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Question No.

Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’s Theory of General Systems (1969) is a system that
composed of interconnected components that works along as a system. His seminal
work represents associate degree incommensurable abstract framework for
understanding however biological, psychological, and social dimensions area unit
causally reticulated. An associate degree example application of general system’s
theory is Nursing based mostly of a holistic approach. Nurses pictures the total image
with their patient, they assist patients all told facet of their life and health employing
a systematic approach that features correct health interventions. The researchers
pictured themselves as the nurse and freshmen students as their patient and used
general systems’ theory in order to identify the need of such an approach and
relationship between preparedness of freshmen students and the 5 given factors
affecting it. Using this theory as a framework and a prerequisite to identify the
factors that most and least affects the population (freshmen students) can lead in
evaluating their impact on the doable approach and treatment outcome and depict
the quality of pathways probably associated with the freshmen students’ coping
mechanisms, development, absolute preparedness and possible interventions and
programs if preparation isn't attained. In addition, this idea can serve as a foundation
for knowing the changes brought about by new information by empowering freshmen
nursing students to modify themselves as they gain insight into the extent to which
they have been successful or unsuccessful. Because it assumes that a complex
interplay of factors, rather than any one single factor, determines human behavior.
The home environment, along with family, friends, social circles, and socioeconomic
status, all have a role. The theory believes that these and other factors influence
individuals' thoughts and actions, and that studying these social structures to identify
ways to rectify ineffective sections or accommodate for missing elements of a
particular system can positively affect behavior.

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