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Rain and Earthquake-Induced Landslides

in West Java, Indonesia, Case Study in Subang 106

Area Near the Baribis Fault, with Implications
for an Early Warning System

Zufialdi Zakaria, Febri Hirnawan, and Sri Widayati

This paper presents the role of rainfall and earthquakes as the factors that induces landslides.
Case study is conducted at Cikamiri Village, Subang, Province of West Java, Indonesia. Study
area close to active faults (Baribis Fault) at the western part of the Subang region. These areas
include the landslides prone area. In the relationship between slope safety factors with
horizontal seismic coefficient, the results obtained that increasing horizontal seismic
coefficient, decreasing slope safety factor. Slopes in rainy season conditions are more prone
to landslides than in the dry season. In the rainy season, when coefficient of horizontal seismic
is 0.41 or slightly lower than 0.41, the slope indicates an unstable condition. Research in rainy
seasons with precipitation 321.62 mm, causing Safety Factor is in critical condition
(FS = 1.07). If rain is approaching 321.62 mm, the slope began to critical. On precipitation
364.72 mm causing groundwater levels increased by 72.50 %, followed by γ (unit weight), c
(cohesion), and φ (angle of friction) at 15.833, 6,571 kN/m2, and 19.92°, respectively, which
ultimately determines the security factor FS to be 1.02 (slope in unstable conditions). Results
of this study can be used for EWS (Early Warning System).

Rainfall Earthquake Slope analysis Landslide prone EWS

Fault. Baribis fault trending NW-SE, located in the eastern

106.1 Introduction
part of West Java. This fault is an active fault, which char-
acterizes the phenomenon neotectonism in this region with
West Java region is a zone-VII in Indonesian Earthquake
earthquakes. Besides the earthquake-prone, this region is
Prone Maps (issued by Volcanology and Geological Disaster
also an area prone to soil movement (Zakaria et al. 2011).
Mitigation Center in 2006). According to the regional
This is compounded by the thick of residual soil in the hills
geology maps (sheets Java), in mainland West Java there are
and mountains of West Java.
many active faults that could potentially produce damaging
Case study is conducted at Cikamiri Village, Subang, and
earthquakes. Major faults cut the province. Some are well
Province of West Java, Indonesia. West Java as a part of
known, namely Cimandiri Fault, Lembang Fault and Baribis
Java island is located in the southwestern part of Indonesia.
Java Island is the area which frequently hit by earthquakes.
This is closely related to the subduction zone of the Indo-
Z. Zakaria (&) Australian plate in the southern of Java Island toward Eur-
Laboratory of Engineering Geology, University of Padjadjaran, asian plate in the north. Speed of the moving plates
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor, 45363,
approximately 70 mm/year, according to the USGS NEIC
Sumedang, Indonesia
e-mail: 1973–2007 (Natawidjaja 2007). Subduction boundary of the
Indo-Australian plate with the Eurasian plate is expressed by
F. Hirnawan  S. Widayati
Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the presence of the Java Trench (Fig. 106.1).
Bandung Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia

G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, 637
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_106, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
638 Z. Zakaria et al.

Fig. 106.1 Tectonics of Indonesia (Hall 1995), inset West Java and Baribis Fault

Climate of West Java is wet, represented by annual enable the team of researchers to utilize the result of this
rainfall ranging from about 3,000–5,000 mm. The type of study for the approach of early warning system. Subang is a
climate being based on the result of analysis using Schmidt town near the Baribis fault. According to Meteorology and
and Ferguson procedure of annual rain fall data from 1951 Geophysics Agency in this area, the pga (peak ground
till 1976 is wet or class B. The mean wet months and dry acceleration) is 40 Gal (Hirnawan 1993). Recent earthquakes
months are 9.3 and 2.2 respectively, so the quotient Q is in Subang happened on May 29, 2013, with a magnitude 3.4
0.236 which is in the interval of 0.143 < Q < 0.333 indi- SR. Epicenter is 5 km from southwestern Subang, or 37 km
cating class B (Hirnawan 1993). from northeastern Bandung, depth of 10 km (shallow
Some research suggests that a variety of factors causing earthquake). Meteorology, Climatology & Geophysics
landslides, such as: seismic, climate (rainfall), vegetation, Agency said the earthquake epicenter occurred at 6°60’
morphology, rock / soil and the local situation, soil water south Latitude and 107°71’ east Longitude.
content or soil moisture, seepage, and geological activity such
as fractures (especially those still active), fractures, and line-
ament. Therefore, it needs attention in some areas with certain 106.2 Methods
conditions such as: through the fault zone, seismic lines, loose
rocky area, strong erosion areas, hilly areas claystone, and The location of the study is along Cikamiri river bank of
hilly areas with thick residual soil (Zakaria 2010). Quaternary volcanic tuff unconformable overlying clays of
A small research about the effect of rain and earthquake Subang Formation. Tuff has been decomposed generating
on factor of safety of slope stability was conducted in Su- coarse grained residual soils of silty-sands and clayey-sands.
bang Area. The objective is to reveal the response of slope At this site both in dry and rainy seasons several boreholes
stability to rain fall in rainy season and earthquake, which were drilled, and test pits were dug to take soil samples for
106 Rain and Earthquake-Induced Landslides 639

