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In 1st quarter sir eric introduce us about investigatory project, well its fun to do this kind of project

because u can do this project with your friends but only 5 in one group. As we decide to make an
investigatory project, we decided to make an organic insecticide because for us it was easy, since we
just got started doing this kind of project, however when we test our product to some of the insects I
felt sad because they died due to the acid that we put on our homemade insecticide. But since weve
made this project I, now know how to be creative and to make a product that uses less expenses. I have
also learned the parts of how to make an research paper.

In the first quarter, Sir Eric introduced us to investigatory projects. It's fun to do this kind of
project because you can do it with your friends, but only five in one group. As we decided to
make an investigatory project, we decided to make an organic insecticide because, for us, it was
easy since we just got started doing this kind of project. However, when we tested our product on
some of the insects, I felt sad because they died due to the acid that we put on our homemade
insecticide. But since we've made this project, I now know how to be creative and to make a
product that uses less money. I have also learned how to make a research paper.

In 2nd quarter even I am exempted in making this project because I was a winner in scitok periment, I stil
decided to make an nvestigatory project in order to help my classmates who had a difficult in making
this. I did manage my time since I was a dancer in sarok festival, even if im tired, I still made this ac
generator for my classmate to have perform it before deadline. I am still happy that I did help my
classmates. Though I have learned that in making this project it was the best if all of you together will
help in building this project in order for you to know whats the process or the results in doing this.
Teamwork is a must.

In the 2nd quarter, even though I am exempt from making this project because I was a winner in the
Scitok experiment, I still decided to make an investigatory project in order to help my classmates who
had difficulty making this. I did manage my time since I was a dancer in the Sarok Festival, and even if I
was tired, I still made this AC generator for my classmate to have perform it before the deadline. I am
still happy that I helped my classmates. Though I have learned that in making this project, it would be
best if all of you together would help in building it in order for you to know what the process or the
outcomes of doing this are. Teamwork is a must.

I have learned now much clearly on how to make an investigatory project, I was having hard time to
decide on wheater what should I made since it was all about biology. I am crying at night thingking what
should I do in order to finish the research paper but thankfully sir eric told us that he only wants to see
the Abstract and not the whole part of the research paper. I did choose to make an Dna structure since
it was connected on my individual report topic, so it was easy for me to identify or explain when we
defend our project.

I have learned now much more clearly how to make an investigatory project. I was having a hard
time deciding what I should make since it was all about biology. I am crying at night, wondering
what I should do in order to finish the research paper, but thankfully, Sir Eric told us that he only
wants to see the abstract and not the whole part of the research paper. I did choose to make a
DNA structure since it was connected to my individual report topic, so it was easy for me to
identify or explain when we defend our project.
Goooddddafterrnoon everyone, here I am jazeph laborte and now lets talk about protein structures.

You may think folding as a convenience of a way to take something and make it more organized so it
doesn’t have to take up as much space. That’s true. Well in biology folding can also have a lot to do with
functions. Weve know how amazing proteins are. They can play so many role. They can make up
channels, be a part of strucute, serve as enzymes for important biological processes, be involved with
protecting the body. Making proteins in a process known as protein synthesis. There are modifications
to a protein that often need to happen in order for it to be functional. But another important event to
make functional protein is…..folding. when we talk about the way proteins are folded, we need to
understand the different levels of protein structure because there are different ways of folding that can
happen in the different structural levels. The first level of protein structure is primary structure. This is
the sequence of amino acids that make up a protein. Amino acids are the monomer which means the
building block of a protein they held together by peptide bonds. Next we move on to secondary
structure. In secondary structure, the sequence of amino acids that we mentioned in primary structure,
can fold in different ways. The most common ways are the alpha helix and the beta pleated sheet and
which one of these foldings the protein does depends on the amino acid arrangement. Both of thse
shapes are due largely in part to hydrogen bonds. On to tertiary structure. This is looking at more
foldings that occurs in the 3d shape of a functional protein. It is an arrangement of protein in three
dimensional space. The tertiary structure will also have other bonds like disulfide, hydrophobic
interactions and ionic interactions. In quarternary structure, you are looking at a protein cosisting of
more than 1 polypeptide chain. Each of these polypeptide chain can be a subunit and interactions
between them such a hydrogen bonds or disulfide bonds can keep them together. Tertiary structure can
further interact with other tertiary structure proteins to either form dimers, trimers, tetramers and so
on to form the quarternary structure. sooo thats it for todays discussion and I hope you now know the 4
different kinds of protein structures.

Now professor jazeph laborte is signing off.

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