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Eilert Bjerkan

Reprinted with the permission of ABB

Doctoral Thesis
for the degree of Doctor Ingeniør

Trondheim, May 2005

Faculty of Information Technology,

Matematics and Electrical Engineering
Department for Electrical Power Engineering
O.S.Bragstads pl. 2F
7491 Trondheim
ISBN: 82-471-6925-8 (printed version)
ISBN: 82-471-6923-1 (electronic version)
Trondheim 2005

This work has been a part of the project “Transformer winding ageing, condition control
and condition assessment” at SINTEF Energy Research (SEfAS). The project is financed
by SEfAS together with Norwegian utilities and the Norwegian Research Council. This
work was accomplished at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Depart-
ment of Electrical Power Engineering in the period 2000-2005.

I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Associate Professor Hans Kristian

Høidalen for being supportive, and giving me guidance and inspiration during my work. I
would also like to thank all my colleagues at the Department of Electrical Power Engineer-
ing and the Materials Science group at SEfAS for all the help and assistance when needed.
Gratitude is also expressed to Professor Jarle Sletbak for proofreading most of the thesis.

I would also like to thank ABB for supporting my work, especially Svein Ola Løvlien at
ABB, Drammen for helping out with constructional details on the test-object in this thesis
and for increasing my constructional knowledge on a general basis. I would also like to
express my thankfulness to Egil Henriksen at ABB, Drammen for valuable discussions and
guidance regarding the importance of the core in transformer models.

I am also grateful for the T3 Buran transformer (main testobject) supplied by TEV (Trond-
heim Energiverk), since they were upgrading the network and scrapping this unit.

Thanks are also rewarded to Eilin Guillot, Olivier Moreau and Guy Dos-Santos at the
R&D dept. of EdF in Clamart/Paris for arranging the 5 months stay in 2003 and for giving
me training and guidance in transformer modeling using SUMER.

Support and encouragement from Nortroll AS in Levanger is also deeply appreciated.

Finally I would like express my gratitude to my love, dear friend and wife to be; Vigdis
Aakerholm and also my two daughters Emma, born in 1999 and Åse Johanne, born in
2002. Vigdis have been patient and understanding during my work and has always been
supportive and encouraging. Emma and Åse Johanne has given me strength during diffi-
cult periods being a source of constant inspiration and motivation. I am also grateful to the
rest of my family and friends for being supportive and interested in my work during these

Trondheim, May 2005

Eilert Bjerkan

“Inductance is best measured with a measuring-tape”


High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers -i-


- ii - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


In this thesis a reliable, versatile and rigorous method for high frequency power
transformer modeling is searched and established. The purpose is to apply this
model to sensitivity analysis of FRA (Frequency Response Analysis) which is a
quite new diagnostic method for assessing the mechanical integrity of power trans-
former windings on-site. The method should be versatile in terms of being able to
estimate internal and external overvoltages and resonances. Another important as-
pect is that the method chosen is suitable for real transformer geometries. In order
to verify the suitability of the model for real transformers, a specific test-object is
used. This is a 20MVA transformer, and details are given in chapter 1.4.

The high frequency power transformer model is established from geometrical and
constructional information from the manufacturer, together with available materi-
al characteristics. All circuit parameters in the lumped circuit representation is cal-
culated based on these data. No empirical modifications need to be performed.
Comparison shows capability of reasonable accuracy in the range from 10 kHz to
1 MHz utilizing a disc-to-disc representation. A compromise between accuracy of
model due to discretisation and complexity of the model in a turn-to-turn represen-
tation is inevitable.

The importance of the iron core is emphasized through a comparison of represen-

tations with/without the core included. Frequency-dependent phenomena are ac-
curately represented using an isotropic equivalent for windings and core, even
with a coarse mesh for the FEM-model. This is achieved through a frequency-de-
pendent complex permeability representation of the materials. This permeability
is deduced from an analytical solution of the frequency-dependent magnetic field
inside the conductors and the core.

The importance of dielectric losses in a transformer model is also assessed. Since

published data on the high frequency properties of pressboard are limited, some
initial measurements are done on impregnated pressboard at different tempera-
tures and moisture-levels. Tanδ is found to be twice the corresponding value for
impregnated paper at frequencies from 50 kHz to 1MHz. Moisture has a minor ef-
fect on the losses when frequency approaches 1MHz. Service-aged paper (impreg-
nated) is also tested in order to investigate other ageing-effects than produced
water, but the test show the same decreasing influence at higher frequencies as im-
pregnated pressboard with moisture added. The following main conclusions were
drawn from this work:

• A simple, analytical approach cannot be used to build a versatile high fre-

quency power transformer model. The reason being mainly the lack of a
proper representation of the iron core, since a FEM-representation without the
core did not increase coherence to measurements significantly.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - iii -


• A proper representation of the iron core is very important for the calculation
of inductances. Losses mainly originate from the core at intermediate frequen-
cies (10-200 kHz), and not only from eddy currents in the windings as tradi-
tionally assumed. The permeability seem to be of less importance as long as it
is well above permeability for oil, since the internal resonances mainly
depends on the leakage inductances. The core leg equivalent is important for
the leakage field and determines the leakage inductances and winding losses.

• Using a frequency-dependent complex permeability in a FEM-simulation

makes possible an accurate representation of core and windings using a coarse
mesh. If coating resistivity is sufficiently low to create interlaminar currents/
losses, the iron laminates should be represented by a 2-dimensional complex
permeability. Coating parameters are seldom available.

• Dielectric properties of power transformer insulating materials depend on fre-

quency, temperature, moisture, ageing and pressure. Temperature has minor
influence on FRA-signatures, other parameters have practically no influence.

• Impulse- and resonant overvoltages both internally and on terminals can be

analysed using this method with sufficient accuracy, provided the discretisa-
tion of the winding is sufficiently refined regarding the frequencies involved.
Since terminal behaviour is given by the internal geometry and material
parameters, it is assumed that internal behaviour is related to the accuracy of
the terminal behaviour.

• FRA sensitivity to axial displacement is 1.2% of total axial height. The sensi-
tivity to radial deformation (forced buckling) is found to be a buckling depth
of 9% of the radius of the winding. Turn-to-turn short-circuits could not be
modeled correctly since the lumped elements includes several turns. Disc-to-
disc short circuits are easily detected. Axial bending is not detectable. Detec-
tion of loose windings and aged insulation is improbable and will be depend-
ent on the available sensitivity (mainly related to the repeatability of the
measurements and the reference utilized for comparison).

The contributions in this work relates to different topics such as; Frequency-de-
pendent iron core representation in FEM, study of interlaminar currents and its ef-
fect on the internal magnetic field, characterization of high frequency dielectric
properties of impregnated pressboard and service-aged impregnated paper, proce-
dure for evaluation of internal/external overvoltages, and finally sensitivity guide-
lines for the application of FRA to mechanical deformations.

Keywords: Power Transformer, High frequency model, Condition assessment,

FEM, Lumped parameter model, FRA, Internal stresses, Overvoltages, Terminal
stresses, Mechanical deformations, Frequency-dependent losses, Eddy currents.

- iv - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


PREFACE ................................................................................................ I
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ III
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ V
LIST OF SYMBOLS AND UNITS ............................................................ VII
ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................... XI
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................ XIII
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................XIX
1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope of Work.....................................................................................2
1.2 Thesis Outline......................................................................................4
1.3 Publications .........................................................................................5
1.4 Test object ...........................................................................................6
2 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................ 9
2.1 Condition Monitoring - Purpose and practice ...................................10
2.2 FRA (Frequency Response Analysis) ...............................................13
2.2.1 Measurement techniques.................................................................14
2.2.2 International experience .................................................................17
2.2.3 Alternatives .....................................................................................19
2.2.4 FRA Summary .................................................................................20
2.3 Transformer modeling .......................................................................21
2.3.1 Inductance Calculation ...................................................................21
2.3.2 Capacitance Calculation ................................................................24
2.3.3 Losses ..............................................................................................24
2.3.4 Model Applications .........................................................................25
2.4 Iron Core............................................................................................26
2.5 Dielectric materials............................................................................27
2.6 Modeling accuracy ............................................................................28
2.7 Conclusions .......................................................................................29
3 BASIC CALCULATIONS ......................................................................... 31
3.1 Lumped parameter description ..........................................................32
3.2 Inductance..........................................................................................35
3.2.1 Self and mutual inductance .............................................................35

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers -v-

Table of Contents

3.3 Capacitance ....................................................................................... 37

3.3.1 Series capacitance .......................................................................... 38
3.3.2 Shunt capacitance........................................................................... 38
3.3.3 Core capacitance............................................................................ 39
3.4 Winding losses .................................................................................. 40
3.4.1 Skin-effect ....................................................................................... 42
3.4.2 Proximity-effect .............................................................................. 43
3.5 Conductance...................................................................................... 44
3.6 Modified parameters due to deformation.......................................... 45
3.6.1 Forced Buckling mode.................................................................... 46
3.6.2 Free Buckling mode........................................................................ 47
3.6.3 Inductance contributions of buckling ............................................. 48
3.6.4 Influence of buckling on capacitance ............................................. 50
3.6.5 Comparison of influence................................................................. 52
3.7 Results and discussion ...................................................................... 53
3.7.1 Analytical model of a simplified geometry ..................................... 53
3.7.2 Analytical model of T3 Buran......................................................... 55
3.8 Conclusions....................................................................................... 58
4 FINITE ELEMENT METHOD ...................................................................59
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 59
4.2 SUMER............................................................................................. 60
4.3 Alternative software.......................................................................... 61
4.4 Parameter calculation........................................................................ 61
4.4.1 Inductance and resistance .............................................................. 61
4.4.2 Capacitance and conductance........................................................ 63
4.4.3 Eddy currents.................................................................................. 64
4.4.4 Time consumption........................................................................... 68
4.5 Results............................................................................................... 68
4.5.1 Simplified geometry ........................................................................ 68
4.5.2 Main test object .............................................................................. 72
4.6 Discussion ......................................................................................... 75
4.7 Conclusions....................................................................................... 76
5 IRON CORE INFLUENCE ........................................................................77
5.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 78
5.2 One dimensional approximation ....................................................... 82
5.3 FEM verification............................................................................... 88
5.3.1 Wilcox 25 kVA core ........................................................................ 88
5.3.2 Fergestad 200 MVA core................................................................ 92
5.4 Interlaminar effects ........................................................................... 96
5.4.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 96
5.4.2 Two-dimensional approximation.................................................. 102
5.4.3 CP2D verification......................................................................... 106
5.5 Results - Core Influence.................................................................. 107
5.5.1 Open core equivalent.................................................................... 107
5.5.2 Closed core equivalent ................................................................. 109
5.5.3 Influence of permeability .............................................................. 110
5.5.4 Other influences............................................................................ 112
5.6 Discussion and Conclusion ............................................................. 113
6 DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES ....................................................................115
6.1 Introduction..................................................................................... 115
6.2 Definitions....................................................................................... 116

- vi - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Table of Contents

6.3 Literature survey............................................................................. 116

6.3.1 Insulating oils............................................................................... 117
6.3.2 Insulating paper ........................................................................... 118
6.3.3 Oil-impregnated paper................................................................. 118
6.3.4 Ageing effects ............................................................................... 118
6.3.5 Discussion .................................................................................... 119
6.4 Measurements................................................................................. 120
6.4.1 Measurement-setup ...................................................................... 120
6.4.2 Service-aged paper....................................................................... 121
6.4.3 Impregnated Pressboard .............................................................. 123
6.4.4 Discussion .................................................................................... 125
6.5 Implications for the transformer model .......................................... 126
6.5.1 Loss of clamping pressure............................................................ 126
6.5.2 Frequency-dependent dielectric losses ........................................ 127
6.5.3 Ageing .......................................................................................... 128
6.6 Conclusions .................................................................................... 129
7 MODEL APPLICATIONS ....................................................................... 131
7.1 Final model ..................................................................................... 132
7.2 Transferred overvoltages ................................................................ 135
7.2.1 Neutral connection ....................................................................... 139
7.2.2 Secondary loading........................................................................ 139
7.3 Internal stresses............................................................................... 140
7.3.1 Interdisc stresses .......................................................................... 141
7.3.2 Internal resonance ....................................................................... 146
7.4 FRA - Range of application............................................................ 147
7.4.1 Axial displacement ....................................................................... 147
7.4.2 Radial deformation....................................................................... 149
7.4.3 Disc to disc short circuit .............................................................. 150
7.4.4 Influence of non-symmetrical 3D effects...................................... 151
7.4.5 Influence of tapchanger position.................................................. 153
7.4.6 Influence of bulk oil...................................................................... 154
7.4.7 Influence of measurement-setup................................................... 155
7.5 Discussion....................................................................................... 157
7.5.1 Model accuracy ............................................................................ 157
7.5.2 FRA sensitivities........................................................................... 157
7.5.3 Limitations in FRA application.................................................... 158
7.5.4 Measurement accuracy and errors .............................................. 158
7.6 Conclusions .................................................................................... 159
8 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................ 161
9 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................... 165
10 FURTHER WORK............................................................................... 169
10.1 Iron Core representation ............................................................... 169
10.2 Overvoltages................................................................................. 170
10.3 Interlaminar effects....................................................................... 170
10.4 3D effects...................................................................................... 170
10.5 Ageing effects............................................................................... 171
10.6 FRA .............................................................................................. 171
10.6.1 Modeling .................................................................................... 171
10.6.2 Fault location ............................................................................. 171
10.6.3 Interpretation and presentation ................................................. 171
11 APPENDICES ..................................................................................... 173

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - vii -

Table of Contents

Appendix A. Constructional information, T3 Buran ............................ 173

A.1. The windings .................................................................................. 174
A.2. The core.......................................................................................... 174
A.3. The tank.......................................................................................... 176
Appendix B. Short circuit forces .......................................................... 177
B.1. Radial Forces ................................................................................. 181
B.2. Failure modes caused by radial forces .......................................... 183
B.3. Axial Forces ................................................................................... 184
B.4. Failure modes caused by axial forces............................................ 185
Appendix C. FRA Measurement Setup ................................................ 186
Appendix D. Historical Review - Transformer modeling .................... 189
D.1. Introduction ................................................................................... 189
D.2. The early ages................................................................................ 190
D.3. Introduction to principles of modern modeling ............................ 191
D.4. The age of computers..................................................................... 191
Appendix E. Nodal System Description ............................................... 192
Appendix F. Analytical formulations ................................................... 196
F.1. Self Inductance ............................................................................... 196
F.2. Mutual inductance.......................................................................... 199
F.3. Series capacitance.......................................................................... 202
F.4. Shunt capacitance .......................................................................... 206
Appendix G. Modeling in SUMER ...................................................... 208
G.1. Modeling procedure ...................................................................... 209
G.2. Geometry ....................................................................................... 209
G.3. Mesh............................................................................................... 209
G.4. Physical properties ........................................................................ 210
G.5. Frequency Distribution.................................................................. 210
G.6. Solving the FE model..................................................................... 210
G.7. Connections and configuration ..................................................... 211
G.8. Calculating a terminal equivalent ................................................. 211
G.9. Performing internal analysis ........................................................ 211
G.10. Alternatives .................................................................................. 212
Appendix H. Modeling in Femlab ........................................................ 213
Appendix I. Reduced Scale Model ....................................................... 215
Appendix J. Iron core representation .................................................... 216
J.1. Axial symmetrical core representation........................................... 216
J.2. Interlaminar effects......................................................................... 219
Appendix K. Axial displacement of winding from T3Buran ............... 227
12 REFERENCES .....................................................................................229

- viii - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

List of Symbols and Units


ε∗ Complex permittivity
ε′ Real part of relative permittivity
ε″ Imaginary part of relative permittivity
ε0 Permittivity of free space: 8, 85 × 10 F ⁄ m
εr Relative permittivity
tan δ Dielectric loss factor
σ Conductivity [ S ⁄ m ]
µ∗ Complex permeability
µ′ Real part of the relative permeability
µ″ Imaginary part of the relative permeability
µ0 Permeability of free space: 4π × 10 H ⁄ m
µr Relative permeability
Ω Ohm
j – 1 , imaginary unity
ω Angular frequency [rad/s]
s Laplace-operator: s = jω
A Magnetic vector potential
B Magnetic flux density [T]
H Magnetic field strength [A/m]
R(ω) Frequency-dependent branch Resistance matrix
L(ω) Frequency-dependent branch Inductance matrix
G(ω) Frequency-dependent Conductance matrix
C(ω) Frequency-dependent Capacitance matrix
Z Branch impedance matrix
YB Nodal admittance matrix description of the branch matrix
YN Admittance description of nodal elements
Y sys ( s ) Nodal system description in Laplace-domain
Y Condensed/reduced system description
Ve Matrix of terminal voltages

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - vii -

List of Symbols and Units

Ie Matrix of terminal currents

Y ee Matrix containing the part of system description that contains only the
terminal nodes
Y ei Lower left part of system description containing admittances between
terminal nodes and internal nodes.
Y ie Upper left part of system description containing admittances between
terminal nodes and internal nodes.
Y ii Matrix containing the part of system description that contains only the
internal nodes
A Transformation matrix for branch to nodal transformation
r(α) Radius of buckled winding
r0 Nominal radius of winding
b Depth of deformation
c Span of deformation
α Angle
M 12 Mutual inductance between winding 1 & 2
R 12 Distance between filament 1 & 2

A Vector potential
∇⋅A Divergence of A
∇×A Curl of A
ϕ j∗ Complex flux flowing through element j
Sj Cross-sectional area of element j

dS Differential area
nj Number of turns in element j
Φ j∗ Total complex flux through element j ( Φ j∗ = n j ⋅ ϕ j∗ )
Ij Total current in element j
W mag Magnetic energy
Q Charge

D Charge density
W el Electrostatic energy
Vj Voltage on electrode j
c i, j Capacitance between electrode i and j

- viii - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

List of Symbols and Units

Hz ( x ) Magnetic field-strength in z -direction with variation along x

Jy ( x ) Current-density in y -direction with variation along x

E Electric field strength

H0 Nominal magnetic field strength
H Conjugated field strength
H Absolute value of field strength
γ Stacking factor of core (usually around 0.95)
γ Cooling Amount of cooling ducts in the net iron area of the core.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - ix -

List of Symbols and Units

-x- High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


DGA Dissolved Gas Analysis
DP Degree of Polymerisation
FEM Finite Element Method
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FRA Frequency Response Analysis
FRSL Frequency Response Stray Losses
HV High Voltage
LV Low Voltage
LVI Low Voltage Impulse
OLTC On-Line Tap-Changer
PD Partial Discharges
SFRA Swept Frequency Response Analysis

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - xi -


- xii - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Disassembling the test object ........................................................... 7
Figure 3.1: Lumped parameter equivalent of one electrical element................ 32
Figure 3.2: Equivalent circuit of high frequency transformer model ............... 33
Figure 3.3: Magnetic field from a winding-segment in air............................... 35
Figure 3.4: Principle of mutual inductance....................................................... 36
Figure 3.5: Structure of typical inter-winding transformer insulation .............. 37
Figure 3.6: FEM-model showing normalized electric potential to investigate the
error made when approximating the core surface to a circular screen
with a radius equal to the circumscribed radius of the core ........ 39
Figure 3.7: Induced currents in a conducting material when exposed to external
magnetic field.............................................................................. 40
Figure 3.8: Counter-induced magnetic field due to induced currents............... 41
Figure 3.9: Resulting magnetic field................................................................. 41
Figure 3.10: Comparison of different skin-effect formulations on a 12 mm2 Cu-
strand with rectangular (2 x 6 mm) and circular cross section.... 42
Figure 3.11: Magnetic field at conductor #2 due to current in conductor #1 ... 43
Figure 3.12: Failure-modes of compressive-stressed windings [121] .............. 45
Figure 3.13: Modeling of forced buckling (radial dimension in [m])............... 46
Figure 3.14: Free mode buckling (radial dimension in [m])............................. 47
Figure 3.15: Parallel conducting filaments having an arbitrary path of
circumference/radius. .................................................................. 48
Figure 3.16: FEM-model for investigation of the 3D-influence of forced mode
buckling on the inductance.......................................................... 49
Figure 3.17: FEM-model of electric potential between core an LV-winding with
forced buckling between two supports........................................ 51
Figure 3.18: Measured and simulated transfer admittance from terminal to neutral
for test-object #1 in the work of Rahimpour [1] ......................... 53
Figure 3.19: Simulation established in this work to compare with the results of
Rahimpour [1] (fig. 3.18) ............................................................ 54
Figure 3.20: Comparison between analytical model and measurement of LV-
winding input admittance ............................................................ 55
Figure 3.21: Measurement vs. analytical model of HV-winding input admittance
Figure 3.22: Transfer-function from HV to LV (analytical model).................. 57
Figure 4.1: Current distribution and skin-depth at 100 kHz in a typical strand for
power transformers...................................................................... 65
Figure 4.2: Current density in a Finite Element Model of single strand applied to
skin-effect investigations at 100 kHz. ......................................... 66
Figure 4.3: Principle of the complex permeability representation of eddy currents
[120] ............................................................................................ 67
Figure 4.4: Decomposition of the external magnetic field (), where and is the
conductor height and width respectively..................................... 67

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - xiii -

List of Figures

Figure 4.5: Comparison between SUMER-model and measurement ............... 69

Figure 4.6: Measured transfer-function for simplified geometry at axial displ.70
Figure 4.7: Calculated TF for simplified geometry at axial displ. of 5 and 10 mm
and a tank permeability of 100 .................................................... 71
Figure 4.8: Dielectric model (upper part) in SUMER of T3 Buran .................. 72
Figure 4.9: Complete magnetic model in SUMER of T3 Buran....................... 73
Figure 4.10: Initial SUMER-model of the main test object, T3 Buran............. 74
Figure 5.1: Example of initial magnetization-curve and field dependent
permeability for iron.................................................................... 79
Figure 5.2: Pattern of leakage flux and current density in terms of color at first
resonance. Common flux is not shown........................................ 80
Figure 5.3: Infinite plate representation of a core lamination ........................... 82
Figure 5.4: Normalized magnetic field intensity. Values: , and ...................... 84
Figure 5.5: Normalized current density. Values: , and .................................... 85
Figure 5.6: Resulting complex permeability for a M5 lamination with , , , and %
Figure 5.7: Dimensions in millimetres of the 25kVA test object used by Wilcox
[46]. Double-disc dimensions to the left. Core dimensions to the
right.............................................................................................. 88
Figure 5.8: Axisymmetric FEM-representation of the geometry specified by
Wilcox [46]. Field distribution (Vector Potential, A) solved at 1
MHz ............................................................................................. 89
Figure 5.9: Self inductance (upper) and series resistance (lower) vs. frequency for
a complex permeability-representation of the core compared to
measurements by Wilcox [46]..................................................... 90
Figure 5.10: Dimensions and axial symmetrical model of the 200 MVA core
investigated by Fergestad [44]..................................................... 92
Figure 5.11: Comparison of calculated self-inductance to the measurements done
by Fergestad [44]. Measurements obtained from fig. 5.12 () ...... 93
Figure 5.12: Mutual coupling between single discs due to distance and frequency
as measured by Fergestad [44] .................................................... 94
Figure 5.13: Mutual coupling (simulated) between single discs as a function of
distance and frequency ................................................................ 94
Figure 5.14: The interaction of currents within core laminates ........................ 97
Figure 5.15: Interlaminar currents dominating the field distribution over the eddy
currents. ....................................................................................... 98
Figure 5.16: FEM-solution of the normalized internal and interlaminar magnetic
field at 1MHz (color indicating field strength).......................... 100
Figure 5.17: Normalized magnetic field between laminates at different
frequencies (1kHz-10MHz)....................................................... 101
Figure 5.18: Configuration and dimensions of the CP2D formulation ........... 102
Figure 5.19: Interlaminar penetration depth in [m]. Values: , =2e6 S/m,
= 0,014, 2L=0.035mm, 2D=0,5m =0,96 .................................. 103
Figure 5.20: Relative permeability: Influence of interlaminar currents. Values: ,
=2e6 S/m, = 0,014, 2L=0.035mm, 2D=0,5m =0,96 .................. 104

- xiv - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

List of Figures

Figure 5.21: Relative permeability (logarithmic) equal to fig. 5.20 ............... 105
Figure 5.22: Comparison of the one- and two-dimensional approach applied to the
geometry of Wilcox [46] ........................................................... 106
Figure 5.23: Comparison with open core model: Transfer function from HV to LV
winding with both neutrals grounded........................................ 108
Figure 5.24: Closed core representation in SUMER ...................................... 109
Figure 5.25: Closed core: Full- and half window size (width), ..................... 110
Figure 5.26: Influence of different initial permeability .................................. 111
Figure 5.27: Comparison of different permeabilities (real part) as a function of
frequency................................................................................... 112
Figure 6.1: Custom-built dielectric test cell (Electrode diameter: 25 mm) .... 120
Figure 6.2: Novocontrol Alpha analyser, ZG4 test interface, laptop and test cell
Figure 6.3: Relative permittivity of service-aged impregnated paper at two
different temperatures compared to a measurement by Race [156]
on cable paper............................................................................ 121
Figure 6.4: of service-aged impregnated paper at two different temperatures
compared to a measurement by Race [156] on cable paper...... 122
Figure 6.5: Relative permittivity of impregnated pressboard at three different
temperatures and two moisture-levels (dry/wet)....................... 123
Figure 6.6: Tan of impregnated pressboard at three different temperatures and
two moisture-levels (dry/wet) ................................................... 124
Figure 6.7: Simulation of decreased series capacitance due to loss of clamping
pressure...................................................................................... 126
Figure 6.8: Simulation with/without frequency dependent dielectric losses
included. .................................................................................... 127
Figure 6.9: Simulation of increase in capacitance due to ageing as outlined by
Batruni et al. [159] .................................................................... 128
Figure 7.1: Comparison of final model to measurement (voltage ratio)......... 132
Figure 7.2: Comparison of measured and calculated input admittance for the LV-
winding...................................................................................... 133
Figure 7.3: Comparison of measured and calculated input admittance for the HV-
winding...................................................................................... 134
Figure 7.4: Terminal admittance model to be approximated.......................... 135
Figure 7.5: Terminal equivalent of approximated admittance........................ 136
Figure 7.6: Results from Vector-fitting the terminal admittances of the T3 Buran
model......................................................................................... 136
Figure 7.7: Transfer function from HV- to LV-side, showing critical frequency at
250 kHz (minimum tapping position). ...................................... 137
Figure 7.8: Constant excitation at 250 kHz in order to investigate the time constant
of the model............................................................................... 137
Figure 7.9: Network-transformer resonance example .................................... 138
Figure 7.10: Resonant overvoltage at secondary side reaching 12 pu ............ 139
Figure 7.11: Internal voltage distribution plotted against frequency and position
along the winding (LV:0-18%, HV:18-90% and REG:90-100%) ..

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - xv -

List of Figures

Figure 7.12: Nodal voltages to ground at full lightning impulse .................... 141
Figure 7.13: Interdisc voltages at full lightning impulse ................................ 142
Figure 7.14: Nodal voltages at tailchopped lightning impulse........................ 143
Figure 7.15: Interdisc voltages at tailchopped lightning impulse ................... 144
Figure 7.16: Electric field strength at tailchopped LI ..................................... 145
Figure 7.17: Electrical stress in the oil gap ..................................................... 145
Figure 7.18: Model comparison: 20mm axial displacement of LV-winding.. 147
Figure 7.19: Model comparison: Radial deformation of LV-winding with
different degree of forced-mode buckling ................................. 149
Figure 7.20: Radial (forced mode) buckling: Degree 1(left) and 4(right) ...... 149
Figure 7.21: Calculated transfer function at disc-to-disc short-circuit in the middle
of the HV-winding at OLTC-pos. -6 ......................................... 150
Figure 7.22: 1st(left) and 9th(right) space harmonic current distribution due to
resonance ................................................................................... 151
Figure 7.23: Interphase comparison of measured HV-winding input admittance
showing normal deviations in a 3-legged transformer due to non-
symmetry. .................................................................................. 152
Figure 7.24: Influence of different OLTC tapping positions on the HV input
admittance (measurements on T3 Buran).................................. 153
Figure 7.25: Input admittance of HV-winding (phase B) at OLTC-pos.0, with/
without oil present in the tank. .................................................. 154
Figure 7.26: Influence of the measurement-setup onto the measured transfer
function (HV phase C to LV phase b, pos. 0) ........................... 155
Figure A.1: Core dimensions of T3 Buran...................................................... 175
Figure A.2: Core details: End support, cooling duct and steel-ties................. 176
Figure B.1: Fully asymmetric short-circuit current......................................... 178
Figure B.2: Force variation vs time during short circuit for an asymmetric fault
[167] .......................................................................................... 178
Figure B.3: Leakage field at short circuit for a simplified geometry.............. 181
Figure B.4: Radial forces in concentric windings [167] ................................. 182
Figure B.5: Axial force-distribution on concentric winding ........................... 184
Figure C.1: FRA measurement setup with network analyser, active voltage probe
and current monitor (compensated current transformer)........... 186
Figure C.2: Setup using active probe to measure applied voltage .................. 187
Figure C.3: Current measurement using a Pearson Current monitor .............. 188
Figure D.1: The Ganz Transformer................................................................. 189
Figure E.1: Relations between nodal and branch currents .............................. 192
Figure F.1: Integration paths to find self inductance ...................................... 197
Figure F.2: Dimensions for a rectangular cross-section coil........................... 198
Figure F.3: Two paralell conducting filaments ............................................... 199
Figure F.4: Mutual coupling between two circular filaments ......................... 200
Figure F.5: Lyle’s representation [187]........................................................... 201
Figure F.6: Helical winding (single layer, single-start) .................................. 202
Figure F.7: Ordinary (continously wound) disc winding................................ 203

- xvi - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

List of Figures

Figure F.8: Equivalent circuit for disc winding .............................................. 203

Figure F.9: Equipotential lines: b-b’ and c-c’................................................. 203
Figure F.10: Dimensions of a single disc........................................................ 204
Figure F.11: Interleaved disc winding ............................................................ 205
Figure F.12: Dimensions between adjacent windings and between windings and
tank ............................................................................................ 207
Figure G.1: Left: Sumer's connection mode.
Right: Desired connection mode ............................................... 211
Figure I.1: Dimensions of the reduced scale model........................................ 215
Figure J.1: Reluctance-network of 3 legged core ........................................... 216
Figure J.2: Reluctance network for axisymmetric core model ....................... 217
Figure J.3: Dimensions of 2D interlaminar problem ...................................... 219
Figure J.4: Slope investigation of referred to fig. 5.19 .................................. 226
Figure K.1: FRA-measurement: 50 mm axial displacement of LV-winding
(T3Buran). Core is replaced with an electrostatic representation of
the core and tank. ...................................................................... 227
Figure K.2: Axial displacement on T3Buran winding.................................... 228

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - xvii -

List of Figures

- xviii - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

List of Tables

Table 2.1: Percentage fault distribution for Power Transformer failures ......... 11
Table 3.1: Relative permittivity for different materials used in transformer
insulation [44] ............................................................................... 38
Table 3.2: Comparison of influence due to buckling deformations on the LV-
winding (change in %) .................................................................. 52

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - xix -

List of Tables

- xx - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



During the last decades there has been a great change in the general terms and
conditions for power system utilities. Opening up for free competition has led to
major restrictions regarding the development of one of the major infrastructures
called electricity: Efficiency improvements, cutting costs and reducing
investments. All this to comply with the competition.

In the same time, the demand for a reliable supply of energy has increased
considerably requiring nearly a no-fault operation of power systems. Reliability
may be increased by replacement of equipment based on age composition. Due to
high initial cost and long lifetimes, components such as power transformers have
condition-based replacements. The replacement-rate is lower than the total

The age distribution of the Norwegian transformer population is entering a critical

era. In a few years, 40% of the population will be older than 30 years. Most power
transformers is operated well below nominal capacity and can, if maintained
properly, stay in service for as much as 60-70 years (in some cases more). In
practice the only reason for scrapping these units are due to upgrading of the
network (for instance the voltage), or devaluating reliability due to age.

But some transformers subjected to overload conditions and/or accelerated ageing,

might be near end-of-life at an earlier stage. The fault-rate is expected to increase
in networks holding old units. Since todays methods for condition assessment
cannot detect all fault-types, the need for more sophisticated methods of condition
assessment is advancing, in order to keep the fault-rate as low as possible.

The FRA-method (Frequency Response Analysis) is one of the methods that

seems promising because it appear to be sensitive in detecting mechanical
deformations in transformer windings. This is a type of fault that can occur due to
close-up secondary faults. Aged transformers have reduced short-circuit strength
and are more likely to experience mechanical deformations. There are several
outcomes from such faults: Severe deformations lead to an electrical fault which
normally trip protection relays (otherwise easily detected). Less severe

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers -1-


deformations involve insulation rupture and partial discharges which after some
time normally is discovered through oil analysis and/or tripping the bucholtz-
relay. Minor deformations which show no significant change in the operational
characteristics, where mechanical properties of the copper might be changed
seriously risking rupture on next event. The impulse strength might also be
reduced significantly due to damaged insulation and reduced distances.

FRA have showed to be promising in both real cases and laboratory investigations.
There still seems to be little knowledge on why and how the method works, and
how the results can be interpreted. Before making this method a standard test for
condition assessment, all interpretational aspects should be investigated. This can
either be done by experiments or calculations (using transformer models), or
presumably a combination.

Transformer modeling has traditionally occupied alot of attention during the years
due to its importance in power systems and also due to the complexity of the
component. There is still disagreement in literature on which assumptions that
should be allowed or not in order to make a good model.

Modeling from constructional data seems to be the best method, but the data is
normally not available. Other than analysing the FRA-method, such models have
a variety of applications.

1.1 Scope of Work

The work in this thesis is split in two areas, where the general topic is high
frequency modeling of power transformers. The sub topic is condition assessment,
where a specific method (FRA) is investigated using high frequency modeling as
a tool to gain better understanding of aspects regarding interpretation.

In the modeling part, different methods of modeling are reviewed in respect of

their advantages and disadvantages, their application and limitations. Later, a
method appropriate for investigating FRA is chosen. The method would desirably
also be well suited for investigating internal stresses and transformer-network
interaction in transient calculations.

The main goal in this work is to develop high frequency models of power
transformer windings. These models should be used to:
• Evaluate possible influence from core
• Study potential influence of frequency dependent material characteristics.
• Study 2D simplifications versus 3D phenomena.

-2- High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


Another subtarget is to employ the models developed to investigate the FRA-

method in order to:
• Study influence of different mechanical deformations.
• Study sensitivity to different fault-types.
• Study other phenomena that might change the FRA-signature, such as
connections, leads, tapchanger, ageing-effects etc.
• Study which fault-types changes which part of the signature.

The outcome of the above analysis will be used to increase the physical
understanding of the FRA-method, in order to be able to interpret results.

The following hypotheses are investigated in this work:

1. Deviations observed in FRA measurements can be related to actual winding

deformations by means of a detailed high frequency model of the transformer.

2. Analytical methods are sufficient for simple/homogenous transformer

geometries. A real transformer geometry complicates the analytical approach.
Finite element methods would be an alternative for complex designs since
details and variations may easily be included.

3. Iron core can be neglected and considered to behave like a perfect conducting
screen above 10 kHz.

4. High frequency characteristics of insulating materials are independent of

frequency, temperature, moisture, ageing etc. Ageing should therefore not
change the FRA-signature.

5. High frequency transformer models can be established with high degree of

conformity to terminal measurements, provided constructional information is

In order to test the above hypotheses for real transformer geometries, a specific
test-case is used during the work. This enable comparison to terminal
measurements and the possibility of refining the model developed.

The first step is to find a method for modeling which suites all primary targets
well. The next step is to develop a model that comply well with measurements and
then it can be applied to the purpose of the subtarget (FRA).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers -3-


1.2 Thesis Outline

The thesis has two principal parts: background information and contributions.
Chapters 1-4 contains background material, state of the art knowledge and all
necessary information for the decisions made in this work. Chapters 5-7 contains
the contributions and results of this work.

The subdivision of this thesis reflects the progress of the work when it comes to
the choice of methods. The work of Rahimpour [1]-[5] was considered “state of
the art” regarding sensitivity analysis of FRA using transformer modeling. This
have had influence on the initial choices due to the high resemblence between
model-results and measurements reported in his work. Some of his initial
assumptions have failed, but led to improvements of the methods used in this

In addition to the outline of the work in this chapter, the other chapters include:

Chapter 2 presents background material for condition assessment and

transformer modeling.
Chapter 3 describes theory regarding analytical modeling, together with
results from the analytical model developed. It also outlines analytical approaches
to investigate the effect of buckling on inductance and capacitance.
Chapter 4 shows how a FEM-software calculates the elementary quantities
used in a transformer model, and then presents a model established using SUMER,
a FEM-based software for high frequency modeling of power transformers.
Chapter 5 describes theory covering frequency-dependent iron core
characteristics and how to implement it into any FEM-based software. It gives
relevant and simplified examples on how to apply the theory to elements inside a
transformer model. A second phenomena that increase the displacement of the
magnetic field, is introduced. This is related to interlaminar currents (in the gap
between laminations). This is only presented as a future option to further improve
the core representation.
Chapter 6 reviews theory and measurements on frequency-dependent
dielectric characteristics and how the characteristics are applied in transformer
Chapter 7 shows the results of the complete model were all effects are
included. Included applications are FRA, ageing studies, and transient analysis
such as: transformer-network interaction, transferred overvoltages and studies of
internal stresses are included.
Chapter 8 discusses the results and optional solutions.
Chapter 9 contains the main conclusions from this work regarding the
hypothesis’ defined in chapter 1.
Chapter 10 suggests topics for further research.

-4- High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


1.3 Publications
The main results from this work have been, or are to be published in the following
journals and conference proceedings:

1. Bjerkan, E., Høidalen, H.K., “Detailed High Frequency Power Transformer

Modeling in ATP using FEM and Matlab”, presented at the European EMTP-
ATP Conference, 2004, 3-5 October, Trondheim, Norway

2. Bjerkan, E., Høidalen, H.K., “High Frequency FEM-based Power Transformer

Modeling: Investigation on Internal Stresses due to Network-Initiated
Overvoltages”, to be presented at the 6th Int. Conf. on Power System Transients,
June 19-23, 2005, Montréal, Canada

3. Bjerkan, E., Høidalen, H.K., Moreau, O., “Importance of a Proper Iron Core
Representation in High Frequency Power Transformer Models”, to be presented
at: the 14th International Symposium in High Voltage Engineering (ISH2005),
August 25-29, 2005, Beijing, China

4. Bjerkan, E., Høidalen, H.K., Moreau, O., “FRA Sensitivity Analysis using High
Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers based on the Finite Element
Method”, to be presented at: the 14th International Symposium in High Voltage
Engineering (ISH2005), August 25-29, 2005, Beijing, China

5. Bjerkan, E., Høidalen, H.K., “Accurate Representation of Laminated Iron Cores

at High Frequencies Including Interlaminar Effects”, To be published in: IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery.

