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Pertemuan 1 : Definisi, Tujuan

& Proses Manajemen


Manajemen Perubahan
Raniasari Bimanti Esthi, SE., MSi.
Prodi Manajemen – S1
Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis dan Ilmu Sosial
Universitas Pelita Bangsa
Outline Materi
Contents A
Definition of change management

Contents Contents B
Kontrak Perkuliahan: Absensi, Tugas, What are the goals of change
UTS & UAS management?

Contents Contents C
Sesi Perkenalan Change management process
I am
Raniasari Bimanti Esthi, S.E., M.Si.
You can find me at
Lecture Contracts

•TASK 15%
•UTS 30%
•UAS 40%
What is Change
Change management is the discipline
that guides how we prepare, equip and
support individuals to successfully adopt
change in order to drive organizational
success and outcomes.
Three Levels
of Change
Three Levels of Change
Individual Change Management

Organizational/Initiative Change

Enterprise Change Management

Three Levels of Change
Management (Continued…)

a. Individual Change Management

While it is the natural psychological and physiological
reaction of humans to resist change, we are actually quite
resilient creatures. When supported through times of change,
we can be wonderfully adaptive and successful.
Three Levels of Change
Management (Continued…)
a. Individual Change Management
Individual change management requires understanding how
people experience change and what they need to change
successfully. It also requires knowing what will help people
make a successful transition: what messages do people need
to hear when and from whom, when the optimal time to
teach someone a new skill is, how to coach people to
demonstrate new behaviors, and what makes changes “stick”
in someone’s work. Individual change management draws on
disciplines like psychology and neuroscience to apply
actionable frameworks to individual change.
Three Levels of Change
Management (Continued…)

b. Organizational/Initiatif Change Management

While change happens at the individual level, it is often
impossible for a project team to manage change on a person-
by-person basis. Organizational or initiative change
management provides us with the steps and actions to take at
the project level to support the hundreds or thousands of
individuals who are impacted by a project.
Three Levels of Change
Management (Continued…)
b. Organizational/Initiatif Change Management
Organizational change management involves first identifying
the groups and people who will need to change as the result
of the project, and in what ways they will need to change.
Organizational change management then involves creating a
customized plan for ensuring impacted employees receive
the awareness, leadership, coaching, and training they need
in order to change successfully. Driving successful individual
transitions should be the central focus of the activities in
organizational change management.
Three Levels of Change
Management (Continued…)

b. Organizational/Initiatif Change Management

Organizational change management is complementary to
your project management. Project management ensures your
project’s solution is designed, developed and delivered, while
change management ensures your project’s solution is
effectively embraced, adopted and used.
Three Levels of Change
Management (Continued…)
c. Enterprise Change Management Capability
Enterprise change management is an organizational core
competency that provides competitive differentiation and the
ability to effectively adapt to the ever-changing world. An
enterprise change management capability means effective
change management is embedded into your organization’s
roles, structures, processes, projects and leadership
competencies. Change management processes are
consistently and effectively applied to initiatives, leaders
have the skills to guide their teams through change, and
employees know what to ask for in order to be successful.
Three Levels of Change
Management (Continued…)
c. Enterprise Change Management Capability
The end result of an enterprise change management
capability is that individuals embrace change more quickly
and effectively, and organizations are able to respond quickly
to market changes, embrace strategic initiatives, and adopt
new technology more quickly and with less productivity
impact. This capability does not happen by chance, however,
and requires a strategic approach to embed change
management across an organization.
Goals of Change Management

project return
on investment
Goals of Change Management
• a. Increasing Project Return on Investment
• When an organization spends money to develop or
implement a new business tool, the investment is only
worthwhile if employees actually use the tool. This is perhaps
the most common goal of change management—to help
people incorporate a change into the way they do their work,
so that the change can have its desired effect.
Goals of Change Management
• b. Minimizing Disruption
• Some organizational changes, like acquisitions or changes in
senior leadership, can leave employees feeling disoriented
and insecure. Change management tools can help
organizations reassure employees and get them focused on
their work.
Goals of Change Management
• c. Building Employee Morale
• When employees experience changes, even small ones, they
like to know that the organization has taken their needs into
account. An effective change management process can be the
difference between disgruntled employees and employees
who feel energized and empowered by change.
Change Management Process
Raniasari Bimanti Esthi, SE., MSi.

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