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Kian Cedrick D. Mendoza


Engr. Danilo B. Pulma

DBMS is a software application that allows users to create, store, retrieve, and manage
data in a structured and organized way. A database is a collection of related data that is
organized and stored in a computerized system, and a DBMS is the software that manages this
database. A DBMS provides users with a variety of tools to perform tasks such as data entry, data
retrieval, data manipulation, and data analysis. It also provides security and access control
features to ensure that only authorized users can access the data. DBMSs are widely used in a
variety of industries, including construction, healthcare, finance, and education.

In construction, a DBMS can be used to store and manage a wide range of data, including
project schedules, cost estimates, material inventories, design data, and project documentation.
The DBMS can be customized to meet the specific needs of the construction project, and can be
used to track progress, manage resources, and coordinate tasks between different teams and
stakeholders. The use of a DBMS in construction can help to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and
ensure that important data is easily accessible when it is needed.

1. List five responsibilities of database-management system. For each responsibility,

explain the problems tat would arise if the responsibility were not discharged.

a) Data organization and storage: One of the key responsibilities of a DBMS is to

organize and store data in a structured and efficient manner. If this responsibility were
not discharged, data could become disorganized and difficult to access, leading to
errors and inefficiencies. In addition, without proper data organization, it may be
difficult to analyze the data and generate meaningful insights.
b) Data security: Another important responsibility of a DBMS is to ensure the security of
the data that it manages. This includes protecting the data from unauthorized
access, as well as ensuring that the data is not lost or corrupted due to hardware or
software failures. If this responsibility were not discharged, the data could be
vulnerable to theft, corruption, or loss, which could have serious consequences for
the organization.
c) Data backup and recovery: A DBMS is responsible for creating backups of the data
it manages and ensuring that the data can be recovered in the event of a disaster.
If this responsibility were not discharged, the organization could lose all of its data in
the event of a hardware or software failure, which could be catastrophic for the
d) Performance optimization: A DBMS is responsible for optimizing the performance of
the database and ensuring that it can handle the workload of the organization. If
this responsibility were not discharged, the performance of the database could
suffer, leading to slow query times, crashes, and other issues that could disrupt
business operations.
e) Data integrity: A DBMS is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and consistency of
the data that it manages. If this responsibility were not discharged, the data could
become inaccurate or inconsistent, which could lead to errors and inefficiencies in
business operations. In addition, inaccurate or inconsistent data could lead to poor
decision-making and other serious consequences for the organization.
2. List as many applications used in construction that employs a database system to
store important data. Describe the features of their system.

a) Building information modeling (BIM): BIM is a 3D modeling tool that is used to create
virtual representations of buildings and other structures. BIM uses a database system
to store information about building components, materials, and other attributes,
allowing designers and construction teams to collaborate and make informed
decisions about building projects.
b) Construction project management software: Construction project management
software is used to manage various aspects of construction projects, including
scheduling, budgeting, and resource allocation. These systems typically use a
database to store information about project timelines, budgets, personnel, and other
project-related data.
c) Material tracking software: Material tracking software is used to manage the
movement of materials on construction sites. These systems use a database to store
information about the location, quantity, and usage of various construction
materials, allowing project managers to track inventory and ensure that materials
are being used efficiently.
d) Construction accounting software: Construction accounting software is used to
manage the financial aspects of construction projects, including billing, invoicing,
and payroll. These systems use a database to store information about financial
transactions, allowing project managers to track expenses and ensure that budgets
are being met.
e) Safety management software: Safety management software is used to track and
manage safety-related information on construction sites, including accidents,
incidents, and near-misses. These systems use a database to store information about
safety incidents, allowing project managers to track trends and take proactive steps
to prevent future accidents.
f) Equipment management software: Equipment management software is used to
track the usage and maintenance of construction equipment. These systems use a
database to store information about the location, usage, and maintenance history
of construction equipment, allowing project managers to ensure that equipment is
being used efficiently and effectively.
g) Quality control software: Quality control software is used to ensure that construction
projects meet the desired quality standards. These systems use a database to store
information about project specifications, testing results, and other quality-related
data, allowing project managers to monitor quality and make adjustments as
h) Document management software: Document management software is used to
manage and store construction-related documents, including contracts, plans, and
specifications. These systems use a database to store information about document
versions, revisions, and other details, allowing project managers to keep track of
important project documents and ensure that everyone is working from the same

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