Last Will and Testament of Taimur Ahmad Kazmi PDF

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You’re almost done! Follow these

instructions to make your will
legally valid.

Read • Read your will carefully, and make sure you understand everything.
• If there’s anything you feel like you don’t understand, please speak with a lawyer.

Sign • Find three witnesses. Your witnesses must be at least 14 and mentally
competent. Neither witness, nor their spouses, should receive any gifts in your
• You and your witnesses must sign and date your will in the same session.
• While in the presence of your witnesses, verbally acknowledge that this is your
Last Will and Testament. For example, you could say: “This is my Last Will and
Testament that I am signing and it represents my wishes for the distribution of
my property at the time of my death.” Then:
• Sign your name on each page of the will using the signature boxes
provided. On the last page, also fill in the date where indicated.
• Then have your witnesses sign and date where indicated.

Keep Safe • Keep your original, signed will in a safe and accessible place, such as a fireproof
box in your home.
• Be careful not to remove any staples from your will, or allow pages to be ripped, as
this may raise concerns in the probate court that your will had been altered.
• Notify your executor nominees of the location of your will, and make sure they
have access.
• You can make and distribute copies of your signed will for reference to loved ones.
However, if your original, signed will cannot be found upon your death, the
probate court may raise questions as to whether you intentionally destroyed your
original will, and may not accept a copy of your will as proof of your wishes.

Update • It is a good idea to update your will when you marry, have children, divorce, move
or go through other major life changes.
• If you would like to update your will, you can log into your FreeWill account at and make any changes you’d like. Or, if your estate is
particularly large or complicated, speak with a qualified attorney.
• Do not attempt to amend your will by adding, crossing out, or modifying text in
your existing will.
• To avoid confusion, you may want to destroy any old wills you have created.

Important next • Having a valid will in place is a great first step, but there are many important
assets that your will does not handle.
• Assets that will pass on outside of your will are called non-probate assets, and
typically include IRAs, 401(k)s, pensions, certain bank and brokerage accounts,
and life insurance policies.
• FreeWill can help you organize and plan your beneficiaries for your non-probate
assets. Visit to get started.

Need help? To learn more, please visit, email us at, or speak
with a qualified attorney.

Disclaimer FreeWill is not a law firm, and does not provide legal advice. While FreeWill strives to
ensure that its automated services are complete, they are meant purely as self-help
forms. The materials and services are not substitutes for the advice of an attorney.
Last Will and Testament of Taimur Ahmad Kazmi
I, Taimur Ahmad Kazmi, of Rawalpindi, TX, declare this to be my Will, and I revoke all Wills and Codicils
previously made by me.

Article I: Declarations

A. Marital Status - As of the date of this Will, I am unmarried

B. Children - As of the date of this Will, I have no living children.

Article II: Executor Provisions

A. Executor - I nominate my friend Hassan Ali to serve as Executor of my estate and to carry out the
instructions in this Will. If Hassan Ali is unable or unwilling to serve or continue to serve, I nominate my
friend Sabeel Irfan to be the Executor of my estate and to carry out the instructions in this Will.
B. Bond & Court Supervision - No bond or other security shall be required of my Executor or Digital
Executor in any jurisdiction. To the extent permitted by the laws of the state in which my Will is probated,
my Executor shall have the authority to administer my estate without court supervision, and no action shall
be required in any court in relation to the settlement of my estate other than the probating and recording of
my Will.
C. Executor Powers - I grant to my Executor the following powers:
1. The power to exercise all powers of an absolute owner of property;
2. The power to retain, sell at public or private sale, exchange, grant options on, invest and reinvest, and
otherwise deal with real or personal property;
3. The power to borrow money and pledge any property to secure loans;
4. The power to divide and distribute property in cash or in kind;
5. The power to compromise and release claims with or without consideration;

6. The power to pay my legally enforceable debts, funeral expenses, expenses of last illness, and all
expenses in connection with the administration of my estate and the trusts created by my Will;
7. The power to employ attorneys, accountants and other persons for services or advice;
8. Except as otherwise provided herein, the power to make, in my Executor’s discretion, any
distribution required or permitted to be made to any beneficiary under this Will in any of the


