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Rule of law – English essay

The rule of law is a mechanism that says that all people and institutions are equal in the sense of
following the same laws. This is important for a country to be stable, fair and secure. This also means
a not selfish use of government and random use of power.

Some signs that the Rule of Law is in place in a country are for example protecting human rights. In
Spain, human rights are protected, and all humans have the same qualities. Every person must
follow the laws because if not they will be punished. This occurs in lots of countries, normally in the
European Union. France, England, Spain... Also, in a fair country, people can only be punished if the
action is in the laws. With this, I mean that if someone has done something wrong, but this isn’t in
the law, the state cannot punish them. In addition, a shielded nation must have their government
business behave equitably and fast. These are examples of things a nation does to protect human

Although in a lot of states the Rule of Law is applied correctly, in not all parts of the world this
occurs. In these situations, these countries are normally taken by a not good government, and the
companies that should do this stuff do not use their power correctly. For example, judges: These
important members of society are obliged to make justice on a lot of occasions, including crimes,
robbery, traffic with illegal things, and lots more. Most of these people do their job fairly, but there
also is a percentage that doesn’t do that. According to the CGPJ, 69% of accusations against judges in
Spain finish in fines for them. Also, in our country, each year 28 judges are fined for not doing their
work fairly. This is one example of a case in which the Rule of Law isn’t applicated well. Spain is a
country that respects the Rule of Law but as you can see by the example, in some cases isn’t as
adequate. Another example is when on May 25, 2020, George Floyd died because of illegal actions
taken by police officers. According to The New York Times, the death of this person was due to the
violent actions of police officers committed because George paid for some cigarettes with a
counterfeit $20 bill. An employee called 991 and when they arrived, he was found inconsistent with
no signs of life. This newspaper assured that two officers who took a series of actions that violated
Minneapolis Police Department policies and proved deadly, leaving Floyd unable to breathe, even as
he and bystanders called for help. This is very brutal and unfair, and an example of important people
using their power unfairly. Lots of things like this happen constantly throughout the world. All days,
all weeks, all years...

Therefore, I think The Rule of Law is important. It is principal to take this rule seriously to not suffer
things like this. Because it could be you suffering these painful things, it could be anyone. We can't
do what we don’t like to be done to us. The countries that follow this are the most peaceful and
respectful because they follow the laws, are deferential and fair, and use their power to make the
state better.

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