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(Based on Systems’Approach for
Interpreting Horoscopes
Salient Features:
A Book for th e study of th e role of Rah u and Ketu
in Horoscope Analysis, Ascendant-wise
and House-wise impact of Rah u and Ketu. Problems
in Marriage and Ch ild Birth. Infancy, Accidents, Critical I
llnesses, Transits, Oath-taking Charts, etc.

Krishan Rajesh Chaudhary
Vice President,
India Chapter, International Institute of Predictive Astrology. Fairfield, USA
V. K. Choudhry
M B. A., Founder Chairman,
International Institute of Predictive Astrology, Fairfield, USA.
Justics S. N. Kapoor
Former Judge. Delhi High Court
Law Commission of India
Government of India
14th Floor. Hindustan Times House
K.G. Marg. New Delhi - 110 001
Telephone : 011-23355742


“Hitting the Bull’s Eye”, in making a precisely correct

prediction, has always been a cherished goal of Neo- astrologers,
experienced astrologers as well as of real Jyotisha Acharyas.
Different classical works while working on the same concepts, have
worded their ideas by using different phrases and sometimes leaving
or adding one or the other components in the concept or ideas.
Sometimes inappropriate or incomplete translation has proved an
obstacle in clarity of ideas.
Learned authors father and son duo, Sri V.K.. Choudhry and
Kristian Rajesh Chaudhary, are MBAs and it is natural for them to
make an attempt to put rules of delineation under a defined system,
leaving virtually neither room for deviation nor for evolution of
different perceptions.
They rightly believe that planetary strength diagnosis is
important to give appropriate advice and to find appropriate remedial
measures. They have given several parameters to adjudge their
strengths and amongst several methods also referred to Baladi
w Impact ofRahu & Ketu; /Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

The authors take very close conjunction and aspect etc. within
orb of one degree, close conjunction etc within orb of 5 degrees
and wider orb of conjunction as more than 5 degree on either side.
In case of very close conjunction ofRahu with other planet afflicted
by Rahu. problems manifest cither in the first sub period ofRahu
or first sub period of afflicted planet; in case of close conjunction
etc., similarly, in middle period and in case of wider one, the impact
is felt only in old age. Learned readers may, on examination, find it
helpful. Physical ailments are more pronounced in case of weak
and ill-placed lord of the Ascendant.
Affliction of every planet caused by Rahu is discussed
Rahu is legendary master of deception, a diplomat and has
unfathomable insight in secrets of secrets; and leads to immense
heights, if (a) placed in places other than 6th. Sth and 12th houses;
(b) its dispositor is strong; and (c) unafflicted in natal chart as well
as in Transit. Otherwise, one can imagine.
The authors have discussed impact of Rahu and Ketu in
different houses; tlicir Das-Antara results and impacts on natives
in appropriate details.
They have surely done a commendable job by defining
numerous important terms but named them slightly differently. 1
appreciate their insight on laying emphasis on identification of:
Natural and functional Bcncfics and Malcfics; Special impacts of
Rahu and Ketu; Afflictcd planets and houses; Afflicting and Afflicted
Planets; the Most Effective Point of a House; Strong and Weak
Planets; the Most Bcnefic and the Most Malefic Planets.
One of the most interesting concepts is; Sun Like Planet.
While developing the concept, special importance has been given
to the lords of the second, third and ninth houses; the premise is
that if these houses arc not owned by the Sun himself, tlicir lords
would give as good result as the Sun would give. A Lagna oriented
Foreword vii

table enumerates different planets behaving like the Sun in relation

to particular Lagna.
The authors give additional value to Leo sign, the Sun and
lords of 2nd, 3rd and 9th houses. They are of the view that out of
2nd, 3rd or 9th lords, any one of these lords placed in the sign
Leo has comparatively more power and certainly up by 25% more
than the actual powerofthc said planet(s) and thus gains additional
strength. When the Sun itself is placed in 2nd. 3rd or 9th house, it
would also gain25% additional strength. In case the Sun is a
functional malefic placed in these three houses, it should not afflict
the house to gain the additional strength.
In case of Sun-like planet, the lord of die second house gets
die first place, die lord of the third house gets second place and the
lord of die ninth house gets the third place in importance.
1 have also experienced that every planet in Leo Sign as well
as in Leo Navamsa confers extra liberal aptitude, brightness,
sharpness and sometimes cruel approach as well, depending on
weakness and strengths of planets involved.
Another interesting concept is Rahu-Like Planet, flic Moola
Trikona sign lords of the eighth and twelfth houses act as Rahu-
likc planets. The Rahu-like planets give inclinations for greed, over
ambitiousness, materialistic pursuits, lust, and cause obstructions,
mishaps and loss of patience.

These Learned Authors do not give any importance to

planetary Rasi or Nakshatra exchange.
These Learned Authors have tried to cover nearly all
dimensions and facets of impacts of Raliu and Kctu. It is a very
interesting book on Raliu and Kctu. to be read with patience; and
not to be ignored due to slightly different English terminology.
One may find several methods to give correct and precise prediction,
putting a fresh breeze for examining their assimilation in traditional
viii Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

astrological thoughts. Ideas and concepts in this book should be

seen and evaluated in modern context.
1 highly appreciate the effort of the authors for presenting this
interesting book on impact of Rahu and Ketu. Authors would do
well to pen more books. Astrology lovers would welcome them.

Justice S.N.Kapoor (Retd.)

Member Law Commission of India
Eormer National President OflCAS
About the Authors

Vedic Astrologer & Author

Shri Krishan Rajesh Chaudhary
Mr. Krishan Rajesh Chaudhary,
MBA. Astrologer and Author is Vice
President of the Indian Chapter,
International Institute of Predictive
Astrology. Fairfield, USA.
Indian Institute of Oriental
Heritage, Kolkata. India, conferred the
Life Time Achievement Award on Shri
K Rajesh Chaudhary on 7th March,
Delhi Astro Study Circle
K. Rajesh Chaudhary (Registered) of New Delhi, conferred the
honorary' title of Jyotish Martund on Shri
Chaudhary in 2011.
He participated in free astrological clinics held in New Delhi,
India, by Bharat Nirman from 1994 - 1995.
He has been a key person for organizing the presentations
made at the International Conferences of SA Astrologers in Gurgaon,
India. He is the Director of the Systems’ Approach Institute of Hindu
X Impact of Rahu & Kotu. (Based on Systems ' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Vedic Astrologer and Author. Shri V. K. Choudhry

Shri V.K. Choudhry, is well known
in the field of Vedic Astrology through
his many books and articles. He was
conferred the title of Jyotish Martund by
the International Council of Astrological
and Occult Studies, Hyderabad (India) in
19X9; the title of Jyotish Kovid by the
Indian Council of Astrological Sciences,
Madras, in 1991; and the title of Jyotish
Bhanu by the Astro Sciences Research
V. K. C’houdhrv Organization, New Delhi, in 1992. He has
been a faculty member and Chapter Course Director (/Astrology)
with 1CAS.
Shri Choudhry is the recipient of the Pracharya Award
(Professor of Astrology) conferred by Bharat Nirman in December,
1993, for his outstanding and excellent contributions in the field of
Astrology. In 1994. his name was listed in “Indo American Who's
Who”, in recognition of his contributions for predictive accuracy
in Vedic Astrology.
The Board of Directors of the International Council of
Alternative Medicines conferred the degree of Doctor of Alternative
Medical Sciences on Shri Choudhry' on the 3rd of February 1996.
at Bombay. The International Institute of Astrology & Occultism.
New Delhi, conferred a Gold Medal and the honorary' title of Jyotish
Vachaspathi on Shri Choudhry in April 1996, at New Delhi.
International Council of Astrological Sciences, Bombay,
conferred the title of Vastu Shastra Samrat in 1996.
Shri Choudhry has participated in astrological conferences in
London, Paris and the U.S.A.
About the Authors xi

The American Biographical Institute inducted Mr. Vinod

Kumar Choudhry into the Hall of Fame in July, 2009, for
Distinguished Accomplishments in Astrology and for dedication
and efforts that have left an indelible mark on the lives of others.
The managerial background of the authors has enabled them
to use modern communicative skills in so systematic a manner that
the comprehension of predictive techniques has been greatly
simplified. Their book, “Self Learning Course in Astrology” makes
learning of the “Systems' Approach” methodology a simple step-
by-step process and has proved to be ofgreat help to both the serious
students as well as the practitioners still plagued by the confusing
inconsistencies in the classical texts.

The impact of Raliu and Ketu is a key analytical factor in the

interpretation of horoscopes. Whenever the chart is brought up for
interpretation, the analysis starts with the impact of the functional
malefic planets and especially that of Raliu and Ketu. Raliu and
Ketu become the key factor as they can impact six houses and the
planets placed therein, if tlie placement of Raliu and Ketu is on or
close to the most effective points of the houses of their placement.
I'liis placement can bring frequent challenges in life and threatens
longevity'. The close impact of Raliu on otherwise strong planets
brings ambitiousness, greed, recklessness, short lived materialistic
prosperity, incidence of addictions and medication.
Raliu and Ketu become more difficult during their sub periods
when either of them or both of them arc placed in the malefic houses.
When Raliu is exactly conjunct and Ketu exactly aspects a
planet, the impact of both afflicting planets is simultaneous. Raliu
clouds tilings and gives confused and selfish thinking. Ketu gives
painful sufferings.
When a person is in trouble and seeks an astrological
consultation, the astrologer must explain the situation based on the
planetary influences seen by him her. Sometimes people who seek
consultation feel there is too much negativity in the explanation.
This is not so. It should be accepted in a positive manner,
recognizing that challenges exist in the birth chart and by following
the astrological remedial advice, people can benefit and come out
of difficult situations. Sometimes it may take comparatively longer
to come out of more difficult situations.
Preface XJV

We sincerely thank the editors of various astrological journals,
who had been putting forward our views before the lovers of
Astrology. We sincerely acknowledge with thanks the magnanimity
of Justice Shri S.N. Kapoor, ( Retd.) former National President of
tlic Indian Council of Astrological Sciences for his kind interest in
our work. We also thank him for his inspiration and encouragement.
We sincerely thank Mis. Mary Araas-Wright for copy-editing the
manuscript of this book. We also thank Mr. Saurabh Sagar, who
persuaded us to write about this topic as the readers wanted to know'
more about this subject.

Krishan Rajesh Chaudharv

V.K. Choudhry

S. Description Page
No. No.
Foreword....................................................................................... v
About the author...........................................................................ix
Preface....................................................................................... xiii
1 Introduction.................................................................................. 1
Significance of Rahu
Sign i fi can ce o f Ke tu
General Indicators of Horoscope Analysis
2 Major Constituents of Astrology................................................. 10
3 Important Terminology............................................................... 16
4 Significations of Houses............................................................. 25
5 Predictive Techniques................................................................. 32
Salient Features of the Systems'Approach
Functional Nature of Planets
Special Impact of Rahu and Ketu
Afflicted Planets or Houses
Afflicting Planets
The Most Effective Point of a House
The Most Malefic Influence
Most Malefic Planet
fhe Most Bcncfic Influence
Effective Orb for Judging the Influence of Natal/
xvi Impact ofRahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

s. Description Page
No. No.
T ra nsi t C o nj unc ti on s/Aspect s
Measuring Strength of die Houses
Strong Planets
Weak Planets
Sun-like Planets
Rahu-likc Planets
Results of Exchange of Houses or Asterisms
Triple Transit Triggering Influence
Relative Importance of Planetary Influences
Exalted Functional Malefic Planets
Role of Planets
Analyzing Results of Sub-Period Planetary'
Impact of Transits
Interaction between die Sub-Periods and
Planetary Transits
Reliability' of Treating a House as an Ascendant
for a Signified Relationship
Measuring die Capacity of Planets
Bright Rays
Measuring die Strength of Planets in Infancy/Old
Divisional Charts
Chai it Chakra
Evolution of the Soul
Mcasuri ng A ffl i ct io 11s
Impact of Transit Exalted Raliu & Ketu
Contents xvii

s. Description Page
No. No.
Impact of Combust Planets
Impact of Retrograde Planets in Astrology
Impact of Planetary Combinations (Yoga)
How to Proceed with Analysis for Identifying the
Problem areas
6 Fundamentals of studying a Horoscope....................................... 77
7 Impact of Mysterious Rahu..........................................................82
8 Results in the sub periods of Rahu.............................................. 88
9 Impact of Kctu........................................................................... 93
10 How to analyze main period or dasha of Kctu............................ 98
11 Ascendant-Wise And House-Wise Impact of............................108
Natal Transit Rahu & Kctu In a Horoscope
12 Kalsarpa Yoga - The Myth and its impact................................ 159
13 Case Studies...............................................................................167
Role of Astrology Remedies
14 Significator Planets and Houses for various..............................226
aspects of life
Chapter 1


Fundamentals of Astrology
Astrology helps us in enjoying good health, prosperity' and
spiritual advancement with the help of astral remedies. Astrology
helps us (i) in understanding potentialities of our personality which
enable us to plan success in our lives; (ii) to reduce the chances of
sudden mishaps health problems; (iii) in easing anxiety; (iv) in
preventing critic al diseases; (v)in developing leadership qualities;
(vi) for looking into the future; (vii) in avoiding strains in marital
relationship; (viii) in avoiding business mishaps; (ix) in averting
professional setbacks; and (x) in harnessing the educational
prospects of children.

Astrology is the art of reading the planetary influences in a

horoscope and making predictions. The horoscope (birth chart) is
prepared with the help of the date of birth, place of birth and the
time ofbirth. The important aspect of the birth chart is the ascending
sign, fhc horoscope contains twelve houses. Some houses are good
while other houses are bad or malefic. The ascending sign is in the
first house. The bad or malefic houses are those which rule financial
difficulties, conflicts, diseases, obstructions, death, expenses and
losses. The planets arc placed in various houses. The planets placed
in the bad or malefic houses have difficulty in helping the person,
fhe planets in bad houses become weak. They need strengthening
to show better results.
The ascending sign helps us in knowing (i) the functional
nature of various planets and (ii) the impact of various planets on
2 Impact of Rahu & Kctu (Basod on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

one’s life. The planetary influences in a birth chart (horoscope) are

studied through (i) the planetary' conjunctions (proximity of the
planets), (ii) the interaction of planets through their aspects, and
(iii) the placements of planets in various houses of the horoscope.
The influences of the birth chart are read in conjunction with
the current planetary influences (transits) with reference to tlie
ascending sign. The conjunctions and aspects help us in identifying
the auspicious and inauspicious planetary configurations. The
placement of a planet in a particular house links the significations
of the house ruled by it with the significations of its house of
placement, for example, if the planet ruling peace in relationships
is placed in the house of disputes it manifests in tire fonn of a conflict
in relationship matters. A planet placed in a malefic (unfavourable)
house indicates suffering for tire significations ruled by the said
planet in the nativity.
The planets are categorized as strong, weak or afflicted. The
strong planets bring good results and progress. The weak planets
cause delays, problems, denials and disappointments. The weak
and afflicted planets cause delays, setbacks, apprehensions, threat
of loss, disappointments, depression and tragic events. The planets
bless with their results as per their strength in their sub periods.
The short tenn obstructions and problems arc given by the transit
movement of planets.
We have two sets of planets - functional benefic planets and
functional malefic planets.
I he functional benefic planets when strong give very' good
results for the significations ruled by them. When the functional
benefic planets arc fairly strong they give good results pertaining
to the significations ruled by them.
When the functional malefic planets are strong and not closely
influencing the other planets/houses, they also give good results
pertaining to their significations.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3

When the functional benefic or malefic planets are weak,

they become a source of problems for the significations ruled
by them during the course of transit afflictions.
When the functional malefic planets closely influence other
planets, they cause harm to the significations of the planet under
their close influence. The badly placed afflicted planets and the
planets houses under the close influence of Rahu and or Kctu cause
delays, setbacks, apprehensions, threat of loss, disappointments,
fear phobia, depression and tragedies. Though the impact cannot
be removed completely, the regular performance of astrological
remedies helps in reducing the impact significantly.
Long term results are shown by sub periods of planets while
the short term results are shown by transit influences. The
transit influences supersede the sub period results.
Each planet rules various general significations and the
significations of a particular house in the birth chart. The general
significations of the Sun are father, heart, digestion, profession,
organizing capability, leadership capability and soul. The general
significations of the Moon are mother, mental peace, health in
infancy, lungs, immunization power, public relations, home
management and soothing abilities. The general significations of
Mars arc courage, strength, muscles, younger brothers and stamina.
The general significations of Mercury are analytical power, speech,
friends, nervous system, sharp intellect and confidence. The general
significations of Jupiter arc knowledge, wisdom, male child, liver,
elder brothers, husband, advisory capability, etc. The general
significations ofVenus are beauty, comforts, aesthetic sense, wife,
knowledge and life saving knowledge. The general significations
of Sa turn are mass management, service management, hard working
people, researchers and longevity. The general significations of
Rahu arc manipulations, ambitiousness, aggressiveness, chronic
health problems and drugs. The general significations of Kctu arc
spiritual pursuits, setbacks, misfortunes and sudden problems in
4 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

life. When the planets arc weak their general significations suffer
causing the person to experience losses and stress in life.
The incidence of delays, setbacks and denials is the result of
the weak and or afflicted planets in the birth chart. Such impacts
can be dealt with by the strengthening of birth weak afflict cd planets
with a Special Power Kavach ora Special Purpose Kavach.
The natal afflictions cause prolonged problems in life.
Using SA astrology, the solution to problems is suggested in the
form of astrological remedies advice for reducing the impact of
natal and transit afflictions through peace making (propitiatory)
remedies and strengthening the weak planets.

Blessings of Astrology
Astrology can guide help you whenever you are at the cross­
roads for making major decisions in life. The blessed ones arc
impelled by God to make use of astral advice and astral remedies
for happiness. The impact of unfavorable planetary influences
cannot be removed completely. It is believed that the regular
performance of peace making astrological remedies helps in
reducing the malefic or unfavorable impact significantly. The
preventive propitiatory' remedies help much better than the post
problem remedies. The readers can study the details in our book.
"Predictive Techniques and the Application of Astrological
Remedial Measures”.

Planetary Influences in the Birth Chart

Happiness and sorrows are the results of planetary influences
in our birth charts which arc based on our deeds of past lives
(prarabdh karma). The strong planets in the birth chart bless us
w ith success in matters of health, education, profession, happiness
in relationships and spiritual progress. The weak planets cause
setbacks, delays, denials, instability and depression; they make us
vulnerable to problems and challenges due to natal or transit
Chapter 1. Introduction 5

The strong influence of Rahu or Ketu or the most malefic

planet to weak planets causes inflammation, deformities to children,
congenital defects in children, professional setbacks, depression,
strains in business relationships, persistent infections, allergies,
apprehensions of loss, fears, phobia, over ambitiousness, losses
tlirough risky or speculative ventures, sexually transmitted diseases,
apprehensions of black magic/cvil eye activities, litigation, sudden
mishaps and problems in marital relationships.
The planetary strength diagnosis is as important as the
immunization care for a newly horn child. It helps in growth of
the child. Remedies can help in reducing problems.

Significations of Rahu
Rahu is one of the nine planets considered in Indian Astrology.
Both Rahu and Ketu arc shadowy planets. The two points where
the orbit of the Moon crosses the ecliptic are known as Rahu and
Ketu. The ecliptic is the apparent path of the Sun as seen from the
earth. Rahu is called the ascending node of the Moon in the western
astrology. Ketu is called the descending node of the Moon in western
astrology. As Rahu and Ketu are two points and the earth is moving,
they always appear to be moving in retrograde motion.
Rahu is personified as a diplomat and being a shadowy planet
it acts as a legendary' master of deception. When well placed with a
strong dispositor and unafflicting in a birth chart, it indicates
diplomatic jobs, jobs requiring manipulations with facts, aviators,
computer programmers, engineering, flight attendants, highly
technical fields, pilots, professions involving juggling, involvement
with the masses, involvement with occult or psychic knowledge,
dealing in poisons and drugs. It also can give worldly benefits,
sudden gains, ingenuity, individuality, independence, insight,
inspiration and imagination. Any manipulation done under the close
influence of Rahu on weak planets resulting in undue advantages
gets exposed later on; the manipulative person then becomes
vulnerable to loss of reputation or penal action.
6 Impact of Rahu & Keto I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

When closely influencing weak planets or weak houses, Rahu

signifies cheats, pleasure seekers, insincere and immoral acts,
salesmen, operators in foreign lands, wine merchants, drug dealers,
conmcn, poison dealers, etc. Such a Rahu also gives anxiety,
apprehensions, fear psychosis, gambling tendencies, encroaching
tendencies, greediness, uncontrolled desires, lack of contentment,
etc. The deeper the involvement in these tendencies makes the
person a candidate for loss of reputation, state action, social boycott
and employers’ action.
fhe strong influence of Rahu on weak planets brings the
incidence of negative personality traits, especially when Jupiter
and the Sun are weak in the birth chart, fhe close influence of
Rahu and Kctu causes acidity; inflammation, infection, allergic and
auto immune disorders. During the sub period ofafflicting Rahu or
Kctu or of the afflicted planets or during the prolonged transit
influence of Rahu and Kctu one is vulnerable to these diseases and
may have to take medication for such diseases. The medication
regimen can even be prolonged.
The impact of the affliction of Rahu is severe if the Moon is
badly placed and one of the slow moving planets (Saturn. Jupiter,
Kctu or Rahu) is placed in the malefic houses in die natal or transit
chart. It raises the anxiety level to unmanageable levels.
Rahu is tamasic in nature and vata in constitution. It is
phlegmatic and cruel in nature, eccentric in temperament and gives
malignant growth. Rahu creates smoke, has a dark body, resides in
forests and engenders fear, gives a smoky and unpleasant appearance
due to habits ofovereating which result in a foul smell and unclean
body and nails when it influences the ascendant and or the lord of
die ascendant. It rules purple and different tones of grey colors, die
southwest direction, lead, hessonite anthills, chasms and tunnels.
Rahu is the ascending point where the orbit of die Moon cuts
across the ecliptic. It strongly influences other planets. When closely
afflicting through conjunction or aspect, it causes diseases of
phlegm, intestines, boils, skin, nervous system, ulcers, worms, high
Chapter 1: Introduction 7

blood pressure, heart trouble, epidemics, psychic disturbances,

hallucinations, hysteria, insanity, epilepsy, conditions resulting from
all sorts of poisons, alcoholism, mysterious diseases, leprosy,
indigestion, gas accumulation in stomach or intestines, insect bites,
hiccoughs, swelling, pain or injury in the feet, cancer, etc. If
afflicting or badly placed, it generates fears, phobias, nightmares,
inertia, dullness, laziness, gambling, confusion, ignorance,
escapism, neurosis, psychosis, deception, addictions, compulsive
and unconscious behavior, vagueness, illusion, delusion and rough
Rahu is also a general signi ficator for transformation, catalysts,
immigration and foreign lands or languages, attachment, passion,
the one that grasps, paternal grandparents, unexpected events,
separation, calamities, reptiles, snakes, snake-bites, toxicity', theft,
exile, deceit, dirt, filth, parasites, imprisonment, insatiable worldly
desires, manipulations, drugs and materialistic pursuits.
Rahu gives ambitious plans, inclinations for short cuts to
success, an interest in excessive fun, pleasure and sports activities.
In the pursuit of these, the person can forget to acquire the right
knowledge at the right time or to follow the path of knowledge.
This situation ultimately works as a disadvantage for these people.
To know the true functional nature of Rahu and Kctu, let us
take an example. When Rahu Kctu is closely conjunct w ith natal
or transit Sun, even the weather is disturbed. If in a particular birth
chart or transit chart, this conjunction is in a bcncfic house even
then the significations of the Sun are damaged. This clearly indicates
that Rahu, in general, causes an unfavorable influence. The general
significations of the Sun such as, social respect, job. digestion, blood
circulation, etc., become disturbed.

Significations of Ketu
Ketu is personi fled as a saint and takes a person more towards
mystical sciences and spiritual pursuits. It takes an interest in
8 Impact of Rahu & Ketu; (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

occultism, spiritual initiation and development, natural healing

methods and diets, religion and diversification, services for old and
needy persons; it rules chemists, pharmacists, priests, researchers
and spiritual healers. If not afflicting and well placed, it can give a
sudden burst of energy, discretion, liberation, universality, idealism,
intuition, psychic ability, compassion, spirituality, impressionability',
self-sacrifice and subtleness.
Ketu is a eunuch planet, tamasic and vata in constitution. It is
cruel, dry' and fiery in nature and explosive in temperament. Ketu
gives an emaciated body when it influences the ascendant and/or
the lord of the ascendant, it rules brown and faded colors, lead,
cat's eye. deserts and forts on hills.
Ketu is the descending po in t where the orbit of the Moon cuts
across the ecliptic. It is strongly influenced by other planets. It is
dry and fiery in nature. Its affliction causes wounds, inflammations,
fevers, intestinal disorders, aberrations, low blood pressure, deafness
and defective speech.

General Indicators of Horoscope Analysis

fhe impact of planets decrease or increase depending upon
their weakness affliction or strength and good influences on them
in a particular nativity, both in the natal or transit charts, as well as.
their placement in a particular house or in a particular sign during
their sub-periods.
The influence of Rahu and Ketu indicates if there could
be any problems right at birth, health or educational concerns
as well as possible problems in settling into a professional life
or with relationships.
All aspects of life are analy zed through the indicator
planet(s)/house(s) in the birth chart, the strength of the planets,
the influences on these planets, the inter-relationship of planets
I houses, the operating periods of the planets, the influence of
Chapter 1: Introduction 9

current movements of the planets and the natal or transit

relationship of the planets. The status of the strength of the
planet may be different. A planet may be strong or weak. A
w eak planet may be w ell placed or badly placed. A w eak planet
may be under the close or exact influence of one or more
functional malefic planets. So, we will begin with developing
the subject of horoscope analysis in a systematic manner for
the easy comprehension of the readers.
10 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chapter 2

Major Constituents of Astrology

The divine science of astrology is a wonderful asset to

mankind. It unfolds the uncertainties in life, reduces tension, and
enables one to move in the right direction. It deals with various
aspects of human life such as health - physical and mental, business,
social status, financial prosperity, name and fame, emotional
stability, etc. Predictive astrology gives us firm indications regarding
life pertaining to future events right from birth. At the same time,
the astrological remedies help further by reducing the impact of
malefic planetary' influences. Astrological remedies also help in
promoting the significations ruled by bcnefic planets in a nativity.

As explained earlier, the basis of astrology is Karma theory.

Whatever we have to acquire or face in this life is based on die
planetary influences arising in our horoscopes. The horoscope is a
map of die heavens (planets) in the twelve signs of die zodiac placed
in the twelve numbered houses. From this map of the heavens we
can read the planetary influences on human beings. We can read
the amount of free will which can be changed through
astrological remedies. A w ell placed Sun, Mars. Jupiter and the
lord of the third house or the planets in the third house show
the magnitude of free w ill. The magnitude of free w ill is as per
strength of these planets.
The world's dreads today include AIDS, cancer, auto-immune
disorders, cardiovascular diseases, psychiatric problems, etc. The
modem system of medicine whether allopathic and or alternative
medicines offers us guiding factors for preventing these dreaded
diseases or early detection of them so that they can respond to
Chapter 2 Major Constituents of Astrology 11

symptomatic treatment. But even then some people arc suddenly

caught up by these dreaded diseases when the illness is in an
advanced stage. Astrology has the capacity to see the health
vulnerabilities of the person in advance of acquiring the disease.
Astrology also has the twin capacity' to forewarn and forearm. The
divine science of astrology offers preventive remedies for such
diseases whenever the possibility of its occurrence is indicated by
the predictive facilities of astrology. By following astrological
remedies a person can possibly avoid the incidence or reduce the
intensity of the health problem.
We come across health problems even at birth time. The
new born individual concerned has no role to play in the abuse
of his/her food habits, etc. Astrology relates this challenging
possibility to the deeds of the past life based on the theory of
Karma. We are not trying to create here any orthodoxies or
blind faith or fatalism. We are try ing to share with you our
experience of application of the principles of astrology and
astrological remedies in timing diseases and their recovery.
These can be seen bv an astrologer right at birth and a useful
guidance can be given. They are identified on the basis of
prolonged malefic planetary influence on the weak planets in
the birth chart.
flic timing is done with the help of the horoscope which is a
record of the planetary position prevailing at the time of birth of an
individual in a particular location. This is the most valuable gift of
ancient knowledge to the mankind. All sciences depend on
experience through the development of analysis from hypothesis
based on observations. It is really excruciating to us when such a
useful gift to mankind is simply termed as a superstition without
even a trial by the so-called rationalists.
Despite the phenomenal growth in modern healing sciences,
a permanent cure for functional health problems in fields dealing
with psychological, cardiovascular, renal, asthmatic and liver
diseases, as well as immunization powers of the body, auto-immune
12 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

disorders, cancer, etc. has not been found. Astrology offers us the
preventive diagnostic powers and the astral remedies - for
preventive and curative measures. Administering medicine is
supported manifold when combined with the astrological remedies.
The planetary' periods operating (sub-periods) read in conjunction
with the transit influences indicate die time frame for recovery.
This in turn gives patience and results regarding the symptomatic
treatment both for the doctor and patient.
Ihe divine science of Astrology has four major constituents/
elements. They arc die signs, houses, planets and planetary periods.
It will be in die fitness ofthings if die four constituents oftlie method
are briefly discussed to develop an understanding for learning die
System of Astrology.

A. Signs
flic first constituent of die System is signs. They arc twelve
in number and are mled by the planets indicated next to each
of them:
Signs Lords
1 Aries (Mcsha) Mars (Mang al)
2 Taurus (Vrishabha) Venus (Shukra)
3 Gemini (Midiuna) Mercury' (Bud ha)
4 Cancer (Karka) Moon (Chandra)
5 Leo (Simlia) Sun (Surya)
6 Virgo (Kan ya) Mercury' (Bud ha)
7 Libra (Tula) Venus (Shukra)
8 Scorpio (Vrischika) Mars (Mangal)
9 Sagittarius (Dhanu) Jupiter (Guru)
10 Capricorn (Makara) Saturn (Sani)
11 Aquarius (Kumbha) Saturn (Sani)
12 Pisces (Mina) Jupiter (Guru)
Chapter 2. Ma/ or Constituents of Astrology 13

The words within parenthesis indicate their nomenclature in

Sanskrit. You will observe that the planets Mars, Venus,
Mercury. Jupiter and Saturn mle two signs. These planets have
a special attention to one of their two signs and it is known as
their mooltrikona sign. The mooltrikona signs of these planets
are as follows:
1 Mars Aries
2 Mercury Virgo
3 Venus Libra
4 Jupiter Sagittarius
5 Saturn Aquarius
The mooltrikona signs possess the positive and negative
aspects of their lords according to their nature, strength and
placement in the birth chart. The most important quality is
that they lead us to infer the extent of fructifications of the
significations of a particular house. For example in a horoscope
chart, if the sign Libra resides in a house with no malefic
influences on it and Libra’s planetary lord Venus is in full
strength then the significations of that house in particular will
flourish to a very affluent level of society in which the native
(person) is living. For knowing more on the signs, readers
may refer to our book. Self Learning Course in Astrology.

B. Houses

fhe second constituent of the System is houses. The houses

are twelve in number. Each of the twelve houses of the
horoscope deals with specific significations. The significations
of the houses fructify under the planetary periods (sub-periods)
connected with them. The significations of the houses have
been detailed in Chapter4. The houses are either good (bcnefic)
or unfavorable (malefic) dwellings. The sixth, eighth and
twelfth houses are known as malefic houses given that they
rule diseases, obstructions and losses, respectively.
14 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: ("Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

C. Planets
The third constituent of the System is planets. In Vedic
astrology we consider the Sun, Moon. Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu as planets. The
Sun and Moon are the luminaries. Rahu and Ketu are the
shadowy planets. As the planets Pluto, Neptune and Uranus
neither have a lordship over a house nor have a planetary
period of their own, we do not consider them in the
predictive astrology techniques.
The planets signify various tilings including specific body parts
and die functional system of health. For example, the Sun is
personified as a king in the planetary' cabinet. Persons having
the Moon, die significator of mind, in the sign of die Sun
would have the mental frame of enjoying life like a king i.e.
of thinking big. The Sun signifies father, husband and male
children. Flic Sun also rules the heart, digestive system and
vitality. The Moon rules die lungs, fluids in die body, lymphatic
system, etc. Additionally, die planets govern the houses in a
nativity' (horoscope) where dicirmooltrikona signs reside. For
example, ifthc sign Libra is in the eighth house, Venus would
also rule the significations of the eighth house.
The planets attain cither bencfic or malefic functional natures
in a nativity based on die lordship of the bcnefic or malefic
houses containing mooltrikona signs. The planets may be weak
or strong. The functional malefic planets when influencing
odicr planets or houses can cause afflictions to diem. For
knowing more on the planets, readers may refer to our book.
Self Learning Course in Astrology.

D. Planetary Periods

The fourth constituent of the System is planetary periods.

Though various types of planetary periods for specific
planetary combinations are mentioned in the classical texts,
Chapter 2. Ma/or Constituents of Astrology 15

we will consider only the Vimsottari main period system in

this book as this is universally applicable for all sets of
combinations in a nativity. The major time span is called the
main period of a planet. Based on the longitude of the Moon
in the natal charts, we calculate the current major period of a
particular planet and the balance of periods yet to be
According to their strength in a horoscope, the planets give
results of the general and particular significations ruled by
them in their sub-periods. More light on this will be thrown at
other appropriate places in the book including the discussions
on case studies.
Reasons for Problems in Life:
1. Weak planets;
2. Badly placed planets;
3. Afflicted planets;
4. Prolonged transit affliction to weak natal planets;
5. Transit of the slow moving planets Rahu, Kctu. Jupiter
and Saturn in malefic houses;
6. Sub-periods of functional malefic planets.
How to Identify Planetary7 Influences in a Horoscope:
1. Placement of planets;
2. Close conjunction of planets with other planets;
3. Close conjunction of planets with most effective point
4. Close aspects with other planets;
5. Close aspects with the most effective point ofhouscs.
16 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chapter 3

Important Terminology

Here you will be introduced to the terminology of astrology

in order to comprehend the System.

Planetary Longitude
Planetary longitude is the angular distance measured eastward
on the ecliptic from the starting point of the fixed zodiac and it
gives the apparent position of the planet in a particular sign at a
given time.

Longitude is the angular distance of any place on the earth's
surface, cast or west of a standard meridian (e.g. that of Greenwich),
measured in degrees up to 1X0" cast or west, or in units of time (1
hour - 15"). With the help of the longitude of a particular place
w ith reference to Greenw ich (0"), we calculate the local mean time
for that place. As the earth rotates from west to cast (anti-clockwise).
those places cast of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich Time
and those to the west will be behind Greenwich Time. For each
degree of longitude, there is a difference of four minutes in time.

Latitude is the angular distance on its meridian of any place
on the earth’s surface from the equator. It is measured in degrees
and minutes from the equator towards cither the North Pole or the
Chapter 3: Important Terminology 17

South Pole. The equator represents 0 degree latitude. Latitudes are

thus imaginary lines drawn parallel to the equator.

Natal Chart
Natal chart, radical chart, horoscope or natal positions arc the
positions of the ascendant and planets in various signs as noted at
the time of birth. Natal positions, therefore, are fixed. The planetary
positions noted with reference to a particular chart for subsequent
periods arc known as transit or transit positions.
Example Chart 1

09:06 JuRIX:33 Asl3:O4

Ke Example Chari
16:40 13-09-1951 00:30:00
Su Ra 16:40 Zone: -05:30 INT Ma22:5X
26.01 Internet: 833 beats
JuRlX.33 Delhi 77E14 2XN39
CurPer: Me Me Me Me09:06
Mo 19:54 Lalun Ayana.. 23.10 VeR 11 54
365.25 Day Year Ke 16:40
True Node Su26:01

SalO: 14

In the example chart given above, the house where the

number “3” is written is the Ascendant. The number “3”
indicates the zodiac sign of Gemini The rising degree in the
ascendant is 13. The next house counted anti clock-wise
containing the number “4” is the second house. Number “4”
indicates the zodiac sign of Cancer. This example is called a
Natal Chart.

Conjunction is the apparent coincidence or proximity of two
or more celestial objects as viewed from the earth. A conjunction
18 Impact of Rahu & Ketu; (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

can be exact or close. If the difference in longitudes happens to be

less than one degree, the resulting conjunction is known as an exact
conjunction. If the difference in longitudes is within five degrees,
the same is known as a close conjunction.
Example Chart 2



Me00:30 MaO7:38
Ve0S:06 Ke00:45
Mo2l:56 Ju29:38

This example is given for a clear understanding of exact or

close conjunctions.
In this chart the planets Venus and Mars are in exact
conjunction in the ascendant as their longitude difference is less
than one degree.
I'hc planets Sun and Jupiter are in close conjunction as their
longitude difference is within five degrees.
flic Moon is in exact conjunction to the most effective point
of the second house.
Though J upitcr and Mercury arc in the first and second houses,
respectively, they arc in an exact conjunction as their longitude
difference is within one degree.
Chapter 3 Important Terminology 19

The aspects are partial and full. In the Vedic system of
astrology, we are concerned with only full aspects. Each planet is
believed to aspect fully the seventh house from where the planet is
residing. Thus the seventh house is counted from the placement of
the planet, including the house it resides in.

