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In the Philippines, the lack of education is the primary reason why it cannot move
forward towards progress and has led to social problems such as: scarcity of job
opportunities, impoverished family life, and lack of environmental concerns among the
marginalized members of our society. We can apply the passage of Proverbs 16:16
which says that having wisdom and understanding is better than having silver or gold.
An education is one of those things. Yes, we all go to college with the intention of
getting great jobs and starting successful careers, but earning a degree offers much
more than financial benefits. It enriches your mind and opens the door to new people,
places, and ways of thinking.

Moreover, 2 Timothy 2:15 tells us that we should study and show God that we
understand truth. This verse refers to knowing God’s word and being able to point out
false teachings and philosophies, but it applies to education as well. As a student, we
should indulge ourselves in our work and be the best we can be. In addition, according
to the social teachings of the church, education is one such venture. For the Christian,
authentic education (primary, secondary, and tertiary) aims to form young people in
virtue and promote human flourishing. All schools should work towards this ideal. In the
Catholic school, the body of knowledge known as Catholic social teaching, with its
concern for the welfare of individuals, families, and wider society, is not just one part of
the wider curriculum but should, ideally, underpin the mission, aims and objectives of
the school 

Furthermore, all persons have a right to receive a quality education. Young

people, including those who are poor and those with disabilities, need to have the
opportunity to develop intellectually, morally, spiritually, and physically, allowing them to
become good citizens who make socially and morally responsible decisions. This
requires parental choice in education. It also requires educational institutions to have
orderly, just, respectful, and non-violent environments where adequate professional and
material resources are available.

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