Gourmet Dilis

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The Problem and Its Background


The Philippines is a tropical country that accelerates microbial growth enhancing

potential food spoilage. Ancient Filipinos processed food product and evolved Filipino

cuisine to ensure food preservation without the need of any industrial appliances such

as refrigerator or freezer. As a country, it began an entryway into preserving food

through fermentation, air-drying or smoking meat like tapa and salting fish into pungent

bagoong that was born as a means to let food survive for months, as well as atsara and

buro that are also fermented recipes mostly well known as an appetizer for every


Food preservation refers to the processes that use to prepare food for safe, long-

term storage, whether it is plan to use it at home or to sell directly to consumers.

Preservation methods help inhibit bacterial growth and other types of spoilage, meaning

the food is safe and satisfying to eat in the future. Food preservation methods range

from the simple process of chilling, drying, salting and fermenting to more complex

procedures such as canning or putting food in a jar. Many are creative options that can

help to mix things up at home or sell food in various forms of packaging. Others help to

keep the inventory in a commercial kitchen for much longer, which means to reduce

waste and increase profit. The thought of making this gourmet anchovy for the reason

that it is rare in the area compared to other foods that many have already made. Also, to

expand some knowledge in cooking because it can be helpful especially this strand is

about food.
As presented in a recent study by Freedonia Group (2020) the market for food

preservatives is now seeing a surge in the usage of natural preservatives derived from

plants and animals. Synthetic preservatives were chosen in the past because they

worked well. Consumers have recently shifted to eating foods that are natural or organic

and free of preservatives. The market for natural preservatives has grown as a result of

the growing interest in using substances like enzymes and living culture to preserve

food goods. Food products that offer convenient consumption and longer shelf life are

now required by these changes. Given the widespread usage of fish around the world,

preservatives are needed on a large scale for seafood. The variety and caliber of the

seafood that needs to be preserved, for instance, must be kept in mind while

establishing the preservation process.

The focus of this research is to give an affordable product specially to targeted

consumers and to build a business that will unquestionably turn a profit while also

modernizing the presentation of a basic cuisine that will satisfy hunger. Hopefully, the

outcome of this product will be well presented and delicious so that it can be sold with

smile on respondents’ face. In line with these, the researchers conducted research

which aims to determine the “Marketability of the Proposed Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)”.

Background of the Study

Gourmet dishes are now saleable in the market especially those gourmets in the

bottle. The word "gourmet" comes from the French term for a wine broker, or tastevin,

used by a wine trader. The idea for gourmet food was developed during one of Fredrik

Samberg's trips to Asia at the start of the 1980s. In the 1980s, Gourmet Food worked

alongside a number of exceptional restaurants with a small staff to uncover new

requirements and create new trends. When the Asian trend initially appeared at the

beginning of the 1990s, with work restaurants at the forefront, gourmet food was made

using sought-after items (Gourmet food, 2022). Due to this trend, the Philippines has

been influenced by the production of Gourmet dishes. In this 20th century, many

gourmet dishes became popular and there are already many dishes that are made like

gourmet mussels, mushrooms, and milkfish. This study wants to know if the anchovy

can be made into a gourmet dish and if it can be sold in the market.

‘Dilis’ or anchovy will be used as the main ingredients of the product and it

contains various types of health benefits, in fact, the most well-known Omega-3 fatty

acids that support health and brain are found in anchovy (Zelman, 2022), which means

that despite the small size of ‘dilis’ it has still important benefits to be gained from it.

Anchovies are one of the cheapest types of fish that can be bought in the Philippines,

this is also one of the reasons why the researchers decided to make it as a main

ingredient of the proposed product, especially now that the pandemic has just ended

were other types of products have increased. Because of this the ingredients used here

are sufficient in the budget of the people so that they can be made into a business.

The recipe and ingredients of gourmet mussels will be followed in the making of

gourmet anchovies, and it will be known in this study if the ingredients are suitable for

the development of this proposed dish. This dish will be presented in a bottle so that

anyone can buy it and take it anywhere. According to Stonos (2021), since the

proposed product (gourmet anchovies) that can be made have oil, their shelf life can

last if it is placed in a place with a normal temperature and when the bottle has been

opened, it can be placed in the fridge.

The researchers will carefully study and make the gourmet anchovies with the

help of the related literature available and the people who know how to make gourmet

dishes, the researchers ensured that it is suitable for people's taste and can be

presented in the market.

Conceptual Framework

This research aimed to determine the improvement of the presentation of simple

food that will satisfy hunger in accordance with modern times that is anchored on a

study by Andrew Gellert et.al (N.D), Freedonia Group (2020), John Spacey (2016).

Whether a product will appeal to customers and sell at a specific price range to make a

profit is determined by its marketability.

The marketability of products should be assessed by the product developers

before marketing efforts are made. It is possible to estimate the value of a new product

by using marketability evaluations. These and other inquiries assist in determining

whether it is prudent to allocate resources toward the product. The product should be

able to satisfy the consumer's demands or wants, be produced and sold at a cost that is

profitable, and meet performance standards.

A product's marketability can be determined by its palatability, cost-

effectiveness, presentation, and volume. The subjective liking for a food item, its

subjective pleasantness, or even the volume of food a subject consumes can all be

used to quantify palatability. By using choice tests or taste tests in comparison to other

common meals, it is possible to assess how palatable a certain dish is. When the

greatest advantage is obtained for a reasonably low cost, a transaction is cost-effective.

The idea is frequently used while selecting from a variety of investment possibilities in

order to get the most return for the amount invested. The secret to integrating all five

senses into the eating experience is in the food presentation. Before it ever reaches the

mouth, hear the food being prepared, smell the ingredients, savor the texture as one

eats, creates an amazing flavor, and of course, visually taste it. The volume is the

suggested serving size for each food that one should consume at a meal or snack. The

amount of food that can be consumed is referred to as a portion. It is either too much or

too little of the nutrients that the body requires if one consume more or less than the

suggested serving size. These elements can aid in making the researchers’ goods

marketable as they are the primary determinants of marketability. Finally, these are the

precise techniques that can enhance the researchers’ proposed product so that it can

be used on the open market.

Statement of the Problem

This research entitled “Marketability of The Proposed Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)”

aimed to determine the marketability of the proposed gourmet dilis.

Specifically, this research sougth to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

2. What is the perceived marketability of Proposed Gourmet Anchovies according to

the respondents in terms of:

2.1 Palatability

2.2 Presentation

2.3 Cost-effectiveness

2.4 Volume

3. What implications can be drawn based on the results of the study?

Research Paradigm


Analysis of the I. Designing

Factors that II. Development

Gourmet Dilis
Determine Food III. Implementation

Marketability IV. Evaluation

FIGURE 1. Input-Process-Output Model

The input of the research is entitled as “Analysis of the Factors that Determine

Food Marketability” as it is the concept of the research. The process of the research is

the designing, development, implementation and evaluation wherein this procedure help

in developing the product. The output of the research is the Gourmet Dilis as a finish


Significance of the Study

The study on the Marketability of the Proposed Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy) as

perceived by selected respondents in Sariaya, is significant and beneficial to the


To the Entrepreneurs - this study will help them to create a presentable and delicious

product that can make into a business that will earn sufficient profit.