In addition to die seventh aspect, planets posited outside die

orbit of the earth (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) as well as Rahu and
Ketu have additional special ftill aspects as follows:
• Saturn aspects the third and tenth houses from its location.
• Mars aspects die fourth and eighth houses from its location.
• Jupiter. Rahu and Ketu aspect the fifth and ninth houses from
their locations.
Planets influence other houses, planets aspectcd by them
favorably or unfavorably, depending upon their functional nature
in the horoscope. The principle of exact or close aspect is identical
to exact or close conjunction i.e. when a planet casts its aspect on
another planct(s) or on the most effective point of house(s) within
an orb of one degree, the aspect is known as an exact aspect. If the
difference in planetary longitudes is within five degrees, then die
aspect is known as a close aspect.
Example Chart 3

Ke21:59 MaO3:2O As 11:25

VeO9:2O Mo22:6

Mel 1:00

Sa09:44 Ju05:46 Ra2l:59

20 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

This example is given for clear understanding of the exact or

close aspects.
In this chart die planet Rahu closely aspects die Sun five houses
away (fifth aspect) and their longitude difference is less than five

fhe planets Mars and Jupiter mutually form a close aspect as

dieir aspect longitude difference is within five degrees.
Mercury forms an exact aspect to die most effective point of
die second house. This is the scvendi aspect of Mercury.
Ketu forms an exact aspect to die Moon placed in die second
house. This is a fifth aspect of Ketu to die Moon from the tenth
Saturn forms an exact aspect to Venus as the longitude
difference is less than one degree between the longitudes of die
two planets. This is a third aspect of Saturn from the seventh house
to Venus placed in the ninth house.
Saturn forms a close aspect to die most effective point of the
ascendant as die longitude difference is less than five degrees
between the longitude of Sa turn and the ascendant. This is a seventh
aspect of Saturn from the scvendi house to die ascendant.

Wide Conjunction or Aspects

fhc conjunctions or aspects with more dian five degrees of
longitudinal difference are wide conjunctions or aspects. These do
not have a permanent impact in life except for short lived transit
influences on the planets involved in wide conjunctions or aspects.
The wide aspects give dieir results in die latter part of life, say
around 60 years or after.

The aspect of a functional bcncfic planet will be effective

corresponding to the strength of die planct(s)1iousc(s) involved. If
die aspecting functional benefic planet is weak due to any reason
including debilitation, its effectiveness will be weak and limited.
Chapter 3: Important Terminology 21

but its close aspect will always act as a helping force. The close
aspect of a functional malefic planet, except on the most effective
point of its mooltrikona house, will always act as a damaging force.

General and Particular Significations of Planets

The general significations of a planet indicate the aspects ruled
by tli at planet. For example, the Sun rules father, status of the person,
job. heart, digestive system, etc. irrespective of the lordship of the
Sun in a particular birtli chart.
The particular significations of a planet indicate the
significations of its mooltrikona sign house in the natal chart. If the
sign Leo rises in the third house then the Sun will mle the third
house. The significations of the third house will be known as
particular significations of the Sun.
The results of the significations of a weak planet fructify with
delay and suffer whenever that weak planet is afflicted due to close
aspect or conjunction with any functional malefic planet. The natal
affliction causes damages in the entire sub-periods of the weak
planet and the afflicting planets. The transit affliction causes short
term damages during the effective transit influence.

Planetary' States
The planetary states arc the conditions in which a planet is
placed. The prominent states and the results produced are as follows:
1. Infancy: Whenever the longitude of a planet in a particular
sign is less than 5 degrees, it is said to be in infancy. Such a
planet is incapable of fully promoting protecting its general
and particular significations.
2. Old Age: Whenever the longitude of a planet in a particular
sign is more than 25 degrees, it is said to be in old age. Such a
planet is incapable of fully promoting protecting its general
and particular significations.
22 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

3. Own Sign: A planet in its own sign is treated as strong and is

capable of generating the expected results, provided it is
otherwise strong and is a functional bcncfic planet.
fhe own signs of various planets arc as follows:
Planet Ow n Sign
Sun Leo
Moon Cancer
Mars Aries, Scorpio
Mercury' Gemini, Virgo
Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces
Venus Taurus, Libra
Saturn Capricorn, Aquarius
4. Mooltrikona Sign: A planet in its mooltrikona (MT) sign is
treated as very powerful, provided it is otherwise strong.
Under the Systems’ Approach, the mooltrikona signs of various
planets arc as follows:
Planet Mooltrikona Sign
Sun Leo
Moon Cancer
Mars Aries
Mercury Virgo
Jupiter Sagittarius
Venus Libra
Saturn Aquarius
5. Exaltation: The planets arc in exaltation in particular signs
and give good results by promoting protecting their general
and particular significations, provided they arc otherwise
fhe exaltation signs of various planets arc as follows:
Chapter 3: Important Terminology 23

Planet Exaltation Sign

Sun Aries
Moon Taurus
Mars Capricorn
Mercury Virgo
Jupiter Cancer
Venus Pisces
Saturn Libra
Rahu Taurus
Ketu Scorpio

6. Debilitation: The planets arc in debilitation in particular signs.

The debilitated planets become weak and fail to fully protect/
promote their general and particular significations. Rather,
there can be deterioration in their ruling sub-periods.
The debilitation signs of various planets are as follows:
Planet Debilitation Sign
Sun Libra
Moon Scorpio
Mars Cancer
Mercury Pisces
Jupiter Capricorn
Venus Virgo
Saturn Aries
Rahu Scorpio
Ketu Taurus
7. Combustion: Whenever a planet comes very nearto the Sun.
it is divested of its brightness (luster). The said state is called
combustion. While in combustion, the planets fail to fully
priMect promote their general and particular significations. If
24 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

such a planet is weak on other accounts too, the significations

ruled by them do not even take birth.
The planets are said to be combust when they are within the
below mentioned degrees on either side of the Sun:
Moon 12 Degrees
Mars 17 Degrees
Mercury 14 Degrees
Venus 10 Degrees
Jupiter 11 Degrees
Saturn 15 Degrees
8. In Friendly Signs: When planets occupy the signs of their
friendly planets, they arc happy and feel free to produce results,
if they arc otherwise strong. The Sun, Moon and Mars arc
friends and Jupiter is their preceptor. Saturn. Mercury, Rahu
and Ketu arc friends and Venus is their preceptor.
9. In Inimical Signs: When planets occupy signs of their
enemies, they do not find themselves comfortable to produce
the results expected of them. However, any sign from where a
particular planet aspects its own mooltrikona sign is an
exception to this mlc and a planet in such a state docs not find
itself restricted from producing results.
Chapter 3. Important Terminology 25

Chapter 4

Significations of Houses

First House: Represents the person, his/her innate nature and

state of health, vitality, longevity, happiness, personality,
appearance, prosperity, general disposition in life and the body parts
- complexion, head (cranium and forehead) and brain, hair, pituitary'
glands, etc. For example, weakness of the first house and/or
afflictions to the first house or its lord result in a sickly constitution,
causing vulnerabilities for headaches, mental tension, paralysis,
giddiness, wounds, scars, derangement, brain fever, stupidity, nose
bleeding, etc. It causes setbacks in professional matters and the
health of the person. Astrong Sun and Mars, as signiticators for
vitality and energy respectively, help as a protective cover in
matters of health and status.
Second House: Represents wealth, family, livelihood,
nourishment, male child, higher education, food, professional
position, spouse, marriage, continuance of married life, possession
of precious stones and metals, money in cash, earning capacity,
financial status, fortune, prosperity, movable properties, speech,
vision and the body pails face and its organs (nose, throat, mouth,
tongue, teeth and eyes, especially the right one), facial bones, upper
neck and its bones, gullet, larynx, cerebellum, trachea, cervical
region and cervical bones, tonsils, etc. For example, weakness of
the second house and or afflictions to the second house or its lord
cause vulnerabilities for disorders of speech, throat, cervical, gums,
eyes, teeth, etc., and diseases mainly arising out of a weak venous
system. It also causes problems in professional and relationship
matters. It indicates problems to male child. Astrong Mercury, as
a signiticator for speech, helps as a protective cover.
26 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Third House: Represents younger brothers or sisters,

neighbors, courage, physical strength, energy, sports, initiative,
entrepreneurial nature, the power of understanding, fast grasping
power, fast decision making, leadership traits, vision, short journeys,
initiation into spiritual techniques, writing, innovation and
communicative capability and the body parts - lower neck,
shoulders, arms and cars (especially the right ones), hands, and
collar bones, thyroid gland, respiratory' and nervous systems, etc.
For example, weakness of the third house and/or afflictions to the
third house or its lord cause vulnerabilities for problems of
respiratory canal, disorders of thyroid, imbalances in the nervous
system, depression resulting in partial paralysis, stammering,
shoulder pains, fracture in the collar bone region, partial deafness,
respiratory' diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, etc. besides bringing
setbacks in professional ventures. A strong Mercury, as a
significator for communicative capability, helps as a protective
Fourth House: Represents mother, happiness, upbringing,
relatives, supporters, basic education, vehicles and conveyances,
domestic peace, mind, mental peace, spiritual life, confidence,
righteous conduct, comforts, luxuries, country' of birth, immovable
properties, real estate, land, house, home, assets and the body parts
- the rib cage, heart, chest, lungs and breasts. For example, weakness
of the fourth house and or afflictions to the fourth house or its lord
cause vulnerabilities for coronary problems, physical ailments of
the breast, chest, heart and epigastria regions, lung disorders, mental
disorders, lunacy and problems connected to the circulatory system
besides causing problems regarding mother, parents, properties and
mental peace. A strong Moon as a significator of mother, Venus
as significator of comforts and Mars as a significator for
immovable properties help as a protective cover.
Fifth House: Represents intelligence, emotions, discernment
and discrimination power, talents, memory', creative intelligence,
love, speculative gains from investments, organizational ability,
success, progeny, knowledge, wisdom, higher learning, training.
Chapter 4. Significations of Houses 27

position, social life, inclinations, spiritual pursuits, disciples and

students, devotion, mantras, yantras, amulets, resources and merits
we bring into life, future, digestion, etc., and the body parts - upper
belly, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, colon,
diaphragm, spine and spinal cord, pregnancy, etc. For example,
weakness of the fifth house and or afflictions to the fifth house or
its lord cause vulnerabilities for diabetes, peptic ulcers, anemia,
colic pains, stones in the gall bladder, acidity, spinal cord disorders,
dyspepsia, diarrhea, pleurisy, delusion, etc. besides causing
problems in studies and progeny matters. A strong Sun, as a
sign ilk at or for digestion - nourishing agent of the body, and
significator for learning and job. helps as a protective cover.
Sixth House: Represents disputes, diseases and injuries, debts,
enemies, competitors, thieves, fears, doubts, worries, health, sound
financial position, maternal uncles, protection against losses through
theft, fire and cheating, misunderstandings, confrontation, litigation
and the body parts waist, navel, lower abdomen, kidneys, small
intestine, upper part of large intestine, intestinal function, appendix,
etc. For example, weakness of the sixth house andor afflictions to
the sixth house or its lord cause vulnerabilities for problems of
appendicitis, poisoning, colics, constipation, hernia, blood urea,
psychiatric problems, exhaustion and nervous breakdow ns besides
causing the problems of debts, diseases and disputes. In other
words, health, financial position and the position w ith reference
to the opponents is identified through this house. A strong
Mercury and Mars, as significators for health, help as a
protective cover.
Seventh House: Represents long term relationships, legal ties,
spouse, partners in life and partners in business, vitality, potency,
fertility, passion, outgoing nature, adultery, moral conduct,
pleasures, comforts and life in foreign lands, success in love affairs,
conjugal life, home abroad, travel, trade or business, expansion
and die body parts pelvic girdle, lumbar region, bladder, lower
part of large intestine, inner sexual organs such as ovaries, uterus,
cervix, testicles and prostate gland, etc. For example, weakness of
28 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Basod on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

the seventh house and or afflictions to the seventh house or its lord
cause vulnerabilities for generative organs, venereal diseases,
arthritis, gout pains, urination problems, impotcncy, sterilization,
renal problems, etc. besides causing problems in marriage,
partnership business and in foreign lands. A strong Venus, as a
significator for marital relationships, helps as a protective cover.
Eighth House: Represents longevity, research, interest in
mystical sciences, occult, inner and outer transformations, past and
future events, inheritance, death, wills and testaments, insurances,
easy gains, marital-tic, vulnerability, fear, accidents, obstructions,
litigation, bankruptcy, theft, losses, misfortunes, disgrace,
disappointments and the body parts scrotum and anus, outer sexual
organs, excretory organs, pelvic bones, etc. For example, weakness
of the eighth house and/or afflictions to the eighth house or its lord
cause vulnerabilities for fissures, impotcncy, piles, boils, chronic
diseases, etc. besides causing setbacks for fatlicr, husband, self and
obstructions in all aspects of life. Astrong Saturn, as a significator
for longevity', helps as a protective cover.
Ninth House: Represents father, preceptor, spiritual learning,
spiritual inclinations, intuition, charity, virtue, duty, destiny on the
basis of past lives and resultant happiness, meditation, foreign travel,
long journeys of short duration and life in foreign lands, education
abroad, grace, luck, general fortune, sudden and unexpected gains,
religion, pilgrimages, philosophy, medicine, remedies, the past, etc.,
and die body parts diighs. left leg. thigh bones, hips, hip joints
and die arterial system. For example, weakness of die ninth house
and or afflictions to the nindi house or its lord cause vulnerabilities
for anemia, low productivity of blood, thalassemia, leukemia, high
fevers, rheumatism and troubles regarding hips and thighs, etc.
besides causing setbacks for father and fortune. A strong Jupiter,
as a significator for general fortune, and a strong Sun, as a
significator for father, help as protective covers.
Tenth House: Represents profession, career, promotion,
livelihood, power, fame, public esteem, status, position, honor.
Chapter 4. Significations of Houses 29

kanna in life, character, authority, government, employer, living

abroad, ambition, next birth, happiness from male progeny, debts
and the body parts - knees and kneecaps, joints and bones. For
example, weakness of the tenth house and or afflictions to the tenth
house or its lord cause vulnerabilities for arthritis, broken knees,
inflammation of joints, general w eakness, skin diseases and
allergies, emaciated body, etc. besides giving setbacks in
professional matters and problems regarding male children. Astrong
Sun. as a signiticator for organizational capability, helps as a
protective cover.
Eleventh House: Represents income, prosperity, gains, profit,
friends, elder brother or sister, hopes and aspirations and their
fulfillment, etc. and the body parts - shanks, ankles, shin bones,
legs, left car and left arm. for example, weakness of the eleventh
house and or afflictions to the eleventh house or its lord cause
vulnerabilities for circulatory problems, fracture of the lower portion
of the legs, pain in the legs, problems of low productivity of blood,
cancer of the leg. etc. besides causing problems regarding income,
friends and sources of support. Astrong Saturn, as a signiticator
for easy sources of income, helps as a protective cover.
Twelfth House: Represents expenses, losses, expenditures for
charity, end of life, exile, life in foreign lands, obstructions in life,
separation from family, going astray, withdrawal into retreat,
transcendence, enlightenment, seclusion, imprisonment,
hospitalization, pleasures of the bed, sound sleep and work behind
the scenes, also work in a hospital, asylum, prison, military quarters,
monastery, etc. and the body parts - left eye. lymphatic system and
feet. For example, weakness of the twelfth house and or afflictions
to the twelfth house or its lord result in problems to the body parts
governed bv this house, sleep disturbances and weaken the
immunization power, etc. be si des causing sic ep disorders, problems
in relationships, problems in foreign lands and auto-immune
disorders. A strong Moon, as a signiticator for immunization
power and mental peace, and a strong Venus, as a signiticator
30 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

for happy marital relationships and comforts, help as a

protective cover.

Fructification of Significations
The signification of the houses fructify during the planetary
sub-periods connected with them. The nature and extent of the
significations are dependent upon three things: (1) the strength of
the lord of the house, in cases where the house contains a
mooltrikona sign; (2) the strength of the significatorofthe house;
and (3) the influences on the house itself. The significations of the
houses containing non-mooltrikona signs suffer if (i) they arc under
a close malefic influence or (ii) their significators arc weak and arc
under the influence of functional malefic planets.

Extent of Houses
Under the Systems’ Approach, we consider one sign per house,
so the extent of each house is 30 degrees. The degree rising in the
ascendant is treated as the most effective point (MEP). The planets
within a 5 degree orb of the most effective point, irrespective of the
house boundaries, will influence the MEP as per their functional
nature. Irrespective of the longitude of the ascending degree, the
functional nature of the planets is identified with reference to the
sign rising in the ascendant. The lord of the house will be the planet
that rules the mooltrikona sign placed in that house. The results of
the planets arc analyzed on the basis of placement of the planets in
a particular house from the ascendant and irrespective of their
longitudinal difference from the most effective point. The planets
placed in a house will be considered in that house only.

Nomenclature of Houses
Angular (Kendra) Houses: The first, fourth, seventh and
tenth houses are called angular or kendra houses. They mark the
angles or quadrants from the ascendant. Planets in angles tend to
Chapter 4. Significations of Houses 31

be stronger and active. Angular houses arc similar in character to

movable signs. They give power for accomplishment and
Trines (Trikona) Houses: The fifth and ninth houses arc called
trines or trikona houses. Strong planets in these houses arc important
for intellectual and spiritual achievements. The first house is also
considered as a trine.
Malefic (Dustliana) Houses: The sixth, eighth and twelfth
houses arc called malefic or dusthana houses. Planets placed in
malefic houses arc weak and cause problems.
Benefic Houses: All houses, other than the malefic houses,
are treated as benefic or auspicious houses under the Systems'
Element of Houses: The first, fifth and ninth houses are fiery.
The second, sixth and tenth houses are earthy. The third, seventh
and eleventh houses are airy houses and the fourth, eighth and
twelfth houses are watery.
For further detailed study of each house, interested readers
may study our book. “Systems' Approach for Interpreting
32 Impact of Rahu & Kotu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chapter 5

Predictive Techniques

Salient Features of the Systems’ Approach

For the benefit of the readers, the prominent features of
the Systems’ Approach are being discussed here. Events/
indications in life are ruled by the interplay of the planets,
houses, signs and planetary periods. The planets during their
operating periods bless the person with the significations ruled
by them depending upon their strength and placement in a
particular horoscope. Identifying the weakness/affiiction of
planets is not at all a difficult job and can be learned by
beginners or non-astrologers with the help of the techniques
given in this book. Systems’ Approach not only increases the
accuracy of analysis but also speeds up the analytical process,
helps in identify ing the results of the analysis in an unambiguous
manner, consistently and without any confusion.
If medical personnel learned Vedic Astrology, their dual
competence in both professions would help humanity at large,
enhancing satisfaction and also the personal eminence of the medical
practitioners. Besides the protection from dreaded diseases through
preventive astral remedies, they also tackle the problems of sterility,
impotenev, help in getting a healthy male child in addition to other
areas of life governed by the same planet c.g. professional growth,
harmonious married life, acquisition of wealth property and status.
For example, one with defects in the right eye can suffer in the
areas of: professional growth. loss of status and married life. This
individual could also be vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases,
thyroid gland issues, etc. At the same time, one with phenomenal
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 33

ambitions could be vulnerable to a nervous breakdown, acidity and

the risk of a paralytic attack. We hope this example gives a clear
understanding of the linkage between the planetary strengths and
diseases general problems in life.
The key issues in the horoscope analysis arc:
(1) Identifying the functional nature of planets in a birth chart:
(2) fhc techniques for judging the strength of a planet;
(3) The distinction between weak planets and afflicted planets;
(4) The impact of weak and/or afflicted planets;
(5) The orb of longitudinal difference for judging the impact of
conjunctions and aspects;
(6) The most malefic influence;
(7) fhc most effective point of various houses in a horoscope.

Functional Nature of Planets

The functional nature of planets is the key analytical factor in
the horoscope analysis. Besides Rahu and Kctu. the planets, whose
mooltrikona signs are in malefic houses (sixth, eighth and twelfth)
with reference to tit e ascendant, act as functional malefic planets in
a birth chart. For this purpose, under the Systems' Approach the
sign Cancer is considered as the mooltrikona sign of the Moon.
For various ascending signs, the functional malefic planets
are mentioned hereunder:
Ascendant Functional Malefic Planets
1. Aries Mercury, Rahu, Kctu
2. Taurus Venus, Jupiter. Mars. Rahu. Ketu
3. Gemini Rahu. Kctu
4. Cancer Jupiter, Saturn. Rahu, Kctu
5. Leo Moon, Rahu, Ketu
34 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: /Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

6. Virgo Saturn. Mars. Sun. Rahu. Ketu

7. Libra Mercury. Rahu. Ketu
8. Scorpio Mars, Venus, Rahu, Ketu
9. Sagittarius Moon, Rahu. Ketu
10. Capricorn Sun, Jupiter. Rahu. Ketu
11. Aquarius Moon, Mercury. Rahu. Ketu
12. Pisces Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu. Ketu
l'hc functional nature of any planet depends upon the nature
of the mooltrikona house of that planet. It is not related to the
strength of the planet. A planet may be weak or strong but the
functional nature will remain same as per the defined principle
for identifying the functional nature of planets.
The functional bcncfic planets for various ascending signs
are as follows:
Ascendant Functional Benefic Planets
1. Aries Sun. Moon, Mars. Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
2. Taurus Sun, Moon. Mercury, Saturn
3. Gemini Sun, Moon. Mars, Mercury', Jupiter. Venus,
4. Cancer Sun. Moon, Mars. Mercury', Venus
5. Leo Sun, Mars. Mercury. Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
6. Virgo Moon, Mercury, Jupiter. Venus
7. Libra Sun, Moon, Mars. Jupiter. Venus. Saturn
8. Scorpio Sun, Moon. Mercury. Jupiter, Saturn
9. Sagittarius Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter. Venus, Saturn
10. Capricorn Moon, Mars, Mercury', Venus, Saturn
11. Aquarius Sun. Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
12. Pisces Moon. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 35

Special Impact of Rahu and Ketu

In exceptional cases, when Rahu is well placed in a
mooltrikona sign of a planet, without causing any conjunction or
close aspect with other houses and planets and its dispositor is
strong, Rahu gives good results during its sub-periods for
materialistic prosperity. Rahu-Ketu. when exalted, give materialist
benefits while debilitated Rahu involves a person in exposed
scandals and acute physical sufferings.
The functional malefic planets for various ascendants,
mentioned above, may appear to be at variance when seen in the
context of the available classical texts, but when you analyze the
charts based on the functional malefic planets brought out
hereinabove, you will find that all of your confusions disappear in
one stroke. The classical principles were laid down by Maharishi
Parashara in Dwapara Yuga and changes, mutatis mutandis
(wherever necessary) have been suggested for the nativities in
Kali yuga.

Afflicted Planets or Houses

The afflictions to the planets or houses are caused by the close
conjunction or aspect of the functional malefic planets in a birth
chart. Whenever a planet or a mooltrikona sign house is already
weak for any other reason and is under the close influence of any
functional malefic, it is treated as an afflicted planct/housc. But
when the planet or the mooltrikona sign house is not weak for other
reasons, it can be considered afflicted either under the exact
influence of a functional malefic planet for normal afflictions or
under the orb of influence of two degrees for special multiple
afflictions, thus becoming a weak planct/housc for those reasons.
So whenever any planet or mooltrikona sign house is afflicted, it
becomes weak and thus not being capable of fully protecting/
promoting its significations. The significations of the houses having
a mooltrikona sign of an afflicted planet arc harmed more when
such planets are already weak for other reasons.
36 Impact of Rahu & Ketu I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Whenever a non-mooltrikona sign house is under the close

influence of any functional malefic, it is treated as an afflicted house.
lfnot placed in its own mooltrikonasign, any planet becomes
afflicted just by mere placement in any of the du st han as malefic

Afflicting Planets
It is very' necessary to understand the difference between
afflicting planets and afflicted planets.
All planets can become afflicted, but only the functional
malefic planets can be afflicting planets.
A transit functional malefic planet will always afflict its natal
position by conjunction or aspect, except when placed in its own
mooltrikona sign house in the rasi/birth chart. A natal/transit
functional malefic planet never afflicts its own mooltrikona sign
house, except when the functional malefic planet is already afflicted
and afflicts from a dust liana malefic house. Dispositor weakness
or bad placement affliction is not applicable in thiscasc. The benefit
of an aspect to the mooltrikona sign of a functional malefic planet
is limited to the proportion of the strength of the functional malefic

The Most Effective Point of a House

Besides the natal position of the planets, til ere is the most
effective point (MEP) of each house known by the degree rising in
the ascendant. The close impact ofthe planets in the case of houses
is gauged tlirough their closeness to the natal positions. Suppose
an ascendant of 16 degrees rises. It means the most effective point
of each house would be 16 degrees. In cases where the lord of a
mooltrikona sign house is weak or it is a non-mooltrikona sign
house, a functional malefic planet having a longitude between 11
to 21 degrees will afflict these houses either by placement or by
aspect. In cases where the lord of a mooltrikona sign house is
Chapter 5: Predictive Techniques 37

“otherwise” strong, then that house will only become afflicted under
the single influence of a functional malefic planet having a longitude
between 15 to 17 degrees, or under die multiplc/spccial influence
of functional malefic planet(s) having longitudes between 14 to IX
degrees. That “otherwise" strong lord will become weak for these
reasons. The influence of any functional malefic planet over its
own mooltrikona sign house will never be malefic, by way of dose
conjunction to the MEP.
For more clarity, let us see this concept through the example
chart given below. Some of the points previously discussed are
further explained in this example, including conjunctions, aspects,
weak planets and strong planets. Please note that in this example
and in some of the future case studies the South India style chart is
also shown.
Example Chart 4

In the above chart the rising degree of die ascendant is 16° 1 O'.
This 16° 10' becomes the most effective point (MEP) of each house.
Now we will seethe application of close aspects, close conjunctions,
exact conjunctions, exact aspects, single afflictions, special
afflictions and multiple afflictions in the above chart.
Based on the placement of the Sun in die third house, die orb
of affliction for the second house by a single functional malefic
planet appears to be one degree. There is no functional malefic
38 Impact of Rahu & Ketu; (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

planet which afflicts the second house within an orb of one degree.
However, die second house can be afflicted by a special affliction
or multiple afflictions within an orb of two degrees. We find in this
example chart that the second house MEP is indeed under a special
affliction of the most malefic planet, Saturn, from the twelfth house
within an orb of two degrees. This situation not only causes affliction
to die second house, but also makes the odierwise strong Sun weak,
due to afflictions to its mooltrikona sign house. The second house
dius becomes weak and vulnerable to natal or transit afflictions
within an orb of five degrees on cither side of the MEP.
The Moon is strongly placed in the ascendant and it forms an
exact conjunction widi the MEP of the ascendant and an exact aspect
to the MEP of the seventh house. Therefore die Moon and MEP of
die ascendant becomes vulnerable to transit afflictions within an
orb of one degree.
Mercury is strongly placed in its mooltrikona sign in the diird
house. There is no natal affliction to die third house or natal Mercury.
Natal Mercury and die MEP of the third house become vulnerable
to transit afflictions widiin an orb of one degree.
Jupiter is weak in the chart due to: (i) it is in its sign of
debilitation; (ii) its mooltrikona sign house is under a special
affliction of the most malefic planet. Saturn, from die twelfth house;
and (iii) it is in the state of infancy. Therefore, bodi Jupiter and the
sixth house are vulnerable to natal and transit afflictions widiin an
orb of five degrees.
The functional bcncfic planet Mars is strongly placed in the
fourth house and it closely and beneficially influences the MEP of
die houses occupied and aspected. Therefore, both Mars and die
tenth house are vulnerable to natal or transit afflictions within an
orb of one degree.
The functional bcnefic planet Venus is strongly placed in its
own mooltrikona sign in the fourdi house; this placement of Venus
beneficially helps the fourth house. Therefore, both Venus and the
Chapter 5: Predictive Techniques 39

fourth house arc vulnerable to natal or transit afflictions within an

orb of one degree.
The most malefic planet Saturn is weak as it is badly placed.
It severely afflicts the houses occupied and aspccted. Both Saturn
and the eighth house are vulnerable to natal or transit afflictions
within an orb of five degrees.
Rahu and Kctu form close afflictions to the eleventh, fifth,
seventh and ninth houses as the orb of afflictions for the non-
mooltrikona sign houses is five degrees on cither side of the MEP.
We trust that this example will help the reader in understanding
the concepts of: the most effective point of the housc(s); and special
afflictions and multiple afflictions through close or exact
conjunctions'aspects. This understanding will go a long way in
helping with vour comprehension of the case studies included here
and in our other books.

The Most Malefic Influence

People seeking the benefit of astrology mostly remember it in
times of distress. Therefore, our first goal in a reading is to gauge
the strength of the planets so that the influences of functional malefic
planets on the weak planets can be analyzed. The most malefic
influence in a birth chart is that of the most malefic planet.

Most Malefic Planet

If there is a mooltrikona sign in the eighth house from the
ascendant, its lord is called the most malefic planet (MMP). In
cases where there is no mooltrikona sign in the eighth house then
the role of the most malefic planet is played by the lord of the
twelfth house containing a mooltrikona sign. If there is also no
mooltrikona sign in the twelfth house then the role of the most
malefic planet is played by Ketu. for various ascendants the most
malefic planets arc as follows:
40 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Ascendant Most Malefic Planet

Aries Kctu
Taurus Jupiter
Gemini Kctu
Cancer Saturn
Leo Moon
Virgo Mars
Libra Mercury
Scorpio Venus
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Sun
Aquarius Mercury
Pisces Venus
If the planet or lord of the house, with which the most malefic
planet is forming a close conjunction aspect, is strong, this most
malefic planet creates tensions with regard to the matters represented
by die house planet involved. When the afflicted planet is weak,
die significations suffer seriously. When the afflicted planet is badly
placed, it results in tragic happenings. To understand die difference
between tensions, serious trouble and tragic happenings consider
die situations of fever, jaundice and die loss of a limb ruled by die
concerned planet, respectively. Any affliction caused by die triple
transit triggering influence of a functional malefic planet can activate
the trouble, especially if it involves a slow moving planet in transit.
When die affliction is close to die most effective point of the house,
die significations of ail houses involved, diat is the house occupied
and the house(s) aspected, suffer. Regarding afflicted planets,
besides their general significations, the significations of die houses
where their mooltrikona signs reside, and the significations of the
houses where the afflicted planets are placed, also suffer.
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 41

The Most Benefic Influence

If there is a mooltrikona sign in the fourth house from the
ascendant, its lord is called the most benefic planet (MBP). Incases
where there is no mooltrikona sign in the fourth house, then die
role of the most benefic planet is played by the lord of the second
house if containing a mooltrikona sign. If there is also no
mooltrikona sign in the second house then the role of the most
benefic planet is played bv the lord of the ninth house containing a
mooltrikona sign. If there is again no mooltrikona sign in the ninth
house then the role of die most benefic planet is played by the lord
of die third house containing a mooltrikona sign. For various
ascendants the most benefic planets arc as follows:
Ascendant Most Benefic Planet
Aries Moon
Taurus Sun
Gemini Mercury
Cancer Venus
Leo Mercury
Virgo Jupiter
Libra Jupiter
Scorpio Saturn
Sagittarius Sun
Capricorn Mars
Aquarius Venus
Pisces Mars

Effective Orb forjudging the Influence of Natal/

Transit Conjunctions/Aspects
In cases involving die influence of functional malefic planets
on the most effective points of mooltrikona sign houses'planets
(lords) which are simultaneously strong in die natal chart (rasi) and
42 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Basod on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

in transit, the orb of influence is one degree on cither side for normal
afflictions and two degrees on cither side for spccial/multiplc
afflictions. In cases involving mooltrikona sign houses planets
(lords) either weak in the rasi chart or in transit, the orb of affliction
is five degrees on either side.
In cases involving the influence of strong functional benefic
planets over the most effective points of mooltrikona sign houses/
planets( lords) simultaneously strong in the rasi chart and in transit,
the orb is five degrees on either side, while in cases involving
mooltrikona sign houses planets( lords) cither weak in the rasi chart
or in transit, the orb is one degree on either side. Under the close
influence of natal transit functional malefic planets, all weak planets
get afflicted.
The maximum influence of the transit or natal conjunction/
aspect is when it is within one degree on either side. As soon as the
transit influence starts separating, its effect starts tapering down. It
is very important to sec the strength of the planet on which the
transit influence is being studied. For example, if the Sun. being
tlic lord of the fourth house, is placed in the fourth house and its
longitude is 11 degrees and is strong, the functional malefic
influence of Jupiter, the most malefic planet for the Taurus
ascendant, will be effective when Jupiter is between 9 degrees and
13 degrees in the signs of Leo. Sagittarius, Aquarius or Aries. The
single functional malefic influence of Mars will be effective when
Mars is between 10 degrees and 12 degrees in the signs Leo,
Capricorn. Aquarius or Taurus, because the Sun is strong in the
natal chart. Please do not forget to also considerthe transit strength
of tlie Sun.
If the Sun in a Taurus birth chart is placed in thesign of Libra
at a longitude of 5 degrees then the transit influence of Jupiter over
it will be effective whenever Jupiter transits from 0 degrees to 10
degrees in Libra. Aquarius, Aries or Gemini. The transit influence
of Mars over the natal Sun will be effective whenever Mars transits
from 0 degrees to 10 degrees in Libra. Pisces, Aries or Cancer.
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 43

However, once the longitude of transit Jupiter or Mars is 5 degrees,

the transit influence will start separating and tapering down. The
transit Jupiter and Mars afflictions on natal Sun will end when their
longitudes arc over 10 degrees, assuming they arc in a direct
movement. The orb of affliction for a non-mooltrikona sign house
is five degrees on cither side of the most effective point.
Through these examples we hope the readers are able to clearly
understand this concept for better analysis.

Measuring Strength of the Houses

The rising degree in the ascendant is known as the most
effective point of all the houses. In cases where a mooltrikona sign
resides in a house, the strength of the house is gauged through the
strength of its planetary' lord and the nature of the conjunctions/
aspects to the most effective point of the house. In the case of non-
mooltrikona sign houses, the strength of the house is gauged only
through the nature of the conjunctions/aspccts to its most effective
point. You will find in your experience that until and unless there is
a close influence ofa functional malefic planet on the most effective
point of a house, the significations of the house containing a non-
mooltrikona sign will not bother the person at all. That is to say
that the person will not seek astral consultation or remedies for the
significations of the unafflictcd houses containing a non-
mooltrikona sign.

According to Systems' Approach, the dispositor is a planet in
whose mooltrikona sign house another planet is located in the natal
chart. Suppose in a natal chart the Sun is placed in the sign Libra
ailed by Venus. In this case Venus is the dispositor of the Sun. No
planet which is in a non-mooltrikona sign house will have a
dispositor i.c. the planet(s) in Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn
and Pisces have no dispositor. If a planet is posited in Aries, its
44 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

dispositor is Mars; if a planet is posited in Cancer, its dispositor is

the Moon; if a planet is posited in Leo, its dispositor is the Sun; if
a planet is posited in Virgo, its dispositor is Mercury; if a planet is
posited in Libra, its dispositor is Venus; if a planet is posited in
Sagittarius, its dispositor is Jupiter, and if a planet is posited in
Aquarius, its dispositor is Saturn.
When a functional benefic planet becomes a dispositor of an
affliction, the results of such an affliction will surface during the
sub periods and transit influences of that functional benefic planet.
Similarly, when a functional benefic planet becomes a dispositor
of a benefic influence or blessing, the results of such a benefic
influence or blessing w ill surface during the sub periods and transit
influences of that functional benefic planet.
When a functional malefic planet becomes a dispositor of a
benefic influence or blessing, the results of such a benefic influence
or blessing will also simultaneously surface during the sub periods
and transit influences of that functional malefic planet provided
the functional malefic planet is not involved in a close or exact
When a functional malefic planet becomes a dispositor of an
affliction, the results of such an affliction will also surface during
the sub periods and transit influences of that functional malefic

Strong Planets
A strong natal planet protects and promotes its general
significations and the significations of its mooltrikona sign house.
Any planet is considered strong when its longitude is within 5 to
25 degrees and it is not in a state of weakness. It can increase its
strength if:
a) it occupies its own or good housc(s) in the Navamsa chart and
other divisional charts;
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 45

b) it is under die close influence of functional bcncfic planet;

c) it occupies its exaltation or mooltrikona signs;
d) it is placed in the Sun-like houses, that is die second, diird and
ninth houses.
Any planet has a capacity to bless die person with its results if
its natal strength is at least 60% and it is unafflictcd. In such a
situation the results may conic with some delay and of a slightly
lower order. With die help of the strengthening measures - gemstones
or a Special Power Kavacli - die strength of the planets, where it is
less than 60%, can be brought up to die level of 60% so diat the
planets can bless the person widi die significations ruled by diem.
One can strengthen the weak planets by: (i) a Kavacli if die
planetary' strengdi is between 50% to 60%; (ii) a special power
Kavacli if the planetary strength is between 35% to 50%; (iii) a
special purpose Kavacli with gemstones if the planetary strength is
lower dian 35%.

