MN601 Lab Week 07

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MN601 Network Project Management

MN601 Laboratory: Week 07


All MN601 laboratory reports should be submitted weekly at the end of each laboratory
section as individual submissions via Moodle.

Organise and arrange your Moodle folder submission needly. You need to name your files
using the weekly laboratory number, your names, and student ID, such as LabWeek07
YourName MITID.

The laboratory activities have two sections, Section A is about Microsoft Project and Section
B has a few questions related to project management areas. Thus, it will provide you with a
better understanding of the topics.

Do not retype or reuse laboratory questions to avoid high similarities, always aim for 0%
similarities for all laboratory reports. For Microsoft Project Section A, when you submit
screenshots, please take the whole screenshots of your screen. Ensure your report is
different from that of other students and not plagiarised.

Late submissions will result in a loss of 10% marks for each day the report is late.

Prepared by: Dr Nalin Sharda Page

Section A: Microsoft Project - Build the Logical Network Diagram

Learning Outcomes
1. Using MS Project 2021 to Build the Logical Network Diagram
a. Define dependencies using task table and mouse.
b. Define or delete a dependency series.
c. Understand network diagram presentation.
d. Verify the accuracy of the network diagram.
e. Identify the critical path
2. Save MyFirstProject file

1. To build the Logical Network Diagram

a. Define dependencies using task table and mouse.
 Click on the Id field to select the row (say 2) to select the predecessor task row.
 Press and hold CTL while selecting the successor task (say row 4)
 On the Task tab  Schedule group, click on Link Tasks to create dependencies
between task 2 and task 4.
 To delete dependency, by again selecting both tasks, and then on the Task tab
 Schedule group, click on Unlink Tasks.
 Repeat above steps to link (dependency) and unlink (non-dependency) tasks

b. Define or delete a dependency series.

 Select (by dragging) all the tasks to be linked in a series.
 On the Task tab  Schedule group, click on Link Tasks.
 Delete the links in a set of tasks by selecting the tasks, and on the Task tab 
Schedule group, click on Unlink Tasks.

c. Understand network diagram presentation.

 On the Task tab  View group, click the arrow and then select Network
 Shows the WBS elements (summaries), all tasks and milestones.
 On the File tab  click print to print Network Diagram.

d. Verify the accuracy of the network diagram.

 Verify all tasks with no predecessor and justify each
 Find all tasks with no successor and justify each.
 Look for opportunities to do activities in parallel or to at least overlap activities.
 Justify or repair any gaps in the critical path.

e. Identify the critical path.

 Select Gantt chart graphical view
 On the Task tab  Format tab  Bar Styles group, click Critical Tasks box.
Critical path tasks are shown in red.

2. Save MyFirstProject.mpp file

Prepared by: Dr Nalin Sharda Page

Prepared by: Dr Nalin Sharda Page
Section B: Project Management Questions – Resourcing and Schedule Compression Project

1. What are five common reasons for crashing a project?

2. Explain if you have to choose between fast tracking or crashing for project compression.

3. Draw a Gantt chart and project network diagram from the following information below.

Activity Predecessor Duration (weeks)

A None 2
B A 4
C A 3
D A 2
E B 3
F C 6
G C, D 5
H E, F 6
I G 5
J H, I 5

a. Identify the possible paths and determine the critical path to complete the project.
b. Activity B and H can be shortened to a minimum of two weeks. Which activity would
you shorten to reduce the project duration by two weeks? Why?

4. Use the information contained in the table below.

Activity Predecessors Normal Normal Max. Crash Crash Cost

Time (unit) Cost ($) Time (unit) ($)(slope)
A None 1 100 0 0
B A 3 150 2 100
C A 4 200 1 50
D B 3 200 1 60
E C 4 200 2 70
F D and E 3 150 1 90

a. Draw a Gantt chart and a network diagram and determine the critical path.
b. Assuming the direct total cost is $1000 and initial project duration is 12 weeks,
reduce the schedule unit (one time unit per move) until you reach the crash point of
the network.
c. For each move identify what activity(s) was crashed and the adjusted total cost.

Prepared by: Dr Nalin Sharda Page

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