DILG Gives LGUs Guide in Seeking Demolition Help

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DILG gives LGUs guide in seeking demolition

October 6, 2014

THE Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) released updated guidelines for all
local government units (LGU) in requesting police assistance during a demolition.

The guidelines will help LGUs to maintain order and prevent hostility and violence when
executing evictions in accordance with the Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA).

“This set of guidelines is intended to safeguard from hostility and violence, not only the affected
and underprivileged and homeless citizens, but also the representatives of government agencies
and police personnel involved in the demolition or eviction,” the guidelines read.


In a copy it furnished to the Cebu City Council, DILG Memorandum Circular 2014-82 issued by
DILG Sec. Mar Roxas states that the guidelines in requesting police assistance will take effect if
the demolition is a court order or through an executive order.

Before police assistance will be provided to the requesting party, the proponent will be required
to write a formal letter addressed to the chief of the Philippine National Police or to its regional
director at least 10 days before the schedule date of demolition.

Documents such as a certified true copy of the court or administrative orders and a certified true
copy of the certificate of compliance on demolition or eviction issued by the chairman of the
local housing board shall be also be attached to the request letter.

The memorandum further requires the LGU to conduct a pre-demolition conference upon the
receipt of formal request.


The Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP) is also directed to prepare and serve
notice of pre-demolition conference to DILG, PNP, Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD), National Housing Authority (NHA), Commission on Human Rights
(CHR), the local housing board of the concerned LGU, representatives of the affected families,
the landowner (if the property is privately owned), representative of the court who issued the
order and other concerned agencies.

It shall be conducted three days before the scheduled demolition.

Topics such as the PNP operational procedures, roles and participation of LGU and the
designation of the appropriate person-in-charge during the actual conduct of demolition among
others, shall be discussed during the conference.

Police assistance will only be granted after all the requirements have been fulfilled. 

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