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CHAPTER 4 TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS 4.1 INTRODUCTION ‘The purpose of a transmission network is to transfer electric energy from generat- ing units at various locations to the distribution system which ultimately supplies the load. Transmission lines also interconnect neighboring utilities which permits not only economic dispatch of power within regions during normal conditions, but also transfer of power between regions during emergencies, All transmission lines in a power system exhibit the electrical properties of resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance. The inductance and capac itance are due to the effects of magnetic and electric fields around the conductor. ‘These parameters are essential for the development of the transmission line mod- els used in power system analysis. The shunt conductance accounts for leakage currents flowing across insulators and ionized pathways in the air. The leakage currents are negligible compared to the current flo sion lines Se wing in the transmission li The first part of this chapter deals with the determination of inductance and capacitance of overhead lines. The concept of geometric mean radius, CMR. scometric mean distance GMD are discussed, and the function [GMD_ GMRLx —————— oo GMRC] = gmad is developed for the evaluation of GMR and GMD. This function is very useful for computing the inductance and capacitance of single-citcuit or double-circuit transmission lines with bundled conductors. Alternatively, the func- tion [L, C] = gmd2LC retums the line inductance in mH per km and the shunt capacitance in jF per km. Finally the effects of electromagnetic and electrostatic induction are discussed, 4.2 OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES A transmission circuit consists of conductors, insulators, and usually shield wires, as shown in Figure 4.1, Transmission lines are hung overhead from a tower usually made of steel, wood or reinforced concrete with its own right-of-way. Steel tow- ers may be single-circuit or double-circuit designs. Multicireuit steel towers have been built, where the tower supports three to ten 69-KV lines over a given width of right-of-way. Less than I percent of the nation’s total transmission Hines are placed underground, Although underground ac transmission would present a solu- {ion to some of the environmental and aesthetic problems involved with overhead ‘transmission lines, there are technical and economic reasons that make the use of ‘underground ac transmission prohibitive FIGURE. “Typical laticeype strveture for 345-kV transmission ie. Qaseo QUAL 1D H5osD 104 4. TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS ‘The selection of an economical voltage level forthe transmission nei based on the amount of power and the distance of transmission. The mage coe we gether with the selection of conductor size is mainly a Process ng RY losses, audible noise, and radio interference level against fixed charges on the in. vestment. Standard transmission voltages are established in the United States by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Transmission voltage lines op. erating at more than 60 KV are standardized at 69 KV, 115 kV, 138 kV, 161 ky, 230 KV, 345 KV, 500 kV, 765 KV line-to-line. Transmission voltages above 230 kV are usually referred to as extra-high voltage (EHV) and those at 765 kV and above are referred to as ultra-high voltage (UHV). The most commonly used conductor ‘materials for high voltage transmission lines are ACSR (aluminum conductor stee|- reinforced), AAC (all-aluminum conductor), AAAC (all-aluminum alloy conduc- tor), and ACAR (aluminum conductor alloy-reinforced). The reason for their pop- ularity is their low relative cost and high strength-to-weight ratio as compared to ‘copper conductors. Also, aluminum is in abundant supply, while copper is limited {in quantity. A table of the most commonly used ACSR conductors is stored in file ‘acsrzm Characteristics of other conductors can be found in conductor handbooks oF manufacturer's literature. The conductors are stranded to have flexibility, The ACSR conductor consists of a center core of steel strands surrounded by layers of aluminum as shown in Figure 4.2. Bach layer of strands is spiraled in the opposite direction of its adjacent layer. This spiraling holds the strands in place. FIGURE 42 Cross-sectional view of a 24/7 ACSR conductor, per phase, which is known as bundling of conductors. The bundle consists of two, three, or four conductors. Bundling increases the effective radius of the line’s con- ductor and reduces the electric field strength near the conductors, which reduces corona power loss, audible noise, and radio interference. Another important ad- vantage of bundling is reduced line reactance. 