6. Bjerkan, E., Hestad, Ø., Høidalen, H.K., “High Frequency Characterization of

Impregnated Pressboard and its applicability to High Frequency Power
Transformer Modeling and FRA”, to be presented at: the 19th Nordic
Symposium on Electrical Insulation (NORD-IS 2005), June 13-15, 2005,
Trondheim, Norway.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers -5-


1.4 Test object

The test object used in this thesis is a quite typical transformer for the Norwegian
distribution network. It is manufactured in 1969 at one of the previous Norwegian
transformer factories. The transformer is a 20MVA 66/6,6 kV YNyn0 transformer
with a 24-strand, 69 turns, double-start LV helical winding, a double-stranded
continuously wound HV disc-winding with 564 turns, and an interleaved single
layer regulating winding counting 110 turns. The magnetic circuit is a three legged
stacked core. The test object is referenced by the cell-number and name of the
substation: T3 Buran.

T3 Buran was scrapped during autumn 2001 due to its age and a planned voltage
upgrade in the network. Terminal measurements in all combinations (admittances
and voltage ratios) were taken before disassembling the unit. The windings were
then removed from the core to be used in possible investigations later.

The idea was to apply controlled deformations, for comparison to computer

models of the same winding. The effect of axial displacements without the core
present, was studied by means of experiments. However, since the importance of
the core is addressed later in this work, the experiments on these windings have
afterwards been considered to be of less importance than first assumed.

The effect of radial displacements were not evaluated experimentally, since this is
thoroughly studied by others.

-6- High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


As seen in fig. 1.1, the total height of the winding assembly is approximately 1.6
m. The core is a traditional 3-legged stacked core. Dimensions and other
information on the test object is given in appendix A.


Figure 1.1: Disassembling the test object

All constructional details and drawings are supplied by ABB Transformers in

Drammen, Norway. Together with the windings, this makes a good foundation for
developing accurate models.

Four other winding geometries are also utilized in this work for minor comparison
(details are given when used).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers -7-


-8- High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



Introductions and historical aspects are given both for condition monitoring and
transformer modeling. Methods are reviewed, purpose and applications are
assessed. Conclusions from this chapter represent the foundation for the choice of
method(s) used in the further work.

Power transformers are the largest, heaviest, and often the most expensive single
piece of equipment in a power system. Obviously appropriate care is necessary in
commissioning, operation and maintenance of power transformers. It is THE key
component in power networks. Since repair-time is considerable and backup-units
are not always available, it is important to assess the condition of each and every
unit in the network. An international survey of CIGRE [6] on large power
transformers, show a failure rate of 1-2% per year. This is not much, but a single
failure on a large transformer usually results in large expenses for the utility. Since
many manufacturers are merging or shutting down, the repair costs will increase
in future due to increasing distances of transport. This leads to a growing
importance of condition monitoring on power transformers, for early warning.

FRA is a fairly new diagnostic method for assessing mechanical integrity of

transformer windings. This method is based on comparing FRA signatures to
base-line measurements. Deviations may be attributed to mechanical
deformations. In order to establish sensitivity guidelines for different mechanical
faults, high frequency transformer modeling is utilized.

The transformer behaviour above operational frequencies has been subjected to

research for nearly a hundred years, since the recognition of the capacitive
behaviour at impulses [7]. Many different techniques of modeling have been
developed since then, depending on the application of the model. Experimental
work was the basis during the first 50 years. The introduction of computers led to
possibilities of solving complex problems such as internal voltages inside a
transformer winding at high frequencies.

A proper method of modeling is searched in order to investigate FRA and at the

same time be able to evaluate stresses internally/externally.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers -9-


2.1 Condition Monitoring - Purpose and practice

Attention to condition assessment of power transformers has increased the last
decade. Asset- and life management have become important since economical
considerations have changed the technical policies of power utilities. The
maintenance-philosophy has moved from time-based to condition-based
maintenance in order to reduce maintenance-costs, and at the same time extending
lifetime of components past the designed lifetime in order to postpone

Many power transformers will approach their originally designed lifetime in just
a few years. It is therefore important to monitor the condition of these units in
order to be able to benefit and determine the remaining lifetime, and at the same
time avoid catastrophic accidents and long outages.

Problems related to power transformers can be characterized into three main

• Defects or deficiencies that in time will represent incipient faults.
• Problems originating from ageing processes.
• Problems induced by operating conditions exceeding transformer
It usually takes some time before such problems develop into failures.

Lifetime management has the purpose of “achieving true useful life of the
equipment” and at the same time minizing life-cycle-costs including new
investments. Condition assessment contributes to the life management process by
enabling knowledge-based decisions regarding refurbishment, replacement and

Lifetime management requires a lifetime model to be established. There are

multiple parameters affecting such a model. These parameters will have to be
investigated in order to assess the condition of the component. For a transformer,
the following factors should be considered:
• The main dielectric insulation system; DGA, particle contamination,
partial discharges etc.
• Winding/conductor insulation; Mechanical strength/DP, cellulose
structure, decomposition/ageing products.
• OLTC (On-line Tap Changer); Condition of mechanical drive system,
Corrosion/pyrolytic carbon growth, Tie-in or transition resistors,
Diverter switch, Seals etc.
• Core; Local overheating due to faulty grounding-leads, circulating
currents, local short-circuits (defect insulation), overrated flux-levels.
• Mechanical condition of winding; Withstand strength, deformations,
clamping force and supportive structure.
• Bushings; Pollution, oil-level, pd, gaskets.
• Tank and associated components (conservator, cooling etc.).

- 10 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


Several different diagnostic methods have been developed in order to assess the
condition of the components in a transformer.

Several studies [6],[8]-[10] have been accomplished with the aim of establishing
statistics for power transformer failures and the type of elements involved in these
failures. An abstract of these are given in table 2.1:
Table 2.1: Percentage fault distribution for Power Transformer failures
Fault Distribution in % of components involved
Defective ZTZ-
component CIGREa CEAb Doble
Survey[6] Survey[8] clients[9] Africa[10]
29 29 35 45 14
Tap-changer 15 39 16 9 24
Major insulation 12 9 17 30
Winding ageing 16 16 12
31 17
Winding distortion 12 10
Core 2 10 7 7 15
Leads 11 6 5 - -
a. Forced and scheduled outages with on-line tap-changer (figure 12 in [6])
b. Failures due to cooling- and auxiliary equipment are excluded for comparison

Several methods (both electrical and chemical, direct and indirect) are developed
in order to determine the condition of different transformer parts.

As seen from table 2.1, winding and core are involved in a large portion of the
failures reported here. It is assumed that some dielectric failures are initiated by
mechanical movements inside the winding, and these could have been avoided by
assessing the mechanical condition of the winding and core at an early stage.

The mechanical integrity of a transformer winding is challenged by several

• Excessive short circuit forces due to close-up secondary faults.
• Excessive mechanical acceleration during transport (accidents).
• Dynamic forces in service, for instance vibration or seismic forces.
• Ageing reduce clamping force upon insulation and supportive structure, which
in turn challenges the withstand strength against the above factors.

Many dielectric failures are a direct results of reduced dielectric strength due to
deformations. It is therefore favourable to detect deformations as early as possible,
before they lead to problems or failures. Mechanical deformations do not
necessarily change the operational characteristics of the transformer.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 11 -


The most common reason for mechanical deformations is short circuit forces due
to secondary faults.

Theory on short-circuit forces and common fault-modes are reviewed in Appendix

B: “Short circuit forces“.

The main primary fault-modes resulting from short-circuit forces are:

• Axial displacement
• Displacement of the complete winding
• Telescoping
• Stretching
• Bending
• Radial deformation (Buckling)
• Forced mode buckling
• Free mode buckling
The different modes are explained more in detail in Appendix B.

Secondary faults (accompanying faults) are normally disruption of strand and turn
insulation, resulting in local short-circuits. This normally leads to hot-spots and,
in time, gassing where DGA normally detects and classifies the fault. Other
secondary faults might be partial discharges or strand rupture.

During factory acceptance tests, IEC [11] recommends measuring the leakage
inductance of the transformer. It is stated that an inter-phase deviation less than
2% is acceptable. The conclusion is that conventional methods such as ratio-
measurements or impedance- and inductance measurements, do not have the
required sensitivity to identify winding deformations. The desired method should
be sensitive to deformations and displacements within the winding. Since opening
the transformer for inspection is rather costly, the method should depend upon
terminal measurements requiring a minimum of outage-time and resources.

The FRA-method seems to fulfil these requirements for some applications.

- 12 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


2.2 FRA (Frequency Response Analysis)

Hypothesis 1.: Deviations observed in FRA measurements can be related to
actual winding deformations by means of a detailed high frequency model of
the transformer.

As outlined in Chapter 1, one of the targets in this work is investigating FRA as a

diagnostic method for power transformers. FRA is used to discover winding
deformations. No other methods have the required sensitivity.

A FRA-signature is generally a transfer function output/input as a function of

frequency (50 Hz - 1 MHz), usually measured at very low voltages. Typically
winding admittances, voltage ratio between windings, or the attenuation is
measured. Measured signatures are compared to a reference. The reference is
usually other phases (symmetric comparison), an earlier measurement (time-based
comparison), or similar transformers (construction-based comparison). Assuming
a detailed model based on constructional information is accurate, comparison
would be possible also between model and measurement. Changes/differences are
attributed to geometrical changes inside the winding.

In order to study the FRA-method in particular, it is therefore assumed that a

detailed internal model is the best way to study sensitivity and influence of
different types of fault.

The technique of impulse testing transformers and shunt reactors dates back 60
years, by investigating measured current records for faults [12]-[14]. FRA is
actually an improvement of impulse testing and the LVI-method [15]. It was first
proposed by Dick and Erven [16] in 1978. FRA did not attract very much interest
until 10 years later [17].

Postmortem investigations allow changes in the transfer function to be correlated

to the location and nature of the fault. These events are however rather rare, and it
would take a large number of tests accumulated over many years for a quantitative
evaluation of the sensitivity of the method. The faults investigated have usually
developed into an electrical fault, masking the mechanical faults. These are
reasons for testing sensitivity of the method with computer modeling.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 13 -


2.2.1 Measurement techniques

Until now, FRA is not a standardized method, and a variety of setups are used
throughout the world. Besides the two ways of measuring (LVI/SFRA), different
techniques regarding termination, cable layout and combinations are used.
Measurements are influenced by the setup. A standard measurement-setup should
therefore be established in order to make comparisons and cooperation easier. A
comparison of the two measurement-methods is elucidated in the following
(mainly based on Tenbohlen/Ryder [18], and Kre β /König [19]): LVI (Low Voltage Impulse)

The LVI-method is a adapted from the initial impulse test-method. The applied
voltage from the impulse generator is measured along with secondary voltages on
other terminals or currents from terminals to ground. Several measurements can
be done at the same time. The time-domain measurements are then transferred into
the frequency-domain by a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the transfer function
is established from the ratio of the two transformed signals.

LVI advantages:
• Several channels/transfer functions can be measured at the same time,
reducing outage time during revision.
• Fast compared to SFRA. One measurement is usually conducted in one
minute (several impulses are applied to establish an average time

LVI disadvantages:
• Fixed frequency resolution resulting in a low resolution at low
frequencies. This might be a problem for the detection of electrical
faults. In addition signals are usually high pass-filtered in order to
reduce problems with window-functions of the FFT.
• Broad band noise cannot be filtered.
• Power spectrum of injected signal is frequency-dependent. The
resulting precision across the frequency-range will then be frequency-
• Slowly decaying signals are not recorded. Window-function, zero-
padding or high-pass filtering is necessary.
• Several pieces of equipment needed.
• Noise and errors related to digitizers.
• Accuracy dependent on the mathematical evaluation.

- 14 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Background SFRA (Swept Frequency Response Analysis)

This method is much slower than the LVI-method since it sweeps the desired
frequency-range using a single sinusoidal excitation.

SFRA advantages:
• High signal to noise ratio. Network-analysers usually use a very-
narrow-band filter to cancel broad band noise/out-of-band noise.
• A wide frequency-range can be swept.
• The resolution can be controlled by the number of frequency points
used. If a finer resolution is required, the range can be split up into
several frequency bands to be measured. The distribution of points can
usually be either linear or logarithmic.
• One single piece of equipment is usually sufficient.

SFRA disadvantages:
• Using a standard network analyser, simultaneous determination of
several transfer functions is not possible.
• Each measurement takes long time: Up to several minutes depending on
the number of points and the degree of filtering.
• Low signal amplitude
• Averaging techniques are very time-consuming.
SFRA is the method applied to the measurements performed in this work. Comparison
A measurement can be compared to a number of different references:
• Time-based comparison: A fingerprint is obtained during factory acceptance
test or at an earlier revision. This supplies the best sensitivity since it cancel
out almost all natural differences. It sensitivity is limited to the accuracy and
repeatability of the instrumentation and measurement setup. Possible ageing-
and temperature effects may be seen with this method.
• Construction-based comparison: Measurements are compared to
measurements from equal transformers (same construction). This comparison
incorporates a lower sensitivity since differences between different units may
be important. Small adjustments to the design, and differences in lead layout
etc., will influence on the measurements.
• Comparison based on symmetry: This is the usual method for comparison
since baseline measurements are not usually available. Full comparison is
usually limited to Yy-connected transformers, but different admittances of
Dy-connected transformers can be applied with success. OLTC is the usual
source of discrepancy together with differences between outer and centre
• Model-based comparison: Measurements compared to a computer model of
the transformer would be a possible solution if accurate models could be
developed. This approach is used in this work to determine sensitivity
guidelines for interpretation of FRA measurements.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 15 -

Background Connections/setup
The setup used so far in Norway [20] is the SFRA-method using a network
analyser (HP4195A) with active probes (HP41800A) and double-screened coax-
cables. The network analyser has a very good signal-to-noise ratio, when used
correctly. Using active probes with high input impedance, eliminates the influence
of the coax-cables running from the point of measurement to the network analyser.

For impedance-measurements, a Pearson current monitor [21] is used for the

current measurement. As long as the measurement leads are short compared to the
wave-length, no phasing-effects will occur. Series inductance in the measurement
leads become prominent at higher frequencies. Using active probes instead of low
impedance termination reduces the current flowing in the measurement leads and
thus the voltage-drop due to the series inductance is minimized.

The measurement setup is further elucidated in appendix C.

- 16 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


2.2.2 International experience

Several FRA-related projects have been accomplished at the University of
Stuttgart in Germany. They have exclusively been using the LVI-method:

• Leibfried [22], [23] studied the possibilities of measuring impulse excitation

using switching operations. This led to an on-line monitoring system. The
frequency-spectra of such switching operations are highly variable, and only
the first phase connecting can be utilized. Just a small percentage of the
switching operations can be used for FRA investigations. The wide tolerance-
bands established by Leibfried masks the possibility of detecting minor
deformations, which promotes the use of an off-line measurement technique
(Minor deformations are believed to affect the upper part of the frequency
range (several MHz)). These large tolerance-bands are mainly a function of
the variation in the frequency-content of the excitation signal and the signal to
noise level of the measurement-system.

• Christian reports [24], [25] time-based, construction-based and type-based

comparisons between many transformers, establishing a good statistical
foundation. He also presents an experimental setup used at the University of
Stuttgart, where sensitivity to radial deformations and axial displacements
were investigated. The overall sensitivity to axial displacement is 1-2% of the
total axial height of the winding. Radial deformations have a limit of
sensitivity at a buckling-depth of 3% of winding diameter along 10% of its
height. These are the only quantified sensitivities found in literature.
Admittance measurements were found to be less sensitive than voltage ratio-

• The sensitivities found by Christian were verified in high frequency models

developed by Rahimpour [1]-[5], using the same constructional details as
Christian. These laboratory models were reduced scale models, built to ease
the application of radial deformations and axial displacements. The core has
been replaced by a slit cylinder by assuming the core-flux can be neglected.

The University of Helsinki, Finland has performed numerous measurements on

different transformers using measurements from factory acceptance tests
(standard lightning impulse) at full and reduced voltage levels [26]. Testing at full
voltage involves the use of dividers and this limits the applicable frequency range
severely. Correlation and coherence functions are used to establish confidence
limits. Different grounding topologies are tested; grounding each terminal at the
flange or establishing one point of grounding.
Differences between similar transformers, different tapping positions and
differences between phases are investigated, as well as the influence of different
types of windings. All experiments utilizing artificial damages are done by adding
capacitances to the winding rather than applying deformations. These experiments
are arranged equally to the arrangements used in Stuttgart (as described above),

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 17 -


where tank and core is replaced with two metallic cylinders. But these artificial
damages are not directly related to a degree of deformation and thus the
application of these results is rather limited.

Vandermaar and Wang [27], [28] report large differences in measured admittance
above 1 MHz before and after reclamping of different transformers (specially on
a 630 MVA and a 140MVA unit). This was a result of a measurement program
where FRA was measured before and after reclamping of a large number of
transformers. The LVI-method was utilized with a front-chopped impulse. Loose
windings during short-circuits may be detrimental and must be identified.
Another study conducted by Wang et al.[29] identify important aspects of
FRA during field-measurements. When measuring admittance, the shunt
impedance used for current measurements is important. Different values between
1 and 50 Ω is tested with the result that sensitivity increases with decreasing shunt
impedance. This result promotes the use of a current transformer instead of a
measuring shunt, since a 50 Ω shunt dominates the measured response above 500
kHz, while a 10 Ω shunt is sensitive up to 3 MHz. For a shunt impedance lower
than 1 Ω , the measurement will be sensitive up to 10 MHz.
Investigations [29] by Wang et al. on the effect of connecting cables at the
top or bottom of the bushing shows some difference already below 1 MHz, and
becomes prominent above 3 MHz. The difference with/without the neutral
grounded show only small difference above 2 MHz, but major difference at low
frequencies. Minor/local axial deformations are clearly detected above 4 MHz,
while small radial deformations show only minor difference above 7 MHz. The
biggest change is observed for different lengths of the measurement leads (above
1 MHz). Their conclusion was that the lengths of the measurement-leads should
be as short as possible, and at the same time kept in the same position when
repeating the measurements. The size of the transformer is important, because the
size of the bushings limits the upper usable frequency due to the increasing length
of the leads.

ERA [30] reports successful utilisation of FRA by using the LVI-method on

winding collapse and distortion, axial displacement and winding slackness. Their
experience emphasize the fact that extreme winding collapses do not always cause
secondary effects such as broken conductors or low insulation resistance, and that
substantial distortions can occur without detracting from the normal performance
at power frequency. This underlines the need for FRA.

Doble is a supplier of instruments for diagnostic purposes, and in their user guide
for one of the instruments [31] applicable to FRA-measurements, extensive
experience is outlined. The application examples show both healthy and faulty
transformers, which connections that should be applied and how to separate
normal deviations from deviations due to mechanical- or electrical faults.

- 18 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


Høidalen et al. [20] reports low sensitivity to both axial and radial faults during an
experiment on a 35 MVA single phase transformer (radial not detectable, axial
hardly detectable). The radial buckling was performed very localised (1-3% of
winding height), but the axial displacement was severe (outer winding displaced
5% of total winding height). One of the assumptions for the low sensitivity in this
experiment is the complexity of the winding; Two identical sets of windings were
mounted on each core leg and cross-connected in a certain order. They also
investigated the effect of the bushings, the oil and the tank.

Coffeen et al. [32], [33] reports several successful cases of detection using FRA
supported by a new method named OWA (Object Winding Asymmetry). They
make use of the LVI-method, and the transfer function is formulated by using
spectral density estimates. The technique improves detection when fingerprint-
measurements are not available for comparison.

Core related problems such as circulating currents, faulty grounding, clamping

problems have also been mentioned as detectable in literature.

Some even claim to be able to detect inter-strand short-circuits.

2.2.3 Alternatives
As mentioned earlier there are no traditional methods that can detect mechanical
deformations with high degree of sensitivity. Methods such as turn ratio, stray
inductance and impedance measurements incorporate inaccuracies of 2% or

During the last few years, a new and simpler method to FRA have developed. It is
called FRSL [34] (Frequency Response Stray Losses), and measures the stray
losses in the frequency-range from 10Hz to 1kHz. This method is reported to be
able to detect deformations and it also results in an easier interpretation of the
measurements. It is less dependent on the measurement-setup than FRA due to the
low frequency used.

Vibro-acoustic techniques to detect winding slackness and other clamping-

problems related to the core and windings, are utilized to some extent [9], [35]-

At last, a special application is mentioned to illustrate the evolved creativity in

order to establish alternative methods: Application of ultrasonic measurements in
service to detect radial deformations to the winding [38].

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 19 -


2.2.4 FRA Summary

As seen from the reviewed literature, there is a need for interpretational criteria
and guidelines in using FRA. Most of the experiments reported are in-service
failures of large transformers or artificial damages to quite small simplified
transformers. There is a need for detailed studies on real transformer geometries
preferably using a computer model in order to establish guidelines for interpreting

Another important factor is the standardization of a measurement method for

FRA. Since different methods and different equipment are used, FRA is not
adopted completely by the industry as a diagnostic method. It seems like small
deformations can be detected at frequencies above 1 MHz. This promotes the use
of the SFRA method since the LVI-method is limited (both in frequency and
dynamic performance) in terms of noise and digitizer problems. Minimizing the
loops of the measurement-leads connecting to the bushings is important.

The literature shows that most mechanical faults are detectable, with the limitation
that minor damages are detected at frequencies where the measurement-setup
influences more than the deviation itself. This is clearly a limitation and effort
must be put into making measurements as reproducable as possible.

In order to verify or reject hypothesis 1, the approach used by Rahimpour seems

to be the most appropriate way of investigating FRA influence of different types
of faults.

- 20 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


2.3 Transformer modeling

Hypothesis 2.: Analytical methods are sufficient for simple/homogenous
transformer geometries. A real transformer geometry complicates the
analytical approach. Finite element methods would be an alternative for
complex designs since details and variations may easily be included.

Simple, analytical approaches have been used extensively for decades in

transformer modeling. Such methods are assumed to have limitations regarding
details in a real transformer geometry, but are examined due to their convenience
for analysing deformed windings.

Regarding modeling, suitable methods for determining the elementary parameters

have to be reviewed, with the aim of narrowing down to the most suitable method
for the purposes of this work.

A historical review on the early years of transformer modeling is given in

appendix D. This review presents a more detailed introduction to the methods used

Todays methods are listed together with their advantages and drawbacks, their
applications and limitations, to make a better basis for choosing the proper method
for further work. The frequency-range of interest for FRA/deformations is mainly
100kHz and above, but for high frequency modeling in general the lower
frequency of interest would be around 10kHz.

Since the modeling of inductance is believed to be the most complex task in the
process of transformer modeling, this point is emphasized:

2.3.1 Inductance Calculation

The main streams of inductance calculation for analysis and design of
transformers in general, has traditionally been classified [1], [39] into the
following categories:
• “Modeling based on self and mutual inductances”. This is by far the most
utilized method mostly since it is easily understood and utilized. A ladder-
network was first proposed by Weed [40] in 1915 neglecting mutual
inductances. This was improved by many others: The first analytical,
computer-based attempt following this approach was presented by Rabins
[41] employing an infinite permeability. This work was followed by many
others such as Fergestad and Henriksen [42], [43] (Mainly based on Olaussen
[45]). Their method was supported by experiments where empirical data was
used to add losses and modify inductances. A recent improvement is made by
Wilcox et al. [46], [47] (includes core and winding losses as well) and seems
to be very accurate in the calculation of self and mutual inductances for the
windings, sections, or turns of transformers. This is the method usually used

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 21 -


in high frequency models and is used in earlier sensitivity-analysis of FRA.

Numerical values of the self and mutual inductances are very close at low
frequencies and this results in ill-conditioned equations. There are however
methods to avoid ill-conditioned matrices (during inversion), for instance the
extraction of the leakage inductance:
• “Modeling based on leakage inductance”. This approach was initiated by
Blume [50] and improved by McWirther et al. [51] and Shipley et al. [52].
Brandwajn et al. [53] presented the three-phase multi-winding generalization.
Dugan et al. [54] used the same technique for modeling multi-section
transformers. Such models are frequently used to represent the leakage
inductance of the transformer adequately at low frequencies (from nameplate
short circuit data), but the low frequency core-properties are not properly
included. This method is normally used at low frequencies when representing
short-circuit data for a transformer. It could be extended to higher frequencies
if the winding is discretizised to small parts as in the previous method.
• “Modeling based on the principle of duality”. This approach was introduced
by Cherry [55]. The iron core can be modeled accurately at low frequencies
by using an equivalent circuit with a duality to the reluctance of the core.
However, models based only on this approach have the inconvenience that the
leakage inductances are not correctly represented (they are directly derived
from the leakage flux neglecting the thickness of the windings). Edelmann
[56] and Krähenbühl et al. [57] corrected this inaccuracy (assuming that the
magnetic field is axial). Arturi [58] used this approach in the modeling of
highly saturated conditions. This method is suitable for low- and intermediate
frequencies, since details in the leakage field becomes important at higher
• “Transmission Line Modeling”: The winding is treated as a multiconductor
transmission-line. The method was first proposed by Wagner [59]. This
approach can only be applied on homogenous windings according to Al-
Khayat [60]. Popov et. al. [61] seem to cope with this limitation by combining
STL-(Single Transmission Line) models with MTL-(Multi Transmission
Line) models. The STL-model describes each elementary unit such as discs,
while the MTL-model is used to model the interaction between each
elementary unit.
• “Modeling based on terminal measurements (black-box modeling)”.This is
not a suitable method when the purpose is to study geometrical effects such as
mechanical deformations, since it is not a physical model. Still it is considered
because it is feasible for implementing frequency domain models into time
domain. A great number of high frequency transformer models have been
derived from measurements; see for instance [62]-[65]. Tests are made for the
determination of the model parameters in the frequency domain or time
domain. Models obtained from measurements have the drawback that their
performance can only be guaranteed for the tested transformers. Although
some general trends can be inferred from the tests, according to design, size,
manufacturer, etc., accurate predictions for non-tested transformers cannot be

- 22 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


assured. The main methods used for implementing black-box measurements

• Modal analysis: Wilcox et al. [66]-[68] and Glaninger [69], [70].
• Pole/zero-representation: Soysal et al. [71].
• Vector fitting: Gustavsen et al. [62], [63].
• “Analysis based on electromagnetic fields”. This is not a separate method but
a tool for establishing the parameters of the above methods. Designers of large
transformers use electromagnetic field approaches for the calculation of the
design parameters. The technique of finite elements (FEM) is the most
accepted numerical solution for field problems [72]. There are, however, other
techniques available; see for instance [73]. There is general agreement that
three-dimensional field analyses are necessary in the design process, for
instance for evaluation of eddy-current stray losses. These methods are in
most cases impractical for the calculation of transients since they give
expensive simulations, at least for 3D-calculations. As computational
resources are increasing, this method will gain popularity in near future.
SUMER is a FEM-based software developed by EdF in France [74]. It is
based on the method of self- and mutual inductances, and it is able to
incorporate all types of frequency-dependencies including losses. This is
made possible by a special technique reducing the mesh-size considerably.
• Combinations: Several publications have combined the methods above. The
method of De Leon/Semlyen [75], [76] was derived from a combination of
leakage inductances (based on image currents) and principle of duality.
Gharehpetian et al. [77] combined the principle of self- and mutual
inductances with the black-box method in order to extend the coherence of the
model from a few hundred kHz to a few MHz.

The methods listed above concerns mainly the inductances in the transformer
model, since this traditionally has been the biggest challenge in transformer
modeling. Other important elements in a high frequency transformer model are
briefly reviewed in the following.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 23 -


2.3.2 Capacitance Calculation

The capacitances can be calculated either by using traditional analytical methods
or by using computer methods such as the Finite Element Method where the
material parameters and the geometry are important [78]. Shunt- or parallel
capacitances (capacitance between windings or from winding to ground) can be
calculated with simplified geometrical/analytical formulas or on a semi-empirical
basis (additional capacitance to ground are introduced by connections, bushings,
static plates and tap-changers. The series capacitance is the capacitance between
different turns of the same winding and is a determinant for the electrostatic
voltage distribution. Several contributions to the calculation of this parameter are
made: (Stein [79], Okuyama [80] and Ambrozie [81], [82]). Special consideration
must be taken when calculating the series capacitance of interleaved coils or coils
with in-wound shields (See: Ambrozie [83], Pedersen [84], De [85], Moreau et al.
[86], Del Vecchio et al. [87] and finally Seitlinger [88])

2.3.3 Losses
The losses in a detailed model are indispensable, particularly when internal
stresses are evaluated in the design-stage of a transformer. Without the losses
implemented, the stresses will be higher in the model than in reality and the design
will become unnecessary cost-consuming and then less competitive, as stated by
Mombello et al. [89].

The different loss-mechanisms in a transformer are:

• Series resistance in windings (DC-resistance)
• Frequency dependent losses in the conductors occur as eddy currents due to
time-varying magnetic fields. The eddy currents cause an increase of the
losses and a reduction in the net amount of magnetic flux. This is translated
into an increase of the resistance and a reduction of the inductance of the
equivalent impedance (reflected impedance) representing the winding.
• Skin effect: Frequency-dependent current density distribution (eddy
currents) due to the current in the conductor itself, as shown by De
Leon et al. [90], [91].
• Proximity effect: Eddy currents due to the external magnetic field
generated from current in the other conductors, see [48], [49], [90]-[97].
• Eddy currents in core laminations (core reaction) due to magnetic field in the
core. They are assumed important for low-and mid-frequency models. The
eddy currents have a frequency dependent penetration depth, shown by
Ferreira [98], [99].
• Dielectric losses within the insulation (both series- and shunt conductances)
due to conductivity and different polarization mechanisms. Dielectric losses
are normally not included in transformer models. As a first approximation, a
constant value based on low-frequency measurements can be used.

- 24 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


2.3.4 Model Applications

The method to be preferred depends on the application. There are several different
applications that incorporate transformer models:
• Determining impulse-overvoltages in windings, during both design-stage and
when coordinating insulation-levels. The impulse strength is checked
experimentally during factory acceptance tests. Detailed methods are
necessary, see; McWirther et al. [51], Dent et al. [100], Okuyama [101] and
Waldvogel et al. [102].
• Understanding measurements and propagation of signals in windings due to
partial discharges (locating partial discharges). Such considerations are for
instance made by Dong et al. [103] and Akbari et al. [104].
• Analysing overvoltages in transformers and power networks:
• Lightning overvoltages: These usually correspond to fast wave fronts
(Miki et al. [105]).
• Switching overvoltages: These correspond to slower wave fronts, and
can be generated by switching of lines, transformers, reactors,
capacitors and by faults (Degeneff et al. [106]).
• When oscillations due to switching operations, coincide with
resonances in the transformer, large resonant overvoltages may occur.
• Understanding frequency response measurements when applied in diagnosis
and condition assessment. According to Rahimpour et al. [2]-[4], the most
suitable for this application, is the method of self- and mutual inductances
using air core theory (see; [107], [108]).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 25 -


2.4 Iron Core

Hypothesis 3.: Iron core can be neglected and considered to behave like a
perfect conducting screen above 10 kHz.

Transformer modeling has divided into two different paths depending on the
application. In the frequency-range of slow transients (from 50 Hz to some kHz),
time-domain models have been developed in order to handle non-linear effects
such as hysteresis and saturation in the core. High frequency models are usually
established in the frequency-domain since it is assumed that transformers behave
linearly at higher frequencies. The reason for this will be shown later.

The iron core has traditionally been neglected in high frequency transformer
models [1], [100], [102], [105], [106], [109]-[112], still giving reasonable results.
This is also a widespread assumption applied in the modeling of electrical
machines [113], [114]. Others report influence due to the core [42], [46] but no
agreement is achieved regarding the influence of the iron core and whether it is
convenient to neglect it. In other words; none of them gives a transition/frequency
where the core can be neglected.

10 kHz is selected as the transition to where the core can be neglected, based on
[1], [109]-[111]. This frequency is pointed out by most of the publications
neglecting the core. At the same time this is the frequency where time- and
frequency-domain models approach, since core-related nonlinear effects decrease
with increasing frequency.

The core is assumed to complicate the calculation of inductances and if hypothesis

3 is proved to be correct, it simplifies the calculations substantially. It is therefore
of principal interest to establish an overview of the possible errors made by this

Several methods [115]-[118], are reported to include the core successfully where
low frequency- and switching transients are the main topic. Common for these
methods is the inclusion of nonlinearities which necessitates the use of time-
domain simulations. Since high degree of conformity is observed when comparing
full and reduced lightning impulse tests [44], the transformer is considered to
behave linearly at higher frequencies. This enables the use of frequency-domain
modeling instead of the more troublesome time-domain approach, and
nonlinearities can be neglected.

- 26 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


2.5 Dielectric materials

Hypothesis 4.: High frequency characteristics of insulating materials are
independent of frequency, temperature, moisture, ageing etc. Ageing should
therefore not change the FRA-signature.

Since there is limited data available regarding high frequency characteristics of

insulating materials in transformers, high frequency transformer models usually
use constant permittivity and neglect the dielectric losses. Another reason for
neglecting the frequency-dependency of the dielectric parameters is that other
parameters in a high frequency model seem to influence more than the dielectric

Measurements are highly needed in order to investigate prospective effects

influencing the dielectric parameters. If the dielectric characteristics do influence,
it would be important to separate the influence due to ageing from the influence
due to damages (deformations and displacements), by studying the changes in
FRA-signatures in the two cases.

Buckow [109] included frequency-dependent dielectric losses. His data was based
on measurements taken inside a real transformer geometry, both between turns,
between discs and between windings. Since the measurements are performed on a
real transformer winding, it must be pointed out that the measurement will be
influenced by stray-effects and that high frequency-measurements done this way
must be questioned. A linearized approximation of these measurements were
utilized by Rahimpour [1]-[4].

Buckow and Rahimpour are so far the only approaches found in literature that
have included such dependencies. The initial approach chosen in this work is to
include dielectric losses based on measurements at 50 Hz.

The influence of the dielectric characteristics have evidently been considered less
important than other loss mechanisms such as the skin- and proximity-effect in the
winding structure.

Some influence due to ageing is reported at low frequencies, but in order to obtain
detailed knowledge on high frequency characteristics, dielectric spectroscopy
measurements are needed in order to disapprove or accept aspects around the
above hypothesis.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 27 -


2.6 Modeling accuracy

Hypothesis 5.: High frequency transformer models can be established with
high degree of conformity to terminal measurements, provided constructional
information is available.

Detailed internal transformer models are always established on the basis of

constructional details. If an internal model is properly defined, including all
relevant phenomena, it should also give a proper behaviour reflected to the
terminals of the transformer. If not, there must be other elements of influence than
the construction of the winding. This may be investigated by comparing terminal
measurements with the terminal model.

Some influence from leads, connections, tap-changer etc. is to be expected, at least

in the upper frequency-range. These effects may be difficult to account for.

The approach of Rahimpour [1], [5] is based on analytical air-core theory, since it
is assumed that all flux is displaced from the core above 10 kHz. His approach
seems to obtain a high degree of accuracy for his models compared to terminal
measurements. This approach is tested on three different windings which are
manufactured for investigating axial deformation, radial deformation and disc-to-
disc-short-circuit (one for each application, in an experimental work done by
Christian [24]). Rahimpour employs the models developed for FRA sensitivity
analysis using an analytical approach. The results in this work show the highest
agreement between model and measurements seen so far, and thus constitutes the
starting-point for this work.

De Leon’s approach [115] focus on a simple implementation based on analytical

equations for the magnetic field. The leakage field is adjusted using mirror-
currents inside the core, but this requires calibration. His method establishes turn-
to-turn parameters which are reduced to a terminal equivalent. Losses are also
calculated on a turn-to-turn basis but represented by a Foster-equivalent at the
terminals. The accuracy of this approach is questioned since all terminal behaviour
is dependent on the internal representation. His work is completed by a
comparison to measurements on a small, simplified transformer with layer
windings. The transfer function incorporates one resonance frequency, but
agreement between measurement and model is not satisfactory. This approach
seems to be suitable for simplified geometries but will probably fail at a real and
complex transformer geometry.

There are other methods claiming to have good coherence to measurements. Most
of them are time-domain models [116], [118], comparing simulated and measured
time-domain responses. This gives no complete overview of the models ability to
reproduce a broad frequency-spectrum of the transformer represented.

- 28 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


Fergestad [44] get close agreement comparing to time-domain responses, but

empirical corrections are needed for the inductance calculation. In addition all
losses are added on an empirical basis.

Wilcox et al. [46], [47] seem to obtain high degree of resemblence to

measurements of inductances on iron cores, but his method needs measurements
on each specific core in order to establish different parameters needed for the
calculation. In addition the formulas seem to be difficult to implement
numerically. Accurate formulas for inductance-calculation are also reported by
Mombello [48], [49].

2.7 Conclusions
The increased focus on condition monitoring have led to new methods for
detecting minor incipient faults such as mechanical deformations. Operational
characteristics are usually not degraded by such faults, but withstand-strength to
short circuits and overvoltages may be degraded severely. FRA is a fairly new
method with several reports of successful detection of deformations. Little
investigational work is done to reveal sensitivities and drawbacks of this method.
Construction-based high frequency transformer modeling seems to be a proper
approach for investigating sensitivities and behaviour of different faults to the
FRA signature, referring to the work of Rahimpour [1].

The analysis in this chapter is made to reveal the most suitable method for
modeling power transformer at high frequencies. This method must be suitable for
both FRA investigations and other applications such as analysis of internal
stresses, transferred overvoltages and possible resonances with the network. The
most referenced method for inductance calculation is the method of self- and
mutual inductances. This seems to be a proper starting-point since it is simple to
implement, understand and also to compare for instance by using a FEM-based
software. The other methods are either suited only for low-frequency analysis or
homogenous windings, or they simply do not relate to the physics and geometry
of the winding directly.

The chosen principle of inductance representation for further work is therefore the
self- and mutual inductance description in a linear lumped parameter model,
applying simple analytical equations at first.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 29 -


- 30 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



Hypothesis 2.: Analytical methods are sufficient for simple/homogenous

transformer geometries. A real transformer geometry complicates the
analytical approach. Finite element methods would be an alternative for
complex designs since details and variations may easily be included.

As decided in the previous chapter, the method in this work is based on lumped
parameter representation using self- and mutual inductances. With the high degree
of conformity to measurements obtained by Rahimpour [1], the outlook for this
approach is promising. In this chapter, all lumped parameters are calculated using
analytical formulations.

Winding deformations can also be studied using basic analytical formulas. This
enables the user to easily perform several degrees of deformations in order to study
in detail, the sensitivity of FRA to different fault-types.

When dividing the transformer winding into elementary parts/lumped segments,

the model will be limited in frequency due the discretisation. This is comparable
to a pi-representation of a transmission line. Similarly a transformer winding can
be regarded as a multiconductor transmission-line, represented by a number of
lumped circuits (concentrated parameters) incorporating mutual coupling between

It is often practical to use single or double discs as an elementary unit in the model
(or an equivalent division for other winding types). This simplifies the modeling
since the electrical elements are concentrated geometrically.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 31 -

Basic Calculations

3.1 Lumped parameter description

Lumping several turns into one electrical element reduces the complexity of the
model. Using a single disc as the smallest discretisation is usually sufficient up to
1MHz, sometimes even more, depending on the size of the transformer (no. of
turns per disc and the circumference of the coil). The upper limit decreases with
increasing size of the transformer. A turn-to-turn model would be unnecessary
complex and require excessive computational resources. In reality the parameters
are distributed so each and every turn has its own electrical and magnetic
characteristics, such as inductance, losses and capacitance. When combining
several turns to one electrical lumped element, these parameters are merged (and
approximated). All mutual parameters are established for the disc as one element.
For other types of winding, the principle is the same.

