My Learning Reflection

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My Learning refLection

Rochelle S. madara


My takeaway from our first lesson is that I feel like I have learned a lot,
especially about invention, innovation, and the use of technology. This is
because these things have made people's lives easier by making their jobs
easier thanks to the inventions that have been developed, and this is true for
generations past as well as for those who are currently living. I also gained
knowledge about the scientists and creators who came up with the world's
initial innovations. It is also amusing to learn that the Philippines, where I am
from, has its own scientists that I was unaware of. Although I have learned
about and studied scientists from Scotland and the United States, such as
Alexander Graham Bell, the creator of the first telephone, I never once heard
that the Philippines also has its own scientists; instead, I always assumed that
other nations had somehow contributed to our technology and raw
materials.Not only that, but I learned the origin and definition of the words
science, technology, and society, as well as their history. Learning about the
first inventions is very interesting, especially in different eras such as the
ancient Babylonians, Egypt, Greece, and Chinese civilization. I learned the
difference between invention and innovation, and the historical antecedents
topic was also interesting to me; how humans were able to come up with such
inventions that tend to help and make their job easier, such as the spinning
wheel, which helps to transform a fiber into a thread or yarn that would
eventually turn into a cloth. The ongoing invention and innovation has aided us
in a variety of ways, but there are advantages and disadvantages to the
continued use of technology and science in our society. Keep in mind that
excessive use of anything can have either a positive or negative outcome.
Inventions and innovations have made our lives and jobs easier, but they have
also reduced half of our natural resources by providing raw materials for each
new invention. It frightens me to think about a time when we have worn down
all of our natural resources and there is nothing left for us to use. I can only
hope that never happens.

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