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A Research
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School Department of

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the
Accountancy and Business Management


Dayot, King Rohclem A.

De Castro, Kent Francis D.

Dela Cruz, Jerson P.

Duot, Hershey Mae D.

Ebale, Clyde Limar N.

Elias, Angel Faith S.

Espenida, Franz Jodel

January 2023

The Problem and Its Background

Background of the Study

Working while studying is driven fundamentally by budgetary need: to cover

setbacks in different type of understudy boister; to top up salary to give a superior
understudy, understanding or to help towards future objectives. This new work expands
on discoveries from the SIES to pick up a more profound comprehension of the
motivations to work, the nature of work undertaken, and the difficulties and advantages
of working while studying in higher education (HE). A study led by endsleigh (2015),
showed the eight out of ten (77%) understudies are now working part-time to help them
in their financial need in school. Being a working student is stressful most likely in
balancing your social life, time for family, school, work. Figuring out how manage the
pressure that pursues with being a working undergrad, ensuring you must leds than one
night of a wee, can bring down your stress levels ten times.

Filipino students are still able to support themselves financially through working
although they have financial problem. According to The Working Students (2016), to set
down the job options of Filipino working student namely online jobs, paid corporate
internship, fast food crew, and school jobs. Filipino students are struggling because they
have to meet the standard in their work so that they will not lose their job and maintain
academic performance so that they will not get a failing grade. Around 216,000
understudies in the Philippines are right now juggling school and work, the most recent
information from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). About 8% out of the
total number of college students in the Philippines is a working student. According to
CHED (2010), only half of the employed student can finish college, as many cannot
concentrate on their studies, while others have poor health, and other give up because of
financial problem.
According to the findings of the study conducted by Williams (2014), the reasons
why students work is due to budgetary need, meet a quick or basic necessity, and to help
the understudies in their future objectives. This was supported by the study of Furr and
Elling (2002), where the reasons why the reason why the students work part-time is due
to financial problem. Aside from these reasons, there were also consequences of working
while studying and that is according to the findings of the study of Dariola (2014), where
understudies take fewer attributes in school because of work duties. As a result, the
students lost confidence to enroll and are dropping out and started to find stable job. The
U.S Bereau of Labor Statistics (2013), found 34.1% of highschool students that graduated
between January and October 2013 are now part of the workforce.

Research about working students are mostly conducted at universities in developed

countries, but those researchers lack knowledge about how working student face their
everyday lives and how they conquer every problem they encounter. According to the
study of Ruhm (1997), it is necessary to understand the effects of working students in
society because as the rate of working students reached an abnormal state, job hiring
started to show the negative impacts that were attributed to it since it lessens instructive
fulfillment and scholarly execution particularly among youthful laborers without school
training. On the other hand, if working at a young age proves to be favorable aspect of
the economy. Then the high rate of working students could add to profit gaps observed
later in life. Since there are many possible conclusions, the researchers have to see the
lapses of this work so that the researcher will able to explore the experiences of the
working students and to be able to understand fully what a working student is.

This study explores how the student creates ways to maximize their time in working
and in studying. The said study also aims to investigate and identity students' experiences
while working. They are starting at how difficult their situation. Next, the problem they
encounte. Then, how they deal and cope with such difficulties. Finally, to provide a
solution that might help the working students shortly.
Statement of the Problem

This study entitled; “The Challenges of Working Students and their Coping
Mechanism in School Works” seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age;
1.2. Sex;
1.3. Grade Level;
1.4. Socio-economic status;
2. How do you as a working student manage studying while working?
3. What other implications can be drawn based from the result of the study?

Research Paradigm


Figure 1. Independent and Dependent Variable Model of the The Challenges of

Working Students and their Coping Mechanism in School Works

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this study entitled; The Challenges of Working
Students and their Coping Mechanism in School Works would be significant to a
wide variety of people in the community, specifically to the following:
To the Respondents, this study would help them incorporated in results and
recommendations they will have better opportunities to develop their confidence
including their personal bearing that better promote sound values.

