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Describe irrigation and drainage infrastructure and their components

Irrigation: is the process of artificial supply of water to soil for raising crops.also it is a
science of planning and designing on efficient, low cost, electronic irrigation system to fit
natural conditions.

Drainage: refer to the process and practices used to remove excess water from the soil surface
from the soil profile. In general irrigation and drainage is artificial application of water to land
and artificial removal of excess water from land respectively.

Irrigation infrastructure

An entry that operates water services infrastructure for the purpose of delivering water for the
primary purposes to fit it being used for irrigation.

There are component of irrigation system

The irrigation system consist of:

Main in take or main pumping station

The main intake: direct water from the sources of supply such as reserivoir (dam) or a river into
irrigation system

A conveyance system: assure the transport of water from the main intake structure or main
pumping station up to the field ditches

A distribution system: assure the transport of water through field ditches to irrigation field

A field application system: assures the transport of water within the field

Drainage system: removal of excess water caused by rain fall or irrigation from field

Types of drainage

Surface drainage: process of removing excess water from the land surface known as surface
Sub-surface drainage: if the excess of water does saturate the pore space of the soil, the process
of its removal by dawn word flow through the soil is known as sub surface drainage or internal
drainage. Also there two types of sub-surface drainage horizontal and vertical drainage

Different types of irrigation

Surface irrigation: is this technique water is applied and distributed over the surface of soil by

Factor affecting surface irrigation

 Surface slope of field

 Roughness of field surface
 Depth of water to be applied
 Length of run and time required
 Size and shape of water course

Drip irrigation: is the most efficient water and nutrient directly to the plant roots zone in the
right amount, so the plant gets what exactly needed by the crops. It is acquire high cost and the
longevity due to expresure

Sprinkler irrigation: water is supplied by over head high pressure sprinkler organs from one or
more central. It leases water similar to rain fall through small sprinkler placed in the pipes

One example of irrigation structure and its description water dam are structure built across
water bodies to control water flow and levels. Also dam are also required for wide range of
project including small irrigation and water supply schemes as well as large hydropower and
disaster management schemes.

Advantage of Dams

Water storage, irrigation, hydro-electric power

Flood prevention, recreation

Debris control: the dam also provide the refection of hazardous materials and protects the
Dam component

Water retaining structure: is the dams walled structure that resist water while allowing a
controlled amount to flow dawn stream and it consist of. heel: part of dam meeting with ground
water, toe, abutment, crest/road way of dam, cut-off(reservoir), parapet well

Water releasing structure: this component allow water to flow dawn stream are known as the
water releasing structure. diversion tunnel, free board: the internal between dam head to
maximum water level

Water conveying structure: the mainly conveying structure it con conduct and convey the
water from reservoirs through around or under on embankment dam. Conduct and channel

Irrigation can be carried out by two different methods

Traditional methods: in this method irrigation is done manually here a farmer pulls out water
from wells as canals by himself or using cattle and carried to farming fields. This method can
vary in different region.

Modern methods: the modern method compensates the disadvantages of traditional methods
and this help in people way of water usage.

The types of surveying instrument used in irrigation and drainage

1. Total station: is a surveying equipment combination of electromagnetic distance

measuring instrument and electronic theadolite
2. Dump level: is an optical instrument used to establish or verify point in the same
horizontal plane in a process known as leveling and is used in conjunction with a leveling
staff to establish the realative height levels of object or marks
3. Theodolite: is a precision instrument for measuring both horizontal and vertical angle.
4. GPS: is a world wide satellite- based system that can be used to measure the three-
dimensional position of a point any where on earth
5. Photogrammetry/drone
6. Laser distance meter: are based on the principle of reflection of a laser beam
7. Prismatic compass: is a navigation and surveying instrument which is extensively used
to fin out the bearing of traversing and included angle between them way point an
8. Prisms: are especially designed retro reflector specifically a corner reflector that is used
to reflect the electronic distance measurement EDMS beam from a total station.
9. Measuring wheel- also known as a surveyor wheel: click wheel per ambulatory,
adometer, way wiser or trundle wheel is a tool used to measure distance. Measuring
wheel have accounting mechanism that counts the number of rotation and user the
carcurm forces of the wheel calculated distance covered.

Use of total station in irrigation and drainage: by using total station, professionals can create
precise designs lay out and map meet the highest standards of accuracy and quality.

Use of dump level in irrigation and drainage: is the piece of equipment used to observe the
measurement on the measuring staff. A dump level is formed of a few different and important
components, these are;

Eye piece: used to look through and focus on the measuring staff

Bull eye: spirt level: used to level the dump level, so it is aligned horizontally focus adjuster.

Use of theodolite in irrigation and drainage: user for many purpose, but mainly it is used for
measuring angle scaling point of constructional works. For example to determine high way point,
huge build escalating edges theodolite are used.

 Measuring horizontal and vertical angle

 Locating point on a line
 Finding the difference in level
 Prolonging survey lines
 Ranging curves
 Setting out grades

Use of GPS station in irrigation and drainage

 Is useful for mapping areas in field that contain rock, areas of poor drainage, weeds and
soil diseases.
 GPS technology can be used to vary the number of seed, fertilizer herbicide and pesticide
released thought out the field to match the needs of the crops in these very specific
 The challenge of mechanized irrigation has always been to spray water where it is needed
with out wasting it by irrigation weeds or follow ground.

What are the devices used for measuring irrigation water.

Propeller meters are one of most common, convenient and accurate devices available for
measuring irrigation water

Pilot tube: can be used to determine the velocity of flow in pipe

Ultrasonic flow meter

Perform demonstrate the set up configuration and calibration of instrument used in

irrigation and drainage

Frequency calibration ataminimum, the instrument is calibrated prior use on the day the
measurement are to be performed. A post calibration check at the end of the day is
performed determined if the instrument differed out of calibration.

Instruments used in surveying in irrigation and drainage

 Theodolite, total station, GPS/ GNSS, Level

 Set up of theodolite
 Setting of instrument
 Centering
 Leveling
 Remove the parallax
 Turning in instrument and recording
 Data booking

Configuration: is an instrument mapping that groups in instrument setting is one place: name,
symbol, exchange, currencytick-size, data correction, trading connection

Configuration parameters tests

1.verify the invalid or out of range calibration parameters are refected gracefull

2. verify that the software under test behaves as expected taking into consideration the
calibration parameter values this include covering combination of parameter.

Calibration procedures

Priotocalibration, all instrument probes and cables connection must be cleaned and the battery
checked according to the manufactures instruction. Failure to perfom these steps proper
maintenance can lead to erratic measurement.

If a multi-probe instrument is to be used, program the instrument to display parameters to be

measured (e.g temperature PH, percentage dissolved oxygen, mg/l dissolved oxygen, specific
conductance and ORP).

The volume of the calibration solution must be sufficient to cover both the probe and
temperature sensorrr ( see manufacturer’s institution for the volume to be used.

Procedures are:

Temperature: most instrument manuals state there is no calibration of the temperature sensors
must be checked to determine its occupy. This accuracy check is perfomed at least once per year
and the accuracy check date information is kept with the instrument

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