powerfully to reuse software, they required a
huge learning curve. According to this aspect, Microsoft realized that it’s time to
come up with new technology, a better one, an easier one, a new framework, within
which each programming task is easy accomplished. It provides the easiest and most
scalable way to build, deploy and run web services. ASP.NET server controls enable
an HTML like style of declarative programming that let you build grate with for less
code than with classic ASP.VB,C++, And C# or in VC++. Also a benefit is that you can
step between the languages in the debugger.

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User Guidelines

 When we run the project the Main Master page open. In this page we can see
the options-Home, About, Admin, User, Contact Us etc.
 When we can see the main page. In this page we can see all menus – Home,
About, Gallery, User, Contact Us, Feedback. When you click on home menus
then you can see the home page.
 When the owner login then we can see Admin Master Page is open. In this
page you can see menus Customer info, Order info, Feedbacik info all Forms
and images. Then click logout again go to Main Master page.
 When the customer login we can User Master Page is open. In this page we
can see Home, Shoping page, Change password, History etc. With help of this
menu user can see the available information and images their related details
and also user can.

When we click on home, then page window display. In this window we can
see the all the menus are shown in website. In menus are shown in home page are
Home, about, Gallery, owner, customer, Contact us etc.

About us
When we click on about us the window of about us display the information
about organization and the Multiplex.

The Gallery window displays the all images of recent and previous films with
their details.

Contact Us
In the contact us window show the contact of the owner of the organization
and the email address and address of the organization.

Feedbacks are the limitation of our web side.

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When click on login menu then it display two login submenu there is customer login
and owner Login.

Admin Login
When we click owner login then owner login form display which is not for user
its use only owner when login is complete then it display owner master page. Owner
master page consist some form.

 Home
 Customer Info
 Order Info
 Payment Info
 View Feedback
 Logout

Customer Login
When we click customer login then customer login from display. Then
Customer name and its password are fill then it show customer master page and its
related forms. When login is complete then it display customer master page. User
master page consist some form.
 Home
 Shopping
 View Cart
 History
 Logout

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Object-Introduction to c#
C# is a new computer programming language developed in Microsoft 2000. C# is
fully object oriented language. like C++, java, belonging to family will C and C++ it is purely
object oriented modern language suitable for developing web application as well as window
application c and C++ provide programmer with a similar of power and business application.

Before, I get ahead of myself and present too many features. I present various elements of
c# based on key point in following section.

• Simple

• Modern

• Object-oriented

• Type-safe

• Version able

• Compatible

• Flexible


One thing you definitely would not attribute to C++ is that learning it is simple. This is not so
with c#. the goal of programming language was simplicity.


The effort you put into learning c# is great investment because, c# was designed to be the
premier language for writing NGWS application . The financial type are a welcome adding for
an enterprise level programming.

Object oriented:

C#, of course supports the entire key object-oriented concept such as encapsulation,
inheritance and polymorphism.

Version able:

Over the few year, almost every programmer has had to deal at least once with what has
become known as ‘DDL-Hell’.


c# does not live in a close world. It allow you access to different APLS , with foremost being
NGWS common language specification.(CLS).


The last paragraph of the previous section might have raised an alert with c programming.

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Step in Designing Database

Determine purpose your database.

Determine table you need in database.

Determine the fields you needs in tables.

In identifies field’s unique value.

Determine the relationship between the tables.

Define your design.

Add data and create your database object.

Report are the tool of choose when user want to print information from a number of

User can use from to you view the record in table or to add new records access
database can contain many tables other object. It is possible to create on database that will
meet the information requirement for any entry company.

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Chapter 6

Conclusion and suggestion

7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Limitation
7.3 Suggestion

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There by we can provide a very usable and user friendly service that can be
run on as many internet browser. It is menu drive so very easy to handle any user
can operate the system by using menus and sub menus.
Working on the project was good experience. We understand the
important of Planning and Designing as a part of Software Development. But, it’s
very difficult to complete the program for single person. Development the project
has helped us some experience on real time development procedures.
The less space utilization and time saving is main target. This System is
very quick in action and require less time for processing. This project has been great
experience to us. We have try to make the software as user friendly as possible. It
taught us to implement the various advanced concept.

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 Requirement of a person having sufficient knowledge about the system.

 For starting system we require to give correct password, if it is correct them
 All information about customer can be stored in the various registers so there
is more changes lost the important information.
 The speed of workers in shop is very low because all the work is done
 Lost of money spending on paper work and it required more time.

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 In this system you have to give correct password.

 User must be will trained before use this system.
 Correct data should be entered in this to procedure correct output.
 All data must be complete. Incomplete data may lead to improper output.

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Chapter 7



Lets us C#:
By Yashwant Kanetkar.
By Balguruswami

System analysis and Design:

By ellise m.awad.


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