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following ways when such beneficiary is a minor: (i) to the guardian or conservator of such
beneficiary’s person or property; (ii) by utilizing the same, directly and without the interposition of
any guardian or conservator, for the health, support, maintenance or education of such beneficiary;
(iii) to a person or financial institution serving as custodian for such beneficiary under a Uniform Gifts
to Minors Act or a Uniform Transfers to Minors Act of any state; or (iv) by reimbursing the person
who is actually taking care of such beneficiary, even though such person is not the legal guardian or
conservator, for expenditures made by such person for the benefit of such beneficiary;
9. The power to perform other acts necessary or appropriate for the proper administration of my estate,
execute and deliver necessary instruments, and give full receipts and discharges; and
10. Any additional powers conferred upon executors wherever my Executor may act.
D. Expenses - My Executor shall be reimbursed for the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in connection
with such Executor’s duties.
E. Reliance - In acting or declining to act, my Executor may rely upon the written opinion of a competent
attorney licensed and in good standing in the jurisdiction where the subject matter of any opinion is sought,
any facts stated in any instrument, furnished in writing and believed to be true, or any other evidence such
Executor deems sufficient. My Executor shall be indemnified and held harmless from any liability for any
action taken, or for the failure to take any action, if done in good faith and without gross negligence.
F. Ancillary Executors - If my estate contains property located in another state or a foreign jurisdiction and
my Executor cannot, or chooses not to, serve under the laws thereof, my Executor shall have the power to
nominate an ancillary individual or corporate Executor of such property.

G. Digital Executor - In addition to the powers granted pursuant to Paragraph C of this Article II, I grant my
Executor the power to have access to the catalogue and the contents of all electronic communications (as
defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2510(8)) of mine, as well as access, use, manage, close and control my Digital
Assets and Digital Accounts. If I have left a writing describing my wishes with respect to my Digital Assets
and Digital Accounts, I request that my Executor follow my wishes, as expressed in that writing. If no such
writing is located within thirty (30) days of my death, my Executor shall administer and distribute my
Digital Assets and Digital Accounts in his or her discretion in accordance with the remaining provisions of
this Will. This authorization is intended to be construed to be lawful consent under the Electronic
Communications Privacy Act of 1986, as amended; the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, as
amended; and any other applicable federal or state data privacy law or criminal law. “Digital Asset” means
an electronic record in which I have a right or interest, but does not include the contents of electronic
communications. “Digital Account” means an electronic system for creating, generating, sending, receiving,
storing, displaying or processing information that provides access to a Digital Asset.


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Article III: Pet Care Directives

[This Article Intentionally Left Blank]

Article IV: Gifts at Death

A. I give to my friend Sabeel Irfan all of my interest in Book 'T'. If, however, Sabeel Irfan fails to survive me,
this gift shall instead be distributed to Sabeel Irfan’s descendants who survive me by right of representation,
or if no such descendants survive me, this gift shall lapse.

Article V: Gift of Residue

All of the residue of my estate shall be distributed to the following beneficiaries in the noted percentages:

A. 100% shall be distributed to my friend Sabeel Irfan. If Sabeel Irfan does not survive me, this share of the
residue of my estate shall instead be distributed to Sabeel Irfan’s descendants who survive me by right of

If all of the above dispositions in this Article V fail, I give all of the residue of my estate to my Heirs.

Article VI: General Provisions

A. Severability - If any provision of this Will is held to be unenforceable or invalid, the remaining provisions
shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permissible under governing law.
B. Survivorship - No beneficiary shall be deemed to have survived me unless such beneficiary remains alive
or remains in existence, as the case may be, on the thirtieth (30th) day after my death. Any person who is
prohibited by law from inheriting property from me shall be treated as having failed to survive me.

C. Payment of Taxes - All estate, inheritance, or similar taxes (including interest and penalties thereon) arising
in connection with my death with respect to any property included in my gross estate for the purpose of
calculating such taxes, whether or not such property passes under my Will, shall be paid out of the residue
of my estate without apportionment. To the extent the residue of my estate is insufficient to pay such taxes,
then any excess taxes shall be paid on a pro rata basis from all of the assets passing by reason of my death.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no portion of any estate, inheritance or similar taxes arising in connection
with my death shall be apportioned or charged to property qualifying fully for the charitable deduction for
federal estate tax purposes; provided, however, to the extent that the assets passing by reason of my death
that do not qualify for the charitable deduction are insufficient for the payment of such taxes, then any


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excess taxes shall be paid on a pro rata basis from the assets that qualify for the charitable deduction. The
provisions of this Paragraph C shall not apply to any generation-skipping transfer taxes.
D. Payment of Expenses - All funeral expenses, and all expenses incurred in connection with the
administration of my estate shall be paid out of the residue of my estate without apportionment. To the
extent the residue of my estate is insufficient for the payment of such expenses, then any excess expenses
shall be paid on a pro rata basis from all of the assets passing by reason of my death.

