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(This paper was created to fulfill the assignments of Discourse Analysis


By :

LILIS NURDIYANTI (208820300501)

NI WAYAN FIANA A. P (208820300481)
MUTIARA NINGSIH K. D. (208820300601)
REGGINA RISMAYANI (208820300611)



First of all, thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, because of the help of
Allah SWT, the writers were able to finish writing a paper entitled "Analysis
on Charm Sanitary Napkin Packaging" right on time that has been calculated.
The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment given by Mrs.
Wiwin Indiarti,S.S.M.Hum as a lecturer in the Discourse Analysis.
In compiling this paper, the authors did encounter many challenges
and obstacles, but with the help of many parties, these obstacles could be
overcome. The writers also realizes that there are still many mistakes in the
process of writing this paper.
Therefore the author would like to thank all those who have helped in
the process of writing this paper. May Allah repay all the help and bless you
all. The author realizes that this paper is still not perfect in structure and
content. Then the authors hope that criticism from readers can help writers
in perfecting the next paper. Finally, I hope this paper can help readers to
increase their knowledge about Analysis on Charm Sanitary Napkin

Banyuwangi, 17 April 2023

The Writers

ACKNOWLEGEMENTS...................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background of the study.............................................................................................. 1
1.2. Purpose of the study...................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Problem formulation..................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2 DATA IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS.............................................3
2.1 Literature Review........................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Packaging................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Packaging function................................................................................................. 4
2.1.3 Visual Aspects of Packaging............................................................................... 4
2.1.4 Packaging structures and materials................................................................9
2.2 Data Analysis.................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.1 Purpose Analysis of Charm Cooling Fresh Sanitary Pads....................10
2.2.2 Product category analysis................................................................................ 10
2.2.3 Packaging Feature Analysis (VIEW).............................................................11
CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION............................................................................................. 13
REFERENCES..................................................................................................................... 15

1.1. Background of the study

Sanitary napkins are essential hygiene products for
menstruating women. Sanitary napkin packaging plays an important
role in product protection, usability, and communicating the brands
message to consumers. Charms is a well known brand that offers a
wide range of sanitary napkin products, including latest product,
namely Charm Cooling Fresh.
Charm Sanitary napkin packaging is an essential component of
the feminine hygiene industry, catering to the menstrual care needs
of women around the world. The packaging serves multiple purposes,
including protecting the product from external contaminants,
providing information about the product, and influencing consumer
purchasing decisions. Charm, a popular brand in the feminine hygiene
market, is known for its innovative and visually appealing packaging
design that aims to provide a fresh and comfortable experience for
Analyzing the packaging of charm sanitary napkins is
important to understand how the packaging is designed and its
impact on the user experience. Packaging acts as the first point of
contact between consumers and products and can have a significant
impact on consumer perceptions, purchasing decisions and overall
product satisfaction. An analysis of the charm sanitary napkin
packaging can therefore provide valuable insight into the design
elements, functionally and effectiveness of the packaging in meeting
consumer needs.
The design of charm sanitary napkin packaging is carefully
crafted to create a positive impression on consumers. The packaging
typically features a combination of bright colors, attractive graphics

and imagery that conveys freshness, cleanliness and comfort. The use
of typography and branding elements helps establish the brand
identity and differentiate charm from other sanitary napkin products
in the market. Charm packaging design identity elements for cooling
fresh sanitary napkins such as brand logos, colors, illustration, fonts,
and layouts
Effective communication elements in packaging design are
crucial in communicating product features, benefits, brand messages,
and other important information to consumers. It helps generate
positive perceptions of products, influence purchasing decisions, and
improve the overall consumer experience.
1.2. Purpose of the study
The Purpose of charm’s sanitary napkin packaging analysis is
to evaluate and study the design, functionality, and overall
effectiveness of the packaging used in Charm's sanitary napkin. The
use of colors, logos and brands, illustration, fonts, and layouts
consideration in creating optimal quality visual appeal in packaging.
1.3. Problem formulation
There are several problem formulations based on the background:
1. How does the current design and visual aesthetics of Charm's
sanitary napkin packaging influence consumer perceptions,
brand appeal and purchasing decisions?
2. How effectively does the packaging communicate the
product's features?
3. How well does Charm's sanitary napkin packaging fit the
brand's identity to improve the packaging to better reflect the
brand's image and resonate with consumers?