To the Consumers - this study will help them to have an affordable product and to

have an instant dish that doesn’t need to cook because it is ready to eat and can be

taken anywhere.

To the Future Researchers - this study may serve as a source of information and

ideas to the future researchers that will conduct a research related topic. This can be

utilized as a guideline for their research purposes, allowing them to be more successful.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focused on the "Marketability of the Proposed Gourmet Dilis

(Anchovy). The goal of this study is to determine the necessary information regarding

marketability of the proposed gourmet product.  

This study was conducted in College of Sciences, Technology and

Communication Inc. Sariaya for it is where the respondents are studying and can be

found. The respondents composed thirty (30) randomly selected students and teachers

living in the dormitory site or boarding houses.

Definition of Terms:
For better understanding of the concept of this research, the following terms were

operationally defined:

Anchovy refers to small shoaling fish of commercial importance as a food fish and as

bait. It is strongly flavored and is usually preserved in salt and oil.

Condiment such as salt or ketchup that is used to add flavor to food.

Cost-effectiveness refers to the degree to which something is effective or productive in

relation to its cost.

Fermenting means undergo fermentation.

Forefront refers to the leading or most important position or place.

Gourmet refers to a connoisseur of good food and a method of cooking used in this

gourmet dish research to make it more presentable and exquisite.

Marketability means the ability of a commodity to be sold or marketed.

Palatability refers to the fact or quality of being acceptable or agreeable to the taste.

Presentation is used to describe one of the aims of this research and it is to have a

proper presentation of the proposed product to make it marketable and appealing to the

sight of possible consumers.

Pungent means having a sharply strong taste or smell.

Sought-after means in demand; generally desired.

Spoilage refers to the action of spoiling, especially the deterioration of food and

perishable goods.

Sterilized means made free from bacteria or other living microorganisms.

Tastevin refers to a small, shallow silver cup for tasting wines, of type used in France.

Volume was used as one of the variables of this research to further expand its content

about the size of the proposed product.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the systematic and

extensive search done by the researcher. This will also present a synthesis of the art, to

fully comprehend the research to be finished.

Related Literature


International Food Information Council Foundation (2020) shared that when

consumers decide whether they like a product, the taste is the most important factor.

Every survey that has been carried out to date has confirmed this, and in 2020 88% of

those surveyed stated taste as their primary reason for buying a product. With statistics

like this, it’s clear that taste should be a key focus during product development and a

key criterion in the decision to launch the product commercially.

This body of literature presented that it is widely acknowledged that taste is the key

determinant of whether people will appreciate a product. It is obvious that flavor should

be given a lot of consideration when creating a product like this gourmet anchovies, and

it can even be a deciding factor in whether or not to put the product on the market.

As shared by Modlin (2020), to make sure to cook delicious, interesting, never

boring, and always packed with unique, global flavors. Also, having some special

gourmet ingredients that keep around the kitchen can have a big factor. It also

emphasized that anchovies give any dish or sauce an extra punch, so always keep a

few tins of them around. Moreover, it is highlighted that salt is the most important thing

A component that can alter a person's perception of the flavor of a regular food is

required for a dish or product to taste nice. Similar to the anchovy product in the

research being described here, the variable taste enters it through its involvement or

matching with a dish that may improve the marketability of this product.

Sarinah et, al (2021) highlighted the purpose of fish fumigation to obtain a

preserving power generated by smoke. Smoke compounds stick to the fish and dissolve

in the water on the surface of the fish's body, thus forming a distinctive aroma and taste

as well as golden or brownish color. The easiest way to determine the quality of smoked

fish is by looking at its sensory or organoleptic quality. Another way is to test it

physically, chemically and microbiologically, which certainly requires special,

complicated and expensive techniques, equipment and specialized personnel. Sensory

quality assessment is adequate if done properly. The quality of various smoked fish can

be seen from their five major sensory parameters, namely: appearance, color, odor,

taste and texture.

The abovementioned study stated that it is acknowledged that smoking fish has

the added benefit of preservation qualities. A particular flavor that could alter the

marketability of a dish or product is imparted by the smoke components, which stick to

the fish and dissolve in the water on its surface. The simplest method of judging dried

anchovies' quality is to taste and feel them. Taste is a different way to experience

anything physically, and it surely requires particular tools and knowledge.

According to Anbarasan, et. al (2022), sensory satisfaction is the key to

consumer acceptance which also decides the success of any food products in the

market. Though different sensory parameters like appearance, odor, and texture are

considered for deciding the overall acceptability of food, taste plays a major role. As

sensory panels cannot be a true representation of consumer’s taste perception,

industries focus on market surveys. In reality, consumers taste perception varies

according to the product cost, brand, and their age and health condition.

This implies that a consumer's taste still plays a role in a product's marketability.

The surveys that are available on the market are taken into consideration because only

the customers can accurately represent the tastes of the products. The taste of a

product that is manufactured properly and does not skimp on ingredients, like

anchovies, can have an impact on how marketable it is. Testing the specified product,

which can be included in the survey, will help the public's perception.

Litaay et, al. (2022) discussed the good qualities of anchovies as it is a high protein

side dish. The whole body can be consumed so that it allows maximum absorption of

nutrients. The benefits of anchovy which are rich in protein, calcium and phosphorus

can be used as a solution in reducing the prevalence of stunting. Anchovies have a high

protein content, so they can be used in the noodle-making process, increasing the

product's added value and nutritional value. Litaay et, al. (2022) used organoleptic test

in their study. Organoleptic test of a food is an assessment using the senses, namely

the senses of sight, smell, taste, and touch. Their product was evaluated for their

sensory properties, namely texture, aroma, color, and taste.

This collection of research explored the benefits of anchovies while highlighting

their status as a high-protein side dish. Stunting can be less common by utilizing the

advantages of foods high in protein like anchovies. Aside from its advantages, which

can appeal to a person's perspective, it can also impact the flavor of food. Anchovies

are rich in protein, which makes them the ideal food for anyone who is trying to lose

weight while still gaining muscle.


Domhardt et al. (2015), Dinic and Stutz (2017), and Fang et al. (2019) stated

that the relationship between visual appetite stimulants and garnishes and information

superposition has only occasionally been studied. Furthermore, the key findings from

this study are helpful for consumer services to optimize food purchasing decisions made

solely on appearance when buying lunchboxes or prepared foods at supermarkets or

delicatessens, by viewing photographs of dishes on the menu, or when ordering food

online. Customers in these circumstances are probably going to make decisions based

on their prior knowledge and the appearance of the food.

When purchasing a product, consumers based their decision on how the

products were presented. It is known that looks and product appearance can increased

appetite. Its added value on how the buyers will decide to purchase the dilis product.

With the fact that gourmet dilis can meet the satisfaction of the consumer just by having

it presented, especially those individuals who loves oily food, thus it can contribute to

the product marketability.

According to Andrew Harley (2019), glass is a lovely substrate with an elegant

appearance of sophistication and quality that serves its purpose as a primary package.

