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Dika : Hi Dina, what are you doing?
Dinna : Hi, Dika. I'm just sitting
Dika : Instead of just sitting down, what if we walk for a while and go to see the
Dinna : hmm, today I just want to sit back and relax
Dika : Come on, think about it. If you arrive at the cinema later, you can also just sit
and watch the movie that is being shown
Dinna : true too, but I don't seem interested in going
Dika : nah, if you want to go with me, I will treat you to popcorn to eat while
watching later
Dinna : fine, anything for free popcorn, let's go.


Dinna : Good afternoon. Is there anything I can help you with?
Dika : Good afternoon. I want to return the dress I ordered here yesterday. Is that
Dinna : May I find out what the complaint is?
Dika : The sewn dress was too big for me, and when I saw some of the trinkets
came off,
Dinna : Can I see her dress?
Dika : Yes, of course I can
Dinna : Oh, I seem to be making a mistake here. Well, I'll fix the dress and put some
of those loose trinkets back on
Dika : not that it takes a long time. I prefer to get a refund and buy a new dress
Dinna : for refunds can not. This dress will be finished tomorrow, and you can take it
Dika : It is impossible because this dress will be used for a party later in the
evening. Come on, don't worry I'm a regular customer here
Dinna : Oh, well, maybe just for this one time because this is something urgent. I'll
give you a refund.
Dika : Hi Dina, May I ask you something?
Dinna : Hi too, you want to ask what?
Dika : if you are on the road, then your car is running out of gas and the gas station
you have passed is three kilometers back. What are you going to do?
Dinna : Wahh, maybe I'll panic once. Am I just alone?
Dika : Yes, and there is no alternative for you to turn around to the gas station
Dinna : I guess I'd have to call you or anyone else who can help me with this
problem, and of course with a feeling of panic and maybe a little crying
Dika : hahaha, yes maybe I will also do the same if in that position

Dinna : What if you plan to visit some friends in Montreal, and at two o'clock in the
morning you just arrive at the terminal
Dika : Okay, okay, then?
Dinna : but your friends don't have a car, and there are no buses or subways
operating that night. Well, in that situation, what do you do in order to get to
your friend's place?
Dika : Wah, it will be frustrating for me once because I'm tired on the way and there
is no public transport that can help me get to my friends' place.
Dinna : Yaa, then what are you going to do?
Dika : If there isn't another option, I'll stay at the closest hotel to the terminal and
meet my friends tomorrow afternoon after a bus or subway arrives.
Dinna : If you have to visit your friends, how?
Dika : If I really have to visit them as soon as possible, I will use a taxi only.

Dinna : I want to ask you a question. Can you?
Dika : Of course it is okay
Dinna : if you are fishing in the lake, suddenly a storm comes and the high waves
make your boat capsize, but you can swim to a small island nearby. There is
no house on it, but half a kilometer away there is a farmhouse. What are you
going to do?
Dika : If that's so, I will try to hold on until the storm subsides and calms down first,
because it is certain that I will be frustrated if in that position
Dinna : Well, under such circumstances, what are you going to plan next?
Dika : I guess I should scream as loudly as I can so that someone in the farmhouse
hears me and helps me.
Dinna : Besides that, what are you going to do?
Dika : maybe with all my might, I will return to swimming across the lake to save

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