2.1 Literature Review

2.1.1 Packaging
Packaging is generally used to protect goods from damage
such as weather and other natural processes. In addition,
packaging is also used to provide convenience when carrying
products during the trip. Packaging is a wrapper that functions
as a protector of merchandise (KBBI, 2016). But along with the
times, there has been an addition of functional value in
packaging where previously packaging was a concept limited to
containers used to protect goods and make it easier for goods to
be carried and impressed, now the functional concept of
packaging has become an important part of the marketing
Packaging are divided into 3 based on the inteticity of
interaction with the packaged product (Gustafsson et. al, 2006),
1. Primary Packaging: this packaging in its use has direct
contact with the product. An example is milk cans
2. Secondary Packaging: the main function of this
packaging is to protect other packaging groups.
Example: Wooden box for wrapped fruit containers,
and paper box for coffee sachet containers
3. Tertiary Packaging: Generally used as a protector
during the transportation process and used to pack
some secondary packaging. Example: coffee sachets in
a paper box which is then put into cardboard. The
function of cardboard here is as tertiary packaging.

2.1.2 Packaging function
Along with the times and technological advances, there is
an addition of functional values in packaging. In addition to
protecting the product, packaging must also function as an
aesthetic means to communicate with all people with various
backgrounds so that the product information to be conveyed can
be conveyed properly (Klimchuck &; Krasovec, 2007). Indirectly,
packaging is used to create a certain image of a product. With the
addition of functional value, packaging is now involved in the
marketing concept. Therefore, if the packaging designed is able
to create a good image so as to arouse and attract buyer interest,
then success in selling the product can be achieved.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to several
important factors so that packaging can be used as much as
possible in marketing. These factors are as follows:
1. Aesthetic Factors
The use of colors, logos/brands, illustrations, fonts, and
layouts are taken into consideration in creating optimal
visual appeal quality in packaging.
2. Communication Factor
As a communication medium of a product, a packaging
must be easy to see, understand, and remember.
3. Identity Factor
Overall, the packaging must look different from others so
that it is easily distinguished from other similar products
and easily recognizable.
2.1.3 Visual Aspects of Packaging
The visual aspect of packaging includes graphic elements in
the packaging such as colors, shapes, brands, illustrations, text,
typography and layout. The combination of these graphic

elements will create optimal visual appeal. Design that has a good
combination of graphic elements will have a positive effect that is
mostly not realized by consumers because generally most
consumers do not realize that they have been influenced by the
design in the packaging (Wirya 1999). Colors
Color is the aspect that consumers first see in
packaging when compared to the shape or appearance of
packaging. Color serves to distinguish personality, attract
the attention of other attributes, and distinguish it from
other products. The use of the right colors can explain
product categories and differentiate product varieties
within one product line. Each color has its own character
that can influence product specifications and category
specifications. The following is an explanation of the
colors and characters in it and their influence on
packaging and its use for proper packaging (Klimchuck &;
Krasovec, 2007; Wirya, 1999):
a. Red
Red is a warm color in the light spectrum. Red is
associated with heat, lust, love, fire, aggressive,
thrilling, impulsive, strong, and brave. But red can also
mean emergencies and a desire to do aggressive things.
In packaging design, red tends to be used as an
attention catcher (Klimchuck & Krasovec, 2007). The
red color is very focused on the eyes and corresponds
to sharp angles so that the red color can make the
visual seem close and protrude forward (Wirya, 1999).
b. Yellow

Yellow symbolizes life, the sun, warmth, idealism,
energy, and sportsmanship and is a positive color
(Klimchuck & Krasovec, 2007). Although yellow can
stimulate the eyes well, yellow should be used within
reasonable limits. In the food category, yellow is often
used to communicate citrus or buttery flavors, sun,
health, and a fresh impression straight from the farm
(Wirya (1999). In household products, yellow is used
to communicate effectiveness and caution.
c. Green
Green symbolizes down-to-earth, peaceful, vibrant,
young, fresh, and organic colors (Klimchuck &
Krasovec, 2007). Green color can symbolize natural,
recyclable, environmentally friendly, renewable, luck,
prosperity, and money. Green is one of the coolest
colors in the color spectrum that can have a calming
effect. In the use of color to describe flavor in
packaging design, green symbolizes mint, lime,
tamarind, and apple. Green color can be combined with
yellow, brown, and blue (Wirya, 1999).
d. Blue
Blue has a special background in packaging but blue
tends to fade quickly and needs special attention
(Wirya, 1999). The nature of blue color is considerate,
freshness, cleanliness, gentleness, alert, conservative,
and introspective (Klimchuck & Krasovec (2007).
e. White
White symbolizes purity, purity, freshness,
cleanliness, effectiveness, truth, and contemporary
(Klimchuck & Krasovec, 2007). It can be connoted with