Weak Planets
A weak natal planet is not capable of fully protecting/
promoting its general significations and the significations of its
mooltrikona sign house during the course of its sub-periods and
during the triple transit functional malefic influences. A planet
becomes weak when:
1) the most effective point of its mooltrikona sign is aflflicted by
a functional malefic planet widiin an orb of one degree;
2) the most effective point of its house of placement is afflicted
by a functional malefic planet, widiin an orb of one degree
for mooltrikona sign houses or within an orb of five degrees
for non-mooltrikona sign houses;
3) it is conjunct with or aspected by any functional malefic planet
widiin an orb of one degree;
46 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

4) it is combust due to its nearness to the Sun;

5) it occupies malefic houses from the ascendant, except if it is
in its own mooltrikona sign house;
6) it occupies its sign of debilitation;
7) it is in infancy or old-age;
8) it occupies its debilitated sign in the Navamsa divisional chart;
9) it occupies the mooltrikona sign house of a weak planetary
lord, however its strength would be equal to the strength of its
In cases regarding special or multiple afflictions, the otherwise
“strong” planet is considered afflicted (and weak) even when the
orb of affliction is at two degrees.
fhe affliction is considered special or multiple w hen it comes
1) a conjunction with or aspect from the most malefic planet;
2) an aspect froma functional malefic planet placed in adusthana
3) a conj u net ion with Rahu or Ketu (Rahu- Ket u a xi s);
4) an aspect of a functional malefic planet afflicted by one or
more other functional malefic planets;
5) more than one functional malefic planet at the same time.
Fairly’ strong planet: A fairly strong planet is one which has
at least 70% power and is unafflictcd along with being well placed.
Mild affliction: A mild affliction by a malefic influence is
one in which it is 25% or less and it involves a strong or fairly
strong planet or the most effective point of a non-mooltrikona sign
The quantitative strength analysis for the planets can be
obtained with the help of the following insights:
Chapter 5: Predictive Techniques 47

a) A planet will lose strength to the extent of 75% if its

mooltrikona sign house is afflicted.
b) A weak planet placed in an afflicted house will lose strength
to the extent of 75%.
c) An otherwise strong planet placed in a non-mooltrikona sign
afflicted house will lose strength to the extent of 50% Such a
planet may give good results in the first place and will cause
setbacks later.
d) A closely afflicted weak planet will lose strength to the extent
of 75%.
c) A closely afflicted otherwise strong planet will lose strength
to the extent of 50% Such a planet will give good results in
the first place and will cause setbacks later.
f) A planet becoming weak due to close combustion will lose
strength to the extent of 75% if the Sun is a functional malefic
planet. If the Sun is a functional bcnefic and it causes
combustion to another planet, the planet will become 50%
weak for the purpose of analyzing transit afflictions to it. A
combust planet in its sign of debilitation and placed in a malefic
house will have only 10% power.
g) When planets are placed in the malefic houses, they generally
lose strength by 50% besides suffering through the
significations of the malefic house. The placement in the sixth
house can involve the person in disputes, debts and can cause
ill health. The placement in the eighth house can cause serious
obstructions for the significations ruled by the planet. The
placement in the twelfth house can cause expenses and losses
for the significations of the planet.
h) When planets arc placed in their signs of debilitation, they
lose strength by 50% When planets are placed in their signs
of debilitation in both the birth and Navamsa charts, they lose
strength by 75%.
48 Impact of Rahu & Ketu; (Basod on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

i) If in the Rasi chart a planet is badly placed and at the same

time debilitated in the Navamsa chart, then it would lose
strength to the extent of 60%.
j) A badly placed planet in its sign ofdebilitation will lose power
by 75%.
k) A planet debilitated in the Navamsa chart will lose its power
by 25%.
When the lord of the sixth house is in the ascendant the person
becomes involved in controversies. Discussing such a person also
breeds controversies.

Sun-like Planets
The second house rules the status of a person in society or
with the Government The third house rules communication powers
of a person which is an important aspect for leadership. The ninth
house is the house of fortune and rules happiness from father and
preceptor. Besides the Sun. the lords of the second, third and ninth
houses act like the Sun for the various ascendants:
Ascendant Sun-like Planets
1. Aries Jupiter
2. Taurus Moon
3. Gemini Moon, Saturn
4. Cancer Mercury
5. Leo Mercury. Venus, Mars
6. Virgo Venus
7. Libra Jupiter
8. Scorpio Jupiter, Moon
9. Sagittarius Saturn
10. Capricorn Saturn. Mercury
11. Aquarius Mars, Venus
12. Pisces Mars
Chapter 5 Predictive Techniques 49

Any planct(s) placed in the sign of Leo has comparatively

more power and certainly an increase of up to 25% greater than the
actual power of the said planet(s).
When the lord of the second house (a Sun-like planet) is placed
in die Leo sign it gains additional strength.
When the Sun itself is placed in a Sun-like house, it also gains
25% additional strengdi. In cases where the Sun is a functional
malefic planet and placed in a Sun-like house, dien it should not
afflict the house to gain die additional strengdi.
If the Leo sign is in a malefic house and die Sun is placed in
diis house, die bad placement of the Sun would not be applicable
and the Sun would be strong if not in infancy, old age or debilitated
in die Navamsa chart.
Let us give an example for understanding the calculation of
die strength of Sun-like planets. Suppose Libra is rising with 22.4
degrees, flic Sun is placed in the fourdi House, close to the MLP
and unafflicted. It is not in old age. The MLP of the eleventh house
which the Sun rules is also unafflicted. This Sun is considered strong,
but it docs not have any additional strength.
Now suppose Aries is rising and if Jupiter is in die 9th house
(Sun-like) in its own mooltrikonasign but in infancy (2.5 deg) and
Jupiter is unafflicted, dien its strengdi would be 50% + a 25%
increase for its being a Sun-like planet which is equal to 62.5%. In
diis example, if Jupiter had been placed in cither the 2nd or 3 rd Sun­
like houses, then its strengdi would have a furdicr additional rise of
25%. A planet by being lord of a Sun-like house and by being placed
in another Sun-like house can achieve a strength increase up to
100% in commensuration to its weakness when due to infancy or
old age.
With regard to the importance of Sun-like planets, the lord of
die second house is in first place, followed by the lord of the third
house, and then the lord of the ninth house.
50 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

In addition to ruling the houses containing their mooltrikona
signs, the planets also act as Karakas (significators) for various
houses. The various planets act as significators for the houses
indicated in the following chart:
Planet Houses
Sun First, second, third, ninth, tenth houses
Moon Fourth house
Mars Third and tenth houses
Mercury' Third, sixth and tenth houses
Jupiter Second, fifth, ninth and eleventh houses
Venus Fourth, seventh and twelfth houses
Saturn Eighth house, Avushkaraka (longevity')
When strong, the various planets act as secondary significators
for the following houses'matters:
Planet House/.Matter
Sun Fifth house, digestion, heart, leadership, job
Moon Tenth house Public relations
Mars First housc'Encrgy
Fourth housc/Rcal estate
Sixth house Health
Mercury' Second house Speech
Third housc/Communication ability
Sixth house Healtli
Jupiter Ninth house/Spiritual fulfillment
Venus Twelfth house Happy married life, comforts
Saturn Eleventh house/Easy income
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 51

Rahu-like Planets
The mooltrikona sign lords of the eighth and twelfth houses
act as Rahu-like planets. The Rahu-like planets give inclinations
for greed, over ambitiousness,encroachments, materialistic pursuits,
lust, obstructions, mishaps and loss of patience.
Where there is no mooltrikona sign in the sixth house, afflicting
Ketu acts as sixth lord being the significator for injuries, financial
constraints and losses through disputes.

Results of Exchange of Houses or Asterisms

In classical Vedic astrology the situation, in which planet ‘A’
is placed in a sign or nakshatra ruled by planet‘B’ and planet ‘B’ is
placed in a sign or nakshatra niled by planet ‘A’, is considered as
an exchange of houses or an exchange of nakshatra (asterisms).
For example, ifthe Sun is placed in the sign of Scorpio and planet
Mars is placed in the sign of Leo, then classical Vedic astrology
considers this situation as an exchange of houses by the Sun and
Under the Systems' ?\pproach to Vedic astrology, we do not
recognize this concept. Each planet is considered, separately, for
its placement, strength, relationship with other planets, etc.

Triple Transit Triggering Influence

Significant events are triggered by the interplay of the
relationship between transit planets and natal planets house MEPs.
The results generated depend upon the significations ruled by the
planets involved, the significations mlcd by their mooltrikona sign
houses, the significations niled by their houses of placement, either
in the natal or in transit chart, and or the significations ruled bv the
natal house(s) whose MEPs are under a transit impact. This is called
the triple transit triggering influence (TTT) as it is tme for the three
possible combinations of transit influence i.c. transit over natal,
transit over transit, and natal over transit.
52 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

The triple transit triggering influence will help you in

understanding the impact of planetary' influences more precisely.
For further detailed study interested readers may refer to our book,
entitled: “A Complete Book on Triple Transit Influences of Planets”.

Relative Importance of Planetary Influences

Regarding afflictions, we can have the following situations:
1) Afflictions in the Rasi/natal chart.
2) Afflictions of planetary transits on the Rasi chart.
3) Afflictions of planetary transits on other planetary transit
4) Afflictions of planets in the Rasi chart on planets in transit.
Afflictions in the Rasi chart, being permanent afflictions, arc
more serious as they will manifest throughout life as malefic
tendencies whenever the sub-periods of related planets arc operating.
Their severity depends upon the strength of the afflicted planets
and the number/proximity/intensity of malefic influence of the
afflicting planets. In the last three above-referenced situations, as
they are temporary afflictions, their degree of importance depend
more upon the lack of strength of the afflicted planets, the number?
duration of the afflictions, the proximity/ intensity of malefic
influence of the afflicting planets, and the ruling sub-period in each
case. The last one, afflictions of Rasi chart planets on transit planets,
are even more important than the other two for all the ascendants
containing fast moving planets as functional malefic planets i.c.
almost all: Aries (Mercury ), Taurus (Venus, Mars), Leo (Moon),
Virgo (Sun. Mars). Libra (Mercury), Scorpio (Venus. Mars),
Sagittarius (Moon), Capricorn (Sun), Aquarius (Moon. Mercury )
and Pisces (Sun, Venus, Mars). These fast moving functional malefic
planets, that in the previous two conditions are not so problematic,
create serious problems whenever a slow moving planet in transit
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 53

comes under their malefic influence. Unless astral remedies arc

earnestly performed, the problems may come up whenever the planet
is weak and afflicted in any of the above-referenced last three transit
situations. The probability' increases with the number of the transit
conditions involved. The same reasoning applies to the triple transit
triggering influences of functional bcncfic planets.
Regarding how to obtain the actual strengths of planets for a
certain person at a specific time, the different kinds of strengths
1) Strengths of planets in the Rasi/natal chart.
2) Strengths of planets in transit.
3) Strengths of planets in the Rasi chart modified by the aspects
from planetary' transits.
4) Strengths of planets in transit modi fled by the planetary' aspects
from the Rasi chart.
The strength of planets in the Rasi chart is th c most important.
The last three above-referenced strengths help and become more
pertinent if condition 1) exists. If planets in the Rasi chart are weak,
they will temporarily become strong only a little by the existence
of the last three conditions if no strengthening measures have been

Exalted Functional Malefic Planets

Exalted planets if functional malefic planets and at the same
time afflicting by close conjunction or aspect other weak planet(s)
or the most effective point of the house(s) do cause sufferings with
regard to the significations ruled by the said afflicted planct(s) or
housc(s). The exalted planets, when badly placed, become weak
and afflicted.
54 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: /Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Role of Planets
A planet plays its role in the following manner:
a) As a natural significator for various areas of life.
b) As a lord of die house containing its mooltrikona sign to protect
and promote die significations of that house depending upon
its natal strength.
c) Through its relationship widi odier planetary configurations
in a birth chart.
The strength of a planet governs the role of diat planet for (a)
and (b) above in protecting and promoting its general and particular
significations. The functional nature of die planet governs its role
as (c) above.

Analyzing Results of Sub-Period Planetary

Events fructify in the sub-periods of planets. Therefore, it is
very important that we understand the method of analyzing the
maha dasa (main-period) and bhukti (sub-period) results. The results
of die general significations of die sub-period planetary lord depend
upon its strength and placement along widi conjunctions and aspects
to die same. The significations of die house of the planetary' lord's
placement arc touched when transit planets create bcncfic or malefic
influences on the sub-period planetary lord, depending upon dicir
functional nature whether bcncfic or malefic. In the sub-period of
a planet, the following significations are touched:
1) The general significations of the planet. For example the Sun
rules father, social status, position widi the government, male
child, digestive system, heart, blood pressure, etc.
2) The significations of die house where the mooltrikona sign of
the said planet is placed. In situations where in the mooltrikona
sign house, a functional malefic planet is placed close to the
most effective point or is closely aspecting die most effective
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 55

point of the said house, or the said planet is closely afflicted,

then during the sub-periods of the afflicting and afflicted
planctf s) the significations ofthe mooltrikona sign house shall
not prosper and shall face problems indicated by the afflicting
planet depending upon its lordship. A natal transit functional
malefic planet never afflicts its own mooltrikona sign house,
except when the functional malefic planet is already afflicted
and or afflicts from a dusthana / malefic house.
3) The significations of the house where the planet is placed.
4) During the sub-period of a planet all the impacts on the house,
which contains the mooltrikona sign of the said planet, also
come into force. Such influences on the most effective point
by a strong functional bcncfic planet, even in the sub-period
ofa weak planet, will bless the person with good or very good
results. Similarly, a close impact ofa functional malefic planet
on the most effective point ofa mooltrikona sign house may
not allow the planet ailing that mooltrikona sign house to show
good results in its sub-periods even if the said planet is strong
in the natal chart.
Let us see the application of the most malefic planet and most
effective point while analyzing the results of sub-periods, with the
help of an example.
Example Chart 5
56 Impact of Ratio & Kotu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Sagittarius rises in the ascendant at 23 degrees. Therefore, the

most effective point of all the houses will be 23 degrees. Any planet
conjunct within 5 degrees on cither side i.e. within 18 degrees to
28 degrees in any house will influence the significations of tire
house in question in a pronounced manner depending upon tire
functional nature of that planet. The Moon is placed at 24 degrees
in the th ird house in the sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn. As the Moon
is tire most malefic planet, this placement afflicts simultaneously
tire most effective point of the third and ninth houses, weakening
their respective lords and itself. Since the Moon is conjunct with
tire most effective point of the third house, it not only severely
damages tire initiatives of tire person but during the sub-periods of
both the Moon and Saturn it will not allow' any vcnturcs/initiativcs
of the person to succeed. The aspect of the Moon to the most
effective point to the ninth house can also cause obstructions to tire
significations of the ninth house during tire sub-periods of both the
Sun and Moon. The Sun is lord of tire ninth house of which tire
Moon is aspecting into and influencing in a malefic manner. In
such cases if the weak Sun is well placed (as in this example), then
tire impact of the influence of the Moon w ill be a little bit milder
than if the Sun was badly placed. As Saturn is very' weak due to
infancy, bad placement and the exact affliction of tire most malefic
planet on tire most effective point of its mooltrikona sign house,
during tire sub-periods of the Moon and Saturn the impact can be
quite grave.

Impact of Transits
The impact of transit functional malefic planets occurs on both
tire functional malefic planets and functional bcncfic planets. The
areas of life governed by the planets include their general and
particular significations, which are influenced by the transit
planetary impact. Similarly, when the impact is on the most effective
point of a house, the significations of the house occupied by tire
planets and tire housc(s) aspected (both mooltrikona and non-
mooltrikona houses) w ill be influenced by the transit planet.
Chapter 5: Predictive Techniques 57

Transits of planets over the natal position of functional malefic

planets or a close aspect of natal functional malefic planets on
planets in transit also spoil the significations ofthe planets in transit.
fhe transit strength means the planet should be strong in transit.

Interaction between the Sub-Periods and

Planetary Transits
During the course of the sub-period of a planet the
significations of the mooltrikona sign house ruled by the sub-period
lord, the general significations of the planet and the significations
of the house where the planet is placed will be touched.
“Transit” means when the planetan,' position on any given
date subsequent to the date of the birth is studied with reference to
the ascendant and the position of the planets in the natal chart.
For example, let us take a chart with the sign of Sagittarius
rising in the ascendant. In this chart the lord of the eleventh house,
Venus, is placed in the twelfth house, ruling losses. During the sub­
period of Venus trouble to elder brother, loss of income and trouble
to friends is indicated. To cause a death-like event or some serious
trouble to the elder brother the transit functional malefic planets
Rahu Ketu may form a close conjunction or aspect with any of the
three following positions:
i) the most effective point of the eleventh house;
ii) the natal position of the sub-period lord, Venus;
iii) or the transit position of the sub-period lord. Venus.
The conjunction or aspect of natal Moon, Rahu or Ketu with
transit Venus may also cause the same fatality if natal Venus is
58 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Example Chart 6

Ihc example chart pertains to a lady bom 22nd December

1964, at 08:50 hrs in Copenhagen, Denmark 55N4T 12E'35 CET
TIME (-1:00).
In this case study, the Venus maha dasa (main period), Venus
sub-period (bhukti) started on 30th Oct 1981 and continued up to
1st March 1985. Now from the horoscope we can observe that an
incident like the loss of an elder brother is seen in the sub-period of
Venus as Venus ruling the house of elder brother is placed in the
house of losses. Transit Venus was at 1 degree in the sign of
Capricorn on 2nd February 1982. It apparently retrograded and
came into contact with transit Ketu at 29 degrees in the sign of
Sagittarius on the 7th February 1982. Up to the 21st February 1982,
transit Venus and transit Ketu were within a 3 degree range, flic
sub-period lord was not only weak due to its being in infancy but it
was also in close conjunction w ith Ketu. Being placed in the house
of losses in the rasi chart, natal Ketu has inclinations for causing
losses to whatever planet it forms a close conjunction or aspect
with. The person lost her elder brother during this time.
The sub-period lord sets the trend according to its lordship,
placement and other natal influences on itself in the rasi chart while
the transit natal planets cause influence whenever they come into
contact w ith the natal transit position of the sub-period lord.
Chapter 5: Predictive Techniques 59

Wc hope tliis study gives a better understanding regarding tlie

interaction between the transit and sub-period lord results with help
from the above example.

Reliability of Treating a House as an Ascendant for a

Signified Relationship
Wc cannot treat a house as an ascendant for the relation
signified by that house. For example, the ninth house for father,
seventh house for wife, etc. We can't decipher educational prospects
of father, his assets, etc. from the twelfth house which is the fourth
house from the ninth house. The status of father in general can be
seen from the Sun and the ninth house. The detailed analysis of
any relation can only be made from that relation’s own horoscope.
Regarding spouse, children, parents, cldcr/younger siblings and
friends only general indications can be seen from an individual’s
birth chart. For example, from the parent’s chart wc can see whether
lie she w ill derive happiness from his her children or at a particular
time whether the child is happy or in trouble, but we cannot identify
in detail about the educational, professional or emotional matters
of tli c child.

Measuring the Capacity of Planets

While studying the impact of a planet, depending upon its
strength, during the course of its sub-period both the natal and transit
positions of the planet under operation arc to be observed.
The results of a particular house will be influenced by a
transiting planet when it is near to the house’s most effective point
depending upon its functional nature, whether bcnefic or malefic.
A weak planet also has the capacity to protect the house it is
lord of. if the said planet is well placed, unafflictcd and under the
bcnefic influence of a functional bcnefic planet through a close
aspcct/conj unction, or if the said planet aspects its own mooltrikona
sign house.
60 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Bright Rays
A planet with bright rays means a non-combust planet.

Measuring the Strength of Planets in Infancy/

Old Age
The results of the planets in infancy or old age vary in degree
of strength per their longitudes as detailed below:

When 0 degree power is zero
When 1 degree power is 20%
When 2 degrees power is 40%
When 3 degrees power is 60%
When 4 degrees power is 80%
When 5 degrees power is 100%
Old Age
When 30 degrees power is zero
When 29 degrees power is 20%
When 28 degrees power is 40%
When 27 degrees power is 60%
When 26 degrees power is 80%
When 25 degrees power is 100%
A planet residing in its exaltation sign adds to the strength.
The peak point of exaltation or debilitation has very little relevance.
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 61

Divisional Charts
The divisional charts arc drawn by division of houses for
specialized analysis of a particular signification: for example, the
Navamsa chart is for considering general fortune, marital happiness
and religious pursuits in a birth chart. For a detailed study on this
subject, you can read the authors' book entitled: “How to Study
Divisional Charts”.

Chalit Chakra
This is a redundant concept as far as the Systems’Approach
is concerned. The Systems'Approach identifies the functional nature
of the planets on the basis of the ascendant. Each planet is treated
in the house in which it is placed. A planet placed in the eighth
house going to the seventh or ninth house as per chalit chakra can
never give good results. Its periods wi 11 bestow weak results because
of the position of the planet being weak due to its bad placement
and there will be obstructions and mishaps. The astrologers, who
consider chalit chakra, fail in their predictions.

Evolution of the Soul

The evolution of the soul depends on the strength of the Sun.
Jupiter and the lords of the tenth and first houses.

Measuring Afflictions
I'he quantum of influence of the functional malefic planet (EM)
on another planet or most effective point (MEP) of a house is gauged
through the closeness of the conjunction or aspect. The afflictions
to the planets'houses arc caused by the close conjunction or aspect
of the FMs in a birth chart. Regarding otherwise “strong” planets
and or MT (mooltrikona sign) houses, the normal afflictions arc
effective within a one degree range while the special'multiple
afflictions are effective within a two degrees range, making these
62 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

otherwise “strong” planets MT houses weak on this account. The

normal afflictions to weak planets MT houses arc fully effective if
they are within a one degree range while afflictions are 80%, 60%,
40%, 20% and 0% if the afflicting planet is having a 1 deg, 2 deg,
3 deg, 4 deg and 5 deg longitudinal difference respectively, from
tlie weak planet MLP of die weak MT house. The special/multiple
afflictions to weak planets MT houses are fully effective if they are
within two degrees range while afflictions arc 75%, 50%, 25% and
0% if tlie afflicting planet(s) is having a 2 deg. 3 deg, 4 deg and 5
deg longitudinal difference respectively, from the weak planet MLP
of the weak MT house. It is most severe if the weak and afflicted
planets arc badly placed. The experience based on the feedback
from people indicates that these afflictions can be taken care of up
to 80 - 90% with the help of the astral remedies i.c. Special Power
Kavach, gemstones and charities, etc. If die planets houses arc
strong, die damage is least. Lor non-MT houses, the impact of die
affliction is 100%to 0% depending upon the longitudinal difference
between the FM and MLP of the house as explained above for die
weak planets MT houses. If a planet being lord of a house is weak
dicn one shouldsec diestrengdi ofthesignificator(karaka) and die
supplementary houses as well.

Impact of Transit Exalted Rahu and Ketu

The impact of a well placed exalted Rahu over well placed
strong functional bcncfic planets is good for materialistic prosperity.
The Rahu transit over weak functional bcncfic planets gives small
gains or creates false hopes. The materialist gains obtained due to
influence of Rahu through manipulations are, generally, lost, flic
manipulations threaten loss of respect. The Rahu transit over die
functional malefic planets causes anxiety and delays with regard to
die significations of die houses where die mooltrikona sign of the
functional malefic planet under transit is placed. The impact of the
transit of well placed exalted Ketu will be bad only on weak and
afflicted planets when Ketu in transit is stationary or causing a
prolonged impact.
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 63

When in dusthana houses the results of exalted Rahu/Kctu

are as follows:
(a) When exalted Rahu is in the sixth house (with exalted Ketu in
the twelfth house), there can be losses through theft, fire, debts,
cheating and expenses on treatments for illness. If the lord of
the sixtli house is strong, Rahu can give some financial gains
through manipulations.
(b) When exalted Rahu is in the eighth house (with exalted Ketu
in the second house), there can be inheritance gains,
obstructions, manipulating tendencies and increased
tendencies for sensual pleasures.
(c) Whenexaltcd Rahu is in tlictwelfth house (withexalted Ketu
in the sixth house), there can be bad health, loss of sleep,
craving for excessive gratification of senses, visits to far-off
places or foreign lands.

Impact of Combust Planets

When the Sun is a functional benefic planet its conjunction
with other well placed functional benefic planets is good and gives
exponential growth for the significations of the planets in close
conjunction with the Sun. The combust planets suffer under the
triple transit influences of functional malefic planets. This can.
however, be guarded by application of the strengthening and
propitiating astral remedies, to a large extent.
When the Sun is a functional malefic planet closely conjunct
with other planets, or a functional malefic planet is closely and
mutually influencing the Sun and any planets closely conjunct with
it, the significations of all the planets involved suffer in their sub­
periods as well as during transit impacts.
For example see the following chart:
64 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Example Chart 7


Sal5:00 Mo 10:00


Ke03:00 Ve 18:00 Ma21:00

All the three planets in the third house are in close conjunction
amongst themselves and the conjunction is good except the transit
afflictions which will be short-lived if influencing Rahu and Ketu
during transit do not become stationary; In this chart, the sub-periods
of Venus, Sun and Mercury in the main periods of the functional
bcnefic planets will give good initiatives, increased income and
happiness, involvement in writing, artistic pursuits, and status rise
through such activities.

Impact of Retrograde Planets in Astrology

The planets are always moving. When we see the record of
movement of planets in the zodiac from the ephemeris, we find
that tlie planets move forward. Sometimes, planets appear to be
moving back due to the relative position and motion of planets.
When a planet instead of moving forward appears to be moving
backwards in the zodiac, it is called retrograde. All planets, other
titan the Sun and the Moon, appear to be moving backward on
different occasions. Rahu and Ketu generally seem to move
This is only a visionary phenomenon as it occurs due to
different speeds of the planets in relation to the earth. The effects
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 65

on a natal chart arc due to fixed angular positions of planets with

reference to a particular place on the earth for a particular time,
natal or in transit.
Though the classical astrological texts as well as some of
the modern commentators have ascribed different views for
the results of retrograde planets, the authors are of the firm
view that retrograde planets are to be treated in a normal wav
as per their longitudes, so far as the natal planetary influences
are concerned in a horoscope. However, the transit influences
of a planet appearing to be in retrograde motion and then back
to direct motion are prolonged on specified degree(s).
To understand the impact of a transit retrograde planet it is
necessary' that one learns predictive techniques and methodology
for reading the triple transit influences.

Impact of Planetary Combinations (Yoga)

Planetary combinations (yoga) in a horoscope arc generated
through close conjunctions, close aspects and placements of planets.
When two or more functional bcncfic planets form a dose
relationship among themselves or with the most effective points of
benefic houses, they generate good results related to their
mooltrikona sign houses. This type of relationship is due to the
close conjunction/aspcct and is known as an auspicious yoga. If
two functional malefic planets form a close relationship, they cause
an inauspicious yoga and severely damage the results related to
their mooltrikona sign houses. If one functional bcncfic planet and
functional malefic planet form a close relationship, this causes an
inauspicious yoga that damages the results of the mooltrikona sign
house ruled by the functional bcncfic planet. When a functional
benefic planet occupies a malefic house, this causes a yoga for
misfortune related to the significations of its mooltrikona sign house.
Similarly, when a functional malefic planet closely influences the
most effective point of a house, it damages the significations of
that house, except if it is its own mooltrikona sign house.
66 Impact of Ratio & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

The impact of Ra jyogas and Dhanayogas accrues only if the

planets involved arc strong. Whenever, the planets ruling bcncfic
houses conjoin or mutually aspect closely, they form a good yoga
(such as a Rajyoga) connected with the indications of both the
houses involved, provided they are strong. The involvement of a
planet ruling the house of income and/or wealth produces a
Dhanayoga. In other words, mere location of a planet or a set of
planets in a particular sign or house widiout creating a close
relationship through a close conjunction or aspect does not result
into any yoga. The planets involved in Rajyogas bless the person
with name, fame, wealth, comforts, etc., during their sub-periods.
Similarly, until and unless any functional malefic planet forms
a close conjunction or aspect with other planct(s) or house(s) they
do not produce any Duryoga or even Kalsarpa yoga. The misnomer
Kalsarpa yoga is being propagated by those people who have failed
to correctly identify the functional nature of planets in various
nativities and have not been able to pin point the reasons for miseries.
Any chart containing the so-called Kalsarpa yoga will not give bad
results until and unless Rahu-Kctu or other functional malefic
planets cause closc/cxact conjunctions or aspects with weak planets
or houses in that particular birdi chart. Under die Systems’ Approach,
die analysis is always done with reference to the placement of
planets, dieir strength and weaknesses and their mutual relationship
with particular reference to the ascendant and its most effective
point. The planets involved in Duryogas cause miserics'tragedies
as per their nature depending upon dieir lordships, during their sub­
Another misnomer, ‘Nccchbhanga Rajyoga’ is not coming
from the propounding fadier but has found its place in die subsequent
classical commentaries like Phaladipika, etc. The Systems’
Approach does not believe in this concept and treats the debilitated
planet as a weak planet.
Chapter 5: Predictive Techniques 67

How to Proceed with Analysis for Identifying

the Problem Areas
For starting the SA analysis, underline the functional malefic
planets. Study the strength of the planets and identify the exact or
close conjunctions/aspects. Sec also if any special multiple
afflictions exist. Put a circle around the planets houses which are
afflicted. Now you can start the analysis.
The long-tenn problem is always with regard to the weak and
afflicted planets or the sub-periods of the functional malefic planets
in the natal chart. The short-tenn problem is indicated by (i) the
transit of functional malefic(s) over the natal planets, (ii) when
transit planets come under the influence of natal functional malefic
planets; and (iii) the close afflictions or bad placements of transit
planets with reference to a particular ascendant. The good results
should be noted for the significations of the strong functional benefic
planets having close bene tie conjunctions/aspects.
The position of functional benefic planet(s) in dusthanas or
malefic houses makes them weak and afflicted, but if they aspect
the most effective point of the house containing their own
mooltrikona sign then despite the weakness they are able to protect
the significations of their mooltrikona house to some extent. Also,
if they are placed in the eight!) house near die most effective point
dicn despite their weakness it is a good placement as they aspect
the most effective point of the second house. In the case of a
functional benefic Mars, Jupiter or Saturn posited in the eighth
house they also aspect two odier houses besides the second house.
The detailed study of the functional malefic planets and the planets
in malefic houses has been taken up in Chapter 3 of the book.
"Predictive Techniques and the Application of Astrological
Remedial Measures.”
The case studies included here and in all our books bring out
die techniques for quickly spotting prominent events in life.
68 Impact of Rahu & Ketu; (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Whenever the Rahu-Ketu axis is placed exactly over the most
effective points of houses containing odd-numbered signs besides
afflicting the houses occupied and aspected. it turns the planets
Saturn, Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter weak by afflicting their
mooltrikona sign houses. Whenever the Rahu-Ketu axis is placed
exactly over the most effective points of houses containing even-
numbered signs besides afflicting the houses occupied and aspected,
it turns the planets Moon and Mercury weak by afflicting their
mooltrikona sign houses.
The close influence of the lord of the eighth house or Rahu or
the lord of the twelfth house on the lord of the seventh house, and/
or tli c most effective point of the seventh house and or Venus along
with the close influence of Rahu on the lord of the eighth house
gives indulgence for out of marital bond, excessive sensual pleasures
and endangers the person with possible infections of sexually
transmitted diseases.
The close affliction of the nodes to weak planets makes one
vulnerable to cancerous diseases. Ever since the author. V. K.
Choudhry identified this planetary configuration giving cancerous
results in the year 19X9. our team has been very particular in
watching the horoscopes with such planetary configurations.
Through the administering of preventive astral remedies we are
very proud to say that in cases where the person had not started
suffering from such a fatal disease, the preventive astral remedies
proved to be of great help and the people vulnerable for a cancerous
disease did not suffer in the sub-periods of such afflicting'afflicted

A planet placed in the mooltrikona sign cannot exceed the

strength of its dispositor.
During the sub-period of a planet the results of planets placed
in its mooltrikona sign fructify simultaneously.
Chapter 5: Predictive Techniques 69

Prediction of unfavorable results can bc/is made for the

significations nilcd by the weak planets even if there arc no
afflictions in the natal chart and no planet is badly placed.
A strong planet will give beneficial results of its general and
particular significations throughout life. Ifit is away from tlicMEP
of the house of its placement, it may give results for die significations
of die said house in the latter part of life.
A FM planet docs not afflict its own MT sign by con junction
or by aspect. A FM planet will afflict its own MT sign by aspect
only ifit itself is afflicted by anodicr FM planet. Dispositor weakness
or bad placement affliction is not applicable in diiscasc. The benefit
of aspect to the MT sign of the FM planet is limited to the proportion
of die strength of the FM planet.
The diird house also rules learning, comprehension, vitality,
leadership, vision and success.
The placement of the tenth lord in die second house gives
professional education.
I'hc strength of die Sun, Sun-like houses or planets improve
die results of die other planets to some extent.
A short life span is caused by the strong affliction of the MMP
(most malefic planet) to die significators of longevity, the placement
of planets in the Sth house and an afflicted Moon.
Close afflictions to die MLP of the house harm the main
significations of die house.
The strong planets give results without much effort while die
weak planets need more effort with some accompanying little/
delayed success.
Give due consideration to the placement of the planets. The
planets placed in die diird house take die person to MBA market ing-
like studies. The strong planets bring brilliance coupled with
stability. The weak planets show their impact through instability'.
70 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Afflictions depend upon the closeness of the functional malefic

planet to the planet house which is being afflicted.
The afflicting pow er of the functional malefic planet does
not reduce due to its weakness. The afflicting power of the
functional malefic planet increases w lien it is placed in a malefic
house or it itself is under affliction.
If the planet house under affliction is weak, the impact of
affliction will be more.
The affliction to the MEP of houses is more severe in
comparison to the affliction to a planet.
Kanna results arise through the principles of divine justice.
Jyotish Astral remedies are the means for alleviating these karma
The important tools for predictive accuracy are the functional
nature of the planets, strength of the planets, inter-relationships of
the planets, divisional charts, impact of Rahu and Ketu. planetary
periods and triple transit triggers. These important tools will help
to differentiate between: having issues in a particular area
throughout a person's life; and enjoying good results in a particular
area but in some sub-periods facing issues and drawbacks.
The guiding principle is that the planets give results as per
their strength in their sub periods. Transit influences take precedence
over the sub period results. The strong exact afflictions to the natal
planets are not easy things to be dealt with. The continuous
propitiation along with the strengthening of the afflicted planets
does help. Some other strong planets in the birth chart can help in
bringing down the impact of the strong afflictions. The strong
planets, in general, give good results for their significations
throughout life. Where there are no strong or well placed planets,
there is 1 imited hope of things turning out good. To answer questions
for the timing of events, study the natal and transit planetary
strengths, operating sub periods and transits for answers. For
example, in a query regarding a job, if the natal determinants of
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 71

profession and the Sun are strong or well placed with at least 60%
power and there is no transit affliction involved here then the person
is likely to get work in a couple of months’ time. Another month or
so can be added if Raliu and Ketu arc stationary'. For the rest of the
people it may take a longer time with needed strengthening of their
functional bencfic planets along with propitiation of the functional
malefic planets causing afflictions.
Whcncvertherc are double or multiple closc/cxact afflictions,
these take first priority' in giving their results. In cases where such
closc/exact afflictions involving the most malefic planet (MMP)
and or the Rahu-Ketu axis are suffered by the prime significator
for marriage, the marriage can be delayed inordinately or even
denied. In these cases tire use of a Special Purpose Kavach and
continuous special propitiatory remedies become absolutely
Decade per degree rule: The impact of planetary conjunctions
and aspects is measured in terms of a decade per degree ofclosencss.
If it is an exact aspect or conjunction between the two planets the
impact is generally felt in the sub periods falling in the first ten
years of life. If there is a close aspect or conjunction with a
longitudinal difference ofonc to two degrees the impact is generally
felt in the sub periods of the planets falling in the second decade. If
there is a close aspect or conjunction with a longitudinal difference
of two to three degrees the impact is generally felt in thc sub periods
of the planets falling in the th ird decade. If there is a close aspect or
conjunction w ith a longitudinal difference of three to four degrees
die impact is generally felt in the sub periods of die planets falling
in the fourth decade. If there is a close aspect or conjunction widi a
longitudinal difference of four to five degrees die impact is generally
felt in the sub periods of the planets falling in die fifth decade. The
results can be further changed by stationary' transit influences or
die strength of the planets involved.
When any exalted functional malefic planet, other than
Mercury, is conjunct with the MEP of the house of its placement, it
becomes weak.
72 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

A strong Venus hastens marriage.

A strong Sun brings down the level of sufferings due to
Metals ruled by planets: The Sun rules copper and gold.
The Moon rules silver. Mars rules copper. Mercury rules brass.
Jupiter rules gold. Venus rules silver and aluminum. Saturn rules
iron, minerals and crude.
Planetary castes and nature: Those with a strong influence
of Jupiter in their Rasi charts go in for learning, teaching, training,
development and spiritual work the nature of Brahmins. Those
with a strong Sun and Mars go in for administrative organizational
professions, government assignments and security forces they
arc the fighters the nature of Kshatriyas. Those with a strong
Moon, Mercury' and Venus go in for trading business ventures
the nature of Vaishayas. Those witli weak planets and strong
influences of Saturn and Rahu go in for routine jobs the nature of
While afflicting, the mooltrikona sign lords of the eighth and
twelfth houses act as Rahu-like planets.
The balance sheet of past lives is in the form ofthe birth chart.
Purva punyas (good deeds of past lives) arc seen from the ninth
house. Karma of this life (deeds of this life) is seen through the
fifth and tenth houses. The strong planets represent good Karma
from past lives, while the weak planets and afflictions to planets
and houses represent the bad Karma brought forward. Afflictions
point to very bad Karma, whereas weaknesses represent milder bad
The items for propitiation suggested are based on the planetary
tastes mentioned in the Vedic literature and the bhoota yagyam -
one ofthe five great sacrifices. These have nothing to do with the
remedies suggested in other books.
Whi le w e have expressed our views based on our experiences,
the readers arc free to incorporate their own views and beliefs into
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 73

adopting the Systems’ Approach brought out by us for interpreting

Problems and mishaps arc represented by the weak and/or
afflicted planets.
When the natal Moon is afflicted by Rahu, Rahu-like
planets or is badly placed in the Rahu-like houses the person
becomes more sensitive to transit afflictions and especially to
unfavorable incidents.
The exact affl iction to a badly placed lord of the fourth, second,
ninth or third house (most bcnefic planet) reduces the strength of
other strong planets in the natal chart.
I’hc weakness of the lords of the eighth or fourth houses
curtails the financial resources or reduces the longevity of one’s
father. In the Pisces ascendant there is no MT sign in the ninth and
fourth houses. So, the eighth house becomes the pertinent
significator of longevity of father. We also consider the strength of
the Sun in the natal chart as it is a significator for father.
Affliction to the ascendant in a divisional chart by the eighth
lord of that divisional chart is as equally serious as the affliction to
the prime determinants placed in the eighth house of a divisional
In divisional charts besides the affliction of Rahu and Ketu.
the afflictions by the functional malefic planets of the divisional
charts should also be considered. However, in a divisional chart
the afflictions by the functional malefic planets of the natal chart
arc not considered. Bad placements are also considered in the
divisional charts.
The close influence of Rahu on the third lord makes the
individual adventurous.

