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School year 2022 


5AP group .... Full Name : ............................................... ....../ 10

3rd Term English test

Activity 1 A - circle the correct answer (2pts)

1- I like to eat junk food - safe food – unhealthy food

2- l like to eat fruits – cakes – vegetables
3- I don’t like to eat chips - vegetables - sweet

B- Complete the sentence with your own words (not from the text)

I like to eat ………………………..but I dislike to eat ……………………………

Activity 2 look at the pictures and answer the questions 2pts

…………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………

Activity 3 classify this food chips - apples - Fish - hamburger 2pts

Healthy food Unhealthy food
Activity 4 Complete 2pts

Activity 5 match 2pts

-Where are you going ? He’s my little brother

-What do you need to buy? He’s short and slim

-How much is it ? It’s on 25 th August
-When is your brother’s birthday ? I’m going to the toy shop
-How old is he ? I’ve got two brothers
-What’s he like ? I want to buy a ball for my brother
-Who’s that little boy ? He’s four years old
-how many brothers have you got ? It’s five pounds fifty .

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