snow or cold. White can accentuate the colors of other
colors. Usually white color is used in medical and
pharmaceutical packaging design which implies
effectiveness. While the relationship of white color
with purity makes it a color choice for dairy products.
In luxury packaging, white gives a rich and classic
impression as well as generic and nondescriptive. Shape
The shape is an element that supports the creation
of optimal visual appeal (Wirya, 1999). Therefore, the
shape of the packaging must be made attractive and
unique. A good form of packaging is a form of packaging
that is easy to carry, open, and does not make it difficult
for consumers. Here are some things that according to
Wirya (1999) must be considered before determining the
physical shape of packaging:
a. Simple shapes are preferred as compared to
complicated shapes.
b. The regular shape has more appeal. Indeed,
irregular shapes are sometimes effective and
attractive, but in general consumers prefer simple
c. The shape must be balanced.
d. Square shape is preferred compared to rectangular
shape. But it is also worth considering the condition
of the product.
e. A convex shape is preferred compared to a concave
shape because it looks solid and has more contents.
f. The round shape is preferred by women like a circle
while the angled shape is preferred by men because

it seems manly. But this depends on the nature of
the product.
g. Shapes should be easily visible and not distorted
when viewed from afar. Brand/Logo
When buying products, consumers tend to buy
brands, especially products that can raise their social
status (Wirya (1999). Thus it can be said that the brand or
logo has an important role in packaging in influencing
consumer decisions. Branding is also concerned with the
trust that producers hope to instill in the minds and
hearts of their customers (Klimchuck & Krasovec (2007).
This trust is built through consumer experience in buying
products with a certain name or brand. If the experience
is enjoyable, consumers will make purchases
continuously. Consumers potentially build a preference
for the product and this preference builds consumer
loyalty to the brand. Therefore, consistency in the use of
brands in packaging must be properly maintained Illustration
Illustration is one of the important elements that is
often used in communicating the message in the
packaging (Wirya, 1999). Illustration is often thought of
as a universal language that breaks through barriers
posed by differences in language and words. In addition,
illustrations can convey information or messages
effectively and quickly compared to text. Illustration
styles can be used to give the impression of different
brand personalities. Good illustration functions according
to Wirya (1999), namely: 1) Attract attention, 2) Highlight

one of the features of the product, 3) Winning the
competition in attracting consumer attention, 4)
Dramatize the message, 5) Stimulate interest in reading
the whole message, 6) Explain a statement, 7) Create a
distinctive atmosphere, 8) Highlight a brand or support
the slogan displayed. Layout
The purpose of this layout is to make it easier for
readers to digest the message contained in the packaging.
There are several considerations in this layout process
(Wirya, 1999), namely:
a. Balance. Arrangement of elements to achieve a visual
impression with a pleasant spread.
b. Focus. Accentuate one of the elements in the visual
element to draw attention.
c. Contrast. Use of different colors to attract attention and
d. Proportion. Use of matching length-width measures,
large-small, thick-thin, to achieve cohesiveness that is
comfortable to look at.
2.1.4 Packaging structures and materials
Packaging structures and materials are used to support
product shelf life, protect and provide a physical surface for
packaging design. The decision in choosing the structure and
material of the packaging is determined by the end user
(Klimchuck &; Krasovec, 2007).
Packaging structures and materials have a variety of
choices due to the increasingly advanced development of the era.
An example is the use of plastic packaging. Plastic has various
variations, can be rigid or flexible, clear, white or colored,

transparent or opaq and can be printed into a variety of different
shapes and sizes (Klimchuck & Krasovec, 2007).
2.1.5 Charm Cooling Fresh
Charm Cooling Fresh is a sanitary napkin for women during
menstruation. It provides a cooling sensation with mint extract
and provides comfort during activities.
2.2 Data Analysis
2.2.1 Purpose Analysis of Charm Cooling Fresh Sanitary Pads
Charm Cooling Fresh Sanitary Pads provide protection from
all sides so that leakage can be minimized, gives a feeling of
dryness and coolness to a woman's intimate parts, and is able
to withstand heavy menstrual flow.
2.2.2 Product category analysis
The charm cooling fresh products offered by Unicharm are
divided into several product categories:
1. Sanitary Pad
a. Cooling Fresh Wing 23 CM
b. Cooling Fresh Non Wing 23 CM
c. Cooling Fresh Wing 26 cm
d. Cooling Fresh Wing 29 cm
e. Cooling Fresh Wing 35 cm
f. Cooling Fresh Wing 42 cm