Thccxact/closc aspect of Rahu on planets or the house MEPs

can make one greedy and docs not allow for him/her to feel
contented if Jupiter, too, is weak.
74 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Suppose there is an exact conjunct io n/aspect of planets in

the birth chart or there is an exact conjunction/aspect of a planet
with the most effective point of a house in the birth chart. When
this position of an exact conjunction or aspect develops a
prolonged malefic transit influence the person faces
simultaneous, multiple challenges in his/her life.
The placement of planets is an important factor in a horoscope
reading. The placement of a planet gives results connected with the
significations of the house ruled by the planet along with the
significations of the house of placement despite the planet's
weakness or its being away from the most effective point of the
house. If a functional malefic planet is on the most effective point
of a house it causes problems but the problems may be connected
with the significations ruled by the said planet, for example, if the
lord of the second is placed in the twelfth house, the person may
move to a distant place or a foreign land in connection with
professional status. If the second lord is placed in the tenth house
one may acquire status in life due to his/her professional
achievements. If the second lord is placed in the fifth house, one
may acquire professional qualifications and status through the same.
If the second lord is placed in the seventh house one may attain
status in a foreign land. If the second lord is placed in the fourth
house one may attain status by being bom into a resourceful family.
If the second lord is placed in the eighth house one may attain
status in life with some delay. If the second lord is placed in the
ninth house one may be lucky to attain status in life without much
effort due to the help of parents and preceptor. If the second lord is
placed in the eleventh house, one may acquire status in life because
of good earnings and friendship with highly placed persons. If the
second lord is placed in the second house, one may enjoy good
status in life due to an appointment with the State or because of the
family status. If the second lord is placed in the ascendant one may
enjoy authoritative status. The placement of the Sun and Mars in
the third house brings courage. The close influence of the fifth lord
on the tenth house brings the element of intellect. The placement
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 75

of the planets in the second house, which rules status, brings status
as per significations ruled by them. The good placement of the
eighth lord in the house of status brings easy gains with minor
effort. Planets in the first house influence the personality' traits.
Planets in the second house contribute to professional ventures.
Planets in the third house bring entrepreneurial ventures and
opportunities. Planets in the fourth house contribute to assets.
Planets in the fifth house contribute to learning. Planets in the sixth
house involve the person in debts, health problems and conflicts.
Planets placed in the seventh house give rise to living in foreign
lands, long journeys and associations. Planets placed in the eighth
house cause easy gains, obstructions and delays. Planets placed in
the ninth house involve the person in family or religious traditions
or spiritual pursuits. Planets placed in the tenth house involve one
in professions connected with the planet. Planets placed in the
eleventh house contribute to earnings through the significations
ruled by the concerned planets. Planets placed in the twelfth house
take one to distant places, foreign lands and can cause losses and
During the sub period of Mercury' one’s life works with
stresses and strains even when Mercury is strong and or well
placed in the natal chart. This is due to the volatile strength of
Mercury' in transit. When Mercury is weak in the natal chart
the results in its sub period do create stresses and strains. The
situation becomes further difficult when either the Sun or
Mercury' is a functional malefic planet.
Whenever the lord of the twelfth house is placed in the sixth
house or it afflicts some planet from the sixth house closely, there
are chances of problems with government which may result in arrest,
legal penalties, imprisonment, etc.

Eclipses, in general, do not make a strong or prolonged impact
for living persons until and unless some slow moving planet is
76 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

stationary or moving utterly slow or appearing retrograde near the

degree of a natal planet in the chart of an individual or a nation.
For those who take birth into a life at the time of eclipse, there
are always chances for strong close afflictions to the Sun and/or
Moon or any other planet in the natal chart. This can certainly cause
prolonged problems for anyone with these afflictions.

How to Draw a Horoscope

The preparation of a horoscope involves calculating the
ascendant, planetary longitudes, balance of the main period, as well
as drawing up the Rasi, Navamsa and other divisional charts.
Readers can find the methodology to cast a horoscope in our book,
"A Self Learning Course in Astrology". Those who have access to
the internet can buy Jyotish tools software from the website
www, Jyot ishtool s. com.
Vedic Astrology is an ancient universal knowledge on which
we offer our views as other authors/astrologers have done in the
past and are doing in the present.
Systems'Approach (SA) is an all-encompassing framework,
touching upon all aspects of predictive astrology - both natal and
Caution: Astrologers do not have a television set view into
people's lives and therefore cannot give a running commentary.
The best approach in readings is, in the shortest possible time,
indicate the strong and weak areas in a person's birth chart and
prescribe appropriate astral remedies. Astrologers acquire good
credentials and reputation through their competence over a period
of time.
Chapter 5. Predictive Techniques 77

Chapter 6

Fundamentals for Studying a


Before proceeding with a discussion on the integrated

analytical technique know n as Systems’Approach for interpreting
horoscopes, let us bring out the methodology for a quick overall
view of the horoscope.
As a golden principle to avoid disgrace to the science of
astrology and its astrologers, no attempt for prediction should be
made until and unless the horoscope has been cast properly, the
planetary strengths have been identified and the operating planetary
periods and sub-periods have been properly calculated.
The predictions made by astrologers well versed in (i)
identifying the right functional nature of the planets in a birth chart,
(ii) identifying the planetary strengths (iii) identifying the
relationships developed through close planetary conjunctions/
aspects, (iv) identifying the planetary triple transit influences (v)
predictive techniques brought out in previous chapters of this book
(vi) proper analysis of sub period results, and (vii) appropriate
astrological remedies advice that has a better chance of succeeding.

Prime Factors:
First of all, the position of the lord of the ascendant and the
ascendant house itself must be studied with accuracy as the whole
activity of the chart revolves around the ascendant. The lord of the
ascendant is applicable only to those ascendant houses which
contain a mooltrikona sign of a planet. In all cases we have to sec
78 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

the influences of the various planets on the first house either by

placement or conjunction aspect over its most effective point All
the results of the chart will be felt by the native concerned and in
cases where the ascendant is weak or longevity is less, the various
effects of the chart may be of little help for the native. Next the
strength of the Moon must be considered as only a sound mind can
provide the native with opportunities for a rise in life. If the Moon
is strong and has help from a favorable Mercury and Jupiter, tlic
native can then make best use of the opportunities available to him
her. I'he Moon is also the significator for mother and. if strong, it
can bless the native with motherly comforts for proper development
in life. Then the Sun should be studied including, the ninth or fourth
house, whichever one first contains a mooltrikona sign. These
factors are both related with father, who supports the native in the
early years of life until tlic child is competent to lead his her own
life. If the Sun. ninth and fourth houses are weak and afflicted, the
father may have a short life or may lack tlic power to support the
native. In fact, if all of these factors i.c. the ascendant. Moon, Sun,
ninth and fourth houses are strong in a nativity', the native will get
opportunities for advancements in life; he she has tlie capacity and
chance to learn and to make use of the knowledge. Where there is
no mooltrikona sign in tlic ninth and fourth houses, as happens
with the Libra and Pisces ascendants, then we examine tlic native's
father from the Sun and influences on the ninth and fourth houses.
Planetary influences in the horoscope are studied through natal
conjunctions, aspects and placements. The conjunctions and aspects
help us in identifying auspicious and inauspicious planetary
configurations. The placement ofa planet in a particular house links
the significations of its mooltrikona sign house with the
significations of its house of placement. A planet placed in a malefic
house indicates suffering regarding the significations ruled by the
said planet in a nativity chart.
The integrated analytical technique focuses on a stepw ise
Chapter 6. Fundamentals for Studying a Horoscope 79

Step I
Double check the correctness of the birth data. If any doubt
persists, a rectification should be done before anything else.

Step II
After the horoscope has been cast properly, identify the
functional nature of the planets from the ascendant, the most
effective point, the most malefic planet and the most benefic planet.
Underline the functional malefic planets.

Step III
Kind out the strength of the planets, check to sec if any planet
is weak for several reasons, identify natal auspicious and
inauspicious close conjunctions aspects and encircle planets MEPs
closely afflicted, identify natal placements and have a
comprehension of the weak and strong areas of the chart.

Step IV
Find out the current operating planetary periods (the main
and sub-period) for the date in question. Identify the house where
the mooltrikona sign of the sub-period lord is placed and the natal/
transit houses occupied by the sub-period lord. In this approach we
will primarily consider the sub-period lord.

Step V
For the triple transits on the date in question, find out the
natal and transit strengths of the sub-period lord and determine the
planetary triple transit triggering (TTT) influence i.e. from Transit
to Natal. Transit to Transit, and Natal to Transit (not forgetting the
special aspects of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu). Also
identify forthcoming prolonged planetary ITT auspicious and
inauspicious close influences.
80 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Step VI
Assess longevity: lfa mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant,
pay special attention to the longevity by seeing the strength of the
planets and the functional nature of the operating planets i.e. the
main and sub-period lords. If most of the planets are weak and
there are afflictions to the ascendant or to the ascendant lord with
an operating period of functional malefic planets, then this situation
may give a short life. Similarly positioned planets with an operating
period of functional benefic planets give a middle span of life. Weak
planets keep the significations to a lower level of fruition, if
unafflicted. Severely afflicted planets cause tragedies or fatal
diseases. The operating periods cither reduce or increase the impact.
Pay special attention to the transit strength of operating planets.

fora detailed study regarding longevity, the readers may refer

to Chapter 17 in our book, “Systems’ Approach for Interpreting

Step VII
Using a combination of the sub periods and transits, the SA
Astrologer can see current and future trends. Make your predictions
for the different planetary periods.

Prescribe the astral remedies. The remedial measures arc
explained in Chapter 11 of our book, “Self Learning Course in
Note: for various aspects of life, the readers can use the
“Significator Planets and Houses for Various Aspects of Life" in
the last chapter of this book. This list will assist you in identifying
the primary and secondary significators for various aspects of life.
A general assessment of the chart will indicate the
significations of the houses planets which will prominently surface
in life depending upon the strength of the planets. The specific
Chapter 6. Fundamentals for Studying a Horoscope 81

trend results will be indicated at any particular time by the operating

sub-period lord depending upon its functional nature, as well as its
natal and transit strengths. For analyzing any particular
significations, the strength of the house, the lord of the house and
the significator of the house is considered. If the ascendant has a
inooltrikona sign and its lord is weak, the other weak planets in the
chart will indicate that die physical parts of the body ruled by such
weak planets can suffer.
fhe house-wise analysis of die twelve houses of die horoscope
has been taken up by the authors in their book, “Systems’ Approach
for Interpreting Horoscopes". The term, “the lord of die house"
during the course of discussions on case studies always refers to
die house where die inooltrikona sign of the said planet is placed
i.c. its inooltrikona sign house.
82 Impact of Rahu & Kotu (Basod on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chapter 7

Impact of Mysterious Rahu

There are many beliefs about the impact of Rahu and there
are different schools of thought about the same. Some authors opine
that Rahu acts as Saturn while others arc of the opinion that Rahu
acts as its dispositor. Some say that it gives good results when it is
placed in an angular house. One cannot easily come out of the
mystery', easily.
We can approach the multi-dimensional effects of Rahu in a
systematic manner to clearly delineate its results.

Benefic Results during Rahu's Sub-Periods

Rahu gives good results only if (i) it is placed in a good house
other than the malefic houses (sixth, eighth and twelfth houses);
(ii) it is not closely conjunct with any planet or the most effective
point of the house or closely aspecting any other planet: and (iii)
its dispositor is strong. As you know, in Systems' Approach the
degree rising in the ascendant is taken as the degree indicating the
most effective point of each house. Rahu’s location w ithin 5 degrees
of the ascending degree in any of the houses is taken as a close
conjunction with the most effective point and it afflicts the house
occupied and aspected by Rahu.
A well placed Rahu without causing any close afflictions, and
with a strong dispositor brings good results for materialistic pursuits
in its sub periods. When placed in the ascendant it activates the
person and makes him dynamic for earning more and more without
bothering about the ethical codes of society. In the second house it
Chapter 7 Impact of Mysterious Rahu 83

makes the native a politician trying to acquire status in whatever

field one is placed in. In the third house it increases initiative and
courage, and indicates materialistic prosperity to the person and
younger brothers. In the fourth house it impels one to acquire new
assets, vehicles and even to use unfair means for advancements in
educational and professional matters. In the fifth house it indicates
short-lived gains from speculations and intuitive faculty. In the
seventh house, it brings celebration of marriage, happiness in
marriage, relations out of marital bond and visiting foreign places.
In the ninth house it gives involvement in religious functions and
thoughts for moksha without the matching sincere efforts. In the
tenth house, it makes one a manipulator, a good public relations
man. go-getter and an achiever of goals through the use of vices. In
the eleventh house it gives unearned gains through corrupt/
manipulative tendencies. The close conjunction'aspect of Rahu to
a functionally bcnefic and strong planet highly activates the
significations of the planet, in question, and gives rise to short­
lived phenomenal results.

Affliction of Planets
When Rahu forms a close conjunction'aspect with the weak
natal planets, it causes afflictions and severely damages the
significations of these planets. The harm is less when the afflicted
planets arc strong and more when they arc weak. When the planets
arc weak, badly placed and closely afflicted by Rahu, it is indicative
of tragic happenings. When the affliction caused by a conjunction/
aspect of Rahu is within an orb of one degree the problems surface
in the first sub period of Rahu or in the sub period of the planet
afflicted by Rahu. When this affliction is within five degrees on
either side, the effect is felt at a young age during the sub period of
the afflicted planet or of Rahu. When the conjunction is wide, the
impact is felt only in old age. When Rahu closely afflicts the Sun.
it indicates problems for father, son, husband, professional matters,
heart, blood pressure and character besides involving the native in
84 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

problems with the law. The close affliction of Rahu to Venus

indicates problems for wife, marital relations, kidneys, partnerships
and educational pursuits. The close affliction of Rahu to the Moon
is indicative of a sick and troubled mind, malfunctioning of the
heart, lungs disorders, problems for mother, wife and property
disputes. One has to go to far off places and suffer from home­
sickness. The close affliction of Rahu to Mars causes ill health,
inflames one’s dynamism and courage, brings diseases of impurity
of the blood and trouble to younger brothers. The close affliction
of Rahu to Mercury causes skin diseases, nervousness problems,
paralysis, lunacy, intestinal malfunctioning, constipation and
confusion. The close affliction of Rahu to Jupiter gives
malfunctioning of the pancreas and liver, reduces hearing pow er,
makes one selfish and immoral, gives problems regarding sons,
husband and father and gives a bad reputation. The close affliction
of Rahu to Saturn is indicative of labor problems, a bad reputation,
rheumatism, spondylolysis and breathing problems. The physical
ailments are more pronounced if the lord of the ascendant is weak,
badly placed and afflicted.

Results of Rahu When Unafflicting in Malefic

When Rahu is placed in the sixth house, during its sub periods,
it indicates undiagnosed diseases, intestinal problems, losses through
theft and fire, problems in job profession and inharmonious relations
with other family members. When placed in the eighth house, during
its sub periods, it causes deaths in the family, losses, disintegration
of families and obstructions in all aspects of life. When placed in
the twelfth house, during its sub periods, it is indicative of
involvement in vices, threat of imprisonment, loss of assets and
domestic peace, illnesses and accidents. The lords of the eighth
and twelfth houses also act like Rahu. Rahu signifies undiagnosed
healtli problems, auto-immune disorders, severe infections, allergies
and involves the person in highly risky ventures.
Chapter 7. Impact of Mysterious Rahu 85

Afflicting Rahu at the Most Effective Point of

various Houses
When Rahu afflicts closely th e most effective point of a house
which contains a mooltrikona sign and the dispositor is weak, the
impact in various houses is likely as follows:
First House: Physical retardation and acute health problems,
problems in marital life, problems to male children and father.
Second House: Disintegration of family, divorce, loss of
status, w'calth and reputation, intestinal problems and challenges
with job.
Third House: Sinful deeds, liar, disturbed marital life, retarded
physical growth, problems for father and earnings tlirough foul
Fourth House: Destroys domestic peace and professional
growth, trouble to mother, mental pain to the person, causes
accidents and inauspicious happenings, wasteful expenses and
Fifth House: Loss of semen, lack of progeny, health problems
for father, elder brother and self: earnings through undesirable
Sixth House: Chronic illnesses, stomach ulcer, acidity, losses
tlirough thefts and fire, threat of imprisonment, disputes and
disturbed family life.
Seventh House: Out of marital bond relationships, ill health
to self and spouse, venereal diseases, skin diseases, problems for
brothers and resorting to corrupt practices and gambling.
Eighth House: Accidents, involvement in scandals, family
disputes, separations, piles, eye troubles and loss of domestic peace.
Ninth House: Problems forsclf, father, children and younger
brothers. It makes one immoral. One resorts to vices and gambling.
86 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Tenth House: Causes termination of job due to the use of

corrupt practices, trouble to mother, mental pain to the person,
severely damages assets, problems of blood pressure and makes
the native a liar.
Eleventh House: Income through corrupt practices, spoils the
health of spouse and troubled marital relations. Native uses unfair
means and operates in a deceptive way.
Twelfth House: Can cause one to become an addict and
gambler, threats of imprisonment, losses and expenses, problem of
hypertension, troubled domestic peace.

Transit Influence of Rahu

The transit influence of Rahu is more or less indicative of
troubles and tensions. Transit relationship through a close aspect
conjunction with a weak planet, is felt when the longitudinal
difference is five degrees and with die situation becoming grave at
die time of exact aspect conjunction.
The tension trouble starts w hen die relationship is formed and
ends when it separates from the close conjunction aspect. In the
case of strong and well placed natal/transit planets, die longitudinal
distance of conjunction aspect is of only one degree. The impact is
felt with respect to the following:
1. The significations of the house where mooltrikona sign of
the troubled planet is placed.
2. The general significations of the afflicted planet(s).
3. The general significations of flic house where the afflicted
planet is placed.
4. The general significations of die house of the conjunction
and the houses aspectcd if the conjunction is within the orb of
the most effective point of a house.
Chapter 7. Impact of Mysterious Rahu 87

The impact is greater when transit or natal Rahu is causing an

affliction through a close conjunction aspect while placed in malefic
houses, and when the planets houses involved are weak both in the
natal and transit charts. Accordingly with the triple transit triggering
influence, not only can transit Rahu afflict the most effective point
of the house, the natal planets and any of the remaining transit
planets, but also natal Rahu can afflict any of the transit planets,
especially the slowoncs. The close involvement of Rahu with Venus
gives an urge for carnal pleasures in the early stages of life and
enjoyments through smoking and drinking, intoxication through
other means, etc. The close involvement of Rahu with the most
effective points of the seventh, third, fifth and eighth houses takes
one to prc-marital carnal pleasures and love affairs only for physical
gratification of the senses. The close affliction of Rahu to both
Mercury and a weak Moon in the eighth or twelfth houses makes
one vulnerable to drug addictions. We arc sure the readers will
derive benefits from this discussion regarding delineating the
postures of Rahu in a particular nativity more clearly.
88 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chapter 8

Results in the Sub periods of Rahu

Let us first understand how to arrive at the sub period results

in general. Then we will take up the sub period results of Rahu.
The results in the main period of a planet are not similar. They
change with the change of the sub period. They are dependent upon:
1. Their placement in the horoscope.
2. Their strength in the horoscope.
3. Their relationship with the most effective point of the house.
4. Their relationship with other planets in the birth chart.
5. The impact of transits during the sub period.
The placement of the planet links the significations of its
mooltrikona sign house with the house of its placement. For
example, if Jupiter, as lord of the third house, is placed in the tenth
house, then the significations of the third and tenth houses would
be linked. The third house rules leadership, communication,
courage, entrepreneurship, presentation ability, marketing,
managing ability, etc. The placement of the third house lord in the
tenth house links these significations with the tenth house which
rules professional matters; be it business, career or teaching.
Depending upon the strength of the lord of the third house, tlie
individual will attain the results in his her professional matters. If
the planet is strong, the person will attain good results in his
professional career. If the planet is weak, one may not be able to
attain good and timely results. If this planet is afflicted, then the
Chapter 8 Results in the Sub periods of Rahu 89

individual may find setbacks during his her business and

professional ventures. The general significations of the planet will
also matter in its results. We must also sec what the transit strength
of the planet is. If the planet is strong in transit, as well, it will
bestow good results. The transit planets face many challenges, such
as transit afflictions, bad placements, infancy, old age, debilitation,
weak dispositor, etc. Transit challenges or weakness can be for a
few days, few months or even for three years. If the planet is weak
during the transit, then despite its strength in the natal chart, it will
not be able to bestow good results.
I'he individual will face challenges relating to the factors which
are making the planets weak, lire fast moving planets may be turning
weak for short durations while slow moving planets may remain
weak for long durations. For example, let us take a case of the
Gemini ascendant. Saturn is strong in the birtli chart. But when the
person runs the sub period of Saturn, with transit Saturn is placed
in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses. This transit Saturn is likely to
stay in that situation for more than two years. So. the strong natal
Saturn would not be in a position to bestow good results. If transit
Saturn is placed in the sixth house, the native will face challenges
relating to health concerns, relationship concerns, conflicts,
cheating, losses through theft, fire and litigation, etc. Iftransit Saturn
is placed in the eighth house, the native will face challenges relating
to stagnation in job. persistent obstructions, life threatening
experiences, etc. If transit Saturn is placed in tire twelfth house, the
native will face challenges relating to losses, expenses and foreign
stays, etc.
The stationary or very slow movements of Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter
and Saturn give prolonged transit impacts. The impact of Jupiter
and Saturn can be favorable or unfavorable depending upon their
functional nature. The impact of Rahu and Ketu during cxact/closc
conjunctions or cxact/closc aspects mainly remains challenging.
Sometimes, tire exact'close aspect of Rahu to a planet placed in
fifth or nintli houses gives short-lived materialist gains.
90 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Rahn and Ketu give a prolonged impact of about three months,

twice in a year, after a movement of9 degrees. This is a challenging
time for those, whose natal ascending degree or any other planet is
at the prolonged impact degree of Railu. Ketu and come under the
exact influence of Rahu Ketu. For example, suppose that Rahu is
stationary at 16 degrees in Virgo. It will bring challenges for those
who have their ascending most effective point between 15 to 17
degrees, or have any natal planet in the even signs at around 16
degrees. If the impact of Rahu or Ketu is from a malefic house, the
situation becomes more difficult as this placement also adds in the
significations ofthe malefic house. If the prolonged impact of Rahu
or Ketu is from the sixth house to a planet placed in the tenth house,
then the person may face disputes in his/her professional matters
or a businessman may need to take loans for his her business
ventures besides facing the disputes.
the transit impacts arc independent a
nd they supersede the sub period results while the sub period
results are always dependent upon its ruling planet's natal strength and
its transit strength.
If the planet is near the most effective point ofthe house and
is strong both in natal and transit charts, then the results will be
more pronounced and the person can attain excellent results
during the sub periods ofthe planet concerned.
Now, in the light ofthe above, we will discuss the results of
Rahu during its sub periods. Rahu docs not own a house.
The strength of Rahu's house of placement depends upon its
lord in case of mooltrikona sign houses. The strength of no
n-mooltrikona sign houses that Rahu is placed in is dependent
upon the close influences of other planets on this house.
When Rahu is placed in bcncfic houses and it closely
influences the house of its placement or any planet, otherwise
fairly strong, then during its sub periods it makes the person e
nterprising, highly motivated, risk oriented, courageous and ma
nipulative. He is shrewd in deception, mentally quick and resourc
eful, flic person
Chapter 8. Results in the Sub periods of Rahu 91

ignores all bonds of ethics, social norms and legal frame work for
achieving liishcr own dynamic goals. This is especially so, if Jupiter
in the birth chart is weak. If die impact of Rahu is exact or very
close and the planet or house under its influence is weak, then it
makes the person vulnerable to severe health concerns, sudden loss
of position and cheating if die lord of the sixtii house is weak.
When Rahu is placed in the weak fifth or third house of die
birth chart, during its sub periods it makes the person vulnerable to
multiple challenges, especially when it is close to die most effective
point of the house or close to some other planet placed therein. It
makes the person vulnerable to excessively fun friendships, fears
from evil persons, gambling tendencies, speculations, risky ventures
and losses in speculative trading.
When Rahu is placed in the sixth house of the birth chart,
during its sub periods it makes die person vulnerable to multiple
challenges at various stages of life, especially when it is close to
die most effective point of the house or close to some odier planet
in die birdi chart. The exact affliction to other planets makes die
person vulnerable to critical illnesses. The close influence of Rahu
and K.ctu on weak planets houses from die sixth house can cause
growdi of lumps in the body, cysts, skin problems, congenital
defects, instability in the thought process, anxiety, loss of reputation,
sudden losses, challenges in relationship matters, selfishness,
encroaching tendencies, cheating inclinations, etc.
When Rahu is placed in die eighth house of the birdi chart or
afflicts any planet from the eighth house, dien during its sub periods
it makes die person vulnerable to multiple challenges at various
stages of life, especially when it is close to the most effective point
of die house or close to some other planet in the birth chart. It
creates problems in die family, relationships and can cause loss of
assets. It can give vices to the person and make him her habitual to
92 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

When Rahu is placed in the weak twelfth house of the birth

chart, during its sub periods it makes the person vulnerable to
expenses, hospitalization and losses. When it is close to the most
effective point of the house or close to some other planet by
conjunction or aspect, then it can make the person vulnerable to
out of marital bond relationships, sexually transmitted diseases,
addictions, etc.
The above results arc applicable to the sub periods of Ketu
when the houses or planets are under the close or exact afflictions
of Rahu and Ketu both. When Ketu causes an affliction to the planets
or houses by its fi fill or ninth aspects, it produces sudden and painful
sufferings to the person. The problems may be related to health
concerns, losses and separation of relations. The matter will be
further elaborated in the case studies discussed in this book.
Chapter 8 Results in the Sub periods of Rahu 93

Chapter 9

Impact of Ketu

As you know, under the Systems’ Approach for interpreting

horoscopes Ketu is a functional malefic planet. It is more so when
Ketu is placed in a malefic house; then Ketu takes on the negative
characteristics of that house whether it is close to the most effective
point or not. When it is close to the most effective point then it
causes serious damage as it afflicts the houses occupied and
aspcctcd. When a planet is close to the most effective point of the
house, its impact is long-lived while the impact is short-lived if the
long-lived planet is not close to the most effective point of the house.
Without considering the impact of Ketu on other planets, the
impact of Ketu in various houses will be discussed in the succeeding

When Ketu is close to the Most Effective Point

of Various Houses
Ketu causes its impact in various houses in the early years of
life if the close affliction is more than 50% and the lord of the
house under its influence is weak.
First House: It causes health problems consisting of fevers,
ulcers, multiple boils, stomach disorders, injuries and spoils
relationships. It causes setbacks in life in its sub periods.
Second house: It causes serious concerns with one's learning,
professional and business ventures, relationships, loss of wealth,
superfluous expenses, serious accidents, loss of status and
94 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

reputation, long spells of unemployment, intestinal problems and

surgery, losses through disputes, thefts and fire in its sub periods.
Third house: It involves die person in wasteful ventures and
causes losses, sufferings to younger siblings, makes die person an
introvert, troubles father, spoils marital relationship and causes loss
of income or no income in its sub periods.
Fourth house: Can cause early deadi of mother, problems in
school education, loss of mental and domestic peace, delays
marriage, delays professional settlement, problems in professional/
business matters, causes worries and loss of sleep, heavy expenses
dicreby causing loss of assets and financial losses for parents in its
sub periods.
Fifth house: It causes setbacks for children, abortions, mental
disorders, depression, losses through speculation, setbacks in
general, loss of income or no income and causes serious health
problems in its sub periods.
Sixth house: It causes serious health problems relating to
kidney and intestines; causes losses through theft, cheating and
fire, causes disputes relating to one’s professional business ventures,
causes problems with the law, financial losses and heavy expenses
on health in its sub periods.
Seventh house: It causes marital relationship problems, ill
health to spouse, loss of income, non-fulfillment of desires, problems
to elder siblings and friends and causes financial losses through
wasteful ventures. It makes the person an introvert, and vulnerable
to addictions and sexually transmitted diseases in its sub periods.
Eighth house: It causes financial losses to father, serious
accidents to the native, obstructions in all aspects of life, loss of
reputation and status, inharmonious marital relationship and divorce/
separation, loss of sleep, problems to parents, problems in property
matters, mental worries and anxiety and spoils mental and domestic
peace in its sub periods.
Chapter 9. Impact of Ketu 95

Ninth house: It may cause serious setbacks to father and

fortune, takes one to religion and spirituality, causes injuries to the
body of the person, causes losses in various ventures in life,
sufferings to younger siblings and emotional problems on account
of delay in gaining a marital relationship, causes abortions to female
natives and sufferings on account of speculative investments in its
sub periods.
Tenth house: It causes serious setbacks in professional matters,
property matters, marital relationships, trouble to mother, mental
pain to the person, loss of status and wealth, loss of reputation and
causes surgical operations. It also causes financial instability, debts,
disputes and losses through theft, fire and cheating in its sub periods.
Eleventh house: It causes obstructions in the sources of
income, problems for elder siblings, friends, one's own enterprises,
loss of courage, business setbacks, progeny problems, health
concerns, losses through gambling and speculation in high risk
investments in its sub periods.
Twelfth house: It causes loss of mental peace, loss of sleep,
heavy expenses, lack of relationships, causes troubles for parents,
problems in property matter, loss of health, spoils marital
relationship, financial losses for father and causes obstructions in
its sub periods.

When Ketu is not close to the Most Effective

Point of the House
Ketu, when more than five degrees away from the most
effective point of the house, causes impacts in various houses if the
lord of the house under its influence is weak. Ketu’s impact in this
situation is as follows:
First House: It causes health problems consisting of fevers,
ulcers, multiple boils, stomach disorders and injuries in its sub
96 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Second house: It causes concerns with one's professional and

business ventures, relationships, loss of wealth, loss of status and
reputation in its sub periods.
Third house: It involves the person in wasteful ventures and
causes losses, sufferings to younger siblings and makes the person
an introvert in its sub periods.

Fourth house: It causes problems for mother, mental pain,

problems in school education, loss of mental and domestic peace,
delays marriage, causes loss of assets and financial losses to parents
in its sub periods.
Fifth house: It causes loss of progeny, abortions, mental
disorders, depression and losses through speculation in its sub
Sixth house: It causes health problems relating to the kidneys
and intestines; causes losses through tlieft, cheating and fire, disputes
relating to one's professional business ventures and causes problems
with the lawr in its sub periods.
Seventh house: It causes marital relationship problems, ill
healtli to spouse and financial losses through wasteful ventures. It
makes the person vulnerable to addictions and sexually transmitted
diseases in its sub periods.
Eighth house: It causes financial losses for father, accidents
to die native, obstructions in various aspects of life, inharmonious
marital relationship, mental worries, anxiety, and spoils mental and
domestic peace in its sub periods.
Ninth house: It causes setbacks regarding fatherand fortune,
takes one to religion and spirituality' and makes him her change
spiritual advisors in life in its sub periods.
Tenth house: It causes setbacks in professional matters, loss
of status and wealth, trouble to mother, mental pain to die person,
and financial instability in its sub periods.
Chapter 9. Impact of Ketu 97

Eleventh house: It causes obstructions in the sources of

income, problems for elder siblings, friends and one’s own
enterprises in its sub periods.
Twelfth house: It causes loss of mental peace, loss of sleep,
heavy expenses and a lack of romantic relationships, and spoils
marital relationship during its sub periods.
The intensity may be quite less if Ketu's dispositor is strong
in the natal chart.
98 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chapter 10

How to Analyze the Main Period

(Dasa) of Ketu

The origin of astrological knowledge can be traced back to

the times of the creation of humanity. This knowledge was
developed and used to answer uncertainties, the future and the way
human beings could come out of difficult situations in life. This
ancient knowledge was also used by wise people to not only chart
the course of the lives of individuals and nations but to harness th c
potentials of individuals and nations under the patronage of the
kings and royal people of the time. It is a pity that the ancient
scientific knowledge has been brushed aside by the so-called modem
scientists as a mere superstition. We often come across people, who
having seen frequent changes in their lives, encounter misfortunes
and rarely find stability. The authors have taken up a project for
studying and analyzing the common astrological factors in this
regard. /Xftcr conducting an empirical study of horoscopes having
such a history, die authors came to the conclusion diat mostly
children born in the ending parts of the constellations of Mercury,
Venus and Ketu fall under this category. The main reason is that in
all such cases the children have to undergo several main periods of
a number of planets having different temperaments c.g. Mcrcury-
Ketu-Vcnus-Sun-Moon-Mars-Rahu etc. The only long spell of a
main period is diat of Venus and only in cases where Venus is
strongly placed in the chart, docs die child get a basis for stability
in life. Apart from the operation of die main period, die factors
responsible for giving a good start in life for accomplishments are
a strong lord of die ascendant or an unafflicted ascendant, the Sun,
Chapter 10: How to Analyze the Main Period (Dasa) ofKetu 99

Moon and the lords of the fourth and ninth houses. On the other
hand if Venus is also weak along with the weak ninth house, the
whole life of the native remains troublesome. The best charts arc
those where functional malefic planets including Rahu and Kctu
do not form cxact/closc conjunctions or aspects with functional
bencfic planets and the most effective points of the houses.
The main period of Kctu plays a vital role in creating trouble,
which gives a start to a series of troubles because of the fast changing
sub-periods. ‘Saravarth Chintamani’ attributes the following results
to the main period of Kctu:
“The native loses his wife and son: suffers on account of
misunderstanding with the king: suffers loss of education, relatives,
wealth and friends; dangers from disease, fire and friends; fall from
a conveyance; dangers from poison, weapons and going to distant
places. The native likes to pick up quarrels and finds trouble with
the physical health. When Ketu occupies and influences an angular
house, actions do not give results, one loses ruling powers, son and
wife and encounters other dangers. During its main period Ketu
gives dangers, fevers, loose motions, loss of semen, boils and
cholera, if it occupies the ascendant."
He attributed good results to Kctu only when it is under the
aspect of bencfic planets. This is possible when the functional
bencfic planet aspecting Kctu is strong and the aspect of range is
between two to five degrees. However, if the planet is weak then
Kctu will afflict the functional bencfic planet.
Saint Tulsidas wrote in Ramcharitamanas that the main period
of Kctu is always troublesome. In fact while writing in the context
of the conduct of evil people, he stated that the birth of evil people
is always for banning the lives of others as is the rise of the planet
Ketu meaning therefore that the main period of Kctu is always
troublesome. In our experience, we have noticed that whenever
Ketu is under a bencfic influence, it gives spiritual advancement
and not material advancement. Having examined the results of the
100 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Ketu main period in childhood, we can safely infer that the Ketu
main period in childhood mostly produces malefic results as it
hampers material advancement through stressing or severely
damaging the sources for material advancement of the child (for
example, a source would be his/her parents). The best way to
propitiate Ketu in its main period is to feed street dogs, if possible.
In the absence of the feasibility to feed street dogs, one can recite
the mantra ’Oni Sri Gancshaye Namah’.Thc recitation of this mantra
can be done in the morning after bath and before breakfast. A
minimum of 1 OX recitations daily during the sub-period of Ketu
might be helpful in reducing the evils to some extent. The
propitiation of Ketu becomes necessary in view of the fact that
Ketu severely damages the significations of the houses occupied
or aspccted by it if Ketu is close to the most effective point of the
house. Ketu can also severely damage the significations of the planet
that it is closely conjunct with.
If the Sun and the most effective point of the ninth house arc
closely afflicted by Ketu. the native loses his father early in life or
it causes severe troubles for the father which in turn affects the
comfortable growth of the native.
If tlic Moon and the most effective point of the fourth house
are weak and are under the close affliction of Ketu. the native is
likely to be denied the care of parents, especially that of the mother.
Multiple weaknesses of the planets, along with at the same time
being closely afflicted by the functional malefic planets, is the worst
In contrast with Ketu is the situation where a native completes
the major period of Raliu by the age of 12 to 14 years of age and
has a strongly placed functional benefic Jupiter; he/she enjoys the
fruits of life in due time and gets settled well. If the other planets
arc also suitably placed then this situation gives an extraordinary
lift to the native.
Let us now examine some birth charts of people bom in the
ending parts of the main periods of Ketu. Mercury and Venus.
Chapter 10: How to Analyze the Main Ponod (Dasa) of Ketu 101

Chart 1
Birth: Male horn March 5,1947, at 3:13 AM 77E04 28N37
l ime Zone 5.30 hours.

Rai 3:26

S u2O:2l
McR2S.0< Mo20:35


Asl7:15 JuO4:IS
Ke 13:26

The sign Sagittarius rises in tire ascendant and the Moon, Rahu
and Ketu become functional malefic planets. The native was born
with a remaining balance of the main period of Mercury of
approximately twelve years. The longitude of the Moon falls in die
nakshatra of Mercury which gives the operating main period of
Mercury at die time of the birdi. Mercury primarily rules die tenth
house and is weak due to combustion, old age, a weak dispositor
and Rahu afflicts its moolatrikona sign house. The early part of life
for the native was full of health problems, which hampered his
The following period of Ketu saw the dcadi of die mother of
die native. The Moon is placed in its own moolatrikona sign in die
eighdi house, but Ketu afflicts the house of its placement. Ketu
afflicts the fourth house by way of a close aspect from die twelfth
house. The lord of the ascendant is posited in the twelfth house.
During die main period of Ketu, the native had frequent fevers,
sluggish liver problems, bronchitis and unsound health. This resulted
in setbacks with his studies. The close affliction of the most malefic
planet, the Moon, on die most effective point of the second house
102 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

also caused obstructions in hLs education and denied the native

happiness of a male child.
In the Sapthamsa chart, the sign Aries rises in the ascendant.
Its lord. Mars, is badly placed. Jupiter and the Sun (both general
significators for male progeny) in the Sapthamsa chart arc under
the aspect of Rahu. The aspects in divisional charts arc treated as
effective. The lord of the fifth house of the Rasi D-l chart. Mars, is
also weak. The weakness of Mars and Jupiter and the close affliction
to the most effective point of the second house in the birth chart
could not bless the native with male progeny. Rather, he had four
female children, two of whom expired shortly after birth: one was
a still birth and one a premature dead delivery.
Chart 2
Birth: August 11,1971

l'hc sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Jupiter, Saturn. Rahu

and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The operating main
period at birth was that of Mercury. Mercury, well-placed in the
second house, is not suffering from combustion or affliction from
the functional malefic planets. Mercury is weak due to the weakness
of its dispositor and to a close affliction on its mooltrikona sign
house. Therefore, the balance of the remaining Mercury period did
Chapter 10: How to Analyze the Mam Period (Dasa) ofKetu 103

not prove to be significantly unfavorable for the native as the sub

period of Mercury had already passed at birth.
The Rahu-Kctu axis is close to the most effective points of
the houses occupied and afflicts the houses occupied and aspectcd.
Ketu also closely afflicts the Sun and combust Venus by way of
close conjunction. Venus rules the fourth house, the house of parents.
The most effective point of the ninth house is also closely afflicted
by Ketu. During the main period ofKetu and sub-period of the
Sun. the native lost his father at a very young age. The death of the
father caused numerous miseries for the mother of the native. In
this case apart from Kctu’s affliction to the Sun and Venus, Ketu
closely afflicts the Moon placed in the ninth house.
Kctu’s close conjunction with the most effective point of the
ascendant and its exact aspect to its lord, the Moon, has caused
serious health problems to the native and troublesome conditions
in life.
Chart 3
Male born August 14, 1949, 5:18 PM, 76E40 31N18 Time
Zone 5.30 hours.

