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Student Textbook
Grade 12
Author: Steve Potter

Adviser: Alemu Asfaw

Evaluators: Solomon Belayneh

Getachew Bogale
Silas Araya

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ministry of Education

The development, printing and distribution of this student textbook has been funded through the General Education Quality Improvement
Project (GEQIP), which aims to improve the quality of education for Grades 1–12 students in government schools throughout Ethiopia.
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia received funding for GEQIP through credit/financing from the International Development
Associations (IDA), the Fast Track Initiative Catalytic Fund (FTI CF) and other development partners – Finland, Italian Development
Cooperation, the Netherlands and UK aid from the Department for International Development (DFID). MOE/GEQIP/IDA/ICB/001/09
The Ministry of Education wishes to thank the many individuals, groups and other bodies involved – directly and indirectly – in publishing
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© Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Education

First edition, 2002 (E.C.)
ISBN: 978-99944-2-014-8

Developed, Printed and distributed for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Education by:
Pearson Education Limited
Edinburgh Gate
Essex CM20 2JE

In collaboration with
Shama Books
P.O. Box 15
Addis Ababa

Second Edition 2007 (E.C.),

By Tan Prints India Pvt. Ltd.

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in any future edition

Printed in Malaysia (CTP-VVP)

Unit 1 Micro-organisms 1
1.1 Bacteria 3
1.2 The ecology and uses of bacteria 11
1.3 What are viruses? 26

Unit 2 Ecology 44
2.1 Cycling matter through ecosystems 45
2.2 Ecological succession 54
2.3 Biomes 58
2.4 Biodiversity 63
2.5 Populations 80

Unit 3 Genetics 101

3.1 Genetic crosses 102
3.2 Molecular genetics 128
3.3 Protein synthesis 142
3.4 Mutations 152

Unit 4 Evolution 170

4.1 The origin of life 171
4.2 Theories of evolution 183
4.3 The evidence for evolution 191
4.4 The processes of evolution 204
4.5 The evolution of humans 213

Unit 5 Behaviour 231

5.1 An introduction to behaviour 231
5.2 Innate behaviour 238
5.3 Learned behaviour 246
5.4 Examples of behaviour patterns 256

Index 271

Grade 12 iii

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