To the Working Students as the recipient of the study that might incorporated in
results and recommendations working students will have better opportunities to develop
their confidence including their personal bearing that better promote sound values.

To the Teachers, recognizing the challenges faced by working students can

highlight some organizing strategies and techniques they teach their lessons in a number
of ways.

To the Researchers, this study would help them to understand more the concept
of research, the value of teamwork, cooperation, and not giving up. Aside from that, they
will also become more knowledgeable on the topic that they chose to study.

To the Future Researchers, this research paper could serve as their guide or
basis if they will also study the same topic.

Scope and Limitation

This study is focused on the selected 30 respondents from the College of

Sciences Technology and Communications Inc. located in the town of Sariaya, in the
province of Quezon. The researchers chose their respondents using Convenience
Sampling technique. Convenience Sampling is a non-probability sampling strategy in
which units are chosen for inclusion in the sample because they are the most accessible to
the researchers. It’s drawn from a group of people who are easy to approach. This study
was conducted from August 2022 until January 2023.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This section comprises the various related articles and readings as well as related
studies and researches considered to support and strengthen the concepts of the study.

Related Literature


According to Jazelle Bantilan (2014) claims that student employment is a

widespread practice in the Philippines. Given that a sizable fraction of students holds
part-time jobs, it is not unusual to see working students in a classroom, particularly in
colleges and universities. In addition to the typical positions like student assistants, they
find employment in a range of businesses, primarily in the food service, sales, and
entertainment sectors. Due to financial constraints, many college students attempt to
balance job and school, which presents several challenges and concerns for them,
including time management issues, a loss in academic performance, health issues, and
personal and social issues.

The idea of "work-study balance" has been a persistent challenge for working
students over the years, according to Karl Nicole Nucum (2018). Even while there may
be other reasons at play, financial hardship continues to be the main reason why students
accept part-time (or full-time) work. Running from school to work, balancing
extracurricular activities and side gigs, and managing your family, friends, and romantic
relationships is a very challenging undertaking.

Since student employment is so popular in the Philippines, it is not surprising to

see working students in a classroom, particularly at colleges and universities. Many
college students struggle to balance employment and school because of financial barriers,
which results in a range of issues for them. Part-time working students encounter a
variety of hurdles and difficulties when attempting to balance both, including time
management issues, a decline in academic performance, health issues, and personal and
social issues.

According to Freeman (2016) reports that CEBU, Philippines - The life of a

student is not simple. Natural slow learners must stay up with the rest of the class. Even
those with exceptional learning ability face pressure to maintain their position at the top.
The student's circumstance is already difficult. Although not as intimidating as when the
pupil has something as vital to occupy them. Many students — the working students —
must work jobs to support themselves while they attend school. It may be because there
are so many of these terribly strapped young people that they are already ubiquitous that
the phrase "working student" no longer seems to evoke sympathy.

Working while you study alters your impression of the academic experience,
claims Nancy (2017). Working students understand how difficult it can become, from
friends to school to jobs. The students who are pursuing their education and working at
the same time are really concerned about it. The main benefit of working while learning
is that it helps students prepare for their professional lives. It is not as simple to work and
further your education at the same time; you must give up a lot of other things for the
sake of improving your life.


Working kids frequently confront hurdles that can hinder their capacity to excel in
school, according to UNITAR International (2022). The management of time, dealing
with financial stress, and juggling work and personal obligations can be taxing. These
widespread issues, though, are fixable. The difficulties faced by working students may
undoubtedly be surmounted, and students can unquestionably position themselves for
success, with a little advance preparation and effort. The largest difficulty facing students
who are employed is time management. You must find time to study, but you also need to
ensure that you are earning enough money to cover your living expenses. For some
students, this entails working more hours at their employment or finding alternative
sources of income.