The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. The Moon. Rahu

and Ketu become functional malefic planets. The operating main
104 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

period at birth was that of Ketu. The native has had acute health
problems throughout his life. He has been a diabetic from a very
young age. He has suffered from loss of comforts in life. His father
lost his status in life after his birth. His education was just average.
He could not get a good job although his father had been a senior
military' officer.
The lord ofthc ascendant, Jupiter, is debilitated and is in the
state of infancy. Ketu is closely conjunct with the most effective
point of the tenth house and afflicts the tenth house and the houses
aspected; including the house Jupiter resides in. The period
following that of Ketu was Venus, which is weak due to its being in
extreme old age along with its dispositor, the Sun, being weak, flic
Sun’s weakness is due to old age. bad placement, a close aspect/
affliction by Rahu and its dispositor. the Moon is also weak. The
most malefic planet, the Moon, is in infancy and becomes weak.
Jupiter is lord ofthc Navamsa chart ascendant and is debilitated
in the Navamsa chart, as well. The main periods of Ketu afflicting
various houses in this birth chart and weak Venus gave the problems
mentioned above. Venus could not help the native for acquiring a
good education in its period due to its weakness in the birth chart.
Chart 4
Birth: Male born September 18, 1951, 9:16 AM 77E13

JuR17:55 Mo04:0X

Rai 6:37 Ma26:20

Mel 3:30
Ke 16:37

Sa 10.54
Chapter 10: How to Analyze the Main Period (Dasa) ofKetu 105

The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun. Moon,
Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn become favorable planets. Rahu.
Ketu and Mercury become functional malefic planets.
The native of this chart had the operating period of Ketu at
the time of birth as the longitude of the Moon falls in the nakshatra
of Ketu. Venus, who is the lord of the ascendant and the next main
period lord, occupies the eleventh house. Venus becomes weak as
it is closely afflicted by the functional malefic planet, Mercury,
and it is placed in an afflicted house. Mercury in turn is also closely
conjunct with Ketu.
All the functional bcncfic planets arc weak. Sun and Saturn
are badly placed. The Sun is in infancy, too. Saturn is combust.
Jupiter is badly placed. Mars is in old age, debilitated and its
dispositor. the Moon, is in infancy. The Moon's dispositor. Mars,
is weak which in turn causes weakness for the Moon. In the Navamsa
chart, Venus is in the sixth house and in the Shashthamsa chart it is
in the twelfth house. In the Shashthamsa chart die planets. Sun and
Jupiter occupy their signs of debilitation. In view of these
combinations, the weak position of the significator of vitality in
the Shashthamsa (D-Vl) chart and die operation of die main periods
of Ketu. Venus and die Sun in life consecutively, die native’s health
base had been quite weak. Whenever the lord ofthe Rasi ascendant
is weak and afflicted, the person becomes vulnerable to health
concerns and may suffer from chronic diseases. Rahu and Kctu’s
close conjunction or aspect with weak planet(s) makes one
vulnerable to a cancerous disease. The native suffered from a
prolonged illness before his deadi at die age of 35 years.
The weakness of die lord of die tendi house did not allow him
to settle in his work and the sub-period of Mars in the main period
ofthe lord of die tendi house took him to a foreign land where he
could not cam anything because of continued ill health.
106 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: /Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chart 5
Birth: Female born December 26, 1971, 00:35 hours.

1'hc sign Virgo rises in the ascendant. Saturn. Mars, Sun. Rahu
and Ketu arc the functional malefic planets. The native lost her
father at the age of 13 years in the main period of Mercury ruling
since birth. Mercury is die lord of die ascendant. In this case Jupiter
becomes weak due to old age, placement in an afflicted house and
an affliction to its mooltrikona sign house. The Sun, the lord of the
twelfth house, closely afflicts the most effective point of the fourth
house, ruling parents. The Sun becomes weak due to placement in
an afflicted house. Rahu closely afflicts Venus and the most effective
point of the ninth house. The Rahu-Ketu axis is in exact conjunction
with the most effective points of the houses occupied and afflicts
die houses occupied and aspectcd.
During die sub-period ofSaturn placed in die ninth house, the
native lost her father, flic following main period of Ketu proved
lull of struggles. The onset of die period of Venus, being lord of die
second house which has an affliction from Rahu, created hurdles in
her marital affairs.
Chapter 10: How to Analyze the Main Period (Dasa) of Ketu 107

Chart 6
Birth: Male born November 11, 1980, 1930 hours.

I'hc sign Taurus rises in the ascendant. Venus, Jupiter, Mars,

Rahu and Ketu arc the functional malefic planets. The lord of the
twelfth house. Mars, closely afflicts the most effective points of
the seventh, tenth, first and second houses. The operating main
period at the time of birth was of Ketu. The lord of the sixth house,
Venus, is in its sign of debilitation and is under an exact affliction
from Ketu. Venus had its main period after the main period of Ketu.
The lord of the fourth house, the Sun which is a significator for
father, is also debilitated and occupying the sixth house. Mercury
ruling die fifth house is placed in die sixdi house and is weak.
Mercury is suffering from the influence of die Rahu-Kctu axis
in die Navamsa chart. During the main period of Ketu, the mother
of the boy had deep mental anguish as the Moon is posited in die
eighth house. The father, who had an affair widi another woman,
tortured the native and his mother. Finally die modi er of die native
secured a divorce in the sub-period of the debilitated Sun and in
die main period of debilitated and afflicted Venus.
108 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chapter 11

Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise

Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu and
Ketu in a Horoscope

The impact of Rahu or Ketu is dependent upon its closeness

to the most effective point of the house both in th c natal and transit
charts. Rahu and Ketu may also be closely orexactiy conjunct with
or aspecting to some other planet placed in the houses occupied or
aspected by them. During its transit, Rahu and Ketu slow down
and almost crawl at a particular degree for more than two months
twice a year. This happens after Rahu and Ketu have moved for
about nine degrees at their normal speed. The impact of Rahu and
Ketu at a degree where it is at a slow' and crawling speed falling
exactly on a particular house or a particular planet brings very
stressful results to the significations ruled by the house or the planet.
When Rahu or Ketu cause an exact impact on a planet, the
significations of the mooltrikona sign mled by the said planet also
get influenced besides the general significations of the planet.
Suppose the natal planet Sun in an Aries ascendant chart falls under
the exact transit impact of Rahu and/or Ketu then, it's being the
lord of the fifth house, the person may suffer from the significations
of tli c fifth house, significations of the house of its placement and
the general significations of the Sun such as job, father, son, social
position, leadership position, digestion, cardiac functioning and
matters pertaining to one's government.
Those people, who have the most effective point of their
ascendants around the Rahu/Ketu stationary' degrees or have
Chapter 11: Ascendant Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 109

any natal planets at these degrees, will have to be very careful,

must exercise patience and also must perform the astral
remedies for sailing through this time comfortably.
fhe impact ofthc transit conjunction aspect is also dependent
upon the natal strength of the planet itself and ofthc sub period
lord. Suppose again that the Sun is under an exact impact of Rahu,
the results may be materialistically beneficial if the natal Sun is
strong. If the natal Sun is weak, due to any reason, the severity of
stress may be more. The severity also depends upon the house from
which the affliction is coming. As already said, the impact from
malefic houses is more stressful since they carry the negative traits
of the house occupied by them. When creating an impact from the
sixth house, the stress can be due to sudden health mishaps,
accidents, financial difficulties, cheating or litigation. When creating
an impact from the eighth house, the stress can be due to setbacks
to father, some life threatening event, prolonged obstructions, etc.
When creating an impact from the twelfth house, the stress can be
due to unplanned expenses, losses, hospitalization, government
action, legal problems, etc.
When closely influencing w eak planets or weak houses. Rahu
signifies cheats, pleasure seekers, insincere and immoral acts,
impulsiveness, salesmen, operators in foreign lands, wine
merchants, drug dealers, conmen, poison dealers, etc. Such a Rahu
also gives anxiety, apprehensions, fear psychosis, gambling
tendencies, encroaching tendencies, greediness, uncontrolled
desires, lack of contentment, etc. The deeper involvement in these
tendencies makes the person a candidate for loss of reputation, state
action, social boycott and employer’s action. The strong influence
of Rahu on weak planets brings the incidence of negative personality
traits, especially when Jupiter and the Sun arc weak in the birth
chart. The impact of affliction is more in cases where the Moon is
badly placed and if one of the slow moving planets like Saturn,
Jupiter, Ketu or Rahu is placed in any of the malefic houses in the
natal or transit chart. It raises the anxiety intensity' to unmanageable
110 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

If Rahu and Ketu afflict the most effective point of a house

(containing a natal planet's moolatrikona sign or any natal planet)
or they strongly afflict any natal planet through conjunction aspect
then the significations of the afflicted natal planet are harmed.
In light of the above background we will now take up the
impact of Rahu and Ketu in various houses for different ascending

Impact of Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra

In these placements the strength of Mars, Sun, Venus, Jupiter
and Saturn become important. If these planets are fairly strong in
the birth chart, the problems may be less or manageable. If these
planets arc weak, the problems may be persisting and cause
unmanageable stress. The impact is dependent upon the natal and
transit strength of the planets. Strong natal afflictions cause
prolonged setbacks while the transit afflictions to strong natal planets
cause short lived stress. The strong transit afflictions to weak natal
planets cause prolonged setbacks and chronic health concerns. For
the various ascending signs the Rahu and Ketu impact is explained

Aries Ascendant
For Aries ascendant Rahu is in the first house while Ketu is in
the seventh house. These persons will have ambitious plans. These
can more or less work well if natal Mars is strong and Rahu is not
near the most effective point of the house. If natal Rahu is close to
the most effective point of the house then the person may face
problems in health, studies, job, relationship and income matters.
Some worries on account of emotional disturbance, losses in
speculation and the poor performance of the child may also be there.
The stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth,
eighth or twelfth houses.
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu &Kotu 111

Taurus Ascendant
For Taurus ascendant Rahu is in the twelfth house while Ketu
is in the sixth house. Ketu could disturb one's mental peace due to
conflicts, diseases, job problems, relationship problems and some
financial concerns. Rahu can cause stress due to additional expenses,
hospitalization and involvement with the wrong company.
Involvement in excessive fun activities may land the person in legal
problems. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Mercury is placed
in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu is in the eleventh house while Ketu is in the fifth house.
Rahu gives lot of extra energy, enthusiasm and ambition to these
people if Mars is strong in the natal chart. If Mars and Venus arc
weak in the natal chart. Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra can cause
worries on account of health of spouse, business problems, partners
and friends problems, losses in speculation and emotional stress.
The Gemini person may face fortune setbacks. The stress becomes
severe when Sun, Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu is in the tenth house and Ketu is placed in the fourth
house. Rahu can touch on job, relationship and health matters while
Ketu could affect matters pertaining to one's mental peace, loss of
assets and involve one in superfluous expenses. The stress becomes
severe when Sun. Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Leo Ascendant
Rahu is in the ninth house and Ketu is in the third house. The
placement of Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra touches on matters
pertaining to one's initiatives, business, relationship with siblings,
father, progeny, studies, income and relationship issues. The stress
112 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

becomes severe when Sun. Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth,

eighth or twelfth houses.

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu is in the eighth house and Ketu is in the second house.
The placement of Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra touches on matters
pertaining to one's heal th of father, longevity, sudden life threatening
situations like accidents, financial setbacks, family problems,
property issues, self health and vices. The stress becomes severe
when Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Libra Ascendant
Rahu is in the seventh house while Ketu is in the first house.
This placement could touch on matters pertaining to one’s health,
marriage, investments, income, journeys and social respect. The
stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth,
eighth or twelfth houses.

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu is in the sixth house and Ketu is in the twelfth house.
The placement of Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra touches on matters
pertaining to one's health of father, disputes, longevity, financial
setbacks, frequent disturbances in family, property problems, self
health, litigation and vices. The stress becomes severe when Sun
or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the fifth house while Ketu is in the eleventh house.
This placement could touch on matters pertaining to one’s habits,
health. marriage, investments, speculation, income, journeys and
business ventures. The stress becomes severe when Sun, Mars,
Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.
Chapter 11: Ascendant Wise and House Wiso Impact of NatalfTransit Rahu & Ketu 113

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu is in the fourth house and Ketu is in the tenth house. The
placement of Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra touches on matters
pertaining to one's education, profession, health of mother, conflicts,
longevity, financial setbacks, family problems, property issues, self
health, litigation and vices. The stress becomes severe when Mars,
Mercury or Venus is placed in die sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu is in die third house while Ketu is in the ninth house.
This placement could touch on matters pertaining to one’s habits,
business endeavors, health, professional issues, marriage,
investments, income, journeys and job. The stress becomes severe
when Sun, Mars, Saturn, Mercury or Venus is placed in die sixth,
eighth or twelfth houses.

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu is in the second house and Ketu is in die eighth house.
The person may face additional stress if natal Mars or Jupiter is in
Leo. Libra or Aquarius. The placement of Rahu in Aries and Ketu
in Libra touches on matters pertaining to one’s job, status, wealth,
health of mother, conflicts, longevity, financial setbacks, family
problems, property issues, self health and vices. The stress also
becomes severe when Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or
twelfth houses.

Impact of* Transit Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in

Aries Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence may cause serious stress in matters of health,
relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures, mental and
114 Impact of Rahu & Kctu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

domestic peace. The marital prospect of those seeking a marital

alliance becomes weak. The efforts of those seeking to acquire
immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or
change in professional ventures do not get an early and good break.
There arc obstructions and earnings may cause concerns. Things
become more difficult when Sun or Venus is in the sixth, eighth or
twelfth houses.

Taurus Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Kctu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence can cause stress in matters of one’s health, new
business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs
and income. The success of future plans may get delayed. Children
may not be able to make good grades. Those desirous of having
male progeny may have to w ait for success. Speculative investments
may cause unexpected losses. The period is especially stressful for
diabetic patients and those suffering from breathing or stomach
disorders. Things become more difficult when Sun or Mercury is
in die sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Kctu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence can cause serious stress in matters of health,
disputes, relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures,
mental and domestic peace. Those seeking marital peace may find
the time quite challenging. The efforts of those seeking to acquire
immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or
a change in professional ventures do not get an early and good
break. Things become more difficult when Sun, Mercury or Venus
is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Cancer Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Kctu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of income, new
business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Kotu 115

and health. The success of future plans may get delayed. Investments
may cause unexpected losses. The period is especially stressful for
those suffering from nervous or breathing disorders. Things become
more difficult when Sun, Mercury or Venus is in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Leo Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Kctu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence may cause serious stress in matters of status,
stay in foreign lands or distant places, relationships, professional
issues, expenditures, mental and domestic peace. The marital
prospect ofthosc seeking a marital alliance becomes dull. The efforts
of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a setback.
Those seeking employment or change in professional ventures do
not get an early and good break. The health of mother may cause
concerns. Things become more difficult when Sun. Mercury or
Venus is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Virgo Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Kctu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence can cause stress in matters of health, income,
emotional happiness, marital affairs and job. The success of future
plans may get a setback. Speculative investments may cause
unexpected losses. The period is especially stressful for those
suffering from breathing or nervous disorders. Things become more
difficult when Mercury' or Venus is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Libra Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Kctu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence can cause serious stress in matters of wealth,
relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures, health,
mental and domestic peace. The efforts of those seeking to acquire
immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or
change in professional ventures do not get an early and good break.
116 Impact of Rahu & Ketu I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Things become more difficult when Sun or Venus is in the sixth,

eighth or twelfth houses.

Scorpio Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of business
ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs and income.
The success of future plans may get delayed. Children may not be
able to make good grades. Speculative investments may cause
unexpected setbacks. Things become more difficult when Sun or
Mercury is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Sagittarius Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of health, conflicts,
financial stress, status, professional issues, mental and domestic
peace. The marital prospect of those seeking a marital alliance
becomes dull. Efforts in general of those seeking to acquire
immovable properties get a setback. Those seek ingemploymentor
a change in professional ventures do not get an early and good
break. Things become more difficult when Sun, Mercury' or Venus
is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Capricorn Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of one’s studies,
apprehensions, business ventures, emotional happiness, marital
affairs and foreign residence. The success of future plans may get
delayed. Children may not be able to make good grades. Speculative
investments may cause unexpected setbacks. The period is
especially stress fill for those who are suffering from renal disorders.
Tilings become more difficult when Mercury or Venus is in the
sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu &Kotu 117

Aquarius Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence may cause serious stress in matters one's
relationships, status, professional issues, disputes, expenditures,
mental and domestic peace. Those seeking employment or a change
in professional ventures do not get an early and good break.
Persisting obstructions make life quite challenging. The period is
especially stressful for those who arc suffering from intestinal
disorders or piles. Things become more difficult when Sun or Venus
is in the sixth, or eighth or twelfth houses.

Pisces Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of health of one's
father, progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs and income.
The success of future plans may get delayed. Children may not be
able to make good grades. Those desirous to have marriage or male
progeny may have to wait for success. Speculative investments
may cause unexpected losses. The period is especially stressful for
those who arc suffering from stomach or renal disorders. Things
become more difficult when Mars or Mercury' is in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Impact of Rahu in Gemini and Ketu in

In these placements the strength of Mars, Sun, Venus, Jupiter
and Saturn become important. If these planets arc fairly strong in
the birth chart, the problems may be less or manageable. If these
planets are weak, the problems may be persisting and cause
unmanageable stress. The impact is dependent upon the natal and
transit strength of the planets. The natal strong afflictions cause
prolonged setbacks while the transit afflictions to strong natal planets
cause short lived stress. The strong transit afflictions to weak natal
planets cause prolonged setbacks and chronic health concerns. For
118 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

the various ascending signs Rahu and Ketu impact is explained


Aries Ascendant
Rahu is in the third house while Ketu is in the ninth house.
These persons will have lot of initiative throughout if Rahu is away
from the most effective point of the house. The close affliction of
Rahu and Ketu can cause challenges for one’s father, younger
brothers, business ventures, children and elder brothers. The Aries
person may suffer from stomach, respiratory' or renal disorders,
fhe stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth,
eighth or twelfth houses.

Taurus Ascendant
Rahu is in the second house while Ketu is in die eighth house.
These persons will have a dynamic approach if Rahu is away from
die most effective point of the house. The close affliction of Rahu
and Ketu can cause challenges to one’s father, wife, status, mother
and job. The Taurus person may suffer from teeth, eye, or cardiac
problems. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Mercury' is placed
in die sixth, eighdi or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu is in die first house while Ketu is in die seventh house.
These people will have a lot of initiative if Rahu is away from the
most effective point of the house. The close affliction of Rahu and
Ketu can cause challenges to one’s father, younger brothers, business
ventures, marital relationship, children and elder brothers. The
Gemini person may suffer from stomach, respiratory or renal
disorders, flic stress becomes severe when Sun. Mercury' or Venus
is placed in the sixth, eighdi or twelfth houses.

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu is in the twelfth house while Ketu is in die sixth house.
Both of die planets arc placed in malefic houses which will make
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 119

the impact stronger with reference to diseases, disputes, financial

difficulties, expenses and temptation for vices. The close affliction
of Rahu and Ketu can cause challenges for one's family, status,
wealth and job. This person may suffer from teeth, eye,
psychological, renal orcardiac problems. The stress becomes severe
when Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Leo Ascendant
Rahu is in the eleventh house while Ketu is in the fifth house.
These persons will have interest in mystical knowledge if Rahu
and Ketu are away from the most effective point of the house. If
Rahu and Ketu are near the most effective point of the house the
person may perceive threats of the evil eye or black magic
apprehensions. This position of Rahu and Ketu can cause challenges
for one’s father, younger brothers, business ventures, children and
elder brothers. The Leo person may suffer from stomach,
psychological, renal problems. The stress becomes severe when
Sun. Mercury' or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu is in the tenth house while Ketu is in the fourth house.
These people will have a dynamic approach if Rahu is away from
tire most effective point of the house and natal Mercury' and Venus
arc fairly strong in the birth chart. The close affliction of Rahu and
Ketu can cause challenges for one’s mother, wife, status, male child
and job. The Virgo person may suffer from teeth, eye. renal or
cardiac problems. The stress becomes severe when Mercury' or
Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Libra Ascendant
Rahu is in the ninth house while Ketu is in the third house.
These people will have lot of initiative in life if Rahu and Ketu arc
away from the most effective point of the house. The close affliction
120 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

of Rahu and Kctu can cause challenges for one's father, younger
brothers, business ventures, children and elder brothers. The Libra
person may suffer from stomach, respiratory or renal disorders.
The stress becomes severe when Venus or the Sun is placed in the
sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu is in the eighth house while Kctu is in the second house.
Rahu is badly placed. The afflicting position of Rahu and Kctu can
cause challenges for one's family, status, properties and job. This
person may suffer from teeth, eye, renal or cardiac problems. The
stress becomes severe when Sun or Mercury is placed in the sixth,
eighth or twelfth houses.

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the seventh house while Ketu is in the first house.
These people will have lot of interest in excessive fun activities if
Rahu is away from the most effective point of the house. They will
also take an interest in mystical knowledge. The close affliction of
Rahu and Ketu can cause challenges for one's father, younger
brothers, business ventures, children and elder brothers. Sagittarius
person may suffer from stomach, respiratory, psychological or renal
problems. The stress becomes severe when Sun, Mercury or Venus
is placed in flic sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu is in the sixth house while Kctu is in flic twelfth house.
Both planets are badly placed and cause multiple challenges in life
in matters of conflicts, expenses, diseases, financial difficulties,
etc. The close affliction of Rahu and Ketu can cause challenges for
one's family, status, wealth and job. This person may suffer from
teeth, eye, renal or cardiac problems. The stress becomes severe
when Venus or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Kotu 121

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the fifth house while Ketu is in the eleventh house.
These people will have lot of ambition if Rahu is away from the
most effective point of the house. The close affliction of Rahu and
Ketu can cause challenges for one's father, younger brothers,
business ventures, children and elder brothers. The Aquarius person
may suffer from stomach, respiratory', psychological problems. The
stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth,
eighth or twelfth houses.

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu is in the fourth house while Ketu is in the tenth house.
These people will have a dynamic approach if Rahu is away from
the most effective point of die house and die planets Jupiter and
Mars are fairly strong. The close affliction of Rahu and Ketu can
cause challenges for one's family, status, assets and job. This person
may suffer from teeth, eye, joint or lung problems. The stress
becomes severe when Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or
twelfth houses.

Impact of Transit Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in

Aries Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn may cause stress in
matters of one’s health, relationships, status, job. expenditures,
mental and domestic peace. The marital prospect of those seeking
a marital alliance becomes weak. The efforts of those seeking to
acquire immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking
employment or a change in professional ventures do not get an
early and good break. There arc obstructions and one’s job may
cause concerns. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus is
placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.
122 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Taurus Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn may cause stress in
matters of new business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness,
marital affairs and income. The success of future plans may get
delayed. Children may not be able to make good grades. Those
desirous of having male progeny may need to wait for success.
Speculative investments may cause unexpected losses. This person
may suffer from respiratory or digestion disorders. The stress
becomes severe when Sun or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn may cause stress in
matters of one's status, family, health, disputes, relationships,
professional issues, expenditures, mental and domestic peace. Those
seeking marital peace may find the time quite challenging. The
efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a
setback. Those seeking employment ora change in their jobs do
not get an early and good break. The stress becomes severe when
Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn may cause stress in
matters of one's health, new business ventures, progeny, emotional
happiness, marital affairs and income. The success of future plans
may get delayed. Investments may cause unexpected losses. This
person may suffer from nervous disorders, renal problems or
breathing disorders. The stress becomes severe when Sun, Venus
or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Leo Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn are both placed in
malefic houses. They may cause serious stress in matters of one's
status, stay in foreign lands or distant places, relationships.
Chapter 11 Ascendant Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 123

professional issues, expenditures, mental and domestic peace. The

marital prospect for those seeking a marital alliance gets delayed.
The efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a
setback. Those seeking employment or a change in professional
ventures do not get an early and good break. The stress becomes
severe when Sun. Venus or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn may cause stress in
matters of one’s health, income, emotional happiness, marital affairs
and job. The person may have apprehensions regarding the evil
eye and black magic activities. Success of future plans may get a
setback. Speculative investments may cause unexpected losses. This
person may suffer from breathing or nervous disorders. The stress
becomes severe when Venus or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Libra Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn may cause stress in
matters of one's relationships, status, professional issues,
expenditures, health, mental and domestic peace. The efforts of
those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a setback. Those
seeking employment or change in professional ventures do not get
an early and good break. The stress becomes severe when Sun or
Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn may cause stress in
matters of one’s business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness,
marital affairs and income. Success of future plans may get delayed.
Children may not be able to make good grades. Speculative
investments may cause unexpected setbacks. This person may suffer
from respiratory or nervous disorders. The stress becomes severe
when Sun or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.
124 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer is badly placed in the eighth house. Rahu in
Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn may cause serious stress in matters
of one's status, professional issues, parental health, mental and
domestic peace. The marital prospect of those seeking a marital
alliance gets delayed. The efforts in general of those seeking to
acquire immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking
employment or a change in professional ventures do not get an
early and good break. The stress becomes severe when Sun. Mercury
or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn may cause stress in
matters of one's health, business ventures, emotional happiness,
marital affairs and foreign residence. Success of future plans may
get delayed. Children may not be able to make good grades.
Speculative investments may cause unexpected setbacks. This
person may suffer from digestion or renal disorders. The stress
becomes severe when Venus or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu inCanccr and Ketu inCapricorn arc both badly placed.
They may cause serious stress in matters of foreign residence,
disputes, relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures,
mental and domestic peace. Those seeking employment or a change
in professional ventures do not get an early and good break.
Persisting obstructions make life quite challenging. This person
may suffer from intestinal disorders or piles. The stress becomes
severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Kotu 125

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu in Cancer and Kctu in Capricorn may cause stress in
matters of one’s progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs and
income. Success of future plans may get delayed. Children may
not be able to make good grades. Those desirous for marriage or
male progeny may have to wait for success. Speculative investments
may cause unexpected losses. This person may suffer from
respiratory or digestion disorders. The stress becomes severe when
Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Impact of Rahu in Leo and Ketu in Aquarius

In these placements the strength of Mars, Sun, Venus, Jupiter
and Saturn become important. If these planets are fairly strong in
flic birth chart, the problems may be less or manageable. If these
planets arc weak, the problems may be persisting and cause
unmanageable stress. The impact is dependent upon the natal and
transit strength of the planets. The natal strong afflictions cause
prolonged setbacks while the transit afflictions to strong natal planets
cause short lived stress. The strong transit afflictions to weak natal
planets cause prolonged setbacks and chronic health concerns. For
the various ascending signs the impact of Rahu in Leo and Kctu in
Aquarius are explained hereunder:

Aries Ascendant
For Aries ascendant Rahu is in the fifth house while Kctu is in
tiie eleventh house. These persons will have ambitious plans. The
plans can more or less work well if the natal Mars is strong and
natal Rahu is not near flic most effective point of the house. If Rahu
is close to flic most effective point of the house then the person
may face problems in health, studies, job, relationship and income
matters. Some worries on account of emotional disturbances, losses
in speculation and the poor performance of one’s child may also be
there. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus is placed in
flic six til or eighth or twelfth houses.
126 Impact of Rahu & Ketu /Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Taurus Ascendant
For Taurus ascendant Rahu is in the fourth house while Ketu
is in the tenth house. These placements could disturb one's mental
peace due to conflicts, diseases, job problems, relationship problems
and some financial concerns. These placements will also cause stress
due to additional expenses, hospitalization and involvement with
the wrong company. Involvement in excessive fun activities may
land one in legal problems. The stress becomes severe when Sun or
Mercury is placed in the sixth or eighth or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu is in the third house while Ketu is in the ninth house.
Rahu gives a lot of extra energy, enthusiasm and ambition to Gemini
people if natal Sun is strong in the natal chart. If natal Sun and
Saturn arc weak in the natal chart, Rahu and Ketu can cause worries
on account of one's health of family, business problems, partners
and friends problems, losses in speculation and emotional stress.
The stress becomes severe when Sun. Mercury or Venus is placed
in the sixtli. eighth or twelfth houses.

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu is in the second house and Ketu is placed in the eighth
house. More stress can occur when Mars is in Sagittarius, Aquarius
or Gemini. Rahu can touch on one’s job. relationship and health
matters while Ketu w ill touch on matters pertaining to one’s mental
peace, loss of assets and involvement in superfluous expenses. The
stress becomes severe when Sun, Mercury or Venus is placed in
the sixtli, eighth or twelfth houses.

Leo Ascendant
Rahu is in the ascendant house and Ketu is in the seventh
house. The person may face additional stress if the natal Jupiter or
Saturn is in Capricorn, Pisces orCancer. The placement of Rahu in
Leo and Ketu in Aquarius can touch on matters pertaining to one's
business, father, progeny, and studies, living in foreign lands, income
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 127

and relationship issues. The stress becomes severe when Sun,

Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu is in the twelfth house and Ketu is in the sixth house.
Both ofthc planets are badly placed. The person may face additional
stress if natal Jupiter or the Moon is in Aquarius, Aries or Leo. The
placement of Rahu and Kctu can touch on matters pertaining to
one's health of family, accidents, financial setbacks, family
problems, property problems, self health and vices. The stress
becomes severe when Mercury' or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Libra Ascendant
Rahu is in the eleventh house while Kctu is in the fifth house.
This placement can touch on matters pertaining to one’s health,
marriage, progeny, investments, income, journeys, apprehensions
of evil eye or black magic and social respect. The stress becomes
severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu is in the tenth house and Ketu is in the fourth house.
This placement of Rahu and Kctu can touch on matters pertaining
to one's health of parents, disputes, longevity', financial setbacks,
family problems, property problems, selfhcalth. litigation and vices.
The stress becomes severe when Sun or Mercury is placed in the
sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu is in die ninth house while Ketu is in the third house.
This placement can touch on matters pertaining to one’s habits,
health, marriage, investments, income, journeys and business
ventures. The stress becomes severe when Sun. Mercury or Venus
is placed in die sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.
128 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu is in the eighth house and Ketu is in the second house.
The placement of Rahu in Leo and Ketu in Aquarius can touch on
matters pertaining to one’s job, status, health of mother, conflicts,
longevity, financial setbacks, family problems, property problems,
self health, litigation and vices. The stress becomes severe when
Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the seventh house while Ketu is in the first house.
This placement can touch on matters pertaining to one’s habits,
business endeavors, health, professional issues, marriage,
investments, income, journeys and job. The stress becomes severe
when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu is in the sixth house and Ketu is in the twelfth house.
Both of the planets arc badly placed. I bis placement of Rahu and
Ketu can touch on matters pertaining to one’s job. status, wealth,
health of mother, conflicts, longevity, financial setbacks, family
problems, property problems, self health and vices. The stress
becomes severe when Mercury or Mars is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Impact of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces

To fight the unfavorable influence of Rahu and Ketu one can
strengthen one’s weak and afflicted natal planets and seek the
protection of special propitiatory remedies for the functional malefic
planets. The impact of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces is discussed

Aries Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence may cause stress in matters of health.
Chapter 11: Ascendant Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 129

relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures, conflicts,

and financial difficulties, mental and domestic peace. The marital
prospect of those seeking a marital alliance becomes weak. The
efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a
setback. Those seeking employment or a change in professional
ventures do not get an early and good break. The stress becomes
severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Taurus Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of one's new
business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, health, marital
affairs and income. Success of future plans may get delayed.
Children may not be able to make good grades. Those desirous of
having male progeny may have to wait for success. Speculative
investments may cause unexpected losses. The period is especially
stressful for diabetic patients and those suffering from breathing
and stomach disorders. The stress becomes severe when Sun or
Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence may cause serious stress in matters of health,
disputes, relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures,
mental and domestic peace. Those seeking marital peace may find
tlic time quite challenging. The efforts of those seeking to acquire
immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or
a change in professional ventures do not get an early and good
break. The stress becomes severe when Sun. Mercury or Venus is
placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Cancer Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of one's health.
130 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

new business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, parental

health, marital affairs and income. Success of future plans may get
delayed. Investments may cause unexpected losses. The period is
especially stressful for those suffering from nervous or breathing
disorders. The stress becomes severe when Sun, Mercury or Venus
is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Leo Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence may cause serious stress in matters of status,
stay in foreign lands or distant places, relationships, professional
issues, expenditures, mental and domestic peace. The marital
prospect of those seeking a marital alliance becomes dull. The efforts
of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a setback.
Those seeking employment or a change in professional ventures
do not get an early and good break. The stress becomes severe
when Sun, Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twcl fth

Virgo Ascendant
During die stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of health, income,
emotional happiness, marital affairs, job and income. Success of
future plans may get a setback. Speculative investments may cause
unexpected losses. The period is especially stressful for those
suffering from breadiing or nervous disorders. The stress becomes
severe when Mercury or Venus is placed in die sixth, eighth or
twelfth houses.