A subdivision is valid only if there is a linear voltage distribution inside each

electrical element. This holds true below the upper frequency limit imposed by the
subdivision. When the frequency approaches this limit the internal series
capacitance will influence the voltage distribution, and the subdivision must be
refined to hold true. All lumped parameters belonging to this particular element
(for instance a disc) form a special elementary group of elements (like an advanced
pi-element) as shown in figure 3.1

Gp,ij/2 Cp,ij/2 Cp,ij/2 Gp,ij/2

Mij Rij

Li Ri

Ge/2 Ce/2 Ce/2 Ge/2

Figure 3.1: Lumped parameter equivalent of one electrical element

Figure 3.1 shows an equivalent of one electrical element. Mutual effects are shown
both for inductance and resistance. Capacitance to other discs or windings is also
shown as well as ordinary series and shunt capacitance. The different elementary
parameters are described below:
R i = Resistance due to DC- and eddy current losses.
L i = Self inductance of the element (skin-effect included).
C s, i = Series capacitance along the element itself.
G e = Dielectric losses to ground.
C e = Capacitance from element to ground.

- 32 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

Mutual inductance between element i and other elements are designated M ij ,

while R ij describes the losses in other elements due to the current in element i
(proximity losses). Parallel capacitance and conductance to other elements are
represented by C p, i and G p, i respectively.

The objective is to establish an equivalent circuit model of the winding as

illustrated in fig. 3.2, and represent it with a nodal admittance matrix as a function
of frequency. Not all mutual effects are shown here, such as proximity losses
(mutual effects incorporated into the series resistance), and different capacitive
coupling. There will be coupling between all inductance and resistance elements.

/9 +9


/L /M




/L 0LM /M



/L /M



Figure 3.2: Equivalent circuit of high frequency transformer model

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 33 -

Basic Calculations

The series impedance matrix is:

Z = R ( ω ) + jω ⋅ L ( ω ) (3.1)
and the shunt admittance matrix is:
Y N = G ( ω ) + jω ⋅ C ( ω ) (3.2)

The series impedance matrix Z is transformed into a nodal description Y B by

using the transformation matrices A , and A . These matrices describe the
relation between branch-/nodal currents and branch/nodal voltages respectively.
The transformation is explained in detail in appendix E.
–1 T
YB = A ⋅ Z ⋅A (3.3)

The nodal system-description can then be described by the following relation:

Y sys ( ω ) = Y N ( ω ) + Y B ( ω ) (3.4)

This is the detailed admittance matrix for the system. In order to handle the system
referred to its terminals, it is reduced to the following condensed or reduced
description of the system:

Ỹ ⋅ V e = I e (3.5)

where Ỹ = Y ee – ( Y ei ⋅ Y ii ⋅ Y ie ) (3.6)

This reduction is further described in appendix E.

- 34 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

3.2 Inductance
Since it is assumed (Hypothesis 3) that core-influence is neglectable, all initial
calculation of the elementary parameters is based on core-less/air-core theory. In
the following, air core theory is examined. This will not be equal to treating the
core as a shield, but it is easy to implement as a first approach.

3.2.1 Self and mutual inductance

If all materials are assumed to be linear, the total magnetic flux through the
winding segment is proportional to the current applied to the winding segment.
The proportionality coefficient L, expresses the self inductance of the segment.

Mutual inductance M, between two segments indicates how much of the total
magnetic flux from the energizing segment, that links the other segment. If L and
M is approximately equal, it means that the linkage/connection between two
winding parts is strong. The difference represents the leakage field set up by the
first winding segment not linking the other.

A disc from a disc-winding is shown in figure 3.3. It shows parts of the magnetic
flux in the air surrounding the disc. The colour indicates the flux density.

Figure 3.3: Magnetic field from a winding-segment in air

The next figure shows the principle of mutual inductance, were only a part of the
magnetic field flows through the upper disc.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 35 -

Basic Calculations

Figure 3.4: Principle of mutual inductance

Analytical formulas for the calculation of inductances are summarized in

Appendix F: “Analytical formulations” on page 196. These parameters assumes
circular windings. Inductance for buckled windings is not necessarily equal to
non-buckled windings. This will be investigated later.

Hypothesis 3 approximates the core with a conducting screen, since the magnetic
field is assumed to be completely displaced ( µ r = 0 ). Using an air-core
( µ r = 1 ) approach will not be equal to the conditions given by the hypothesis.
Inductances (both self- and mutual-) will be overestimated compared to the
approach suggested in the hypothesis. The result of the air-core approximation
compared to the conditions in hypothesis 3 will be further discussed in chapter 4.
Air-core theory is initially used for simplicity reasons.

- 36 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

3.3 Capacitance
Capacitance between the windings and from the windings to ground/core can be
calculated assuming that the windings can be treated as cylindrical capacitors.

Detailed formulas for the calculation of elementary capacitances in different

winding types are given in Appendix F.

The resulting relative permittivity for the winding insulation has to be calculated
as shown in the following.

A typical transformer insulation mainly consist of oil and pressboard, and

resulting permittivity can in most cases be calculated by means of the X-Y model
of Gafvërt et al. [119].

If considering the paper as well, the dielectric structure will be as outlined in fig.
3.5, where the resulting permittivity is calculated by means of material data given
in table 3.1 and eq. (3.7).


l1 l2

d1 Paper

d2 Pressboard Oil


d3 Pressboard

d4 Paper

Figure 3.5: Structure of typical inter-winding transformer insulation

where l tot represents the span between axial spacers, l 1 is the width of the axial
pressboard spacer and l 2 is the width of the oil duct between the spacers. d tot is
the distance between the windings, d 1 & d 4 is the paper thickness of the two
windings, d 2 is the thickness of the pressboard spacer/depth of the oil duct and d 3
is the total thickness of all pressboard cylinders between the windings.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 37 -

Basic Calculations

The values given in table 3.1 have traditionally been used.

Table 3.1: Relative permittivity for different materials used in transformer

insulation [44]

Rel. permittivity - ε r


Paper 3,3 2,2

Pressboard 4,4 3,5
Oil 2,2

The resulting permittivity will in the case of fig. 3.5 be:

1- 1 ( d1 + d4 ) 1 d2 1 d3
-------- = --------------- ⋅ ---------------------- + ------------------------------------------------- ⋅ -------- + --------- ⋅ -------- (3.7)
ε res ε paper d tot l1 l 2 d tot ε PB d tot
ε PB ⋅ ------- + ε oil ⋅ -------
l tot l tot

This procedure is applicable to both the interwinding structure as well as internal

(interdisc/inter layer etc.)

3.3.1 Series capacitance

The series-capacitance of an element in the model (for instance one disc), consists
of a composition of several capacitances, between turns inside the disc and to turns
in neighbouring discs. These capacitances forms a network of several different
capacitances. In order to establish a lumped model for these elements, an
equivalent series capacitance has to be calculated. This requires some assumptions
regarding the voltage distribution inside and between the discs. Details on
analytical calculation of series capacitance for different types of windings are
given in appendix F.3

3.3.2 Shunt capacitance

Typical shunt-capacitances are capacitance from winding to ground or between
windings, and also to neighbouring phases (between outer windings). They can be
calculated as the geometric capacitance between circular electrodes as shown in
appendix F.4. Capacitance between outer windings would only be important if
assembling a three-phase model of a transformer. Only a single phase
representation is implemented in this work. Capacitance from leads, tap-changer,
static-plates and shields are implemented on an empirical basis. Bushing
capacitance is added as lumped capacitance (based on data sheets/measurements/
typical values) on the terminals.

- 38 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

3.3.3 Core capacitance

Traditionally, the core has been replaced by a conducting cylinder with a radius
equal to the radius of the circumscribed core radius. An examination by means of
a 2D FEM model (fig. 3.6) showed deviation not exceeding 1% for the T3 Buran
core. This means that the effective electrostatic radius is close to the outer/
circumscribed radius of the core, and that the cylinder approach is valid.

Figure 3.6: FEM-model showing normalized electric potential to investigate the

error made when approximating the core surface to a circular screen with a
radius equal to the circumscribed radius of the core

It is still questioned whether the steps will influence on the capacitance of a

buckled winding since the “electrode” is much closer to the edges of the steps. For
large transformers with a great number of different steps, the error of the circular
simplification is minimal. When the inner winding has a high nominal voltage, the
core is usually wrapped with a conducting screen, either metallic or semi-
conducting rubber.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 39 -

Basic Calculations

3.4 Winding losses

There are three components that determine the conductive losses in the windings:
• DC-losses
• Skin-effect losses
• Proximity-effect losses
The two latter ones are further elucidated in the following.

Eddy currents are induced in any conducting material subjected to time-varying

magnetic fields, and therefore they occur in all types of electrical equipment.
Whether eddy currents are beneficial (as in induction heating) or unfavourable (as
in cores of electrical machines and transformers), a method of prediction is
necessary at the design stage of such equipment.

When a magnetic field varying in time is applied to a conducting body, induced

currents start to circulate perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field
according to the right-hand-rule as shown in fig. 3.7


x Induced
x currents

Figure 3.7: Induced currents in a conducting material when exposed to external

magnetic field

- 40 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

The induced currents will provide a counter-induced magnetic field as shown in

fig. 3.8

magnetic field


Figure 3.8: Counter-induced magnetic field due to induced currents

The resulting magnetic field surrounding the conducting body, will be displaced
towards the boundaries of the body due to the induced currents. This effect will
increase with frequency.



Figure 3.9: Resulting magnetic field

Induced eddy currents in the conducting material will generate a counter-induced

magnetic field resulting in a displacement of the applied field (as shown in figure

When modeling power transformers at high frequencies accurately, one has to

consider the losses occurring in the winding, especially when simulating
oscillating phenomena. One important damping-mechanism at higher frequencies

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 41 -

Basic Calculations

is the proximity-effect, which is eddy-current losses in a winding segment due to

current in other segments (such a current establish a surrounding magnetic field,
which induce eddy-currents in other conducting parts such as the windings, the
core and other structural parts of the transformer).

Calculating the skin- and proximity-effects can be done analytically, assuming

these effects are orthogonal.

To find maximum voltage-gradients within windings or to calculate accurate

numerical values of resonance peaks in transfer functions, the losses have to be
incorporated correctly into the model.

3.4.1 Skin-effect
The skin-effect redistributes the current in the conductor due to the magnetic field
setup by the same current. The magnetic field setup by the current is dependent on
the shape of the conductor. Different analytical formulations of skin-effect are
compared to a FEM calculation on a typical strand in order to determine the best
representation. The results of this comparison is shown in fig. 3.10.


Bessel formulation
Stoll formulation
FEM calculation
Resistance [Ohm]



101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 3.10: Comparison of different skin-effect formulations on a 12 mm2 Cu-

strand with rectangular (2 x 6 mm) and circular cross section

According to Moreau et al. [120] the Stoll [92] formulation is suitable for
representing skin-effect in rectangular conductors. In this case the conductor has
a large heigth/width-ratio and the Stoll-formulation underestimates the resulting

- 42 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

resistance. The skin-effect is best represented using an equivalent circular cross-

section by utilizing the bessel-formulation given in [139]:

⎧ α I 0 ( αa ) ⎫
R skin = Re ⎨ ------------- ⋅ ----------------- ⎬ (3.8)
⎩ 2πaσ I 1 ( αa ) ⎭

where α = jωµσ , ω : angular frequency, σ : conductivity, µ : permeability, a :

equivalent circular radius and I n : bessel function of first kind and order n .

3.4.2 Proximity-effect
This loss-mechanism is a result of the current in one conductor creating eddy
current losses in others. These mutual losses can be calculated if the magnetic field
can be described analytically in every position due to a current in an energizing

The magnetic field in an arbitrary position is then decomposed into radial and
vertical components in order to calculate the induced eddy current loss in the
conductor situated in this position as shown in fig. 3.11.


Axis of

(r2,z2) Hz

Figure 3.11: Magnetic field at conductor #2 due to current in conductor #1

The decomposed magnetic field is then used to calculate the induced eddy current
losses in conductor 2, by using the formulas of Dietrich [96], [97]. The total loss
supplied by conductor 1 represents the total proximity loss in other conducting
parts and can be identified as one column/row in the resistance matrix of the
system description. In this chapter, all mutual losses are added to the diagonal and
appear as a sum of losses in the series resistance ( R i in fig. 3.1).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 43 -

Basic Calculations

3.5 Conductance
All materials exhibit some form of dielectric losses. These losses depend upon
geometry and material characteristics. As shown in table 3.1, a transformer has
three main components in the dielectric structure (paper, oil and pressboard).
These three have different characteristics and when combined the characteristics
change. Little information is found on this topic in the literature, since these effects
are usually neglected.

According to hypothesis number 4, these assumptions are valid but should be

investigated if all losses are not identified. It is considered to be of minor
importance since the winding losses seem to be more prominent.

- 44 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

3.6 Modified parameters due to deformation

When short-circuit forces result in deformed windings in a transformer, it
is believed that the elementary parameters of the winding model are
modified as the geometry is modified. In order to be able to model such
changes, it is necessary also to know the change in the elementary
parameters (mainly inductance and capacitance). Even if it is neglectable,
it should be investigated, to confirm its relative influence on the transfer
function and the validity of disregarding the influence.

Radial deformation (buckling) consists of two principal modes:

Figure 3.12: Failure-modes of compressive-stressed windings [121]

The forced buckling mode is depending on the strength of the conductor and the
distance between the supporting strips, while the free mode buckling is not
depending on the supports, but more on the instability of the winding itself. Radial
forces are distributed unevenly around the circumference and may give rise to the
kind of instability shown in figure 3.12b. This is the most common buckling mode
for stacked core transformers [121].

It is assumed that the free buckling mode, given the form in figure 3.12b, is more
difficult to detect than the forced mode (figure 3.12a), because the net change in
both capacitance and inductance will be less at free buckling mode. The modelling
of buckling is shown in the following.

An important finding in the work of Rahimpour [1] was that the change in
inductance due to buckling is neglectable compared to the change in capacitance.
Similarly, axial displacements mainly influence the inductance (change in
capacitance can be neglected). Axial displacements may be modeled accurately in
2D and no simplifications must be applied. The validity of Rahimpour’s
investigations will be examined later.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 45 -

Basic Calculations

3.6.1 Forced Buckling mode

The forced mode is modelled as:

⎧ b
⎪ r 0 + --- ( cos cα ) – 1 ), α = [ 0…2π ⁄ c ]
r(α) = ⎨ 2 (3.9)
⎪ r 0, otherwise

where b is defines the depth of deformation, c is the span width of the

deformation, α is the angle and r 0 is the radius for non-deformed segments.

120 60

150 30

180 0

210 330

240 300

Figure 3.13: Modeling of forced buckling (radial dimension in [m])

A repeated pattern along the circumference is easy to obtain by changing the

ranges for the function.

- 46 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

3.6.2 Free Buckling mode

This mode also have a movement in the angular direction in addition to the
compression, since the stress is unevenly distributed around the circumference. As
an example, the free mode can be modelled as shown in figure 3.14.

90 0.3
120 60


150 30

180 0

210 330

240 300

Figure 3.14: Free mode buckling (radial dimension in [m])

The equation for the shape found in fig. 3.14 is determined by:

⎧ b ⋅ cos ( cα )
⎪ r 0 + ---------------------------- + …
⎪ 1 + 10cα

⎪ b 3π
⎪ … + --- ⋅ ( cos ( ( 1, 2cα ) – 1 ) ), α = 0… ------
r(α) = ⎨ 4 2c (3.10)

b ⋅ cos ( 1, 5cα ) -
⎪ r + ------------------------------------------------------- 3π
, α = ------ ( …2π )
⎪ 0 1, 5c 2c
⎪ 1 + 300c ( 2π – α )
⎪ r 0, otherwise

In this equation the parameters b and c do not describe the width and depth
directly, so a trial and error method must be used to adjust these parameters to
observed deformations.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 47 -

Basic Calculations

In the following, a buckling is simulated on the low voltage winding of the main
test object in this work (T3 Buran) in order to investigate influence of capacitive
and inductive parameters. The depth of this buckling is equal to the available space
for an inward radial deformation of the LV-winding, and this is approximately 2
cm (8,9% of the radius of the winding).

3.6.3 Inductance contributions of buckling

The double-integral for mutual inductance in eq. (F.9) is solved according to fig.


a1=0 da1



a2 r2

Figure 3.15: Parallel conducting filaments having an arbitrary path of


It must be noted that the mutual inductance established using these relations are
overestimated when the cross-sectional dimensions of the coils are considerable
compared to the axial distance between them (due to internal leakage inductance).
The distance between the two elementary filaments, is given by eq. (3.11):

R 12 = (3.11)
2 2 2
r 1 ( α 1 ) + r 2 ( α 2 ) – 2 ⋅ r 1 ( α 1 ) ⋅ r 2 ( α 2 ) ⋅ cos ( α 1 – α 2 ) + d

- 48 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

As an initial approximation for modeling buckled windings, eq. (F.9) in appendix

F is analysed numerically. It is implemented by means of a summation with a
sufficiently small subdivision as shown in eq. (3.12):
2π 2π
µ0 r 1 ( α 1 )r 2 ( α 2 ) cos ( α 1 – α 2 )
M 12 = ------
4π ∑ ∑ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ⋅ ∆α 1 ∆α 2
R 12 ( α 1, α 2 )
α1 = 0 α2 = 0

The self inductance of buckled windings is calculated with the same equation as
for mutual inductance, using the approach shown in appendix F (eq. (F.4) and fig.

The influence of buckling is also investigated by means of a 3D FEM-model with

the transformer tank as boundaries. This leads to a smaller value for the inductance
than the value computed using analytical formulas since they are based on an
infinite space. But in this case the main prupose is to determine the change in
inductance due to the buckling to see if it can be neglected compared to the
capacitance. A visualization of the surrounding field from such a solution is shown
in fig. 3.16

Figure 3.16: FEM-model for investigation of the 3D-influence of forced mode

buckling on the inductance.

The FEM model with and without buckling shows a difference of less than 1%.
This must be compared to the difference related to change in capacitance in order
to utilize or reject this result for the investigation of buckling on the transfer
function. Being able to neglect the influence of the inductance is desirable since it

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 49 -

Basic Calculations

reduces the complexity of the computation. This simplification can be applied if

the change in capacitance is much larger than the change in inductance.

3.6.4 Influence of buckling on capacitance

The analytical calculation of capacitance is done by employing the classical
analytical formula for capacitance between cylindrical electrodes as given in eq.
(F.27) (in appendix F). The radius for the winding is obtained from the formulas
given in eq. (3.9) or (3.10).

⎛ ⎞

2π ⎟
⎜ 2πε 0 ε r ⎟
Ci = ∑⎜ -------------------------⎟ ⋅ ∆α
⎜ ⎛ r o ( α )⎞ ⎟
α = 0 ⎜ ln ⎜ ------------- -⎟ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ ri ( α ) ⎠ ⎠

The same formula is used for the calculation both inside and outside the buckled
winding (from winding to ground and between windings). ∆α is the fraction of
the geometry under investigation.

The two different modes of buckling (free and forced) are assumed to have
different influence on the capacitance. This is investigated to find correctional
terms to use in the model. Buckling usually occur on the inner winding since it is
this winding that experience the compression stresses.
• Forced mode buckling:
This mode results in an increase of the capacitance to ground and a decrease of the
capacitance to the outer winding. One segment between two spacers are bent
inwards towards the core at a radial depth equal to the available space for
deformation (into the inner pressboard cylinder; equal to a depth of 2 cm).
• Free mode buckling:
The free mode results in a deformed shape related to an instability of the winding
since the radial force is distributed unevenly around the circumference of the core.
One part of the winding is moved towards the core and one part towards the outer
winding, resulting in an increase of both capacitances.

- 50 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

A FEM simulation is established for a forced buckling in order to estimate the

change in capacitance accurately, since details of the insulation structure can be

Figure 3.17: FEM-model of electric potential between core an LV-winding with

forced buckling between two supports

When comparing to FEM, the difference in capacitance with/without buckling is

over 10%. This is one decade more than the influence of the inductance, which
enables the possibility to neglect the influence of the inductance.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 51 -

Basic Calculations

3.6.5 Comparison of influence

The buckling influence on capacitance and inductance is computed using different
techniques. The depth of the forced mode (inward) buckling is the maximum
available space for deformation: Results are summarized in table 3.2 .

Table 3.2: Comparison of influence due to buckling deformations on the LV-

winding (change in %)

Change in % Inductance (Self/Mutual) Capacitance (inner/outer)

Method 3D FEM Eq. (3.12) 2D FEM Eq. (3.13)

Free mode -0.37/-1.1 +1.2/-0.03 +4.5/+3.9 +2.95/+2.78

Forced mode -0.99/-2 -0.92/-0.56 +10.6/-1.7 +9/-1.5

The series capacitance is assumed unchanged. What is shown here is the shunt
capacitance from LV-winding to ground (inner) and between LV and HV (outer).

It can clearly be seen that the capacitance to ground is much more influenced by
the buckling than the inductance, and this confirms the validity of neglecting the
inductance for convenience when modeling buckling.

The difference between FEM and analytical calculation for the capacitance
calculation, is due to additional details of the insulation included in the FEM-

Regarding the inductance, the differences between FEM- and analytical

computations are mostly due to the difference in boundary conditions. The FEM-
calculations in this case, are limited to the tank of T3 Buran, while the analytical
formula assumes free space (no boundaries). There are also differences in the
inductances for the free mode buckling since the exact geometry compared to the
analytical formula could not be modelled.

Influence on losses due to buckling is not considered. Rahimpour [1] report a

change in losses due to buckling. This is not consistent with the findings above. If
change in self and mutual inductance is very small, it means that the flux is
unchanged and then the proximity losses should also be unchanged. From his
measurements, it can be observed that the amplitude of the resonant peaks is
changed at radial deformations which indicate a change in damping/losses. In
addition there seems to be a shift in frequency which indicate a change in
capacitance (or inductance). A 3D FEM calculation revealed no change in
proximity losses at forced mode buckling.

- 52 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

3.7 Results and discussion

Simulations and measurements are compared in order to assess the accuracy and
errors made by employing analytical formulations for the elementary parameters.

3.7.1 Analytical model of a simplified geometry

The first attempt of analytical modeling was done by making use of the results of
Rahimpour [1], [2]-[4] and his simplified geometries (uniform and coreless), since
his work gains distinction compared to others for the high degree of resemblence
between model results and measurements. His results of the admittance from the
terminal to the neutral is shown in fig. 3.18 to emphasize the conformity between
model and measurement.

Figure 3.18: Measured and simulated transfer admittance from terminal to

neutral for test-object #1 in the work of Rahimpour [1]

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 53 -

Basic Calculations

A fairly reasonable agreement was possible only after large adjustments of the
series- and shunt losses (see fig. 3.19).



Admittance, [mA/V]






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Frequency [MHz]

Figure 3.19: Simulation established in this work to compare with the results of
Rahimpour [1] (fig. 3.18)

There is a significant difference at low frequencies due to the DC-resistance of the

winding (and measurement-setup). The measurements performed by Rahimpour
include a high pass filter since the LVI (Low Voltage Impulse)-method is
employed. The establishing of transfer functions is based on the ratio between two
fourier transformed time-series, and in order to cancel low-frequency problems,
high pass-filters are usually used. They represent high impedance at frequencies
below the filter cut-off frequency and the admittance approach zero.

Since agreement with measurements was not possible without adjusting the
parameters (losses), the outlook for an analytical approach to a complex geometry
is not the best. Still an attempt is proceeded since the necessary computer-code is
already established.

- 54 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations

3.7.2 Analytical model of T3 Buran

The next step was to use this method on the main test-object of this work. The
geometry is more complex since it is non-uniform and it has a regulation-winding.
Results and comparisons are shown in the following pages (measurements on the
test-object are compared to simulations).

The first result of the analytical model is the input admittance of the low voltage

Analytical model

Admittance [S]




103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 3.20: Comparison between analytical model and measurement of LV-

winding input admittance

The immediate conclusion would be that the resemblence is quite poor. The
general trends can be recognized, but the damping of the model is too low.

The low frequency response seems to be approximately the same. The difference
here is attributed to the core influence at lower frequencies. Several resonances
seem to occur where the measurement shows no sign of resonance. This indicates
differences in the parameters of the modelled geometry compared to the real
construction. The inductance representation will be different using analytical
formulas compared to FEM-simulations where the tank wall can represent the
boundary. This might improve the results.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 55 -

Basic Calculations

Fig. 3.21 compares measured and calculated values of the input admittance of the
high voltage winding:

Analytical model

Admittance [S]




103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 3.21: Measurement vs. analytical model of HV-winding input admittance

The resemblence for this result is even worse than for the LV-winding. The layout
of the HV-winding is far more complex than for the LV-winding. It also
incorporates the regulating-winding. There seems to be a constant deviation both
at high and low frequencies, where the model overestimates the admittance. This
means that the inductance is too low (almost a decade) at low frequencies, and the
shunt admittance is also too high (possibly capacitance to surroundings; such as
capacitance to ground and LV-winding). Stray capacitance from the tapchanger
and the leads between the TC and the regulation winding is not included, but since
these parts of the winding are close to the neutral (close to ground in this
measurement), they will only have a minor influence.

The last result shown is the transfer function from HV- to LV-winding using the
analytical model:

- 56 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Basic Calculations





Analytical model
103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 3.22: Transfer-function from HV to LV (analytical model)

As seen from the results and comparisons to measurements above, the accuracy of
analytical modeling is not adequate in a real transformer geometry like the one
utilized in this work. The difference from the first model (Rahimpour [2]-[4]), is
that the geometry is complex and non-uniform. Neglecting the influence of the
iron core is also questioned. The test-object has a regulating winding which
complicates the modeling-process even further.

Proximity-losses were included an analytical approach [96], [97] where the

magnetic field at all conductor surfaces were calculated by superposition as shown
in chapter 3.4.2. This field strength was used to calculate the induced currents in
each conductor/coil. The reflected resistance due to these eddy currents can then
be calculated.

The large deviation at lower frequencies is caused by the lack of a proper low
frequency core representation in the model. The leakage field at low frequency in
a real transformer is mainly axial, while leakage field in an air-coil will be radial/
circular. This means that flux-linkage between distant elements, for instance discs
in the upper and lower part of the winding will be much less in the model than for
the real geometry (measurement). The transfer ratio for the air-core winding will
thus be much lower.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 57 -

Basic Calculations

3.8 Conclusions
Referring to hypothesis # 2, the utilization of a FEM-based software is expected
to increase accuracy since geometry can be modelled more accurate. This would
also make it possible to include other effects such as the proximity-effect directly
on a more physical basis, since a proper representation of this effect is expected to
create sufficient damping in the model.

Changes in inductance due to buckling can be neglected since influence is low (1

%) compared to the changes in capacitance (9-10 %). The change in capacitance
is dependent on the relative change in distance between electrodes (winding to
winding or winding to ground). The change in inductance due to buckling is
dependent on the enclosed area of the winding segment, and therefore not as
sensitive as the capacitance. Sensitivities to axial and radial deformations are not
pursued further since coherence of model to measurements is low. Sensitivity
analysis will be conducted when the obtained coherence is satisfactory.

The validity of neglecting capacitance when modeling axial displacement will be

verified later.

Whether the core may be neglected or not, is also questioned.

- 58 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



Hypothesis 2.: Analytical methods are sufficient for simple/homogenous

transformer geometries. A real transformer geometry complicates the
analytical approach. Finite element methods would be an alternative for
complex designs since details and variations may easily be included.

The conclusion from chapter 3, indicate insufficiency of analytical methods for

real transformer geometries. The move towards a FEM-based approach is
expected to increase the resemblence between model and measurements.

4.1 Introduction
The finite element method is briefly described as a method where the problem is
broken down to small pieces/elements, called a mesh. Once the mesh is obtained,
approximations can be introduced for the dependent variables. As an example, the
case of a single variable, u is given where the idea is to approximate u with a
function that can be described with a finite number of parameters, the so-called
degrees of freedom (DOF). The number of DOF's is depending on the order and
number of mesh elements, and also the number of dependent variables. The upper
limit for the number of DOF's will be given by the amount of memory and the time
frame available for the calculation. The limiting step regarding the available
memory is usually the LU-factorization/matrix-inversions.

The main challenge when modeling complex geometries is to keep the mesh-size
on a reasonable level (so that the problem can be solved). These actions are
described later. An accurate solution would require a 3D FEM-model, but this
quickly leads to a non solvable problem. Therefore a 2D model using rotational/
axial symmetry is applied in order to be able to solve a complex geometry. Using
axial symmetry in 2D results in only one dependent variable (the Vector Potential,
A), while a 3D solution requires 3 dependent variables (the Magnetic Field in all
directions: Hx, Hy, Hz).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 59 -

Finite Element Method

The following shows basic formulas used when computing elementary magnetic
and dielectric parameters (such as inductance and capacitance). A short
introduction is also given to outline the computational demands when computing
eddy currents in windings and laminations, but first a description of the software
used is needed.

SUMER is a specialized software developed by Electricite de France (EdF) [74],
used to establish detailed high frequency power transformer models. It is based on
the finite element method (FEM). It uses Flux2D [122] (as a pre-processor) for the
construction of the geometry, and the generation of the mesh.

The software establishes a wide frequency range linear lumped model of the
transformer, which can be used for lightning- and switching studies [123] as well
as analysis of internal stresses or FRA sensitivity[124], [125].

A set of branch-matrices are calculated at a few discrete frequencies to incorporate

the frequency-dependent features of the power transformer. A nodal model is then
constructed and the eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies calculated by an iterative
process (modal analysis). Once these data's are derived, a multipole equivalent is
calculated. This equivalent is reduced to a terminal equivalent (a condensed
admittance matrix). The reason for this is to make use of EMTP [126] as an
interface for time-domain over-voltage studies in power networks. Once an
EMTP-simulation is carried out at the terminals (transformer-network
interaction), the internal voltages can be deduced from the full multipole
equivalent (or the complete admittance matrix) by using a transfer matrix
(between external and internal nodes) found in the modal analysis.

In order to have a reasonable mesh-size, the principle of an equivalent complex

permeability [120] is applied to the complete winding geometry. The aim of this
principle is to calculate the global flux through all electrical elements, without
computing the eddy currents in the conductors. The conductor material is
substituted with a non-conductive ferromagnetic material (featuring an elliptical
hysteresis loop expressed by a complex permeability), which results in the same
active and reactive power for a given geometry. This results in an accurate
representation of the proximity effects within the winding structure, even with a
coarse mesh compared to the skin depth in copper at high frequencies. The
complex permeability approach is explained further in chapter 4.4.3, and the
analytical basis for this principle is elucidated in chapter 5.2.

Detailed information regarding SUMER (features and limitations) can be found in

Appendix B: “Modeling in SUMER” on page 208.

- 60 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Finite Element Method

4.3 Alternative software

There are several alternatives to SUMER. The disadvantage is that these are
general FEM-softwares with no automation specially made for giving transformer

FEMLAB [127] is a tool that is integrated with MATLAB [128] and this gives
superiour possibilities of making “scripts” for the generation of transformer
geometries, since all functions of Femlab can be controlled from matlab-code.

FEMLAB is used as a supporting tool throughout this work. A brief description is

given in appendix H on page 213.

4.4 Parameter calculation

In SUMER separate models are established for the electrostatic and magnetostatic
calculation. The electrostatic model incorporates more details and thus a denser
mesh. Since the electrostatic model is solved at very few frequencies (1-3), and the
magnetostatic model is solved at up to ten different frequencies, considerable time
can be saved during parameter calculation by using two different models in spite
of the extra time spent on modeling two geometries.

The two models can be combined (not in SUMER though) if the mesh size of the
dielectric model can be reduced. This might be possible for EHV-transformers
where the insulation thickness is large compared to transformers for lower

Complex frequency-dependent parameters are used in order to calculate

simultaneously the inductance and losses for the magnetostatic model and
capacitance and dielectric losses for the electrostatic model.

All matrices are symmetrical and only upper or lower part has to be computed in
order to save time. Numerical inaccuracies could be reduced by computing the full
matrix and then apply a symmetrization (by averaging), but since computation
time is doubled it is not done here.

4.4.1 Inductance and resistance

When solving magnetic problems in FEM, the vector potential formulation is
preferable, since this potential can easily be related to both flux and magnetic
energy. Maxwell’s fourth equation states the fact that the flux density is
divergence-free. The vector potential is chosen so that:
B = ∇×A which fulfils ∇ ⋅ ( ∇×A ) = 0 (4.1)
By integrating the vector potential across the conductor's cross-section as in eq.
(4.2), the average complex flux can be obtained, in order to find the mutual- or
self-inductances/losses [120]. From this flux, it is possible to find the reflected

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 61 -

Finite Element Method

inductance and losses attributed to the windings (as seen from the terminals), and
then represent these as series elements in a linear lumped model. These series
elements will be frequency dependent due to skin- and proximity effect.

The average complex flux flowing through an element j , can be found by

ϕ j∗ = ----
Sj ∫ ∫ A ⋅ dS (4.2)

The mutual flux linkage between elements i carrying a current I i and element j
where I j = 0 can be found as shown below:
R ij
Φ j∗ = n j ϕ j∗ = ⎛ – L ij + j ⋅ ------⎞ ⋅ I i (4.3)
⎝ ω⎠
The reflected inductance and resistance due to the core can according to [120] then
be found by:

L ij = – n i n j Re ( ϕ j∗ ) ⁄ I i (4.4)

R ij = ωn i n j Im ( ϕ j∗ ) ⁄ I i (4.5)

where n i and n j are the number of turns in element i and j respectively.

Using the approach in eq. (4.2) results in a low degree of accuracy when the mesh
is coarse, due to the limited area/number of elements of the surface integral. In a
transformer-model the mesh must be coarse to be kept at a reasonable/solvable
size. Therefore the magnetic energy should be used instead. The advantage of
considering the magnetic energy, is that the energy is stored in the complete
geometry and errors due to a coarse mesh inside and around the conductor is

Self-inductance and resistance can be described as:

n i ⋅ R e { W mag, ii }
L ii = 2 ⋅ ------------------------------------------- (4.6)
I ii

n i ⋅ ω ⋅ I m { W mag, ii }
R ii = 2 ⋅ ---------------------------------------------------- (4.7)
I ii

Mutual inductance and resistance is calculated employing the parameters

established in eq. (4.6) and (4.7), and an additional solution where current is
applied to both elements.

- 62 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Finite Element Method

1 2 1 2
n i ⋅ n j ⋅ R e { W mag, ij } – --- L ii ⋅ I i – --- L jj ⋅ I j
2 2
M ij = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (4.8)
Ii ⋅ Ij

1 2 1 2
n i ⋅ n j ⋅ ω ⋅ Im { W mag, ij } – --- R ii ⋅ I i – --- R jj ⋅ I j
2 2
R ij = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4.9)
Ii ⋅ Ij

Where W mag, ij is the total magnetic energy when current is applied to both coil
i and j . L ii and L jj is calculated using eq. (4.6). The disadvantage of using the
magnetic energy instead of the vector-potential/flux is that it requires more
computations, and the integrals are performed over the entire geometry rather than
the conductor. This leads to a significantly higher time-consumption as discussed
in chapter 4.4.4. In the same way as for the complex flux, resistance and
inductance can be derived from the real and imaginary part of the complex energy.

4.4.2 Capacitance and conductance

To calculate capacitance using FEM one usually integrate some of the parameters
solved for in the model. The two parameters normally used are surface charge and
electrostatic energy.

The capacitance between two electrodes can be found by calculating the surface
charges on the electrodes divided by the voltage between them.
C = ---- (4.10)
The total charge on a surface is found by integrating the charge density on the

Q = ∫ D dS (4.11)

When calculating a capacitance matrix between a set of electrodes, equation 4.10

can be used to calculate the coefficients of the matrix as shown below.
C ij = ----- (4.12)

Since the calculation of the total surface charge is based on a boundary integral,
the accuracy is dependent on the subdivision/mesh on these boundaries. Similar to
inductance-calculation, the capacitance can be computed more accurately by using
the electrostatic energy W el since this involves integrating over a subdomain
rather than a boundary (more elements involved averages the errors).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 63 -

Finite Element Method

1 2 W el
W el = --- CV or C = 2 ⋅ --------- (4.13)
2 2
The self and mutual capacitances are calculated from the real part of the energy as
shown below:
1 2 1 2
Re { W el, ij } – --- V i c ii – --- V j c jj
2 2
C ij = ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (4.14)
Vi ⋅ Vj

Re { W el, ii }
C ii = 2 ---------------------------- (4.15)

W el, ij is the total electrostatic energy when both electrode i and j is energized,
while W el, ii represents the electrostatic energy when electrode i is energized and
all others are grounded. The dielectric losses are computed similarly to the
capacitance by applying the imaginary part of the electrostatic energy, since the
permittivity is defined by its relative (real) part and the loss factor (imaginary

4.4.3 Eddy currents

As outlined in chapter 3.4, eddy currents appear as soon as time-varying magnetic
fields surrounds and penetrate conducting parts such as conductors, core, supports,
tank etc. The penetration is highly frequency-dependent and at high frequencies,
penetration is very low. The depth of penetration is defined as the skin-depth:

δ = 2
----------- (4.16)
This is where the penetrating field or current is reduced to 37% ( e ) as illustrated
in fig. 4.1.

- 64 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Finite Element Method



|J(x)| [A/cm2]




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
x [m] −3
x 10
Figure 4.1: Current distribution and skin-depth at 100 kHz in a typical strand for
power transformers
Fig 4.1 shows the current distribution due to the skin-effect in a single strand at
100 kHz. Only half of the strand is shown due to symmetry. The conductor surface
is to the right in the figure and x=0 is in the middle of the strand.

In a real transformer, the geometry is complex. It usually incorporates several

hundreds of geometrical groups/objects (such as discs). If modeling the geometry
on a turn to turn basis, the number of geometrical objects will exceed several
thousands. Considering this together with the fact that current flows close to the
surface at high frequencies, requires a very dense mesh. This results in a mesh size
in the complete model that will be impossible to handle, even for super-computers.
Consequently, approximations are required in order to handle frequency-
dependent effects accurately and efficiently. One approach is to use a frequency-
dependent complex permeability as outlined in chapter 4.2 for handling of
proximity effects. Skin-effect can be represented analytically, ref. eq. (3.8)
assuming these two effects can be superimposed.

The above challenges are illustrated with a simple example where a single strand
of a winding is modeled for skin-effect. In order to have an accurate model, the
number of elements in the mesh across the skin-depth should be at least two
(higher order elements). Since we are interested in the current distribution up to at
least 1MHz, the discretisation/element-size on the boundary should be half of the
skin-depth at this frequency. The skin-depth in copper at 1 MHz is 65 µm . With a
single strand measuring 3,2x13,2mm, the boundary will be divided into over 1000

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 65 -

Finite Element Method

segments. A dense mesh is not needed in the internals of the strand so a growth-
factor is specified for the mesh, resulting in 32.000 elements inside the strand.

Figure 4.2: Current density in a Finite Element Model of single strand applied to
skin-effect investigations at 100 kHz.
As seen from fig. 4.2, the mesh needs to be very dense in order to represent the
current distribution/skin-effect correctly at higher frequencies. The total number
of elements needed inside the strand is very high and since the upper practical limit
for the complete model will be in the area of 200-400.000 elements, it is clearly
stated that eddy current influence must be represented by approximations. These
approximations must be accurate and at the same time solver-efficient (reducing
the mesh size considerably). This is the main purpose of using the complex
permeability representation of eddy currents.