According to Moses Kwadzo (2014), this study examines the experiences of

foreign students who are enrolled in a Northeastern public institution and who are
employed there. Twenty international students' personal experiences were recorded using
a phenomenological research methodology that involved in-person interviews and photo-
elicitation procedures. The results of this study showed that these students benefited in
many ways from the obligations that came with their dual status as students and
employees. However, they also experienced physical and emotional stress, which led to
exhaustion, insomnia, role conflict, homesickness, and frustration. It's interesting to note
that these students successfully used a variety of coping strategies, such as seeking out
social support and engaging in leisure and non-leisure activities, to counteract the
negative impacts of studying and working at the same time.

Chrissia Lenylle Lumugdan (2022) notes that not all students can attend class
and take care of their basic requirements. As a result, being a working student is
becoming common. I can speak to the challenges of being a working student. Even when
you want to relax or spend time with family and friends, you must arrange a time to sit at
your desk and study in addition to your work week.

One drawback of being a student and working full-time, according to Gorgulho

(2012), is that there is frequently not enough time for studying, sleeping, or maintaining
appropriate eating habits. According to a study by Gorgulho et al., one of the major
complaints of working students is that they don't have enough time to eat healthfully
(Gorgulho, et al., 2012). Working students frequently grab a quick supper made of low-
quality items that contain sugar and high sodium instead of eating nutritious foods like
fruit and whole grains (Gorgulho, et al., 2012). This is not to argue that students shouldn't
work while in college or feel disheartened, but rather to be aware of the commitment and
plan accordingly.
Britain's Social Work Journal (2010). This research appears to be the first of its
kind in the UK to specifically focus on the stress, support, and general welfare of social
work students. Based on gender, age, academic year, or family duties, the results of a
postal survey did not reveal any statistically significant differences. The sense of self-
worth among social work students is very strong. With customers, they delighted in
working. In comparison to other pupils, students who worked part-time had considerably
higher expectations. However, a large portion of students suffered with low self-esteem
and emotional exhaustion despite receiving a lot of support from their peers, professors,
and practice teachers. They would probably benefit from more opportunities for
intergroup support, specialized tutoring, and stress reduction.

Related Studies


In the Philippines, only 50% of working students complete their degrees.

According to the most recent data from CHED, 226,000 undergraduate students
nationwide are currently juggling employment and study. Students nowadays who work
often also work in sales, the hospitality industry, and entertainment.

Throughout their education, students, according to Maria Napoli and Robin

Bonifas (2013), encounter stress, emotional exhaustion, and vicarious trauma; these
feelings may have a negative impact on their capacity to objectively practice and
integrate course information. Students of social work are better able to control their
emotions and are more receptive to different points of view when they are aware in the
classroom, that is, present without internal or external filters. Teaching mindfulness to
social work students can enhance self-care and serve as a catalyst for the development of
empathy. Therefore, mindful practice can aid in improving practice abilities, particularly
those that call for paying attention to clients. This essay describes the components of a
mindful classroom and provides a framework for teaching mindful practice.
In Working Student in the Philippines by Pao Loanzon, the author discusses
how Filipinos frequently struggle with the decision of whether to pursue a career or
higher education after high school. While some kids will opt to attend college, many will
prefer to begin making money through job or entrepreneurship, whether by choice or by
duress. The third option, becoming a working student, allows one to combine the two. It
can be difficult to be a working student in the Philippines. So, in case you decide to
follow this route, here is a little guide that might be useful.

A working student is someone who works and attends school full-time,

according to Ruel Binigay Jr. et. al. (2020). Being a working student requires a lot of
effort in both his education and his work. Being a working student is exceedingly
difficult since they must offer both their full attention and all of their strength to their

The Department of Education is most concerned about the poor study

completion rates in the Davao Region (Dep Ed). According to Ramento's (2011) study,
students in the City of Davao's low educational attainment was caused by their low
salaries, which forced them to balance employment and school. As a result, students with
financial difficulties spend more time working than studying, which leads to poor
academic performance and low grades.


