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Group ….


TOPIC : Parts of body
STUDENTS’ AGE : 5 Years Old
DURATION : 35 Minutes
GOALS : At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. Students will be able to identify and name the parts of
the human body.
2. Students will be able to explain the functionality of each
part of the human body.
3. Students will be able to understand the importance of
maintaining a body’s healthy.
METHOD : The methods of this lesson plan are used
1. Class discussion
2. Small group activities
3. Games
4. Drawing
5. Singing

A. Opening Activities (5 Minutes)
1. Welcome the students and introduce the topic of the lesson. Ask them if they
know the names of any parts of body and write down their answers on the
2. Show the students a picture of a human body and ask them to name the body
parts they recognize.
3. Sing a song about body parts to the students. Encourage them to sing along
and point to parts of body mentioned in the song.

B. Main Activities (25 Minutes)

1. The teacher opens a group discussion and asks the students to talk about the
functionality of each parts of body they have learned.
2. The teacher divide the students into pairs or small groups and give them a
worksheet with a picture of a human body. And ask them to draw and write
the name of each parts of body they have learned.
3. Discuss the function of each parts of body with the students. For example, the
eyes are used for seeing, the ears are used for hearing, etc. Have the students
draw pictures of each body part and write a sentence about its function.
4. Students play the game "Simon Says" to identify and name the parts of body
they have learned.

C. Closing Activities (5 Minutes)

1. Review the names and functions of the body parts with the students. Ask
them to share any new information they learned during the lesson.
2. Play a game related to body parts, such as “Simon Says.” Give the students
commands that involve different parts of body, such as “touch your nose” or
“blink your eyes.”
3. Sing the body parts song again with the students. Encourage them to sing
louder and point to the body parts more confidently than before.

A. Small Pictures of Parts of Body (Sample)
Taken from the internet, and modified into a learning media.
B. Parts of Body Combination Pictures (Sample)
Taken from the internet

A. Simon Says
Simon Says is a children's game that is often played in groups. The game is
named after the leader, who is called "Simon." The objective of the game is to
follow Simon's instructions, but only if he says "Simon says" before giving
the instruction.
Here's how the game is typically played
1. Players stand in a line facing Simon, who stands at the front of the group.
2. Simon gives an instruction, such as "Simon says touch your toes."
3. Players must follow the instruction, but only if Simon says "Simon says"
before giving the instruction.
4. If Simon gives an instruction without saying "Simon says," players should
not follow the instruction. If they do, they are out of the game.
5. The game continues with Simon giving more instructions, alternating
between those that start with "Simon says" and those that do not.
6. The last player remaining in the game becomes the new Simon for the
next round.
As for the structures involved in making Simon Says, it can be played with
just a group of people and a leader. However, if you want to make the game
more organized and structured, you could set up markers on the ground for
players to move to when given an instruction, or use a microphone and
speaker system to ensure that everyone can hear the instructions clearly. You
could also set up rules or penalties for players who make mistakes, such as
sitting out for a round or performing a silly task.

B. Body parts Bingo

Body Parts Bingo is a game that helps children learn about different body
parts while having fun. The game is played using a bingo card with pictures
or names of different body parts instead of numbers. The objective is to
match the pictures or names on the bingo card with the body parts that the
caller calls out.
Here's how to play Body Parts Bingo:
1. Give each player a bingo card with pictures or names of different body
2. Assign one player to be the caller. The caller can have a list of the body
parts on a separate sheet of paper.
3. The caller starts calling out the different body parts, and players mark off
the corresponding picture or name on their bingo card.
4. The first player to get a complete line of marked squares (horizontal,
vertical, or diagonal) on their bingo card yells "Bingo!" and wins the
5. If desired, you can play multiple rounds or continue playing until
someone wins with a blackout, which is when all squares on the bingo
card are marked.
As for the structures involved in making Body Parts Bingo, you will need to
create bingo cards with pictures or names of different body parts. You can
easily create these cards by printing out pre-made templates or creating your
own using a word processing program or online bingo card generator. You
will also need to have a list of the body parts that the caller will use to call out
during the game. Finally, you will need to have markers such as beans or
buttons for players to mark off the squares on their bingo card as they are
C. Body parts charades
Body parts charades is a game that involves acting out different body parts
without speaking, while the other players try to guess the body part being
acted out. It's a fun way to help children learn about different body parts
while also improving their communication and social skills.
Here's how to play Body Parts Charades:
1. Write down a list of different body parts on separate pieces of paper, such
as "nose," "ear," "knee," "elbow," "shoulder," etc.
2. Players take turns selecting a piece of paper and acting out the body part
without speaking while the other players try to guess what body part is
being acted out.
3. The player who guesses correctly gets to go next and act out a different
body part.
4. The game continues with players taking turns acting out and guessing
different body parts until all of the body parts have been used.
As for the structures involved in making Body Parts Charades, you will need
to create the list of body parts on separate pieces of paper or index cards. You
can create your own list or find pre-made lists online. You may also want to
set a time limit for each turn to keep the game moving along, and designate a
person to keep track of the time. Additionally, you may want to set rules
about what kinds of gestures or movements are allowed and not allowed to
ensure that everyone is on the same page. Finally, you can play the game in
teams or have one player act out the body part while the others guess

A. Remembering parts of body
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
Knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
Knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
Knees and toes

B. Song’s title
Head itu kepala, hair itu rambut
Forehead itu kening, ear itu telinga
Eyes itu mata, nose itu hidung
Cheek itu pipi, mouth itu mulut

Teeth itu gigi, lips itu bibir

Tongue itu lidah, chin itu dagu
Neck itu leher, shoulders itu bahu
Arm itu lengan, elbow itu siku

Hand itu tangan, fingers jari tangan

Nail itu kuku, stomach itu perut
Chest itu dada, back itu punggung
Foot itu kaki, toes jari kaki

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