Maths Ass 2

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Shweta Gattani MAT 000 M22

Assignment HW1B due 07/18/2022 at 11:59pm IST

1. (1 point) Consider the function f (x) = 12x5 + 45x4 −

80x3 + 3. For this function there are four important intervals:
(−∞, A], [A, B],[B,C], and [C, ∞) where A, B, and C are the criti-
cal numbers.
Find A
and B
and C
At each critical number A, B, and C does f (x) have a local min,
a local max, or neither? Type in your answer as LMIN, LMAX,
At A
At B
At C
Answer(s) submitted:

3. (1 point)


2. (1 point) Find the critical numbers of the function

f (x) = 2x3 − 6x2 − 90x.

Graphs A and B are approximate graphs of f and f 0 for
f (x) = x2 − 4x + 7.
So f is increasing (and f 0 is positive) on the interval (a, ∞)
for a = .
Answer (separate by commas): x = Answer(s) submitted:
Answer(s) submitted:


4. (1 point) Let p(x) = 4.3x1.3 . Use a calculator or a graph-
ing program to find the slope of the tangent line to the point
(incorrect) (x, p(x)) at x = 2.7.

slope =

and where
Give the answer to 3 decimal places.
Answer(s) submitted:

(incorrect) b=
Answer(s) submitted:
x2 − 5x + 3 •
5. (1 point) Differentiate f (x) = .
x2 •
Answer: = •
Answer(s) submitted: (incorrect)
• 7. (1 point) Suppose that f (x) = 3x2/5 − 8x1/7 . Evaluate each
(incorrect) of the following:
6. (1 point) The slope of the tangent line to the curve y = 2x3
at the point (−4, −128) is: f 0 (2) =
f 0 (7) =

Answer(s) submitted:
slope = •

3x2 + 6x + 2
The equation of this tangent line can be written in the form 8. (1 point) Find f 0 (9) if f (x) = √ .
y = mx + b where
f 0 (9) =
Answer(s) submitted:

m= (incorrect)

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c, Mathematical Association of America

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