- 66 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Finite Element Method

As mentioned, the complex permeability approach substitutes the conductor

material with an isotropic, non-conducting, ferromagnetic material having a
complex permeability (equal to a material having hysteresis loss, ref. fig. 4.3).

µ, σ µ∗,
σ = 0

Figure 4.3: Principle of the complex permeability representation of eddy currents

The complex permeability of this equivalent material is deduced from the
analytical solution of the internal magnetic field (and thus the current distribution)
as a function of frequency, given the external field. The external field is
decomposed as shown in fig.4.4 and the two different components of induced
currents are assumed independent.

H0y H0

Figure 4.4: Decomposition of the external magnetic field ( H 0 ), where 2a and

2b is the conductor height and width respectively
A complex permeability is derived for both x- and y-direction independently. The
complex permeability represents both the displacement of the flux and the eddy-
current losses in the material. A lumped element (several turns or discs) can be
modeled as a solid isotropic material incorporating the eddy currents termed by the
dimensions of the strands and the applied field, and of course the insulation
thickness between strands, as shown by Moreau et al. [120]. The result is an
accurate approximation identified by a coarse mesh, which is solvable even for a
complete and complicated transformer geometry.

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Finite Element Method

The internal magnetic field using this approach will not be identical to the original
field, but losses and flux displacement observed externally will be approximately
the same. The principle of complex permeability is explained in detail in chapter
5 since it is also used to implement the core into the model.

4.4.4 Time consumption

Establishing inductances by integrating the vector-potential across the conductors
cross-section and capacitances by integrating the charge-density on the surfaces,
is time efficient. Assuming a system of n branches, these methods establish one
row including the diagonal element in each solution (requiring n integrals per
solution). The total number of operations will then be: n FEM-solutions and
( n + n ) ⁄ 2 integrals.

When employing the electrostatic and magnetostatic energies into the parameter
calculation, the number of operations increases severely. The number of solutions
increase to the number of integrals; ( n + n ) ⁄ 2 . And since the integral now is
computed across the complete geometry, it will also be more time-consuming
compared to the integral in the previous method. Establishing one matrix at one
frequency may take from 20 min. up to several hours. This adds up to a time
consumption for the whole model in the range of a few hours to a day. Still most
of the time is spent interpreting constructional drawings and entering the geometry
into the software.

The structure of this computation is well suited for parallel computation since up
to ten solutions is computed on the same geometry at different frequencies.
Utilizing a low-end cluster (one ordinary computer for each frequency to be
calculated) would improve efficiency of the computations severely without
increasing the cost significantly (only demand is memory). The cluster network
does not need to be a high capacity LAN, since this is not a critical component in
this application (as opposed to real cluster computers), but 64 bits computers are
preferred for memory-reasons.

4.5 Results
Two different geometries were modeled in SUMER. The first one is a simplified
reduced scale geometry, while the other one is the main test-object specified in
chapter 1.4 (T3 Buran).

4.5.1 Simplified geometry

The first model established using SUMER is based on a geometry specified in a
diploma project [129] at NTNU. This is a simplified and reduced scale model
assembled to study influence of axial and radial displacements. Specifications for
this geometry is given in appendix I. Since this geometry is homogenous and
simplified it is well suited to establish an initial model in short time. The reduced
scale model had a 4-layer outer winding and a 2-layer inner winding, each layer

- 68 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Finite Element Method

counting 250 turns. In the model each electrical element represented 25 turns (each
layer is divided into 10 equal parts). This coarse division might represents errors
since one electrical element spreads out over a relatively large distance compared
to the dimensions of the total geometry. When assembling the geometry, core
effects are neglected in agreement with hypothesis number 3 and the core/tank is
represented with a metallic tank in order to have a defined capacitance to ground.

Fig. 4.3 shows a comparison of the transfer function (voltage ratio from HV to LV-
winding) between a measurement and the model established in SUMER:




103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 4.5: Comparison between SUMER-model and measurement
The differences between model and measurements are probably due to the coarse
electrical mesh used (25 turns per lumped element) and possible eddy current
effects in the tank- and core-equivalent. The general shape of the curves are
similar but the model seems to have higher series capacitance since the curve is
moved horizontally to the left. Since the layer windings are made by circular
enamelled (thin insulation coating) conductors, the series capacitance has to be
approximated. This approximation might lead to an inaccuracy. The
representation of the losses seems to be ok. Next, measurements are compared to
the model when applying axial displacement.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 69 -

Finite Element Method

Fig. 4.6 show measurements when axial displacement of 1-10mm are applied to
the inner winding:



0 mm
1 mm
0,1 2 mm
3 mm
4 mm
5 mm
6 mm
7 mm
8 mm
9 mm
10 mm
103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 4.6: Measured transfer-function for simplified geometry at axial displ.

- 70 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Finite Element Method

An interesting observation is the very localized change in transfer-function due to

the displacement. The same effect can be seen in the SUMER-model in fig. 4.7:

Tank: ur=100
+5mm LVAx.(ur:100)
+10mm LVAx. (ur:100)



103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 4.7: Calculated TF for simplified geometry at axial displ. of 5 and 10 mm

and a tank permeability of 100
The changes due to the deformations occur in the same frequency-range as for the

Forced mode buckling are also investigated by measurements using this geometry
without any change in FRA signature [129]. This is attributed to the unrealistic
design of the winding compared to real designs, since available space for buckling
deformation is very small compared to the radius of the winding. In addition the
buckling is achieved by slitting the cardboard cylinder inside the winding. This
reduces the capacitance to core and the net change in capacitance is very small.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 71 -

Finite Element Method

4.5.2 Main test object

With fairly reasonable agreement for the simplified geometry, modeling of the
main test object (T3 Buran) is proceeded.

The upper part of the dielectric model is shown in figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8: Dielectric model (upper part) in SUMER of T3 Buran

As seen from fig. 4.8 the mesh is very dense in the zones close to the winding. The
reason for this is that the paper is also modeled and since this usually is quite thin,
it is represented by very small elements. To improve efficiency of the simulations,
the paper in thin zones can be neglected or included in composite structures (such
as interdisc insulation). A new material is defined between the discs which
represents the composition of combined materials. Pressboard cylinders and axial
strips between windings are joined into cylinders. These cylinders are placed in the
middle of each duct to be able to control the mesh.

- 72 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Finite Element Method

The main idea of the magnetic model in SUMER is that the core displaces all flux
above a certain frequency (1-10kHz) and that the core leg, yokes, and tank are used
as boundaries of the problem formulation as shown in fig. 4.9:

LV Helical- HV disc-winding
Regulating winding

Tank wall
Core surface

Figure 4.9: Complete magnetic model in SUMER of T3 Buran

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 73 -

Finite Element Method

The result of this first real transformer SUMER-model is shown in fig. 4.10. The
large differences can clearly be seen, and the admittances are not presented since
coherence did not increase significantly compared to the analytical approach used
in chapter 3. The large difference at low frequencies must entirely be attributed to
the common coupling in the core.





103 104 105 106 107
Figure 4.10: Initial SUMER-model of the main test object, T3 Buran
A large difference from the analytical result in fig. 3.22 is the location of the first
resonance. In the analytical approach (fig. 3.22) the first resonance occurs at
approximately 10-12 kHz, but in the SUMER-model in fig. 4.10 the first
resonance is found at 35 kHz. The reason for this is probably the difference in the
boundaries of the magnetic model. In the SUMER-model, the boundaries are
defined by the tank wall and the core surface, but the analytical approach is based
on an infinite domain definition. The available volume for the stored magnetic
energy in a coil will be totally different in the two approaches. (The inductance is
lower for the SUMER approach resulting in a higher frequency for the first
resonance). In addition to this, the capacitances could be different in the two

- 74 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Finite Element Method

4.6 Discussion
When comparing analytical results to FEM-results, it is obvious that the
resemblence is not increased significantly by the introduction of FEM, as stated in
hypothesis 2.

The reduced scale model, shows reasonable resemblence between measured and
simulated transfer function, but the main test object does not. The main difference
between these geometries besides the complexity, is the lack of core in the reduced
scale model. This emphasizes the need for detailed investigation of the core

Originally, high frequency transformer models were based on a simplification that

neglected the core. The reason for this partly being successful is that the calculated
leakage inductance is fairly close to the actual value, and these models are applied
to lightning impulse studies where the non-impulsed winding is grounded: This
leads to a shielding of the flux from the core, with the result that coreless models
could be used for modeling lightning impulse stresses during factory acceptance
tests. At open terminals (for instance voltage ratio-measurements) this approach is
questioned, and an iron core representation is probably needed. Still losses appear
to be underestimated. Since skin and proximity losses seem to be accurately
represented, the source of the missing losses must be either dielectric, core related
or losses in the tank and auxiliary equipment surrounding the winding geometry.

The implementation of the winding geometry into the FEM software is very
convenient and is therefore preferred.

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Finite Element Method

4.7 Conclusions
The reduced scale model agrees well with the measurements, but the transfer
function is shifted in frequency. This is probably due to a disagreement in the
approximated series capacitance (circular conductors are represented with
rectangular conductors). Losses seem to be properly represented. Further
developments on this model were not proceeded, due to limitations in time spent
at EdF’s research department in Paris. Therefore the modeling was focused on the
main test object (T3 Buran) in order to establish a more detailed model of this

As seen from the results in fig. 4.10, the losses (damping at resonance) of the
model is insufficient compared to measurements. It can also be seen that the
general coherence between measurement and model is still very low, but certain
trends can be recognized.

It seems that the focus on the reduced scale model and the results of Rahimpour
has concealed the importance of the core since both these designs are coreless
based on the same assumption as hypothesis 3.

It is natural to investigate the influence of the core in the following, since the
introduction of FEM did not increase coherence to measurements significantly.

The main conclusion at this point is to investigate the high frequency behaviour of
the iron core and then implement these effects into the SUMER-model. Preferably
by using a the same approximation as for winding proximity losses; A complex
permeability representation of the core would keep mesh-size at a reasonable level
and at the same time incorporate frequency-dependent iron losses. Transformer
modeling using FEM is still desirable for reasons of conveniency, possible iron
core representation and accuracy to winding details.

- 76 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



Hypothesis 3.: Iron core can be neglected and considered to behave like a
perfect conducting screen above 10 kHz.

Using FEM to establish a detailed model did not increase coherence of models and
measurements significantly. It is therefore natural to investigate prospective
effects of the iron core at higher frequencies, both regarding losses and inductance.

It was originally assumed that the iron core could be neglected above a certain
frequency since most literature supports this [109]-[111], [85]. Several methods
include a core representation in time-domain in order to handle switching- and low
frequency transients correctly, and a few methods, such as Fergestad/Henriksen
[42] and Wilcox et al. [46], are reported to handle the iron core at high frequencies
in the frequency-domain. Fergestad and Henriksen [42] proposed dealing with the
common flux and the leakage flux separately. Measurements done by these
authors showed that the leakage flux between single discs mounted on a core, is
not very dependent on frequency in the limited range considered during impulse
tests (50-200 kHz). The common flux however is highly frequency dependent, but
this flux contributes to the same voltage induced in all turns and it is therefore the
leakage inductance that is the determining factor for internal transients in
transformer windings, at least when terminals are not floating/unloaded. The
leakage field is however strongly dependent on the core leg (partial path in iron).

A complete, frequency-dependent (wide frequency-range) core-representation

suitable for implementing into any FEM-based software is required. This chapter
shows such an analytical description based on a physical implementation. Also a
comparison to measurements on different iron cores is included in this chapter as
well as an introduction of interlaminar effects. Interlaminar effects are not
included in the complete model since it was discovered toward the end of this
work, but considered as a possible explanation of different deviations in model
and measurements.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 77 -

Iron Core Influence

5.1 Introduction
Iron losses have traditionally been the main focus for the constant development of
electrical steel [130]. It has been estimated that some 5% of all electricity
generated is dissipated as iron losses in electrical equipment [131]. Iron losses are
generally made up of two main components at power frequency:

• Hysteresis loss
• Eddy current loss

Both these effects are strongly influenced by frequency and material parameters.
In addition there are extra losses adding to the classical losses (calculated using
classical theory on eddy-currents and hysteresis). One probable explanation is that
these extra losses are eddy current losses due to domain wall movements during
time-varying magnetization. These wall movements are not continuous, but rather
step-wise (analogous to the relation between static and sliding friction). High
frequency (impulse) eddy currents will be induced at every step movement [132],
and this makes it more difficult to relate the losses to the applied field. This theory
was initially suggested by Pry and Bean [133]. The time-constant of these step
movements is unknown, but will be of importance if determining the upper
frequency of contribution from these losses.

Only classical eddy currents are considered in this work. The high frequency
model in this thesis use the initial permeability, referred to the slope of the initial
part of the magnetization-curve. This excludes hysteretic losses from the model in
the following. Lightning impulse tests done at full and reduced voltage indicate
linearity [44] and thus no hysteresis and saturation at higher frequencies. Possible
reasons are explained later.

Initial permeability of electrical steels is not included in standard material data,

and must be estimated from measurements at low field strengths. It can be
expressed as:

µ ri ⋅ µ 0 = lim ⎛ ----⎞
H → 0 H⎠

An example of permeability dependency on field strength is shown in fig. 5.1
It is assumed that the iron behaves linearly rather than hysteretic in the initial part
of the curve. The reason for this could be that a certain level of magnetization is
needed to force non-reversible domain wall movements which is one of the main
reasons for hysteretic behaviour of magnetic materials. Ferromagnetic materials
are comprised of regions (known as magnetic domains), and within each of these
regions the magnetic dipole moments are arranged in a common direction. When
the material is not magnetized, it exhibits no net magnetic dipole moment, unless
it possesses remanent flux.

- 78 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

Values between 50 [42], [43] and 800 [46] are used for the initial permeability for
electrical steels, but this will be highly dependent on the type of material. Grain-
oriented steel has highly increased permeability in the rolling direction and a lower
permeability in the perpendicular direction. Measurements on non oriented SiFe
alloys show an initial permeability between 150-500 [135], depending on the
grain-size in the material.

4000 2
Relative Permeability, µr

3000 1.5

Flux Density, B [Tesla]

← B(H) ← µr(H)
2000 1

1000 0.5

µri →
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Field Strength, H [A/m]

Figure 5.1: Example of initial magnetization-curve and field dependent

permeability for iron

As shown in fig. 5.1, ferromagnetic materials have a highly nonlinear relation

between the flux density B, and the field strength H. Fig. 5.1 shows the initial
magnetization curve which excludes the influence of hysteresis. Ferromagnetic
materials are also characterized by remanence and coercivity, where remanence
describes the remanent flux density when the applied field is removed, and
coercivity describes the field strength that needs to be applied to reduce (coerce) a
remanent flux to zero.

There are usually 4 distinct regions in a magnetization curve like the H-B-curve in
fig. 5.1. These can be explained in terms of changes to the materials magnetic
1. A slow rise close to the origin due to “reversible growth” or stretching of the
domains (initial permeability, µ ri ). No hysteresis in this zone.
2. A longer, fairly straight zone representing the “irreversible growth” or large
domain wall movements which influence the hysteresis loss.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 79 -

Iron Core Influence

3. A slower rise representing “rotation” or the alignment of remaining non-

aligned domains and dipoles.
4. An almost flat region corresponding to paramagnetic behaviour and then it
approaches the slope of µ 0 ; The core can't handle any more flux growth and
has saturated.
Neglecting the iron core will be valid at very high frequencies, where the flux is
completely displaced from the core material, and only flows on the surface of the
core, and in the cooling ducts. The main question is whether this can be assumed
already at 10 kHz.

The iron losses are reported [136] to be the main damping mechanism for
transients at some kHz. Above a few tens of kHz eddy current/proximity losses in
the windings has been assumed to be the main source of loss [120]. For the high
frequency model developed here, the only loss mechanism considered for the core
is the eddy current loss due to flux penetration of the laminates. Additionally,
influence of interlaminar effects are evaluated later in this chapter. Hysteresis is
neglected since measurements indicate linearity and thus it is assumed that the iron
is operated at its initial part of the magnetization-curve. Possible reasons are
investigated in the following.

The frequency-range of interest for a high frequency transformer model is

normally from the region around the first resonance and above. At the first
resonance (half wave), the voltage to ground has its maximum amplitude in the
middle of the winding. The total inductance of the winding oscillates with the
shunt capacitance of the winding to the surroundings. The azimuthal/angular
current (branch current) is largest at the terminals (assumed the neutral is
grounded) and has a zero-point in the middle resulting in a magnetic field as shown
in fig 5.2:

Figure 5.2: Pattern of leakage flux and current density in terms of color at first
resonance. Common flux is not shown

- 80 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

Since effective permeability is now assumed to be much larger than in oil, the oil
gap is determining for the total magnetic leakage field linking the iron. With the
oil gap (core window), this field strength will be low. In addition to this, the high
frequency transformer model will be compared with SFRA measurements, also
facilitating the use of a linear low permeability representation of the core, since the
SFRA-method uses a very low voltage for the applied signal.

Regarding the common flux, the most important reason for the low induction in
the iron core at higher frequencies is explained by Faraday’s induction law:

v≈N⋅ (5.2)
where v is the voltage applied to the winding, N is the number of turns in the
energizing winding and φ is the total flux per turn in the core. If assuming a
sinusoidal flux, it will be expressed by:

φ ( t ) = φ̂ ⋅ sin ( ωt ) and = ω ⋅ φ̂ ⋅ cos ( ωt ) (5.3)
giving the following relation for the total flux linkage:
ˆ v
Φ = N ⋅ φ̂ ∼ ---- (5.4)
This shows that the core flux is reduced at increasing frequencies. The core
induction at 50 kHz will be 0.1% of the power frequency induction if the volts/turn
is assumed constant along the winding. The same relation is used to avoid
saturation during induced AC voltage withstand tests on transformers with
grounded neutral (ACSD) [137] (by increasing the frequency of the applied

This altogether substantiate the use of a non-hysteretic low permeability for the
iron core, because the induction of the core is very low and then the permeability
will be in its initial zone (B-H-relation). Since hysteresis loss is attributed to the
domain wall movements, it can be neglected at very low core induction. The time-
constant of these movements is also important at higher frequencies. At
sufficiently high frequency the movements will start lagging the magnetic field
and finally no movements will occur.

Admittance measurements between outer legs/phases of different transformers,

show inductive behaviour up to several tens of kHz. It is therefore believed that
the core also has some influence well above 10-30 kHz in spite of the fact that
published literature (for instance [109]-[111]) totally neglects the influence of the
core above 10 kHz. This widespread assumption has probably arisen from the fact
that non-impulsed windings are short-circuited and grounded during standard
impulse tests, which reduces the core influence. Another reason might be the
convenience of excluding the core from the model and turning to air-core-theory.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 81 -

Iron Core Influence

5.2 One dimensional approximation

The purpose of these analytical steps is to determine the equivalent complex
permeability as a function of frequency, field intensity, material and dimensions,
as outlined in chapter 4.4.3. This permeability is obtained by determining the
average of the complex field penetration/core reaction (including eddy current
losses). The conducting, laminated core is replaced by a non-conducting, solid
core where core reaction and losses are represented by the equivalent complex
permeability obtained analytically. This means that the eddy current losses in the
laminated, conducting core is represented as linear hysteresis loss in a solid,
ferromagnetic non-conducting core.

This enables the users of FEM-programs to take into account frequency dependent
eddy current losses and core flux penetration (inductance variation) without using
the vast number of elements normally needed at high frequencies in such
calculations. A solid core representation is very convenient in order to make use
of an axisymmetric model.

The first part is the description and limitation of the model as outlined below. This
is a classical situation used in many textbooks on electromagnetic field-theory, see
for instance: [138], [139]:



Hz(x) Jy(x) 2L

Figure 5.3: Infinite plate representation of a core lamination

The lamination has a thickness of t = 2L . The end effects are neglected (because
the thickness << width) so the width is not important at first (it is important if
considering interlaminar effects). Using Maxwell's equations in frequency

∇ × E = – jωB (5.5)

- 82 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

∇ × H = J + jωD (5.6)
together with the constitutive relations: J = σE , D = εE and B = µH , the
general wave equation is found by:
2 2 2
∇ H = k H where k = jωµ ( σ + jωε ) (5.7)
The magnetic field is applied in the z-direction, hence the only component of the
magnetic field is H z . H z varies only in the x-direction: H = H z ( x ) . The induced
currents flow only in the y-direction, with its variation along the x-axis:
J = J y ( x ) as shown in fig. 5.3. If σ » ωε , k is reduced to:
k ≈ jωµσ (5.8)
In one dimension, eq. (5.7) is reduced to:

= jωµσH z (5.9)

This differential equation has the standard solution of:

Hz ( x ) = H1 e + H2 e
kx – kx
k = ----------- (5.11)

δ = ----------- (5.12)
The latter equation is usually termed as the skin depth of any conducting material
with the material characteristics σ [ S ⁄ m ] and µ [ H ⁄ m ] and with an angular
frequency of ω [ rad ⁄ s ]

To find the expression for the magnetic field H z ( x ) , the boundary conditions is
applied. The field strength on the surface of both sides of the laminate is assumed
to be H 0 (and equal). This strictly means that the field strength on the surface of
all laminates in the core has the same value. This will be discussed further in
chapter 5.4. For reasons of symmetry, the following conditions are obtained:
Hz ( L ) = Hz ( –L ) = H0 (5.13)
The final equation for the magnetic field can then be found:
cosh ( kx )
H z ( x ) = H 0 ⋅ ----------------------- (5.14)
cosh ( kL )
Eq. (5.6) can be applied to find the current density:

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 83 -

Iron Core Influence

sinh ( kx )
J y ( x ) = ∂ H z ( x ) = kH 0 ----------------------- (5.15)
∂x cosh ( kL )
The amplitude is found by using the complex conjugate as shown below:

cosh ⎛⎝ ------⎞⎠ + cos ⎛⎝ ------⎞⎠

2x 2x
δ δ
Hz ( x ) = Hz ( x ) ⋅ Hz ( x ) = H0 ---------------------------------------------------- (5.16)
cosh ⎛ ------⎞ + cos ⎛ ------⎞
2L 2L
⎝ δ⎠ ⎝ δ⎠
The normalized magnetic field intensity is shown in figure 5.4

f=10 kHz
f=20 kHz
0.8 f=50 kHz
f=100 kHz
0.7 f=1 MHz







−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
x [m] −4
x 10
Figure 5.4: Normalized magnetic field intensity. Values: σ = 2e6 , µ ri = 300
and 2L = 0, 35mm

As seen above, the change is largest from 10-100 kHz, while above 1MHz the field
is completely displaced from the middle of the laminate and the penetration depth
is much less than the thickness of the laminate. The change from DC to 10 kHz is
moderate. This is the part where the skin depth is much larger than the thickness
of the lamination, and the eddy currents are restricted by lack of space and the
resistivity of the material. The eddy current distribution is said to be “resistance-
limited”. For high frequencies, the current distribution is limited by the effect of

- 84 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

its own field, and the are said to be “inductance-limited” as per Stoll [92]. This can
be further elucidated by studying the current distribution at the different
frequencies, where the distribution is linear at low frequencies and parabolic at
higher frequencies. The amplitude of the current density at the different
frequencies used in fig. 5.4 is shown in figure 5.5:

f=1 kHz
f=10 kHz
2 f=100 kHz
f=1 MHz
|J(x)|/H0 [A/cm2]



−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
x [m] −4
x 10

Figure 5.5: Normalized current density. Values: σ = 2e6 , µ ri = 300 and

2L = 0, 35mm

As outlined initially, the goal is to establish an expression for the permeability

based on the complex magnetic field distribution. Moreau et al. [120] used the
complex power loss density distribution. A simpler approach is described in the
following. The complex magnetic field distribution is averaged to be able to
equalize the laminated iron core to an isotropic non-conducting material having a
complex permeability. This permeability is then easily implemented into any FEM

The effective, complex permeability of a lamination is given as the average,

magnetic flux-density in the laminate normalized to the surface magnetic field:

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 85 -

Iron Core Influence

1 1
µ∗ = ------ ⋅ B = ------------- ⋅ ∫ ( µH ) dx (5.17)
H0 H 0 2L

Eq. (5.14) is inserted into (5.17) and the permeability is obtained by its solution:
tanh ( kL )
µ∗ = µ r µ 0 ⋅ ---------------------- = µ 0 ( µ′ – jµ″ ) (5.18)
The equivalent complex permeability for the core material is obtained in terms of
its real and imaginary parts by splitting the permeability as shown in eq. (5.18):

⎛ sinh ⎛ 2L ------⎞ + sin ⎛ 2L ------⎞ ⎞

µ rδ
⎜ ⎝ δ⎠ ⎝ δ⎠⎟
µ′ = Re ( µ∗ ) ⁄ µ 0 = -------- ⋅ ⎜ ----------------------------------------------------⎟ (5.19)
2L ⎜
⎝ cosh ⎝ -----
⎛ 2L-⎞ + cos ⎛ 2L ------⎞ ⎟
δ⎠ ⎝ δ ⎠⎠

⎛ sinh ⎛ 2L ------⎞ – sin ⎛ 2L ------⎞ ⎞

µ δ ⎜ ⎝ δ ⎠ ⎝ δ⎠⎟
µ″ = – I m ( µ∗ ) ⁄ µ 0 = -------
- ⋅ ⎜ ---------------------------------------------------⎟ (5.20)
2L ⎜
⎝ cosh ⎝ -----
⎛ 2L-⎞ – cos ⎛ 2L ------⎞ ⎟⎠
δ ⎠ ⎝ δ⎠
The reason for splitting up into real and imaginary parts is that some FEM-
programs do not handle a complex permeability and thus must make two separate
calculations for the inductance and resistance respectively.

The interlaminar zones are so far neglected. The permeability of these zones
(equal to µ 0 ) should be represented as a parallel flux-path to the laminates. Its
influence is determined by the stacking factor (usually around 0.96):
γ = ----------- (5.21)
where L is the lamination thickness and l is the interlaminar/coating thickness.

If the cooling ducts are to be taken into account, the following total stacking factor
is defined:
γ Total = γ – γ Cooling (5.22)
where γ Cooling is the percentage value of the cooling duct areas (for instance 5%)
compared to the net iron area of the core. The final complex permeability for the
homogenized core can then be expressed as:

µ∗ ⋅ L + µ 0 ⋅ L ( 1 – γ Total ) µ 0 ⋅ ( 1 – γ Total ) + µ∗
µ tot∗ = ----------------------------------------------------------
- = ----------------------------------------------- (5.23)
L + L ( 1 – γ Total ) 2 – γ Total

- 86 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

Resulting complex permeability for a M6 lamination is shown in fig. 5.6



Relative permeability




2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5.6: Resulting complex permeability for a M5 lamination with µ ri = 300 ,

σ = 2e6 [ S ⁄ m ] , 2L = 0, 35mm , γ = 0, 96 and γ cooling = 5 %

The material parameters to be used are in most cases not known and have to be
estimated. Wilcox et al. [46] derived analytical formulations of frequency
dependent inductances and losses due to the core with high degree of accuracy
when compared to measurements. The material-parameters where calculated
based on measurements on the respective cores.

In practice the material parameters are hard to obtain since the yoke and windings
must be removed to make possible the fitting of test windings for measurements.
Alternatively the permeability can be estimated from the slope of minor hysteresis
loops of the core steel (if available). Due to limited data normally available during
modelling, it is important to know the influence of each of these parameters.
Measurements from [44] and [46] are used during the next chapter to validate the
principle in a FEM-calculation.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 87 -

Iron Core Influence

5.3 FEM verification

In order to verify the theory developed regarding frequency-dependent iron core
characteristics and the equivalent complex permeability representation, a few test
cases are used for comparison. A small core from a distribution transformer [46]
is employed as the first test object due to well-documented details and
measurements. The second one is a large single phase core used by Fergestad [44].
Both these cases have measurements performed with only a test-winding attached
to the core, simplifying comparison to FEM-simulation.

5.3.1 Wilcox 25 kVA core

The model below is implemented to quantify the influence of the core for the flux
distribution, and to verify/calibrate the calculation according to measurements
done by Wilcox et al. [46]. The geometry comprises a double disc with 12 turns
and the core is a 3-legged stacked core. All measures are given in fig. 5.7:

Figure 5.7: Dimensions in millimetres of the 25kVA test object used by Wilcox
[46]. Double-disc dimensions to the left. Core dimensions to the right.

All measurements done by Wilcox in this experiment are performed at the outer
leg. The FEM-model is developed in 2D-axisymmetric with a closed core
surrounding the geometry. Core dimensions are adjusted in order to obtain the
same reluctance for the two different geometries. The yoke of the axisymmetric
model is shaped so that the cross-section is constant. Calculation of axisymmetric
core dimensions is shown in appendix J.1. The axisymmetric FEM-model is
shown in fig. 5.8.

- 88 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

Axis of

Figure 5.8: Axisymmetric FEM-representation of the geometry specified by

Wilcox [46]. Field distribution (Vector Potential, A) solved at 1 MHz

The model includes the complex permeability found in eq. (5.23), and the self-
inductance and losses are calculated as a function of frequency as shown in fig. 5.9

In [46], the equivalent permeability was found to be 843 by measurements. Wilcox

et al. use a solid core approximation in his method, and calls for a frequency-
dependent adjustment of the resistivity in order to obtain agreement with
measurements. Neglecting leakage flux, the permeability can be determined by
calculating the reluctance of the core from the dimensions given in fig. 5.7, and the
low frequency measurement of the inductance (shown in fig. 5.9 and [46]). Using
these results, the permeability is calculated to be 850. The deviation is attributed
to the contribution of the leakage flux.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 89 -

Iron Core Influence

1.2 Calculation (FEM)

Inductance [mH]





1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Resistance [Ω]


Calculation (FEM)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5.9: Self inductance (upper) and series resistance (lower) vs. frequency
for a complex permeability-representation of the core compared to measurements
by Wilcox [46]

The results of the calculation are shown in fig. 5.9. The proximity effect is
incorporated using complex permeability representation similar to the core
following [120]. The contribution from the proximity effect will then calculated

- 90 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

together with the iron losses. Skin effect in the conductors is implemented using
an analytical approach initially introduced by Stoll [138].

In the loss calculation given above, a characteristic 'knee' can clearly be seen in the
curve at 10 kHz. This 'knee' is typical in the area where the penetration depth, δ ,
approaches the thickness of the lamination, 2L . This 'knee' occurs at the same
frequency as where the imaginary part of the permeability reaches its maximum

The analytical approach by Wilcox assumes the total core length to be straightened
out between two plates of infinite permeability, which means that a flux line
leaving at one end, immediately enters the model at the other end (same position).
This should also be possible in FEM using periodic boundary conditions. The
advantage would be the inclusion of inductance between phases/legs.

As seen in fig. 5.9 there is a deviation between the measurement and the model.
This can be due to a difference in the resistivity of the iron laminates. In the FEM-
model, a resistivity of ρ = 4, 8 ⋅ 10 which is considered to be a common value
for iron laminates [140]. There will of course be differences between oriented and
non-oriented laminations and also the different alloys to control the resistivity (Si-
Fe). The method of Wilcox et al. seems to have a slightly better agreement with
his measurements [46], but this is due to the adjustment done for the resistivity in
order to utilize a solid core. Their model needs measurements on each specific
core in order to calibrate the parameters of the model.

Another source for the deviation is interlaminar effects. Such effects will reduce
the net flux carried by the core and hence reduce effective permeability.

Interlaminar effects are caused by interlaminar currents, either capacitive or

resistive. This is investigated in chapter 5.4.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 91 -

Iron Core Influence

5.3.2 Fergestad 200 MVA core

Wilcox also compared his method [46] to one of the cores used in Fergestad’s
doctoral work [44]. This core is a single phase core rated at 200 MVA. Wilcox
adapted the permeability µ r = 343 . In lack of anything more accurate, the
resistivity is assumed to be ρ = 4, 8 ⋅ 10 . Fergestad investigated the influence
of the mutual coupling between single discs mounted on this core in order to be
able to separate the common flux and leakage flux. Dimensions and the equivalent
axisymmetric model is shown in fig. 5.10.


0,66m 0,84m

Figure 5.10: Dimensions and axial symmetrical model of the 200 MVA core
investigated by Fergestad [44]

By making use of the many different measurements done by Fergestad, it is

possible to investigate the validity of the complex permeability approach in 2D
axial symmetry. This is important both in terms of possible difference in high
frequency behaviour, and also the mutual coupling between discs depending on
the distance.

The first comparison is shown in fig. 5.11, where calculated self-inductance at two
different positions on the core is compared to the measured self-inductance.

- 92 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence





Femlab model−center
Femlab model−end

1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 5.11: Comparison of calculated self-inductance to the measurements done
by Fergestad [44]. Measurements obtained from fig. 5.12 ( M′ 12 ( x = 0 ) )

The self inductance in the Femlab-model is calculated at two different positions

on the core. Centre means at the centre of the leg, while end means 10 cm from the
yoke. This shows a clear difference for the self-inductance depending on the
position along the leg, which is the contrary to what is reported in the
measurements by Fergestad and Henriksen [42]-[44].

Fig. 5.11 shows that there is a possibility that the representation using axial
symmetry and a core window equal to the window for the real core overestimates
the inductance close to the yoke at all frequencies, while slightly underestimating
the inductance at high frequencies at the centre of the leg. Since the leakage field
in a real transformer is equal to the axisymmetric model only inside the core
window, it is possible that the leakage field outside the core window is more

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 93 -

Iron Core Influence

Figure 5.12: Mutual coupling between single discs due to distance and frequency
as measured by Fergestad [44]

As seen from fig. 5.12, the inductance for the winding in air is quite different from
the winding on core at 200 kHz. This demonstrate the importance of the core at
higher frequencies.

18 50 Hz
50 kHz
250 kHz
14 Wdg. in air

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance between discs [m]

Figure 5.13: Mutual coupling (simulated) between single discs as a function of

distance and frequency

- 94 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

The comparison shows a clear underestimation of the inductance by the FEM-

model. Winding in air is simulated by setting permeability of core equivalent to 1.

Since it is unknown whether these measurements were performed un-tanked or in-

tank, the use of this verification is rather limited, and calls for similar
measurements to be done in the future. This is important when permeability is
reduced at higher frequencies since the leakage field play a prominent part at
increasing frequencies. From a practical point of view, it is reasonable to assume
that these measurements were performed out of tank due to the many operations
necessary if done in tank.

Using this assumption it is reasonable to assume that the leakage field will be
different from the calculated field, since the boundaries are different. This is
further confirmed by comparing calculation and measurement of the curves for
“winding in air”. The measured mutual inductance is larger at all distances and this
is probably due to the difference in available space for “storing” the magnetic
energy of the leakage inductance.

If the core is un-tanked, it will introduce errors in the axisymmetric representation

promoting alternative representations such as a straight core-equivalent with
periodic boundary-conditions.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 95 -

Iron Core Influence

5.4 Interlaminar effects

5.4.1 Introduction
Since the one dimensional complex permeability approximation (CP1D)
overestimates the self-inductance compared to the measurements done by Wilcox
[46], an attempt to study interlaminar effects was initiated.

It may be assumed that there exist currents between the laminates in the core at
high frequencies. Eddy-currents at very high frequencies appear as currents
flowing at the core surface rather than at the surface of the laminates. This supports
the possibility to represent the core with a thin cylinder at very high frequencies as
assumed by Buckow [109].

With a sheet thickness of 0.35mm and a stacking factor of 0.96, the interlaminar
capacitance at a sheet width of 440 mm will be in the order of 300 nF/m (assuming
ε = ε 0 ). The reactance of this capacitance will be 5-6 Ohm/m at 100 kHz.
Additionally, the resistance of the interlaminar coating will be important. Very
little theoretical considerations on interlaminar effects are found in the literature.

The interlaminar resistive current is usually very low at power frequency due to
the fact that the induced electrical field between laminates is low, and that an
insulating coating is applied to restrict the eddy currents from flowing between
laminations. The resistance is heavily dependent on the type of insulation and its
thickness. For older designs, a paper insulation was usually used. For more recent
designs the insulation is employed by a coating on the surface of the laminate
[141], usually an organic resin coating. At power frequency the interlaminar losses
are usually 0,5-2% of the no load losses, and this is mainly due to imperfect joints
and cutting.

At higher frequencies, the induced interlaminar electrical field will most likely
increase. At a certain point, the effective resistance in the laminates approaches the
interlaminar impedance. Increasing the frequency further will make the
interlaminar currents dominate the total eddy currents and a larger eddy current
loop is formed. Attention must be paid regarding the cooling-ducts within the core,
where the inter-laminar capacitance will be very small and resistive currents will
be zero. This leads to a separation into a number of smaller loops for the resulting
eddy currents.

Interlaminar effects might be important for high frequency transients in

transformers and should be investigated further to find the frequency limit where
it dominates the induced currents in the core. The problem at very high frequencies
is that the quasi-static assumptions becomes less accurate (the magnetic influence
of displacement currents can no longer be neglected at a certain frequency).

- 96 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

Interlaminar currents will add another dimension to the expressions of the

magnetic field strength and the current density (variation along both the x- and y-
axis). Interlaminar currents are flowing in the x-direction according to fig. 5.14.




2l J’x(x,y)

Figure 5.14: The interaction of currents within core laminates

The situation given in fig. 5.14 will be the case at an intermediate frequency where
the interlaminar currents start making a difference. At even higher frequencies the
magnetic field will be completely displaced from the middle of the laminates
( y = 0 ) as indicated in figure 5.15. The current-distribution will in this case be
characterised by the interlaminar penetration depth, Λ , as shown in fig. 5.15 and

The effect of flux displaced from the centre of the core upon the leakage field
distribution should also be investigated. This would be important for the complex
permeability-representation, when interlaminar effects are included. Two very
different ways of including these effects into the FEM-calculations are proposed:
• Keep homogeneous core description, but correct the initial formulas (eq.
(5.19) and (5.20)) for complex permeability, by using the interlaminar
penetration depth Λ as shown in figure 5.15.
• Make the complex permeability in the core leg dependent on r (position/
distance from the centre axis) and Λ , in order to realize a flux displacement
from the inner parts of the core.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 97 -

Iron Core Influence

The best method will be dependent on whether the interlaminar penetration depth
is constant to the last lamination in the stack (core surface) or if the end effects
influence on this penetration depth across many laminations. If the former is the
case, then this will be a 2D-description and the proposed descriptions will be
coarse approximations.



Figure 5.15: Interlaminar currents dominating the field distribution over the
eddy currents.

Interlaminar conductive losses will also contribute to a certain extent, and will
dominate interlaminar currents at low and intermediate frequencies. It is described
by the Surface Insulation Resistance:

The resistance of a unit area of surface coating measured perpendicular to the

surface usually expressed in Ω ⋅ cm per lamination. Surface insulation resistance
is considered adequate if the inter-laminar loss is restricted to less than 2% of total
core loss at power frequency. In absolute values it should be greater than or equal
to 10 Ω ⋅ cm when measured by the Franklin test method [142]-[144]. With a
surface resistance of 10 Ω ⋅ cm , a lamination thickness of 0,35 mm, and a
stacking factor of 0,96, the interlaminar conductivity becomes:
( 1 – 0, 96 ) ⋅ 0, 00035m-
σ = -------------------------------------------------------
= 0, 014 [ S ⁄ m ] (5.24)
0, 001Ωm

- 98 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

At a given magnetic field in the core, the quality of the interlaminar surface
insulation is a function of lamination width. Increasing the width of the
laminations, also increase the induced voltage per turn requiring an improved
insulation coating [145].

