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St. Michael’s School, Inc.

Las Piñas City

Grade 8
1st Grading
Big Idea: The Shared Heritage

Stage 1- Desired Results

GOAL G Students will be able to independently use their learning as…
The learner demonstrates The learners can independently demonstrate understanding by composing and delivering an informative speech based on a
communicative specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and
competence through his/ appropriate prosodic features, stance and behavior.
her understanding of Afro-
Asian Literature and other
texts types for a deeper Meaning
Culture and those of other Students will understand that… U Q
 Understanding and learning Afro Asian Literature  How does learning Afro-Asian Literature become
could become a mirror to a shared heritage. a mirror to a shared heritage?
Philippines, our country, is part of South-East Asia, we
may have traditions and cultures that are alike or
somehow the same. These practices are reflected in
each country's literature. That is why by learning its
literature in totality would help us understand this
shared heritage.

Students will know… Students will be skilled at…
 Afro Asian Literature and different text types
 Context clues and its types  Using different types of context clues to determine the
 Different words and expressions meaning of words and expressions. - EN8VC-Ia-8
 Sensory Images  Using conventions in citing sources - EN8G-Ic-8
 Conventions in citing sources  Use sensory images on a self-composed text/poem.
 Primary and secondary sources EN8LT-Ic-2.2.1
 Modals and its types  Using modals appropriately - EN8G-IIIa-3.6
 Emphasis markers for Persuasive purposes  Using emphasis markers for persuasive purposes -
 Coherence and cohesive devices EN8WC-IIIc-1.1.6
 Parallelism and parallel structure  Using implicit signals to indicate coherence. EN8G-Id-8
 Using parallel structures EN8G-Ic-7
St. Michael’s School, Inc.
Las PiñasCity UbD
Grade 8
1st Grading

Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
 Rubrics TT
 Worksheets GRASPS 1

Goal: Your goal is to be able to create an informative essay (with parallel sentences) about Africa.
Role: Journalist/Writer
Audience: Readers
Situation: You are asked by your editor-in-chief to write an informative speech about Africa.
Product: Your product is your essay.
Standards: You will be graded using a written rubric.

Goal- Your goal is to conduct a blog about the indigenous people of Africa.
Role- Your role is you are an informative speaker.
Audience- Your audience is the Philippine government members.
Situation- As a speaker, you need to inform your audience about the indigenous people of Africa. They
need to know the latest reports about them and their form of living.
Product-Your product and performance is your blog about the indigenous people of Africa.
Standards-Your work will be graded according to Written and Performance rubrics

 Written and oral response/individual tasks (in online class or homework)
 Genyo Quizzes
 Accomplishment of worksheets
 Participation in online class discussion
 Performance rubrics
St. Michael’s School, Inc.
Las Piñas City UbD Template
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

Aug. 10-14,2020 Opening of Online Classes

 Orientation and Familiarization of students
 Setting of Rules in Online Classes

Aug.17,2020 LC: - Define context clues.

Monday - Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues
- Identify context clues and its types.
LT: - I can define context clues.
- I can determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues
- I can identify context clues and its types.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Task
 Students will determine the meaning of vocabulary words based on the clues given in PREZI.
EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will be asked some questions about the previous task from PREZI.
1. What are the definitions of the words given?
2. What did you use to get the meaning of the words?
3. What do you think is our lesson for today?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Run the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
Process Questions
 Students will answer the follow up questions regarding the topic presented.
1. What are context clues?
2. What are the types of context clues?
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Genyo Quiz
Multiple choice Type (5 items)


Aug. 18, 2020

Tuesday LC: - Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues.
- Explain the context clues and its types.
- Understand the importance of the types of context clues.
LT: - I can determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues.
- I can explain the context clues and its types.
- I can understand the importance of the types of context clues.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Task
 Students will have a short recap about the previous topic. They will determine the meaning of
vocabulary words based on the clues given in PREZI.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will be asked some questions about the previous task from PREZI.
1. What did you use to get the meaning of the words?
2. What are context clues?
3. What are the types of context clues?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Run the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
1. Explain the types of context clues.
a. Synonym as context clues
b. Antonym as context clues
c. Example as context clues
d. Definition as context clues
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Genyo Quiz
Identification - (5 items)

Aug. 19, 2020 LC: - Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
Wednesday context clues.
- Explain the context clues and its types.
- Use different types of context clues to determine the meaning of words and expressions.
LT: - I can determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues.
- I can explain the context clues and its types.
- I can different types of context clues to determine the meaning of words and expressions.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Task
 Students will have a short recap about the types of context clues through Flash doc.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will answer some True or False questions through Flash cards.
1. Definition context clue is when the meaning of a word is given in the sentence.
2. Antonym context clue is when the same meaning of a word is in the sentence.
3. Synonym context clue is when an opposite word is given in the sentence.
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Run the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
Seatwork: 5 items (Flashdoc)
 Students will determine the meaning of words using the types of context clues.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Genyo Quiz
Essay type – Context Clues
 Use context clues to determine the meaning of the difficult word on your 5-sentence essay.