4.3. LINE RESISTANCE ‘The resistance of the conductor is very important in transmission efficiency eval- uation and economic studies. The de resistance of a solid round conductor at a specified temperature is given by Rue an are where p = conductor resistivity 1 = conductor length A = conductor cross-sectional area The conductor resistance is affected by three factors: frequency, spiraling, and temperature. ‘When ac flows in a conductor, the current distribution is not uniform over the conductor cross-sectional area and the current density is greatest at the surface of the conductor. This causes the ac resistance to be somewhat higher than the de resistance. This behavior is known as skin effect. At 60 Hz, the ac resistance is about 2 percent higher than the de resistance. ‘Since a stranded conductor is spiraled, each strand is longer than the finished conductor. This results in a slightly higher resistance than the value calculated from 41 ‘The conductor resistance increases as temperature increases. This change can be considered linear over the range of temperature normally encountered and may be calculated from Ttt T+h fa = Ri (4.2) Where Ry and Rj are conductor resistances at ty and t,-C°, respectively. T is a temperature constant that depends on the conductor material. For aluminum T= 228. Because“of the above effects, the conductor resistance is best determined from ‘Manufacturers’ data. 1064 TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS 4.4 INDUCTANCE OF A SINGLE CONDUCTOR A current-carrying conductor produces a magnetic field around the conductor. The magnetic flux lines are concentric closed circles with direction given by the right. hand rule. With the thumb pointing in the direction of the current, the fingers of the right hand encircled the wire point in the direction of the magnetic field. When the current changes, the flux changes and a voltage is induced in the circuit. By defi. nition, for nonmagnetic material, the inductance L is the ratio of its total magnetic flux linkage to the current J, given by (43) a i where \ = flux linkages, in Weber turns. Consider a long round conductor with radius r, carrying a current J as shown in Figure 4.3, FIGURE 43 Flux linkage of a long round conductor. ‘The magnetic field intensity H, around a circle of radius :r, is constant and tangent to the circle, The Ampere’s law relating H, to the current Tis given by ne Hy-dl (44) or A as) ne where Iz is the current enclosed at radius 2. A: : s shown in Figure 4.3, Equatio? (45) is all that is required for evaluating the ux linkage \ of a 7 ‘The ‘44 INDUCTANCE OF A SINGLE CONDUCTOR 107 inductance of the conductor can be defined as the sum of contributions from flux linkages internal and external to the conductor 44.1 INTERNAL INDUCTANCE, AA simple expression can be obtained forthe internal flux linkage by neglecting the skin effect and assuming uniform current density throughout the conductor cross section, ie., I. = (4.6) + 46) Substituting for 7, in (4.5) yields I He = 52 47) For a nonmagnetic conductor with constant permeability suo, the magnetic flux density is given by Be = iol, or Hol Be= your (48) Where j19 is the permeability of free space (or air) and is equal to 4 x 10? H/m, ‘The differential flux dé for a small region of thickness dz and one meter length of the conductor is = = dos = Bede 1 = Poade 49) ‘The flux dg, links only the fraction of the conductor from the center to radius 2. ‘Thus, on the assumption of uniform current density, only the fraction m2 /xr? of the total current is linked by the flux, i.e., ay Spite (4.10) ‘The total flux linkage is found by integrating d, from 0 to r. _ vol fy mt ark fy A = Ei au From (4.3), the inductance due to the internal flux linkage is Ho lag (4.12) Line = $2 = 5 x10" Hm Note that Line is independent of the conductor radius r. rERS 108 4. TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMET#! NCE DUE TO EXTERNAL FLUX LINKAGE, Consider He, extemal tothe conductor at radius © > 7 8 shown ina, Since the circle at radius x encloses the ene ce Te = Fadi ah replaced by [ and the flux density at radius © 44.2. INDUCTA! ol Bz = WH: = a re FIGURE 44 Flux linkage between Dy and D3, Since the entire current I