Since the interlaminar induced voltage increases with frequency, the resistive
currents and losses also increase with frequency. For distribution-transformers the
interlaminar resistance can be lower than 10 Ω ⋅ cm . A typical value for
distribution transformers according to AK Steel [146] is 3-15 Ω ⋅ cm (using C3-
grade coating; Gradings are defined in [147] and [148]). For large power
transformers this number is given to be 5-50 Ω ⋅ cm (C5-coating). Additionally
there exists a C6-coating for very high interlaminar resistance: up to 1500
Ω ⋅ cm . To evaluate this effect, we make use of the complex conductivity in
order to compare:
s = σ + jωε (5.25)
As seen from eq. (5.25) the conductive current dominates when σ » ωε . The
transitional frequency is found from:
ω 0 = --- (5.26)

When ε = ε 0 and σ = 0, 014 [ S ⁄ m ] , the transition where dielectric interlaminar

currents start dominating the conductive currents, will occur at approx. 250 MHz.
If maximum frequency of consideration is 10 MHz, it means that the dielectric
currents can be neglected if the conductivity of the coating is well above
–1 2
0, 00056 [ Ωm ] . This equals a surface resistance of 200 Ω ⋅ cm .

Tavner and Jackson [149] solved the magnetic field due to interlaminar capacitive
currents by means of eigenfunctions. They found interlaminar capacitive currents
neglectable below 20 MHz for laminated cores in electrical machines. Resistive
currents were neglected assuming a perfect insulation between laminates. Even
though the application is different from a transformer core, the analysis is similar.
A surface resistance corresponding to a transition from resistive to capacitive
currents at 20 MHz is equal to 100 Ω ⋅ cm . It should be investigated whether this
value cancel the effect of resistive interlaminar currents at lower frequencies or
not. In other words the upper value for surface resistance should be determined in
order to evaluate what coating-types that influence and not.

A FEM-simulation (fig. 5.16) for a package of 8 laminates where performed to

study interlaminar effects at different frequencies (1 kHz - 10 MHz). The
geometry is scaled (x- and y-axis not equal) in order to be able to illustrate the

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 99 -

Iron Core Influence

Figure 5.16: FEM-solution of the normalized internal and interlaminar magnetic

field at 1MHz (color indicating field strength)

The outer lamination of the package is applied to a field strength, H 0 at one of its
surfaces. The interlaminar field on the other side of this lamination is not very
different from the field in the other interlaminar zones. This means that such end-
effects can be neglected and that the analytical solution in the next chapter can be
applied to the whole core as one unit. This also means that the penetration into the
core is dependent on the direction of the field (perpendicular to the surface or the
edge of the laminate). But since the width of the laminates is reduced towards the
surface, the importance of this 2D-effect is assumed to be small.

- 100 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

A cross-section plot (fig. 5.17) is made from this simulation for the field strength
in the gap between the laminates at different frequencies.
f [Hz]

Figure 5.17: Normalized magnetic field H z ⁄ H 0 between laminates at different

frequencies (1kHz-10MHz)

Fig. 5.17 shows that the field is not completely displaced from the middle of the
core (between the laminates) even at 10 MHz.

Since this effect is clearly important at low values for the surface resistance,
usability of these results calls for an analytical solution of the magnetic field, in
order to be able to utilize the results in a FEM-based transformer model.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 101 -

Iron Core Influence

5.4.2 Two-dimensional approximation

The formulation is extended compared to the one-dimensional approach (CP1D).
The end-effects can no longer be neglected since the ends (edges) of the laminates
incorporate the main boundary-condition (source) for the formulation. Both the
thickness and width of the lamination is given according to the configuration
shown in fig. 5.18. Lamination width is 2D , and thickness is 2L , while the
interlaminar gap is 2l .

-D L D
x Hz1(x,y)
=H1(x,y) 2L
2 l
H2(x,y) 2l


Figure 5.18: Configuration and dimensions of the CP2D formulation

The problem is now two dimensional and the general wave equation (5.7) is
reduced to:
2 2
∂ H i ( x, y ) ∂ H i ( x, y )
------------------------- + ------------------------- = k i ⋅ H i (5.27)
2 2
∂x ∂y
where H i is the magnetic field in the z-direction in material i .

The magnetic field inside and between the steel laminates is solved analytically in
appendix J.2, and the field inside the steel can be approximated as:
cosh ( k 1 ⋅ x ) cosh ( β ⋅ y ⁄ D )
H 1 ≈ H 0 ⋅ ----------------------------- ⋅ ----------------------------------- (5.28)
cosh ( k 1 ⋅ L ) cosh ( β )

γ tanh ( k 1 ⋅ L )
where β = k 2 ⋅ D ⋅ ----------- ⋅ µ r ⋅ ----------------------------- (5.30)
1–γ k1 ⋅ L

and k i = jωµ i ⋅ ( σ i + jωε i ) (5.31)

i = 1 : magnetic steel, i = 2 : non-magnetic interlaminar coating

- 102 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

The penetration depth, Λ of the field along the surface of the lamination is given
Λ = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.32)
β ⋅ tanh ( β ) + k 2 ⋅ D ⋅ tanh ( k 2 ⋅ D )
The absolute value of the penetration depth Λ is plotted against frequency to show
its frequency-dependency:

Depth of interlaminar penetration |Λ|




2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5.19: Interlaminar penetration depth Λ in [m]. Values: µ r1 = 300 ,

σ 1 =2e6 S/m,
σ 2 = 0,014, 2L=0.035mm, 2D=0,5m γ =0,96

Observing fig. 5.19, there is a change in slope of the curve at 10-20 kHz. This is
investigated further in appendix J in fig. J.4.

The relative permeability of the core including interlaminar effects is obtained by

averaging the magnetic flux density across the lamination and interlaminar zone,
normalized to the applied field strength (at the edges) H 0 :
tanh ( k 1 ⋅ L ) tanh ( β ) tanh ( k 1 ⋅ D )
µ∗ = ⎛ 1 – γ + µ r ⋅ γ ⋅ -----------------------------⎞ ⋅ ------------------- + µ r ⋅ γ ⋅ ------------------------------ (5.33)
⎝ k1 ⋅ L ⎠ β k1 ⋅ D

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 103 -

Iron Core Influence

The real and imaginary part of the complex permeability is shown in fig. 5.20.


250 µ′CP2D
Relative permeability




2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5.20: Relative permeability: Influence of interlaminar currents. Values:

µ r1 = 300 , σ 1 =2e6 S/m, σ 2 = 0,014, 2L=0.035mm, 2D=0,5m γ =0,96

An interlaminar conductivity of σ 2 = 0, 0014 [ S ⁄ m ] resulted in a very small

difference and must be regarded as the limit where interlaminar effects may be
neglected for practical frequencies. This conductivity equals a surface insulation
resistance of approximately 100 [ Ωm ] , and high quality coatings have surface
insulation resistance above this value, resulting in an accurate representation using
the one dimensional approach (CP1D).

In order to investigate permeability at the higher frequencies, it is better to make a

logarithmic plot. This way it is possible to see the frequency where the core
approaches a permeability equal to one, and also if it possibly can be approximated
to a shielding cylinder.

- 104 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

Relative permeability



2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 5.21: Relative permeability (logarithmic) equal to fig. 5.20

As seen from fig. 5.21 CP2D crosses µ 0 at approximately 10 MHz, while CP1D
cross the same permeability above 100 MHz. This clearly shows that the iron core
cannot be neglected for any of the frequencies considered in this work, if it is to
be represented correctly in versatile high frequency power transformer models.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 105 -

Iron Core Influence

5.4.3 CP2D verification

As concluded in chapter 5.3.1, the FEM-based model for the core of Wilcox
overestimated the inductance. CP2D is applied to the same model in order to
verify the prospective improvements of including interlaminar effects.

1.2 FEM (CP1D)
Inductance [mH]





1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Resistance [Ω]


10 Measured
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5.22: Comparison of the one- and two-dimensional approach applied to

the geometry of Wilcox [46]

As observed in fig. 5.22, CP2D seem to improve accuracy for the inductance
calculation, but still the inductance is overestimated around 1 kHz. A possible
explanation for this might be a difference in the conductivity of the core steel.

- 106 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

5.5 Results - Core Influence

The importance of a proper iron core representation is emphasized in this chapter.
When determining the inductance matrix in a transformer model, even at high
frequencies, the iron core influences on the leakage flux. It is shown that the core
cannot be neglected for any of the frequencies considered in this work. In the
following different investigations are done to evaluate which parameters in an iron
core representation that are important in a transformer model (voltage ratio/TF).

The different parameters investigated are: Core topology (Size, shape and parts),
permeability and laminate thickness.

All measurements shown are done on phase B at OLTC-pos. +6 unless otherwise


All models established, are based on the one-dimensional frequency-dependent

complex permeability-description (CP1D) given in chapter 5.2

5.5.1 Open core equivalent

The first attempt of core representation in SUMER is to model only the core leg
(with no return-path) in order to try to correct the leakage field surrounding the
core leg.

Since periodic boundary-conditions is not possible within SUMER, this result is

merely of interest compared to the no-core representation presented in chapter 4.
A periodic boundary-condition would be preferable since the core can be modeled
as a core leg with length equal to the effective length of the core seen from either
the outer or centre phase. This is utilized in the analytical/numerical approach
suggested by Wilcox [46], and using this approach enables the inclusion of the
other phases (coupled by the common flux).

In this work, with the core window approach, the coupling between phases cannot
be directly included into the model. Fergestad [42] concluded that the interphase
leakage field is of minor importance. This means that only the common flux might
be of interest for interphase inductance. And these inductances might be calculated
analytically by means of a reluctance consideration (using CP1D).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 107 -

Iron Core Influence

Sumer: Open core


103 104 105 106 107

Figure 5.23: Comparison with open core model: Transfer function from HV to LV
winding with both neutrals grounded.

As seen from figure 5.23, there are large improvements compared to the previous
results neglecting the core (figure 4.10 on page 74). As mentioned SUMER does
not support periodic boundary-conditions and all flux must travel through the core
window. This makes the reluctance too large and naturally it influences on the
transfer function at the first resonances, but general trends and low frequency
behaviour has improved significantly.

The conspicuous peak of the model at 4 MHz is not physical but it is the upper
resonance due to the bandwidth of the model. This peak occurs since the model is
built up of lumped equivalent circuits, and this discretisation will limit the
frequency range applicable to the model as the peak showing up at 4MHz. This
distinct feature occurs in all the following models one way or the other and must
be taken as a disability of the model rather than a physical characteristic of the

- 108 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

5.5.2 Closed core equivalent

The next step is to establish a closed core equivalent.

The shape of the yoke equivalent is modeled to obtain a constant reluctance. Since
it is modeled in axial symmetry, the reluctance of the yoke will be depending upon
its height and the distance from the centre-axis (the total cross-section increases
with the distance from the centre-axis). Details on the translation into
axisymmetric representation is found in Appendix J.1 on page 216.


Figure 5.24: Closed core representation in SUMER

Depending on the type of transformer (two leg (single phase), three leg or five leg),
the cross-section of the yoke will be equal to or larger than the cross-section of the
leg. Assuming a three legged core with the same cross-section for the yoke and the
leg, and that figure 5.24 shows the centre phase, the total cross-section for the yoke
(two in parallel) will be twice the cross-section of the leg.

Two different topologies were tested regarding the width of the core window:
• Full window size: The full size of the window is used (leg to leg distance).
• Half window size: Half the size of the window is used in order to correct for
the distance to the tank and other windings.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 109 -

Iron Core Influence

A comparison of the two different core shapes (half- and full window size) is
shown in fig.5.25

Closed core model, half window size
Closed core model, full window size



103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5.25: Closed core: Full- and half window size (width), µ r = 100

As can be seen from figure 5.25 the difference between the two is not very large.
It seems like the full window size is a bit closer to the measurement. A possible
reason is that this situation is closest to the available space between winding and
tank since most of the leakage field is set up in this area, and not inside the
window. The difference appears only around the lower resonances. Other
parameters could also be influencing in the same region, such as the permeability.

5.5.3 Influence of permeability

To study the influence of different initial/nominal permeability for the iron, a set
of different simulations led to the conclusion that permeability is not very
important since the main part of the field strength will be applied across a large
“air-gap” (the core window) at the resonances, and the permeability is at least one
decade larger than for free space. The value that seem to agree best to
measurements is found to be in the area of 50-100, which complies well with
values found in literature (will actually depend on the core material used)

- 110 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

Model (ur=100)
Model (ur=500)
Model (ur=50)



103 104 105 106 107
Figure 5.26: Influence of different initial permeability

As seen in fig. 5.26, the permeability is not very important for the accuracy of the
model. This means that the values for the self- and mutual inductances in it self are
not critical, but the leakage inductance defined by the difference between these
two is important. It is obvious that the leakage inductances are determining for the
internal resonances. The flux pattern of the leakage flux seems to be important and
this is determined by the core leg and the oil volume outside the leg.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 111 -

Iron Core Influence

Fig. 5.27 illustrates the difference between low and high frequency permeability,
where the difference at high frequencies is clearly lower (ratio: 1.4) than at low
frequencies (ratio: 10). The reason for this is that the internal skin effect due to the
eddy currents is also dependent on the initial permeability.

Relative permeability




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5.27: Comparison of different permeabilities (real part) as a function of


5.5.4 Other influences

For parameter comparison (to previous chapters), a simulation on 2 different
laminate thicknesses were performed, but led to only minor changes in damping.
Since the changes are very small the result is not included here.

Another topic for discussion is whether different steels have different high
frequency characteristics (non-oriented, domain-refined, laser-scribed etc.) This
should be investigated, since additional losses compared to losses calculated using
classical eddy current theory are very large at lower frequencies.

The yoke-representation is also questioned, since the inductance of coils close to

the yoke seems to be overestimated.

- 112 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Iron Core Influence

5.6 Discussion and Conclusion

A one-dimensional approach for the complex permeability of the core seems to be
fairly accurate. The initial permeability and the resistivity of the laminates is of
great importance for an accurate inductance calculation, but are rarely known.

For the two-dimensional representation of the complex permeability including

interlaminar effects, the coating resistivity is very important. The resistivity is
assumed to be higher for large transformers than for small ones, such as
distribution transformers). Coating properties is also assumed to have improved
over the years so older transformer may incorporate a lower quality coating. A
high coating resistivity reduces the influence of interlaminar effects.

Hypothesis 3 has been disproved in this chapter. The basic formulas developed for
one-dimensional complex permeability can easily be implemented into any FEM-
software. The one-dimensional approach is used in the following since the two-
dimensional approach requires detailed knowledge on the materials used in the
laminations, and that is usually not available.

The complex permeability can also be made anisotropic to account for any
difference in the x- and y-direction inside the core (grain oriented materials). This
has shown to have little effect on the overall losses.

A two-dimensional representation of the core using rotational symmetry will

result in a different leakage field than for a real transformer since most of the
winding is outside the window of the core rather than inside.

The core representation seem to increase the accuracy of the model since damping
is underestimated in the earlier models.

Dielectric losses should also be evaluated since the model will be dominated by
the dielectric characteristics at high frequencies. The limit of domination is not
known but an assumption could be above 500 kHz. Ageing might also change
some of these parameters.

The complex permeability representation does not take into account the fact that
the leakage flux will enter the core in two principal directions to the laminates:
Either at the edge of the laminate or at its surface. This might be a source of error
for the assumption that all laminates carries the same flux or at least have the same
field strength on both sides. The leakage-flux will also induce eddy currents in
other directions than the flux confined to the core when entering or leaving the
core. This is not taken into account. Leakage flux entering a surface will induce
large-loop eddy currents.

The homogenized permeability is really anisotropic in 3 directions: The rolling

direction of the laminate, the perpendicular direction to the rolling direction and

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 113 -

Iron Core Influence

the perpendicular direction to the laminate surface. This means it is really a 3D

problem. An evaluation of the limitations by of the 1D permeability-
approximation should therefore be considered in the future (in 3D).

The permeability of the iron does not seem to have a large influence on the voltage
ratio. This supports the idea of the leakage inductance being important for the
resonances, while the common flux results in a constant voltage per turn. A
reasonable value for the initial relative permeability should be between 50-1000,
highly dependent on the material.

The size of the window does not seem to be important. It is therefore natural to
choose tank radius as the inner radius of the outer leg (in the axisymmetric model).

- 114 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



Hypothesis 4.: High frequency characteristics of insulating materials are

independent of frequency, temperature, moisture, ageing etc. Ageing should
therefore not change the FRA-signature.

6.1 Introduction
As outlined in chapter 2.5, the dielectric characteristics of transformer insulation
are normally regarded to be constant. Dielectric losses are usually neglected. Since
improving performance of the transformer model is important, it would be natural
to take a closer look at the dielectric properties of transformer insulation. If the
insulation inhibits dependencies regarding the parameters mentioned in
hypothesis 4, it would also be important to know the influence from these
parameters onto the FRA-signatures. The reason for this is that it would increase
FRA-sensitivity if such effects can be separated from different kinds of

This chapter review the data available in literature on the typical materials used in
insulation systems on power transformers. Additionally some initial
measurements are shown for impregnated pressboard (dry and moist), together
with a paper sample from a service-aged transformer.

In high frequency models for power transformers, all dielectric properties are
normally considered independent of frequency [44], [115], [117]. The reason
being limited data on such materials, and the fact that magnetic properties such as
inductances and eddy current losses depend more upon frequency than dielectric
properties possibly do. This might be one of the reasons for the low priority in
investigating prospective effects of dielectric materials for use in high frequency
models of power transformers.

The complex characteristics of combined oil and paper insulation have long been
recognized [151].

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 115 -

Dielectric Properties

6.2 Definitions
In general, the behaviour of a dielectric in an electrical field is described by means
of a complex frequency-dependent permittivity:

ε∗ = ε r∗ ε 0 = ε 0 ( ε′ ( ω ) – jε″ ( ω ) ) (6.1)

ε r∗ = ε′ ( ω ) – jε″ ( ω ) = ε′ ( ω ) ( 1 – j tan δ ) (6.2)

The dissipation-factor ( tan δ ) is defined as the ratio between the real and
imaginary part of the permittivity:
ε″ ( ω )
tan δ = -------------- (6.3)
ε′ ( ω )

6.3 Literature survey

Cellulose paper is used in many types of electrical insulation. In its purest form it
has a low breakdown strength, it is chemically inert and of low inherent electrical
conductivity [150]. Due to its mesh-like structure and fibrous character it normally
contains much air and absorbed moisture, seriously lowering its insulating
qualities, which is why both air and moisture must be removed and replaced with
another material of proper insulating characteristics. With the aid of capillary
forces (after drying and vacuum treatment), a replacement of air and moisture with
an insulating liquid such as oil is effectively accomplished, resulting in a high
breakdown strength.

One approach implementing frequency-dependent behaviour of dielectric

materials are Buckow [109]. Buckow measured the dielectric response directly in
a transformer geometry (Interturn, interdisc and interwinding measurements). At
high frequencies such a measurement setup could lead to erroneous results and
should therefore be used with care.

A linear approximation of one of Buckow’s [109] experimental results utilized in

transformer modeling by Rahimpour [1]:
–8 –3
tan δ = 1, 082 × 10 ⋅ ω + 5, 0 × 10 (6.4)
Measurements/data from a more controlled environment such as a custom-built
test-cell is highly desirable, in order to confirm or reject the possibility of a
frequency dependency.

At high frequencies the dielectric properties in a transformer model becomes

dominant, and the importance of possible frequency dependent dielectric effects
may become significant.

- 116 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Dielectric Properties

It has not been possible to find relevant information in the literature on dielectric
properties of pressboard regarding frequency, temperature, moisture, field
strength and ageing processes (at least for higher frequencies). Published material
is reviewed in the following for a comparison to the measurements performed.

6.3.1 Insulating oils

Insulating oils have been used in transformers since 1892 [152]. The first oils were
paraffin-based, but due to the high pour-point they were replaced with naphtenic
oils. Sludging soon occurred to be a problem with naphtenic oils, and reclaiming
techniques were developed, but this also led to an extraction of the natural
oxidation inhibitors which resulted in a higher rate of deterioration than new oils.
In the late 1950s, the development of industrial anti-oxidants commenced, but
such additives are consumed with time and monitoring/refilling is needed.

The many different mechanisms contributing to dielectric loss in insulating oils

are thoroughly reviewed by Bartnikas [153]. Dipole orientation, space-charge
polarization and ionic conduction was found to be the most dominant mechanisms.
Losses related to dipole orientation and ionic conduction increased markedly with
the aromatic content of the oil. Another finding was that the ionic conduction
losses were found to depend on the viscosity of the oil. Space-charge or interface
loss was ascribed to residual moisture since it did not appear to be a simple
function of neither viscosity nor aromatic content. His tan δ -measurements show
a distinct temperature-dependent peak, attributed to dipole-losses due to the
aromatic content of the oil [153]. At normal, operational temperatures of a
transformer, the dielectric losses of insulating oils will be very low in the
frequency-range considered in this work (since the peak is well above this range
for higher temperatures). It has not been possible to find data regarding losses of
aged, polluted oils.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 117 -

Dielectric Properties

6.3.2 Insulating paper

The major reasons for the widespread use of paper as high voltage insulation are
low cost, availability, good electrical and mechanical properties. Paper contain
about 90% cellulose, 6-7% hemicellulose and 3-4% lignin [154]. Cellulose, which
is a natural polymer of glucose, degrades slowly during service as the polymer-
chains break down. This process releases degradation products into the oil.

Investigations done by Morgan [155], show that dielectric properties in a stack of

dry multi layer paper is dependent on both frequency and temperature as well as
compression and air pressure. His investigations shows that the permittivity
increases with compression due to the increased density. As expected, the
permittivity asymptotically approaches the permittivity of pure cellulose, when all
fibres are compressed.

Race [156] investigated the dielectric properties of dry cable paper in 1940,
where relative permittivity is reduced at high frequencies as the dielectric losses
increase towards a peak. This peak is temperature-dependent and is attributed to
the dynamics and movements of the main chains. If measurements are
complemented using even higher frequencies, another relaxation/peak would
occur, which is related to the movement and dynamics of side groups of the
cellulose chains [157].

6.3.3 Oil-impregnated paper

Heat and vacuum are applied to the paper before impregnation to remove residual
moisture from the paper. If kept in humid surroundings, the insulation will
eventually obtain an equilibrium. Moisture degrade electrical properties and must
be avoided. It also accelerates the processes of ageing. Ageing itself produces
water and it is therefore not possible to avoid moisture in the paper. Nevertheless
it is desirable to reduce the initial ageing-rate by lowering the water-content as
much as possible. Due to the bonding-strength between H 2 O dipoles and the
hydroxyl groups of the cellulose molecules, vacuum-dried paper fibres retain
between 0.5-1% [158] of bound water.

Race et al. [156] also measured the real and imaginary part of the permittivity for
oil-impregnated cable-paper. Since cable-paper and kraft-paper might be slightly
different, and the oil-quality is unknown, these measurements must be used with
care within a transformer model, but may be used in lack of anything else. As a
base for comparison to future measurements they might prove beneficial.

6.3.4 Ageing effects

Deterioration results in sludging, particles and ageing-products such as acids,
moisture and others. These by-products will probably have some influence on the
dielectric characteristics. At least for the dielectric losses. The big question is
whether this influence will appear in the frequency-range of interest in this work,
i.e. above a few hundred kHz.

- 118 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Dielectric Properties

The high frequency dielectric properties are traditionally considered to be

insensitive to ageing. But Batruni [159] investigated the effect of thermally
accelerated ageing of kraft-paper. The real part of the permittivity and the loss
tangent were investigated by monitoring the changes in capacitance and
conductance as a function of frequency and time of ageing. The initial DP-value
were 717, and after 30 days of accelerated ageing, it measured 390. This means
that the paper was not aged to near-end-of-life stage (at a DP of 150-200). Water
was produced resulting in a 10% increase of the capacitance. Additionally the
degradation of the cellulose structure contributes to an increase of 15% resulting
in a total increase of 25%.

It must be noted that the conductance changed significantly at low frequency but
only minor at high frequency. Service-aged paper might hold other deterioration
products in addition to those found in this experiment, but high frequency
influence is not known. A conclusion can therefore not be drawn from these
results, but rather emphasise the importance of further measurements, both on
new, aged (experimentally) and service-aged samples.

Since one of the by-products of deterioration is water, dielectric properties could

be expected to change at high frequencies with ageing, as for low frequencies.
Results presented in [159] show little or no change in the dielectric losses at higher

While the influence of moisture upon dielectric properties seem to be minor for
high frequencies, it is of great importance at lower frequencies when measuring
dielectric response [161].

6.3.5 Discussion
It is important to notice the fact that equilibrium of water in oil-paper insulation is
temperature-dependent. This equilibrium will not be important for prospective
FRA measurements. But if the moisture influences on the dielectric properties, it
will be important to notice the fact that there is a difference in temperature inside
a winding structure, and that less moisture will be bound in the hottest areas of the
insulation structure. It may be important to be aware of the time since the
transformer was disconnected when applying FRA measurements (at least for low
frequency dielectric response measurements as utilized by Gäfvert et al. [160]).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 119 -

Dielectric Properties

6.4 Measurements
Since published literature are not complete on the above subjects (specially for
pressboard), measurements are needed in order to determine dielectric parameters
to use in power transformer models. The main purpose of this is to accurately
balance the influence of dielectric vs. the magnetic parameters at high frequencies
in a transformer model and to identify the losses accurately.

6.4.1 Measurement-setup
A test setup using Novocontrol Alpha Analyser [162] was used to measure the
dielectric properties (derived using the calculated geometric capacitance) of
impregnated paper/pressboard. A custom-built test-cell is developed in order to
benefit the sensitivity of the instrument (fig. 6.1). It is made of teflon (PTFE) with
stainless steel electrodes. It is has seals to minimize moisture ingress, it has a
spring loaded electrode to ensure contact between electrodes and sample, and it is
built without guard since this involves problems at high frequencies.


Figure 6.1: Custom-built dielectric test cell (Electrode diameter: 25 mm)

The test setup consists of a laptop for measurement automation. The laptop
controls the temperature and starts a new measurement when desired stable
temperature is reached. It also controls the Novocontrol dielectric measurement
system and the principle of the setup can be seen in fig. 6.2:

Figure 6.2: Novocontrol Alpha analyser, ZG4 test interface, laptop and test cell

- 120 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Dielectric Properties

6.4.2 Service-aged paper

Experiments were performed using samples taken from a service-aged 6MVA
transformer that was replaced after 50 years of operation (windings were replaced
in 1969). The moisture content of this sample has been determined to be
approximately 2% (weight), containing in addition high degree of ageing by-
products such as acids, particles etc. The real part of the relative permittivity is
shown in fig. 6.3:

Figure 6.3: Relative permittivity ε′ of service-aged impregnated paper at two

different temperatures compared to a measurement by Race [156] on cable paper

The measured relative permittivity values are compared to results presented by

Race on oil-impregnated cable-paper (impregnant unknown).

Comparison of the dissipation factor ( tan δ ) is more interesting in terms of the

transformer modeling. In fig. 6.4, the imaginary part of the permittivity (loss
factor) is not shown since the variation in the real part is minor.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 121 -

Dielectric Properties

Figure 6.4: tan δ of service-aged impregnated paper at two different

temperatures compared to a measurement by Race [156] on cable paper

As seen from fig. 6.4, the high frequency dielectric losses does not increase with
ageing compared to the cable-paper. Temperature shifts the curve to higher
frequencies. At the highest temperature examined (66 ° C), the influence of
moisture gain distinction at frequencies below 10 Hz, due to increased

- 122 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Dielectric Properties

6.4.3 Impregnated Pressboard

Fig. 6.5 shows measured relative permittivity for oil-impregnated pressboard at
different temperatures and levels of moisture.

Figure 6.5: Relative permittivity ε′ of impregnated pressboard at three different

temperatures and two moisture-levels (dry/wet)

By studying fig. 6.5, it can be seen that the influence of moisture decreases with
increasing frequency as for kraft-paper. Temperature controls low frequency
behaviour, and also the position (in frequency) of the β -relaxation around 1MHz
as observed for the dielectric losses in fig. 6.6.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 123 -

Dielectric Properties

Figure 6.6: Tan δ of impregnated pressboard at three different temperatures and

two moisture-levels (dry/wet)

The dielectric losses show a clear decreasing dependency of moisture to increasing

frequencies. This is in agreement with the finding in ref. [159]. The dielectric loss
of pressboard is twice the loss of cable paper. Substituting pressboard-data with
data from cable paper into a transformer model, may result in too low damping in
the transformer model at high frequencies. From the measurements at low
temperature, it can be seen that high moisture content increases the amplitude of
the β -relaxation, while temperature results in higher peak frequency.

- 124 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Dielectric Properties

6.4.4 Discussion
The slope of the measurements in fig. 6.3 seem to be different from the results of
Race [156] (cable-paper). This might be due to the moisture-content of the service-
aged paper sample.

The relative permittivity for impregnated pressboard is slightly over-estimated.

The test-cell was initially built for measurements on paper, and by using
pressboard, the pressure on the sample is increased (but density unknown) due to
the limited space inside the test cell. The geometric capacitance of the test cell is
used to calculate the real and imaginary part of the permittivity from the measured
complex capacitance. The calculated geometric capacitance is based on nominal
thickness and applied pressure is not known. Since the loss factor is equally
overestimated, the dissipation factor, tan δ , which is the interesting part for this
work, is assumed to be correct (see fig. 6.6).

The results in fig. 6.5 indicate that FRA-measurements are independent of

variations (temperature and moisture) in the real part of the permittivity, since the
difference between a moist, hot pressboard sample and a dry, cold one is only
10%. The reason being that the insulation structure mainly consists of oil-gaps.
This means that the total influence is reduced since temperature dependency of
permittivity is lower for oil than for cellulose. The same assumptions can be made
for the dielectric losses, where influence of moisture is reduced at higher
frequencies. On the other hand, increasing temperatures shift the curve upwards in
frequency and the difference in dielectric loss at 23 ° C and 67 ° C is one decade at
1MHz. This difference might be sufficiently large to create differences in FRA-
measurements, and should therefore be investigated further.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 125 -

Dielectric Properties

6.5 Implications for the transformer model

It is interesting to know the difference between changes due to ageing and
mechanical deformations. Three different cases are studied in terms of ageing or
frequency-dependent parameters.

6.5.1 Loss of clamping pressure

Losing clamping-pressure is a common problem of old transformers, especially
when excessively dried after refurbishment. This is caused by the mechanical
hysteresis in paper and pressboard. The pressure is reduced when drying, due to
paper shrinkage.





Normal TF
Reduced serial capacitance 5%
103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 6.7: Simulation of decreased series capacitance due to loss of clamping


As seen in fig. 6.7, the reduction of series capacitance creates a minor

displacement of the transfer function upwards in frequency. A reduction of 5% is
mainly assumed to arise from the reduction of permittivity in pressboard spacers
since permittivity is dependent on the applied pressure (density) as shown by
Morgan [155]. Time constants and hysteresis are also involved in the process of
clamp-force reduction, and this must be kept in mind if reducing the clamping
force in an experiment. A better approach for such an experiment would be to
measure before and after re-clamping the windings.

- 126 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Dielectric Properties

6.5.2 Frequency-dependent dielectric losses

Deterioration-products severely changes the low-frequency characteristics of oil-
paper insulation, the reason being ionic conduction and moisture. The high
frequency characteristics are not equally influenced by moisture. Some influence
is observed but not sufficient to cause severe changes in FRA-signature.

The importance of including the dielectric losses properly, is shown in fig. 6.8

Constant dielectric losses (50 Hz)
Frequency dependent dielectric characteristics



103 104 105 106 107

Figure 6.8: Simulation with/without frequency dependent dielectric losses


A two point linear interpolation is used in this case for determining the dielectric
loss factor (from measurements at 50 Hz and 1MHz). Since the increase in
dielectric losses is low below 100kHz and high above, the losses are overestimated
up to 1 MHz in this case. A future improvement would be to use a 3-point
interpolation. Losses in the area around 1MHz is accurately represented.

The same model is utilized to find the influence of temperature on FRA-signatures

due to change in dielectric losses. A small difference is found when simulated
FRA-signatures are compared at 23 ° C and 67 ° C degrees. This difference is
expected to increase with increasing difference in temperature.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 127 -

Dielectric Properties

6.5.3 Ageing
Some change due to ageing should be expected in capacitance depending on
degree of ageing and ageing by-products. Since there are large oil gaps in a
winding structure, the overall change is small and the transfer function is not
changed severely. Still it is important to know the difference between changes
induced by deformations and changes as result of ageing etc.

|U LV /U HV |


Increased permittivity due to ageing
10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 6.9: Simulation of increase in capacitance due to ageing as outlined by

Batruni et al. [159]

The degree of ageing applied to the model is the maximum change in properties
due to ageing found by Batruni et al. [159]. Their experiment showed an increase
in relative permittivity of 15% due to the deterioration and 10% due to moisture.
The samples were aged to a DP-value of 390. Equal to own experiments, these
measurements also showed that influence of moisture is less at higher frequencies
than for the lower frequencies, and that the change in dielectric losses at higher
frequencies is very small.

Since the characteristics of the oil are kept constant (unaffected by the ageing) the
resulting series capacitance is not severely changed in spite of the large change in
the characteristics of paper (and pressboard). The dielectric losses were kept
unchanged as explained above.

- 128 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Dielectric Properties

6.6 Conclusions
The survey of literature showed a dependency of dielectric characteristics to
temperature, ageing (related to moisture), frequency, and density. This survey also
revealed the lack of measurements on pressboard insulation. Pressboard is
extensively used in power transformers and some initial measurements are
performed. Additionally measurements on service-aged oil-impregnated paper are
conducted since little information is found on service-aged samples.

From fig. 6.4 it is apparent that the high frequency characteristics of aged
impregnated paper are not significantly increased compared to unaged paper, since
it is comparable to measurements done by Race [156] at the same temperature on
unaged cable paper. Using data from impregnated paper to describe dielectric
losses for pressboard leads to deviations. As seen in fig. 6.6, the dielectric losses
for pressboard is twice the losses for paper at 1 MHz. In addition to this, a strong
influence from moisture can be observed in the real part of the permittivity for
pressboard (ref. fig. 6.5)

Interfacial polarisation is believed not to influence on high frequency

characteristics since this typically is a low frequency mechanism (the conductivity
is very low in the materials considered). It is therefore assumed that interface
polarization at higher frequencies can be neglected when different materials are
combined in a transformer model.

Voltage-dependent loss-mechanisms are not included since all results will be

compared to measurements done on very low voltages, but might be important for
a model applied to impulse overvoltages etc.

Loss of clamping-pressure is investigated in chapter 6.5.1. This investigation does

not show a severe change in spite of a 5% change in series capacitance. The FRA-
signature is shifted slightly upwards in frequency due to the reduction in
capacitance. The change is largest above 100 kHz.

Ageing-studies have identified an increase in capacitance (real part of

permittivity) due to degradation of cellulose. An increase of 25% in cellulose
results in a total increase of about 5% in the example investigated in this work.
This increase results in a shift towards lower frequencies above 100 kHz. Since
ageing and loss of clamping-pressure usually occur together, these changes may
cancel each other.

The inclusion of frequency-dependent dielectric losses compared to constant

values (based on 50Hz measurements), increased resemblence to measurements.
The improvements will be further discussed in the beginning of next chapter.

Referring to hypothesis 4, it is shown that material characteristics are highly

dependent on moisture, temperature and frequency (important for high frequency

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 129 -

Dielectric Properties

transformer models). In addition, ageing may increase the real part of the
permittivity by as much as 25%. On the other hand, these changes does not seem
to influence severely on FRA-characteristics.

Hypothesis 4 is rejected. The high frequency characteristics of insulating materials

are dependent on frequency, temperature, moisture and ageing. On the other hand,
no significant change to the FRA-measurement was observed due to the ageing

- 130 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



Hypothesis 5.: High frequency transformer models can be established with high
degree of conformity to terminal measurements, provided constructional
information is available.

The introduction of the iron core representation and the inclusion of frequency-
dependent dielectric losses have increased the agreement with model and
measurements significantly. There are still some difference, but compared to the
approaches in chapter 3 and 4, the improvements are substantial, and demonstrate
the importance of a proper representation of the iron core and also the dielectric
properties of the insulation structure.

The final model established in chapter 6.5.2 is here further investigated in order to
identify the reasons for the differences between measurements and calculations.

Further some results are presented on overvoltage calculation using the final
model, both internal stresses and terminal overvoltages/resonances to show the
versatility and possible applications of the model.

At the end of this chapter some results from FRA investigations are presented.
These are mainly simulations, but some measurements are also evaluated in order
to identify natural variations when comparing signatures.

For some of the investigations (as indicated in each case), the inclusion of
frequency-dependent dielectric losses led to numerical problems in SUMER.
These investigations are performed with different terminal conditions, different
tap-changer position or simply based on the initial approach for the dielectric
parameters (dielectric losses included using constant values based on 50 Hz

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 131 -

Model Applications

7.1 Final model

By identifying the reasons for the differences between measurements and
calculations, details for further research on this topic can be suggested. It seems to
be possible to establish high frequency transformer models based on
constructional information with high degree of accuracy compared to terminal
measurements. Experimental verification should be done to assess the validity of
the internal stresses calculated using this model.

Agreement with measurements have increased significantly with the inclusion of

the iron core and additionally the implementation of frequency-dependent
dielectric losses. Still there are deviations as seen in fig. 7.1:

Final model


103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 7.1: Comparison of final model to measurement (voltage ratio)

In order to study and identify the deviations, it is preferable to compare the

calculated short circuit input admittances to measurements.

- 132 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

The reason for using the admittance rather than the voltage-ratio measurement, is
that it simplifies the identification of differences between model and
measurement. It is easier to relate the differences to certain parts of the
transformer, since the voltage ratio/transfer function may be represented by a set
of admittances between terminals and from terminals to ground (such as the
representation in fig. 7.4). Each of these admittances have different characteristics
that can be recognized either through comparison to measurements or simulations.

Measured input admittance (LV)
Calculated input admittance (LV)

Admittance [S]



103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 7.2: Comparison of measured and calculated input admittance for the LV-

Fig. 7.2 shows good agreement between measurement and model up to 1MHz. The
LV-winding consists of a simple design and it is modeled with a discretisation of
4 turns per lumped element. Amplitude and damping of the resonance-frequencies
are accurately represented up to the practical bandwidth of the model.

The next figure shows the corresponding input admittance for the HV-winding.

Comparing model to measurement for the HV-winding (see fig. 7.3) shows more
disagreement than the LV-winding, since the design is more complex (a regulating
winding is included), and the discretisation is not as refined as for the LV-winding

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 133 -

Model Applications

(7 turns per lumped element for the HV winding, and 9 turns per lumped element
for the REG.-winding).

Measured input admittance (HV)
Calculated input admittance (HV)

Admittance [S]



103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 7.3: Comparison of measured and calculated input admittance for the HV-

A possible explanation for the deviations in the range from 10-50 kHz is the
influence of the leakage field coupled to neighbouring phases since this is not
modeled when applying the axisymmetric approach. These influences are
discussed further in chapter 7.4.4.

The reason for the disagreement around 100 kHz is attributed to the representation
of the tap-changer and the regulation-winding (explained in chapter 7.4.5). The
cause of the vertical displacement at higher frequencies might be an incorrect
representation of shunt admittance (possibly capacitance to ground). Some of
these disagreements are also elucidated later.