laboratory test to obtain basic physical and mechanical Relationship of water content (ω, %) versus rainfall (PPT-
properties, which are needed for slope stability analysis. precipitation, mm) is obtained as follows: ω = 17.241 PPT –
Drilling was conducted during the rainy season. Daily 885.187 (Correlation coefficient = 0.2957), this correlation is
rainfall is measured during drilling. Cumulative daily rainfall
weak, but the trend can be determined graphically that
is calculated from start to finish drilling jobs. At the time of
increasing of water content is affected by rainfall. Based on
drilling work, unit weight measurement is done in the field. this equation, approach to determine safety factor can be
The samples that have been used, is taken to the laboratory done. As the result of tests curves representing significant
used for testing moisture content. In slope stability analysis,
relationship of each variable with water content in rainy
the measurement of slope angle, slope height and slope seasons were obtained. Water content increases with
length, are required to calculate the safety factor of the slope.
increasing rainfall. Increase of water content in the soil mass
This work is done in the field. The measurement results will due to rain reduced the soil strength that eventually lowered
be used to draw the slopes in the studio with a scale of the slope stability through decrease of safety factor. Analysis
1:500. of the slope is done using the Simulation of Stable Slope.
Statistics analyses of regression and correlation test were
Smallest safety factor (FS) results obtained from the condi-
conducted to verify the relationship of the respective soil tions shown in Table 106.1.
variables of volume unit weight γ, cohesion c, and internal The result of analysis showed that precipitation
friction angle φ with soil water content, that determine the 364.72 mm at the research site caused soil water content to
slope stability. Statistical analysis was also tested to determine
increase up to 72.50 %, followed by γ, c, and φ values of
the relationship between rainfall and water content that will 15.833, 6.571 kN/m2, and 19.92° respectively, which
determine the other variables, so the safety factor of the slope
eventually determined the slope safety factor FS to be 1.02
will be known at any moisture content and specific rainfall. (slope at unstable condition). Condition of critical safety
factor (FS = 1.07) occurs in rainfall greater than 321.62 mm.
To figure out the effect of rainy season and earthquake on
106.3 Results and Discussion slope stability, simulation of the Cikamiri river bank both in
dry and rainy seasons represented by ten profiles each at
Based on result of soil mechanics test some graphical rela- earthquake loading condition beginning from α-
horizontal 0.00
tionship between water content (ω, %) versus cohesion (c, up to larger than 0.15 for every about 0.01 interval was
kg/cm2), water content (ω, %) versus unit weight (γ, g/cm3), conducted (Fig. 106.2). The result of this effort, illustrated in
and water content (ω, %) versus angle of friction (φ, degree) the attached figure, shows two groups of curves representing
are derived. Some formulas resulting from the relationship, slope stability condition in each season. In every group the
as: curves clearly reveal that the slope safety factor decreases
with increasing earthquake coefficient. Curves in the group
c ¼ 0:005 x þ 1:977 ðCorrelation coefficient ¼ 0:989Þ
above are for slope profiles in dry season, which are stable at
u ¼ 0:368 x þ 46:60 ðCorrelation coefficient ¼ 0:654Þ α-
horizontal of larger than 0.041. On the contrary, in group of
c ¼ 0:006 x þ 0:502 ðCorrelation coefficient ¼ 0:791Þ curves below in the rainy season the slope profiles are at