We'll discuss how consumers perceive this material, its benefits and drawbacks, and

how it is used in packaging for the food, beverage, and cosmetics industries. Glass is a

great material for packaging for many reasons. It is infinitely recyclable without losing

any quality. It is impermeable and chemically inert, making it both nonporous and

resistant to the transmission of gases and particles. Even when microwaved, there are

no interactions between glass packaging and products that would change the taste of

food or beverages. For the purpose of storing delicate flavor and fragrance essences,

glass is frequently used.

Using glass as a packaging material helps a great deal when it comes in storing

food, thus products that can be easily preserved such as dilis, is a great used for it's

easy portability. Since the volume of gourmet dilis inside the serving container is

enough to be consumed in one meal, then using glass packaging would be a better

option for one; it fits well for its serving size; two, the quality and taste of the food will not

be affected of the outside chemical. To conclude, above all the packaging material,

using glass as the primary option would be the best to choose.

LaBorde et al. (2019) mentioned that another important aspect of a brand

identity is the packaging of food products. It's what potential customers will see when

they look at the product on the shelf, so it must be appealing and informative. When

designing packaging for a food product, it must consider factors such as size, shape,

and color. It should also consider what information needed to include on the packaging,

such as the product name, logo, and a brief description of the product. Remember that

the packaging should reflect the quality of the product. So, when selling a high-end food

item, make sure that the packaging is elegant and luxurious. While when selling a more

affordable food item, the packaging can be simpler and more understated.

The product's food packaging draws the attention of consumers and usually,

when the packaging of a product is good, it can be widely purchased in the market.

Bottled products such as gourmet anchovies needs packaging that will exhibit a good

impression to consumers, it is also necessary to consider the size, color, and

description when making the packaging of the product so that the consumer also knows

what kind of product they will buy.

On the study conducted by Bindu Goswami (2020) stated that packaging

frequently serves a crucial functional purpose, such as product storage or protection.

Packaging's role in consumer protection is expanding. Food packaging serves three

main purposes: to contain the food, to protect it from outside effects and damage, and

to inform consumers about the ingredients and nutritional value of the food. Food

packaging can slow down how quickly food deteriorates. It's extending one's own life

and improves the quality and safety of food. Food can be transported from one country

to another using packaging, which also helps to minimize or completely eliminate the

risk of tampering and adulteration. The design and construction of the packaging have a

significant impact on how long food products will stay fresh. The right materials should

be chosen when packaging food.

Given that the dilis container is just right for its easy preserving, therefore the

product is surely be protected from deterioration. Furthermore, the product size is easy

to store, so packaging of this product would not be a hindrance for purchasing and


The most important way to communicate with a potential buyer is to use label

effectively. Remember that the way a product is packaged serves an important purpose:

it sends the consumer a first impression of a product. Color, visual texture, word choice,

and overall design quality can all have an impact on sales. Choose a design that will

appeal to the target market and complement the sales location (AngoodFood, 2022).

Having the right label is the first thing that gives satisfaction to the consumer

because when they buy a product, the label is the first thing they look at, it also affects

the sales of the product. The study about gourmet anchovies is one of the products that

can be presented in the market and the overall design quality needs to be considered

when it comes to creating a product label so that it appeals to consumers.


As reported by Grier et. al (2013) price consistently emerged as the primary

determinant of food purchases across all websites. A more comprehensive picture of

how participants perceived a product's cost emerged from the discussion of additional

value aspects including convenience, food quality, product healthfulness, and family


The conversation about other value aspects, such as convenience, food quality,

product healthfulness, and family preferences, provided a more nuanced picture of how

participants perceived a product's pricing. Price was the primary factor driving food

purchases on all websites.

Joseph et al. (2015) mentioned that evaluating programs, cost-effectiveness

analyses (CEAs) are practical tools. Cost-effectiveness analysis is a method that

compares a program's costs to its most significant advantages or outcomes. Cost

benefit analysis goes one step further by attempting to compare costs with the monetary

value of all (or most) of a program's multiple perks. The general overview of both types

of assessments provided in this chapter emphasizes the challenges in estimating the

costs and benefits of programs.

Gourmet anchovies adapts to programs to develop and increase its buyers. This

chapter provides some truth; however, it does not indicate whether an earner is present

or not. It can benefit the programs taking place or provide assistance to grow it is a

planning and reporting document, grouped according to economic elements, its list and

composition It ensures the reduction of costs for the whole business and allows to

monitor the structure of production costs.

Cirovice et al. (2020) said that in line with this research, following an

examination of the impact of each of those factors (product, pricing, distribution, and

promotion) on consumer acceptance of organic products and purchasing decisions, it

offers suggestions for optimizing the offer on the organic food market. The findings

showed that the factors that most strongly influence consumer acceptability and

purchasing decisions are pricing and promotion. Further investigation found that the

variables with the greatest influence on customer perception and attitudes toward the

existing market offer are attitudes toward organic food products, price/quality ratios,

distribution hurdles, and the use of contemporary media as a promotional tool.

Cost-effectiveness plays a big role in marketability of a product, therefore in the

proposed product of the researchers, pricing will play a big role. Since it has already

been established that consumers prefer cheap or less expensive food products, the

proposed gourmet anchovy will be made of quality but cheap and ingredients so that its

target selling price can be affordable by the target consumers.

According to Melovic et al. (2020), the organic production system is recognized

as one of the key drivers of future economic growth given its benefits. However, the

mismatch between supply and demand at the local market level is one of the main

obstacles to its future expansion. As a result, this paper examines the key aspects of

the offer that have the strongest impacts on consumer preferences and the uptake of

organic food products. This essay examines the offer's essential elements—the organic

product, price, mode of distribution, and advertising—from the perspective of consumer

preferences. The sensory aspects of the offer that are important to clients are also

discussed in this article.

The student researcher that the product, pricing, distribution, and promotion must

all be aligned and taken into consideration when considering cost effectiveness in terms

of the present research. The gourmet dilis will thus be marketed by the researchers

while considering the product itself as the students advertise it to the customer.

Ananthapavan Jaithri et al. (2022) stated that the fact that grocery customers

are purchasing more food attests to the success of shelf tag procedures to improve food

quality. The efficacy of shelf tag programs rests on their ability to inform decision-

makers while being cost-effective, however there is currently no confirmation of this.

provide good value for the money while having the potential to benefit public health [20].

Cost-utility analysis (CUA), which assigns a standard value to the outcomes of an

intervention. For Australia's evaluations of health technology, the most popular

economic evaluation technique is a preference-based health measure that incorporates

increases in both quantity and quality of life [21,22]. However, preventative efforts

influence non-healthcare in settings like supermarkets. Because there are few

stakeholders, the value.

If such a presentation is accomplished, it will be healthier for customers and will

subsequently boost the marketability of your product. Which is conserved, it should be

preserved, the lid should not leak, and opening so that the product does not spoil



According to Janiszewski et al. (2012), demonstrate that altering serving size

and, consequently, calories per serving, for equivalent consumption amounts, affects

consumption-related guilt expectations, purchase intentions, and behavior. The findings

also suggest that while individual differences and context factors increase consumer

attention to nutritional information generally, they frequently direct attention to calorie

information rather than serving size. This results in the unexpected finding that serving

size manipulations have a greater impact on consumers who are more aware of their

nutritional needs.