is linked by the flux outside the conductor, the fix li age dz is numerically equal to the flux dé. The differential flux di for stil region of thickness dz and one meter length of the conductor is then given by Oz = ds = Bedz 1 = MOL gy au 2nz ‘he extemal flox linkage between two points Dy and Dy is found by inet aX, from Dy to Dp ext bol p22 1 on L z” a x 10-77 jy Pe ne Whim The inductance between two points extemal to a conductor is then ale 45. INDUCTANCE OF SINGLE.PHASELINES 109 4.5 INDUCTANCE OF SINGLE-PHASE LINES Consider one meter length of a single-phase line consisting of two solid round conductors of radius r and ra as shown in Figure 4.5. The two conductors are separated by a distance D. Conductor 1 carries the phasor current J; referenced into the page and conductor 2 carries return current Jz = —1y. These currents set up magnetic field lines that links between the conductors as shown. h® Oh FIGURE 45 Single-phase two-wire line. Inductance of conductor 1 due to internal flux is given by (4.12). The flux beyond D links a net current of zero and does not contribute to the net magnetic flux linkages in the circuit. Thus, to obtain the inductance of conductor 1 due to the net external flux linkage, it is necessary to evaluate (4.16) from D, =r to D2 =D. Lyeet) = 2x 107m 2 wm 17) n ‘The total inductance of conductor 1 is then Lo te2x10Tn2 wim (418) 2 1 Equation (4.18) is often rearranged as follows: D =2x107 (0a +2) 19) 1104. TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS Let r{ = rye, the inductance of conductor 1 becomes L 2x 7nd +200"? Him (4am Similarly, the inductance of conductor 2is In=240 hn 29x10 Him (4a If the two conductors are identical, ry = 72 = 7 and Ly L, and the inductance per phase per meter length ofthe line is given by baaxitind +2x10-7In 2 Hm (42) Examination of (4.22) reveals that the first term is only a function of the conductor radius. This term is considered as the inductance due to both the internal flux and that extemal to conductor | toa radius of I m, The second term of (4.22) is depen. dent only upon conductor spacing. This term is known as the inductance spacing Jactor. The above terms are usually expressed as inductive reactances at 60 Hz and are available in the manufacturers table in English units The term r= re~4 is known mathematically as the seif-geometric mean distance of a circle with radius r and is abbreviated by GMR. r' can be considered as the radius of a fictitious conductor assumed to have no internal flux but withthe same inductance as the actual conductor with radius r. GMR is commonly referred (0 as geometric mean radius and will be designated by Dy. Thus, the inductance per phase in millihenries per kilometer becomes 1-022 m/c 423) 4.6 FLUX LINKAGE IN TERMS OF SELF- AND MUTUAL INDUCTANCES A= Luh + Lik, d2= Inh + Ink an 46, FLUX LINKAGE IN TERMS OF SELF. ANDMUTUAL INDUCTANCES 111 7 La bh + ln FIGURE 46 ‘The singl-phas line viewed as two magnetically coupled cols Since Ip = —Ih, we have Ar = (Lu -Li)h 2 = (-La + La)l (4.25) ‘Comparing (4.25) with (4.20) and (4.21), we conclude the following equivalent expressions for the self- and mutual inductances: uy =2x10-7In " Im = 2% 10-Tin + 22 = ns Dy = Ly = 2 107 n= (4.26) D The concept of self- and mutual inductance can be extended to a group of n con- ductors. Consider n conductors carrying phasor currents J, [2, ..., In, such that Ltht--+h+--+In=0 (427) Generalizing (4.24), the flux linkages of conductor é are e+ SD Liyly 5 #i (4.28) ja x M=2x 10-7 hind + hint jet (4.29) i jan Dy ‘aS4 4. TRANSMISSION LINE PART 4.7 INDUCTANCE OF THREE-PHASE TRANSMISSION LINES eA SYMMETRICAL SPACING Consider one meter length ofa three-phase line with three conductors, each yg radius r, symmetrically spaced in a triangular configuration as shown in Figur Io J, £.» FIGURE 47 ‘Three-phase line with symmetrical spacing. Assuming balanced three-phase currents, we have Ipth+le=0 (430) From (4.29) the total flux linkage of phase a conductor is i 1 1 | 7 i S+hinx 43} Aa = 2x 10 (ond + hin + et 3) (431) Substituting for Jy + Ic = —Ia 1 1 da = 2x 10-7 (1 te hh 3) nen D (43 = 2x 10-in= F Because of symmetry, 4y = re = a, and the three inductances are identct!: Therefore, the inductance per phase per kilometer length is £=02I02 mbm 42) Ds where r’ is the geometric mean radius, GMR, and is shown by Ds. For a sold round conductor, D, = re“ for stranded conductor Dy can be evaluated fr" (4.50). Comparison « ee of (4.33) with (4.23) shows that inductance per phase f° three-phase circuit with