Figure -1 Charm Cooling Fresh 23 cm

2.2.3 Packaging Feature Analysis (VIEW)
To find out whether the packaging is functioning
optimally, Shrimp (2003) devised an analysis model called
VIEW. VIEW stands for visibility, information, emotional
appeal, workability. Visibility refers to the ability of packaging
to have points that attract the attention of buyers to buy a
product with the aim of building a brand image. Information
leads to instructions on how to use the product, benefits such
as slogans, and other additional information such as store
addresses and telephone numbers. Emotional appeal refers to
the packaging's ability to evoke certain feelings through visual
elements. Workability refers to the function of packaging as
more than just a way of communicating. The following is a
VIEW analysis on CHARM sanitary napkin product packaging:
a. Visibility
Based on the results of observations, one
packaging of sanitary napkins has a different visual
identity. In addition, the sanitary napkin packaging design
used in CHARM sanitary napkins currently supports the
concept of packaging for all groups.
b. Information
The CHARM company logo has been applied
consistently on the packaging. In addition, the size of the
logo and typography, an explanation of the variety of
products, varies in size. The hierarchy in the delivery of
information is quite clear. This raises clarity which
information you want to highlight. So that consumers
have a focus point of attention and can save time.
Consistent use of the font type in the CHARM logo on

packaging creates an impression that is easy to recognize
and understand.
c. Emotional Appeal
Based on observations, several consumers who
have tried and used to buy CHARM sanitary napkins,
especially Cooling Fresh, said that they did not mind the
current packaging design, in fact, according to them, this
had become the hallmark of CHARM sanitary napkins.
d. Workability
So far, consumers have not complained about the
mobility of CHARM's product packaging. The Cooling
Fresh pack contains 16 pcs and is lightweight so it's easy
to carry anywhere.


Packaging is often the first point of contact that consumers have with
a product, and it can communicate important information about the brand
and its values. A visually appealing and well-designed package can help a
product stand out on store shelves and catch the attention of potential
customers. It can also convey a sense of quality, trustworthiness, and
reliability, which can positively impact consumers' perceptions of the brand.
Additionally, the packaging design can influence consumer purchasing
decisions by communicating key product features and benefits. For example,
if the packaging emphasizes the product's absorbency or comfort, consumers
may be more likely to choose that product over others. In summary, the
design and visual aesthetics of Charm's sanitary napkin packaging can play
an important role in shaping consumer perceptions, brand appeal, and
purchasing decisions. It is essential to carefully consider these factors when
designing packaging for any product, including sanitary napkins.
The packaging design should clearly highlight the most important
features of the product in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand
manner. This can include information such as the absorbency level, size,
shape, and materials used. If the packaging effectively communicates these
features, it can help consumers make informed purchasing decisions.
Secondly, the packaging should be consistent with the product's branding
and messaging. This means that the design and messaging on the packaging
should align with the brand's values and target audience. If the packaging
effectively communicates the brand's messaging and values, it can enhance
brand appeal and increase consumer trust. Lastly, the packaging should be
informative without overwhelming the consumer with too much information.
This means that the packaging should strike a balance between providing
important product information and maintaining a visually appealing design.

In summary, the effectiveness of Charm's sanitary napkin packaging in
communicating the product's features will depend on the specific design and
messaging used. If the packaging clearly highlights the most important
features, aligns with the brand's messaging and values, and maintains a
visually appealing design, it is likely to be effective in communicating the
product's features to consumers.
If Charm's brand identity is focused on promoting natural and eco-
friendly products, for example, the packaging should be designed to reflect
these values. This might include the use of earthy tones, natural textures, and
sustainable materials. Alternatively, if Charm's brand identity is focused on
promoting comfort and convenience, the packaging should be designed to
reflect these values. This might include a streamlined design that emphasizes
the product's ease of use and comfort features. Ultimately, the packaging
design should be aligned with Charm's brand identity and values, and should
be designed to appeal to its target audience. This can help to enhance brand
recognition and increase consumer trust and loyalty. If Charm's current
packaging does not effectively reflect its brand identity or resonate with its
target audience, there may be opportunities to improve the design. This
could involve consulting with marketing and design professionals to develop
a new packaging concept that better aligns with the brand's identity and
values, while also appealing to its target audience.

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Perencanaan Merek Produk yang Berhasil Mulai dari Konsep sampai
Penjualan, Jakarta, Penerbit Erlangga
Wirya, Iwan 1999. Kemasan yang Menjual. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka


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