E. Savings Clause - For the purposes of this Will, either gender shall be interpreted as encompassing the other
gender, and the singular shall encompass the plural and vice versa, and the meaning shall dictate.
F. Terminology -

1. Except as otherwise provided in this Will, references to a “descendant” or “descendants” shall mean
the lineal blood descendants of any degree of the ancestor designated; provided, however, that such
references shall include as then living descendants, with respect to any provision of this Will,
descendants who have been conceived at any specific point in time relevant to such provision and
who thereafter survive birth. Except as provided in this Subdivision, below, an adopted child and
such adopted child’s descendants by blood or adoption shall be considered under this Will to be
descendants of the adopting parent or of either of the adopting parents. Notwithstanding anything in
this Will to the contrary, the following persons shall not be included in the definition of “descendants”
for any purposes: (i) any person who is adopted (by anyone other than me) after reaching age
eighteen (18), and (ii) any person who is the descendant (whether by blood or adoption) of such

2. References to “Heirs” shall refer to those persons who would inherit separate personal property from
the person designated under the statutes of descent and distribution of the state in which my Will is
probated, if such person had died intestate and unmarried at such time. A distribution to “Heirs” is a
distribution in the shares and manner prescribed under such statutes.

3. When a distribution is to be made to a person’s descendants “by right of representation,” property

shall be divided into as many equal shares as there are (i) members of the nearest generation of
descendants who survive such person, and (ii) deceased members of that generation who left
descendants who survive such person. This division into shares shall begin at the generation nearest
to such person that has a surviving member. Each surviving member of the nearest generation of
descendants with a member who survives such person shall receive one share, and the share that
would have passed to each deceased member of that generation who left descendants who survive
such person shall be divided in a similar manner (by reapplying the preceding rule) among his or her
descendants who survive such person. For example, if a person has deceased children and surviving
children when a distribution is to be made, the assets will be divided into equal shares at the child


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level and distributed by right of representation below that level; however, if the person has no
surviving children at such time, that equal division will be made at the grandchild level (or lower, if
appropriate) and distributed by right of representation below that level. This definition is intended to
override any conflicting or contrary statutory or common law definition.

4. The term “executor” in this Will is synonymous with and includes the terms “personal
representative”, “executrix”, “trustee”, and “independent executor”, and the context shall dictate.

G. Discretion - Whenever in this Will an action is authorized in the discretion of my Executor or Digital
Executor, the term “discretion” shall mean the reasonable discretion of such Executor or Digital Executor.

H. Spendthrift Provisions - Prior to the actual receipt of property by any beneficiary, no property (income or
principal) distributable under this Will shall, voluntarily or involuntarily, be subject to anticipation or
assignment by any beneficiary, or to the attachment by or to the interference or control of any creditor or
assignee of any beneficiary, or taken or reached by any legal or equitable process in satisfaction of any debt
or liability of any beneficiary, and any attempted transfer or encumbrance of any interest in such property by
any beneficiary hereunder prior to distribution shall be void.
I. Beneficiary Receiving Public Benefits - If any beneficiary (the “Beneficiary”) under my Will is receiving
or, in the sole determination of my Executor, is likely eligible to receive, within twelve (12) months, public
benefits based on financial need or disability, my Executor is authorized to withhold outright distribution to
the Beneficiary. Instead, the Beneficiary’s share shall pass in a separate trust to be held and administered, as
1. My Executor shall select an appropriate trustee for any trust hereunder, including themself. In no
event shall the trustee of any trust hereunder be the Beneficiary of such trust.

2. The trustee shall have the sole discretion to pay to (or apply for the benefit of) the Beneficiary as
much of the net income and/or principal of the trust as the trustee deems necessary or advisable for
assistance with support, care, education, and activities that supplement other government benefits
which would ordinarily be received by or are being or will be received by the Beneficiary. The
trustee shall have the sole discretion to determine what disbursements shall be made for the benefit of
the Beneficiary. This trust shall not be considered a general support trust. Any net income not
distributed shall be accumulated and added to principal. The trustee’s discretion shall include the
discretion to withhold any distributions to (or for the benefit of) the Beneficiary, if any such
distribution would jeopardize eligibility for, or limit the types or amounts of assistance available to,
the Beneficiary under Medicaid, the Supplemental Security Income Program, the TANF program, or
other government programs based on the Beneficiary’s financial need or disability.