Modifying the serving size per product contributes to the consumer consumptions

and increase the product demand. It is said that the amount of serving affects the

consumer behavior on purchasing the product, thus having a bigger serving size leads

to greater product purchased. Additionally, having bigger serving size attracts cautious

buyers since they prioritize their health and give importance on the nutritional content of

the product, therefore the amount of nutrition per serving also increased.

As presented by Jaap Seidell et al. (2022), reducing package serving sizes as

san intervention strategy to control food intake encountered resistance in

general. The study concludes that consumers prefer interventions that include a

wider range of available portion sizes, pricing strategies, and serving-size


The volume or serving size plays a big role for the consumers purchasing

behavior towards the proposed product, it is stated there that having a serving size label

and proportional size is mostly preferred by customers.

Customers find net weight products more appealing. It is common for the majority

of customers to purchase such products that have the net weight listed on the

packaging. The reason for this is that customers prefer products that include all of the

information listed on the packaging. This makes it clear to them the amount they are

getting and what they are paying for (Kirk, 2022).

The net weight must be stated on the packaging of a food product because it is

one of the important factors that consumers consider before buying. In the case of the

gourmet anchovies which is packed in a bottle, the net weight must be indicated on its

label or packaging because the volume of a product usually reflects its price, this gives

clarity to consumers when it comes to the products they are purchasing.

Pactivate (2022) stated that consumers value appropriate size; studies have

shown that a lot of empty space (when the packaging is too large for the contents) is

perceived as deceptive, and consumers feel cheated.

The space of the container of a food product is what consumers usually look at

because they want to make sure that the food or dish inside is just right in the container

or packaging, they feel that they are not being cheated. When it comes to choosing the

size of bottled food products such as gourmet anchovies, the dish must be just right

inside the container. In this way, the product can be sold in the market because the

consumer is reassured that the volume of food inside the container they are getting is

just right for its size.

As presented by Weighing News (2022), customers are more likely to request a

refund or file a complaint if they purchased the same food item but discovered different

quantities in each. This could be a reason to lose some of the most important clients.

The weight promised on the package of a product should be delivered to the consumer.

So, if the proper weighing systems used in food processing, there is no chance to deal

with these issues or complaints.

The volume indicated on the packaging of the food product should be correct

because the consumer often checks it and compares it with similar products. The

gourmet anchovies are placed in the bottle, in this case, the volume should be correct

and reflect each product that is released in the market so that consumers do not have a

complaint when it comes to the description that is placed on its packaging or label.


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design, research locale, respondents of the

study, sampling techniques, research instruments, validation of instruments, data

gathering procedure and statistical treatment. These are set of methods procedures that

the researchers used to gather information about the study.

Research Design

This study entitled Marketability of Proposed Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy), aimed to

determine the necessary information regarding marketing of the proposed gourmet

products. A quantitative research design specifically an descriptive developmental type

of research was utilized. Descriptive developmental designs refer to when data are

collected. These included cross-sectional, longitudinal, and sequential designs. A

descriptive research design is a type of research design that aims to systematically

obtain information to describe a phenomenon, situation, or population. The researcher

uses quantitative research with descriptive type because it will be an appropriate way to

gather numerical data.

Research Locale

Figure 2: Location Map of CSTC, Inc. Sariaya, Quezon

The College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications, Inc. is located at

Población 3 Arellano Subdivision, Gen Luna Street, Maharlika Highway. will serve as

the study's location. The researchers chose CSTC as their study site because the

respondents of this study will be selected students and teachers who are living in the

dormitory which will give valid data about the marketability of gourmet dilis.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this research were selected from the (30) students and

teachers living in the dorm; it will be the basis of voluntariness in answering the

question. To the dorm student and teachers, this focused on conducting to help student

and teachers that are living in dorm to have an instant dish that doesn't need to cook

because it is ready to eat and be consumed.

Research Instrument

The research instruments used in this investigation was a descriptive

questionnaire. A descriptive questionnaire is developed to capture or document the

extent of a particular topic or issue within a population of interest. This type of

questionnaire was utilized for the gathering of the quantitative data that will be used in

the study. The descriptive questionnaire contains two parts wherein the first part aims to

answer the demographic profile of the respondents. The second part shows

assessment of the product’s palatability.

Validation of Instruments

The researchers followed a number of steps to make sure the questionnaire

would be reliable, understandable, and accurate when utilized to collect data. The

researcher will prepare a descriptive questionnaire that checked by the research adviser

to test the validity of each of the questions. The researchers will also submit the

questionnaire to the statistician to be guided of what statistical treatment were to be

used and the statistician identified the questions which require revision. The procedure

was repeated until all the queries were deemed to be valid.

Data Gathering Procedure

I. Designing (plan)

The focus of this research is to give an affordable product specially to targeted

consumers and to build a business that will unquestionably turn a profit while also

modernizing the presentation of a basic cuisine that will satisfy hunger. Anchovies are

one of the cheapest types of fish that can be bought in the Philippines, this is also one

of the reasons why the researchers decided to make it as a main ingredient of the

proposed product, especially now that the pandemic has just ended were other types of

products have increased. Because of this the ingredients used here are sufficient in the

budget of the people so that they can be made into a business. The recipe and

ingredients of gourmet mussels will be followed in the making of gourmet anchovies as

it is suitable for the development of this proposed dish.

II. Development (process)

660 ml of cooking oil Frypan
1/2 kg of Dry Dilis Spatula
250 g of butter Plates
2 Head Garlic Knife
Peppercorn Chopping Board
Bay leaves Measuring Cups
1/4 kg of brown sugar Bottle
6 pieces of chili
2 packs of banana catsup
1 bottle of sweet chili sauce

The procedure of cooking gourmet dilis (anchovy)

1. Heat oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add the dried anchovies.

2. While frying, keep mixing the dry anchovies in the hot oil. Wait for the dry

anchovies to turn golden brown before setting them aside.

3. Heat new oil in a pan. Slice the chili and mince cut the garlic while waiting for

the oil to heat up.

4. Add the chopped garlic and two sticks of butter on it afterwards.

5. Add the slice chili and mince garlic. the fried anchovies and mix in the butter

until all the dry anchovies are coated with butter and garlic

6. Add the bay leaves and peppercorn then stir it.

7. When the butter has melted add the brown sugar, sweet chili sauce, and

banana catsup. Mix it well.

8. When the sugar dissolves add the fried anchovies. Remember: stir it gently so

that the anchovies don't become crumbly (durog).

9. Put it in the bottle (or in any container) and it is ready to be served.

III. Implementation (survey proper)

The researchers used a descriptive questionnaire to be answered by the

available respondents. When the instrument is made, it will be passed and

checked by the validator to make sure it is correct or fits our research. After that,

the researcher will pass the letter to the Principal of the Senior High School

Department of CSTC. As soon as the letter was approved, the researchers will

begin to go to the respondents (30 available students and teachers living in the

dormitory) and started to gather the data.

IV. Evaluation (data)

The data gathered through the survey proper will be analyzed through the use

of frequency distribution table and weighted average mean.