Prior to, during, and following their international field placements, social work
students frequently encounter personal and institutional problems, according to Lenore E.
Matthew et al. (2017). When students from the Global North are put in the Global South,
where unchallenged ethnocentrism may intensify postcolonial power relations, this
obstacle may damage students' professional development and prevent their meaningful
participation in placements abroad. In this paper, we assess recent research on social
work fieldwork abroad and outline difficulties that students frequently run into. Four
individual and five institutional problems are recognized and evaluated out of the 24 prior
research we investigate. Following that, we make five suggestions for how to handle
these problems, along with some consequences for social work schools.

The persistence and success of a minority group of white, working-class first-

generation college students—a demographic that is underrepresented—are the subject of
this essay, according to Susan Lightweis (2014). The issues these college students
encounter are examined in the conversation. The topic of the conversation is why first-
generation college students succeed where others fail. The discussion also looks at
problems with access to some public universities because of backgrounds in
socioeconomic position and growing tuition prices. Finally, the debate looks at initiatives
supported by many schools and institutions for first-generation students and how this
knowledge might be applied to help white, working-class first-generation college
students stick with it and thrive.

According to Wirtz (2013), there is less proof that students working for pay is
beneficial than in some social and environmental circumstances. Social and
environmental factors were discovered to be significantly related motivations for
employment. Additionally important to working for future education than acquiring
experience and job abilities were grades and academic programs. Working for money is
merely one of many causes and not the primary cause.

Journal of Education Finance claims that (2010). This article offers a paradigm
for evaluating undergraduate students' choices to pursue part-time employment during the
academic year in order to pay for their higher education. The next stage is to examine
how work affects academic success. We find that having a job only slightly lowers
students' grade point averages (GPAs), with a loss of 0.007 points for each hour spent.
We use a customized bespoke datasets based on students at a conventional regional
public institution in order to directly address some of the endogeneity problems that
plague the existing work. Information about student motives is provided by this dataset.
The grades of students who work exclusively for money gain are worse than those who
work to advance their development
In Rajeev Darolia's opinion (2014). Students are working more frequently and
during college than ever before. I examine the impact of working on grades and credit
completion for undergraduate students in the United States using nationally
representative data from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. Student-level
fixed effects to account for enduring, unobserved characteristics that may influence both
work and study intensity and system GMM models to consider potentially endogenous
relationships between working and academic performance that change over time are two
strategies to determine the causal relationship between working and academic
performance. I investigate the effects of working with diverse subgroups, with a focus on
the distinctions between full-time and part-time students.


The findings of the study synthesized here are highly relevant to our research
idea. First is that it shows that coping in work and their studies are hard to other students.
Bringing their full potential in both school and work that leads burnout to them. Lastly is
their financial stability, they need to plan their expenses. They also need to buy the
nutrition they needed to maintain the energy in their body, cause most of the time the
working students didn’t meet the appropriate eating habits they need to replenish the used
energy on their whole day.

Related literature


The working student | The Freeman (

Challenges Working Students Encounter in Daily Life (

V REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Academic Performance of Selected Working Students |

Course Hero

Student Working And Non-Working Students In The Philippines |

(PDF) 2in1strugglesofworkingstudents (


3 Common Challenges of Working Students (and Solutions) - UNITAR International University

International Students’ Experience of Studying and Working at a Northeastern Public University

in the US | Journal of International Students (

Student Working And Non-Working Students In The Philippines |

Background | The Effects of Working While in School (

Vol. 40, No. 4, JUNE 2010 of The British Journal of Social Work on JSTOR

Related studies


(4) Working Students: Their Benefits, Challenges and Coping Mechanisms | Andrews Maquiling -
Challenges Encountered By Working Students that Affect their Academic Performance |
Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research (

Mindfully Increasing Quality of Life: A Promising Curriculum for MSW Students | Semantic

