Ecology Niche

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Ayesha Hanif
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Ecology Niche

Ecology niche
1. The term niche disguises several concepts under a :
(a) Double
(b) Triple
(c) Single
(d) Single,double and triple

2. Niche is perhaps a term best left :

(a) Undefined
(b) Defined
(c) Explanation
(d) Defind and Undefined
3. Different senses of niche are appropriate to deal with different :
(a) Biological problem
(b) Chemistry problem
(c) Physics problem
(d) Math problem
4. Several niche concepts exist,and our task is thus to which concept we will be using
and why.
(a)clarify and unspecify
(b)unclarify and unspecify
(c) unclarify and specify
(d) clarify and specify

5. Niche as the functional role of an animal on a community:

(a) Elton (1927)
(b) Charles elton (1927)
(c) Chase (2003)
(d) Grinnel (1917)

6.previous auther have not consistency distingushed between the responese of organism
to their environment and effectsof organism on their environment:
(a) Charles elton (1927)
(b) Elton(1927)
(c) Grinnel(1917)
(d) Chase and Leobold (2003)
7. Califofornia thraser (toxostoma redivivum) in relation to its area of distribution:
(a) Charles elton (1927)
(b) Elton(1927)
(c) Grinnel(1917)
(d) Chase and Leobold (2003)
8. An ecological niche in contrast is ecological role an organism plays within its :

(a) Biome
(b) Niche
(c) Habit
(d) Habitate
9. several branches of ecology have adopted the concept :
(a) Ecological niche
(b) Ecoloigical pyramids
(c) Ecolygical succession
(d) Niche
10. The niche of species depends :
(a) Biotic
(b) Abiotic
(c) Abiotic and Biotic
(d) None
11. An example of an ecological niche is that of the :
(a) Dunge Beetle
(b) Fox
(c) Black bear
(d) All of those
12. Its consume dung in both:
(a) Larva
(b) Adult Form
(c) Larva and Adult form
(d) None
13. Predator of small animals,amphibians,insects and fruite.
(a) Dunge Beetle
(b) Fox
(c) Black bear
(d) All of those
14. Scraps provide food for small scavangers and
(a) Producer
(b) Consumer
(c) Decomposer

(d) None
15. Fox active act at
(a) Night
(b) day
(c) evening
(d) All of those
16. Preyed by an owl.
(a) Mole
(b) Dunge Beetle
(c) Fox
(d) Black bear
17. worn eating

(a) Producer
(b) Consumer
(c) Decomposer
(d) Primary consumer
18. Live in forest:
(a) Dunge Beetle
(b) Fox
(c) Black bear
(d) All of those
19. Feeds on nuts,berries,insects,and
(a) Large animal
(b) Small animal
(c) Insects
(d) Very small animal

20. Theecological niche of an organism denotes

(a) The habitate of an ecosystem
(b) Its status within a particular community
(c) Its structure and feeding habits
(d) The climatic factors of an organism

21. include water,air,soil,sunlight,and minerals.

(a) Abiotic factor

(b) Biotic factor

(c) Both a and b

(d) None

22. include animals,birds,plant,fungi,and other similar organisms.

(a) Abiotic factor

(b) Biotic factor

(c) Both a and b

(d) None

23. All that inhabit the earth play a role in their environment.

(a) Living being

(b) Non_living being

(c) None

(d) All of those

24. Animals in the ecology niche have

(a) Differen function

(b) Uniquefunction

(c) Different and Unique function

(d) None

25. If there are species playing the same role ,an interspecific competion will be

(a) Two

(b) Three

(c) Four

(d) Five

26. Members of the same species.

(a) Intraspecific competion

(b) Interspecific competion

(c) Both a and c

(d) None

27. Members of different species.

(a) Intraspecific competion

(b) Interspecific competion

(c) Both a and c

(d) None

28. Niche describes life,habitate and the place of the organism in the

(a) Food chain

(b) Food web

(c) Habitate

(d) All of those

29. Niche include

(a) Feed

(b) Compete

(c) Hunt
(d) All of those

30. described two forms of niche.

(a) Hutchinson

(b) Grill

(c) Elton

(d) Chase

31. The focused on the conditions in which a species could exist with no ecology

(a) Fundamental niche

(b) Realized niche

(c) All of those

(d) None

32. The in contrast considered the populations existence in the presenceof interaction.

(a) Fundamental niche

(b) Realized niche

(c) All of those

(d) None

33. The ecological constraints of their mutualism plants and animals such as agriculture
cows,chikens and plant crop.

(a) Humans

(b) Reptiles

(c) Birds

(d) All of those

34. There are many types of niche.

(a) Three

(b) One
(c) Four

(d) Two

35. The dung beetle in turn influences the surroundings environment by aerating soil and
releasing :

(a) Beneficial nutrients

(b) High nutrients

(c) Low nutrients

(d) Nutrients

36. The adoption of the ecological niche concept has allowed ecologists to understand the
roles of species in :

(a) Ecosystem

(b) Ecology

(c) Communities

(d) None

37. Ecology niche helps understand how communities relate to environment condition
,trait evolution and predator prey interaction in :

(a) Ecosystem

(b) Ecology

(c) Communities

(d) None

38. Under the ,the species will thrive and play unique role.

(a) Right condition

(b) Left condition

(c) Actual condition

(d) All of those

39. Without the ecological niches ,there would be ,and the ecosustem would not be
in balance.
(a) Less biodiversity

(b) High biodiversity

(c) Very Less biodiversity

(d) Very High biodiversity

40. The competitive exclusion principle dictates that two species cannot exist in the same This
is due to competition for resources in a habitat.

(a) Ecological niche

(b) Ecoloigical pyramids
(c) Ecolygical succession
(d) Niche
41. There are theories used to address competitive exclusion.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
42. Multiple species cannot exist with the same resources unless they differentiate their
(a) R theory
(b) p theory
(c) A theory
(d) Z theory
43. consumers can exist at high density due to having shared enemies.
(a) R theory
(b) p theory
(c) A theory
(d) Z theory
44. Resource partioning means .
(a) Seprating
(b) Attach
(c) None
(d) All of those
45. This allows the to exist and even evolve.
(a) Species
(b) one Species
(c) Two species
(d) Three species
46. which eat similar species of fish.

(a) Dolphins and seals

(b) Dolphin
(c) Seal
(d) None
47. Which wera able to ues their resources in different way.
(a) Darwins finches
(b) Home ranges
(c) Dolphins and seals
(d) All of those

48. In Southern California, many miles away the chain of islands known as the provides a
fascinating ecosystem for studying ecological niches.

(a) Channel island

(b) Channel desert

(c) Channel soil

(d) None

49. Nicknamed the “ ” this delicate ecosystem plays host to numerous plants
and animals.

(a) Galapagos of North America

(b) Galapagos of South America

(c) Galapagos of East America

(d) Galapagos of West America

50. The islands vary in size and shape, and they provide unique habitats for various

(a) plants and animal

(b) Mammls

(c) Birds

(d) All of those

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