Sampling Technique

This research entitled “Marketability of the Proposed Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)”

which aims to determine if gourmet anchovies can be marketable accepted in terms of

taste, presentation, and cost-effectiveness. Purposive sampling is a sampling

technique in which researcher relies on his own judgment when choosing members of

population to participate in the study. It enables researchers to squeeze a lot of

information out of the data that they have collected. This sampling technique fits this

research because it needs to choose some of the following student and teacher

boarders because it suits them for the reason that it can help them, and they won't have

to worry about what they should eat to solve the hunger in no time.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools were used by the researchers during the conduct of this


For research question one, to determine the demographic profile of the respondents in

terms of their sex and age.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution

The data gathered by the researchers were classified, scrutinized, and

converted using the Weighted Mean. The statistical tool was used for problem no. 2 to

determine on how the traditional gourmet seafood can be describe in terms of taste,

presentation, and cost-effectiveness.

The formula for Weighted Mean (WM) was:

Where in:

WM = Weighted mean

N = total respondents

F = frequency

The following summated scale points and adjectival in interpretation will use in the


Continuum of the Rating Value

Scale Range Description

4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree

2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered through

the research instrument provided for the study in determining the “Marketability of the

Proposed Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)” Data were reflected in the form of tables and

were organized according to the research problems.

The outcomes of the study had been identified through the use of survey

checklist questionnaires validated by an expert/s and answered by the lodging

students and teachers of CSTC Sariaya INC.

Figure 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According

to Age





20 Years Old and Below 21 Years Old 22 Years Old

23 Years Old 24 Years Old and Above

Figure 2 shows that the respondents were divided into five (5) age groups with a

total number of thirty (30) respondents corresponding to one hundred percent


The largest number, twenty (20) of the respondents were identified in the twenty

(20) years age and below group.

The lowest number, zero (0) of the respondents were identified in the twenty-

three (23) years age group.

The range of twenty-four (24) years old and above was the common age range of

the respondents.

Sloan (2018) states that while older Gen Zers between the ages of 18 and 24,

the first generation of foodie parents, made up the majority of consumers of

specialty/gourmet food last year, older demographic groupings are catching up. In

2018, 65% of Gen Xers, 60% of Boomers, and 67% of Millennials purchased

gourmet meals.

This literature stated that the majority who buy gourmet food are between the

ages of 18 and 24. This means that young people mostly like to eat gourmet food.

Figure 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According

to Sex





Figure 3 shows that the respondents were divided into two (2) gender group with

a total number of thirty (30) respondents corresponding to one hundred percent


The largest number, eighteen (18) respondents were identified female.

The lowest number, ten (10) of the respondents were identified male.

The range of eighteen (18) female was the common respondents.

This result is supported by Giuseppe Annino et al. (2019), women drink more

wine, water, and sugar-sweetened beverages than men do, and they prefer salty

foods over sweet ones. Men tended to eat more meals out and to feel more peckish

later in the day. The authors discovered strong evidence of profound gender-specific

differences between men and women in terms of dietary habits, the taste of food,

and in the relationship with meals. Women missed more meals, ate more frequently

throughout the day, and were also more likely to overeat.

There is a significant difference between men and women in terms of acquiring

food and drinks which is women prefer drinking sweet beverages than men. On the

other hand, when it comes to salty foods, women are more likely to choose salty

over sweet foods, therefore, there is a high probability that women will more likely to

patronized the gourmet product.

Table 1. Assessment of the Product’s Palatability

Statements Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. The Gourmet Dilis product has a good variety of 3.63 Strongly Agree
flavors all in one mouthful.
2. When eaten, it is smooth in the throat and does not 3.37 Strongly Agree
give any scratchy feeling.
3. The Gourmet Dilis product tasted good. 3.73 Strongly Agree
4. The main ingredient of the Gourmet Dilis product is 3.43 Strongly Agree
tender and chewy.
5. The Gourmet Dilis product has a slightly rough 3.17 Agree
6. The Gourmet Dilis product has a bit fishy punch 3.00 Agree
and saltiness
7. The Gourmet Dilis product has a right amount of 3.57 Strongly Agree
8. The Gourmet Dilis product has a pleasant 3.50 Strongly Agree
9. The Gourmet Dilis product has accurate proportion 3.70 Strongly Agree
of the main ingredient and oil.
10. Beyond eating the Gourmet Dilis product straight 3.63 Strongly Agree
out, it can also go best with rice or pasta.
Weighted Average Mean (WAM) 3.47 Strongly Agree
Highest Mean Lowest Mean Total Mean

Table 1 obtained the vital information about the “Marketability of the Proposed

Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)” in terms of Palatability.

It could be gleaned from the table that all the data gathered from the responses

had generated a weighted mean of “3.47” which was verbally interpreted as

“Strongly Agree”. The statement “3. The product tasted good” obtained the

highest mean score of “3.73”, rank 1 and verbally interpreted as “Strongly Agree”

On the other hand, the statement “6. The product has a bit fishy punch and

saltiness” obtained the lowest mean score of “3.00”, rank 10 and verbally

interpreted as “Agree”.

International Food Information Council Foundation (2020) shared that when

consumers decide whether they like a product, taste is the most important factor. Every

survey that has been carried out to date has confirmed this, and in 2020 88% of those

surveyed stated taste as their primary reason for buying a product. With statistics like

this, it’s clear that taste should be a key focus during product development and a key

criterion in the decision to launch the product commercially.

This collection of the literature demonstrated that taste is the primary factor in

determining whether people would like a product, and this is universally accepted. The

flavor of a product like these gourmet anchovies should obviously be carefully

considered, and whether or not to put the product on the market can even

Table 2. Assessment of the Product’s Presentation

Weighted Verbal
Statements Mean Interpretation

1. It is delicious and appetizing to the sight. 3.67 Strongly Agree

2. It draws attention due to the jar’s layout. 3.63 Strongly Agree
3. The product names and logos are on the gourmet 3.70 Strongly Agree
jar to make it more appealing to the buyer.
4. The ingredients of these gourmet products are 3.70 Strongly Agree
listed in the back for the consumer’s convenience.
5. It includes nutritional information so that customers 3.70 Strongly Agree
may understand the number of nutrients it
6. The ingredients can be visibly seen inside the jar. 3.70 Strongly Agree
7. The placement of the dish in the container is not 3.67 Strongly Agree
8. The color of the ingredients blends well with each 3.63 Strongly Agree
other making the presentation more visually
9. The dish container itself is clean and does not have 3.67 Strongly Agree
any dents.
10. The lid of the container can be properly sealed so 3.73 Strongly Agree
that the dish does not leak from it.
Weighted Average Mean (WAM) 3.68 Strongly Agree
Highest Mean Lowest Mean Total Mean

Table 2 obtained the vital information about the “Marketability of the Proposed

Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)” in terms of Presentation.

It could be gleaned from the table that all the data gathered from the responses

had generated a weighted mean of “3.68” which was verbally interpreted as

“Strongly Agree”. The statement “10. The lid of the container can be properly

sealed so that the dish does not leak from it.” obtained the highest mean score of

“3.73”, rank 1 and verbally interpreted as “Strongly Agree” On the other hand, the

statement “8. The color of the ingredients blends well with each other making

the presentation more visually attractive” obtained the lowest mean score of

“3.63”, rank 10 and verbally interpreted as “Strongly Agree”.