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3. The trustee shall terminate the trust upon the Beneficiary’s death or upon the trustee’s sole
determination that it would be in the best interest of the Beneficiary to terminate the trust. Upon the
trust’s termination, the trustee shall distribute the remaining trust estate to the Beneficiary if the
Beneficiary is then living. If the trust terminates upon the Beneficiary’s death, the trustee shall
distribute the balance of the trust as though the Beneficiary had died before me.

-- Signature Page Follows --


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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I sign my name to this Will at _________________________ (City) in the State of
_________________________ (State).
I have told the persons listed below as “First Witness,” “Second Witness,” and “Third Witness” that this is my
Will, and asked them to be my witnesses.

Signature of Willmaker Date


On the date written below, the maker of this Will, Taimur Ahmad Kazmi, declared to us, the undersigned, that this
instrument, consisting of 7 pages, including this page, was the maker’s Will, and requested us to act as witnesses
to it. We understand that this instrument is the maker’s Will. The maker signed this Will in our presence, all of us
being present at the same time. At the maker’s request, and in the maker’s and each other’s presence, we now sign
below as witnesses. We believe the maker is over age eighteen (18), is of sound mind and memory, and to the best
of our knowledge, this Will was not procured by duress, menace, fraud or undue influence. Each of us is now age
fourteen (14) or older, is a competent witness, and resides at the address set forth below. We declare under penalty
of perjury under the laws of the State of Texas that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this _____ (date) of _________________ (month), 20_____, at _________________________ (city),

Signature of First Witness Signature of Second Witness Signature of Third Witness

Name of First Witness Name of Second Witness Name of Third Witness

Address of First Witness Address of Second Witness Address of Third Witness


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Digital Assets & Accounts - Details & Wishes
This is a record of my Digital Assets & Accounts, to help my Digital Executor or Executor locate and administer
these assets. This is a non-testamentary document, and as such, this document should be excluded from public

Description of Digital Asset / Account:

Where to access:
Additional Information / Instructions:

Description of Digital Asset / Account:

Where to access:
Additional Information / Instructions:

Description of Digital Asset / Account:

Where to access:
Additional Information / Instructions:

Digital Assets & Accounts of Taimur Ahmad Kazmi (Taimur Ahmad) 1 of 3

Description of Digital Asset / Account:

Where to access:
Additional Information / Instructions:

Description of Digital Asset / Account:

Where to access:

Additional Information / Instructions:

Description of Digital Asset / Account:

Where to access:

Additional Information / Instructions:

Description of Digital Asset / Account:

Where to access:


Additional Information / Instructions:

Digital Assets & Accounts of Taimur Ahmad Kazmi (Taimur Ahmad) 2 of 3

Description of Digital Asset / Account:

Where to access:

Additional Information / Instructions:

Digital Assets & Accounts of Taimur Ahmad Kazmi (Taimur Ahmad) 3 of 3

Funeral Wishes & Instructions for Taimur Ahmad Kazmi
The intention of this document is to assist your loved ones in preparing your funeral and final resting place. This is
not a legal document. Store it in a safe place and make sure your executor and loved ones know where to find it. If
you would like to amend it, create a new document on, and destroy your old document.

Date document created: 05/02/2023

Designation of agent(s): I designate the agent(s) below to be responsible for carrying out my instructions
regarding my funeral and final resting place.

My First Choice is Hassan Ali.

My wishes for my funeral service are:

I wish to be buried silently and quietly, as if I never died, without a public funeral service.

My wishes for my body and final resting place are:

I wish to be buried alone in desolation, and someplace where nobody can visit my site of resting. If possible, I
would like this site of resting to be situated in my own house.

Funeral Instructions for Taimur Ahmad Kazmi (Taimur Ahmad) 1 of 1

Personal Statement for Taimur Ahmad Kazmi
Instructions: The intention of this document is to provide space to leave your final messages to your loved ones
apart from your last will & testament. This is not a legal document. Store it in a safe place and make sure your
executor and loved ones know where to find it. If you would like to amend it, create a new document on, and destroy your old document.

My personal statement:

Hello all of you. The fact that you are reading this means I am no longer alive. Followed is my greatest
achievement of Grade OL-I, 'Book T'.

Date this document was created: 05/02/2023

Personal Statement for Taimur Ahmad Kazmi (Taimur Ahmad) 1 of 1

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