- 134 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

7.2 Transferred overvoltages

In order to apply the model developed in network studies, a time-domain model
must be established. The model in this work is established in the frequency
domain. In order to perform time-domain simulations, ATP/EMTP is preferably
used. This requires an equivalent, linear terminal-model consisting of frequency-
independent elements to be established, representing the admittances illustrated in

1 2
y 12

y1 y2

Figure 7.4: Terminal admittance model to be approximated

The input admittance of terminal 1 will be: Y 11 = y 1 + y 12

A robust and versatile tool for approximating terminal equivalents is developed by

Gustavsen and Semlyen [62], and is available in public domain. It is named Vectfit
and applies vector fitting in order to find a linear equivalent to the terminal model
of the transformer.

The first step is to reduce the system description as outlined in chapter 3.1 to the
terminals or internal nodes of interest. Establishment and reduction of the system
is described in detail in appendix E. The same technique can be applied for a study
of internal stresses during impulse overvoltages, by defining internal nodes as
terminals before reducing the system-description. An example is shown in chapter

The reduced terminal description, is processed by the vector-fitting routine,

Vectfit. The output from Vectfit is a set of poles and residues that describes the
system approximation. A set of starting poles is calculated from the system-
description in order to have faster convergence. Vectfit approximates the
frequency response (in this case an admittance) with rational functions, expressed
in the form of a sum of partial fractions:
Y(s) ≈ ∑ s------------
– ai
+d+s⋅e (7.1)

c i and a i are the residues and poles, respectively. Terms d and e are optional.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 135 -

Model Applications

The equivalent terminal admittance is built up of a set of real and complex

conjugated poles together with the constant terms d and e as shown in fig. 7.5.

H G ««« 3ROHV

Figure 7.5: Terminal equivalent of approximated admittance

The approximated terminal admittances for T3 Buran are shown in fig. 7.6




y 12
Magnitude [p.u.]




1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 7.6: Results from Vector-fitting the terminal admittances of the T3 Buran

After the fitting is completed, Vectift outputs a file describing the terminal
equivalent. The format is a RLC-coupled branch file, compatible with ATP. Time-
domain simulations can be applied to the model in order to investigate
transformer-network interaction, transferred overvoltages or internal stresses.

- 136 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

The transfer function of T3 Buran model (minimum tapping position: -6) is

investigated in order to determine the critical frequencies for terminal resonance
overvoltages in fig. 7.7.

Figure 7.7: Transfer function from HV- to LV-side, showing critical frequency at
250 kHz (minimum tapping position).

A critical frequency can be found at 250 kHz, where the secondary terminal may
reach 1,43 pu referred to the HV-side. When referring this to the secondary side it
equals 14,3 pu. This voltage will likely result in a flashover, but in order to
investigate the time-constant, the model established using Vectfit is evaluated in
ATP by means of a constant excitation at 250 kHz as seen in fig. 7.8:

60 LV
Voltage [kV]


9.995 10 10.005 10.01 10.015 10.02 10.025 10.03 10.035 10.04

Time [ms]

Figure 7.8: Constant excitation at 250 kHz in order to investigate the time
constant of the model.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 137 -

Model Applications

Fig. 7.8 shows the buildup of the overvoltage at the secondary side and the time
constant involved (approximately 0,02 ms in this case). The primary side must be
excited for a sufficiently long time in order to reach a critical voltage at the
secondary side. Whether this will occur or not in a real network depend on the
damping in the transformer and in the network.

A simple example is given in the following in order to investigate the phenomena

in a more realistic case. The layout is shown fig. 7.9 where an unloaded
transformer is fed by a short cable, and an earth fault occurs at the feeding end of
the cable initiating travelling waves between primary terminal of the transformer
and the fault-site:


Figure 7.9: Network-transformer resonance example

For illustrative purposes, the cable in fig. 7.9 is assumed to be loss less, which for
this short cable length is a reasonable approximation.

As seen in fig. 7.10, the overvoltage on the secondary side reaches 12 pu, which
most likely will result in a flashover.

- 138 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

80 LV
60 HV


Voltage [kV]




−80 12 pu

0.1 0.105 0.11 0.115 0.12 0.125 0.13 0.135

Time [ms]

Figure 7.10: Resonant overvoltage at secondary side reaching 12 pu

7.2.1 Neutral connection

The approach used in this work has been to study a single phase of a three phase
transformer. This simplification is made in order to be able to identify influencing
parameters and to reduce the complexity of the model. In all investigations the
neutral have been directly grounded. In real cases, the neutral can be isolated,
grounded through an impedance or directly grounded. The topology used for
grounding will have a large influence on the terminal and internal behaviour of the

7.2.2 Secondary loading

Most of the investigations done in this work on overvoltages, include an open/
unloaded secondary terminal and thus they represent a worst case scenario. If the
secondary terminal is connected to the grid, the proper high frequency
representation would probably be the characteristic wave impedance of the
connected cable or line. This will in most cases result in sufficient damping and
limit the switching overvoltages. The FRA investigations done in this work are
compared to measurements using probes, and since these have a high input
impedance, it is correct to compare with an unloaded model of the transformer.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 139 -

Model Applications

7.3 Internal stresses

Abnormal incidents in the network such as switching operations, faults and
lightning strokes cause internal stresses in a transformer winding. Basic
considerations are normally conducted by the manufacturer at an early stage in the
design phase in order to predict possible problems. Additional calculations may be
necessary in close cooperation with the customer, if special problems related to
either fast GIS-transients or switching oscillations, are anticipated.

The first step in an analysis of internal stresses may be an investigation of the

resonant modes inside the winding. For a given set of terminal conditions, the
internal voltages can be derived as a function of frequency and position, ref. fig.




Figure 7.11: Internal voltage distribution plotted against frequency and position
along the winding (LV:0-18%, HV:18-90% and REG:90-100%)

This type of visualization gives a detailed overview of the different potential

problems within the winding. The main resonant modes of the HV-winding can
clearly be observed (Fergestad [44] designated this as space harmonic currents).
The second mode coincide with a resonance in the regulation-winding. This will
be dependent on the tapping-position. The capacitive behaviour of the HV-
winding can be seen at high frequencies (a steep gradient at the first discs in the
HV-winding). The resonant modes must be considered together with the different
line- and cable-lengths connected to the transformer. Capacitor-bank-switching is
one of the topics that must be considered seriously. In general, any switching- or

- 140 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

fault-situation leading to a resonant excitation at any of the frequencies showing

up in figure 7.11, must be evaluated in particular since the time-constants cannot
be directly derived from the admittance matrix of the transformer.

7.3.1 Interdisc stresses

Stresses between discs are normally evaluated for standard lightning impulse
amplitudes according to [137]. The test object in this thesis was designed to
withstand a BIL-amplitude of 300kV. Constructional measures have been taken in
this design in order to withstand impulse stresses: The number of turns in the 3 first
discs are reduced, in order to make room for extra pressboard insulation is
surrounding these discs. Such details of the geometry can be seen in fig. 7.16.

The discretisation in these calculations are 2 discs per element. This means that the
voltage between node 1 and 2 is the voltage across the two first discs. The reason
for this was to be able to compare with similar results from another software. Node
1 is the winding terminal.

Fig. 7.12 shows the nodal voltages to ground during a standard lightning impulse
having an amplitude of approximately 300 kV. Nodes 1-6 cover the first 10 discs
within the HV-winding.

Voltage to ground, Node 1
Voltage to ground, Node 2
300 Voltage to ground, Node 3
Voltage to ground, Node 4
Voltage to ground, Node 5
Voltage to ground, Node 6





0 20 40 60 80 100
Time [us]
Figure 7.12: Nodal voltages to ground at full lightning impulse

As seen from fig. 7.12, some of the internal resonances are exited.
In order to study internal stresses, the interdisc voltages must be evaluated.
Fig. 7.13 shows the interdisc voltages (2 discs).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 141 -

Model Applications



Voltage [kV]



Voltage across Disc 1-2
Voltage across Disc 3-4
10 Voltage across Disc 5-6
Voltage across Disc 7-8
Voltage across Disc 9-10
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0

Figure 7.13: Interdisc voltages at full lightning impulse

As seen from fig. 7.13, the maximum voltage across discs 1&2 is less than for the
four subsequent groups within the winding. Normally the voltage will be highest
across the first disc within the winding at impulse stresses [131].

The reason for the increase in voltage across subsequent discs are the reduced
number of turns in the first discs. This shows that the frequency is not high enough
to use only the capacitance to evaluate stresses within the first discs during the fast
rise-period of the impulse.

The voltages obtained between disc 5 & 6 are still not large enough to cause a

The next situation evaluated is a special test: Tailchopped Lightning Impulse. The
rapid voltage change in this test is believed to cause a larger gradient within the
first part of the winding than the previous test.

- 142 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

Voltage to ground at Node 1
Voltage to ground at Node 2
Voltage to ground at Node 3
300 Voltage to ground at Node 4
Voltage to ground at Node 5
Voltage to ground at Node 6



0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [us]
Figure 7.14: Nodal voltages at tailchopped lightning impulse

As seen from fig. 7.14 the voltage at the terminal collapses within a very short
time. This can for instance be caused by a flashover. The instantaneous voltage-
difference to adjacent discs will in this case be dependent on the capacitive voltage
distribution and the fall-off time for the chopping circuit. In this case the time-step
of the simulation is used as the fall-off time: ∆t = 0, 05µs

Such a small time to collapse is not very probable for a flashover, but in GIS-
installations such fast changes might occur (or even faster).

The steepness of the imposed impulse represents very high frequencies (several
MHz), and is therefore close to the bandwidth of the model. This means that the
accuracy of the calculated responses may be low. In order to study very fast
transients, the discretisation should be increased for the first discs in order to
increase bandwidth for the region under investigation. A possible solution would
be to implement a turn-to-turn model for the 10 first discs, and keep the rest of the
model unchanged, but this was not proceeded due to lack of time. The rest of the
investigation is therefore given as an example of the versatility of the method.

The interdisc voltages are shown in fig. 7.15.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 143 -

Model Applications



Voltage [kV]


Voltage across Disc 1-2
Voltage across Disc 3-4
-150 Voltage across Disc 5-6
Voltage across Disc 7-8
Voltage across Disc 9-10
0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 7.15: Interdisc voltages at tailchopped lightning impulse

The voltage across disc 1 & 2 reaches 171kV at t = 3, 05µs . Whether this
voltage is realistic or not is hard to tell. It mainly depends on the fall-off time for
the chopping circuit and the accuracy of the estimated capacitances. It is therefore
only considered as an example in this case.

When estimating the stresses for the first discs, it is assumed that internal voltage
distribution in the discs are linear. This is usually applicable at intermediate
frequencies, but if the frequency approaches the bandwidth of the model, this
would be wrong since there is an internal capacitive voltage distribution equal to
the major distribution in the winding. This leads to higher stresses between the
first turns. If assuming linear voltage distribution, interturn stress will then be
17,1kV for the first two discs.

- 144 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

Figure 7.16: Electric field strength at tailchopped LI

The critical field strengths can be read directly from the graphical solution in
FEMLAB, by pointing and clicking in the area with the highest intensity.

Figure 7.17: Electrical stress in the oil gap

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 145 -

Model Applications

The maximum field strength is found to be 29 kV/mm at the strand corners and the
maximum field strength in the oil gap between the discs is 19 kV/mm. Since
pressboard and paper barriers are present between electrodes (discs), the
breakdown voltage is increased [163]. During a type-test for a new transformer
with this design, the transformer is likely to withstand this stress. But after severe
ageing, a breakdown is possible.

7.3.2 Internal resonance

If the HV-winding is energized by an oscillating transient with a frequency
coinciding with any of the resonance frequencies (see fig. 7.11) for the windings,
a severe internal voltage buildup will occur. For the first resonance, this buildup
will occur in the middle of the HV-winding. The build-up will be very dependent
on the damping in both the transformer and the impedance of the exiting source
(for instance a cable or capacitor switching incident). If the damping is sufficiently
low, a breakdown may occur, since the resonant overvoltage is built up over
several periods.

Problems related to internal resonances are not discovered by type-tests during

manufacturing and have gained interest during the last two decades closely
connected to switching operations of lines/cables [106], faults, capacitor banks
[164]. Travelling waves depend on the travelling time of the transmission medium.

Breakdowns in regulation-windings may arise from oscillating overvoltages

comparable to those discussed in the previous chapter, but the difference is the
open end of the regulating winding (semi quarter-wave resonance). Such
overvoltages depend upon the design of the transformer. Interleaved layer
windings are commonly used. The advantage of these windings are the
distribution of the ampere turns along the height independent of the tapping-
postition. Resonances can be investigated using the same approach as in chapter

As mentioned earlier, transformers withstand type-tests, but the influence of

ageing is not accounted for. A study by Sokolov [165] shows no reduction in
breakdown voltage due to moisture/ageing for lightning impulse. Particles
decreased the breakdown voltage by 12%. For switching surges the breakdown
voltage was decreased by 15% after ageing. Particles decreased breakdown
voltage additionally by 10%. This reduction might be sufficient for lowering
safety limits to a critical level. The decreasing influence of moisture at increasing
frequencies is consistent with the findings in chapter 6.

- 146 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

7.4 FRA - Range of application

A set of different aspects are assessed regarding the applicability of FRA as a
diagnostic method. Some of the most common fault-modes are simulated in order
to establish initial sensitivity guidelines for FRA interpretation. Since this work is
focused on one particular transformer rather than several different designs, the
guidelines established here should not be generalized. It is therefore pointed out
that future investigations on other designs and types are important.

There are mainly 3 types of faults considered in this thesis:

• Axial displacement
• Radial deformation (Buckling)
• Disc-to-disc short-circuit
The first are mechanical faults and the last being an electrical fault.

7.4.1 Axial displacement

For axial displacement the LV-winding is displaced 20 mm downwards.
This is approximately 1,2% of the winding height and the TF comparison can be
seen below:

Initial model
LV - 20mm (axial displacement)



103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 7.18: Model comparison: 20mm axial displacement of LV-winding

By investigating fig.7.18, some vertical change of the TF can be seen in the area
above 100 kHz, but no shifts in resonance frequencies are observed. The change
seen in fig. 7.18 is rather small, but a larger displacement is improbable since the

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 147 -

Model Applications

height of the core window does not allow a larger displacement. This leads to the
result that the possibility to detect this kind of deformation is depending mainly on
available space if end-supports collapse. The available space is depending on the
voltage level of the transformer. Less than 20 mm axial displacement were
investigated without significant visual differences. More than 20 mm of
displacement are not likely to occur (for constructional reasons) and are therefore
not investigated.

The transfer function in fig. 7.18, has been established both with and without
change in capacitance due to the axial displacement. These two curves are
identical, and this indicates that the capacitance can be kept constant during
simulations of axial displacement.

Calculated short circuit admittances were also compared to measurement with less
sensitivity to the deformations. This is consistent with the results reported by
Christian [24].

Initial experiments regarding axial displacement on one of the windings from the
T3Buran transformer has also been performed. This is done with the winding
inside a special tank for electrostatic representation of the core and tank. But since
the core has proved to be very important, simulations have been given priority.
Thorough experimental work on coreless designs has already been performed by
Christian [24], for axial displacements, radial deformations and internal short-
circuits, making further investigations on coreless designs redundant.

Results and illustrations from the experiments in this work can be examined in
appendix K.

- 148 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

7.4.2 Radial deformation

For buckling, the low voltage winding is deformed by a forced pattern similar to
fig. 3.12a, using four different degrees.



Model, No Buckling
Model, Buckling degree 1
Model, Buckling degree 4
103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 7.19: Model comparison: Radial deformation of LV-winding with different

degree of forced-mode buckling

Fig. 7.19 show model results comparing forced buckling of degree 1 & 4. It is
evident that degree 4 is detectable. Degree 1 also result in visual changes, but when
taking measurement accuracies into account this degree will be close to the
sensitivity limits of FRA. The degree 1 incorporates an increase in capacitance of
9% which compares to a buckling depth of 2cm. This equals 9% of the radial
dimension of the LV-winding. Change in degree 4 is 4 times degree 1:

Figure 7.20: Radial (forced mode) buckling: Degree 1(left) and 4(right)

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 149 -

Model Applications

7.4.3 Disc to disc short circuit

For disc to disc short circuit, the fault is applied in the system description by
adding a large admittance (low impedance) between the nodes representing
adjacent ends of two discs. This has been done in several different positions along
the winding in order to observe differences.

Normal TF
Short circuit between disc 40-41



103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 7.21: Calculated transfer function at disc-to-disc short-circuit in the
middle of the HV-winding at OLTC-pos. -6

This fault type is clearly detectable independent of where the fault is applied, but
becomes more distinct the closer to the terminal the fault is applied. It seems to
affect the transfer function at all frequencies, even the low frequency response
since conditions for the magnetic circuit is changed (leakage field and losses).
Since there exist simpler methods to detect such faults, this fault type is not

Turn to turn faults where also investigated, but since this model is established by
means of a discretisation at disc-level, the turn to turn short circuit will not be
properly represented. The only possibility without changing the geometry of the
model is to reduce the number of turns in the faulty disc, but this will not represent
the leakage field created by the circulating currents in the faulted turn, neither will
the additional losses supplied by this current be. The only way to model such a
fault using this method, is to establish a turn-to-turn model, at least for the disc

- 150 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

7.4.4 Influence of non-symmetrical 3D effects

When applying an inter-phase comparison of FRA-measurements, a difference is
usually observed between the centre- and outer phases. For a 3-legged core with
Yy-connected windings, this usually occurs as two peaks at the first resonance for
the outer phases while the centre phase has one distinct peak. There are two
different explanations for this behaviour:
• If the first resonance is attributed to a resonance between the total inductance
and shunt capacitance, this effect relates to the reluctance paths of the core.
The centre-phase “see” two equal reluctance-paths in parallel, while the outer
phases “see” two different reluctances. This explanation demands a flux
confined to the core, but since the measurements are admittances it is
uncertain whether the short-circuited windings screen the core from
conducting flux and this brings up the other explanation:
• The leakage field surrounding the centre phase will be different in the way
that it links two equal windings, while the outer phases links mainly the
centre-phase. The number of resonance-peaks depend upon this linkage and
how the leakage field links with the different resonant modes of the other
phases. This effect is only visible at the first resonances / winding harmonics,
since leakage-field at higher harmonics of the winding will not “spread out” as
much as for the lower harmonics, with the result that the leakage flux does not
link other windings at higher frequencies. This is illustrated in fig. 7.22:

Figure 7.22: 1st(left) and 9th(right) space harmonic current distribution due to

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 151 -

Model Applications

HV input admittance, phase A
HV input admittance, phase B
HV input admittance, phase C
Admittance [S]



103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 7.23: Interphase comparison of measured HV-winding input admittance

showing normal deviations in a 3-legged transformer due to non-symmetry.

Fig. 7.23 shows an inter-phase comparison with deviations in a very localised

frequency range (10-100 kHz). The difference at 15kHz is very interesting: The
outer phases have quite identical traces with two small peaks, while the centre
phase has only one distinct peak. There also seem to be some disagreement just
above 100kHz. This can probably be attributed to the influence of the tapchanger
as described in fig.7.24.

It is also interesting to note the consistency of the measurements up to 7 MHz,

which indicates that inter-phase comparison of admittances can be used for
admittance up to this frequency for this transformer size. The resemblance
between the phases is very high from 200 kHz to 7MHz. Since mechanical
damages usually influence on the FRA signature in this frequency-range, an inter-
phase comparison will supply a sufficient sensitivity.

- 152 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

7.4.5 Influence of tapchanger position

The tapchanger influences the FRA measurements and its position must be known
in order to compare with fingerprint measurements. Even the history (direction of
control) is important for some designs. Measurements of HV-admittance (phase
B) at different tapchanger positions are shown in fig. 7.24 in order to identify
possible frequency-ranges where the tap-changer influences the response.

Measurement, phase B, Pos. +6
Measurement, phase B, Pos. 0
Measurement, phase B, Pos. -6
Admittance [S]



103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 7.24: Influence of different OLTC tapping positions on the HV input
admittance (measurements on T3 Buran)

The change at low frequency behaviour is evident, and a major area of difference
can be seen around 100 kHz (see fig. 7.24). Above 120 kHz the OLTC does not
seem to influence on the measured admittance. There are some deviations above
6 MHz, but this is attributed to the measurement setup and difference in leads and
internal connections of the transformer.

The observations made above are important knowledge when performing FRA
interphase comparisons, since the tap-changer seem to influence the FRA-
signature below the frequency range of interest for mechanical deformations. In
other words, the tap-changer seems not to be a problem for FRA interpretation.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 153 -

Model Applications

7.4.6 Influence of bulk oil

In rare cases the transformer will only be available for measurements after
draining or before filling oil. This will of course influence the capacitances
internally in the windings, since permittivity is reduced. Short circuit admittance-
and voltage ratio-measurements were taken for T3 Buran before and after draining
the oil in order to investigate this influence. Fig. 7.25 shows the input admittance
of the HV-winding (phase A) at the principal tapping-position (pos. 0):

With oil
Without oil

Admittance [S]



103 104 105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 7.25: Input admittance of HV-winding (phase B) at OLTC-pos.0, with/
without oil present in the tank.

As seen in fig. 7.25 the admittance is displaced upwards in frequency when oil is
drained due to the decrease in permittivity of the series and shunt capacitances.
The first resonance is a series resonance between the series inductance and parallel
capacitance (to ground/LV-winding). The change at higher frequencies will be
different due to the growing influence with frequency of the series capacitance.

From constructional information the change in capacitance between LV- and HV-
winding when draining the oil is found to be 27,7%, while the increase in
frequency for the first resonance frequency is 25,8%. One would expect the
frequency to change with the square-root of the change in permittivity [20], but the
reality is a bit more complex since the capacitance is distributed both as series and
shunt capacitance. An additional uncertainty of this measurement is the
replacement of oil with air (humidity unknown), since the transformer was drained
for approximately a week and moisture could have entered the insulation structure,
increasing permittivity slightly.

- 154 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

7.4.7 Influence of measurement-setup

In order to investigate the degree of influence from the measurement-setup, two
different measurements are tested. The first one applies the measurement at the
bushing flange. A short grounding-lead to the flange is used while a longer lead
connects the top of the bushing to the measurement-cable/probe. This is the usual

The other setup tested was to measure the voltage at the top of the bushing, having
a longer grounding lead along the body of the bushing down to the flange. The last
method will add capacitance to the terminal due to the grounding-lead running
along the body of the bushing. Additional inductance is added to the grounding
lead so that there will be an additional impedance in the grounding-lead instead of
the measurement-lead. This impedance will be important at high frequencies as
seen below:

Flange measurement
Top measurement




105 106 107
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 7.26: Influence of the measurement-setup onto the measured transfer

function (HV phase C to LV phase b, pos. 0)

In spite of a severe change in the measurement setup, the difference is not

significant below 4 MHz (see fig. 7.26). At increasingly larger transformers
(higher voltage-levels), this effect will become more prominent as dimensions of
the bushings increase and longer leads must be used. The comparison in fig. 7.26
is done between HV phase C and LV phase b, in order to have high impedance
conditions on the terminal measured, but this did not influence the degree of
deviation compared to normal voltage ratio measurements.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 155 -

Model Applications

The series inductance contribution to the impedance of the measurement leads is

important. The difference introduced by this inductance depends on the current in
the measurement leads. Less current gives less influence from the series
impedance (inductance). This gives preference to the use of high impedance
probes rather than a low impedance termination (for instance 50 Ohm).

- 156 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

7.5 Discussion
7.5.1 Model accuracy
As identified in chapter 7.1, there are still differences between measurements and
the final model. The introduction of the iron core representation used in this work
increase conformity to terminal measurement significantly by representing the
inductances and losses in a physical way. Additionally the introduction of
frequency-dependent dielectric losses seem to add sufficient damping to the
model. Still there are deviations, related to elements of uncertainty such as 3D
leakage field with coupling to other phases, influence of tap-changer, leads,
constructional details such as supports, shields, static plates, interlaminar effects
etc. In addition, the measurements might be influenced by the measurement-setup
(in particular test-leads and grounding points).

Clearly there is room for further research and improvements on the approach
presented in this thesis, but the general coherence to measurements supports
hypothesis 5 assuming that the remaining minor differences can be identified and
investigated in the future.

When it comes to the application of the model for investigation of overvoltages, it

is reasonable to assume that internal behaviour is related to terminal behaviour of
the model since the terminal model is solely established based on the internal
construction of the winding. This must of course be verified experimentally, but
the physical implementation of all losses give preference to this method for
resonance investigations, since the losses are important for the time-constants of
the resonant voltage buildup.

7.5.2 FRA sensitivities

As mentioned in chapter 2.2.2, quantified sensitivities of FRA are rarely
published. Most of the publications that report successful detection using FRA do
not include sensitivity-investigations since these are tests on service-damaged
windings. It is therefore necessary to involve laboratory experiments or detailed
modeling in order to establish guidelines for sensitivity. This work has led to some
preliminary guidelines regarding the sensitivity to radial deformations and axial

For the test-object used in this work, the sensitivity limit for axial displacement is
about the same as the available space for displacement if the end-support
collapses. In other cases the available space might be too small. This space depend
on the voltage level used (insulating level needed from winding to yoke). Modern
transformers are not likely to experience such faults since end-support are
constructed in a way that does not allow a collapse. Earlier designs may
experience such collapses. The sensitivity limit is found to be 1,2% of the axial
height. This is consistent to the experimental findings of Christian [24] (1-2%).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 157 -

Model Applications

A quite common type of axial displacement is telescoping, which means that a part
of for instance a regulating winding is subjected to huge forces and become
stretched. This may lead to a situation were the stretched part passes the healthy
part and overlaps. This might be a reason for failure in this kind of designs
(interleaved regulating windings). Telescoping is not considered in this work but
should be investigated in the future.

For radial deformation (forced mode buckling), the sensitivity limit is established
at an increase in capacitance from LV-winding to ground of: ∆C = 9 %, which
corresponds to a buckling depth of 2 cm along the whole height of the winding.
The depth equals 9% of the radial dimension for the LV-winding. Comparing this
to the results of Christian [24], identifies a large difference. Christian found the
sensitivity-limit of buckling to be 3% of radial dimension along 10% of the
winding heigth. Even though the designs are quite different, this large difference
is difficult to explain.

7.5.3 Limitations in FRA application

There are several limitations of using FRA to detect minor damages. Interstrand
short circuits create additional losses in the winding since it results in circulating
currents. Detection of such faults are reported in literature, but in practice the
changes are smaller than inaccuracies of the measurements. FRSL [34] could be
an alternative since interpretation is much easier.

Axial bending is a minor deformation but very common when deformations start
to occur. This deformation is a result of excessive axial short-circuit forces and
occur usually at the ends of the winding. In order to detect such local deformations,
the increase in series capacitance must be large. Since most windings have
reinforced insulation at the winding ends, the available space for deformation is
less than what is required to detect it.

As stated earlier in this work, the free buckling mode results in less changes than
the forced mode, and this results in a lower sensitivity to the free mode buckling.

When fingerprint measurements are not available, interphase comparison is

necessary. This is straight forward for Y-connected windings, but for delta- and
zig-zag-windings the symmetry is broken if the windings cannot be opened (which
is rarely the case).

7.5.4 Measurement accuracy and errors

The accuracy of the FRA method is confined to the accuracy of the measurement
setup. Since the method usually will be applied to transformers in the field (during
revisions), noise must be expected since large currents, high voltages and partial
discharges are usually present to a certain extent in substations. This limits the
dynamic range (increases noise floor) of the method.

- 158 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Model Applications

In addition the measurement setup influences the measurements. If the setup is

made completely equal each time, a good sensitivity can be expected. The smaller
the deformations to be detected are, the higher frequencies need to be applied in
order to detect them. The upper usable frequency depends on the voltage level for
the transformer, since the length of the measurement leads will depend on the
length of the bushings.

7.6 Conclusions
The final model shows a reasonable agreement to terminal measurements. Some
of the remaining differences are identified. Further the versatility of the modeling
method established in this work is shown by means of different examples and

Internal stresses can be investigated either in time- or frequency domain.

Assuming the losses are accurately represented resonances can be evaluated in
time domain. Time constants of resonant voltage build-up are important and must
therefore be investigated in the time-domain.

The detailed model can easily be reduced to an equivalent terminal model in order
to implement it into any network simulations.

The model is also applicable for FRA simulation to investigate the sensitivity
limits of different fault types for the specific transformer design utilized in this
work. The sensitivity limit for axial displacement is 1.2% of total winding height,
and for radial deformation it is 9% buckling depth related to the radius of the
winding when the buckling extends along the whole height of the transformer.
Axial bending is not detectable. Disc to disc short circuits are clearly detectable.
Turn to turn and interstrand short-circuits are not investigated due to the structure
of the model. The sensitivity limits are also dependent on the accuracy of the
measurement equipment and setup. Additionally there are differences to be aware
of when applying a symmetric comparison (interphase comparison). The
differences around the first resonances seem to be related to the leakage field. In
addition the tap-changer/regulating winding seem to have some influence around
100 kHz. Since most of the deformations change the signature above 100kHz,
these natural deviations does not degrade the FRA sensitivities for the specific
transformer used in this work.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 159 -

Model Applications

- 160 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



The following hypotheses have been investigated in this work:

1. "Deviations observed in FRA measurements can be related to actual winding

deformations by means of a detailed high frequency model of the

This work presents an approach for modeling power transformers based on the
physical/internal layout of the winding (constructional information) and the
material parameters. Effects of deformations, modeled as geometrical corrections,
appear in calculated FRA-signatures. These are not verified with experiments, but
are compared to the experimental work done by Christian [24]. One of the goals
on FRA is to establish preliminary interpretational guidelines. This seems to be
possible from the results reported by Rahimpour [1], which has based his
simulations on the experimental results of Christian [24].

The investigations done in this work found the sensitivity limit to forced mode
buckling at an increase in capacitance from LV-winding to ground of 9% along
the whole winding heigth. This equals a depth of buckling of 9% of the radial
dimension of the LV-winding. On the contrary, Christian [24] reported a
sensitivity-limit for forced mode buckling of 3% buckling depth (of the radial
dimension) along 10% of the winding height. Such a small deformation would not
be detectable by the model used in this work. Investigations show that only
changes in the dielectric model need to be taken into account in the case of

A 20 mm axial displacement has been simulated on the LV-winding, and some

vertical change of the transfer function can be observed in the frequency-range of
100 kHz-1MHz. The degree of the displacement correspond to available height for
displacement for this particular transformer. The change in the transfer function is
small and may be regarded as the sensitivity limit for this deformation mode. The
axial displacement equals 1.2% of the total winding height and this agrees well to
the results reported by Christian [24] (1-2%). The axial displacement is simulated

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 161 -


both with and without change in capacitance, with the conclusion that the
dielectric model need no modification at axial displacements.
The model developed in this work is based on constructional information only (in
addition to its material parameters). The constructional information describes the
internal construction of the transformer winding, and since the model agrees well
to terminal measurements, the internal representation is assumed to be properly
defined. This means that deformations in a winding can be detected by terminal
measurements (FRA), and thus hypothesis 1 is verified.

2. "Analytical methods are sufficient for simple/homogenous transformer

geometries. A real transformer geometry complicates the analytical
approach. Finite element methods would be an alternative for complex
designs since details and variations may easily be included."

The analytical methods tested in this work show some coherence with the work of
Rahimpour [1], but since he worked with simplified coreless designs, it is not
representative for real transformers. When applying these analytical steps on a real
transformer geometry (T3 Buran), it results in a poor resemblence lacking
sufficient losses and distribution of the resonant frequencies.

Advancing to a FEM-based software (SUMER) was expected to increase accuracy

since the windings could be modeled with a higher accuracy. This software also
includes the proximity losses of the windings in a physical way based on the
geometry and materials, but the results were only slightly improved compared to
the analytical approach. Still at this point the iron core is neglected and equalized
with a conducting screen.

3. "Iron core can be neglected and considered to behave like a perfect

conducting screen above 10 kHz."

By representing the iron core eddy currents utilizing a frequency-dependent

complex permeability, the coherence to measurements increased significantly.
This is obviously the most important factor in transformer models. Eddy currents
in the laminates are important also at higher frequencies. This work identify the
iron losses to be the most important loss-mechanism up to several hundred kHz.

The permeability is shown to have little influence as long as it is much larger than
µ 0 . The reason for this is the fact that it is the leakage inductance that is involved
in the internal resonances and the accuracy of determining these resonances is then
related to an accurate calculation of the leakage field. Since the leakage inductance
is represented by the difference between self- and mutual inductances, the values
of these are not important but rather the difference. The difference (leakage
inductance) seem to be constant when varying the permeability but the self- and
mutual inductances are not. The proper representation of the core leg is however

- 162 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


very important in order to obtain an accurate solution for the leakage field in the
core window.

The accuracy of the calculated self- and mutual inductances are compared to
measurements utilizing single coils on cores. The accuracy of the complex
permeability approach together with the shape of the core equivalent is also
assessed. The two comparisons made in this work, are based on measurements
found in literature and must be used with precautions since not all material-
parameters and boundary-conditions are known.

At relatively large distances between coils, the mutual inductance vary linearly
with the distance. The common flux is highly frequency-dependent while the
leakage-flux is less dependent (assumed constant in the work of Fergestad [44]).

Inclusion of interlaminar eddy currents increases the accuracy of the core

representation. The coating conductivity used in this work is set to the limit of
what is allowed by standard tests. This narrow the effect down to smaller or older
transformers since modern transformers usually use a double, high quality coating
on the laminations.

For iron core representation, FEM show to be suitable in terms of implementing

the equivalent complex permeability approach examined in chapter 5. Even
though the introduction of FEM in chapter 4, did not increase coherence to
measurements, it introduced the principle of using an equivalent description to
incorporate frequency dependent losses and inductances into the model on a
physical basis. This led to the iron core representation using the same approach.
Hypothesis 3 is disproved.

4. "High frequency characteristics of insulating materials are independent of

frequency, temperature, moisture, ageing etc. Ageing should therefore not
change the FRA-signature."

The dielectric losses showed to be highly frequency-dependent and also dependent

on temperature and moisture. Regarding the high frequency characteristics of the
materials considered, the effect of moisture/ageing is not pronounced at high
frequencies. The influence of temperature is clearly identified, and the so-called
β -relaxation around 1MHz is attributed to the motion of the main cellulose chain.
Moisture adds an additional β -relaxation where water is bound to the main
molecular chain, but this is at a much lower frequency and is not of concern in this

The inclusion of frequency-dependent dielectric losses showed an influence onto

the transfer function, adding damping to the resonances. Using constant values
based on tan δ -measurements at 50 Hz, results in too low damping.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 163 -


The dielectric losses start to influence on the transfer function around 100 kHz. It
will become the dominating loss-mechanism in the upper frequency range of the
model. When frequency approach 1MHz, the current mainly flows in the
insulation structure and winding resonances fades out. Part one of hypothesis 4 is
disproved. Part two is verified for other reasons than part one.

5. "High frequency transformer models can be established with high degree of

conformity to terminal measurements, provided constructional information is

As mentioned, the method utilized in this work is based on constructional

information to establish the model. Quite reasonable results are obtained when
comparing terminal measurements to model results, especially for the input

Whether the model correctly represents the internal voltages and ratios, is not
known, but since the model is based on internal constructional information, and all
losses are calculated from the geometrical layout, it is assumed that the model also
represents internal behaviour with a reasonable accuracy. This will of course have
to be validated to measurements on a real transformer with a core.

It must also be mentioned that the tap-changer is not modeled due to its
complexity. It will add capacitance between turns in the regulating winding, in
addition to capacitance to ground. Its influence is seen in the measurements on T3
Buran in a narrow frequency range around 100 kHz. Influence from leads,
bushings, measurement setup, and connections is minimal. Terminal loading
(terminations in setup) is minimized since active probes are used for the voltage
measurements. This means that no corrections need to be made in order to
compare measurements and model. The influence from the setup is less in this
work than in published literature. This is most likely due to the active probes, since
influence of the inductance of measurement leads are minimized (small current
results in a minimized voltage drop in the test leads). Use of high impedance,
differential, active probes is therefore highly recommended to increase
repeatability of the measurements.

Hypothesis 1 and 5 are verified, while 2 and 3 are rejected. Hypothesis 4 is

partially rejected.

- 164 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



The main purpose of this work is to find the most suitable method for high
frequency modeling of power transformers in order to calculate internal stresses
and effect of winding deformations. FRA is a fairly new diagnostic method for
detection of mechanical damages to transformer windings. This method can be
applied without opening the transformer and this makes costly inspections
redundant (damages to inner winding is normally not visible without
disassembling the unit).

One of the demands for the method of modeling is that it should support real
transformer geometries based on constructional information from the
manufacturer. The model should also be versatile in terms of being applicable to
computation of internal and external overvoltages and resonances.

A set of hypotheses has been established based on an initial study of the literature.
The importance of the iron core in transformer models is emphasized in this work
since it represents the most complex part in a model and at the same time the most
important factor in such models.

The main conclusions for this work are outlined below:

• Simple, analytical methods cannot be used to establish a versatile high

frequency power transformer model. In terms of low coherence to
measurements using analytical modeling, the transition to a numerical FEM-
description (SUMER) was expected to increase coherence since a more
accurate implementation of design details could be included. FEM (SUMER)
did not increase coherence considerably, but the techniques for calculating
proximity effects are adopted in the description of the iron core.

• A proper and accurate representation of the iron-core is essential in terms of

computing the magnetic parameters accurately. In this work an analytical
solution of the complex magnetic field inside laminations is used to establish
an equivalent, frequency-dependent, complex permeability that describes the
frequency-dependent behaviour of the core accurately over a wide frequency

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 165 -


range. This enables a simple and accurate implementation of the core

behaviour into any FEM software. Iron losses dominate the total losses up to
several hundred kHz. The computation of self- and mutual inductances rely on
a precise description of the frequency-dependent behaviour of the core. The
internal resonances is determined by the leakage inductances (difference
between self- and mutual inductance), and thus the permeability is not
important. Interlaminar effects are shown to have influence on the inductance
if the coating resistivity is sufficiently low. An analytical correction is
developed in order implement these effects into the initial complex
permeability description. The topology of the model must correlate to the real
transformer design. Since the model is established in axial symmetry (2D),
with the core leg and window as the determining dimensions, there are room
for future improvements of the model.

• The permittivity of dielectric materials is strongly influenced by frequency,

moisture, and temperature. Ageing does not seem to influence high frequency
characteristics of oil-impregnated paper significantly. Since data on
impregnated pressboard apparently is missing in literature, measurements are
performed and presented in chapter 6. Main reason for this investigation is to
determine possible influence important for FRA. A proper representation of
the dielectric losses is shown to be important in a high frequency transformer
model above 100 kHz. Ageing does not seem to influence on FRA-signatures.
Temperature has only minor influence on the FRA-signatures provided that
the difference in temperature is sufficiently large.

• FRA sensitivities are established for buckling (radial deformations) and axial
displacement. Forced mode buckling is detectable for a change in capacitance
to ground above 9%, while the sensitivity limit for the free mode buckling is
very dependent on the shape of the deformation (Preliminary simulations
insinuate a sensitivity limit of 15% change in LV to ground capacitance, but
this is very dependent on the shape of the deformation). Both modes require
deformation along the entire height of winding in order to be detectable.
Sensitivity to axial bending is determined to be 1,2%. In many cases this is
close to the available space for deformation if end-support collapses. So axial
displacement is on the limit of being detectable.
Disc-to-disc short circuits are clearly detectable independent of the position
within the winding since the magnetic behaviour is changed. Axial bending is
not detectable.

