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Topic: Simulation

Name: Srishti Bajaj

Year: M.Sc. Nursing I year
Date of Presentation:
Time and Duration of Presentation: 10AM, FOR 60Minutes
Venue: Rufaida College Of Nursing
Name of the supervisor: Ms. Anjali Kaushik
Group: Msc Nursing 1st year
Method of Teaching: Lecture cum discussion
A.V aids: Chart, PowerPoint slides,Handouts
Subject: Nursing Education

Previous Knowledge of the group- Ask the group about the knowledge regarding Simulation.

General objectives- At the end of the presentation the students will be able to gain knowledge on Simulation.
Specific objectives-

At the end of the class, the students will be able to:-

1) Introduce self and topic to the group Simulation.

2) Define Simulation.
3) Describe the purposes of Simulation
4) Enlist the stages of Simulation.
5) Explain the role of teacher in simulation.
6) Point out the types of simulation.
7) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of simulation.
8) State the uses of simulations.
9) Summarize the topic.
Introduction of self
10sec Introduction of self Good morning everyone.
Myself, Srishti Bajaj,
student of M.Sc. Nursing
I year. Today we will
discuss about the
4min Introduce the topic Introduction of the topic
In the stimulated teaching
student teachers are not
directly allowed to use
school children for
practicing their teaching
skills Instead they are
trained in artificial
laboratory like situation
They play the role of
teachers in their own
institution within their
own group of fellow
trainers who take the
place of school training
and stimulated teaching
every student plays three
different rules teacher
people and observers
Some students play the
role of observers the
supervisor or the teacher
educator is also present
The peers and the teacher
educator observe the
lesson and note down all
the good and weak points
concerning the classroom
interaction teaching
behaviors content
thoughts skills practice
and methodology used.

2min Definition of Simulations have been defined as an operating Student teacher explained Define simulation
simulation representation of central features of reality as an simulation with the help
attempt to give appearance or to give the effect of of powerpoint slide.
something else.
-By Barton

Simulation is a method whereby an artificial or

hypothetical experiences created that engages the
learner in an activity that reflects real life
conditions but without risk taking consequences of
actual situations.
-By Rystedt and Lindstrom

A simulation is a form of expedient learning It is a

strategic that fits well with the principles of student
centered and constructivist learning and teaching.

Student teacher described Describe the purposes of

4min Describe the purposes Purposes of simulation are- the purposes of simulation.
of simulation 1. Help students practice decision making and simulation with the help
problem solving skills and to develop of powerpoint slides.
human interaction abilities in a controlled
and safe setting.
2. By means of active involvement in a
simulation exercise a game or a role playing
situation the student achieves cognitive
effective and psychomotor outcome.
3. Students have a chance to apply principles
and theories they have learned And to see
how and when these principles work.
4. Students can learn without harming the

10mi Enlist the stages of Student teacher enlist the What are the stages of
n simulation. stages of simulation with simulation?
The stages of simulation are- the help of powerpoint
1. Brief /Pre-brief stage slides charts.
2. Scenario
3. Debrief

Brief/Pre -brief:-Briefing is the foundational part

of the stimulation experience the helps to prepare
and orient learners to the stimulation experience. It
promotes experiential learning. The brief also
introduces learners to the concept of simulation,
orients them to the simulation environment,
equipment and embedded participants.
The facilitator disclose the learning objectives of
the simulation scenario ,establishing a fiction
contract with learners ,providing logistic details
about the session.

Scenario:- a scenario is an outline or model of the

simulated sequence of events that can be used for
an exercise or to support scenario based training. It
can be written as a narrative or depicted by an event
timeline simulation scenarios are designed to assess
education educate and help learners to self identify
gaps in their understanding of material or
application of knowledge.

Debriefing :- Post event day briefings in

Healthcare are defined as an after hearing
discussion regarding performance and thought
processes of the team during the scenario to
promote reflective learning and improve clinical
performance It is facilitated or a guided reflection
in the cycle of experiential learning Deep difference
Explain the role of should be based on preset learning outcomes.
5min teacher in simulation.