equilateral spacing is the same as for one conduct ©! single-phase circuit ‘47. INDUCTANCE OF THREE.PHASE TRANSMISSION LINES 113) $42 ASYMMETRICAL SPACING Practical transmission lines cannot maintain symmetrical spacing of conductors because of consition considerations, With asymmetrial spcig veh with al anced currents, the voltage drop due to line inductance will be unbalanced. Con- sider one meter length of a three-phase line with three conductors, each with radius +The Conductors are asymmetrically spaced with distances shown in Figure 4.8. a a Dy Bo o” “ FIGURE 48 ‘Thee-phase line with asymmetrical spacing. ‘The application of (4.29) will result in the following flux linkages. =2x107 a ee po Aan 2% 101 (Iain 5 + Sola 5 + Fela 5 1 1 1 =2x107 (n+ hind + ein dy = 2% 10 (ung +hn5 + In zs) 1 1 L 22x 107 (In + hin + Kn de = 2X 10 (1 Bat PD th 3) ‘or in matrix form A=LI where the symmetrical inductance matrix Lis given by nd ng ngs L=2x107| ng nd inp ng ing np For balanced three-phase currents with J, as reference, we have Tp = 142240° = 07a Te = Iql120° = ala (434) (4.35) (436) 437) 114 4 TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS whee the operator a = 1120° and a = 1£240°, Substiting i (4.34) aay Softee ing) La Ae aoxit(ng tena, + Ds fon sta retin Ze) ya Baan Ww (angers te Dy Li 1 1 : ax 10-7 (otin 5 tal ts aay Examination of (4.38) shows that the phase inductances are not equal and they contain an imaginary term due to the mutual inductance. ts TRANSPOSE LINE ‘A per-phase model of the transmission line is required in most power system anal. ysis. One way to regain symmetry in good measure and obtain a per-phase model is to consider transposition. This consists of interchanging the phase configuration every one-third the length so that each conductor is moved to occupy the next phys- ical position in a regular sequence. Such a transposition arrangement is shown in Figure 4.9. =a bei FIGURE 49 ‘A transposed three-phase lin. Since in a transposed line each phase takes all th A ree inductance per phase can be obtained by finding the average value waa) battle 43) i 2 = 12199° 5 Noting a + 0° = 12320" + 142407 = —1, the average of (4.38) becomes Le 2 ee (: ‘8. INDUCTANCE OF COMPOSITE CONDUCTORS 115 or a (4.40) or the inductance per phase per kilometer length is L=02ln sup mH/km (4.41) where GMD = {Dados (4.42) ‘This again is of the same form as the expression for the inductance of one phase of a single-phase line. GMD (geometric mean distance) is the equivalent con- ductor spacing. For the above three-phase line this is the cube root of the prod- uct of the three-phase spacings. D, is the geometric mean radius, GMR. For stranded conductor D, is obtained from the manufacturer's data. For solid con- ductor, Dy i In modem transmission lines, transposition is not generally used. However, for the purpose of modeling, it is most practical to treat the circuit as transposed. ‘The error introduced as a result of this assumption is very small. trent 48 INDUCTANCE OF COMPOSITE CONDUCTORS In the evaluation of inductance, solid round conductors were considered, However, in practical transmission lines, stranded conductors are used. Also, for reasons of ‘economy, most EHV lines are constructed with bundled conductors. In this section an expression is found for the inductance of composite conductors. The result can bbe used for evaluating the GMR of stranded or bundled conductors. Its also useful in finding the equivalent GM and GMD of parallel circuits. Consider a single- phase line consisting of two composite conductors 2 and y as shown in Figure 4.10. The current in « is I referenced into the page, and the return current in y is =I. Conductor 2 consists of n identical strands or subconductors, each with radius r=. Conductor y consists of m identical strands or subconductors, each with radius ‘ry. The current is assumed to be equally divided among the subconductors. The current per strand is I/n in « and I/r in y. The application of (4.29) will result in the following expression forthe total flux linkage of conductor a 1164, TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS ve) oO © Co Oa = Oo PO FIGURE 4.10 Single-phase line with two composite conductors. 