This is supported by Ian Gibson et al. (2021) state that a strong seal must be

applied to the flexible packaging. A strong seal stops the leakage of the content's

volatiles. It limits fluctuations in head space gases and moisture content while also

eliminating the possibility of microbial contamination. To prevent quality changes and

guarantee the safety of food products, flexible food packaging must take the integrity

of the seal area into account.

When it comes on packaging, strong sealed products contribute to preservation,

product safety, and avoids leakage of the content.

Table 3. Assessment of the Product’s Cost-Effectiveness

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation

1. The product’s quality is at its best. 3.60 Strongly Agree
2. As a student with a strict budget, I can afford this 3.70 Strongly Agree
high-quality gourmet dish for a comparatively low
and affordable cost.
3. I would recommend the gourmet dilis products to a 3.70 Strongly Agree
friend or classmate because of the affordable price.
4. The ingredients used in this product are all cheap. 3.27 Strongly Agree
5. The size of the container is just right for its price. 3.67 Strongly Agree
6. The proposed selling price is affordable. 3.63 Strongly Agree
7. This is less costly than other gourmet dishes in jar. 3.53 Strongly Agree
8. This gourmet food is more cost-effective and 3.47 Strongly Agree
provides a better quality than other preserved
9. Its selling price is cost-effective which makes it 3.53 Strongly Agree
more affordable for students who have limited
10. For a very low price I think I can eat a gourmet dish 3.50 Strongly Agree
in a jar made with fresh ingredients because of this
Weighted Average Mean (WAM) 3.56 Strongly Agree
Highest Mean Lowest Mean Total Mean

Table 3 obtained the vital information about the “Marketability of the Proposed

Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)” in terms of Cost-Effectiveness.

It could be gleaned from the table that all the data gathered from the responses

had generated a weighted mean of “3.56” which was verbally interpreted as

“Strongly Agree”.

The statement “1. As a student with a strict budget, I can afford this high-

quality gourmet dish for a comparatively low and affordable cost and 2. I

would recommend the gourmet dilis products to a friend or classmate

because of the affordable price.” obtained the highest mean score of “3.70”, rank

1 and verbally interpreted as “Strongly Agree” On the other hand, the statement

“4.The ingredients used in this product are all cheap.” obtained the lowest mean

score of “3.27”, rank 10 and verbally interpreted as “Strongly Agree”.

According to Al-Salamin et al, (2015) The authors also stated that consumer

purchasing decisions are influenced by their price perception and what they believe

the actual price of a product is. The primary goal of marketing is to comprehend how

customers arrive at their price perception. We are all customers, regardless of age,

education, wealth, or talent. Understanding client behavior is thus an important

problem for advertising, distributors, and salespeople.

When it comes to price, the buyer should be able to keep up, especially it must

be affordable in the prince range because of the new prices, so it must be popular

with the masses and affordable.

According to Abhijeet Pratap on 2017 a premium price tag means premium

customers for whom price is not an issue. However, this is not the case with all the

brands. Some brands bring good quality products at average prices. They have

established a reputation as a favorite of middle-class customers. They have used

their pricing strategy to develop a distinct image and to target the group of people to

whom both their items and their prices appeal. Several brands have been able to

blend good quality with inexpensive pricing

Table 4. Assessment of the Product’s Volume

Statements Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. The volume of the dish inside the container is 3.63 Strongly Agree
enough for several servings.
2. The portion size of this product can be consumed 3.57 Strongly Agree
by 2-3 persons in one meal.
3. The dish container is just the right size for easy 3.63 Strongly Agree
4. The serving portion of this product is enough to 3.50 Strongly Agree
satisfy our cravings when it comes to oily food.
5. The size of the product is easy to store and use. 3.57 Strongly Agree
6. The portion size of the product is enough for 2-time 3.53 Strongly Agree
consumption or more for an individual person.
7. The amount of chili in these products is just 3.00 Agree
enough for those who love spicy food.
8. The volume of the dish placed in the container is 3.47 Strongly Agree
not too full or insufficient, it is just right to be
opened cleanly.
9. The amount of serving is enough to meet the 3.60 Strongly Agree
satisfaction of the customer.
10. The serving size equates with its proposed selling 3.70 Strongly Agree
Weighted Average Mean (WAM) 3.52 Strongly Agree
Highest Mean Lowest Mean Total Mean

Table 4 obtained the vital information about the “Marketability of the Proposed

Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)” in terms of Volume.

It could be gleaned from the table that all the data gathered from the responses

had generated a weighted mean of “3.52” which was verbally interpreted as

“Strongly Agree”. The statement “10. The serving size equates with its

proposed selling price.” obtained the highest mean score of “3.70”, rank 1 and

verbally interpreted as “Strongly Agree” On the other hand, the statement “7. The

amount of chili in these products is just enough for those who love spicy

food.” obtained the lowest mean score of “3.00”, rank 10 and verbally interpreted

as “Agree”.

Consumer Protection (2022) stated that the Weights and Measures Act

establishes rules for selling goods by quantity. Its purpose is to ensure that

businesses sell the correct quantities and that you get what you pay for. Goods sold

by weight, volume, length, or number must be accurately weighed, measured, or

counted, and the correct net quantity must be clearly labeled. Goods purchased by

weight or measure must be sold by net weight or measure to you. This means that

any packaging weight must be excluded from the weight or measurement statement.

For consumers, the price of a product is usually based on its size, which is why

the price of a food product must reflect its size or volume so it can be sold in the



Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter summarizes the entire study and presents the findings, conclusions

and recommendations of the researcher.

This study was exclusive to the lodging students and teachers in College of

Science, Technology and Communication, INC. The researchers employed the

purposive sampling in choosing the respondents. The students and teachers with the

total of thirty (30) were chosen by the researchers to be part of this study.

This research was conducted during the first semester of the academic year

2020-2021. The descriptive method of research was employed with a checklist

questionnaire designed as primary instrument in gathering data.

The researchers used the following tools: (a) Frequency and Percentage

Distribution (b) Weighted Mean

The aim of this study was to determine the Marketability of the Proposed

Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)

Specifically, this study found the answers to the following questions:

1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents:

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

2. What is the perceived marketability of proposed gourmet dilis (anchovy) according to

the respondents in terms of:

2.1. Palatability

2.2. Presentation

2.3. Cost-effectiveness

2.4. Volume

3. What implications can be drawn based on the result of the study

Summary of Findings

The following findings had been found by the researchers based from the

gathered data of the study:


1.1. Age

The respondents have a total of thirty (30) for frequency distribution. It shows that

seventy-four percent (74%) of the respondents whose age were twenty (20) and below

dominated in the study.

1.2. Sex

There were thirty-six percent (36%) of the respondents were male and there

were sixty-four percent (64%) of female respondents. The table was evidence that the

majority of the respondents were female.

