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Quantum tunnelling

Another phenomenon explained by the particle-wave is

tunneling, which occurs when a particle actually passes
through a seemingly impenetrable barrier. When a particle hits
a barrier, it either has enough energy to break through or it
doesn't and bounces back. But with a wave, part of it can pass
through while part of it is reflected, making it possible for the
particle to appear on the other side.
Tunnel effect

⚫ A particle can penetrate through a potential wall, this strange

phenomenon is called tunnel effect
⚫ Let us consider a potential barrier as shown in the figure above
⚫ Incident particle with energy E collides with the potential barrier from left.
⚫ The energy is assumed to be lower than the top of the barrier
⚫ What happens if we consider it in classical mechanics ( reflected back)
⚫ Quantum mechanically some probability will be reflected back, but
the others penetrate the barrier and passes through to the right.
⚫ Thus tunnel effect.
⚫ Some instruments using this principle are STM, AFM etc.,
electron always

Why do we not
see tunneling in electron usually
our daily lives? repelled, but will
occasionally pop
If the wall is out on the other
much thicker side of the
than the quantum barrier,
wavelength, even though it
tunneling does not have
becomes enough energy to
improbable do so classically
Potential Barrier: when a particle approaches a region
in which the entrance of the particle is opposed by some
force, then the region is said to form a barrier for the

Tunnel effect: when a particle is able to cross a potential

barrier even when its energy is less than the barrier
height, then this phenomenon is called “tunnel effect’. It
is purely quantum mechanical phenomenon, never
realizable classically.

The emission of -particles from atomic nuclei is an

example of tunnel effect
Proof : Show that Transmission
coeff . T = e −2L

If E<Vo : Schr o dinger equation for the three regions →

d 2 1 822m(V m o − E) 
V=0 → + E  = 0 
dx 2  = h 2

d  2 8 m
2 2

V = V0 → 2
+ 2
(E − V o )  2 = 0  (i) The solution of these eq n s are
dx h Free space
d  3 8 m
2 2
 1 = A1eix + B1e− ix  Incident +
V=0 → + E  = 0 oscillating wave  Reflected
dx 2
h 2 3
  2 = A 2 ex + B2e −x  (iii)
Bound space 
8 mE
8 m(Vo − E) exponential
 3 = A3eix + B3e − ix  Zero ( no
Let  2 = and  2
= reflected
h2 h2 wave)
Eq n (i) becomes
d 2 1 
+  2
 1 = 0 
dx 2 
d 2

−  2
 2 = 0  (ii)
dx 2 
d 3

+  3 = 0

dx 2 
 must be finite, single vauled and continous everywhere along x- axis
Applying boundary conditions
1 =  2   2 = 3 
 
  3
d1 d 2  at x=0 and d d at x=L
dx dx  dx dx 
These condition when applied to eq n (iii)
A1 + B1 = A 2 + B2
for x=0 
iA1 − iB1 = A 2 −  B2
A 2 eL + B2 e −L = A 3eiL
for x=L  L −L iL
A 2 e −  B2 e = iA 3e
The ratio between the squares of the magnitudes of the transmitted and the incident
| A 3 |2 162 −2L
wave amplitude is T=  2 e
| A1 | 2
( + 1) 2

 (Vo − E) 162
where  = = and has a magnitude of the order of unity
 E ( + 1)
2 2

 T determines the probability of a particle penetrating through barrier and can be

called the "transmission coefficient"
Scanning Tunneling Microscope

⚫ Sharp conducting tip made of tungsten (W) acting as anode and the
surface of the sample acts as a cathode
⚫ Tunneling current starts to flow when a sharp tip approaches a
conducting surface at a distance of approximately 1nm (10Angstrom).
⚫ The tip is mounted on a piezoelectric tube, which allows tiny movements by
applying a voltage at its electrodes.
⚫ A conducting probe with a sharp tip is brought near the surface
⚫ The electrons can “tunnel” across the barrier of empty space
⚫ The electrons from the atom of the specimen tunnel through the gap to reach
the probe and generate a weak tunneling current.
⚫ The electronics control the tip position to keep tunneling current and, hence,
the tip-surface distance constant, while at the same time scanning a small
area of the sample surface.
⚫ This movement is recorded and can be displayed as an image of the surface
topography. Under ideal circumstances, the individual atoms of a surface
can be resolved and displayed.
⚫ Applications

⚫ Used in industries and fundamental research to obtain atomic-scale images of

metal surface

⚫ Provides 3D profile of the surface useful in characterizing the surface

roughness and observing surface defects

⚫ Surface and structure of the organic molecules can be studied

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