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The Nervous System Multiple Choice 1 1. Neurones: a. Have many axons, b. Have one dendrite. c. Are capable of dividing. d, Can only synthesise chemical energy (adenosine triphosphate, ATP) from glucose, 2. In nerve cells: a. The cell membrane is polarised in the resting state. b. Sodium (Na‘) is the principal intracellular cation. c. At rest, Na’ tends to diffuse out of the cells. a d. Depolarisation occurs when Na” floods out of the cells. 3. Nerve impulses: a. Can travel either way along a neurone. b. Travel more quickly in unmyelinated neurones. Gc c. Travel by saltatory conduction in myelinated neurones. d. Travel during the refractory period. 4. At the synapse: a. The presynaptic neurone has one large synaptic knob. b. Neurotransmitters are made just before they are required rather than being stored. c. Neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft and can only act on specific receptor sites. d, Neurotransmitters always have an excitatory eke the postsynaptic membrane. 5. The fibrous tissue that encloses bundles of nerve fibres is called: a. Epineurium. b. Endoneurium, Peinertun a d, Myelin, 6. Motor nerves: a. Are also known as afferent nerves. b. Carry impulses from sensory receptors to the central nervous system. c. Include those with cndings in the baroreccptors. d. Are also known as somatic nerves when they are involved in skeletal muscle contraction (voluntary or reflex). 7. The cells that form and maintain myelin in the central nervous system are: a. Oligodendrocytes. b. Neurones. © Mop a d, Ependymal cells. 8. ‘The blood-brain barrier is formed by foot processes of: 2? a, Oligodendrocytes, b. Astrocytes. b c. Microglia, d. Ependymal cells. 9. Which lies outermost in the cranial cavity? . The dura mater. b. The arachnoid matec, a c. The pia mater. . The subarachnoid space. 10. Which fold is formed by the inner layer of dura mater when it sweeps inwards between the cerebral hemispheres? a. The falx cerebri, b, The falx cerebelli, a ¢. The tentorium cerebeli 4. None of the above, 11. What is the lower extent of the spinal dura mater? a. $3. b SI. «. 82. G 4. $4. 12, Diagnostic dyes, local anaesthetics and analgesic drugs are injected into the: 4. Filum terminale. b. Epidural space. . Subdural space. d, Subarichnoid space. 13. Which of the meninges extends beyond the spinal cord as the filum terminale? a, The dura mater, b. The arachnoid mater, Sere Cc d. None of the above. 14, Which of the meninges covers the convolutions of the brain and dips into each fissure? a, The dura mater. b. The arachnoid mater, ¢. The pia mater. d, None of the above, 15. ‘The cerebral aqueduct connects: 4. The right and left lateral ventricles. b. The lateral ventricles and third ventricle. ¢. The third ventricle and fourth ventricle. C d. The fourth ventricle and spinal cord. 16, Which of the following lies between the cerebellum and the pons? a The lateral ventricles, b. The third ventricle. «. The fourth ventricle. Cc &. None of the above. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): Is secreted at the rate of 5 mL/min. Eidos aoe b eC c. Has a specific gravity of 1.025. ' . Consists mainly of water, and contains leukocytes, mineral salts, glucose and plasma roe 18, An abnormally raised volume of cerebrospinal fluid is known as: a. Hydrocephalus, b. Cerebral oedema, . Papilloedema, d. Hermniation. 19, The brain stem includes the: a. Cerebrum, b. ‘Thalamus. _ Cc d. Cerebellum. 20, The amount of blood supplied to the brain is approximately: a. 400 mL/min. b. 600 mL/min. ©. 750 mL/min. Cc 4. 1000 ml/min. “The cerebrum: a. Is divided by the longitudinal cerebral fissure into anterior and posterior cerebral hemispheres. b. Occupies the posterior and middle cranial fossa. © Consists of sulel sepacuted by gyel. d. Has a superficial layer that consists of white matter and. at are composed of grey matter. 22, Which type of fibres connect different parts of the same cerebral hemisphere? a. Association fibres. b. Commissural fibres, . Projection fibres. a d. Pyramidal fibres. 23, Which type of tract is the corpus callosum? a. An association tract. b, A commissural tract. c. A projection tract. dA pyramidal tract. 2 wu. 29. 