22x10! (nt gin got den 2x iors (Ing tings +n pe I 1 1 1 - -7= (In In-— +n -— 4-410 oon = (! Dew Day ae Dea Dey Dag Dan x a (4.43) ‘tDabDac’**Dan The inductance of subconductor a is Aa = 8 non x 10°? jp Dez De Dao Darn Ar PO TIy ET Dae Dae Using (4.29), the inductance of other subconductors in 2 are similarly obtained For example, the inductance of the subconductor n is An = Dra Day Dy -D, Te = Im x 1077 ln Lone Dnt’ Dre’ *** Damm (4.45) a gee top “Dre ‘ ‘The average inductance of any one subconductor in group is Loy = Lat bet Let +++ Ly oy = AA Teh t Ly = (4) Since all the subconductors of conductor z are electrically parallel, the inductance of x will be Ly = bet _ Lat bot be boot by aa * a substituting the values of Lay Lp, Ley-++, Dn in (4 41) results in 48) Gur, Mmeter @ 48. INDUCTANCE OF COMPOSITE CONDUCTORS 117 where (4.49) GMR = “\[(DasDab---Dan)--(DaaDay Dan) (450) where Daa = Dip ++ = Dan = 1 GMD is the mnth root of the product of the mnth distances between n strands of conductor and m strands of conductor y. GMR- is the n? root of the product of 1? terms consisting of r’ of every strand times the distance from each strand to all, other strands within group 2. ‘The inductance of conductor y can also be similarly obtained. The geometric ‘mean radius GMR,, will be different. The geometric mean distance GMD, how- ‘ever, is the same. Example 4.1 A stranded conductor consists of seven identical strands each having a radius r as, shown in Figure 4.11. Determine the GMR of the conductor in terms of r. FIGURE 4.11 Cross section ofa stranded conductor. From Figure 4.11, the distance from strand 1 to all other strands is: Dyy = Dig = Dir = 2r Dy =4r Dis = Dis = yD, - Di, = 2V3r From (4.50) the GMR of the above conductor is GMR = “/(r' -21 V8 r+ Ar W8r- I-Ie r!(2r)6 = r¥/(e)~4 (2)8 (3)? (2)* 2.1767r {uit # large numberof strands the calculation of GIMR can become VEX Usually these are available in the manufacturer's data me 48.1 _GMR OF BUNDLED CONDUCTORS Extra-high voltage transmissi on lines are usually constructed with bung ductors, Bundlin, i ed cop, the voltage in tum reduces corona loss, radio interference, ang bundled conductors consist of two, three, or fourm araneed in configuration as shown in Figure 412 Thea bundle are separated at frequent inte vals by spacer-dampes, Spacer-dampers prevent clashing, provide ‘damping, and connect the subcondution sr Q ory Gus dod i fi FIGURE 4.12 Examples of bundled arrangements, Di= Y(D.xap for the three-subconductor bundle Di= /(D.xaxap for the four-subconductor bundle Wawa ) b= Vo, *dxdxdx 2h) = 1099D, x8 ae 4.10 LINE CAPACITANCE Transmission line conductors exhibit capacitance with respect to each other due to the potential difference between them. The amount of capacitance between con. ductors is a function of conductor size, spacing, and height above ground. By de nition, the capacitance C is the ratio of charge q to the voltage V, given by q C= (4.59) Vv Consider a long round conductor with radius r, carrying a charge of q coulombs per meter length as shown in Figure 4.14. FIGURE 4.14 Electric field around along round conductor The charge on the conductor lines. The total electic fax is numerically ec aye eel with radial 8 imerically equal to the value of charge on where €9 is the permittiv s) : iy of tee tating (4.60) in (4.61) re: A bala ce andi y-12 male ‘equal (08.85 x 10-2 Fim, Substi- =_4 Nese (4.02) to Da is defined as Dao Dy through the the charge on the conductor. This i a is given by Ds D; Vio = ign a De ine [Bie iste st way {The Rotation Vi implies the voltage drop from 1 relative to 2, that is, 1 is under ‘stood to be positive relative to 2. The charge q cartes its own sign, 4.11 CAPACITANCE OF SINGLE-PHASE LINES a Consider one meter length of a single-phase line consisting of two long solid round ‘Conductors each having a radius r as shown in Figure 4.15. The two conductors are separated by a distance D. Conductor 1 carries a charge of q; coulombs/meter and conductor 2 carries a charge of qo coulombs/meter. The presence of the sec- ‘ond conductor and ground disturbs the field ofthe fist conductor. The distance of Separation of the wires D is great with respect to r and the height of conductors is much larger compared with D. Therefore, the distortion effect is small andthe charge is assumed to be uniformly distributed on the surface of the conductors. Assuming conductor 1 alone to have a charge of qi, the voltage between conductor 1 and 2 is (464) 122, 4. TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS an % D FIGURE 4.15 Single-phase two-wite line Now assuming only conductor 2, having a charge of qa, the voltage between con ductors 2 and 1 is ” Van) Ly 2ne0 2 : Since Vio(q,) Vanig,js We have = Vinee) = reg 9B 465) From the principle of superposition, the potential difference due to presence of both charges is D