Libra Ascendant
During die stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, both of
die planets arc badly placed. This planetary influence may cause
serious stress in matters of one's health, relationships, status,
professional issues, expenditures, mental and domestic peace. The
efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Kotu 131

setback. Those seeking employment or a change in professional

ventures do not get an early and good break. The stress becomes
severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Scorpio Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of one’s business
ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs and income.
One has apprehensions regarding the evil eye and black magic
activities. The success of future plans may get delayed. Children
may not be able to makegood grades. Speculative investments may
cause unexpected setbacks. The stress becomes severe when Sun
or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Sagittarius Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of one's status,
professional issues, mental and domestic peace. The marital prospect
of those seeking a marital alliance becomes dull. The efforts in
general of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a
setback. Those seeking employment or a change in professional
ventures do not get an early and good break. The stress becomes
severe when Sun, Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Capricorn Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of one’s business
ventures, emotional happiness, marital affairs and foreign residence.
The person is apprehensive regarding the evil eye and black magic
activities. Success of future plans may get delayed. Children may
not be able to make good grades. Speculative investments may cause
unexpected setbacks. The period is especially stressful for those
who arc suffering from renal disorders. The stress becomes severe
132 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

when Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth


Aquarius Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary influence may cause serious stress regarding matters of
one's relationships, status, wealth, professional issues, expenditures,
mental and domestic peace. Those seeking employment or change
in professional ventures do not get an early and good break.
Persisting obstructions make life quite challenging. The period is
especially stressful for those who arc suffering from intestinal
disorders or piles. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus is
placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Pisces Ascendant
During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces, this
planetary' influence could cause stress in matters of one's health,
progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs and income. Success
of future plans may get delayed. Children may not be able to make
good grades. Those desirous of marriage or male progeny may have
to wait for a long time. Speculative investments may cause
unexpected losses. The period is especially stressful for those who
arc suffering from stomach or renal disorders. The stress becomes
severe when Moon, Mars or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Impact of Rahu in Libra and Ketu in Aries

To fight the unfavorable influence of Rahu and Ketu, people
can strengthen their weak and afflicted natal functional bencfic
planets and perform the propitiatory remedies for Rahu, Ketu and
other functional malefic planets.
Chapter 11 Ascendant Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 133

Aries Ascendant
Rahu makes the person ambitious and excessively fun loving.
During the stay of Rahu in Libra and Ketu in Aries, one is likely to
face stress in matters of health, relationships and business ventures
if the natal planets are weak. The marital prospect for those seeking
a marital alliance becomes difficult. The efforts of those interested
in venturing into business do not succeed. One becomes risk oriented
and financial income stress is likely. The stress becomes severe
when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Taurus Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the sixth house while Ketu is placed in the
twelfth house. Both of the planets arc badly placed. Rahu brings in
the incidence of diseases, debts, disputes, uncontrolled expenses
and sudden problems. The person is likely to face stress in matters
of foreign stay/visits, wealth, status, assets, marital happiness and
parental health if the natal planets arc weak. Speculative /risky
ventures may cause unexpected losses. The period is especially
stressful for chronic patients and those suffering from renal or
intestinal disorders. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Mercury'
is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the fifth house while Ketu is placed in the
eleventh house. This placement can bring concerns related to one's
children, health, new business ventures, marriage and financial
constraints. The person is likely to face stress in matters of health,
relationships and income if the natal planets are weak. Emotional
peace is disturbed. Efforts for entering into a business venture do
not get an early success. Efforts for a better income do not get an
early success. The stress becomes severe when Sun, Mercury or
Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.
134 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the fourth house while Ketu is placed in the
tenth house. Rahu can bring problems regarding one's marriage
and professional matters. The person is likely to face stress in matters
of health, family relations, status, wealth and marital affairs if the
natal planets are weak. The success of future plans may get delay ed
if the functional bcnefic planets arc weak. Investments may cause
unexpected losses. This placement indicates suffering from nervous
disorders, joint pains or renal disorders. The stress becomes severe
when Sun, Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Leo Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the third house while Ketu is in the ninth
house. I bis placement brings energy for new ventures with some
amount of success. Some people are likely to derive material
happiness. The person is likely to face some amount of anxiety. It
indicates stress to one's father, children, younger brothers or sisters
and spouse. It causes problems when the natal weak planets arc
under the transit impact of Rahu Ketu and if the person is running
the sub period of a weak and or afflicted planet. The stress becomes
severe when Sun. Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the second house while Ketu is badly placed
in the eighth house. This placement can cause sudden problems in
job. loss of confidence and confusion. It gives unrealistic plans.
Manipulations do not work. The person is likely to face stress in
matters of health, marital affairs and property' issues when the
functional bcnefic planets are weak. The success of future plans
may get a setback. The sub-periods of these planets and prolonged
transit of these planets is stressful and may aggravate problems.
The stress becomes severe when Mercury or Venus is placed in the
sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 135

Libra Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the first house while Ketu is placed in the
seventli house. This placement can bring concerns related to one’s
children, health, new business ventures, marriage, income and
financial constraints. The person is likely to face stress in matters
of health and relationship matters if the functional bcnefic planets
arc weak. Emotional peace is disturbed. Efforts for entering into a
business venture do not get an early success. Efforts for better
income do not get an early success. Such persons should not venture
into a new business. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus
is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the twelfth house while Ketu is placed in
the six tli house. Both of the planets are badly placed. This placement
can cause sudden problems in one's job, conflicts, loss of confidence
and confusion. It gives unrealistic plans. Manipulations do not work.
Rahu involves the person in excessive fun and vices. This person is
likely to face stress in matters of health, marital affairs and property
issues when the functional bcnefic planets are weak. The success
of future plans may get a setback. The sub-periods and prolonged
transits of these planets arc stressful and may aggravate problems.
The stress becomes severe when Sun or Mercury' is placed in the
sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the eleventh house while Ketu is placed in
the fifth house. This placement can bring concerns related to one's
children, health, new' business ventures, marriage, income and
financial constraints. The person is likely to face stress in matters
of health and relationship matters if the functional bcnefic planets
arc weak. Emotional peace is disturbed. There arc fears regarding
the evil eye and black magic activities. Efforts for entering into a
business venture do not get an early success. Efforts for better
income do not get an early success. Such persons should not venture
136 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

into a new business. The stress becomes severe when Sun. Mercury
or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the tenth house while Ketu is placed in the
fourth house. This placement can cause sudden problems in one's
job, loss of confidence and confusion. It gives unrealistic plans.
Manipulations do not work. The person is likely to face stress in
matters of health, marital affairs and property' issues when the
functional bencfic planets arc weak. The success of future plans
may get a setback. The sub-periods and prolonged transits of these
planets arc stressful and may aggravate problems. The stress
becomes severe when Mercury' or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the ninth house while Ketu is placed in the
third house. This placement can bring concerns related to one's
children, health, new business ventures, marriage, income and
financial constraints. The person is likely to face stress in matters
of health and relationship issues if the functional bencfic planets
arc weak. Emotional peace is disturbed. Efforts for entering into a
business venture do not get an early success. Efforts for better
income do not get an early success. Such persons should not venture
into a new business. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus
is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu is badly placed in the eighth house while Ketu is placed
in the second house. This placement can cause sudden problems in
one’s job. loss of confidence and confusion. It gives unrealistic
plans. Manipulations do not work. The person is likely to face stress
in matters of health, marital affairs and property issues when the
functional bencfic planets are weak. The success of future plans
may get a setback. The sub-periods and prolonged transits of these
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 137

planets arc stressful and may aggravate problems. The stress

becomes severe when Mars or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Impact of Transit Rahu in Scorpio and Transit

Ketu in Taurus
To fight die unfavorable influence of Rahu and Ketu one can
strengthen the weak and afflicted natal planets - especially the Moon
and Mercury, if they arc functional benefic planets, and seek the
protection of special propitiatory remedies forthe functional malefic

Aries Ascendant
Rahu is badly placed in the eighth house while Ketu is in the
second house. Rahu causes obstructions and gives life threatening
experiences. The person is likely to face stress in matters of health,
relationships, expenditures, mental and domestic peace if the natal
planets are weak. The marital prospect of those seeking a marital
alliance becomes difficult. The efforts of those seeking to acquire
immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or
a change in professional ventures do not get an early and good
break. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus is placed in
the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Taurus Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the seventh house while Ketu is in the first
house. Rahu can bring these people in contact with others who
believe in manipulations. The person is likely to face stress in matters
of new business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, marital
affairs and income if the natal planets arc weak. The success of
future plans may get delayed. Children may not be able to make
good grades. Those desirous for male progeny may have to wait.
Speculative investments may cause unexpected losses. The period
is especially stressful for diabetic patients and those suffering from
138 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

breathing and stomach disorders. The stress becomes severe when

Sun or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the sixth house while Ketu is in the twelfth
house. Both planets arc badly placed. Rahu can bring health
concerns, conflicts and financial constraints. The person is likely
to face stress in matters of health, relationships, status, professional
issues, expenditures, mental and domestic peace if die natal planets
arc weak. Those seeking marital peace may find die time quite
challenging. The efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable
properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or a change in
professional ventures do not get an early and good break. The stress
becomes severe when Sun. Venus or Mercury is placed in the sixth,
eighdi or twelfth houses.

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu is in die fifth house while Ketu is in the clevendi house.
Rahu can bring infatuation, emotional setbacks and problems in
progeny matters. The person is likely to face stress in matters of
health, new business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness,
marital affairs and income if die natal planets are weak. Success of
future plans may get delayed if the natal planets arc weak.
Investments may cause unexpected losses. The period is especially
stressful for diose suffering from breathing or nervous disorders.
The stress becomes severe when Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed
in die sLxdi, eighdi or twelfth houses.

Leo Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the fourdi house while Ketu is in the tenth
house. Rahu can cause mental unrest and professional setbacks.
The person is likely to face stress in matters of stay in foreign lands
or distant places, relationships, status, professional issues,
expenditures, mental and domestic peace if die natal planets arc
weak. The marital prospect of those seeking a marital alliance
Chapter 11: Ascendant Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 139

becomes dull. Efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable

properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or a change in
professional ventures do not get and early and good break. The
stress becomes severe when Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed in
the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the third house while Ketu is in the ninth
house. Rahu can cause loss of confidence and confusion. It gives
unrealistic plans. Manipulations do not pay. The person is likely to
face stress in matters of health, income, emotional happiness, marital
affairs and one’s job if the natal planets are weak. Success of future
plans may get a setback. Speculative investments may cause
unexpected losses. The period is especially stressful for those
suffering from breathing or nervous disorders. The stress becomes
severe when Venus or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or
twelfth houses.

Libra Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the second house while Ketu is in the eighth
house. Ketu is badly placed. Rahu can cause loss of one's reputation
and problems in relationships. The person is likely to face stress in
matters of relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures,
mental and domestic peace if the natal planets arc weak. The efforts
of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a setback.
Those seeking employment or a change in professional ventures
do not get an early and good break. The stress becomes severe
when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the first house while Ketu is in the seventh
house. Rahu can give health concerns. The person is likely to face
stress in matters of business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness,
marital affairs and income if the natal planets arc weak.
Manipulative tendencies cause stress. Success of future plans may
140 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

get delayed. Children may not be able to make good grades.

Speculative investments may cause unexpected setbacks. The stress
becomes severe when Sun or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the twelfth house while Kctu is in die sixth
house. Both Rahu and Kctu arc badly placed. Rahu can involve die
person in materialistic pleasures. The person is likely to face stress
in matters of status, professional issues, mental and domestic peace
if the natal planets are weak. The marital prospect of those seeking
a marital alliance becomes difficult if the natal planets are weak.
The efforts in general of those seeking to acquire immovable
properties get a setback. Those seeking employment ora change in
professional ventures do not get an early and good break. The stress
becomes severe when Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed in the sixth,
eighdi or twelfth houses.

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu is placed in die eleventh house while Kctu is in die fifth
house. Rahu can make one ambitious and brings in some short lived
financial gains. The person is likely to face stress in matters of
business ventures, emotional happiness, marital affairs and foreign
residence if the natal planets arc weak. The success of future plans
may get delayed. Children may not be able to make good grades.
Speculative investments may cause unexpected setbacks. The period
is especially stressful for those who are suffering from renal
disorders. The stress becomes severe when Venus or Mercury is
placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the tenth house while Kctu is in die fourth
house. Rahu can bung sudden difficulties in one’s professional and
property matters. The person is likely to face stress in matters of
relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures, mental and
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Kotu 141

domestic peace if the natal planets arc weak. Those seeking

employment or a change in professional ventures do not get an
early and good break. Conflicts can make life quite challenging.
The period is especially stressful for those who are suffering from
intestinal disorders or piles. The stress becomes severe when Sun
or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the ninth house while Ketu is in the third
house. Rahu can bring sudden changes in one’s life, fortune and
also excessive anxiety. The person is likely to face stress in matters
of progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs and income if the
natal planets are weak. Success of future plans may get delayed.
Children may not be able to make good grades. Those desirous for
marriage or male progeny may have to wait for success. Speculative
investments may cause unexpected losses. The sub period may be
especially stressful for those who suffer from respiratory, stomach
or renal disorders. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Mercury
is placed in the sixth, eighth or twclfdi houses.

Impact of Transit Rahu in Sagittarius and Ketu

in Gemini
Those persons, who have Rahu near the most effective point
of the ascendant or have any natal planct(s) under die close affliction
of Rahu or Ketu will have to be very To stay away from
problems, it is better to perform the preventive astral remedies in
order to sail comfortably through die sub periods or prolonged transit
affliction spells. For the various ascending signs die Rahu and Ketu
impact is explained hereunder:

Aries Ascendant
For die Aries ascendant Rahu is in the ninth house while Ketu
is in die third house. These people could have fluctuating income,
anxiety and obstructions regarding new initiatives. This placement
142 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

may give anxiety. One's health and relationships may have to be

taken care of. It may cause some worries on account of emotional
disturbances, progeny, and losses in speculation, evil eye
apprehensions, loss of income and poor performance of the child.
The Aries person will require special care when Sun or Venus is in
Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces.

Taurus Ascendant
For the Taurus ascendant Ketu is in the second house while
Rahu is badly placed in the eighth house. Ketu will try to disturb
one’s mental peace and cause some professional concerns. Rahu
can cause stress regarding professional and personal matters. This
placement indicates possibilities of life threatening incidents, loss
of reputation, and separation in family as well as venturing into
vices. The Taurus person will require special care when Sun or
Mercury is in Libra, Sagittarius or Aries.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu in the seventh house can give energy. enthusiasm and
ambition to the person. It can try to create stress in relationships as
well. This placement of Rahu can cause additional stress for those
visiting or staying in foreign lands. The influence of Ketu in the
ascendant will cause worries on account of one’s health, health of
spouse, behavior of spouse and father. This placement indicates
possibilities of problems for one’s father and children. Some
additional stress is seen when Sun, Mercury or Venus is in the signs
of Scorpio, Capricorn or Taurus. Gemini people may find some
obstructions in their efforts.

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu is in the sixth house and Ketu is in the twelfth house.
Both of the planets are badly placed and give severe stress. The
influence of Rahu and Ketu will be unfavorable causing
obstructions, health problems, conflicts, family problems and
setbacks. The sub-periods of the afflicting planets are quite difficult.
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 143

This placement indicates possibilities ofcardiac or joint problems.

This placement can also harm one's relationships, health, financial
position, assets, domestic peace and problems in die job. Special
stress may occur when Sun, Mercury, Venus or Mars is in Gemini,
Sagittarius or Aquarius.

Leo Ascendant
Rahu is in the fifth house and Ketu is in the eleven th house.
This placement indicates possibilities of stress with regard to one's
new business ventures, problems in income, problems in marriage,
evil eye apprehensions, problems to and with friends, trouble
involving excursions and health problems relating to respiratory
system or digestion. Ibis placement may cause additional health
problems when Sun, Mercury or Venus is in the signs of Capricorn,
Pisces or Cancer.

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu is in the fourth house while Ketu is in the tenth house.
The influence of Rahu and Ketu can be unfavorable giving
obstructions, health problems, conflicts, family problems and
setbacks. The sub-periods of the afflicting planets are quite difficult.
This placement indicates possibilities ofcardiac or joint problems.
This placement could harm one’s relationships, health, financial
position, assets, domestic peace and problems in the job. This
placement may cause additional problems when Mercury' or Venus
is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Libra Ascendant
Rahu is in the third house while Ketu is in the ninth house. If
Libras do not venture into new areas, then they will have less trouble.
Healtli issues may cause severe stress when Venus is in Virgo. Pisces
or Taurus. This placement indicates possibilities of stress regarding
new business ventures, problems in income, problems in marriage,
evil eve apprehensions, problems to and with friends, trouble
involving excursions and health problems relating to the respiratory
144 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

system or digestion. Some additional stress is seen when Sun or

Venus is in Pisces, Taurus or Virgo.

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu is in the second house while Kctu is in the eighth house.
The influence of Rahu and Kctu can be unfavorable giving
obstructions, health problems, conflicts, family problems and
setbacks. The sub-periods of the afflicting planets arc quite difficult.
This placement indicates possibilities ofcardiac or joint problems.
This placement could harm one's relationships, health, financial
position, assets, domestic peace and problems in the job i f the birth
planets are weak. This placement may cause stress in professional
matters and disturb mental peace when Sun is in Libra, Aries or
Gemini. This influence also can make one vulnerable to loss of
reputation besides giving setbacks in professional matters. The stress
becomes severe when Sun or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the ascendant while Kctu is in the seventh house.
This placement indicates possibilities of stress regarding new
business ventures, problems in income, problems in marriage, evil
eye apprehensions, problems to and with friends, trouble involving
excursions and health problems relating to the respiratory system
or digestion. One needs to remain cautious when Sun. Venus or
Mercury is in Scorpio, Taurus or Cancer.

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu is in the twelfth house while Kctu is in the sixth house.
Both planets arc badly placed. This placement threatens one's
financial stability, health, losses on account of disputes, wasteful
expenses, professional stability, over indulgence in carnal pleasures
and intoxication, etc. The Capricorn people can become vulnerable
to prolonged chronic diseases. Special periods to be watched arc
when Mercury or Venus is in Sagittarius, Gemini or Leo.
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 145

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the eleventh house while Ketu is in the fifth house.
This placement indicates possibilities of stress regarding new
business ventures, problems in income, problems in marriage, evil
eye apprehensions, problems with friends, trouble involving
excursions and health problems relating to respiratory system or
digestion. This placement will cause special concerns when Sun or
Venus is in Cancer, Virgo or Capricorn.

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu is in the tenth house while Ketu is in the fourth house.
The influence of Rahu and Ketu can be unfavorable giving
obstructions, health problems, conflicts, family problems and
setbacks. The sub-periods of the afflicting planets are quite difficult.
This placement indicates possibilities ofcardiac or joint problems.
This placement could harm one's relationships, health, financial
position, assets, domestic peace and problems involving job. One's
health may be of concern when the Sun is in the signs of Libra or
Aquarius. This placement will cause special concerns when Mercury
is in the signs of Leo. Libra or Aquarius.

Impact of Placement of Rahu in Capricorn and

Ketu in Cancer
During the placement of Rahu in Capricorn and Ketu in Cancer
people get the following results as per the ascending sign. If Rahu
and Ketu arc not causing close afflictions and arc well placed, the
level of stress is manageable except short lived stress during transit
afflictions. The close influence on houses or natal planets for various
ascending signs is as follows:

Aries Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the tenth house while Ketu is in the fourth
house. Rahu gives ambitions plans. This planetary influence could
146 Impact of Rahu & Kehi: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

cause stress in matters of status, wealth, relationships, health,

expenditures, mental and domestic peace if the natal planets arc
weak. The marital prospect of those seeking a marital alliance
becomes dull. The efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable
properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or a change in
professional ventures do not get an early and good break. This
placement can cause special concerns when Sun or Venus is in die
6th, 8th or 12th houses.

Taurus Ascendant
Rahu is in die ninth house while Kctu is in the third house.
Rahu can bring Taurus people into contact with individuals guiding
on a spiritual front. This planetary influence could cause stress in
matters of new business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness,
marital affairs and income if die natal planets arc weak. Success of
future plans may get delayed. Children may not be able to make
good grades. Those desirous of having male progeny may need a
lot of patience. Speculative investments can cause unexpected
losses. The sub-periods of afflicting and afflicted planets and die
prolonged transit influence on weak planets are especially stressful
for diabetic patients and those suffering from breathing or stomach
disorders. This placement can cause special concerns when Sun or
Mercury is in die 6th, 8th or 12,h houses.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu is badly placed in die eighth house while Kctu is in die
second house. Rahu can bring sudden gains and obstructions. This
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of health,
relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures, mental and
domestic peace ifthc natal planets arc weak. Those seeking marital
peace may find the time quite challenging. The efforts of those
seeking to acquire immovable properties get a setback. Those
seeking employment or a change in professional ventures do not
get an early and good break. The sub-periods of afflicting and
afflicted planets and die prolonged transit influence on weak planets
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Kotu 147

arc especially stressful This placement can cause special concerns

when Sun. Mercury' or Venus is in the 6,h, 8,h or 12th houses.

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the seventh house while Ketu is in the first
house. Rahu can bring romanticism and adventures in life. This
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of health, new
business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs
and income if the natal planets are weak. Success of future plans
may get delayed if the natal planets arc weak. Investments can cause
unexpected losses. The sub-periods ofafflicting and afflicted planets
and die prolonged transit influence on weak planets arc especially
stressful for those suffering from nervous or brcadiing disorders.
This placement can cause special concerns when Sun, Mercury' or
Venus is in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses.

Leo Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the sixth house while Ketu is in die twelfth
house. Bodi planets are badly placed. Rahu can cause undiagnosed
healdi problems. This planetary' influence could cause stress in
matters of stay in foreign lands or distant places, conflicts, health,
financial position, relationships, status, professional issues,
expenditures, mental and domestic peace if die natal planets are
weak. The marital prospect of those seeking a marital alliance
becomes dull. The efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable
properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or a change in
professional ventures do not get an early and good break. The sub­
periods of afflicting and afflicted planets and the prolonged transit
influence on weak planets are especially stressful. This placement
can cause special concerns when Sun, Mercury' or Venus is in die
6th, 8th or 12th houses.

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu is placed in die fifth house while Ketu is in the eleventh
house. Rahu can cause a loss of confidence and confusion. This
148 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

planetary influence could cause stress in matters of health, income,

emotional happiness, marital affairs and the job if the natal planets
are weak. The success of future plans may get a setback. Speculative
investments may cause unexpected losses. The sub-periods of
afflicting and afflicted planets and the prolonged transit influence
on weak planets are especially stressful for those suffering from
breathing or nervous disorders. This placement can cause special
concerns when Mercury or Venus is in the 6 th, Xll‘ or 12th houses.

Libra Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the fourth house while Ketu is in the tenth
house. Rahu can give ambitious plans in real estate matters and
foreign journeys. This planetary influence could cause stress in
matters of relationships, status, professional issues, expenditures,
conflicts, mental and domestic peace if flic natal planets are weak.
The efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a
setback. Those seeking employment or a change in professional
ventures do not get an early and good break. The sub-periods of
afflicting and afflicted planets and the prolonged transit influence
on weak planets are especially stressful for those who are suffering
from lung disorders or knee problems. This placement can cause
special concerns when Sun or Venus is in the 6th, X11' or 12th houses.

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the third house while Ketu is in the ninth
house. Rahu can give new business ventures. This planetary
influence could cause stress in matters ofbusiness ventures, progeny,
emotional happiness, marital affairs and income ifthc natal planets
are weak. Success of future plans may get delayed. Children may
not be able to make good grades. Speculative investments may cause
unexpected setbacks. The sub-periods of afflicting and afflicted
planets and the prolonged transit influence on weak planets are
especially stressful. This placement can cause special concerns when
Sun or Mercury is in the 6th, X11' or 12th houses.
Chapter 11: Ascendant Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 149

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the second house while Ketu is in the eighth
house. Ketu is badly placed. Rahu can give greater social and public
interactions. This planetary influence could cause stress in matters
of status, professional issues, conflicts, financial position, mental
and domestic peace if the natal planets arc weak. The marital
prospect of those seeking a marital alliance becomes dull if the
natal planets arc weak. The efforts in general of those seeking to
acquire immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking
employment or a change in professional ventures do not get an
early and good break. The sub-periods of afflicting and afflicted
planets and the prolonged transit influence on weak planets arc
especially stressful. This placement can cause special concerns when
Sun, Mercury or Venus is in the 6th, 8lh or 12U1 houses.

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the first house while Ketu is in the seventh
house. Rahu in this placement can make one ambitious. This
planetary influence could cause stress in matters of health, business
ventures, emotional happiness, marital affairs and foreign residence
if the natal planets arc weak. Success of future plans may get
delayed. Children may not be able to make good grades. Speculative
investments can cause unexpected setbacks. The sub-periods of
afflicting and afflicted planets and the prolonged transit influence
on weak planets are especially stressful for those who are suffering
from liver or renal disorders. This placement can cause special
concerns when Mercury or Venus is in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses.

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the twelfth house while Ketu is in die sixth
house. Both planets arc badly placed. Rahu can bring interaction
with foreign lands. This planetary influence could cause stress in
matters of relationships, status, conflicts, professional issues,
expenditures, mental and domestic peace if die natal planets arc
150 Impact of Ratio & Koto: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

weak. Those seeking employment or a change in professional

ventures do not get an early and good break. Conflicts can make
life quite challenging. The sub-periods of afflicting and afflicted
planets and the prolonged transit influence on weak planets is
especially stressful for those who arc suffering from auto immune
disorders, intestinal disorders or piles. This placement can cause
special concerns w hen Sun or Venus is in the 6th, Xlh or 12th houses.

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu is placed in the eleventh house w hile Ketu is in the fifth
house. Rahu can give fluctuating levels of income. This planetary
influence could cause stress in matters of progeny, emotional
happiness, marital affairs and income if the natal planets arc weak.
The person could be apprehensive regarding evil eye activities.
Success of future plans can get delayed. Children may not be able
to make good grades. Those desirous for marriage or male progeny
may have to wait for success. Speculative investments can cause
unexpected losses. 1'he sub-periods of afflicting and afflicted planets
and the prolonged transit influence on weak planets are especially
stress ftil for those who are suffering from stomach or renal disorders.
This placement can cause special concerns w hen Mercury' is in the
6th, 8th or 12th houses.

Impact of Rahu in Aquarius and Ketu in Leo

For the various ascending signs the impact of Rahu in Aquarius
and Ketu in Leo are explained hereunder:

Aries Ascendant
For Aries ascendant Rahu is in the eleventh house while Ketu
is in the fifth house. These people may have ambitious plans. The
plans can more or less work well if natal Mars is strong and natal
Rahu is not near the most effective point of the house. If natal Rahu
is close to the most effective point of the house then the person
may face problems in health, studies, relationships and income
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 151

matters. Some worries on account of emotional disturbances, losses

in speculation and the poor performance of the child may also be
there. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus is placed in
the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Taurus Ascendant
For tlic Taurus ascendant, Rahu is in the tenth house while
Ketu is in the fourth house. These placements could disturb one’s
mental peace due to conflicts, diseases, job problems, family
problems and some financial concerns. They may also cause stress
due to additional expenses, hospitalization and involvement with
the wrong company. Involvement in excessive fun activities may
land one in legal problems. The stress becomes severe when Sun or
Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu is in die ninth house while Ketu is in the third house.
Rahu can give a lot of extra energy, enthusiasm and ambition to
these people if the Sun is fairly strong in die natal chart. If Sun and
Saturn arc weak in the natal chart, then Rahu and Ketu could cause
worries on account of one's health, business ventures, partners and
friends problems, losses in speculation and emotional stress. The
stress becomes severe when Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed in
die sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu is badly placed in die eighth house and Ketu is placed in
die second house. More stress can occur w hen Mars is in Sagittarius,
Aquarius or Gemini. This placement can touch on matters pertaining
to one’s job. relationship, health, mental peace, loss of assets and
involvement in superfluous expenses. The stress becomes severe
when Sun, Mercury or Venus is placed in die sixth, eighth or twelfth
152 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Leo Ascendant
Rahu is in the seventh house and Ketu is in the first house.
The person may face additional stress if natal Jupiter or Saturn is in
Capricorn. Pisces or Cancer. This placement may touch on matters
pertaining to one's business, father, progeny, studies, living in
foreign lands, income and relationship issues. The stress becomes
severe when Sun, Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu is in the sixth house and Ketu is in the twelfth house.
Both of the planets are badly placed. The person may face severe
stress if natal Jupiter or the Moon is in Aquarius, Aries or Leo. The
placement of Rahu and Ketu can touch on matters pertaining to
one's health of family, accidents, financial setbacks, family
problems, property problems, self health and vices. The stress
becomes severe when Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Libra Ascendant
Rahu is in the fifth house while Ketu is in the eleventh house.
This placement can touch on matters pertaining to one’s health,
marriage, progeny, investments, income, journeys, apprehensions
of evil eye or black magic and social respect. The stress becomes
severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu is in the fourth house and Ketu is in the tenth house.
This placement of Rahu and Ketu can touch on matters pertaining
to one's health of parents, disputes, longevity', financial setbacks,
family problems, property problems, sclfhealth, litigation and vices.
The stress becomes severe when Sun or Mercury' is placed in the
sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 153

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the third house while Ketu is in the ninth house.
This placement can touch on matters pertaining to one’s habits,
health, marriage, investments, income, journeys and business
ventures. One could be apprehensive of the evil eye or black magic
activities. The stress becomes severe when Sun, Mercury or Venus
is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu is in the second house and Ketu is badly placed in the
eighth house. This placement can touch on matters pertaining to
one's job. status, health of mother, conflicts, longevity', financial
setbacks, family problems, property problems, self health, litigation
and vices. The stress becomes severe when Mercury or Venus is
placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the first house while Ketu is in the seventh house.
This can give a lot of ambition if Saturn and Mars are fairly strong
in the natal chart. This placement can touch on matters pertaining
to one's habits, business endeavors, health, professional matters,
marriage, investments, income, journeys and job. The stress
becomes severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or
twelfth houses.

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu is in the twelfth house and Ketu is in the sixth house.
Both of the planets arc badly placed. This placement of Rahu and
Ketu can touch on matters pertaining to one’s job. status, wealth,
health of mother, conflicts, longevity, financial setbacks, family
problems, property problems, self health and vices. The stress
becomes severe when Mercury or Mars is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.
154 Impact of Rahu & Kota: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Impact of Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo

To fight the unfavorable influence of Rahu and Ketu one can
strengthen the weak and afflicted natal planets and seek the
protection of special propitiatory remedies for the functional malefic
planets. The impact of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces isdiscussed

Aries Ascendant
Rahu is in the twelfth house and Ketu is in the sixth house.
Both of these planets arc badly placed. This planetary influence
may cause severe stress in matters of health, relationships, status,
professional issues, expenditures, conflicts, financial difficulties,
mental and domestic peace. The marital prospect of those seeking
a marital alliance becomes weak. The efforts of those seeking to
acquire immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking
employment or a change in professional ventures do not get an
early and good break. The stress becomes severe when Sun or Venus
is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Taurus Ascendant
Rahu is in the eleventh house and Ketu is in the fifth house.
This planetary influence can cause stress in matters of new business
ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, health, marital affairs and
income, flic success of future plans may get delayed. The children
may not be able to make good grades. Those desirous of having
male progeny may need to wait with patience. Speculative
investments can cause unexpected losses. This influence is
especially stressful for diabetic patients and those suffering from
breathing or stomach disorders. The stress becomes severe when
Sun or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Gemini Ascendant
Rahu is in the tenth house and Ketu is in the fourth house.
This planetary influence can touch on matters pertaining to one's
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Kotu 155

health, disputes, relationships, status, professional issues,

expenditures, mental and domestic peace. Those seeking marital
peace could find the same quite challenging. The efforts of those
seeking to acquire immovable properties get a setback. Those
seeking employment or a change in professional ventures do not
get an early and good break. The stress becomes severe when Sun,
Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Cancer Ascendant
Rahu is in the ninth house and Kctu is in the third house. This
planetary influence can touch on matters pertaining to one’s health,
new business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, parental
health, marital affairs and income. Success of future plans may get
delayed. Investments may cause unexpected losses. The period is
especially stressful for those suffering from nervous or breathing
disorders. The stress becomes severe when the Sun, Mercury or
Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Leo Ascendant
Rahu is badly placed in the eighth house and Kctu is in the
second house. This planetary influence can touch on matters
pertaining to one's status, stay in foreign lands or distant places,
relationships, professional issues, expenditures, mental and
domestic peace. The marital prospect of those seeking a marital
alliance becomes dull. The efforts of those seeking to acquire
immovable properties get a setback. Those seeking employment or
a change in professional ventures do not get an early and good
break. The stress becomes severe when Sun. Mercury or Venus is
placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Virgo Ascendant
Rahu is in the seventh house and Kctu is in the first house.
This planetary influence can touch on matters pertaining to one's
heal tit. emotional happiness, marital affairs, job and income. Success
of future plans may get a setback. Speculative investments may
156 Impact of Rahu & Ketu /Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

cause unexpected losses. The period is especially stressful for those

suffering from breathing or nervous disorders. The stress becomes
severe when Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth or eighth or
twelfth houses.

Libra Ascendant
Rahu is in the sixth house and Kctu is in the twelfth house.
Both of the planets arc badly placed. This planetary influence can
touch on matters pertaining to one's health, relationships, status,
professional issues, and expenditures, mental and domestic peace.
The efforts of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a
setback. Those seeking employment or a change in professional
ventures do not get an early and good break. The stress becomes
severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu is in the fifth house and Kctu is in the eleventh house.
This planetary' influence can touch on matters pertaining to one’s
business ventures, progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs
and income. One could have apprehensions regarding the evil eye
and black magic type of activities. Success of future plans may get
delayed. Children may not be able to make good grades. Speculative
investments may cause unexpected setbacks. The stress becomes
severe when Sun or Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the fourth house and Ketu is in the tenth house.
This planetary influence can touches on matters pertaining to one's
status, professional issues, mental and domestic peace. The marital
prospect ofthose seeking a marital alliance becomes dull. The efforts
in general of those seeking to acquire immovable properties get a
setback. Those seeking employment or a change in professional
ventures do not get an early and good break. The stress becomes
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 157

severe when the Sun. Mercury or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth
or twelfth houses.

Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu is in the third house and Ketu is in the ninth house. This
planetary' influence can touch on matters pertaining to one’s business
ventures, emotional happiness, marital affairs and foreign residence.
The person may be apprehensive regarding the evil eye and black
magic type of activities. Success of future plans may get delayed.
The children may not be able to make good grades. Speculative
investments may cause unexpected setbacks. The period is
especially stressful for those who are suffering from renal disorders.
The stress becomes severe when Mercury or Venus is placed in the
sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.

Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu is in the second house and Ketu is badly placed in the
eighth house. This planetary influence can touch on matters
pertaining to one’s relationships, status, wealth, professional issues,
and expenditures, mental and domestic peace. Those seeking
employment or a change in professional ventures do not get an
early and good break. Persisting obstructions can make life quite
challenging. The period is especially stressful for those who are
suffering from intestinal disorders or piles. The stress becomes
severe when Sun or Venus is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

Pisces Ascendant
Rahu is in the first house and Ketu is in the seventh house.
This planetary influence can touch on matters pertaining to one’s
health, progeny, emotional happiness, marital affairs and income.
Success of future plans may get delayed. The children may not be
able to make good grades. Those desirous of having marriage or
male progeny may need to wait for a long time. Speculative
investments can cause unexpected losses. The period is especially
158 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

stressful for those who arc suffering from stomach or renal disorders.
The stress becomes severe when Moon. Mars or Mercury is placed
in tiie sixth, eighth or twelfth houses.
Chapter 11: Ascendant-Wise and House-Wise Impact of Natal/Transit Rahu & Ketu 159

Chapter 12

“Kalsarpa Yoga”
- The Myth and Its Impact

Let us first understand what a yoga is.

The planetary combinations (yogas) in a horoscope arc
generated through close conjunctions aspects of two or more planets
in a natal chart, placements of planet(s) in a particular house or
within planets or within houses.

Auspicious Yogas/Rajyogas/Dhanayogas
When two or more strong functional bencfic planets form a
close relationship among themselves or with the most effective
points of bencfic houses, they generate good results related to their
mooltrikona sign houses.

The Impact of inauspicious Yoga in Astrology

When a yoga is formed due to close a conjunction aspect of
two or more functional malefic planets it is known as an inauspicious
yoga. If two functional malefic planets form a close relationship,
they cause an inauspicious yoga and severely damage the results
related to their mooltrikona houses. Ifonc functional bcnefic planet
and one functional malefic planet form a close relationship, this
causes an inauspicious yoga that damages the results of the
mooltrikona sign house ruled by die functional bencfic planet. When
a functional bcnefic planet occupies a malefic house, this causes a
160 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

yoga for misfortune related to the significations of its mooltrikona

sign house. Similarly, when a functional malefic planet closely
influences the most effective point of a house, it severely damages
the significations of that house and the houses aspect ed, except the
house which is its own mooltrikona sign house.

The Impact of Yoga/Dhanyoga/Rajyoga in

The impact of Raj yogas (fruits of good placements in life)
and Dhanayogas (planetary' influences giving good wealth and
income) accrues only if the planets involved arc strong. Whenever,
the functional benefic planets (planets ruling bcncfic houses) conjoin
or mutually aspect closely, they form good yogas (such as Raj yogas)
connected with the indications of both the houses involved, provided
they are str ong. The involvement of a planet ruling the house of
income and/or wealth produces a Dhanayoga. In other words, mere
location of a planet or a set of planets in a particular sign or house
without creating a close relationship through a close conjunction
or aspect does not result into any yoga.

Kaal Sar pa or Kalsarpa or Kala S arpa, Yoga or

When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu.
the Kalsarpa or Kaal Sarpa Yoga is said to be formed. A complete
Kalsarpa yoga is said to be formed only when half of the chart is
unoccupied by planets. If even one planet is outside the Rahu and
Ketu axis, there is no Kalsarpa Yoga. The results of mishaps,
obstructions, vulnerability to black magic type tricks, etc. are
attributed to this yoga. Kalsarpa Yoga is considered harmful and
sometimes it is believed that it causes sufferings through physical
deformity', persisting struggles, misfortunes and deception.
Until and unless Rahu and Ketu fonn a close conjunction with
the most effective point of the house or a conjunction/aspcct w ith
Chapter 12: 'Kalsarpa Yoga' ■ The Myth and Its Impact 161

another planct(s) or housc(s), they do not produce the results of

Kalsarpa Yoga even if the technical planetary influences explained
in the preceding paragraph are found in the natal horoscope.