• Since terminal behaviour seems to be close to the model behaviour, and the
description is based only on the internal geometry and material parameters, it
is assumed that the internal behaviour is properly described by the model.
Examples are shown were internal (and external) stresses are calculated both
in terms of impulse overvoltages and resonances. The validity of the internal

- 166 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


model must be verified to measurements on a real winding geometry mounted

on its core.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 167 -


- 168 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



10.1 Iron Core representation

Since the iron core representation showed up to be the most important subject in
the transformer model, it should be given more attention also in future in order to
improve the representation even further. Domain-refined/laser-treated steel is
used extensively today. The high frequency properties of these materials are not
known. Can these materials also be represented using the classical representation
presented in chapter 5? Or are there large differences?

An universal transformer model is frequently called for in the literature. The

model developed here could also be extended to lower frequencies by adding
terminal equivalents for representing hysteresis and saturation. Saturation at
frequencies above power frequency, will appear in the surface of each lamination
and this increases the penetration depth since permeability is lowered in the outer
zone. This will in turn affect eddy current losses in the laminations, but since very
high voltages are needed in order to saturate the iron at high frequencies, this may
be important only for intermediate frequencies (during switching- and power
frequency transients).

Since the inductance seems to be slightly overestimated close to the yoke, this
must be verified through measurements, and if confirmed, another core shape has
to be found in order to avoid this overestimation (In real transformer designs with
a stacked core, most of the winding is outside the core window, but in the 2D-axi
all the winding is inside). A representation where the equivalent length of the core
seen from the winding is “stretched” out and placed between two periodic
boundary-conditions would probably increase accuracy and at the same time
simplify the implementation of the core representation. The tank wall can still be
represented as a boundary in the geometry for proper calculation of losses
employing its material. The tank wall can be assumed to have an infinite thickness
compared to the penetration depth of the leakage field.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 169 -

Further Work

10.2 Overvoltages
The most important factors when starting to use this method for calculation of
internal and external overvoltages, is that the model must be verified to
measurements on real transformers. Since the core was removed from the
testobject in this thesis, it was not possible to accomplish such a verification since
the importance of the core was realized at a later stage.

Another important topic is the handling of interleaved windings and in wound

shields. This should be possible to handle analytically in order to obtain the correct

10.3 Interlaminar effects

Since it seems like some core materials could have sufficiently low interlaminar
resistance to set up currents between laminations, different types of coatings
should be investigated. It is also of great importance to identify the range of
applications for the different coatings. Since interlaminar currents displaces the
flux from the inner parts of the core, this creates a three-dimensional problem. A
representation in axial symmetry will necessitate an approximation. Whether the
losses can be averaged the same way as for the one-dimensional permeability
deduced in chapter 5.2, or implemented in other ways such as an implementation
dependent on the radius; µ ( r ) is questioned.

10.4 3D effects
As outlined from the measurements in fig. 7.23, there are differences when
comparing outer phases to the centre phase. There are two possible solutions for
these difference, where both are related to non-symmetric phenomena (3D-
• Since the number of resonances seems to be lower for the centre phase
(around the first resonances), it seems like the reluctance plays a role. The
reluctance seen from the centre leg, is a parallel connection of two equal
paths, while reluctance seen from one of the outer legs is a parallel connection
of two different reluctances. The inductance resulting from these reluctances
will resonate with the shunt capacitance of the winding, creating two different
resonances for an outer winding and one for the winding on the centre leg.
• The other possible explanation of the interphase difference is that the leakage
field is different for the centre winding compared to the outer windings. This
leakage field will be linked to other phases and the linkage for the centre
phase will be twice the linkage from the outer phases, which explains the
different behaviour of the winding.
Investigating these effects will be important in order to find approximations to use
in 2D axi-symmetric models. 3D models with the required level of details are not
realistic at the moment, due to the computational demands.

- 170 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Further Work

10.5 Ageing effects

The influence of temperature, frequency and moisture on the dielectric properties
of insulation materials was studied on a preliminary basis in this thesis. A more
complete study would be preferable, using a combined insulation structure. It
would then be possible to invalidate or approve the influence of these parameters
in real transformer designs. Some test can be performed on real transformers
regarding the temperature but such test would be rather macroscopic regarding the
material characteristics since several insulation structures influence the result.

10.6 FRA
One of the goals in this work was to increase the understanding on how FRA-
signatures are changed due to deformations. A more detailed study would
probably lead to further increase in understanding FRA. This could be obtained by
applying variational analysis of FRA in order to investigate which faults influence
on which part of the winding structure, and at which frequency.

10.6.1 Modeling
The simplification in modeling buckling neglected the change in inductance. The
influence from a buckled zone with the core present should be investigated. The
core might increase influence from the buckled zone, as indicated from some
initial 3D FEM-simulations which were not included in this thesis, since the
simplifications necessary was rather extensive. A very coarse mesh is necessary in
order to be able to solve the FEM-problem.

10.6.2 Fault location

The faulted phase and winding can normally be located, but no clear indications
are reported on how to locate the point of fault within the winding. By using the
information from the different resonance-frequencies in a voltage-ratio
measurement or an admittance measurement, it could be possible to determine the
location also within the winding. Since some of the resonances change less than
others at certain types of faults, it gives an indication of the influence of each
resonance. Since the current (and voltage) has a space-harmonic distribution with
a wavelength according to the resonance frequency, parts of the winding has no
angular current (magnetizing current), and thus no losses are created at this
particular part of the winding. If the voltage is zero for a particular part, then a
change in capacitance would not be detected at this resonance, but will be
detectable at other resonance frequencies.

10.6.3 Interpretation and presentation

Hässig and Bräunlich [166] reports a better sensitivity to small changes in transfer
function using a locus plot in the complex plane than the conventional frequency
spectrum. The disadvantage is that the frequency must be labelled inside the plot

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 171 -

Further Work

which might create confusion, but their conclusion was that the locus plot was
favourable for the comparison of different measurements.

Some work has been done to automate the interpretation of data, but the problem
is the amount of data. If some important features were extracted, it could be
possible to automate this process to a certain degree. For instance if the poles and
zeros of the transfer function is extracted, it could be used as an input to an
artificial neural network (ANN). Such network needs training, and a transformer
model such as the model developed in this work is perfect for training ANN-
networks for different fault types. Noisy measurements must be accounted for.

Statistical indicators is an interesting tool as a support during interpretation of

FRA measurements. Such measures are not evaluated in this work, but the
influence from a computer model would be interesting to study since different
effects can be isolated with reasonable effort.

- 172 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers


Complementary reviews, deductions and explanations are put into appendix in

order to try to increase readability of the main part.

Appendix A. Constructional information, T3 Buran

As outlined in chapter 1.4, the main test object of this thesis is a 2-winding step-
down, power transformer with a regulating winding connecting the HV-winding
to the neutral. The following name-plate information is given:

HV: 60kV +/-6 x 1.46% (Reg.winding), 20 MVA, 195 A, YN

LV: 6,6 kV, 20 MVA, 1724 A, yn0

ek: 7,51% (Ek: 4506 V)

er: 0.478%
I0: 0,306%
P0: 18.84 kW
Pc: 84.1 kW

The local utility (Trondheim E-verk) was upgrading the voltage level in the
secondary network from 6,6kV to 12kV. Since this transformer was quite old, an
upgrade of the windings was not recommended and it was scrapped. The
transformer was disconnected and FRA measurements were performed in all
combinations (voltage ratios and admittances) for 3 different tapping-position:
Max/min and principal position (middle). Then the oil was drained and
measurements performed again. The initial plan was to untank the transformer in
order to apply deformations to the winding. But since the OLTC was placed in a
separate tank requiring a disassembly inside the main tank before the active part
could be lifted out, these experiments were cancelled. Instead the windings were
separated from the core (to save space) and brought the laboratory for future

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 173 -

Appendix A. Constructional information, T3 Buran

A.1. The windings

The high voltage (HV) winding consists of a double-stranded continuously wound
disc winding with 82 discs and 564 turns. The insulation is reinforced at the ends
in order to cope with impulse stresses. To enable the addition of extra insulation,
the number of turns are reduced for the 3 discs closest to the winding ends. A
“normal” disc has 7 turns while the end discs have 5 and 6. Strand dimension is
3,2 x 13,5 mm. Inner and outer diameter is 646 mm and 747 mm respectively.
Axial height is 1576 mm, and insulation thickness is 0,55 mm.

The regulation winding is connected in series with the HV-winding, between HV

and neutral, and consists of an interleaved single layer-winding with 9 turns per
tapping (12 tappings). Conductor dimension is 9 x 7 mm. Inner diameter is 837
mm, and axial height is 1374 mm. Insulation thickness is 1,225 mm.

The low voltage (LV) winding is a double start, 24-stranded single layer helical
winding with 69 turns. Interturn distance is increased at the winding ends to have
local balance of the ampere turns (equal length of the two windings). The strand
dimension is 2 x 7 mm. Inner and outer diameter is 483 mm and 576 mm
respectively. Thickness of insulation is 0,325 mm.

A.2. The core

The core is three-legged and has a nominal diameter of 460 mm for the legs. This
diameter includes pressboard strips and steel-ties. This equals an outer iron core
diameter of approx. 450 mm. The core is built up of M6-gl. standard steel
(thickness: 0,35 mm) with 13 different widths/steps as shown in fig. 3.6. The
effective diameter is approx. 440 mm (due to the stepped width of the
laminations), and the net area of the main legs is 1406 cm2. (The space-factor due
to insulation and cooling ducts within the core is not included in the net area)

The area of the top/bottom yokes are: 1,13 x 1406 = 1589 cm2.(These sections
have elliptic cross-section with a height of 480 mm).

- 174 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix A. Constructional information, T3 Buran

The window height and width are 1750 mm and 450 mm respectively. Other
dimensions are shown in fig. A.1

2250 mm

480 mm
1750 mm

2710 mm
450 mm 450 mm 450 mm

480 mm

900 mm

Figure A.1: Core dimensions of T3 Buran

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 175 -

Appendix A. Constructional information, T3 Buran

The end-support, steel-ties and core cooling-duct is shown in fig. A.2

Figure A.2: Core details: End support, cooling duct and steel-ties

A.3. The tank

The internal tank dimensions in millimetres are as follows:

-Width: 1150
- Total length: 2850
- Rect. length: 1700
- Heigth: 3350

The ends of the tank are rounded (oval) and the tapchanger is placed in a separate
tank added to the end of the main tank. Cooling-scheme is ONAF.

- 176 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

A power transformer’s ability to withstand short-circuits is recognized as an
essential parameter for such an important component. International standards (for
instance [11]) as well as national standards specifies a necessity for power
transformers to be short-circuit-proof and the way to verify such performance.

The effect of short-circuit currents in transformer windings can be grouped in two

• Thermal effects
• Mechanical effects
It is shown [131] that the thermal effects normally will not affect the insulation
life-time of a transformer due to sufficiently infrequent occurrence and fairly low
temperature rise.

A power transformer in a normal network would probably have to deal with few
or none short-circuit faults through its lifetime, but should be designed to
withstand such faults if they occur. Transformers can be designed to cope with
several such faults a day, for instance at short-circuit test station of arc furnace
transformers. Building ordinary power transformers suitable for such purposes
would be expensive. In other words, economy is one of the main factors when
choosing the level of specification for a new transformer. The designer should
anyhow make some considerations to be able to calculate the strength of the
transformer and its components. The following procedure is given in [167]:
• Study system faults and their characteristics.
• Evaluate possible over-currents occurring in the network.
• Calculate the electromagnetic forces due to these over-currents.
• Determine the strength of the windings needed to resist these forces.

Usually faults in a power network have currents far below the maximum short-
circuit current. In rear cases a transformer will be subjected to the highest possible
currents. The forces produced are proportional to the square of the current, so a
small reduction in the current makes a substantial decrease in short-circuit stresses
and therefore the effect of asymmetry is very important. At maximum asymmetry
(a factor of 1,8), forces at the crest of the first loop of the fault current are 3,24
times higher (1,82=3,24), than at a symmetrical fault. The situation of maximum
asymmetry is shown in figure B.1 and B.2:

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 177 -

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

Per unit symmetric shortcircuit current




0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Time [ms]

Figure B.1: Fully asymmetric short-circuit current

Per unit symmetric shortcircuit force




0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Time [ms]

Figure B.2: Force variation vs time during short circuit for an asymmetric fault
The asymmetrical factor can be derived from the network and transformer

- 178 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

Another important factor for the designer is, as mentioned earlier, the frequency
and duration of faults, the methods of protection, temperature-limits for the
equipment. According to [167] the manufacturers usually use the maximum
asymmetry for designs.

The next step is to determine level of fault current, and by considering a fully
asymmetrical fault, the current for a transformer connected to an infinite system is:
ˆI 1, 8 ⋅ S n ⋅ 10
SC = -------------------------------- B.1
3 ⋅ E ⋅ ez

Where ˆI SC = peak value of short-circuit current [A]

Sn = rated output of transformer in MVA.
E = rated line-to-line voltage [kV].
ez = per unit impedance of the transformer [%].

If the transformer has a tapping winding, this has to be considered because it

influences both the impedance and the maximum forces occurring during short-
circuit events.

The IEC publication 60076 part 5 [11] states that the maximum duration for a short
circuit is 2 seconds for impedances less than 5% and 3 seconds for impedances of
5% and above. The publication also give the maximum permissible winding
temperatures, which for copper is 250 ° C. The asymmetrical value given by the
publication is initially 1,8 but allowance may be made for system impedances by
agreements between manufacturer and purchaser. For instance, this can be
allowed if interconnecting buses or cables are to be made short-circuit-proof.

The temperature limit permitted by the standard is usually not reached due to
shorter fault clearing times and lower short-circuit currents (lower current density
applied). The yield strength or hardness grade of copper increases by cold working
the metal. In the “as cast”-stage or after a complete annealing, copper is an
isotropic material. By cold working/wire drawing, the crystals are reoriented and
deformed, which leads to an increasing hardness grade. Usually the yield strength
is given as the stress value causing a permanent strain equal to 0,1 or 0,2%

Standard grades cover values ranging from 90 to 280 N/mm2 yield strength at
0,2% offset. These standard grades are usually called semi-hard copper, and when
exposed to temperatures between 200-250 C, some annealing start to occur [168].
This leads to a substantial reduction in the yield strength, and the winding will be
less able to withstand the electrodynamic stresses at the next occurring short-
circuit if exposed to such temperatures.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 179 -

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

Additional considerations must be made for multiwindig transformers,

autotransformers and tertiary stabilizing windings (depending on the connection

The possibility of resonance must be clarified for the different modes of

electromagnetic forces, because the windings and the supporting system constitute
a mechanical system having a mass and elasticity. This must be accounted for
when studying displacements and stresses during short-circuits [167].

Radial forces produce a hoop-stress in the outer winding, where elasticity is high
and mass is small. This results in a high natural frequency (>> 50Hz). For this
reason there is little chance of displacements being increased by resonance effects.
In this case the forces may be considered applied slowly, producing a stress
corresponding to the peak of the first half-cycle of fault current.

When forces in the axial direction act upon paper and pressboard, which is easily
compressible, the natural frequency may be close to the frequency components of
the forces (1st and 2nd harmonic). The designer must aim for a construction not
amplifying the stresses by resonance effects.

The methods of force calculation are quite different for shell type and core type
transformers. In this thesis only core type transformers are considered due to the
fact that it is by far the most common design for power transformers (at least in
Europe), as it has emerged as the most economical and useful alternative for power

The reason why forces occur is the fact that a major leakage field is produced in
the transformer during a short-circuit when the windings oppose each others
ampere-turns. The field produced in the transformer window creates both axial
and radial forces on all parts of the windings.

The field is spreading out at the ends, producing axial forces, while the vertical
field produces radial forces. This is due to the relation given in the formula below:

F = B×I B.2
which give the force per length perpendicular to the magnetic field and the flow
direction of the current (right-hand-rule). An example of a leakage field
calculation inside the core window is shown in figure B.3.

- 180 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

Figure B.3: Leakage field at short circuit for a simplified geometry

Displacements can in certain cases cause further displacements due to imbalance/
increased forces in one direction. The disposition of the windings is an important
factor when the designer estimates the short-circuit strength of the design.

B.1. Radial Forces

The result of equation (B.2) yields that an axial field and a current perpendicular
to the field and paper plane as in figure B.4 produce radial forces.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 181 -

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

Figure B.4: Radial forces in concentric windings [167]

Since it is the maximum force which is important, it is convenient to ignore the
curvature of the field at the winding ends. The approximated maximum flux
density in the leakage channel can be found by:

µ 0 2NI
B A = -------------------- B.3

where H w is the average winding height and

NI is the total number of ampereturns in one winding

The conductors being closest to the leakage channel are subjected to the highest
forces, since the radial force distribution depends on the axial flux density.
Normally, provided that the conductors are wound tightly, the force pattern is such
that some of the force is transferred to less loaded conductors, and a load sharing
is achieved. Because of this, it is possible to assume that all conductors are
subjected to an average force (per unit length):

- 182 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

1 N
F AV = --- ⋅ B A ⋅ I C ⋅ ---- B.4
2 m

where I C is the peak conductor current in amperes. For layer-type windings there
is no load sharing, so the layers next to the leakage duct face the biggest forces.
For tightly wound windings such as disc windings, the total radial force exerted on
the whole winding is given by:
F rad = F Av ⋅ π ⋅ D m ⋅ N [ N ] B.5

The tensile stress σ in the outer winding can be determined from the following
F rad
σ = --------------------------- B.6
In case of layer-type windings (no load sharing) the tensile stress of the conductors
adjacent to the leakage channel will be twice as high. The outer winding
withstands these forces if the tensile stress is below the level causing permanent
deformation. With some margin of safety (due to unequal force-distribution
around the circumference), the tensile stress obtained should not exceed 80 N/
mm2 [168] (depending on the grade of hardness used).

B.2. Failure modes caused by radial forces

The failure modes due to radial forces are quite different depending whether it is
the outer or inner winding, since the outer winding will experience outward forces
creating a tensile stress, and the inner winding will be exposed to inward forces
resulting in a compressive stress.

Tensile stress may result in conductor stretching if the yield strength is exceeded.
This can also lead to destruction of conductor insulation or axial instability of the
coil. If joints are not made properly, rupture of conductors may occur.

Compressive stress may result in a winding collapse according to two patterns:

• Forced buckling
• Free buckling

Forced buckling mode occurs when the supporting structure on the inner side has
significant stiffness compared to the stiffness of the winding conductors. The
conductors are bent in each span or in alternate spans between the axial supporting
strips. This results in the typical shape of a many-pointed star or a flower. The
stress has to exceed the elastic limit of the conductor.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 183 -

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

Free buckling is a much more common collapse-pattern. This buckling mode

cause the conductors to bulge outwards as well as inwards at one or a few specific
points along the circumference and is not dependent on the supporting structure.

B.3. Axial Forces

The leakage field at the ends of the windings tend to spread out and a radial
component of the leakage field is formed. This radial field give rise to an axial
force along the winding. As long as the ampere-turns are balanced, the net force
will be zero and the only force occurring is a compressive force. When the ampere-
turns are not balanced axially, the total force will try to increase this imbalance
(separating the windings and exerting a mechanical stress on the clamping

Figure B.5: Axial force-distribution on concentric winding

- 184 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix B. Short circuit forces

B.4. Failure modes caused by axial forces

Substantial axial forces may result in different failure modes and combinations of
these. Several different mechanisms may be present during a short circuit event:
• Tilting of conductors: The axial stability of the winding is degraded severely
due to tilting of conductors/group of conductors. Every other group axially
(e.g. a disc) are tilted the same way resulting in a zig-zag pattern. This may
result in broken conductor insulation, internal short circuits and even
increased forces due to displacement of conductors
• Telescoping: stretched conductors cause radial looseness. This can lead to a
displacement where some turns pass outside adjacent turns axially. This
failure mode is typical for layer-type windings. Telescoping usually results in
destroyed conductor insulation and turn-turn faults and at worst conductor
rupture with the possibility of severe breakdown.
• Axial bending: The conductors are bent axially between the supporting
spacers. This may lead to broken conductor insulation.
• Axial displacement/End support collapse: An axial deformation/displacement
of the windings due to either overstressed materials or instability within the
support structure.

Minor degrees of these mechanisms can lead to interstrand short circuits. Such
faults are difficult to detect, but appear as a slight increase in the I2R-losses and
may show up, according to [169], as a thermal fault (T2) with a hot spot
temperature above 300 ° C. A potential evolution could be that the fault develops
into a major insulation breakdown if the hotspot temperature is sufficient, but this
normally take some time.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 185 -

Appendix C. FRA Measurement Setup

Appendix C. FRA Measurement Setup

The setup used so far in Norway [20] is the SFRA-method using a network
analyser (HP4195A) with active probes (HP41800A) and double-screened coax-
cables. A network analyser has a very large signal-to-noise ratio, when used

Voltage -
probe Pearson

Figure C.1: FRA measurement setup with network analyser, active voltage probe
and current monitor (compensated current transformer)

Using active probes eliminate the influence of terminations and the coax-cables
running from the point of measurement to the network analyser. If these cables are
equal of length (applied voltage is measured at the bushing), phase-related
problems at high frequencies will be minimized (if active probes are properly

- 186 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix C. FRA Measurement Setup

Figure C.2: Setup using active probe to measure applied voltage

The input impedance of the probes is very high (1 MOhm+1pF), and does not
influence on the measured response. The disadvantage of using active probes, is
that they need calibration. When measuring admittance/impedance, a pearson
current monitor [21] is used for current measurements (see fig. C.3). The insertion
impedance is usually very low for such units (typically a few milli Ω ).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 187 -

Appendix C. FRA Measurement Setup

Figure C.3: Current measurement using a Pearson Current monitor

Proper grounding must be established at all flanges/bushings that are to be
measured. This is to insure a low-impedance grounding to the tank and a short
grounding lead. Both the connection to ground, and the stranded wire connecting
the top of the bushing to the probe must be as short as possible. The wire from top
of the bushing must also be as close to the body of the bushing as possible
(preferably stretched) to minimize loop inductance and maximize reproducibility.

By using this measurement-setup, the influence of the coax-cables, instrument

terminations and cable-layout is reduced to a minimum. This also makes it easier
to perform comparisons when different equipment is used for the measurements.
With long leads, the lead admittance becomes dominant somewhere above 500
kHz depending on the size of the bushing. This means that using long leads at a
large transformer, reduces the sensitivity of FRA. In order to make a measurement
independent of the coax cables when active probes are not used, it could be
possible to compensate for the capacitance of the cables [63] (assuming the length
is electrically short). As long as the cables are shorter than 1/4 of the shortest
wavelength (upper frequency), no phasing-effects will occur.

As mentioned in chapter, the effect of the series inductance of the test leads
may be reduced by using active, high impedance probes since the current in the
measurement leads is reduced.

- 188 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix D. Historical Review - Transformer modeling

Appendix D. Historical Review - Transformer modeling

Transformer models have a variety of applications, and different requirements
make use of different principles due to various demands regarding frequency
range, needed degree of accuracy, application and so on. The history of
transformer modeling is reviewed from the “early beginning” until today
describing the main lines and principles used. The different challenges attended
with transformer modeling are elucidated.

D.1. Introduction
The two first transformers were built and patented in 1885 and one of them was
the Ganz transformer [170] incorporating a wound core.

Figure D.1: The Ganz Transformer

The commercial breakthrough of power transformers was achieved by
Westinghouse [171]. The development of the transformer during the first decades
was based mainly on experience rather than science and research. At the beginning
of the last century it was revealed that the response of transformers to lightning and
switching surges was entirely different from the normal performance at
operational frequencies, and the need for more detailed modeling and knowledge
arose. The transformer is still a very complex component to model and there are
details that are not fully understood even today.

During the last 50 years the need for detailed transformer models have been one
of the driving forces of transformer research. The manufacturers need a reliable
tool to design cost efficient and reliable transformers. Utilities need transformer
models to simulate transformer interaction and backfeed during faults in their
networks, and also as a tool for insulation coordination. Lately transformer models
have found new applications such as in this work: Sensitivity analysis of FRA as
a diagnostic method.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 189 -

Appendix D. Historical Review - Transformer modeling

D.2. The early ages

The first era of transformer modeling is well described by Abetti's bibliographies
[172], [173], [174] and historical survey [175]. The second era, from the early
fifties until today, is mainly influenced by the use of computers. Abetti's
bibliography is ranging from 1902 to the publication date of the last supplement
[174] in 1964. His bibliographies contain 1265 references regarding transformer/
machine modeling and he collected them over a period of 10 years. Because of its
importance and lack of credits from recent publications, a very brief summary is
given. Abetti also contributed [176], [177] to the topics of surge response and
transformer modeling and his work represents a milestone in these topics.

In 1902, Thomas [178] discovered that the voltage distribution in transformer

windings exposed to surges with steep fronts is far from linear, resulting in very
large voltage gradients in limited parts of the winding. Some years later Steinmetz,
when discussing a paper by Jackson [7], indicated that a winding resembles more
like a capacitance than an inductance at high frequencies. This led to the
discussion of reinforced end-turn insulation, and many years later: shielding and
“inter-leaving” to control the electrostatic voltage distribution. The initial
(electrostatic) voltage distribution was recognized to follow a certain hyperbolic
pattern. For the subsequent oscillations, the solution was attempted in many ways,
which at the time where classified according to the following three methods:

• Treating the winding as a transmission line, was first done by Rudenberg

[179], [180].
• Representing the winding by means of a ladder network (mesh) of
concentrated parameters was first done by Weed [40]. He neglected all mutual
inductances. (Included by Wagner [181], [182] but only between adjacent
• An equivalent circuit of distributed inductive and capacitive parameters were
suggested by Wagner [59], still with mutual inductances only between
adjacent elements. He solved the differential equations for the oscillations by
applying as boundary conditions the initial and final distribution as boundary

These 3 representations have subsequently been widely used and further


During the 1920's attempts were made to get more precise solutions by including
all self- and mutual inductances. This attempt led to highly mathematical and
unsatisfactory results, and found no practical applications until 30-40 years later
(using computers).

- 190 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix D. Historical Review - Transformer modeling

D.3. Introduction to principles of modern modeling

In 1919 Blume and Boyajian [50] introduced the concept of leakage inductance of
the winding and methods for determining leakage inductances, which describes
the difference between the self- and mutual inductance of two filaments directly.
Rosa [183] made important contributions in calculation of self-inductances in
1906 and his work was later extended by Roth [184] and Grover [185]. Another
approach of transformer modeling is the principle of duality, which was
introduced by Cherry [55]. Duality means representing magnetic circuits with
electrical equivalents. In the 50's and 60's manufacturers used reduced scale
models [176] to improve their designs, but because it is a time-consuming and
expensive way of modeling, they searched for new methods. Measurements can
also be used to identify high frequency terminal characteristics of transformers
[62], but this is not a method of modeling other than deriving the model from the
measurements. Electromagnetic field computations have developed through the
last 40 years due to the development of computers, and can be used to implement
most methods mentioned above.

D.4. The age of computers

The introduction of computers enabled transformer engineers to solve their
theoretical problems with higher accuracy and less simplifications than earlier.
Today all methods of transformer modeling is based on computers, some
demanding severe resources, others not. The main problem in the beginning of this
era was the computation of the inductances. Most of the capacitances could be
calculated analytically, but both the inductances and losses are frequency
dependent to some extent and need numerical techniques to be calculated with
high accuracy. The finite element method (FEM) is the most advancing one

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 191 -

Appendix E. Nodal System Description

Appendix E. Nodal System Description

The goal is to establish a system description on a nodal admittance form, but first
all relations between branch and nodal elements must be described:
Z = R ( ω ) + jω ⋅ L ( ω ) E.1

Y = G ( ω ) + jω ⋅ C ( ω ) E.2
The established branch-matrix (number of branches: m) consists of the R and L-
elements at each frequency-point as shown in eq. E.3

R 11 + jωL 11 R 12 + jωL 12 … R 1m + jωL 1m

R 21 + jωL 21 R 22 + jωL 22 … R 2m + jωL 2m
[ ZB ] = E.3
… … … …
R m1 + jωL m1 R m2 + jωL m2 … R mm + jωL mm

while the C- and G-elements form the nodal admittance matrix shown in eq.E.4
(number of nodes: n):

G 11 + jωC 11 G 12 + jωC 12 … G 1n + jωC 1n

G 21 + jωC 21 G 22 + jωC 22 … G 2n + jωC 2n
[ YN ] = E.4
… … … …
G n1 + jωC n1 G n2 + jωC n2 … G nn + jωC nn

The branch matrix must be converted to its inverse nodal form (admittance) as
shown in the example below:

Figure E.1: Relations between nodal and branch currents

Since the inductance-matrix have mutual elements (off-diagonal elements), the

matrix cannot just be inverted directly to its admittance description. The relations
between the nodal currents and the branch currents has to be described. In the
example of fig. E.1 we have two types of nodal currents:

- 192 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix E. Nodal System Description

IN = IC + IL E.5

I L is the inductive part of the nodal currents.

What we want to achieve is a nodal description as given below:
I L = --- ⋅ Γ N ⋅ U N E.6
The starting point is the branch description below:
–1 1
U B = sL B ⋅ I B ⇒ L B = Γ B ⇒ I B = --- Γ B ⋅ U B E.7
Then the relation between each inductive nodal current and the branch currents are
I La = I 1 where E.8
I Lb = – I 1 + I 2 1 0 0
I Lc = – I 2 + I 3
A = –1 1 0
I Ld = – I 3 0 –1 1
IL = A ⋅ IB
0 0 –1

The equivalent relation is then found for the branch and nodal voltages:
U1 = Ua – Ub where E.9
1 –1 0 0
U2 = Ub – Uc
B = 0 1 –1 0
U3 = Uc – Ud
UB = B ⋅ UN 0 0 1 –1
Observing the fact that B = A gives:
UB = A ⋅ UN E.10

Eq. (E.10) is inserted into eq. (E.7) giving:

1 T
I B = --- Γ B ⋅ A ⋅ U N E.11
Eq. (E.8) is rewritten to I B = A ⋅ I L and inserted into eq. (E.11):
–1 1 T
A ⋅ I L = --- Γ B ⋅ A ⋅ U N E.12
1 T
I L = --- ⋅ A ⋅ Γ B ⋅ A ⋅ U N

When comparing eq. (E.12) to eq. (E.6) we see that Γ N = A ⋅ Γ B ⋅ A
Using the above result, the nodal transformation of the branch matrix in eq. (E.3)
can be transformed to its admittance description:

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 193 -

Appendix E. Nodal System Description

–1 T
YB = A ⋅ ZB ⋅A E.13

Equalizing s = jω results in a Laplace-description of the system:

Y sys ( s ) = Y N ( s ) + Y B ( s ) E.14

The system description (admittance matrix) builds the relation between nodal
voltages and currents as shown below:

Y 11 Y 12 … Y 1N V1 I1
Y 21 Y 22 … … V2 I2
Y sys ⋅ V N = I N → ⋅ = E.15
… … … … … …
Y N1 … … Y NN VN IN

Depending on the type of analysis, the system description is then reduced to the
nodes of interest (terminal/internal). Terminals/nodes of interest are hereby called
external nodes.

The matrices are restacked so that the external nodes are situated at the left upper
part of the admittance-matrix
as shown in eq.(E.16). Current into internal nodes
are 0 ( I i = 0 0 … 0 ).

Y ee Y ei V
⋅ e = 0 E.16
Y ie Y ii Vi …

In general we could say that with N number of nodes in total, there are P external
nodes. The above matrices then have the following dimensions:
Y ee ( P, P ) E.17
Y ei ( P, N – P )
Y ie ( N – P, P )
Y ii ( N – P, N – P )
V e ( P, 1 )
V i ( N – P, 1 )
I e ( P, 1 )

Multiplying the matrices in eq. (E.16) results in the following equations:

Y ee ⋅ V e + Y ei ⋅ V i = I e E.18

Y ie ⋅ V e + Y ii ⋅ V i = 0 E.19

Eq. (E.19) is then rewritten to:

- 194 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix E. Nodal System Description

Y ie + V e –1
V i = – --------------------- = – Y ii ⋅ Y ie ⋅ V e E.20
Y ii

and then inserted into eq. (E.18):

Y ee ⋅ V e + Y ei ⋅ ( – Y ii ⋅ Y ie ⋅ V e ) = I e E.21

This reduces to the following condensed or reduced description of the system:

Ỹ ⋅ V e = I e E.22

where Ỹ = Y ee – ( Y ei ⋅ Y ii ⋅ Y ie ) E.23

Since these steps require several inversions, it is a possibility that the resulting
matrices will be badly conditioned (large errors due to the inversions). It is
therefore preferable to also have the opportunity to use a an approach with a modal
analysis according to the approach of SUMER (for future implementation into a
possible Femlab-substitute to SUMER)

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 195 -

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

Equations regarding inductance are based on air-core theory.

Equations for capacitance are based on geometrical and energetic considerations.

If not otherwise referenced, equations for the capacitances are mainly based on

F.1. Self Inductance

From Maxwell’s first equation (on integral form) we may obtain the
magnetic contribution along a circular loop carrying current (due to the
applied electrical field):
∂φ ∂ ∂
°∫ E ⋅ ds = – ------ = –
∂t ∂t ∫ ∫ ( B ⋅ n ) dA = –
∂t °∫
( A ⋅ ds ) F.1

Assuming B is proportional to H (only linear materials) the flux through the loop
is proportional to the total current carried by the loop. The proportionality is
described by the self inductance of this loop. Assuming the loop is placed in
vacuum (no ferromagnetic materials included), the inductance of the loop is
depending on its geometry only.

The total flux through the loop is expressed as:

φ = ∫ ∫ ( B ⋅ n ) dA = °∫ ( A ⋅ ds ) = L⋅I F.2

In the latter only the external inductance is considered, due to the fact that
the internal inductance is depending on the current distribution within the
conductor (which in turn is determined by the skin-effect/frequency).

For a circular conductor the flux through the loop is determined by:

µ0 ⋅ I ds 1 µ0 ⋅ I ds 1 ⋅ ds 2
φ = φ outer =
°∫ -----------

°∫ -------
- ⋅ ds 2 = ------------
4π °∫ °∫ --------------------
- F.3
C2 C1 C1 C2

and then:

µ0 ds 1 ⋅ ds 2
L = L outer = ------
4π °∫°∫ --------------------
- F.4

The two paths of integration to find the inductance is shown in figure F.1, where
ds 1 is the unity vector quantity along the centre-line of the loop, and ds 2 is the
unity vector along a closed curve on the surface of the conductor. r is the distance
between the two elements ds 1 and ds 2

- 196 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

Figure F.1: Integration paths to find self inductance

For a circular coil with a rectangular cross-section, the following first

approximation is used (employing a mean geometric radius) to find the

L i = µ 0 R ⎛ ln ------- – 2⎞
⎝ R ⎠

where R is the mean radius. Rs represents the mean geometric radius expressed by
(given by Grover [185]):

Rs a – 1 2a b –1
2 ⎛ a ⎞
= ------ tan ⎛ ---⎞ + ------ tan ⎛ ---⎞ – ------------ ln ⎜ 1 + -----⎟
2b b
ln --------------------- F.6
2 2 3a ⎝ b⎠ 3b ⎝ a⎠ 12a ⎝
b ⎠
a +b
2 ⎛ b ⎞ 25
– ------------ ln ⎜ 1 + -----⎟ – ------
12b ⎝ a ⎠ 12
2 2

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 197 -

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

The parameters R, a and b are the average radius, coil height and coil width
respectively as given in figure F.2:

Figure F.2: Dimensions for a rectangular cross-section coil

This is the usual design of disc winding, which comprises rectangular conductors
with wound insulation. The validity of this method is confirmed by FEM-analysis.

The insulation space is considerable and requires some form of correction. One
way of correcting for insulation space and partial flux linkage due to dimensions,
is to apply a method given by Kirchoff [186], where the equivalent self inductance
of a section is equal to the sum of self inductances of the turns plus the sum of all
mutual inductances between all turn combinations:
n n

L eq = ∑ ∑ Mij F.7
i = 1j = 1

The computational load can be decreased by making use of the symmetrical

property of the mutual inductances. The eq.(F.7) then becomes:
n n n

L eq = ∑ Lii + 2 ∑ ∑ M ij F.8
i=1 i = 1j = i + 1

The mutual inductances can be calculated by using Lyle’s method [187] as shown
by Wirgau [107]. This method will be discussed in the following.

- 198 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

F.2. Mutual inductance

Mutual inductance is calculated using the same approach as the initial
considerations for self inductance, where the mutual inductance between two
parallel conducting filaments is calculated using eq. (F.4).

This integral can be expressed as:

2π 2π
µ0 r 1 ( α 1 ) ⋅ r 2 ( α 2 ) ⋅ cos ( α 1 – α 2 )
M 12 = ------
4π ∫ ∫ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
R 12 ( α 1, α 2 )
- dα 1 dα 2 F.9
0 0

The integral is also used for calculating the inductances of deformed/buckled


The approach, by assuming filaments of negligible cross-section, is rather coarse

if the dimensions of the cross-section are appreciable compared to the distance d,
between the filaments. If so, the mutual inductance is over-estimated.

Figure F.3: Two paralell conducting filaments

Maxwell [188] derived an exact formula for mutual inductance of two coaxial
circular filaments from the general integral above using elliptic integrals [189] to
represent solution of the double integral.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 199 -

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

Figure F.4: Mutual coupling between two circular filaments

The mutual coupling from loop i to j, is given by:

2µ 0 r i r j
M ij = ---------------------- [ K ( k′ ) – E ( k′ ) ] F.10
where r i and r j are the radii of the two circular loops and d is the separation
between them. The argument for the elliptic integrals, k′ , is given by eq. (F.11)
and (F.12):

1– 1–k
k′ = --------------------------- F.11
1+ 1–k

4r i r j
k = --------------------------------- F.12
2 2
( ri + rj ) + d
As mentioned earlier, the mutual inductances are over-estimated when neglecting
the dimensions of the winding cross-section. This can be seen from fig. F.1, when
the dimensions of the conductor become very small, the inductance approaches

The use of Lyle’s method [187] makes the results more accurate by replacing each
coil with a certain number of filaments as shown below, and then calculating the
total mutual inductance as the averaged sum all the partial mutual inductances.

- 200 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

Figure F.5: Lyle’s representation [187]

If the subdivision of the coils matches the turn division of the coil, then the mutual
inductance is found simply by adding up all the mutual inductances between all

If even higher accuracy is needed the turns can be further subdivided (into strands
or more), following the same principle.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 201 -

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

F.3. Series capacitance

There are several types of windings but some of the main types of windings are
listed here:
• Helical winding (single- or multi-layer)
• Disc winding (conventional, interleaved or in-wound shields)
• Layer winding (conventional or interleaved)
These have different ways of calculating the series capacitance. Equations on
series and shunt capacitances are taken from [44],unless otherwise referenced.
Helical winding (inter-turn capacitance).

di r

Figure F.6: Helical winding (single layer, single-start)

2 2
d′ 0 – d′ i
C′ S = ε r ε0π ⋅ ------------------------- F.13
d: distance between turns.
do'= do + d: outer diameter + interturn distance (accounting for fringing)
di': inner diameter - distance between turns.