Aug. 20,2020 SRA Reading
Aug.21,2020 Quiz day
Friday 1. Context Clues
2. Types of Context Clues

 Setting of rules (5 minutes)

 Checking if everyone has logged in and prepared. (5 minutes)

 Genyo Quiz – (20 minutes)

 Identification (5 items)

 Multiple Choice (15 items)

 Checking - Item analysis(10 minutes)


Aug.22,2020 LC:
Saturday Use different types of context clues to determine the meaning of words and expressions.

I can use different types of context clues to determine the meaning of words and expressions.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Activity
 Students will have a review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Process Questions:
1. What are context clues?
2. What are the types of context clues?
3. Why do we use types of context clues?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Run the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students may ask questions, if none proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: 5 items (Flashdoc)
 Students will use different types of context clues to determine the meaning of the words in
the given sentences.

LC: Recognize the sensory images.

I can recognize the sensory images.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Picture Analysis
 Students will tell the connection of the pictures presented.

EXPLORE(5 minutes)
 Students will tell the sense they use on the sentence provided by the teacher.
1. The tinkling of broken glass
2. The fragrance of a rose
3. The big colorful butterfly.
4. The softness of a cotton.
5. The sweet chocolate cookie
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson - Interactive Discussion
 Run the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students may ask questions, if none proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: 5 items (Genyo)

LC: Express appreciation for sensory images used

I can express appreciation for sensory images used
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a recap about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE(5 minutes)
 Students will give the importance of knowing the following senses.
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson - Interactive Discussion
 Run the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students may ask questions, if none proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: 5 items (Genyo)

Use sensory images on a self-composed text/poem.
I can use sensory images on a self-composed text/poem.
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short recap about the topic.
EXPLORE(5 minutes)
 Students will give examples of the senses given.
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson - Interactive Discussion
 Run the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students may ask questions, if none proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
 Students will write a short text using sensory images.

SRA Reading
Quiz day
1. Sensory Images - Identification
2. Essay type

 Setting of rules (5 minutes)

 Checking if everyone has logged in and prepared. (5 minutes)

 Genyo Quiz – (20 minutes)

 Identification (5 items)

 Essay type (15 items)

 Checking - Item analysis(10 minutes)


Use sensory images on a self-composed text/poem.
I can use sensory images on a self-composed text/poem.
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short recap about the topic.
EXPLORE(5 minutes)
 Students will give the importance and example sentences of the senses given.
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson - Interactive Discussion
 Run the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students may ask questions, if none proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Students will write a short poem using sensory images.
- Recognize conventions in citing sources.
-I can recognize conventions in citing sources.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Recap
 Students will have a review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Picture Analysis

Guide Questions
1. What are the following pictures?
2. How do you use the following materials?
3. What do you think will be our lesson for today?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Run the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students may ask questions, if none proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: 5 items (Flashdoc)

- Identify primary and secondary sources.
-I can identify primary and secondary sources.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Recap (Flash card)
 Students will have a recap about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Picture Analysis

Guide Questions
1. What are the following pictures?
2. How do you use the following materials?
3. What do you think will be our lesson for today?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students may ask questions, if none proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: 5 items (Identification)

- Explain the conventions in citing sources.
-I can explain the conventions in citing sources.
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Recap (Flash doc)
 Students will have a recap about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will be asked the following questions:
1. What are the types of sources?
2. How do you cite sources?
3. What do you think will be our lesson for today?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Question and answer, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: Essay type (5 sentences)
 Students will explain the conventions in citing sources.
SRA Reading
Quiz day
1. Citing sources
2. Primary and Secondary sources
 Setting of rules (5 minutes)

 Checking if everyone has logged in and prepared. (5 minutes)

 Genyo Quiz – (20 minutes)

 Identification (10 items)

 Multiple Choice (10 items)

 Checking - Item analysis(10 minutes)


- Explain the conventions in citing sources.
-I can explain the conventions in citing sources.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Recap (Flash doc)
 Students will have a recap about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will be asked the following questions:
4. What are the types of sources?
5. How do you cite sources?
6. What do you think will be our lesson for today?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Question and answer, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: Essay type (5 sentences)
Students will explain the conventions in citing sources.
- Distinguish modals and its types.
-I can distinguish modals and its types.
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Recap
 Students will have a review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Questioning:(Flash doc)
 Students will be asked to tell the meaning of the sentences given based on its modality.

EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)

Video Lesson
 Run the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Question and answer, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: Multiple choice (5 items)
- Differentiate the types of modals and their usage.
-I can differentiate the types of modals and their usage.
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Recap-PREZI
 Students will have a review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Questioning:(Flash doc)
 Students will be asked to differentiate the given sentences in Flash doc.

EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)

Video Lesson
 Run the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Question and answer, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: Multiple choice (5 items)

- Differentiate the types of modals and their usage.
-I can differentiate the types of modals and their usage.
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Recap
 Students will have a review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Questioning:(Flash doc)
 Students will be asked to differentiate the given sentences in Flash doc.

EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)

Video Lesson
 Run the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Question and answer, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)

SRA Reading
Quiz day
1. Modals
2. Types of Modal
 Setting of rules (5 minutes)

 Checking if everyone has logged in and prepared. (5 minutes)

 Genyo Quiz – (20 minutes)

 Identification (10 items)

 Multiple Choice (10 items)

 Checking - Item analysis(10 minutes)


- Use modals appropriately
-I can use modals appropriately
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
Short Recap (Flash doc)
 Students will have a review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Questioning:(Flash card)
 Students will be asked about the following questions:
1. What are modals?
2. What are the types of modal?

EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)

Video Lesson
 Run the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Question and answer, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Quiz: Essay type. Practical English Book P.177 Letter B.
Write 10-sentence paragraph about South East Asian nations. Use modals appropriately.

- Familiarize emphasis markers for persuasive purposes.

-I can familiarize emphasis markers for persuasive purposes.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a recap about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Questioning:(Flash card)
 Students will be given some words and will be asked about the following questions:
1. What are the definitions of the words given?
2. What are their differences?
3. What will be the lesson for today?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Run the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students will ask some questions, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork: Group the words emphasis markers based on their purpose using graphic organizers.

- Understand emphasis markers for persuasive purposes.

-I can understand emphasis markers for persuasive purposes.
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Questioning:(Flash card)
 Students will be given some words and will be asked about the following questions:
1. What are emphasis markers?
2. What are the different types of emphasis markers?
3. What is our lesson for today?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students will ask some questions, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)


- Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes

-I can use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will be given some words and will be asked about the following questions:
1. What are emphasis markers?
2. What are the different types of emphasis markers?
3. What is our lesson for today?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students will ask some questions, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)

SRA Reading
Quiz day
1.Emphasis Markers
2.Essay type
 Setting of rules (5 minutes)

 Checking if everyone has logged in and prepared. (5 minutes)

 Genyo Quiz – (20 minutes)

 Identification (10 items)

 Essay Type (10 items)

 Checking - Item analysis(10 minutes)


- Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes

-I can use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes
ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will be given some words and will be asked about the following questions:
1. When will you use emphasis words?
2. What are the different types of emphasis words?
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students will ask some questions, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
- Define coherence.
- I can define coherence.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short review about the previous lesson.
EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will analyze the sentences given.
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Question and answer, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Quiz: Essay

- Note implicit signals used by the writer to indicate coherence

- I can note implicit signals used by the writer to indicate coherence

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short review about the previous lesson.
EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will analyze the sentences given.
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Question and answer, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Quiz: Identification

- Understand implicit signals used by the writer to indicate coherence

- I can understand implicit signals used by the writer to indicate coherence

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short review about the previous lesson.
EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
 Students will analyze the sentences given.
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Question and answer, if none, proceed to evaluation.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Quiz: Identification

SRA Reading
Quiz day
1. Coherence
2. Implicit Signals
 Setting of rules (5 minutes)

 Checking if everyone has logged in and prepared. (5 minutes)

 Genyo Quiz – (20 minutes)

 Identification (10 items)

 Essay Type (10 items)

 Checking - Item analysis(10 minutes)



Goal: Your goal is to be able to create an informative essay (with parallel sentences) about
Role: Journalist/Writer
Audience: Readers
Situation: You are asked by your editor-in-chief to write an informative speech about Africa.
Product: Your product is your essay.
Standards: You will be graded using a written rubric.

- Distinguish ways on how to achieve parallelism.

-I can distinguish ways on how to achieve parallelism.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short review about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
Picture Analysis:

Guide Questions:
 Students will be asked some questions.
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Show students more samples and ask students to analyze or identify the ways on how to
achieve parallelism.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)

- Distinguish ways on how to achieve parallelism.

-I can distinguish ways on how to achieve parallelism.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short recap about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the personalized video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 Students must explain the function of parallelism in the sentence.
EVALUATE(5 minutes)

- Understand the rules in parallelism.

-I can understand the rules in parallelism.

ENGAGE:(5 minutes)
 Students will have a short recap about the previous lesson.

EXPLORE:(5 minutes)
EXPLAIN: (15 minutes)
Video Lesson
 Play the self-made video lesson in Genyo for 15 minutes.
EXTEND (10 minutes)
 True or False
EVALUATE(5 minutes)
Seatwork – Parallel or Non-Parallel
SRA Reading
Quiz day
1. Parallelism
2. Parallel or Non-Parallel
 Setting of rules (5 minutes)

 Checking if everyone has logged in and prepared. (5 minutes)

 Genyo Quiz – (20 minutes)

 Identification (10 items)

 Checking - Item analysis(10 minutes)



Goal- Your goal is to conduct a blog about the indigenous people of Africa.

Role- Your role is you are an informative speaker.

Audience- Your audience is the Philippine government members.

Situation- As a speaker, you need to inform your audience about the indigenous people of Africa.
They need to know the latest reports about them and their form of living.

Product-Your product and performance is your blog about the indigenous people of Africa.

Standards-Your work will be graded according to Written and Performance rubrics

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