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1. What makes the human person unique compared to other created beings?

Give at least three great distinctions and expound its difference.

> Human person is unique because humans can think rationally, while animals
act on instinct.
> Humans are unique because they have gifts, will, and intelligence, the ability to
distinguish the good and the bad.
> Humans have a spiritual guidance coming from God.

2. What does “Imago Dei” mean? What is its connection to this quotation, “Learn
to see yourself on how God sees you!” Kindly please analyze and give three
specific connections.

> Imago Dei is Latin for "made in the image of God." "[Imago Dei] has its roots in
Genesis 1:27, where God "created man in his own image". their moral, spiritual,
and intellectual nature. Both "Imago Dei" and the quotation emphasize the
inherent worth of human beings. If humans are created in God's image, then they
possess an intrinsic value and dignity that cannot be taken away. Seeing oneself
as God sees them means recognizing their inherent worth and value.

3. Freedom is doing anything you want because Man has the capacity t choose
what he wants to do and exercise it in anything that pleases him. Please explain
and give concrete examples to justify your claim.

> The idea behind "Freedom is doing anything you want because Man has the
capacity to choose what he wants to do and exercise it in anything that pleases
him" is that freedom is about having the ability to make choices and act on them.

As a student, we experience this freedom in our ability to choose our classes,

extracurricular activities, and leisure time. However, with this freedom comes the
responsibility to make informed choices and ensure that our actions do not harm
ourselves or others. For instance, while we may have the freedom to skip
classes, we must also consider the potential consequences, such as falling
behind in our coursework or negatively impacting our academic record.

Ultimately, freedom is about having the power to make choices, but it also
requires us to be responsible for the outcome of these choices.

4. Give at least 2 points or learnings that you’ve realized that is very much
essential in your life as of the moment? Kindly expound your answer.

> Will and Self-Knowledge.

In the past 3 years that we’ve been together as a class taking up this
course, one thing that we all share in common is that none of us chose this path
wholeheartedly or willingly. We chose to take this course for our own reason—
“wala lang, narinig ko lang” or “sinabi ng family ko” or “napililtan lang”, etc. It is
embarrassing to admit, but it is the truth. That is why when classes get to
stressful and we’re bombarded with activities, and times when we opt to just give
what we got instead of our 100% because it’s all we can offer—it becomes
difficult to take a step forward when there’s no willingness. However, we all have
a dream, a goal, tat we want to achieve.

That is why despite the struggles, as a class, we help each other by

motivating and supporting one another when it gets tough. Through one another,
the support of our professors, and be driven by our goal in life, we gain even an
ounce of willingness to give more to our studies. And in this journey of striving for
excellency in academics while trying to be motivated and willful, we also get to
learn more about ourselves, who we are and what we’re capable of, and self-
knowledge or understanding oneself is as equal important as being a competent
future Radiographers, so that we may give our very best to our future patients
and profession.

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep
telling yourself why you can’t achieve it.

5. In terms of your own personal aspects, what specific trait or character you
really whish to improve as of the moment? Kindly expound your answer.

> As a college student, I can improve my self-identity and worth by working on

different traits and skills. Some important things to focus on include:

• Time management: It can be tough to balance school, social, and personal

life, but improving how I manage my time can help me stay organized and
reduce stress.
• Communication: Good communication helps me build strong relationships
with my peers, teachers, and future bosses.
• Adaptability: College life can bring new and challenging situations, and
being flexible and open-minded can help me handle them successfully.
• Self-discipline: Staying focused and motivated can be hard, but developing
self-discipline can help me reach my academic goals.
• Self-awareness: Knowing my strengths, weaknesses, and values can help
me make smart choices and live a fulfilling life.
• Self-Identity and Honesty:
By improving these areas, I can build a strong sense of self-identity and worth
and be ready for success in my academic and professional future.

6. Choose your own biblical passage that highlights HUMAN Dignity and Worth?
Explain why and expound.

> GEN 1:27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he
created him; male and female he created them.

From the beginning of creation all the intension of God is to create Human. We
are to be proud that God prepares everything that we need before He created us.
It is a Human dignity and worth, that despite we are not Immortals like angels
and we are mortals we are superior to them

> COLOSSIANS 1:16-17 – For in him we are created all things in heaven and on
earth, the visible and indivisible, all things were created through him and for him.
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Each human being has a right to respect since their nature reflects that of their
Creator, and as a reason, they cannot be eliminated randomly. The rights of
those who are less privileged may not be violated by those with more political,
technological, or economic power. Respect for everyone's rights is the basis of

> Joshua 1:9 ESV / 36 - “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and
courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your
God is with you wherever you go.”

Life can be full of trials, tribulations, and difficult decisions. However, even in the
midst of adversity, the Lord encourages us to be strong and courageous.
Knowing Joshua 1:9 in the Bible can help us confront difficult situations with faith
and assurance.

> Proverbs 31:25 - She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs
without fear of the future.

The Proverbs 31:25 verse portrays a woman who is confident and self-assured.
The phrase "clothed with strength and dignity" suggests that she possesses
qualities that give her the ability to handle challenges and overcome them. The
term "dignity" implies that she is deserving of respect and honor, reflecting her
inner strength and grace. The additional phrase "and she laughs without fear of
the future" showcases her optimistic outlook and confidence. This laughter
symbolizes joy and positive outlook, regardless of what the future may hold, and
demonstrates her faith and trust in God's plan. This verse serves as a reminder
of the significance of preserving one's dignity and self-worth, even in difficult
times. It highlights that real human dignity and worth come from within and can
be sustained regardless of the challenges faced in life.

> LUKE 1:37 - For nothing will be impossible with GOD

For me, GOD is the creator of all so we are nothing without him.

> JOHN 3:16-18 (The Message) –This is how much God loved the world: He
gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be
destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God
didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger,
telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again.
Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long
since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of
that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced
to him.

God created us, gifted us this life because He loves us. And in spite of our sins,
disobedience, and human-ness, He sent His only Son to save us. He loves us
without the “because” and “ifs”, He loves us because He is love. And for me, that
is our worth and dignity as a person. Whenever life brings us challenges that
doubts our existence, or the world condemns—the best reminder for one’s worth
and value as a person is the cross.

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