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Answer the following essay questions related to the impact of the Tax Reform for

Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law on personal income tax in the Philippines:

1. Discuss the major changes that the TRAIN Law brought about in the computation
of personal income tax in the Philippines. How have these changes impacted
taxpayers in the country?

 The TRAIN Law, which took effect on January 1, 2018, makes major changes
to the computation of personal income tax in the Philippines. The impact of
these changes differs based on the income level and family situation of
taxpayers. Most taxpayers have experienced lower taxes as a result of the
lower tax rates and the increased tax-exempt threshold. Nevertheless, the
removal of some tax exemptions, such as the 13th-month pay exemption, has
increased tax liability. In addition to lowering the tax rate for self-employed
individuals, the revised tax brackets have also helped small business owners
and professionals. It aimed to simplify the tax system, increase government
revenue, and provide relief to low- and middle-income earners.

2. What was the rationale behind the implementation of the TRAIN Law? In your
opinion, has it been effective in achieving its intended goals with regards to
personal income tax? Why or why not?

 The TRAIN Law was implemented primarily to secure sustainable funding for
infrastructure and social service programs. It aimed to make the tax system
more equitable and generate more revenue for the government. By lowering
tax rates and increasing tax-exemption thresholds, the TRAIN Law provided
relief to low- and middle-income earners. The removal of various tax
exemptions was also intended to increase the source of revenue and improve
system efficiency. In my perspective, it has achieved some of its stated aims,
such as lower tax rates and a greater tax-free threshold, which have brought
some relief to low- and middle-income earners. Small company owners and
professionals have also benefited from the altered tax bands for self-
employed people and professionals.

3. Analyze the impact of the TRAIN Law on different income groups in the
Philippines. How has it affected the tax burden of low-income earners compared
to high-income earners?

 The Train Law in the Philippines has had various effects on multiple income
levels. The major goal of the law was to offer assistance to low- and middle-
income individuals while simultaneously producing funds for the government
to support infrastructure and social service projects. Generally, the TRAIN
Laws' modifications to the personal income tax system favored those with low
incomes. Most low-income individuals no longer need to pay income tax due
to a rise in the tax-exempt threshold from Php 250,000 to Php 250,000 plus
an extra Php 100,000 for each eligible dependent, up to a maximum of four
dependents. Furthermore, lower tax rates have reduced the tax burden for
those who pay income tax. The TRAIN Act, on the other hand, has increased
the tax burden on high-income earners.
4. The implementation of the TRAIN Law was met with resistance from some
sectors of society. Discuss the concerns raised by these groups and evaluate the
validity of their arguments.

 The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion, or TRAIN Law, was met with
criticism from certain sectors of society, who raised concerns about the law's
impact on different parts of the economy and society. These groups'
complaints are justified to some extent. Higher excise taxes on various goods
and services have contributed to a rise in their prices, hurting consumers,
particularly those with lower incomes. Certain tax breaks have been
withdrawn, raising the tax burden for some people and organizations.
Furthermore, the TRAIN Law's impact on inflation and the cost of living has
been a cause for worry, particularly among low-income workers. The increase
in the price of essential goods and services has harmed people's purchasing
power, potentially affecting their economic well-being.

5. With the TRAIN Law in place, what opportunities and challenges have emerged
for taxpayers, tax professionals, and the Philippine government? How can these
stakeholders effectively navigate these changes to maximize benefits and
mitigate risks?

 The TRAIN Law's new tax rates and exemptions have provided opportunities
for tax savings and increased taxpayer income for discretion. However, they
have difficulty understanding the updated tax structure as well as complying
with the revised regulations and requirements. The TRAIN Law's changes
opened up opportunities for new businesses and service offerings for tax
professionals, such as tax planning and compliance services. However, they
encounter difficulties keeping up with developments in the tax system and
maintaining compliance for their clients. In addition, the TRAIN Law provided
the Philippine government with income-generating opportunities to finance
infrastructure and social care programs. However, they have difficulties
ensuring the law's efficient and effective implementation, addressing the
concerns of diverse groups, and reducing the law's potential negative effects
on the economy and society.

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