3 ‘The primary motor area of the cerebral cortex: a, Lies in the frontal lobe immediately anterior to the central sulcus. b. Has areas representing different parts of the body that are proportionally related to their size. . Controls cardiac muscle activity. d, Controls voluntary muscle movement on the same side of the body. Where is Broca’s area located? a. The frontal lobe, immediately anterior to the central sulcus. b. The frontal lobe, just superior to the lateral sulcus. c. Immediately posterior to the central sulcus. d. Posterior to the parieto-occipital sulcus. Wernicke’s area is concerned with: a. Hearing. b. Smell. c, Taste. 4 d, Speech. ‘The vital centres lie in the: a, Midbrain, b, Pons. c, Medulla oblongata, CG 4. Hypothalamus. Brain tumours: 4. Are nearly always primary tumours. b. Usually arise from nerve cells, . Are usually astrocytomas in adults. d. Are described as benign when they are slow growing. Coordination and maintenance of posture, balance and equilibrium are the main functions of the: a. Reticular formation. b. Cerebellum. «. Spinal cord. d. Cerebral cortex. Intracranial bleeding that most commonly arises from a ruptured berry ancurysm is described as a(n): 1. Cerebral infarction. b, Intracerebral haemorrhage. «. Subarachnoid haemorshage. Ad, Transient ischaemic attack. The microbe that causes shingles is: a, Herpes simplex virus. b. Varicella-zoster virus. c. Neisseria meningitidis. d, Streptococcus pmeumoniae. 32, The type of dementia that is inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder is: a. Creutzfeldt-Jakob's disease. b. Parkinson's disease. , Alzheimer’s disease. . Huntington's disease. 33, ‘The spinal cond: a. Has an anterior shallow median fissure and a posterior deep posterior median scptum. b. Has white matter in the centre, surrounded by grey matter. Ie about 90 cm long in adult males. a d, Contains white matter arranged in the shape of the letwer H. $4. Which wor serve pare do NOT decane in the opie en ‘ Tapert. e, Touch, 4. Proprioception, 35. The cell bodies of lower motor neurones are located im the: a. Cerebrum. b, Anterior horn of rey matter of spinal cond, ¢. Posterior hom of grey matter in spinal cord. i. Lateral column of white matter in spinal cond. 36, Multiple sclerosis is classified. ax: a, A demyelinating disease. b. A lower motor neurone disease. «. An upper motor neurone disease. . Compression of the spinal cord. 37, When bright light reaches the eye, the pupil constricts. This is an cxample off a. A spinal reflex. by A stretch reflex. &, An autonomic reflex. dA voluntary movement. Cc 38, The smallest plexus is the: a. Coccygeal. b. Cervical. ©. Sacral. d. Brachial. 39. The phrenic nerve originates from: a. Cervical nerve roots 1, 2, 3 and 4 b. Cervical nerve roots 3, 4 and 5. ©. The lower four cervical and Ist thoracic nerve roots. . The first three and part of 4th lumbar nerve roots. 40, Which is the largest branch of the brachial plexus? a. The axillary nerve. b. The musculocutaneous nerve. «. The iliohypogastric nerve. d . The radial nerve, 41. The largest nerve in the body is the: a. Great auricular nerve. b. Radial nerve. c. Femoral nerve. d d. Sciatic nerve. 42. The external anal sphincter is supplied by the: a. Tibial nerve. b. Common peroneal nerve. © pool ane e . Covcygeal plexus. 43. ‘The cranial nerve with the most extensive distribution to internal organs is the: a. Vagus nerve. b. Accessory nerve, Saeco rs) . Abducent nerve, 44, Which of the following is NOT a branch of the trigeminal nerve? a. Trochlear nerve. b. Ophthalmic nerve. Maxillary nerve. a . Mandibular nerve. 45. The cai! nerve enotlfr the muon sd gag wee the ¢. Accessory nerve. 4. Vagus nerve. 46. Which of the following are NOT miteed nerves? a. The facial nerves. b. The vestibulocochlear nerves. &. The glossopharyngeal nerves. . The vagus nerves. ieee a 47, The sympathetic nervous system: a. Is a craniosacral outflow. d b. Has five provertcbral ganglia in the abdominal cavity: c. Does not have postsynaptic neurones to the heart. d. Sometimes has sympathetic cholinergic nerves as its postsynaptic neurones. 48. The parasympathetic nervous system: 4. Has a chain of ganglia on each side of the spinal cord. b. Always uses acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter at both pre- and, synapses, c. Innervates the adrenal medulla releasing noradrenaline when . Has long postsynaptic neurones. 49. Which of the following is NOT an effect of sympathetic stimulation? a. Fight or flight response. b. Greatly increased metabolic rate. . Increased motility and secretion in stomach and small intestis d. Goose flesh. ( : 50, If referred pain is present in the loin and groin, the tissue of origin would be the: a. Heart. b, Uterus. «. Appendix. d. Kidney and ureter.

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