r Via = Viztes) + Vinten) = Brea teen 466) For a single-phase line q» = —g = ~g, and (4.66) reduces to Vie=— in? Fim aon reo From (4.59), the capacitance between conductors is x0 Co = Fim (4.68: ee ine Equation (4.68) gives the line-to-line capacitance between the conductors. For tt purpose of transmission line modeling, we find it convenient to define a capacitis® © between each conductor and a neutral as ilustrated in Figure 416. Sitee 1 Cy 2 lo¢ c 2 O—++——o Oh 24/0 FIGURE 4.16 Ulustration of capacitance to neutral 4.12, POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE IN A MULTICONDUCTOR CONFIGURATION 123 voltage to neutral is half of Via, the capacitance to neutral C = 2Cy2, or 2neo jap Fim (4.69) Recalling é9 = 8.85 x 10-1? F/m and converting to uF per kilometer, we have 0.0556 C= 53>" Heim (4.70) ‘The capacitance per phase contains terms analogous to those derived for inductance per phase. However, unlike inductance where the conductor geometric mean radius (GMR) is used, in capacitance formula the actual conductor radius r is used. 412 POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE IN A MULTICONDUCTOR CONFIGURATION Consider m parallel long conductors with charges 41, 42,--- Qn coulombs/meter as shown in Figure 4.17. OT oi «0 On . a oY is FIGURE 4.17 Multiconductor configuration. ‘Assume that the distortion effect is negligible and the charge is uniformly distributed around the conductor, with the following constraint atnttm=0 any Using superposition and (4.63), potential difference between conductors i and j ddue to the presence of all charges is Vy = on am ‘When k = i, Djs is the distance between the surface of the conductor and its center, namely its radius r. Se 124 4. TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS 4.13. CAPACITANCE OF THREE-PHASE LINES Consider one meter length of a three-phase line with three long conductors, each with radius r, with conductor spacing as shown Figure 4.18. : Bre Di % Dos fh —_—I— Sena eee —lI— Thves-phase transmission ine Since we have a balanced three-phase system Got G+ 4 =0 473) “We shall neglect the effect of ground and the shield wires. Assume that the line is transposed. We proceed with the calculation of the potential difference between « and b for each section of transposition. Applying (4.72) to the first section of the transposition, Vap is = Pu ane Das Vostt) = Freq (coin 22 + an + aeln 22) a ‘Similarly, for the second section of the transposition, we have 1 D; r Dy Vout = ype (aut 28 + an + gle 3) 479) and for the last section 1 Pi ot Vawatny = == (dein —2 + gyn 6) fant) = Fase (dela 2 ania 476) ‘The average value of Vay is 1 Dj2D23D ca me sin DieDnDia @2xe0 (« r+ %" 5 DsDs DiaDasDs ‘elm PuDabun) a7) Dy2DrDi3., : 4:13. CAPACITANCE OF THREE-PHASELINES 125 or oabspat) (4.78) (Di2DasDis)* ippears in the logarithm arguments and is Note that the GMD of the conductor aj given by GMD = YDuDxDig (4.79) Therefore, Vay is 1 GMD r bso In a he (w nO bang i) (4.80) Similarly, we find the average voltage Vae as 1 emp r Vac Jaln ——— + qeln = — ian ( in + ach ai) (481) Adding (4:80) and (4.81) and substituting for + ge = —qa. we have Vas + Vee = = (24 In ae ooh au) a in ae (4.82) For balanced three-phase voltages, . Vay = Van £0? ~ Van £120" os Vac = Van £0° — Van 240° (4.83) ‘Therefore, Van + Vac = 3Van 4.84) Substituting in (4.82) the capacitance per phase to neutral is Go _ 270g (485) or capacitance to neutral in uF per kilometer is 0.0556 =o (4.86) = (aD HE km. This is of the same form as the expression for the capacitance of one hase of 4 single-phase line. GMD (geometric mean distance) is the equivalent conde spacing. For the above three-phase line this is the cube root of the product of three-phase spacings. 126 4. TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS 4.14 EFFECT OF BUNDLING he Procedure for finding the capacitance per phase for a three-phase transposed line with bundle conductors follows the same steps as the procedure in Section 3.13. The capacitance per phase is found to be 2reo C= amp Fim (487) The effect of bundling is to introduce an equivalent radius r°. The equivalent r- dius r? is similar to the GMR (geometric mean radius) calculated earlier for the inductance with the exce| ?ption that radius r of each subconductor is used instead of Ds- If dis the bundle spacing, we obtain for the two-subconductor bundle r= Vrxd (4.88) for the three-subconductor bundle Pavrx@ 48) for the four-subconductor bundle = 1099rx B 49)

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