The misnomer “Kaal Sarpa Yoga” or“Kalsarpa Yoga” or “Kaal

Sarpa Dosha" or “Kalsarpa Dosha" is being propagated by some
people. We think they have not correctly identified the functional
nature of planets in various nativities and have not been able to
pinpoint the reasons for miseries. Any chart containing the so-called
Kalsarpa Yoga or "Kaal Sarpa Yoga" will not give bad results until
and unless Rahu or Ketu or other functional malefic planets cause
severe conjunctions or aspects with weak planets or houses in that
particular nativity.
Under the Systems’ Approach, the analysis is always done
with reference to the placement of planets, their strength and
weaknesses, and their mutual relationship with reference to the
ascendant, and its most effective point in particular.
Let us see a few case studies where the Kalsarpa Yoga is formed
but the individuals did not confront any of the results attributed to
the Kalsarpa Yoga.
Chart 7
Male born 24th April 1973.
162 Impact of Rahu & Kc-tu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter. Venus and Saturn arc the functional bencfic planets
while the Moon, Rahu and Kctu arc the functional malefic planets.
Mercury, Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.
This is a chart showing a complete Kalsarpa yoga. The only
close influence of Rahu in this birth chart is on Venus placed in
ninth house. Venus rules sports and courage. The influence of Rahu
on Venus got him interested in sports from a very' young age. He
was bom into a fairly well placed family. The Sun and Mars arc
exalted in the birth chart. Venus ruling sports is in close conjunction
with the Sun and placed in a Sun-like house. Saturn, ruling the
seventh house, is strong and well placed in the birth chart. He
achieved success w ith his professional cricket in India and in foreign
lands, which brought him a lot of laurels. He married at the age of
twenty-two years. He is blessed with a daughter and a son. His
wife is a pediatrician and belongs to a highly placed industrial
family. He was awar ded numerous awards including India’s highest
civilian award. Bharat Ratna. Jupiter and Mercury arc debilitated
and badly placed. The planets in die malefic houses brought some
injuries and low moments for him. There is no impact of die so
called Kalsarpa Yoga in this birth chart.
Chart 8
Male born 24th August, 1968.
Chapter 12: 'Kalsarpa Yoga' ■ The Myth and Its Impact 163

The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun. Moon,
Mars, Jupiter. Venus and Saturn become functional bencfic planets.
Besides Rahu and Ketu. Mercury also becomes a functional malefic
planet. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet.
This is a chart showing complete Kalsarpa yoga. Rahu and
Ketu do not afflict the most effective points of the houses. The
only close influence of Rahu is on the planet debilitated Mars. This
person has a strong Sun and a strong Jupiter in the birth chart. The
lord of the tenth house is placed in the eleventh house, ruling gains.
The lords of the tenth and the eleventh houses arc in close
conjunction. This creates an influence of earning well despite the
weakness of die Moon. The person achieved quite good success in
his professional ventures and attained the highest position in his
field in his organization. The ascendant lord is also placed in die
eleventh house in close conjunction with die lord of the twelfth
house. This conjunction brought him income from multinational
companies. The close influence of Rahu on Mars made die person
very ambitious for investments in properties, real estate and he has
made good gains in real estate investments. The impact of Rahu
may create some problems due to disputes widi partners and die
healdi problems to the spouse. He is married and is blessed with a
daughter and a son. His wife belongs to a well placed family and
his father was an officer with government. This case also doesn’t
show any traces of the results of the so-called Kalsarpa yoga.
164 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chart 9
Male born 11th December, 1923, 2228 Hrs., Kolkata

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun. Mars.
Mercury. Jupiter. Venus and Saturn are the functional benefic planets
while the Moon, Rahu and Kctu arc the functional malefic planets.
Mercury. Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.
This is a case study showing a complete Kalsarpa Yoga. Jupiter
is strong while the Sun is fairly strong. Mercury is combust and
under the close influence of Rahu. In the Rasi chart, the lord of the
house of fortune. Mars, is weak as it is under the exact affliction of
Kctu. The weakness of Mars is covered bv the fairly strong Sun in
the birth chart. The significator of wife, Venus, is weak as it is
debilitated in the Navamsa chart. The fourth house is occupied by
two functional bcnefic planets which are not close to the most
effective point of the house. The tw o planets in the fifth house, as
per their strength, give results w ithout many efforts.
The native headed a large business organization, acquired
properties and had quite good success in his business ventures.
Even into his eighties, lie was in a commanding position including
good healtli. He was a multi-millionaire and enjoyed the comforts
of mansions, luxurious vehicles, royal travels, honor from hundreds
of employees, a large family, government status, etc. He represented
employers on government forums. He was also an Editor of SA ARC
Chapter 12: Kalsarpa Yoga' ■ The Myth and Its Impact 165

Magazine. This chart does not show any traces of challenges due
to the so-called, Kalsarpa Yoga.
Chart 10

The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant. The Sun, Moon. Mars.
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn arc functional benefte planets.
Rahu and Kctu arc the functional malefic planets. The planets Saturn
and Moon also act as Sun-like planets.
This is a case study showing a complete Kalsarpa Yoga. The
native has been working as a manager after completing his
professional studies. He is married and has children but because of
the weakness ofthe planets in die birth chart lie is facing challenges
in life. Rahu and Ketu do not form a close affliction in the birth
chart. The impact of weak planets is shown in the form ofchallcnges
in life regarding health concerns, relationship matters and issues
pertaining to assets. The native sought the help of astral remedies.
With the performance of astral remedies, he managed things in a
better way. Until and unless there is a close affliction of Rahu and
Ketu the challenges indicated for the so-called Kalsarpa Yoga do
not become severe. So, we see die results of die placement of planets
in a birth chart on the basis of planetary configurations and not on
die basis of any yoga, like Kalsarpa yoga in this case.
166 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chart 11

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

planets Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury become favorable
planets. Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Kctu become the functional
malefic planets. Venus acts as a Sun-like planet.
In this chart Rahu and Kctu are exactly on die most effective
point ofthe houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspect cd. They also make the planets Saturn. Mars. Sun, J upiter
and Venus weak through the close aspect affliction to their
moolatrikona sign houses.
There is a complete Kalsarpa Dosha in this chart. The lord of
die second house, ruling status, wealth and family, is weak due to
debilitation and close affliction to its mooltrikona sign house, flic
lord ofthe fourth house is well placed but weak due to weakness of
its dispositor. Mercury, ruling the ascendant, is strongly placed in
its exaltation sign. The Moon ruling the house of income is weak.
Saturn is weak due to infancy and weak dispositor.
This person has been depressed as he can't find work. He is
not settled even at the age of 33 years. There were obstructions in
education. Marriage was delayed. The family relationship is
stressed. Here Kalsarpa yoga shows its impact as die impact of die
strong afflictions of Rahu and Kctu comes into force.
Chapter 12: 'Kalsarpa Yoga' ■ The Myth and Its Impact 167

Chapter 13

Case Studies

In this chapter we will take up case studies to show die impact

of: Rahu and Kctu exactly on the most effective point of die houses;
Raliu and Kctu close to die most effective point of the houses; exact
afflictions of Rahu or Kctu to planets; close afflictions of Rahu and
Kctu to planets; and bad placements of Rahu and Kctu. These case
studies will help thcrcadcrs in their studies of planetary influences
in the birth chart.
The exact or close affliction of Rahu and Kctu to the most
effective points of the houses impacts die longevity of the person
and gives multiple challenges in life. These challenges may pertain
to serious health concerns, studies, professional matters and financial
It is important to mention here that the readers should
not develop fear after reading the case studies where strong
afflictions by Rahu and Kctu have been caused. It is our sincere
intention that astrologers appreciate the vulnerabilities in the
birth charts found in their SA astrological readings, and advise
the appropriate astral remedies to people seeking their advice.
By performing the propitiatory remedies and strengthening the
weak and afflicted planets, the situation can be improved
tremendously. The details of effective astral remedies may be
referred to in our book, “Predictive Techniques and the Application
of Astrological Remedial Measures". These arc not being repeated
in this book to maintain brevity in its length.
The impact of Rahu and Kctu in the birth chart becomes
significantly malefic in the following situations:
168 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

(a) When Rahn and Ketu are near the most effective points of th c
houses they arc placed in;
(b) When Rahu and or Ketu cause an cxact/closc affliction to a
weak planet; and
(c) When Rahuandor Kctuare placed in die malefic house) s) in
a horoscope.
The above situations should not be taken lightly. Problems
can surface in multiple ways due to die triple transit influences
giving a sudden impact. The impact is more if Rahu and Ketu are
in malefic houses or the Moon is weak in die birth chart. Wise
people serve their parents, help needy persons and do regular
propitiatory remedies for both Rahu and Ketu as well as strengthen
die weak planets to avoid sudden problems. The preventive remedies
can help a lot and remedies performed after setbacks and problems
can only bring a limited amount of relief.
In Muhurta or Auspicious time charts the close conjunction
of Rahu and Ketu to the most effective point of the houses or
the planets should he avoided. This will keep the mishaps or
misfortunes away.
Readers can refer to many case studies in our books where a
bad impact of die close or exact affliction of Rahu and Ketu is not
seen. It is a fact that most people seek astrological advice only in
cases of distress due to the planetary' afflictions in the birth chart.
The case studies given in this and other books show the
planetary influences, which can cause harm to a person. When the
chart of a person is presented for astrological advice, at any stage,
die astrologer should advise the appropriate remedies so that the
person seeking advice can benefit from them.
Chapter 13: Case Studios 169

Vulnerable Longevity
Chart - 12
Male born on 24lh Dec., 1968, 0634 Hrs., Gurgaon, India.

Fhc sign Scorpio rises in die ascendant and the planets Jupiter.
Sun, Mercury, Moon and Saturn become die functional benefic
planets. The planets Mars, Venus, Rahu and Kctu arc functionally
unfavorable planets.
In this birth chart Kctu is exactly conjunct to Jupiter. Jupiter
rules die second house. The influence of Rahu and Kctu on Jupiter
impacted the significations ruled by die second house. Jupiter is
also weak due to a weak dispositor. Mercury, and further suffers
from the exact affl iction of Kctu. The native found some obstructions
in his studies. The engagement of this person for marriage was
broken as die young woman refused to go forward widi the marriage
after having met him. His parents sought astral advice at diat time
in the year 1999. He performed the advised propitiatory remedies
and wore die Kavach. He was married and later blessed with a son.
Mutual understanding with his spouse was not good, as was reported
This person did not enjoy good status regarding his
employment. He could not get any employment with die State and
instead found work widi a public limited company. In this job there
170 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

were many issues pertaining to promotion and harassment. He did

not keep good health and later suffered from coronary diseases at a
young age. He received treatment in one of the top hospitals. He
suffered from a heart attack on 25th Apri 1,2011, and recovery' was
delayed. His left artery was 100% blocked and was surgically
opened. He was in the hospital for quite some time. While there he
was advised that his recovery was likely to take a lot of time and he
could follow the medical treatment at home to save on the expenses.
When the heart surgery did not bring relief to him, he sought out
astrological help in October, 2011. He was in the sub period of the
Sun which is placed in the mooltrikona sign of the exactly afflicted
Jupiter. The functioning ofthc heart is ruled by the Sun. During the
astrological consultation he was informed that die sub period of
die Sun would be running up to 6th June. 2012. Besides, die sub
period of a weak planet his natal Jupiter and Ketu would be exactly
under die transit impact of Ketu between April, 2012, to August,
2012. He was told diat this period would be quite difficult and was
once again suggested propitiatory' remedies to be performed with
patience. It was also suggested that he continuously wear the
gemstone pendant (Special Purpose Kavach) for strengthening of
die weak planets. After die October consultation he met for further
astrological advice a couple of times and mentioned his inability to
regularly follow the propitiatory remedies. He lost patience and
removed the gemstone pendant. The exact transit impact of Ketu
on the natal position of Jupiter and Ketu took a toll on his life in
July, 2012.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 171

Chart - 13
Male horn on 17th March, 1948. 0600 Hrs., Delhi, India.

The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant. The planets Saturn,

Mars. Sun, Venus and Jupiter are functional bcnefic planets. Rahu.
Ketu, Moon and Mercury arc functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu are exactly on die most effective
point of the houses of dicir location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspccted. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars, Sun, Jupiter
and Venus weak through the exact aspect affliction to their
mooltrikona sign houses.
Sat uni and Mars arc additionally weak as they are badly placed.
In view of die weakness of the well placed Sun in die second
house he got a routine job with a public sector company. He kept
on being involved in various problems. He stood guarantee for a
colleague and die colleague left his job without paying off the loan.
The loan of die colleague was recovered by die company from the
native. The native got involved in a prolonged litigation with the
company regarding this situation as die lord of the ascendant and
the lord of the third house arc both placed in the sixth house.
Consistent stress brought him liealdi concerns. During die main
period of Saturn which is placed in the sixth house and the sub­
period of an afflicting Ketu die native suffered from cancer. He
172 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

succumbed to cancer in the year 2002 during die sub-period of

Chart - 14
Male born on 5,h August, 1971,2328 Hrs, Dehradun, India.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

Sun, Moon. Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the bcnefic
(favorable) planets. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional
malefic (unfavorable) planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu arc close to the most effective
point of the houses of their location and they afflict die houses
occupied and aspcctcd. They also make the planets Mercury and
Moon weak as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
All the planets in this chart become weak due to the affliction
of Rahu and Ketu. The Sun is closely under the affliction of Rahu
and Ketu. Jupiter is in infancy and badly placed in an afflicted
housc.Thc malefic planet Mercury is placed in the afflicted Sun's
fifth house close to its most effective point. Despite weakness. Mars
is in its sign of exaltation in the tenth house and the lord of die
eleventh house is placed in die second house. The Sun causes an
exact influence on his tenth house. He was working in his family
business as he was not professionally qualified. In the sub period
of weak Saturn, placed in an afflicted house, in die main period of
Chapter 13: Case Studies 173

Jupiter he suffered from Jaundice. His liver was found totally

damaged. Transit Rahu was afflicting natal Jupiter and transit Ketu
was afflicting natal Moon and transit Mars. This person died from
the illness in December, 2012.
Chart - 15
Female born in March, 1961.

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun. Mars,
Mercury. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the functional bencfic planets
while the Moon, Rahu and Ketu arc the functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu arc close to the most effective
point ofthe houses oftheir location and afflict the houses occupied
and afflicted. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars, Sun, Jupiter
and Venus weak through the close aspect affliction to their
moolatrikona sign houses. Ketu causes an exact aspect and affliction
to Mars in the birth chart. This makes the person vulnerable to a
cancerous disease. The Moon afflicts the badly placed Saturn
tlirough a close conjunction. Jupiter is debilitated and badly placed.
Cancer was detected at an early stage in die year 2001, during
die sub period of Jupiter in its own main period. The treatment
provided relief, hi the year 2011. during the sub period ofthe Sun,
die lord of the ascendant die cancer resurfaced, flic treatment of
die latest spread of cancer continued during die sub period of die
afflicting Moon. The cancer got worse even after treatment.
174 Impact of Rahu & Kctu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Astrological enquiry about the health of this person was made

on 15th January 2013. It was found that there was a prolonged
transit affliction of Kctu to the sub period lord Moon. It was
indicated that due to close affliction to her ascending degree the
serious vulnerability would continue up to February, 2013 and the
next three to four weeks were more difficult. The person could not
bear the transit afflictions and passed aw ay in a couple of weeks.
Chart- 16
Male born in January, 1949.

The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. Jupiter. Saturn.

Mars. Siut. Mercury and Venus arc the functional bcncfic (favorable)
planets. Besides Rahu and Kctu, the Moon is the only other
functional malefic for the Sagittarians.
In this chart Rahu and Kctu are exactly on the most effective
point ofthc houses of tlicir location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspect cd. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars. Sun, J upitcr
and Venus weak through the exact aspect affliction to their
moolatrikona sign houses.
Health and longevity arc governed by Jupiter, the Moon and
Saturn. These planets arc weak in the birtli chart. The lord of eighth
house ruling longevity is badly placed in the twelfth house in the
state of debilitation. This situation indicates threats to life and
longevity is curtailed.
Chapter 13: Caso Studios 175

He died on 5th March 1982 during the sub period of Rahu in

the main period of Venus causing exact affliction to the most
effective point of the houses.
Chart - 17
Male born in July, 1954.

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

planets Moon, Venus. Jupiter and Mercury become favorable
planets. Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu become the functional
malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu arc close to the most effective
point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspccted. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars, Sun, Jupitcr
and Venus weak through the close aspect affliction to their
moolatrikona sign houses.
Here Jupiter, significator for the liver, is in close conjunction
with Ketu in the tenth house. Mars the lord of the eighth house
niling longevity is placed in the afflicted fourth house with Rahu
and becomes weak.
This person started suffering from liver cirrhosis in February
2009 during the sub period of the sixth lord Saturn in its own main
period. Though Saturn is exalted, it is weak as its dispositor is badly
placed and Saturn is placed in an afflicted house. In March 2013,
176 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

this person was admitted to the hospital and doctors suggested a

liver transplant.
At this stage the astral remedies advice was sought. The
chances of success of remedies after the person has started suffering
from some critical disease are limited. Preventive remedies arc
always better and recommended.

Delay in Marriage
Chart - 18
Male born in April, 1975.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Saturn. Mars. Moon,

Mercury and Venus become functional bencfic planets. The Sun.
Jupiter. Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu are exactly afflicting the most
effective point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses
occupied and aspccted. They also make the planets Mercury and
Moon weak as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
Besides the exact influence of Rahu and Ketu in this birth
chart the impact of malefic Jupiter is also exact on the 3,d, 7dl. 9ll‘
and 111,1 houses. This causes concerns for income which increased
his mental stress and lack of confidence.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 177

At a marriageable age he was not confident that he would be

in a position to support the expenses of a married life. So he decided
to remain unmarried. He is still unmarried at the age of 40 years
now and has no immediate plans for marriage. Besides the Moon
and Mercury, the other planets in the birtli chart arc also weak. He
has not been able to buy any property and he lives with his parents.
The impact of planetary afflictions is so great that this person and
his parents arc non believers in astrology.

Skin Problem
Chart - 19
Male horn in December, 1988.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

Sun, Moon. Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the bcncfic
(favorable) planets. Mercury, Rahu and Kctu act as functional
malefic (unfavorable) planets.
In this chart Rahu and Kctu arc closely afflicting the most
effective point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses
occupied and aspected. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars,
Sun. Jupiter and Venus weak through the close aspect affliction to
their mooltrikona sign houses.
178 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: {Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Besides the close afflictions of the Rahn Ketu axis in this

chart. Moon and Mercury are under the exact affliction of Ketu.
This caused suffering from dry skin during winters, which requires
a regular treatment. This also can cause problems in marriage and
problems relating to litigation besides intestinal malfunctioning.
The father of the person sought astrological advice and the
help of astral remedies to avoid the impact of these afflictions. The
propitiatory remedies and the use of a special power Kavach was
suggested which the person is following. It is hoped that the malefic
influence of the functional malefic planets will be reduced to a
minimum extent. This is an example of how astrological advice
can help in a better way.

Thyroid Problem
Chart- 20

The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. Jupiter. Saturn.

Mars, Sun. Mercury and Ven us arc the functional benefief favorable)
planets. Besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon is the only other
functional malefic for the Sagittarians.
In this chart, die lord of the ascendant is strongly placed in the
seventh house. The exalted Venus is under an exact influence of
Chapter 13: Case Studios 179

Ketu from the eighth house. The lord of the tenth house. Mercury
is placed in the fifth house. Though, it is weak due to combustion.
Mercury gave an engineering degree to this person. The good
placement of the Sun in its sign of exaltation brought a good job
for this individual and her father also holds a senior position in a
company. The lord of the third house is weak but well placed in the
second house. Mars is weak due to weakness of its dispositor. Saturn,
'file Moon is weak due to bad placement, old age and debilitation.
The exact affliction to Venus caused suffering for her due to a thyroid
problem. The strength of Jupiter impelled an astrological
consultation for the astral remedies advice. The following of
astrological advice regarding the propitiatory remedies for Rahu.
Ketu and the Moon and wearing a Special Power Kavach is likely
to help her by reducing the impact of the exact affliction of Ketu in
the birth chart.

Troublesome Career
Chart - 21
Male horn on 21s* Dec., 1973, 0525 Hrs.. Bhiwani, India.

fhe sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant and the planets Jupiter,
Sun, Mercury, Moon and Saturn become the functional bcncfic
planets. The planets Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu arc functionally
unfavorable planets.
180 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

This is a case study where the person was having persistent

professional problems. The lord of die tenth house is exactly in
conjunction widi Rahu. The lord of die sixth house is exactly
afflicted by an aspect of Rahu. The lord of the fourth house is badly
placed and is under die close affliction of Rahu and Kctu. The lord
of die second house is debilitated and under the close affliction of
die most malefic planet Venus. These strong afflictions to the lords
of the second, tenth, fourth and sixth houses adversely affected die
health and studies of this person. He had to leave his studies at
scluxil level and opened a small shop during the sub period of Rahu
in die main period of Saturn. He got married and is still struggling
in his work. He was unable to recover even the rental cost of his
shop. During the main period of Mercury and the sub period of
Jupiter, lie pressed his parents to sell the house, in which they arc
living in order to purchase a shop. At this stage his modier sought
astrological advice regarding this matter. His mother was advised
about die prolonged influence of transit Rahu on natal Venus. She
was also advised die propitiatory remedies and measures for
strengthening the weak planets of her son. who is surviving on die
pension money of his parents. She was advised that they should
not make any further decision until after July, 2015, when die
prolonged transit affliction is over.
Chart - 22
Male born in February, 1960.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 181

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars,

Sun, Mercury and Venus are the functional bencfic (favorable)
planets. Besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon is the only other
functional malefic for the Leos.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu arc close to the most effective
point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspcctcd. They also make the planets Mercury and Moon weak
as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
Jupiter. Saturn and the Sun are strongly well placed in the
chart. Mars and Venus are weak due to bad placement in an afflicted
house. Mercury is well placed, but is a little in old age and also
suffers a close affliction to its mooltrikona sign house. The Moon
is weak due to debilitation, old age, a close affliction to its
mooltrikona sign house and the house of placement.
The weakness of Mercury and close affliction to the second
and tentli houses caused sudden and repeated professional problems
for this person in the last ten years. He has grownup children and
thus is also under tremendous financial stress.
He was advised to propitiate Rahu, Ketu and the Moon and
strengthen his weak planets. These arc likely to help him to some
182 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Serious Health Problems

Male born on 9th June, 1959, 0503 Hrs., Gurgaon, India.

1'hc sign Taurus rises in the ascendant and the planets the Sun,
Moon, Mercury and Saturn are favorable planets. Venus, Jupiter,
Mars, Rahu and Kctu arc the functional malefic (unfavorable)
In this chart Rahu and Kctu arc exactly on the most effective
point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspcctcd. They also make the planets Mercury and Moon weak
as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
Mercury is additionally weak due to infancy and combustion.
The Sun is well placed, but it is in an afflicted house. Saturn, ruling
the tenth house, is badly placed in the eighth house ruled by a weak
dispositor. Jupiter.. Mars is debilitated and placed in an afflicted
house. Venus is weak as it is placed in an afflicted house. Mars and
Venus share a close conjunction thus afflicting each other. Jupiter
is weak due to infancy and is placed in an afflicted house. All the
planets are weak.
During the sub period of Jupiter in the main period of Saturn
the person started suff ering from an incurable nerve disease which
slowly paralyzed him. During the Mercury sub period in its own
Chapter 13: Case Studies 183

main period both of his legs became paralyzed. He was in clerical

work with no job satisfaction. He alw ays felt humiliated. This is an
example of the impact of strong nodal afflictions.
Male born on 19th April, 1969,1055 Hrs., Delhi, India.

Mercury. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are functional bcncfic planets.

Raliu and Ketu arc the functional malefic (unfavorable) planets.
In this chart. Jupiter is slightly in infancy and further becomes
weak due to a close affliction by Ketu and Raliu. The badly placed,
infant Moon is also weak due to a close affliction by Ketu. Exalted
Venus is strongly placed in the tenth house. Exalted Sun is well
placed but weak due to the bad placement of its dispositor. The
combust Saturn and Mercury are also weak due to the bad placement
of their dispositor.
This person suffered from a problem in his left kidney and
had been taking treatment in a multi-specialty hospital in India for
about one and a half years (1991-92) during the sub periods of
Raliu and Jupiter in the main period of Raliu. As stated in the
preceding paragraph. Ketu forms a close conjunction to a weak
Jupiter. He was operated upon for relief. From August - September.
1994. when Rahu-Ketu was transiting the ascending degree again
there was a problem. He was unable to pass urine for many days.
184 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

He was admitted into the hospital for another operation in

September. 1994. At this time one of the students brought up this
case and the native was provided with a Kavach on the 4th
September, 1994. The native's family was advised regarding the
performance of the propitiatory remedies for Rahu and Ketu. The
surgery was scheduled for the 15th September. 1994. On the 14th
of September, 1994, he was able to pass urine and his trouble was
over. I'he doctors decided that there was no need for an operation
and he was sent to the normal ward for further treatment. A couple
of days later he was discharged from the hospital. He has continued
w ith the regular propitiation of Rahu and Ketu.
Chart - 25
Female born on 30,h March, 1948, 1634 Hrs., Gurgaon,

Mercury. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn arc the functional bcnefic planets
while the Moon, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective
point ofthc houses ofthcir location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspected. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars. Sun, Jupitcr
and Venus weak due to close afflictions to die most effective points
in their mooltrikona sign houses.
Chapter 13: Caso Studios 185

The lord of the ascendant is weak as it is badly placed. Badly

placed Saturn and debilitated Mars become additionally weak due
to a weak dispositor. Venus is additionally weak due to infancy.
Mercury suffers from an exact aspect of Ketu, resides in an afflicted
house and its dispositor is weak. Flic exact affliction of Mercury
and the weaknesses of the other planets caused severe health
problems for the native. She was suffering from arthritis, diabetes
and blood circulation problems. She sought astrological advice
regarding remedies, which were suggested to her.
Chart - 26
Male horn on 5,h Aug., 1960. 0630 Hrs.

The sign Cancer rises in die ascendant. The planets Moon,

Sun. Mars, Venus and Mercury become functional bcnefic planets.
Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu arc close to the most effective
point ofthe houses oftheir location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspect cd including die sixth house, ruling hcaldi and the Moon
placed dierein. They also make die planets Saturn. Mars, Sun, Jupiter
and Venus weak due to close afflictions to die most effective points
in their mooltrikona sign houses.
Fhc badly placed Moon is also exactly conjunct with die most
malefic planet Saturn in die sixth house. The lord of die sixth house
186 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

is in its own house but is additionally weak due to infancy. The

lord of the third house placed in the ascendant is weak due to infancy
and weakness of its dispositor. The Sun becomes additionally weak
due to the weakness of dispositor. Venus becomes additionally weak
due to infancy and the weakness of its dispositor. Mars ruling
professional matters is strong.
l'hc person started suffering from twin diseases of’‘ClDP"
and Naturopathic Ostco-Arthritis since October 2005 during the
sub period of Venus in the main period of Rahu. As stated earlier
weak Venus is placed in an afflicted house. The strong afflictions
to the Moon and Saturn in the sixth house and weakness of Mercury
have played a major role in these health problems. Despite the strong
Mars the weakness of the Sun and his health condition took their
toll upon his job causing it to be terminated. This person sought
astrological advice regarding astral remedies which were suggested
to him.
Chart - 27

l'hc sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

planets Moon. Venus, Jupiter and Mercury become favorable
planets. Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu become the functional
malefic planets.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 187

The lord of th c ascendant. Mercury, is under the exact affliction

of Rahu and Keto. The Moon is strong in the birth chart which
helps to some extent. Jupiter is well placed but weak due to
debilitation in Navamsa and because of a close affliction to its house
of placement by Saturn. Venus is weak due to its bad placement in
the sixth house and its dispositor is weak. The functional malefic
planet Saturn closely afflicts the most effective points of the fifth,
seventh, eleventh and second houses. There are three functional
malefic planets in the fifth house indicating trouble.
This person has quite sensitive health and suffers from many
diseases such as: allergic asthma, painful spine distortion, digestion
problems, very w eak teeth and poor eyesight: very often lie is
susceptible to influenza because of a low immunization power. He
also suffers from strong knee pains. This person sought astrological
advice regarding astral remedies which were suggested to him.
Chart - 28
Female born in March, 2008.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Saturn. Mars. Moon.

Mercury and Venus become functional bcnefic planets. The Sun.
Jupiter. Rahu and Kctu become functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Keto are close to the most effective
point of the houses of the i r location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspected. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars. Sun, Jupiter
188 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

and Venus weak due to close afflictions to the most effective points
in their mooltrikona sign houses.
The functional malefic planet Jupiter causes an exact affliction
to badly placed weak Moon. The most malefic planet Sun causes a
close affliction to the most effective points of the third and ninth
houses and this makes Mercury, which is placed in an afflicted
house, additionally weak. Mars and Saturn arc additionally weak
due to bad placement.
Because of the close afflictions to the eight houses and the
additional weakness of the second and fourth house lords due to
their bad placement, the physical and learning development of the
child was extremely slow. When she was about two years old. she
could not even turn her body. The family was really working hard
to make her crawl. She used to get fits occasionally (approximately
once a month). It was very difficult to sec this baby girl suffering
and tied down in her bed. The doctor said that the illness was life­
long. At the time of birth she w as in the sub period of Mercury in
the main period of Venus both of which arc placed in an afflicted
house. It was followed by the sub period of Ketu in the main period
of Venus. Then the main period of the most malefic planet Sun
started. The Sun causes an exact affliction to the third house ruling
development. The parents sought astrological advice regarding astral
remedies which were suggested to them.
Chart - 29

As26:22 Ma07:51 VeO.VOO
Me 19:51

SaR24:26 Ju 14:00

Chapter 13. Case Studios 189

The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant. The Moon, Mercury,

Jupiter and Mars arc the functional bcncfic planets. The Sun. Venus,
Saturn. Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets.
Mars is under an exact affliction of Rahu and becomes weak.
The functional malefic planet Sun and most malefic planet Venus
arc placed in close conjunction with planet Ketu in the fourth house,
fhe lord of twelfth house Saturn, ailing hospitalization, losses etc.
is placed on the most effective point of eleventh house. It also afflicts
the ascendant, fifth house and eighth house and additionally weakens
the planets Moon and Venus. The lord of the tenth house is badly
placed in the sixth house.
fhe native has a serious medical condition causing muscular
disability for which prolonged treatment, even in the country’s top
hospitals, has proved to be of little help. Besides this, he frequently
suffers from Typhoid and other infections, etc. The maternal
grandfather of this person sought astrological advice during the
sub period of Ketu in the main period of Ketu regarding astral
remedies which were suggested to him.

Denial of Marriage
Male born in November, 1963.

JuR 16:45 Ral8:42


Su 00:42
Kel8:42 Mol0:03 As 19:00
190 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in die horoscope. The

planets Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury become favorable
planets. Saturn. Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu become the functional
malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu arc exactly afflicting die most
effective point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses
occupied and aspected. They also make the planets Saturn. Mars,
Sun, Jupiter and Venus weak due to exact afflictions to the most
effective points in their mooltrikona sign houses.
The prime determinant for marriage in this case is Venus. Venus
is in close conjunction with the most malefic planet. Mars. Rahu
causes an exact aspect to die most effective point of the second
house. The functional malefic planet, Saturn, closely aspects die
seventh and second houses; these houses rule marriage. This person
found problems in obtaining a proposal for marriage. He sought
astrological advice regarding possibility of marriage. The chart
almost shows denial of marriage.

Problems in Life
Chart- 31
Female born in September, 1955.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 191

Leo rises in the ascendant and the planets Rahu. Kctu and the
Moon are the functional malefic planets. Rahu is debilitated and
causes an exact affliction to weak Jupiter placed in the twelfth house.
Venus is well placed but weak due to debilitation, combustion and
a weak dispositor. Venus is the dispositor for Mercury and Saturn
and both of these planets suffer due to the weakness of Venus.
The lord of the ascendant, the Sun, is placed in the house of
status and shows that the person will have status through one's
professional pursuits. Another planet placed in the second house
ruling status is debilitated Venus. Despite the weakness of Venus,
it connected this person with working in the hospitality business as
a Manager. The weakness of Saturn and Mercury troubled the family
life of the native and resulted in a prolonged separation. The
weakness of Jupiter and Mercury resulted in the lack of male
progeny. The close affliction of Jupiter by Rahu resulted in a lot of
emotional disturbances and making wrong decisions in life.
The application of astral remedies brought some amount of
improvements in her troubled career and personal life.
Chart - 32
Female born in October, 1968.

The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant. The Moon, Mercury.

Jupiter and Mars arc the functional bcncfic planets. The Sun, Venus,
Saturn. Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets.
192 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

In this chart Rahu and K.ctu arc exactly on the most effective
point of the houses of the i r location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspcctcd. They also make the planets Mercury and Moon weak
as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
Mars ruling status, wealth and family is placed in the house
of conflicts. Jupiter as lord of the tenth house rules career. It is
weak due to infancy and a weak dispositor. The Sun being the
general significator for professional position is in its sign of
debilitation and badly placed. The Moon ruling intellect closely
aspects the second house ailing status and education. Mercury ruling
analytical faculties is exalted but additionally weak due to
Mercury and Mars have helped this person achieve some
success in logical studies. Mercury is exalted and Mars, although
badly placed, is in the house of logic. Rahu also helped bring some
success as it is in the first house of status. But, the impact of this
success was short-lived and she has faced extreme difficulties with
her job. She remains unmarried. The impact of Rahu and Ketu has
over-shadowed all aspects of life. This person sought astrological
advice regarding astral remedies which were suggested to her.
Chart- 33
Male horn in February, 1956.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 193

The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun. Moon,
Mars, Jupiter. Venus and Saturn become favorable planets. Besides
Rahu and Kctu. Mercury also becomes a functional malefic
(unfavorable) planet.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu arc exactly on the most effective
point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspcctcd. They also make the planets Mercury and Moon weak
as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
Venus, being lord of the ascendant, is exalted but becomes
weak as it is placed in the house of challenges which is under an
exact affliction from Rahu. Rahu also causes an exact affliction to
die second and tenth houses besides closely afflicting Mars. I he
Moon is closely conjunct with the Sun. but becomes additionally
weak due to combustion and old age. The Sun is also additionally
weak due to old age. Both Sun and Moon reside in an afflicted
house. Saturn ruling the house of intellect is placed in an afflicted
second house but it did give a professional education to this person.
This person is an engineer and works with a real estate company.
The involvement of Rahu widi the houses of profession and status
induced the element of greed and this person left his job to become
a real estate advisor for larger gains. Initially, there was some success
in the sub period of Saturn but later on persistent problems and
failure was experienced regarding his business income. Due to the
lord of the seventh house being under die influence of Rahu his
spouse also became unhelpful. He sought astrological advice
regarding astral remedies which were suggested to him.
194 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chart- 34

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun. Mars.
Mercury. Jupiter. Venus and Saturn are the functional benefic planets
while the Moon, Rahu and Ketu arc die functional malefic planets.
fhe significator for wife. Venus, is under the exact affliction/
influence of Rahu. The placement of the lord of die house of intellect
in the twelfth house took the person to foreign lands for higher/
professional studies. Saturn, as lord of the scvcndi house, is quite
weak due to infancy and placed in the house of obstructions.
The influence of Rahu gave marriage to this person in die
first place and then his wife decided to stay away and separated
from him. She was unwilling to live together in spite of taking
financial help from her husband.
Chapter 13: Caso Studios 195

Problems in Foreign Lands

Chart- 35
Male born in October, 1968.

The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun.

Mars. Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the functional benefic
planets while the Moon. Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic
Rahu causes an exact affliction to a badly placed Venus.
Mercury ruling the tenth house is exalted and strongly placed. The
native acquired a Masters Degree in Computer Engineering. The
debilitated and weak Sun ruling foreign lands influences the house
of income which indicates income from foreign lands. The
placement of Venus, ruling the house of income, in the twelfth house
took the person to foreign lands. The exact influence of the Moon
on die second house caused problems in career due to an extreme
delay in obtaining a green card for stability in status. The exact
affliction of Rahu to Venus caused persistent problems on die income
and immigration fronts. The application of astral remedies were
sought and their performance started showing improvement in die
level of income, career and on die immigration front.
196 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: I Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chart - 36

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Saturn. Mars, Moon,

Mercury and Venus become functional bcncfic planets. The Sun,
Jupiter. Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets.
The lords of die second, fourth and ninth houses are well placed
and strong in this birth chart. These planets blessed the native with
affluent parents, good education, good job, comforts and gains
through properties. In her academic career, the native achieved a
Masters in Science and later obtained die Ph.D. The lord of the
seventli house is placed in the fourth house, is somewhat in infancy
and also under an exact affliction of Rahu and Ketu. The placement
of lord of the seventh house in the fourth house shows that the
person will go to foreign lands. The affliction to die seventh lord
shows that there can be problems with foreign lands and marriage.
The significator of marriage, Venus, is also badly placed, in infancy
and closely afflicted by Jupiter.
As a result of afflictions to the Moon and badly placed Venus
the native remain unmarried up to the age of 43 years. When transit
Rahu was closely afflicting the natal Moon and Venus, the native
changed jobs. This change of job caused a sudden decline in her
career. She sought astrological advice regarding astral remedies
which were suggested to her.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 197

Chart - 37

The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant and the planets the Sun,
Moon, Mercury and Saturn are favorable planets. Venus, Jupiter,
Mars, Rahu and K.ctu arc the functional malefic planets.
Rahu causes an exact affliction to weak Venus and closely
afflicts weak Mars from the eighth house. This planetary influence
tells upon the story of misfortunes for this person. Venus rules the
health and Mars rules life in foreign lands, losses, expenses,
hospitalization, etc. Saturn ruling the house of profession is badly
placed in the sixth house of conflicts, health problems and financial
concerns. The Sun ruling comforts in life is under the strong
affliction of die functional malefic planet Mars. The most malefic
planet, Jupiter, closely afflicts the third, seventh, ninth and eleventh
houses. Jupiter rules obstructions and setbacks in life.
This person has had severe problems of health including
diabetes. He has additionally suffered from setbacks in foreign lands,
court cases in foreign lands and state action in foreign lands. He
sought astrological advice regarding astral remedies which were
suggested to him.
198 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Professional Problems
Chart - 38
Male horn on 18,h Nov., 1962, 1329 Hrs., Surat, India.

The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant. The planets Saturn.

Mars, Sun. Venus and Jupiter arc functional benefic planets. Rahu.
Ketu. Moon and Mercury arc functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu are in malefic houses and close to
the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict
the houses occupied and aspected. They also make the planets
Mercury and Moon weak as they afflict their mooltrikona sign
The prime determinant of professional matters in this case is
Saturn and the general significator is the Sun. Saturn is badly placed
in the house ruling losses and expenses. Saturn is closely afflicted
by Ketu and Rahu. Rahu is placed in the sixth house which rules
losses through theft, fire and litigation. The Sun rules the house of
marriage; it is well placed but weak due to infancy and residing in
an afflicted house. The functional benefic planet, Jupiter, ruling
the house of income is weak but blesses the first, fifth, seventh and
ninth houses to some extent. Venus is weak due to combustion.
Mercury is well placed but additionally weak due to old age and
weakness of dispositor. Even the weak Venus and Mercury helped
Chapter 13: Case Studios 199

the native with parental wealth to start a business. Though the Moon
is plaeed in its mooltrikona sign house, it is weak as its mooltrikona
sign house is afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the third
house, niling entrepreneurial efforts is badly placed in the sixth
house ruling losses through theft, fire and litigation. Mars is also
exactly afflicted by the Moon.
In the sub period of Rahu in the main period of Moon this
person lost his entire business th rough fire in his business premises.
He was left with unpaid bank loans.
Chart - 39
Male born on 24,h July, 1981, 0100 Hrs., Delhi, India.