Table 106.1 The relationships of water content with other variables

ω (%) c (kN/m2) φ (degree) γ (kN)/m3 PPT (mm) FS, safety factor Explanation
61.00 13.338 24.15 16.397 166.481 1.32 Stable
63.50 11.866 23.23 16.275 209.580 1.25 Critical
64.50 11.278 22.86 16.226 226.814
66.50 10.101 22.13 16.128 261.290
68.50 8.924 21.39 16.030 295.766 1.12 Critical
69.00 8.630 21.21 16.005 304.385
69.50 8.336 21.02 15.981 313.004
70.00 8.042 20.84 15.956 321.623 1.07 Critical
70.50 7.748 20.66 15.931 330.242
71.50 7.159 20.29 15.882 347.480
72.50 6.571 19.92 15.833 364.718 1.02 Unstable
640 Z. Zakaria et al.

2.000 G-04-K required some sensor as tools, i.e.: (1) Landslides Sensor.
1.800 This sensor detects a moving landslide in an area, and sends
a signal to the nearest Disaster Mitigation Office; (2) Pre-
FS, Factor of Safety

1.600 G-09-K
1.400 cipitations Sensor. This sensor detects an increase of pre-
Critical of Safety Factor FS= 1 G-11-K
1.200 G-B5-K cipitation in critical condition. Warning signals can be sent
to the nearest Disaster Mitigation Office; (3) Water content

G-B8-K Sensor. This sensor detects an increase of water content in
the soil, so the decrease in Safety Factor can be predicted.
0.600 G-01'H
0.400 dry seasons G-06-H
rainy seasons G-12-H
G-13-H 106.4 Conclusion
0.000 G-13'H
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200
G-B1-H Based on a result of the study mentioned above, an Early
α-horizontal G-B3-H
Warning System (EWS) for the preparedness of anticipating
G-04-K = Cross section of G-slope No. 4, dry seasons G-B4-H
G-B3-H = Cross section of G-slope No. B3, rainy seasons landslides at the study area and its surroundings can be done
by predicting rainfall. If rainfall is approaching 321.62 mm,
Fig. 106.2 Decreasing of safety factor during rainy and dry, the slope began to critical with safety factor = 1.07. Slopes
calculation involves α-horizontal = 0.000 to 0.170 (Hirnawan 1993)
of river bank at study area is unstable (landslide is about to
occur) at total rainfall of 365 mm or larger due to continuous
critical and unstable stages at α-horizontal of lower than rain.
0.041. This can be concluded that in rainy season the slopes
at zero α-horizontal or slightly upper than 0.041 are unstable.
Earthquake factor is involved in determining α-horizontal References
value of the largest earthquakes ever happen. Increasing
α-horizontal value of earthquakes (in the area of Subang) may Hall R (1995) Plate tectonic reconstructions of the Indonesian region.
decrease the safety factor from 6 % up to 20 % (Hirnawan In: Proceedings Indonesian petroleum association vol 1, 1995, IPA,
pp 70–84
1993). This causes a decrease in the value of safety factor
Hirnawan F (1993) Responses of stability of mass movement hazardous
due to the earthquake should be considered. hill slopes on plants, rain falls and earthquakes. University of
Increased rainfall (precipitation, PPT) will lead to an Padjadjaran, 1993, p 100 (in Indonesian)
increase of infiltration (I) and water content (ω), but will lead Natawidjaja DH (2007) Tectonic setting of Indonesia, modeling of
earthquake & tsunami sources, modeling of training tsunami run-up.
to a decrease of cohesion (c), internal friction angle (ϕ), &
In: Research and Technology, August 2007, p 17 (in Indonesian)
unit weight (γ). Decreased cohesion, internal friction angle, Zakaria Z (2010) A proposal for the landslide hazard mitigation with
and unit weight will lead to an decrease safety factor of slope regional genetics approach (Case study: Citatah Landslides,
(FS). Then through the prediction of rainfall, slope stability Padalarang, Java). Indonesian J Geol 5:93–112, 2 June 2010 (in
can be monitored.
Zakaria Z, Ismawan, Haryanto I (2011) Identification and mitigation on
Prediction of rainfall is part of an Early Warning System. zone of earthquake prone in West Java. Bull Sci Contrib 9(1):35–
At the time of rainfall tends to increase, the landslide prone 41, April 2011 (in Indonesian)
areas can be immediately known. Further research are

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