Role of teacher in simulation are :-

*The teacher has an important role to organize
session for students
1.Planning- it begins with choosing or developing
an appropriate simulation that will meet core
objectives Textbooks or library books should be
pointed out to students so that they can prepare for
simulation Teachers is also responsible for
preparing the environment when planning a
simulation It is very important if the learning
experience is made to resemble in real life as much
as possible but in a non threatening way the activity
should challenge the decision making ability of the
learner This can be done by the imposition of
- time constraints –
-provision of realistic levels of tension
-use of actual equipment or other important features
in the environment in which the specific skills will
be performed.

2Facilitating:- after introducing the activity the

teacher may take a back seat but she must be
vigilant and alert to guide the students who are
trying to find their way through a difficult problem
Point out the types of And encourage creative thinking and act as an What are the types of
4min simulations. information resource or a facilitator. Student nurse explained simulations?
the types of simulation
with the help of
powerpoint slides charts.

Types of simulations:-
*Model simulations
Example- Manikins ,used in the demonstration
practical, CPR manikins
*Oral simulation
Example-Problem based, used in teach knowledge
assessment, simulated burns patient

*Written simulation
Example-Paper and pencil latent image,use in tech
knowledge experience, patient management

*Simulated patients:-
Example-trained actor role playing, teach
interpersonal skills, used on simulated burns

*Hybrid simulation:-
Example- combination of standardized patients and
Outline the advantages part task trainer used in demonstration practical.
and disadvantages of
simulations. *Computerized simulation What are the advantages
8min Example-Microcomputer, teach cognitive Student teacher outlined and disadvantages of
skills/problem, used in clinical the advantages and simulation?
management ,solving. disadvantages of

Advantages of simulation are-

1. It actively engages learners in the
application of knowledge and skills in
realistic situations
2. simulation establishes a setting where
theory and practice can be combined.
3. Is the dynamic framework.
4. It helps in bridging the gap to reality.
5. Provides an integrated view as well as
vehicle for interdisciplinary
6. Decision making skills into action It
develops various skills in children in
increasing difficulty order.
7. Useful in promoting transfer of learning
from the classroom to the clinical setting.
8. Controlled setting of the simulation makes it
possible to have consistency in learning
experiences from learner to learning

Disadvantages of simulation are:-

1. Simulations are time consuming.
2. Mechanisms for feedback of data may
require the use of sophisticated material.
3. Cost of development and reproducing
assimilation may not be recovered even
State the uses of with repeated use.
simultions. 4. Simulation limits the aspect of reality
situations. What are the uses of
8min 5. Learners may not find the simulation Student teacher state the simulations?
relevant to their situation. uses of simulation with
6. Simulation technique can be overused. the help of powerpoint
7. The process and outcomes of simulation slides and flash cards.
may not always be predictable.
8. Craftsmanship is required for local
Uses of simulatios are :-
1. Simulations are used to synthesize cognitive
psychomotor and effective content in the
analysis of the solution of real life
2. Simulations provide opportunities for the
practice of problem solving and decision
making as well as psychomotor and
interactive skills within a control and low
risk setting.
3. Simulation technique can be used to achieve
Summarize the topic. many learning objectives.
4. Simulation can help nursing students gain
scale in applying the nursing process.
5min 5. Note to solve problems efficiently with Student teachers
minimal wasting of time and resources. summarize the topic.
6. Simulation allows faculty members to take
specific information such as a client’s
personal characteristics health information
family components and physical mental and
emotional state And weave into a real life
scenario that enhances a student’s
comprehension of the material because it is

Simulation lab takes the concept further, bridging

the gap between skills labs and theory coursework,
and clinical rotations. Set in a life-like healthcare
environment, sim lab is where you apply your
newly acquired skills and knowledge to mock
nursing scenarios featuring high-tech, anatomically
correct patient simulator manikins.“These
manikins, they’re almost like real people,” They
can cry. They can talk back. They blink. Their
pupils dilate. This is just another stepping stone to
get to that real-person interaction.”


1.jaspreet Kaur Sondhi,Comprehensive textbook

of nursing education,2nd edition ,page 74-77

2.Vijay Kumar Gautam,Communication and

educational technology for nurses.,page 133-135



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