2. “Marketability of the Proposed Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)”

2.1. Palatability

Based from the gathered data, the selected students and teachers had

generated a weighted mean of “3.47‘’ and a verbal interpretation of “Strongly Agree”

2.2. Presentation

Based from the gathered data, the selected Students and Teachers had

generated a weighted mean of “3.68‘’ and a verbal interpretation of “Strongly Agree”

2.3. Cost-effectiveness

Based from the gathered data, the selected Students and Teachers had

generated a weighted mean of “3.56‘’ and a verbal interpretation of “Strongly Agree”

2.4. Volume

Based from the gathered data, the selected Students and Teachers had

generated a weighted mean of “3.52‘’ and a verbal interpretation of “Strongly Agree”

3. Implications of the study

In this study entitled; "Marketability of the Proposed Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)" it

can be implied that the information that is placed on the label as it is the first thing that

the respondents or the possible consumers look at. During data gathering, many

respondents commented on the proposed product being affordable, tasty, and

presentable, in this case, it just shows that the product has a high chance of being sold

in the market, thus reflects its a positive probability of its marketabilit


Based from the findings of the study, the researcher had come up with number of

conclusions which follows:

1. Based on the result of the study, the age of twenty (20) got the highest percentage of

seventy-four percent (74%).

2. Based on the result of the study, the majority of the respondents are female with a

percentage of sixty-four percent (64%).

3. In terms of palatability, the verbal interpretation of the weighted average mean was

'strongly agree' which means that palatability is one of the important things that the

respondents look at as it relates to the marketing of a food product. The statement that

says "The product tasted good” got the highest mean among other statements, it shows

that the taste of the product is one of the bases of the respondents when it comes to

buying the product as the palatability also reflects its price.

4. In terms of presentation, the verbal interpretation of the weighted average mean was

'strongly agree' which means that the product presentation is properly sealed and the

dish inside the container will not leak from it. The statement that says "The lid of the

container can be properly sealed so that the dish does not leak from it" got the highest

mean among other statements, it shows that when it comes on purchasing, product

presentation is one of the important factors that a consumer considers which in turn,

increase the product marketability.

5. In terms of cost-effectiveness, the verbal interpretation of the weighted average

mean was “strongly agree” which mean that producing good result without costing a lot

of money. The statement that says “As a student with a strict budget, I can afford this

high-quality gourmet dish for a comparatively low and affordable cost and I would

recommend the gourmet dilis product to friend or classmate because of the affordable

price” " got the highest mean among other statements; it shows that when it comes to

affordable price it brings you the value you deserve for your product and service offered.

6. In terms of volume, the verbal interpretation of the weighted average mean was

'strongly agree' which means that volume is one of the important things that the

respondents look at as it relates to the marketing of a food product. The statement that

says "The serving size equates with its proposed selling price" got the highest mean

among other statements; it shows that the size of the product is one of the bases of the

respondents when it comes to buying the product as the volume also reflects its price.

7. This study has four variables used to further expand the information content of the

proposed product. The first is Palatability, which has a weighted average mean of "3.47"

and an interpretation of "strongly agree". The second is the Presentation, which has a

weighted average mean of "3.68" and its interpretation is "strongly agree". The third is

Cost-Effectiveness, this in turn has a weighted average mean of "3.56" and like the

previous variables it also has an interpretation of "strongly agree". The last one is the

Volume, which has a weighted average mean of "3.52 and an interpretation of "strongly

agree". Based on the interpretation of each variable, the result is "strongly agree" which

means that the respondents value each of the statements indicated in each variable. It

also shows that palatability, presentation, cost-effectiveness, and volume are one of the

most evaluated by the respondents when it comes to buying food products and because

of this reason the researchers will imply more on the quality of the dish and container of

the proposed product. After the data gathering conducted by the researchers, they

conclude that the proposed product can be presented in the market and be sold to

possible consumers based on the results obtained from the respondents. Overall, the

proposed product can be sold in the market with high-quality and low cost that will

surely benefit mostly those target customers.


The following recommendations were offered by the researcher based from the

findings and conclusions of the study.

1. To the future researchers, by identifying additional elements that can improve the

flavor of this product, this research can be made even more precise. Additionally, take

up different cooking techniques to make it last longer. At last, it will foster culinary

innovation and has the potential to be financially rewarding.

2. To the Entrepreneurs - this study will help them to create a presentable and

delicious product that can make into a business that will earn sufficient profit.

3. To the Consumers - this study will help them to have an affordable product and to

have an instant dish that doesn’t need to cook because it is ready to eat and can be

taken anywhere.

4. To the institution, it can be involved or participate in research contests as well as in

the field of cooking food products that can bring honor to the school.


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November 15, 2022


Greetings of Peace!

We, the Grade 12 Home Economics students of CSTC are currently conducting a
(ANCHOVY)” as part of our requirement for the subject Inquiries, Investigations and

In line with this matter, we would like to seek for your approval for us to conduct our
data gathering in our chosen locale and respondents, the CSTC, College of Sciences,
Technology and Communications Inc. Sariaya, specifically the selected students of
the CSTC Inc. Sariaya.

Rest assured that the individuals’ responses to the questionnaire will be treated with
utmost confidentiality and purely for academic purposes only.

We are hoping for your favorable response to this humble request.

Very respectfully yours,






Endorsed by :


Research Adviser

Approved by :


Senior High School Principal




Dear Respondents,

We, the students of College of Sciences, Technology and Communications Inc.,

are currently conducting a research entitled “MARKETABILITY OF THE PROPOSED
GOURMET DILIS (ANCHOVY)”. Since we shall be discerning the necessary
information regarding marketability of the proposed gourmet products, we require your
specific consent to analyze the information obtained in this questionnaire that reveals
the totality of the research proper. Naturally, your name will not be mentioned in any
document or report. All information will be confidential, and none will be used for any
purpose other than this research.

Respectfully yours,







Endorsed by :


Research Adviser

Approved by :


Senior High School Principal


Note of confidentiality: The information you will provide will be used for our research
entitled: “Marketability of the Proposed Gourmet Dilis (Anchovy)”. Rest assured that all
information will be treated with utmost confidentiality in accordance with the existing
research ethics.

Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Directions: Please fill in the blanks with your personal details.

Name (Optional): ____________________________________________

Age: 20 years and below

21 years old
22 years old
23 years old
24 years old and above
Sex: Male Female
Part II. Assessment of the Product’s Palatability
Directions: The following are statements regarding the quality of the product. Please
rate each item based on your own opinion. The possible answers are:
4 – Strongly Agree
3 – Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

No. Assessment of the Product’s Palatability 4 3 2 1
1 The Gourmet Dilis product has a good variety of
flavors all in one mouthful.
2 The Gourmet Dilis product is delicious.
3 The Gourmet Dilis product tastes good.
4 The main ingredient of the product is tender and
5 The Gourmet Dilis product has a slightly rough texture.
6 The Gourmet Dilis product has a bit fishy punch and
7 The Gourmet Dilis product has a right amount of
8 The Gourmet Dilis product has a pleasant aftertaste.
9 The Gourmet Dilis product has accurate proportion of
the main ingredient and oil.
10 Beyond eating the product straight out, it can also go
best with rice or pasta.

No. Assessment of the Product’s Presentation 4 3 2 1

1 It is delicious and appetizing to the sight.
2 It draws attention due to the jar’s layout.
3 The product names and logos are on the gourmet jar
to make it more appealing to the buyer.
4 The ingredients of these gourmet products are listed in
the back for the consumer’s convenience.
5 It includes nutrition information so that customers may
understand the number of nutrients it provides.
6 The ingredients can be visibly seen inside the jar.
7 The placement of the dish in the container is not
8 The color of the ingredients blends well with each
other making the presentation more visually attractive.
9 The dish container itself is clean and does not have
any dents.
10 The lid of the container can be properly sealed so that
the dish does not leak from it.