The Experiences of Working While Studying - A Phenomenological Study of Senior High School
Students - Studocu

How To Be A Successful Working Student In The Philippines | Bukas


(PDF) Challenges Social Work Students Encounter in International Field Placements and
Recommendations for Responsible Management (

(4) Working Students: Their Benefits, Challenges and Coping Mechanisms | Andrews Maquiling -

Working (and studying) day and night: Heterogeneous effects of working on the academic
performance of full-time and part-time students - ScienceDirect

Challenges of working students - Google Scholar

Vol. 35, No. 4, SPRING 2010 of Journal of Education Finance on JSTOR


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design of the study, the research locale, the
respondents, sampling technique used, data gathering instrument and the data gathering
procedures, validation of the questionnaires and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The descriptive method of investigation was used in this study. According to Wil
Kenton (2018) to descriptive statistics are brief descriptive, coefficients that summarize a
given data set, which can be either a representation of the entire or a sample of a
population. Descriptive statistics are broken down into measures of central tendency and
measures of variability (spread). Measures of central tendency include the mean, median,
and mode, while measures of variability include the standard deviation, variances, and
the minimum and maximum variables.

Research Locale

Figure 2. Map of Sariaya, Quezon

Sariaya is the first class and municipality lying at the south-western portion of
Quezon Province in Region IV-A (CALABARZON). It is geographically situated at
coordinates 13 degrees, 57 minutes and 14 seconds north latitude and 21 degrees, 30
minutes and 15.53 seconds east longitude. It is bounded on the north by Mt. Banahaw, on
the northeast by Tayabas, Quezon; on the east by Lucena City; on the south by the
Tayabas Bay; on the southwest by San Juan Batangas ; and on the west of the Candelaria.
It is located 126 kilometer south of the National Capital Region (Metro Manila) and
approximately 11 kilometers from Lucena city (Provincial Capital). old ancestral
mansions, centuries-old Catholic Church, high quality and safe resorts, and a busy
marketplace are landmarks that make Sariaya a unique and memorable place to

Figure 3. Geographical Location of CSTC, Inc.

The research study was conducted at the College of Sciences Technology and
Communications, Inc. located in Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Highway, Poblacion 3.
Arellano Subdivision Sariaya, Quezon. College of Sciences Technology and
Communications, Inc. is one of the private schools in Sariaya that has a state-of-the-art
facility, Wi-Fi campus, highly qualified faculty, and competent technical skills trainors,
well-equipped laboratories and work stations, and limited number of students per class
Research Instrument

The researchers used self- structured interview questionnaire. This type of

questionnaire was utilized for the gathering of the qualitative data that will be used in the
study. The primary aim of the questionnaire was both to identify the demographic profile
of the respondents and to determine “The Challenges of Working Students and their
Coping Mechanism in School Works”

Data Gathering Procedures

In order to collect data, first, the researchers identified who are their respondents
and had their permission to be the respondents of the study. Next, the researchers
explained to the respondents the study itself and their significance in conducting it. The
researchers also explained and informed them their rights as respondents of the study.
After that, the researchers started the interview and had the respondents share their
thoughts or insights that will be needed in the study. Finally, the researchers analyzed,
evaluated, and interpreted the data and information from the respondents using different
statistical tools and operationalize reality by summarizing it into a narrative so it will be
easy to analyze.

Validation of the Questionnaire

The researchers used a number of procedures to ensure that the interview

questionnaires to be used as the data gathering instrument were valid, clear and
comprehendible. The researchers prepared a questionnaire in the form of interview
questions that was checked by the research adviser and the assigned grammarian to test
the validity of each of the questions. The researchers also submitted the interview
questionnaire to the statistician to be guided of what statistical treatments were to be
used. Aside from that, they also consulted their subject teacher to check their questions
and to make sure that they are valid. The research adviser then identified the questions
that needed revisions so that the questionnaires were already free of errors before they
were distributed to the respondents.

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