American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

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American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:

Hartland, Medical and Dental Hypnosis and Its Clinical

Sheldon B. Cohen
Published online: 30 Jul 2013.

To cite this article: Sheldon B. Cohen (1969) Hartland, Medical and Dental Hypnosis and Its Clinical Applications , American
Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 12:2, 131-131, DOI: 10.1080/00029157.1969.10734315

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Volume 12, Number 2, October 1969
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Book Reviews

Cussier, Margaret and Gordon, Evelyn, W. utilization of hypnosis he has given us a book
Dentists, Patients and Auxiliaries. Pittsburgh, designed for the physician or dentist who is a
Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1968. Pp. novice in hypnosis. "The information that the
103 + viii. $4.95. general practitioner needs most in order to en-
courage him to make a start is a full description
0. N. Lucas, DD.S., PhD. of the precise techniques employed in hypnosis,
Dentists, Patients and Auxiliaries is a book and the methods that are most effective in each
containing the findings from a study supported of the conditions that the practitioner is likely to
by the Research Division of the U. S. Public encounter." Hartland does this by simplifying
Health Service. In this book, an attempt was the approach to the induction and deepening of
made to evaluate different aspects of dentists, hypnosis and describing the exact techniques and
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patients and auxiliaries, and the interaction be- suggestions he has found most effective in deal-
tween them. In Chapter Two, the authors de- ing with individual complaints.
scribe the objectives of their study and meth- All of the areas essential for a basic textbook
odology for collecting the data. A stratified are touched upon. History and theory are dealt
random sample was used, but the authors do with briefly enough to whet the beginner's ap-
not indicate whether the data obtained were petite but do not distract from the clinical ma-
analyzed statistically to justify some of their terial which forms the bulk of the book. There
conclusions. From Chapter Three through Nine, are extensive, detailed verbatim accounts of
the authors place emphasis on a few specific different induction and deepening techniques
findings, and use these as examples to generalize used by the author. He describes his experiences
about the whole profession. The increasing de- and methods of handling a number of common
mands of dental auxiliaries and their important problems that are often treated with hypnosis.
role in the dental office is a fact that the dentist Despite the detailed methodology, he recognizes
is aware of and has been aware of for a long that the approach to the patient and the rela-
time. The lack of communication between dentist tionship with him transcends nuances of tech-
and patients is a well known fact, and attempts niques. His general tone is hopeful and enthu-
to solve the situation have not necessarily led to siastic, but throughout he adds cautionary notes,
success. In general, the book is an adequate re- advising the practitioner not to take on tasks,
view of some of the well known problems which especially those involving complex emotional
the dental profession is facing with regard to its problems, for which he has not been trained. He
relationships with auxiliaries, with patients and makes it clear that his data are experiential and
with other members of the dental profession. The not statistical.
book also discusses the relation of the dentist to This is a very readable, understandable book
other professions and to the community in which written in a relatively informal style, without
he participates as an individual and/or as a pro- excessive technical jargon. It is a good introduc-
fession al man. For those interested in becoming tory treatise, and the physician or dentist who
more aware of these problems, the book is a good wants to use hypnosis in his practice should find
introduction to the topic. it quite helpful.

Hartland, John. Medical and Dental Hypno- Reyher, Joseph. Hypnosis. (Self-selection
sis and Its Clinical Applications. Baltimore: Psychology Series). Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C.
William & Wilkins Co. (Exclusive U.S. Agents), Brown Co., 1968. Pp. 34 + v. $0.85.
1966. Pp. 346 + xviii. $12.00. William E. Edmonston, Jr., PhD.
Sheldon B. Cohen, M.D. This brief summary of the field of hypnosis is
The author is an English physician who has part of a self-selection textbook: Introduction to
practiced general medicine and psychiatry for General Psychology. Prospective users of this
over twenty-five years. Out of his extensive introduction can select any combination of over

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