Mo29:27 Me 19:43


Ke08:04 VeO5:27


The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant and the planets the Sun,
Moon, Mercury and Saturn are favorable planets. Venus. Jupiter,
Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets.
The Sun ruling the house of parents and mental happiness is
in an exact conjunction with Rahu and is afflicted by both Rahu
and Ketu. Jupiter, ruling the house of obstructions and setbacks, is
causing an exact affliction to Saturn, ruling the house of profession.
The functional malefic planet. Mars, is placed in the house of status,
wealth and family and closely afflicts both Jupiter and Saturn. This
is not a good situation. Venus ruling the house of disputes is placed
in the house of parents and mental happiness. The Moon ruling the
200 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

house of professional ventures is very weak due to old age. Mercury

ruling the house of intellect is well placed but the affliction of Saturn
and Jupiter in Mercury's mooltrikona sign house also blemishes
Mercury as during the sub periods of Mercury the results of afflicted
Jupiter and Saturn will also surface. The native was married but
had persistent problems. His depression was so much that during
the sub period of the Moon in the main period of the afflicted Sun,
he left home and his family due to not being able to a get a job.
Chart - 40
Male born on 29"' Jan., 1977, 1702 Hrs., Mandi, India.

fhe sign Cancer rises in the ascendant, flic planets Moon,

Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury become functional benefic planets.
Jupiter, Saturn. Rahu and Ketu arc the functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective
point ofthe houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspect cd. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars, Sun, J upitcr
and Venus weak due to close afflictions to the most effective points
in their mooltrikona sign houses.
Mars, ruling the house of professional matters, is additionally
weak as it is placed in the afflicted sixth house ruling disputes,
diseases and debts. Mars is also under an exact affliction ofthe
functional malefic planet, Jupiter. Mercury, ruling the house of
Chapter 13: Case Studies 201

business ventures, is additionally weak as it is placed in the afflicted

sixth house roling disputes, diseases and debts. The Sun and Moon
arc strong planets in thc birth chart. Well placed Saturn is weakened
by its mooltrikona sign being under the close influence of a Rahu
aspect. The strong Sun roles status, wealth and family. The Moon
is the lord of the ascendant and is placed in the eleventh house. The
strong Sun has blessed this chart with good family financial
resources. The close affliction of Rahu and Kctu to the tenth house
has prevailed and this person was confronted with a lot of financial
problems in his professional matters. His business payments were
stuck and when he found a job. he faced problems in it. From the
20th of October, 2011, he started tire main period of Jupiter which
has brought the onset of the problems.

Delay in Marriage
Chart - 41
Male born on 24,h April, 1979.2234 Hrs., Bhatinda, India.
Mel 3: IX
Mo 16:05 Sul 0:21

Ke23:04 JuO6:47

SaR 13.42


The sign Scorpio rises in die ascendant and the planets Jupiter.
Sun. Mercury. Moon and Saturn become die functional bcncfic
planets. The planets Mars, Venus, Rahu and Kctu are functionally
unfavorable planets.
In this chart Rahu and Kctu are close to the most effective
point of the houses of tlicir location and afflict the houses occupied
202 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

and aspectcd. They also make the planets Saturn. Mars, Sun, Jupiter
and Venus weak due to close a til iet ions to the most effective points
in their moolatrikona sign houses.
The Sun. ruling the tenth house, is badly placed in an afflicted
house and the most effective point of the ten th house is under the
close affliction of Rahu and Kctu. The Moon is under the close
affliction of the functional malefic planet. Mars. Jupiter, ruling the
second house, is weak due to w eakness of its dispositor. Mercury
ruling the house of income is debilitated and weak. Venus is weak
as it is debilitated in Navamsa and the most effective point of its
mooltrikona sign house is under the close affliction of Kctu. Saturn,
the lord ofthe fourth house ruling marriage and mental happiness
is placed in the tenth house which is under the close afflictions of
Kctu and Rahu; this additionally weakens Saturn. The native has
problems in his professional matters due to the weakness and
affliction to the mooltrikona houses of the Sun and Jupiter. This
resulted in a lot of delay in his marriage. The weaknesses or
afflictions to tire second, fourth and twelfth houses and the weakness
of Jupiter and Saturn delayed his marriage. He remained unmarried
up to 35 years.
Male born on 15,h April, 1981,1518 Hrs., Indore, India.
Chapter 13. Case Studies 203

1'hc sign Leo rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter. Venus and Saturn arc the functional benefic planets
while the Moon. Rahu and Kctu are the functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Kctu arc exactly on the most effective
point ofthe houses oftheir location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspcctcd. They also make the planets Mercury and Moon weak
as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
Debilitated Mercury is additionally weak as it is combust,
closely aspcctcd by Rahu and badly placed in the afflicted eighth
house. Mars is weak as it is also combust and badly placed in the
eighth house. Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and combust Venus arc weak
due to weakness of their dispositors. Jupiter and Saturn arc
additionally weak due to a close aspect from Kctu along with
residing in an afflicted house. The utter weakness of Mercury and
the exact affliction of Kctu to the second house caused a lot of
delay for settling in professional ventures, which in turn caused a
delay in marriage. The native remained unmarried up to 34 years
and his proposals were being rejected continuously.

Early Death
Chart - 43
Male born on 12th June, 1992, 1008 Hrs., Bhagalpur, India.

Ve27:18 KeO6:56
Ma 04:25 Su27:42 Me 11:06


Ra06:56 Mo22:lS
204 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun. Mars.
Mercury. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the functional bcnefic planets
while the Moon, Rahu and Kctu are the functional malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Kctu arc exactly afflicting the most
effective point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses
occupied and aspectcd. They also make the planets Saturn. Mars,
Sun, Jupiter and Venus weak due to exact afflictions to the most
effective points in their moolatrikona sign houses. Rahu also closely
afflicts weak Mars placed in the ninth house. Saturn is additionally
weak due to bad placement. Mercury is weak due to combustion,
residing in an afflicted house and having a close affliction from
Kctu and Rahu. Venus is additionally weak due to combustion and
old age.
The exact affliction of the nodes caused this person
vulnerability' to a sudden and untimely death during difficult times.
During the sub period of Mercury in the main period of a badly
placed Saturn, when the transit nodes were afflicting natal Jupiter
and Mercury', die native suffered from dengue fever and succumbed
to die same on 13th September, 2013.

Early Death of Father

The longevity' of the father is primarily governed by the
ninth, eighth, fourth or second houses and the significator planet
is the Sun. The sub periods of the afflicting planets or significator
or during prolonged malefic transit influence on these planets
threatens the life of the father.
Chapter 13: Caso Studios 205

Chart - 44
Male born in December, 1986.

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

planets Moon. Venus, Jupiter and Mercury become favorable
planets. Saturn. Mars, Sun, Rahu and Kctu become the functional
malefic planets.
Rahu closely afflicts the weak and afflicted Sun in die birth
chart. The most malefic planet. Mars, closely afflicts die sixth ninth,
twelfth and first houses. The lords of die sixth and twelfth houses
arc closely conjunct and afflict each odier. The functional malefic
planet. Saturn, closely afflicts die most effective point of die diird.
fifth, ninth and twelfth houses. Mercury is weak as it is placed in
an afflicted house and its mooltrikona sign house is afflicted by die
lord of the eighth house. Jupiter and die Moon arc weak and afflicted
due to bad placement in the sixth house with an afflicted dispositor.
In this case die person lost h is father during the sub period of affl ictcd
Sun and the main period of Saturn afflicting both die Sun and die
ninth house.
206 Impact of Rahu & Ketu /Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chart - 45
Male born oil 1st Dec., 1975, 0805 Hrs., Faridahad, India.

The sign Scorpio rises in die ascendant and the planets Jupiter,
Sun, Mercury, Moon and Saturn become die functional bcncfic
planets. The planets Mars, Venus, Rahu and Kctu are functionally
unfavorable planets.
In this chart Rahu and Kctu are exactly on die most effective
point ofthe houses oftheir location and afflict the houses occupied
and afflicted. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars, Sun, Jupitcr
and Venus weak due to exact afflictions to the most effective points
in their moolatrikona sign houses. Kctu causes an exact affliction
to the most effective point ofthe second house and Rahu causes an
exact affliction to the most effective points of die fourth and eighth
houses, which impact the longevity' ofthe father. The lord ofthe
ninth house is badly placed in an afflicted house with a weak
dispositor. The lord of the fourth house, Saturn, is weak due to
weakness of its dispositor, the Moon. Venus becomes additionally
weak due to its exactly afflicting the house it occupies; it is also
debilitated and in old age. Jupiter is additionally weak due to
placement in an afflicted house and debilitation in Navamsa.
Mercury is weak as it is combust and its mooltrikona sign house is
exactly afflicted by the functional malefic planet, Venus. Badly
placed Mars is additionally weak as it is placed in an afflicted house.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 207

The native suffered in life due to the early death of his father
during the sub period of Ketu afflicting the second house in the
main period of weak lord of the second house. The exact afflictions
to the second, fourth and fifth houses hampered the studies of the
person. The native remained unmarried even at the age of 37 years.
He was doing very little and knew only AC repair work.
Chart - 46
Female born on 2nd Jan., 1991, 0027 Hrs., Ahmedabad,

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

planets Moon. Venus. Jupiter and Mercury become favorable
planets. Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu become the functional
malefic planets.
In this case weak well placed Mars, ruling the eighth house,
which impacts the longevity of father, is under the exact affliction
of Rahu. Rahu is closely conjunct with Saturn and carries an
additional malefic impact. Rahu and Ketu closely afflict the weak
planets Saturn, Moon and Venus. Mercury' the lord of the ascendant
is absolutely weak due to utter infancy and weakness of dispositor.
flic functional malefic planet. Sun, closely afflicts the fourth house
and the lord of the fourth house is weak due to weakness of
dispositor. The person suffered in life due to early death of her
208 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: /Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

father during the sub period of Rahu exactly afflicting the lord of
the eighth house in the main period of afflicted Saturn.
Chart - 47
Male born on 14,h Feb., 2000, 2047 Hrs., Kohiina, India.

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

planets Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury become favorable
planets. Saturn. Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu become the functional
malefic planets.
In this case Mars, ruling the eighth house, which impacts the
longevity of father, is under the dose affliction of Rahu. Mercury,
tlie lord of the ascendant, is absolutely weak due to its bad placement
and the weakness of its dispositor. The functional malefic planet.
Sun, is weak due to infancy, bad placement in an afflicted house
and the weakness of its dispositor. Saturn. The lord of the second
house is weak due to infancy and its mooltrikona sign house is
under a close affliction aspect from malefic Saturn. The lord of the
fourth house is weak due to bad placement in the afflicted eighth
house. There is no mooltrikona sign in the ninth house. Therefore,
the lords of the second, fourth and eighth houses are considered to
judge the longevity of father along w ith the significator. Sun. The
person suffered in life due to early death of father during the sub
period of Rahu closely afflicting the lord of the eighth house in its
Chapter 13: Case Studios 209

own main period. The Moon is strongly placed in die birth chart.
His mother is remarried to another man and is looking after die
Chart - 48
Male born on 23rd Dec., 1979, 0847 Hrs., Mumbai, India.

I'hc sign Sagittarius rises in die ascendant. Jupiter. Saturn.

Mars, Sun, Mercury and Venus arc the functional bcncfic planets.
Besides Rahu and Kctu, die Moon is the only other functional
malefic for the Sagittarians.
In this birth chart, die lord ofthe ninth house ruling father, the
Sun, isunderthe exact affliction of Rahu. The most malefic planet,
die Moon, afflicts die most eff ective point of the second house
niling family. Due to die exact affliction ofthe Sun, Jupiter and
Mars placed in the ninth house become weak and suffer from the
impact of an affliction to their dispositor. Mercury' is weak due to
bad placement. Saturn is weak due to infancy and w eakness of its
dispositor. Venus is weak as it is placed in an afflicted house. Soon
after her birth, the sub period of Rahu in the main period of Mars
started. She lost her father very' early in this sub period of Rahu.
210 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Basod on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Early Death of Husband

Chart - 49
Female born on 2nd June, 1984, 1402 Hrs., Mangalore,

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

planets Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury become favorable
planets. Saturn, Mars, Sun. Rahu and Kctu become the functional
malefic planets.
In this chart Rahu and Kctu arc close to the most effective
point ofthc houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspectcd. They also make the planets Mercury and Moon weak
as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
Venus, ruling the house of family, becomes weak due to
combustion and close conjunction of Rahu and aspect from Kctu.
Venus is also afflicted due to close conjunction ofthc Sun and
placement in an afflicted house. The Sun is closely afflicted due to
the aspect from the most malefic planet. Mars. The functional
malefic planets Mars and Saturn arc closely conjunct in the second
house. They mutually afflict each other and indicate setbacks, flic
functional malefic planet. Saturn, exactly afflicts Jupiter, which is
the lord of the fourth house and rules marital happiness in the birth
Chapter 13: Case Studies 211

chart. The lord of the ascendant. Mercury, becomes weak as it is

badly placed in the eighth house.
She lost her husband within a month of her marriage during
the sub period of Sun in the main period of Saturn.
Female born on 8,h Aug., 1968, 2200 Hrs., Ahmedabad,

The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant. The Moon, Mercury.

Jupiter and Mars arc the functional bcncfic planets. The Sun. Venus,
Saturn, Rahu and Kctu act as functional malefic planets.

In this chart Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective
point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspcctcd. They also make the planets Mercury and Moon weak
as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
Venus and Jupiter are weak as they are badly placed. The lord
of the second house. Mars, is weak due to debilitation, combustion
and a weak dispositor. The weak Mercury is closely conjunct with
die functional malefic planet, Sun. flic Moon is weak as it is closely
afflicted by an aspect from die Sun and it is placed in the afflicted
eleventh house, flic functional malefic planet, Saturn, is weak due
to infancy and a weak dispositor.
212 Impact of Rahu & Ketu /Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

The prime determinant for marriage is very weak as explained

above and the seventh house is under the close affliction of Rahu
and Ketu. The marriage of this lady was delayed. It was
inharmonious and this lady lost her husband during the sub period
of Ketu in the main period of Jupiter.

Blood Cancer
Chart - 51
Male born on 20,h Oct., 1967, 0232 Hrs., Delhi, India.

Mercury. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the functional bcncfic planets
while the Moon, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets.
The lord of the ascendant, the Sun, which is the prime
determinant of health as well, is weak due to debilitation, infancy
and a close affliction from Rahu and Ketu. Jupiter is closely aspected
and afflicted by Rahu. Jupiter and the Sun are additionally weak as
they have weak dispositors.
Rahu afflicts weak Mars through an exact aspect. Saturn is
weak as it is badly placed. Mercury, Moon and Venus arc weak as
their dispositors are weak. Jupiter, Venus and Mars enjoy some
benefit from their good placements but remain weak.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 213

In early 2015 this person was diagnosed with blood cancer

and is undergoing treatment.
People become addicted due to depression or severe
setbacks. Depression is caused by a strong influence of Ketu,
which gives serious setbacks in life. Secondly, people resort to
addiction out of hopelessness or pain. Sometimes prolonged
treatment including the use of steroids and tranquilizers is
necessitated due to the severe afflictions caused by Rahu and
Ketu. Under the close influence of Rahu or Rahu-like planets
on the seventh, fourth, twelfth, eighth houses or their lords or a
badly placed weak Moon, Mercury or Venus in Rahu-like
houses, people become interested in excessive fun and can get
trapped in addictions. They become addicted in situations w here
they experience serious setbacks in life.
The close influence of Rahu or Rahu-like planets on the
fifth house or its lord or the close impact of Ketu on the fifth
house or the lord of the ascendant and the weak Mercury' or
Moon give apprehensions regarding black magic activities.
Health concerns due to an exact influence of Rahu and Ketu is
very difficult to diagnose. The authors feel that apprehension
regarding black magic impact that appears to become visible
through mishaps, prolonged obstructions or repeated failures
is. in reality, a reflection of the impact of afflictions in a birth
chart; there is no black magic activity involved. Therefore,
performance of propitiatory remedies for Rahu and Ketu can
Let us review a few case studies on addictions and black
magic apprehensions:
214 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chart - 52
Male born on 9,h March, 1973, 0415 Hrs., Delhi, India.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Saturn. Mars. Moon.

Mercury and Venus become functional benefic planets. The Sun.
Jupiter. Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets.
In this case Rahu closely afflicts the badly placed weak Mars
ruling the fourth house. Mars is placed in a Rahu-likc house.
Tendencies for excessive fun arc seen through the Rahu-likc planet,
Jupiter the lord of the twelfth house, being debilitated and also
closely afflicting the ascendant, fifth, seventh and ninth houses.
Mercury is weak due to debilitation, combustion, infancy and a
close affliction from malefic Jupiter to its moolatrikona sign house.
The weak Mercury' weakens the discriminatory powers of the
These influences ultimately made this person addicted to drugs.
This was found in the sub period of Rahu in the main period of
Rahu when transit Rahu was influencing the seventh house.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 215

Male born in September, 1973.

Ma 15 22
Ke 11:11


JuRO9:l3 Su26:03

Ra 11:11 As 18:05 Ve05:26 MeO4:24

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant and the planets Jupiter.
Sun. Mercury, Moon and Saturn become the functional bencfic
planets. The planets Mars, Venus, Rahu and Kctu are functionally
unfavorable planets.
Rahu and Ketu cause an exact affliction through aspect /
conjunction with the lord of the fourth house, Saturn, in the Rahu-
likc eighth house. Saturn is also a dispositor of the Moon which in
turn takes on the impact of this affliction. Mercury is weak in this
birth chart due to combustion and infancy.
This person became addicted to a serious substance addiction
during the sub period of the Moon in the main period of Mercury.
Transit Rahu was moving through the ascendant.
216 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chart - 54
Female born in January, 1978.

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

planets Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury become favorable
planets. Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu become the functional
malefic planets.
Rahu causes an exact affliction to the Moon. Rahu-likc planet.
Mars closely influences the weak and combust Venus and another
Rahu-likc planet, the Sun. Venus is exactly conjunct and additionally
afflicted by the malefic Sun. The malefic Sun is also afflicting, by
aspect, the malefic planet Mars. The functional malefic planets
Saturn and the Sun cause close afflictions to the most effective
point of die houses of their location and houses aspcctcd by diem.
These afflictions and the impact of Rahu and Rahu-likc planets
made this person a drug addict.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 217

Black Magic Apprehensions

Chart - 55
Male born in March, 1981.

I'hc sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. Jupiter. Saturn,

Mars, Sun, Mercury and Venus arc the functional bencfic planets.
Besides Rahu and Ketu. the Moon is the only other functional
malefic for the Sagittarians.
The lord of the ascendant and the lord of the third house are
closely con junct and arc under the close influence of Ketu. The
ascendant is also under the close influence of the Moon which is
the dispositor for Rahu. Venus alongwith Mars the lord of the fifth
house, reside in the tliird house and are combust. All the planets in
the third house arc weak due to the weakness and affliction to the
lord of the third house.
This person suffered from apprehensions of black magic
activities during the sub period of Rahu in the main period of the
Moon. Transit Rahu was closely influencing natal Rahu and transit
Ketu was exactly influencing the natal Saturn and Jupiter. The
authors strongly feel that these apprehensions regarding a black
magic impact are only the result of the impact of the afflictions
in the birth chart.
218 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chart - 56
Male born in October, 1940.

The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. Jupiter. Saturn.

Mars. Sun. Mercury and Venus are the functional benefic planets.
Besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon is the only other functional
malefic for the Sagittarians.
In this chart Rahu and Ketu arc close to the most effective
point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspccted. They also make the planets Mercury and Moon weak
as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
The lord of the fifth house is under the exact affliction of
Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the ascendant and the lord of the third
house are exactly conjunct with each other in the fifth house. The
impact of the exact affliction of the lord of the fifth house is also
felt by the planets placed in the fifth house.
This person suffered due to the ill health of his sons and was
always fearful that someone was perfonning black magic activities
to cause the sufferings of his sons. In fact, this is only the impact of
the exact affliction in the birth chart. The performance of propitiatory
remedies for Rahu. Ketu and the Moon by this person resulted in a
marked improvement in his feelings. I bis exact affliction to Mars
also causes health concerns for him related to hypertension and
nose bleeding.
Chapter 13: Case Studios 219

Chart - 57
Male born in June, 1938.

The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun. Moon.
Mars. Jupiter. Venus and Saturn become favorable planets. Besides
Rahu and Kctu, Mercury also becomes a functional malefic planet.
In this chart Rahu and Kctu arc exact to the most effective
point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied
and aspcctcd. They also make the planets Mercury and Moon weak
as they afflict their mooltrikona sign houses.
Mars is combust and in infancy. Saturn is badly placed in the
sixth house ruling diseases. The Sun is badly placed in the eighth
house. Mercury is slightly in old age, but well placed. It is weak
mainly due to the exact affliction on its moolatrikona house. The
lord of the ascendant is strong in this birth chart. The lord of the
tenth house, the Moon, is well placedin a Sun-like house but weak
due to exact affliction to its moolatrikona sign house.
Prolonged stays in large hospitals could not diagnose the
reasons for the blood disease of this person. Let us add here, the
feeling of the inquirer: “Till date there is no diagnosis and doctors
have no clue where the blood is coming from. Loads of Ultrasound
and CT scan tests have been done. Some advance scans have also
revealed nothing. My humble request to kindly guide us. Someone
220 Impact of Rahu & Kotu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

has tried to suggest that it may be a case of black magic/tantra

performed on him and as there is no diagnosis till date, it feels like
there is something unnatural involved.”
Again the authors feel that it is not a black magic activity or
something unnatural, but the result of the exact afflictions in the
birth chart. This person was also suggested the performance of
propitiatory' remedies for his functional malefic planets.
In Muhurta or elected auspicious time charts the close
conjunction of Rahu. Ketu and other functional malefic planets
to the most effective point of the houses or the planets should
be avoided. The bad placement of the planets should also be
avoided. These will keep mishaps or misfortunes away. Here
are a few examples where these principles were not followed
and there were mishaps / severe problems.

Muhurata for Taking Oath of Office

Chart - 58
Oath taking chart dated 29th January', 2006, 12.10 hours
at New Delhi. India.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The

Sun, Moon. Mars. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the bencfic
Chapter 13: Case Studies 221

(favorable) planets. Mercury, Raliu and Ketu act as functional

malefic (unfavorable) planets.
In this chart weak Moon and Saturn are under the close
affliction of Rahu and Ketu from the malefic houses. The main
period of the weak and afflicted Moon was in progress. The Moon
is afflicted by Ketu from the sixth house. Saturn is afflicted by
Rahu from the twelfth house.
During the tenure of this Government many scams for gains
tlirough corrupt practices or manipulations came to light. Many
controversies and disputes also surfaced. Some ministers were
charged with corrupt practices and some of them had to leave the
Government. One of the ministers was even arrested and the
Government, that took the oath of office during this Muhurta, lost
power in the next general election.
Chart - 59
Oath taking chart dated 28th December, 2013,11.58 hours
at New Delhi, India.

As07:3l Ke 11:47 JuR22:33

VeR 04:05

Rai 1:47
Mel2:O2 Mol5:16 Mal5:54
Sul 2:37 Sa25:57

The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant. The Moon. Mercury,

Jupiterand Mars arc the functional bcncfic planets. The Sun, Venus,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets.
In this Oath taking chart die Sun and weak Mercury arc under
die exact affliction of Ketu. The most effective points ofthc eleventh
222 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

and fifth houses are under the close affliction of the most malefic
planet Venus. Three planets are placed in the eighth house. The
badly placed Moon is closely afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. In view
of these multiple afflictions the Government which took oath during
this time only survived for less than two months.
So, it is very important that in any type of Muhurta chart
or elected auspicious time for any significant event there should
be no close or exact afflictions caused by Rahu and Ketu to the
houses or planets.

The close afflictions to the ascendant, lords of the
ascendant, fourth house and tenth house and the planets Sun
and Moon by Rahu or Rahu-like planets make one vulnerable
to Autism disorders, especially when the sub periods of
functional malefic planets arein operation at the time of birth.
Chart - 60
Male born in December, 2002.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. The planets Moon,

Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury become functional bcnefic
(favorable) planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu arc the functional
malefic (unfavorable) planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.
Chapter 13: Case Studies 223

1'hc lord of the ascendant is well placed but becomes weak

due to a close affliction caused by the aspect of Rahu and the
weakness of its dispositor. Mercury. The functional malefic planet
Saturn afflicts the most effective points of the houses occupied and
aspccted and makes the planets Sun and Jupiter weak by afflicting
their mooltrikona signs. The weak Sun is badly placed. The bad
placement of Sun and exact affliction to the second house ruling
education and status makes the second house utterly weak.
At the time of birth, the child was in the sub period of afflicting
Rahu which was to be followed by the sub-periods of functional
malefic planet. Jupiter, and the most malefic planet Saturn in the
main period of the lord of the ascendant, the Moon. The weakness
of Sun, Moon. Mercury and operation of the sub periods of the
malefic planets caused serious setbacks to the health of the child.
He was suffering from autism disorder, poor attention in school,
learning difficulties and poor motor skills. In this case most of these
factors were at play.

Role of Astrology Remedies:

In the end, let us remind you of the benefits of astral
remedies. The horoscope tells us the periods and the types of
happiness or sufferings we are likely to face, right at birth. The
impact of malefic planetary influences can be reduced by
performance of propitiatory astrological remedial measures.
This will reduce the sufferings. The weak birth planets need
strengthening for better results.
Peacemaking (propitiatory ) remedies arc suggested for the
functional malefic planets to reduce their impact.
Horoscope readings indicate the results of planetary' influences
in one’s birth chart as seen by an astrologer. It is better when the
astrologer is trained with the predictive techniques of Systems’
Approach. Natal afflictions cause prolonged problems in life. The
solution to problems is suggested in the form of astrological remedial
advice for reducing the impact of natal and transit afflictions.
224 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Astrology helps us to enjoy good health, prosperity and

spiritual advancement with the assistance of astral remedies.
Astrology helps us: (i) in understanding potentialities of our
personality thus enabling us to plan success in our lives; (ii) to
reduce the chances of sudden mishaps/health problems; (iii) in
easing anxiety; (iv) in preventing critical diseases; (v) in
developing leadership qualities; (vi) for looking into the future;
(vii) in avoiding strains in a marital relationship; (viii) in
avoiding business mishaps; (ix) in averting professional
setbacks; and (x) in harnessing the educational prospects of
Our experience of over two decades tells us that by
strengthening the weak bencfic birth planets (i) we reduce the
chances of stresses and strains: and (ii) we increase chances of
betterment. We suggest propitiatory (peacemaking) astrological
remedies based on the planetary' tastes and bhoota yagya (one of
tlie five great sacrifices for those w ho cannot speak and w ho cannot
work for the food) for reducing die impact of malefic unfavorable
planets. Astrology can guidc/hclp you whenever you are on the
cross-roads regarding making major decisions in life. The
blessed ones are impelled by God to make use of astral advice
and astral remedies for happiness.
The malefic influences in the birth chart are removed to a
great extent with the help of the propitiatory (peacemaking)
astral remedies. The impact cannot be removed completely. It
is believed that the regular performance of peacemaking
astrological remedies helps in reducing the impact significantly.
The preventive propitiatory remedies help a lot better than post
problem remedies. The weak birth planets can be strengthened
by gemstones, a Kavach, a Special Power Kavach or a Special
Purpose Kavach. For better impact these are first worn during
an auspicious time. This is very important. The readers can
study the details in our book, “Predictive Techniques and the
Application of Astrological Remedial Measures”.
Chapter 13: Caso Studies 225

Happiness and sorrows are the results of planetary influences

in our birth charts which arc based on our deeds of past lives. Strong
planets in the bi rth chart bless us with success in matters of health,
education, profession, happiness in relationships and spiritual
progress. Weak planets cause setbacks, delays, denials, instability,
depression and make us vulnerable to problems challenges due to
natal or transit afflictions.
The strong influence of Rahu or Ketu or the most malefic
planet to weak planets causes inflammation, deformities to children,
congenital defects in children, professional setbacks, depression,
strains in business relationships, persisting infections, allergies,
apprehensions of loss, fear phobias, over ambitiousness, losses
through risky or speculative ventures, sexually transmitted diseases,
apprehensions regarding black magic evil cyeactiv ities, litigation,
sudden mishaps and problems in marital relationships.
Planetary strength diagnosis is as important as
immunization care for the newly horn child. It helps in the
growth of the child. Remedies help in reducing problems.
Suggested peacemaking remedies for Rahu and Ketu:

1. Offering a sweet parantha (Indian pancake stuffed with sugar

and then fried) OR a piece of brown cake to crows/birds daily
in the morning after morning prayers for Rahu.
2. Offering four slices of bread dipped in milk to street dogs
daily in the morning after prayers, OR a donation to a dog
shelter once every three months for Ketu.
3. Giving food to lepers once a week on Fridays for Rahu.
4. Donations to an organization looking after old aged persons
for Rahu and Ketu.
226 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Chapter 14

Significator Planets and Houses for

Various Aspects of Life

Here, we provide for you the details of houses and planets

required to be analyzed for various aspects of life.
Under each topic, proceed tlirough the list until you find the
house that has a mooltrikona sign. 1 f none of the houses listed have
a mooltrikona sign for the ascendant in question, use the first planet
listed as the primary significator.
The house ruler or the planet found will have primary
importance with regard to the signification. Once you have the
primary significator, other planets listed become general
For example, if you want to find out the houses/planets that
are significators for abortions, you have to refer to and study the
fifth and second houses and the planets J upiter and the Sun. 1 fthese
houses and planets arc weak and afflicted, they can cause abortions.
This information provided here acts as an important tool of
predictive astrology. Let us find out the houses and planets required
to be analyzed for identifying various aspects of life.
Order of Seeing Significations
Abortions 5th and 2nd houses and the planets Jupiter
and the Sun.
Accidents 6,h house and the planet Mars.
Affection 5th house and the Moon.
Chapter 14: Significator Planets and Houses for Various Aspects of Ufe 227

Allergy Close influence of Rahu/Kctu and Raliu

like planets on weak planets houses.
Analytical ability Mercury. 3rd house.
Asthama 3rd house, 4th house. Mercury' & Moon.
Assets 4th house, 2nd house. Mars and Venus.
Basic Education 4U1 house. Moon and Mercury.
Business Venus and Mercury'.
Children 5th house, 2"d house, Jupiter and Sun.
Comforts 12lh house, 4th house, 7th house. 2nd house.
Sun, Venus and Moon.
Competitions Lord ofthe 5,h house. Lord of the 3rd house
or the lord of the 2nd house if there is no
MT sign in the 5th house.
Coronar y problems Exact or very close influence of Raliu,
Kctu or the most malefic planet on the 4th
house. Sun and the Moon.
Courage 3rd house. Sun, Mars.
Creative Intelligence 5th house, 2nd house, Jupiter and Sun.
Debts 6lb house and Moon.
Depression 4th house. Moon, Mercury and the Sun.
Disputes Arc indicated by the close influence of the
6lh lord on other planets/houses. planets
in the 6,b house and afflicted Sun and Mars.
Easy Gains 8Ib house, Jupiter and Sun.
Education (Basic) 4tb house. Moon and Mercury.
Education (Higher) 5th house, 2nd house, 9lb house. Sun,
Mercury and Jupiter.
Education (Spiritual) 9th house, and strength of Sun and Jupiter.
Elder Brothers 1 ltb house and Jupiter.
Employment 10,b house, 2nd House and Sun.
228 Impact of Rahu & Ketu (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Entrepreneurial 3rd house. Mars. Venus and Saturn.

Evictions 4th house and the planets the Moon and
Family 2nd house, 7th house. 4,h house, Venus and
Fanaticism Impact of Rahu over the 6th house or that
of the 6,h lord and/or nodes on die third,
first and tenth houses.
Father 911' house. 41,1 house. Sun and Jupiter.
Fatal Accidents/or 8111 house and exact affliction of MMP
very serious accidents or Ketu.
Financial Solvency 6lh house, 2nd house. Moon and Venus.
Foreign Residence 7th house, 12th house or influence of 7th
lord or 12th lord or 9U1 lord on 4th house or
10,h house, Rahu and Venus.
Foreign Visits 9th house, 10ll‘ house or influence of 9,h
lord or 12th lord or 7dl lord on 4th house or
3rd house.
General Fortune 9th house, 4th house, 2nd house, Sun and
Luck Jupiter.
Happy Married Life 7th house. 4th house. 2nd house, 8th house,
12th house. Moon and Venus.
Healtli (Emotional) 1st house, 5th house, 6th house. Moon and
Health (Functional) 1st house, 6th house. Moon and Mercury'.
Health (General) 1house, 611' house. Sun. Mars and Moon.
Healtli (Physical) 1st house, 6th house. Sun and Mars.
Heart Disease 1st house, 6th house, 4th house. Sun and
Moon. Mars, Jupiter.
Husband 7th house, 2nd house, 4th house, 8th house,
12th house, Jupiter and Sun.
Chapter 14: Significator Planets and Houses for Various Aspects of Life 229

Inclinations 5th house, 4th house, 2nd house, Jupiter and

Income & Gains 11U| house, 2"d house, 10l11 house, 3rd
house, Jupiter, Venus and Moon.
Inheritance 8th house, 9,h house, 4th house. Sun and
Initiatives 3rd house and Mars.
Intuition 5th house and the Sun.
Kidneys 6th house and Venus.
Lawsuits 6lb house and the planets the Sun and Mars.
Litigation 6th house and planets placed in 6lb house.
Longevity' 14 house. 8th house. 12th house and Saturn.
Loss of parents 4th and 9th houses and the planets the Sun
and the Moon.
Love Significator is Venus.
Luxuries 4th house, Venus, 12lb house and 7lh house.
Malignant Tumors Exact or very' close influence of Rahu or
most malefic planet on weak planets/
Marital Discord Influence of lord of the 6th house/Kctu on
the weak prime determinants significators
of marriage or the placement of the prime
determinants, significators of marriage in
tlic 6th house. The prime determinants for
each of the 12 zodiac rising signs in
seriatim are Venus, the Sun. Jupiter, the
Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the
Moon, the Moon, the Sun, and Mercury'.
Jupiter is significator for husband and
Venus is significator for wife and general
significator of marriage. These arc the
significators of marriage.
230 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: (Based on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)

Marriage Timing 7lh, 2nd and 4th houses or the planets

influencing these houses.
Marital Tic 8th house, 2nd house and 12th house.
Mental Capabilities Is* house, 3rd house. 4th house, 5th house.
Moon, Sun and Mercury.
Mother 4dl house. Moon and 9th house.
Musical Talent 2nd and 3rd houses, Venus and Mercury.
Nervous Control 6lh house and Mercury.
Possession by spirits The close influence of Rahu or Ketu on
the 5th house, Sun. Moon and Mercury'.
Prc-marital Pleasures Close influence of Rahu or 8th/ 12th lords
on the 1st house, 3rd house, 5,h house or 7,h
house or the planet Venus.
Poverty 2nd, 4th and 6,h houses and the planets the
Sun and Saturn.
Professional 2nd house, 5'11 house and 10th house.
Professional Position 10th house, 2nd house, 5th house, 3,d house.
Sun. Mercury. Venus and Jupiter.
Progeny 5th house, 2"d house, Jupiter and Sun.
Prolonged sicknesses 6th house and the planets Mars and
Prosperity' 11th house, 2nd house, 10th house, 3rd
house. Jupiter, Venus and Moon.
Purvapunya 911' house, fifth house. Jupiter and the Sun.
Respiratory disorders 3rd house. Mercury' & Moon.
Renal disorders 6th house, 7th house and Venus.
Romance Mars and Rahu.
Short Journeys 3rd house and 9111 house.
Speculation 5th house and Mercury.
Spiritual Education 911' house. Sun and Jupiter.
Chapter 14: Significator Planets and Houses for Various Aspects of Life 231

Spiritual Life 9dl house, 4th house. Sun and Jupiter.

Sports 3rd house, 9,h house. Mars and Sun.
Status 2nd house. 5th house, 10th house, Sun and
Status with 2nd house, 10th house, Sun and Mars.
Success 3rd house. Sun and Jupiter.
Tuberculosis 4th house. Moon and Mercury.
Vehicles 411' house and Venus.
Weal tli 2nd house. To find the prime indicator if
there is no MT sign in the 2nd house, then
one goes to the 4th house, the 9th house
and then die 1st house whichever house
has the MT sign first.
Wealth giver 11th house, 5'11 house. Moon and Jupiter.
houses planets
Wealth Accumulated Venus is the significator planet.
Wife 711' house, 2nd house, 4th house, Xth house,
12lh house, Venus and Moon.
Widowhood 7th, 4th, 2 nd and 12th houses and the impact
of MMP Ketu on these houses.
Will Power The Sun, 3rd house, lords of 1sl and 2nd
Younger Brothers 3rd house and Mars.
232 Impact of Rahu & Ketu: IBased on Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes)


Let us, first of all congratulate you for going through the
concepts and knowledge of this divine science for understanding
the meaning of your life, removing strains of uncertainty and
developing capabilities for guiding others in situations involving
confusions and uncertainties. You have been familiarized with:
various concepts, preparation of a horoscope through the use of
computer software, tools for studying a horoscope and illustrations
for identifying some ofthc areas ofhuman life. The system remains
the same for analyzing other aspects of life. You have to identify
the concerned houses, their lords, significators and study the
divisional charts for identifying any of the events of life. Thereafter
you can then proceed with the analysis as per the Systems’Approach
brought out in this book.
fhe various aspects of life are governed by the houses, their
lords and the planets acting as significators for particular aspects
of life. Sometimes the first house, signifying a particular aspect,
may not contain a mooltrikona sign. In such cases there may be
subsequent MT sign housc(s) and or planets from where we can
identify this particular aspect of life. Therefore, in this book the
‘Significator Planets and Houses for Various Aspects of Lite’
list has been added.
For further studies and for more illustrations you may study
our follow ing books:
1. Self Learning Course in Astrology
2. Systems’Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes
3. How to Study Divisional Charts
Conclusion 233

4. Predictive Techniques and die application of Astrological

Remedial Measures
5. Impact of Ascending Zodiac Signs
6. A Complete Book on Triple Transit Influences of Planets
7. A Complete Book of Medical Astrology
8. A Complete Book on Horary Astrology
9. Select Right Profession through Astrology
10. How to Analyze Married life
11. Parents & Children
The study of these books will surely give you competency
and confidence in deciphering the coded messages of the Almighty
di rough die natal chart.
Though a lot of confusions, contradictions and inconsistencies
are prevailing in the astrological literature, we are sure you will
steer clcarofthcsc without any difficulty. For sharpening your skills
you may go through the charts of the people around you, whom
you know well, and continue your study furdier based on the
Systems’ Approach. You will realize how close you arc to the nerve
of diis science.
The authors will feel rewarded for their efforts and
contributions if an army of competent astrologers comes to fruition
for the service of mankind.

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