No. Assessment of the Product’s Cost-Effectiveness 4 3 2 1
1 I’ll tell my friends to buy this goods at a reduced price
so they may enjoy the top quality at a reasonable cost.
2 I can afford this high-quality gourmet dish for a
comparatively cost.
3 I would recommend the gourmet dilis products to a
friend or colleagues because of the affordable price.
4 The ingredients used in this product are all cheap.
5 The size of the container is just right for its price.
6 The proposed selling price is affordable.
7 This is less costly than other gourmet dishes in jar.
8 This gourmet food is more cost-effective and provides
a better quality than other preserved viands.
9 Its selling price is cost-effective which makes it more
affordable for students who have limited budget.
10 For a very low price I think I can eat a gourmet dish in
a jar made with fresh ingredients because of this dish.

No. Assessment of the Product’s Volume 4 3 2 1
1 The volume of the dish inside the container is enough
for several servings.
2 The portion size of this product can be consumed by
2-3 persons in one meal.
3 The dish container is just the right size for easy
4 The serving portion of this product is enough to satisfy
our cravings when it comes to oily food.
5 The size of the product is easy to store and use.
6 The portion size of the product is enough for 2-time
consumption or more for an individual person.
7 The amount of chili in these products is just enough
for those who love spicy food.
8 The volume of the dish placed in the container is not
too full or insufficient, it is just right to be opened
9 The amount of serving is enough to meet the
satisfaction of the customer.
10 The serving size equates with its proposed selling



660 ml of cooking oil Frypan
1/2 kg of Dry Dilis Spatula
250 g of butter Plates
2 Head Garlic Knife
Peppercorn Chopping Board
Bay leaves Measuring Cups
1/4 kg of brown sugar Bottle
6 pieces of chili
2 packs of banana catsup
1 bottle of sweet chili sauce

1. Heat oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add the dried anchovies.

2. While frying, keep mixing the dry anchovies in the hot oil. Wait for the dry anchovies
to turn golden brown before setting them aside.

3. Heat new oil in a pan. Slice the chili and mince cut the garlic while waiting for the oil
to heat up.

4. Add the chopped garlic and two sticks of butter on it afterwards.

5. Add the slice chili and mince garlic. the fried anchovies and mix in the butter until all
the dry anchovies are coated with butter and garlic

6. Add the bay leaves and peppercorn then stir it.

7. When the butter has melted add the brown sugar, sweet chili sauce, and banana
catsup. Mix it well.

8. When the sugar dissolves add the fried anchovies. Remember: stir it gently so that
the anchovies don't become crumbly (durog).

9. Put it in the bottle (or in any container) and it is ready to be served.


Ingredients Price Unit Price

660 ml of cooking oil 60 12
½ kg of dry dilis 180 36
250 g of butter 50 10
2 head garlic 14 2.8
Peppercorn 10 2
Bay Leaves 10 2
¼ kg of brown sugar 19 3.8
6 pcs of chili 20 4
2 packs of banana catsup 20 4
1 bottle of sweet chili sauce 45 9
5 bottles 100 20
5 labels 7.14 1.43
Price of each product 107.03
Selling Price 110php

DATA GATHERING (Pictures of the Respondent)


Certification of Research Statistician

Date: ____________

This is to certify that the research entitled “Marketability of the Proposed Gourmet Dilis

(Anchovy)” was read, examine, given recommendation and was thoroughly edited by

the undersigned.


Research Statistician


Certification of Research Grammarian

Date: ____________

This is to certify that the research entitled “Marketability of the Proposed Gourmet Dilis

(Anchovy)” was read, examine, given recommendation and was thoroughly edited by

the undersigned.



Research Grammarian


Brgy. Antipolo, Sariaya Quezon

Contact No.: 09159648039

E-mail: johnwayne.albina16@gmail.com

Nickname : Wayne
Age : 17 years old
Gender : Male
Birth Date : January 31, 2005
Birth Place : Sariaya Quezon
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Catholic

Senior High School : College of Sciences Technology and
Communications, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon
2021- present
Junior High School : Pili National High School
Sariaya, Quezon
Elementary School : Antipolo Elementary School

Ms. Nicole Hernandez

Research Adviser
College of Sciences, Technology and Communications, Inc.
I hereby certification that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and beliefs.
John Wayne P. Albina
Student’s Name

Brgy. Antipolo, Sariaya Quezon

Contact No.: 09563095485

E-mail: josephmatthewlontokalcala@gmail.com

Nickname : Matthew
Age : 18 years old
Gender : Male
Birth Date : August 12, 2004
Birth Place : Lucena City
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Catholic

Senior High School : College of Sciences Technology and
Communications, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon
2021- present
Junior High School : St. Francis High School
Sariaya, Quezon
Elementary School : Antipolo Elementary School

Ms. Nicole Hernandez

Research Adviser
College of Sciences, Technology and Communications, Inc.
I hereby certification that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and beliefs.
Joseph Matthew L. Alcala

Student’s Name


Brgy. Mamala 2, Sariaya Quezon

Contact No.: 09772972055

E-mail: reyverescondeee@gmail.com

Nickname : Reyver
Age : 17 years old
Gender : Male
Birth Date : April 09, 2005
Birth Place : Lucena City
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Senior High School : College of Sciences Technology and Communications,
Sariaya, Quezon
2021- present
Junior High School : College of Sciences Technology and Communications,
Tayabas Western Academy
Candelaria, Quezon
Elementary School : Mamala Elementary School
Sariaya, Quezon

I hereby certification that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and beliefs.

Reyver D. Esconde

Brgy. Mamala 1, Sariaya Quezon

Contact No.: 09701278194

E-mail: remoricajane30@gmail.com
Ms. Nicole Hernandez
Research Adviser
Nickname : Jane
Age : 17 years old
Gender : Female
Birth Date : May 14, 2005
Birth Place : Lucena City
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Senior High School
PERSONAL ATTAINMENT : College of Sciences Technology and
Communications, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon
2021- present
Junior High School : College of Sciences Technology and
Communications, Inc.
Elementary School : Mamala Elementary School
Sariaya, Quezon

Ms. Nicole Hernandez

Research Adviser
College of Sciences, Technology and Communications, Inc.
I hereby certification that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and beliefs.
Rica Jane L. Remo


Brgy. Mamala 2, Sariaya Quezon

Contact No.: 09563119454

E-mail: velenahoneyjane10@gmail.com

Nickname : Honey

Age : 18 years old
Gender : Female
Birth Date : August 08, 2004
Birth Place : Sariaya Quezon
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Catholic

Senior High School : College of Sciences Technology and
Communications, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon
2021- present
Junior High School : Pili National High School
Sariaya, Quezon
Elementary School : Jose Rizal Elementary School

Ms. Nicole Hernandez

Research Adviser
College of Sciences, Technology and Communications, Inc.
I hereby certification that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and beliefs.
Honey Jane R. Veleña
Student’s Name



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