Jay Sop

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NMIMS Statement of Purpose

"Nishan Chuk Maaf, Nahi maf nichu Nishan" a popular Gujrati quote translated to
english means "Missing an aim is forgivable but a low aim is not ". This quote has
always been a driving force in my life and is one of the primary reasons I am deciding to
pursue my MBA. I have always given my best, whether it be pursuing my electrical
engineering despite coming from a background where education is considered to be of
secondary importance, or being elected as a class representative and undertaking
many additional responsibilities which were beyond my calling, including managing the
logistical, food, and beverage departments for our cultural festival, Odyssey, or pursuing
additional internships and educational learning.

Given my academic and personal interests, I developed a knack for the solar energy
industry. This further led me to join Saura Solar, official Tata Power partner and a
company involved in rooftop solar installation. During my time there, I was responsible
for marketing the products to customers, quality management, and ensuring an
optimum turnaround time for the structure as per Tata policies. Additionally, I ensured
that the subsidy and net metre applications were applied and processed promptly so
that no inconvenience was caused to the clients. During my tenure as an intern, there
were several instances where there were operational delays, including delays in the
completion of the structure or delays in the installation of net metre. With the help from
the leadership team and my can-do attitude, we were able to deliver high quality
products as per client deadlines. My experience in the organisation provided me with an
insight into the different workings of the rooftop solar industry, including marketing,
financial, and logistical aspects. This also helped me realise that there are several
aspects of business, in addition to the technical aspects, that I need to learn and also
that it confines me to sectors that are coherent with my qualifications.

I believe that doing an MBA will give me different perspectives while looking at problems
and will also give me an insight into different sectors. This experience will help me
develop my existing array of skills and will also help me acquire new skills that include
an ability to think laterally, managerial and people skills, and the acumen to understand
the different aspects of business, including financial, marketing, and managerial skills,
among many others. I believe that getting an MBA from a prestigious institution like
NMIMS will help me achieve my goals. I will be under the guidance of some of the best
teaching brains in this country. It also provides me with an opportunity to be a part of an
E-Cell that can help me interact and network with a huge list of alumni and also with
people from various backgrounds, which can help me gain an insight into different fields
and widen my opportunity base.
I further believe that joining NMIMS will not only help me achieve my short-term goal,
which is to work as a manager in an established organization, but will also enhance my
skills and give me an insight into the inner workings of an organisation. But it will also
point me in the right direction to start working on my long-term goal, which is to leverage
the skills that I have learned throughout my academic career and my past work
experience to help me achieve my entrepreneurial endeavours.

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