The series capacitance for the whole winding is:

C S = ------------- ⋅ C′ S F.14
nt – 1

n t : number of turns

It is assumed that there is no voltage difference between parallell strands, and that
the voltage distribution is linear along each turn. Multistart helical windings can
be handled by the same equations.

- 202 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

Disc winding.

di r
1 2 3 4
b d
8 7 6 5

Figure F.7: Ordinary (continously wound) disc winding

For conventional disc windings, the method of Stein [79] is adopted. He treats the
internal field in a disc in the same way as for a complete winding:

Figure F.8: Equivalent circuit for disc winding

b’ b

c c’

Figure F.9: Equipotential lines: b-b’ and c-c’

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 203 -

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

The voltage distribution for the whole winding is determined by the external
distribution constant:

αe = ----- F.15

The voltage distribution inside a disc is determined by the internal distribution


4c g
αi = -------- F.16

cg = capacitance between disconnected discs.

ct = capacitance between turns.

Stein showed that:

c′ s
- = ------------------------- ⋅ ⎛ 1 + ------- ⋅ coth ( α′ i )⎞
1 1
--------------- F.17
cd + ct 2 ⎝ α′ ⎠
1 + ⎛ -------⎞
1 i
⎝ α′ ⎠


1 c
α′ i = --- ⋅ α i = ----d- F.18
2 ct
2 2
d′ o – d′ i
c d = ε r ε 0 π ⋅ --------------------- F.19

c s = ----- ⋅ c′ s = c d ⋅ ----- ⋅ ⎛ 1 + ------- ⋅ coth ( α′ i )⎞

1 1 1
nd nd ⎝ α′ i ⎠

where n d = number of discs.



Figure F.10: Dimensions of a single disc

- 204 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

do – di h
c′ t = ε r ε 0 π ⋅ ---------------- ⋅ --- F.21
2 t i

c t = -------------- ⋅ c′ t F.22
mt – 1

h = axial height of insulated conductor (to compensate for fringing)

t i = insulation thickness between turns
m t = number of turns per disc
Interleaved Disc Winding.

di r
1 7 2 8 3 9
b d
12 6 11 5 10 4

Figure F.11: Interleaved disc winding

In fig. F.11 an interleaved disc winding is shown. There are also other possibilities
of interleaving, such as a 4 disc interleaving, but then the voltage between strands
will be higher.

Pedersen [84] treated the interleaved winding based on surge impedance

representation rather than traditional capacitance representation. His paper
contributes to the understanding of internal voltages in interleaved windings
during the charging period for the inter-turn capacitances.

As a starting point the phenomenas inside the discs are not evaluated and first the
capacitance representation is reviewed. The equivalent capacitance between a and
b in figure F.11 is given by:
1 2
--- ⋅ c′ s ⋅ u = w F.23
w = energy stored in the inter-turn and inter-disc capacitances (per disc)
u = voltage across one disc

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 205 -

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

It is then assumed that the voltage distribution inside each disc is linear. Based on
this assumption, the following expressions for the stored energy can be

Inter-turn capacitances:
1 2
w t ≈ --- ⋅ u ⋅ c′ t ⋅ ( m t – 1 ) F.24
where c′ t is the capacitance between adjacent turns, and m t is the number of turns
per disc.

Inter-disc capacitances:

w d = --- ⋅ u ⋅ ⎛ --- ⋅ c d⎞
1 2 4
2 ⎝3 ⎠

Combining (F.23)-(F.25) gives the following expression for the series capacitance
of the whole winding-segment considered:
1 1
c s = ----- ⋅ c′ s = [ ( m t – 1 ) ⋅ c′ t + 1, 33 ⋅ c d ] ⋅ ----- F.26
nd nd

where c′ t and c d can be calculated using (F.21) and (F.19) respectively.

Series capacitance of windings with in-wound shields can be determined using the
approach of Del Vecchio et al. [190].

Cylindrical windings may be treated equal to helical windings.

F.4. Shunt capacitance

These are capacitances between windings and between winding and ground. Some
of these values are calculated with simplified geometrical formulas, and some are
calculated on a semi-empirical basis.

Capacitance between windings. The windings are concentrically arranged

around the core and can be treated as cylindrical capacitors given by:
2πε r ε 0 h′
C g = ---------------------- F.27
⎛ di ⎞
ln ⎜ -----⎟
⎝ d o⎠

where h′ = h + d to compensate for fringing of the field at the ends, d i is the

inner diameter of the outer winding and d o is the outer diameter of the inner
winding, d is the distance between them.

- 206 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix F. Analytical formulations

Capacitance between phases. The following formula applies for capacitance

between windings on adjacent legs:
ε r ε 0 πh′
C p = -------------------------------------------------- F.28
⎛b b 2 ⎞
ln ⎜ ----- + ⎛ -----⎞ – 1⎟
⎝d ⎝d ⎠ ⎠
0 0

where b is the distance between adjacent windings (centre-centre) and d 0 is the

diameter of the windings. ( h′ = h + b – d 0 )


Figure F.12: Dimensions between adjacent windings and between windings and

Capacitance to the tank. For rough estimations, equations (F.27) and (F.28)
can be applied for calculating the capacitance from the windings to the tank (Ct).

For the center phase, Eq.(F.27) is used and b is replaced by t, which is the internal
width of the tank. A reduction factor of 0.25 is used compared to a cylinder over
plane configuration:
ε r ε 0 πh′
C t = 0, 25 ⋅ -------------------------------------------------- F.29
⎛ t t 2 ⎞
ln ⎜ ----- + ⎛ -----⎞ – 1⎟
⎝d ⎝d ⎠ ⎠
0 0

The capacitance between an end phase and the tank, C q , is calculated from
Eq.(F.27) with a reduction factor of 0.75 (due to the fact that the tank is not a
complete circle) and where d i is replaced by t .
2πε r ε 0 h′
C q = 0, 75 ⋅ ---------------------- [ F ] F.30
ln ⎛ -----⎞
⎝d ⎠

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 207 -

Appendix G. Modeling in SUMER

Appendix G. Modeling in SUMER

SUMER is a specialized software developed by Electricite de France (EdF) [74],
used to establish detailed high frequency power transformer models. It is based on
the finite element method (FEM). It uses Flux2D [122] (as a pre-processor) for the
construction of the geometry, and the mesh generation. The solver is implemented
in SUMER and features a direct method based on SuperLU [191].

The software establishes a wide frequency range lumped linear model of the
transformer, which can be used for lightning- and switching studies [123] as well
as FRA sensitivity analysis [124], [125].

A set of branch-matrices are calculated at a few discrete frequencies to incorporate

the frequency-dependent features of a power transformer. A nodal model is then
constructed and the eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies calculated by an iterative
process (modal analysis). Once these data's are derived, a multipole equivalent is
calculated. This equivalent is reduced to a terminal equivalent (a condensed
admittance matrix). The reason for this is to make use of EMTP [126] as an
interface for time-domain over-voltage studies in power networks. Once an
EMTP-simulation is carried out at the terminals (transformer-network
interaction), the internal voltages can be deduced from the full multipole
equivalent (or the complete admittance matrix) by using a transfer matrix
(between external and internal nodes) found in the modal analysis.

The idea of the software itself is really clever, due to the fact that all frequency
dependent characteristics can be included by for instance, using complex
permeability [120] representation of eddy current effects in the winding
(proximity effect). The level of discretisation (number of lumped elements in the
model) is decided by the user according to the frequency range of interest.
Frequency-dependent effects such as skin- and proximity-effect in the windings
are incorporated. Frequency-dependencies for the insulating materials can also be
included, if measurement data is made available. Effects due to changes in
capacitance and dielectric losses can then be studied.

During a stay at EdF in Paris, a frequency dependent representation of the iron

core was implemented by the author. The leakage field surrounded by the core
proved to have an important effect on the characteristics. The importance of the
iron losses at high frequencies were also demonstrated. (See Chapter 5)

This software is being developed continuously by adding both technical

improvements and user friendliness. Still this software remains scientific and
mainly for internal use. Due to limited resources compared to commercial
software, the technical improvements remain the important ones. Still there are
some parts related to the interface that ought to be improved to speed up the
generation of new models, especially if the developers want to increase the
number of users for their software.

- 208 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix G. Modeling in SUMER

The menus of SUMER are in French, as well as the documentation.

Flux2D has the ability to switch between different languages for the menu-system,
but due to the scripting-tool used for transformer modeling, one is confined to use
the same language (French) also for this one.
As a first step towards international users, there should at least be an English user-
guide. Also a FAQ is highly recommended. The use of English menus would also
attract foreign users.

G.1. Modeling procedure

The process of modeling is summarized: Details, features, and comments are
given in the following.

G.2. Geometry
As mentioned earlier, the geometry is established using Flux2D. This is, and has
for several years been a leading tool for industrial FEM analysis. It is able to
handle complex problems, and it can be controlled by script-like command
sequences making it ideal for transformer geometries because of symmetry and
repeated geometrical input. The subdivision of the winding into smaller electrical
elements (electrical mesh, for instance one disc) is done already at the stage of
geometrical input. Each electrical element is given a unique name so that SUMER
can recognize them.

G.3. Mesh
To solve a problem using FEM (Finite Element Method), the problem must be
broken down to have a linear formulation in several small subdomains/elements.
This subdivision is called meshing, and to obtain accurate results the mesh must
be dense where the field (electric or magnetic) is expected to have a high degree
of curvature. To optimize the mesh for CPU-consumption during calculation,
areas with less curvature should have a coarser mesh.

The mesh-generator of Flux2D lacks possibility to automate the mesh-generation.

All edges must be manually discretizised (this is done in the script), and to
optimize the mesh, additional lines have to be added to “relax” the mesh (make the
mesh grow). Modern mesh-generators have both adaptive features and also the
ability to be controlled by directional growth-factors eliminating the need for
additional lines. In SUMER/Flux2D these lines must be added at a certain stage in
the modeling. Otherwise several time-consuming steps must be redone. Flux2D is
able to produce mapped mesh (rectangular mesh) for rectangular domains with no
gradient in the field. This is an efficient method to reduce the mesh size. The upper
size of the configuration used by the author seems to be somewhere between 200-
250.000 degrees of freedom (DOF) for the dielectric model, which in most cases
is sufficient to produce accurate results for the capacitances and conductances. A
short explanation regarding degrees of freedom in a FE-problem is given below:

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 209 -

Appendix G. Modeling in SUMER

Once the mesh is obtained, approximations can be introduced for the dependent
variables. As an example, the case of a single variable, u is given. The idea is to
approximate u with a function that can be described with a finite number of
parameters, the so-called degrees of freedom (DOF). The number of DOF's is
depending on the order and number of mesh elements, and also the number of
dependent variables. The upper limit for the number of DOF's will be given by the
amount of memory available for the calculation.

G.4. Physical properties

After the mesh and the geometry are imported to SUMER, the physical properties
are applied to the model. Material-properties are chosen from a user-generated
database. Frequency-dependencies can be included by defining several materials
and then applying these in different frequencies/calculations. Afterwards a
complete set of matrices can be obtained by joining the different calculations
together. At the time this way of applying frequency-dependency for dielectric
materials is rather cumbersome, and may also give rise to problems during the
modal analysis. Boundary-conditions are then reapplied.

G.5. Frequency Distribution

Initially a set of 5-8 frequencies were given; One at low frequency (2Hz), one at
power frequency, and one at the upper end of the frequency-range. The
frequencies within the distribution should be carefully chosen, based on
knowledge from the frequency-dependencies occurring in the model. When
introducing a frequency dependent core representation, the inductance and iron-
losses became the parameters changing the most. The largest change occurs at the
frequency where the skin-depth of the iron laminates is equal to their thickness. A
few frequencies are needed to cover such a change. Additional points are needed
(at least 2 per decade). The rest of the frequencies are put in the higher region, due
to the fact that most complex modes of the winding are located at higher
frequencies (usually above 1MHz). Number of frequencies must be kept as low as
possible; due to the fact that additional points add computational time (one extra
frequency adds 0,5-2 hours of computation depending on the load of the host
computer and the complexity of the model).

G.6. Solving the FE model

As mentioned, SUMER is based on a direct FEM-solver (SuperLU) which leads
to a fast computation compared to an iterative solver (iterative solvers are less
memory demanding).
All self- and mutual effects are calculated between all electrical elements.
One major drawback for SUMER is that solutions cannot be visually inspected.
Another limitation regarding portability of SUMER to for instance Linux, is that
the solver establishes the FE-matrices by using a Flux2D-library written only for

- 210 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix G. Modeling in SUMER

G.7. Connections and configuration

The branches (frequency dependent RLCG-matrices) from the FEM-calculation,
is connected together in a nodal admittance description. In the current version of
SUMER there is a serious limitation regarding interconnection of discs within a
disc-winding. The only possible way of interconnection is that the output of the
first disc is connected to the start/input of the next disc. This is not the usual way
of connecting a continuously wound disc-winding (which usually have a zig-zag-
pattern). This limitation causes a large error to the series-capacitance of the disc-
winding. Since one does not have access to the nodal capacitance matrix, changes
cannot be made manually.

Figure G.1: Left: Sumer's connection mode.

Right: Desired connection mode

G.8. Calculating a terminal equivalent

The nodal admittance matrix is then reduced to a terminal description (frequency
dependent). This is further approximated using rational functions by iterative
eigenfrequency analysis to create a passive RLCG model compatible with EMTP.
Some problems may occur when calculating the spectre (due to convergence
problems). This may occur on models containing a high degree of damping.
Increased dielectric losses and inclusion of the core yield such problems. At the
time, the only solution here is to add another calculation at the frequency where
the convergence-problem occurred. This seems to lower the residual in the
eigenvalue-calculation, and the problem might be the linear interpolation between
the calculations/frequency-points. Instead a spline interpolation is suggested to
keep the derived of the curve continuous across all points in the frequency

G.9. Performing internal analysis

Results from EMTP-simulations at the transformer terminals can be transferred
back to the detailed model by using a special transfer matrix determined during the
modal analysis. This matrix describes the transfer functions from the terminals to
the inner nodes. Inter-disc voltages can easily be obtained. Dielectric stress
analysis would be preferable to add as a future option.
FRA signatures can easily be obtained by running a frequency-scan on the
terminal equivalent.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 211 -

Appendix G. Modeling in SUMER

G.10. Alternatives
There are some disadvantages of using SUMER. These are listed below:
• Establishing geometry in Flux2D is a bit complicated. Flux2D must be run
with the French menu-system to be compatible with the scripting tool. This
tool is completely necessary to save time during the input of the geometry.
The tool is written in Scilab [192], which is a freeware-alternative to Matlab
[128]. A better solution would be to have a windows-based PC-program to
generate the scripts.
• Controlling the mesh is rather manual and time-consuming; no growth-factors
can be specified in the domains. The result is a need for additional lines
between windings in order to “relax” or control the mesh-growth.
• Frequency-dependent material parameters cannot be taken into account
directly. Frequency-dependent dielectric losses must be included by manually
adjusting material parameters for each frequency of calculation.
• SUMER is scientific software. It lacks English documentation and at the time
there are minor bugs in the software which need to be fixed.
• No visualization of results to verify whether a solution seems correct or not.
• Connection of disc-windings lacks flexibility resulting in a wrong
representation of the series capacitance (important at frequencies above 2-500
• Convergence problems in the eigenvalue calculation when the circuit
incorporates a high degree of damping. This might have something to do with
the method of interpolation (linear rather than spline) used in SUMER.
• EMTP is a necessity for postprocessing results (except for investigation of the
• Maintenance is difficult because of the platform used (Unix/ SUN
Sparcstation), but parts of the software are evolving towards Linux.

Another FEM-based software have been pushing lately, which would be a good
alternative. It is described in the following.

- 212 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix H. Modeling in Femlab

Appendix H. Modeling in Femlab

Femlab [127] is a quite new FEM-based software, well suited for multiphysics and
multidisciplinary analysis of complex problems. Since the software is fairly new
compared to some of their competitors, it involves some minor flaws which
probably will be fixed in the upcoming releases. Its advantages are not few: Direct
interaction with Matlab for parameter-studies, advanced postprocessing, and also
total control of internal details.

Femlab 3.1 has shown alot of great developments in its release. It is fast and
memory-efficient, which makes it interesting for complex, industrial problems,
and not only simplified academic problems.

The geometry is constructed either by making use of Femlabs built-in drawing-

tools or by importing a geometry from the most common CAD-tools. Geometry
can also be given in an m-file (Matlab-code), but the difficulty of keeping track of
the coordinates makes it more practical to use the graphical interface for
interpreting the geometry. For transformer modeling this is even more
pronounced, due to the symmetries within transformer windings. Certain
functions can be applied to make an array of similar elements. In time of writing,
Comsol (the owner of Femlab) is working on an integration with Solidworks.
Solidworks is an upcoming 3D CAD-software which are very userfriendly.

Expressions and constants are entered easily to express frequency-dependent

characteristics. Boundary conditions and subdomain settings can also be given
either in the GUI (graphical user interface) or in matlab-code. The terrific part here
is that all settings can be given from matlab-routines making parameter-studies
very easy to perform even with complex material-characteristics.

At the moment (version 3.1) there is no way of identifying the different

geometrical elements other than the subdomain number. The boundaries are
subjected to the same problem. In future versions it would be preferrable to be able
to group all boundaries belonging to one subdomain. Specifying names onto the
subdomains would also ease the handling of a large structure.

Femlab was initially running under Matlab resulting in a poor speed and low
memory efficiency. All such matters are fixed in the new version (3.1). Femlab has
a great variety of features suitable for power transformer modeling equal to the
• Simple geometrical input.
• Application of boundary- and subdomain conditions is easy.
• The mesh-generator is able to control mesh growth etc.
• All steps in modeling can be controlled by a script in Matlab.
Parameters can be calculated in m-files. Matlab toolboxes can also be utilized.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 213 -

Appendix H. Modeling in Femlab

• Anisotropic material-characteristics can be given. Curve fitting can be used to

apply measured frequency dependent material characteristics.
• Incorporates both direct and iterative solvers. Version 3.1 is quite memory-
300.000 DOF can easily be solved (upper limit not known). The direct solver used
for non-symmetric problems are known as UMFPACK [193]. This solver is found
to be just as efficient [194] as the SuperLU-solver utilized in SUMER. If memory-
consumption is a problem, another direct solver is available: SPOOLES [195].
This one is less efficient but use less memory. Iterative solvers are also available
when the direct solvers fail.
• Postprocessing is easy and versatile both in Femlab and Matlab.
• Direct solution of nodal description to FRA-representation on terminals (by
using Matlab). No need to use EMTP. Generation of terminal equivalent for
EMTP/ATP is still possible.

- 214 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix I. Reduced Scale Model

Appendix I. Reduced Scale Model

Constructional details are shown for the reduced scale model used in a
diplomawork at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology [129].

Figure I.1: Dimensions of the reduced scale model

As seen from fig. I.1 the HV-winding has four layers of 250 turns each. The LV-
winding has 2 layers of 250 turns. Both windings use the same circular enameled
conductor (diameter: 1 mm). Two different tanks were tested (magnetic and non-
magnetic), which had some effect at lower frequencies and the overall losses.

This model was assembled in order to study axial and radial deformations.
Axial deformations could clearly be detected in a localised frequency-range (at
100 kHz) for transfer-function measurements. Radial deformations was not
detectable. The radial deformations were applied by cutting away a slice of the
cardboard cylinder and pushing the winding into this slice. When comparing this
geometry to a real transformer geometry it is obvious that the space available for
radial deformation in this case is much less than for a real winding. Additionally
the removal of the cardboard slice reduces the permittivity and the net increase of
the buckling might be minimal.

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 215 -

Appendix J. Iron core representation

Appendix J. Iron core representation

J.1. Axial symmetrical core representation
A full three dimensional core can be approximated with a two dimensional (2D)
axial symmetrical model. This is done by modifying the cross sections of the yoke
and outer leg and keeping the core window fixed. Consider a core with
dimensions as shown in fig. J.1

2a R2 R2

2a 2a


R1 R1 R1

R2 R2

Figure J.1: Reluctance-network of 3 legged core

In this case, the core dimensions are simplified: Cross-section of the legs A leg are
assumed equal to the cross-section of the yokes A yoke , and the width of the core
window is the same as the diameter for the legs: 2a .

The average lengths of the different parts are given as:

l leg = h w + 2a J.1

l yoke = 4a J.2

- 216 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix J. Iron core representation

The total reluctance seen from one of the outer legs will then be:

ℜ leg ⋅ ( ℜ leg + 2 ⋅ ℜ yoke )

ℜ tot = ℜ leg + 2 ⋅ ℜ yoke + ------------------------------------------------------------- J.3
ℜ +ℜ +2⋅ℜ leg leg yoke
2 2
h w + 12ah w + 20a
h w + 10a + -----------------------------------------------
2h w + 12a l eq
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------
µ ⋅ A leg µ ⋅ A leg

where l eq is the equivalent length of the core at a constant cross-section equal to

A leg seen from the outer leg. The same considerations are then carried out for the
2D axisymmetric model in order to have the same total reluctance as the 3-legged

a 2a

R1 R3


Figure J.2: Reluctance network for axisymmetric core model

The height of the yokes are made dependent on the radius so that the cross-section
is kept constant. In this case the cross-section is equal to A leg and then the height
of the yoke at r = a will be:
h ( a ) = --- J.4
If modeling the center leg, this size will be different: h ( a ) = a

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 217 -

Appendix J. Iron core representation

The average length of the leg (from point A-C), when modeling the outer leg will
then be:
l leg = h w + h ( a ) = h w + --- J.5
The average length of the yokes (A-B & C-D) will be:
ro – ri
l yoke = 3a + -------------- ≈ 3a J.6
The length of the yoke is approximated since r o is unknown.

The leg and yokes have the same cross-section, and the total length will be:
l a = l leg + 2l yoke = h w + 3, 5a J.7

The rest of the reluctance will have to be represented by the outer leg. In order to
find its cross-section, it is feasable to use the remaining length:
2 2
h w + 12ah w + 20a
l rem = l eq – l a = 6, 5a + ----------------------------------------------- J.8
2h w + 12a

Since the cross-section of the yoke is kept constant (equal to the leg), the height is
expressed as:
2 2
πa a
h ( r ) = --------- = ----- J.9
2πr 2r
The average length of the outer leg can be expressed as:
ro + ri
l outer = h w + h ⎛ ---------------⎞ ≈ h w + h ( r i ) = h w + ---
⎝ 2 ⎠ 6
The cross-section of the outer leg can be found by:
l outer
A outer = ------------- ⋅ A leg J.11
l rem

The outer radius for the outer leg can then be found by:

A outer 2
ro = --------------- + ( 3a ) J.12
Since r o is unknown in equations (J.6) and (J.10), these calculations can be
iterated with the updated dimensions until the change per iteration in r o is
adequately small. It usually converges after 2-3 iterations.

- 218 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix J. Iron core representation

J.2. Interlaminar effects

The field equations for the two-dimensional problem considered in chapter 5.4 are
solved, involving interlaminar effects and their impact on the magnetic field and
resulting permeability.

-D L D
x Hz1(x,y)
=H1(x,y) 2L
2 l
H2(x,y) 2l


Figure J.3: Dimensions of 2D interlaminar problem

The problem is divided into two zones:

• The iron laminate (zone 1)
• The interlaminar insulation (zone 2)

Both zones will have the same type of formulation, and the magnetic field can be
expressed by the wave-equation (5.7), in this case reduced to:
2 2
∂ Hi ∂ Hi 2 2
----------- + ----------- = k i ⋅ H i where k i = jωµ i ( σ i + jωε i ) J.13
2 2
∂x ∂y
H i is the magnetic field in z-direction inside the material i .
Symmetry in x - and y -directions is assumed:
H ( x, y ) = H ( x, – y ) ∧ H ( x, y ) = H ( – x, y ) J.14
and the boundary conditions are as follows:
H 1 ( L, y ) = H 2 ( – l, y ) ∧ E 1y ( L, y ) = E 2y ( – l, y ) ∧ H ( x, D ) = H 0 J.15

Applying separation of variables results in the following general solution:

H ( x, y ) = A ⋅ cosh ( λx ) ⋅ cos ( νy ) J.16
This is a singular problem and another suitable solution is therefore suggested:

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 219 -

Appendix J. Iron core representation

cosh ( k i ⋅ y )
H i ( x, y ) = A i ⋅ cosh ( λ i ⋅ x ) ⋅ cos ( ν ⋅ y ) + H 0 ⋅ ----------------------------- J.17
cosh ( k ⋅ D ) i

The second term in (J.17) avoids singularity when applying the boundary
condition. The magnetic field at the external boundary ( y = ± D ), is assumed to
be constant ( H 0 ): H ( x, D ) = H 0 which gives
2m – 1
cos ( ν ⋅ D ) = 0 ⇒ ν m = ---------------- π with m = 1, 2, 3… J.18
This means that there are several solutions depending on m :

cosh ( k i ⋅ y )
H ( x, y ) = ∑ A im ⋅ cosh ( λ im x ) ⋅ cos ( ν m y ) + H 0 ⋅ -----------------------------
cosh ( k i ⋅ D )

2 2 2
where λ im = ν m + k J.20

The boundary conditions on the interface between the two materials gives the
constants A im . The first boundary condition is the continuity of the magnetic field
across the inferface H 1 ( – L, y ) = H 2 ( l, y ) , which implies:

cosh ( k 1 ⋅ y )
∑ A 1m ⋅ cosh ( λ 1m ⋅ L ) ⋅ cos ( v m ⋅ y ) + H 0 ⋅ ------------------------------- =
cosh ( k ⋅ D ) 1

cosh ( k 2 ⋅ y )
∑ A 2m ⋅ cosh ( λ 2m ⋅ L ) ⋅ cos ( v m ⋅ y ) + H 0 ⋅ -------------------------------
cosh ( k ⋅ D ) 2
The other boundary condition applied, is the continuity of the tangential electric
field: E y1 ( – L, y ) = E y2 ( l, y ) , which result in:

----- ⋅ ∂ H ( – L, y ) = ----- ⋅ ∂ H 2 ( l, y )
1 1
s1 ∂ x 1 s2 ∂ x

where s i is the complex conductivity of material i . (J.22) results in:

----- ⋅ A 1m ⋅ λ 1m sinh ( λ 1m ⋅ L ) ⋅ cos ( v m ⋅ y ) = J.23
---- ⋅ A ⋅ λ sinh ( λ 2m ⋅ L ) ⋅ cos ( v m ⋅ y )
s 2 2m 2m

The resulting equation is obtained when inserting (J.21) into (J.23):

- 220 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix J. Iron core representation

λ 1m s 2 tanh ( λ 1m ⋅ L )
∑ A 1m ⋅ cosh ( λ 1m ⋅ L ) ⋅ cos ( v m ⋅ y ) ⋅ 1 + --------- ⋅ ----- ⋅ ---------------------------------
λ s tanh ( λ ⋅ l ) 2m 1 2m
cosh ( k 2 ⋅ y ) cosh ( k 1 ⋅ y )
= H 0 ⋅ ------------------------------- – ------------------------------- = f ( y )
cosh ( k 2 ⋅ D ) cosh ( k 1 ⋅ D )


λ 1m s 2 tanh ( λ 1m ⋅ L )
B 1m = A 1m ⋅ cosh ( λ 1m ⋅ L ) ⋅ 1 + --------- ⋅ ----- ⋅ --------------------------------- J.25
λ s tanh ( λ ⋅ l ) 2m 1 2m

gives the simplified relation:

∑ B 1m ⋅ cos ( v m ⋅ y ) = f ( y ) J.26

By noticing that (J.26) is a Fourier series of the symmetrical function f ( y ) with a

period of 2D , B 1m is found by:
D m+1 2 2
1 2 ⋅ vm ⋅ ( –1 ) k1 – k2
B 1m = ---- ⋅
D ∫ f ( y ) ⋅ cos ( v m ⋅ y ) = H 0 ⋅ ----------------------------------------- ⋅ ------------------------
D λ ⋅λ
2 2
–D 1m 2m

The constants A 1m and A 2m are obtained by inserting (J.27) into (J.25) and (J.23),
and the resulting magnetic fields are obtained:

Magnetic field in the laminations:

⎜ cosh ( k 1 ⋅ y )
H 1 ( x, y ) = H 0 ⋅ ⎜ ------------------------------- + J.28
⎜ cosh ( k 1 ⋅ D )

2v cosh ( λ 1m ⋅ x ) ⎞
⋅ ( k 1 – k 2 ) ⋅ ---------------------------------- ⋅ cos ( ν m ⋅ y )⎟
m+1 2 2
∞--------m- ⋅ ( – 1 )
D cosh ( λ 1m ⋅ L ) ⎟
∑ -⎟
λ 1m s 2 tanh ( λ 1m ⋅ L ) ⎟
2 2
m=1 λ 1m ⋅ λ 2m ⋅ 1 + --------- ⋅ ----- ⋅ --------------------------------- ⎟
λ 2m s 1 tanh ( λ 2m ⋅ l ) ⎠

Magnetic field in the coating/interlaminar zone:

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 221 -

Appendix J. Iron core representation

⎜ cosh ( k 2 ⋅ y )
H 2 ( x, y ) = H 0 ⋅ ⎜ ------------------------------- + J.29
⎜ cosh ( k 2 ⋅ D )

2v cosh ( λ 2m ⋅ x ) ⎞
⋅ ( k 1 – k 2 ) ⋅ --------------------------------- ⋅ cos ( ν m ⋅ y )⎟
m+1 2 2
∞--------m- ⋅ ( – 1 )
D cosh ( λ 2m ⋅ l ) ⎟
∑ -⎟
λ 2m s 1 tanh ( λ 2m ⋅ l ) ⎟
2 2
m=1 λ 1m ⋅ λ 2m ⋅ 1 + --------- ⋅ ----- ⋅ --------------------------------- ⎟
λ 1m s 2 tanh ( λ 1m ⋅ L ) ⎠

The penetration depth of the magnetic field along the the interface/surface of the
two materials can be defined by the derivative of the magnetic field at the external

Λ = ------------------------ = J.30
∂H 2 ( l, D )

2 2 –1
⎛ k1 – k2 ⎞
⎜ ∞ v m ⋅ ------------------------ ⎟
⎜ λ
⋅ λ
2 ⎟
⎜ 2
- + k 2 ⋅ tanh ( k 2 ⋅ D )⎟

1m 2m
---- ⋅ ------------------------------------------------------------------
⎜ D λ 2m s 1 tanh ( λ 2m ⋅ l ) ⎟
⎜m = 1 1 + --------- ⋅ ----- ⋅ --------------------------------- ⎟
⎜ λ 1m s 2 tanh ( λ 1m ⋅ L ) ⎟
⎝ ⎠

The permeability is found from integrating the magnetic field over both domains
in order to find the ability core to carry flux. In other words the permeability is
defined from the average, normalized magnetic field in the core:

- 222 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix J. Iron core representation

D ⎧L l ⎫
1 ⁄ H0 ⎪ ⎪
µ er = ------------------------ ⋅
4 ( L + l )D ∫ ∫
⎨ ( µ r ⋅ H 1 ) dx + ( H 2 ) dx ⎬dy =
⎪ ⎪
∫ J.31
–D ⎩ –L –l ⎭

tanh ( λ 2m ⋅ l ) ⎛ µ r1 ⋅ λ 2m ⋅ s 1 ⎞
⋅ -------------------------------- ⋅ -------------------------------- – 1⎟

2 2
( k1
– k2 )
∞ λ 2m ⎜ 2 ⎟
2 ⎝ λ 1m ⋅ s 2 ⎠
------------------------- ⋅
(L + l) ⋅ D ∑ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2 λ 1m s 2 tanh ( λ 1m ⋅ L )
m=1 λ
1m ⋅ λ 2m ⋅ 1 + λ ⋅ ----- ⋅ ---------------------------------
2m s 1 tanh ( λ 2m ⋅ l )

1 L ⋅ µ r1 l
+ ------------------------- ⋅ ---------------- ⋅ tanh ( k 1 ⋅ D ) + ----- ⋅ tanh ( k 2 ⋅ D )
D ⋅ (L + l) k1 k2

In spite of the validity of (J.28)-(J.31) to all types of materials, the expressions are
not convenient to use in practice, and some approximations are introduced to
simplify the expressions: The conductivity and permeability of the steel laminates
are assumed to be much larger than for the coating. Additionally the expressions
converges relatively fast. The fact that the width of the laminates are much larger
than the thickness is also utilized. This results in
2 2 2 2
λ 1m ≈ k 1 ∧ λ 2m ≈ v m ∧ k 1 » k 2 ∧ tanh ( λ 2m ⋅ l ) ≈ λ 2m ⋅ l J.32

Then the magnetic field in the laminations can be approximated as:

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 223 -

Appendix J. Iron core representation

⎜ cosh ( k 1 ⋅ y )
H 1 ( x, y ) ≈ H 0 ⋅ ⎜ ------------------------------- + J.33
⎜ cosh ( k 1 ⋅ D )

2v m + 1 cosh ( k 1 ⋅ x )

∞--------m- ⋅ ( – 1 ) ⋅ ------------------------------ ⋅ cos ( ν m ⋅ y )⎟
D cosh ( k 1 ⋅ L ) ⎟
∑ -⎟
k1 s2 ⎟
m=1 ν m ⋅ 1 + ------ ⋅ ----------- ⋅ tanh ( λ 1m ⋅ L ) ⎟
2 s ⋅l
ν m
1 ⎠

⎛ cosh ( k ⋅ y ) cosh ( k ⋅ x )
= H 0 ⋅ ⎜ ------------------------------- + ------------------------------ ⋅ ---- ⋅
1 1 2
⎜ cosh ( k ⋅ D ) cosh ( k ⋅ L ) D
⎝ 1 1

⋅ cos ( ν m ⋅ y )⎞⎟
vm ⋅ ( –1 )
∑ -----------------------------------------------------------------
νm + ( β ⁄ D )
2 ⎟
m=1 ⎠

γ tanh ( k 1 ⋅ L )
where β = k 2 ⋅ D ⋅ ----------- ⋅ µ r ⋅ ----------------------------- J.34
1–γ k1 ⋅ L

Using the Fourier series approach in (J.27) it can be shown that magnetic field
inside the laminates can be approximated as
cosh ( k 1 ⋅ x ) cosh ( β ⋅ y ⁄ D )
H 1 ( x, y ) ≈ H 0 ⋅ ------------------------------ ⋅ ----------------------------------- J.35
cosh ( k 1 ⋅ L ) cosh ( β )

The penetration depth Λ and equivalent permeability µ r can be similarly

approximated as:
∞ –1

Λ ≈ ---- ⋅ --------------------------------------- + k 2 ⋅ tanh ( k 2 ⋅ D ) J.36
D 2
1 + ( vm ⋅ D ⁄ β )

The sums in (J.36) and (J.37) have analytical solutions on the form:

- 224 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix J. Iron core representation

⎛ µ r1 ⋅ s 1 ⋅ v m ⎞
∞ l ⋅ ⎜ ---------------------------- – 1⎟
2 ⎝ k1 ⋅ s2 ⎠
µ er ≈ --------------------------- ⋅
(L + l) ⋅ D
2 2 ∑
vm ⋅ ( 1 + ( vm ⋅ D ⁄ β ) )

1 L ⋅ µ r1 l
+ ------------------------- ⋅ ---------------- ⋅ tanh ( k 1 ⋅ D ) + ----- ⋅ tanh ( k 2 ⋅ D )
D ⋅ (L + l) k1 k2


--------------------------------------- = --- ⋅ tanh β ∧ J.38
2 2
1 + ( vm ⋅ D ⁄ β )

tanh β
------------------------------------------------------------------ = --- ⋅ ⎛ 1 – --------------⎞

2 2 2 2 ⎝ β ⎠
vm ⋅ D ⋅ ( 1 + ( vm ⋅ D ⁄ β ) )
After some algebraic manipulation, this ends up with:

Λ = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ≈ ---------------------- J.39
β ⋅ tanh β + k 2 ⋅ D ⋅ tanh ( k 2 ⋅ D ) β ⋅ tanh β


⎛ tanh ( k 1 ⋅ L )⎞ tanh β tanh ( k 1 D )

µ er = ⎜ 1 – γ + µ r γ -----------------------------⎟ -------------- + γµ r -------------------------- J.40
⎝ k1 ⋅ L ⎠ β k1 D

where the stacking factor γ is introduced ( γ was defined in eq. (5.21)).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 225 -

Appendix J. Iron core representation

In order to investigate the change in slope for the interlaminar penetration depth,
the terms A and B of β are plotted against β and Λ in fig. J.4

γ - tanh ( k 1 ⋅ L )
β = A ⋅ B ∧ A = k2 ⋅ D ∧ B = ---------- ⋅ µ r ⋅ ----------------------------- J.41
1–γ k1 ⋅ L





10 |β|
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

Figure J.4: Slope investigation of Λ referred to fig. 5.19

As seen above, the term B depends on the skin-depth in the laminate and is
reduced above 10 kHz. This changes the slope of β and thus Λ .

- 226 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

Appendix K. Axial displacement of winding from T3Buran

Appendix K. Axial displacement of winding from T3Buran

The measurement setup is equal to the setup outlined in appendix C, using two
voltage probes for voltage ratio-measurement. Both neutrals are grounded. The
result is given in fig. K.1

50mm Ax. Displ.



103 104 105 106

Figure K.1: FRA-measurement: 50 mm axial displacement of LV-winding

(T3Buran). Core is replaced with an electrostatic representation of the core and

Compared to the simulations shown in chapter 7.4.1, the deviations are much
higher up in frequency. A similarity can be observed for the type of change; the
transfer function is mainly shifted vertically and not with frequency. This is
consistent to the simulations including the core. The main difference is the
frequencies at where the changes occur. This is atributted the difference in
inductance for the simulation (incorporating the core) and this experiment (which
is without core).

High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers - 227 -

Appendix K. Axial displacement of winding from T3Buran

Fig. K.2 shows the actual application of the displacement using a special lifting
tool. The bottom and core equivalent can be seen. The tank equivalent is removed.

Figure K.2: Axial displacement on T3Buran winding

The regulation winding is connected equal to the original connection.

Measurements are performed with the neutral in the principal position of the “tap-

- 228 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers



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- 242 - High Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers

0-9 L
60076 179 leakage channel 182
lightning 60
A linear lumped model 60, 62
axial forces 180 load sharing 182

bucholtz-relay 2 magnetic energy 62
buckling 183 MATLAB 61
mechanical deformations 1
C modal analysis 60
Capacitance 63 multipole equivalent 60
complex flux 62
complex permeability 86, 87 P
condensed admittance matrix 60 partial discharges 2
condition assessment 1 Penetration depth 103
CP2D 106
D Radial forces 180
disc-winding 6 resistance 62
resonance 180
E right-hand-rule 180
Eddy currents 64
eigenfrequencies 60 S
eigenmodes 60 Short circuit forces 177
electromagnetic forces 177, 180 stacked core 6
electrostatic energy 63 Standard grades 179
EMTP 60 SUMER 60, 208
supporting system 180
F surface charge 63
fault-rate 1 switching studies 60
fault-types 3
flux 61 Test object 6
Flux2D 60 transfer matrix 60
Forced buckling 183 Transformer modelling 189
FRA 1, 13, 60
Free buckling 183 V
frequency dependent 62 vector potential 61

hardness grade 179 working hypotheses 3
helical winding 6
hoop-stress 180 Y
yield strength 179
Inductance 61
inductance 62
insulation rupture 2
Interlaminar effects 96
internal voltages 60

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