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Miscommunication Between Teachers and Parents in The School System

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Professor Carletha Brinson

September 28, 2022



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In the Education sector, efficient and effective communication between parents and teachers

regarding student performance and attendance has enormous significance. Proper communication

of parents with teachers cuts across all education shareholders, benefiting teachers, parents, and

the school. Adequate communication is essential, numerous barriers are hindering the attainment

of efficient and effective parent-teacher communication in the school system. The primary

purpose of this study is to ascertain the communication obstacles between teachers and parents

based mainly on the primary school level. The study is of significance as it helps to enlighten the

school stakeholders on the benefit of proper communication and demerits, which affects not only

the behavior of the student but also their performance. Proper communication improves

achievement by supporting students, teachers, parents, and schools and enforcing a better

environment. The research was a descriptive study where 100 participants were considered in the

sample. Through the questionnaire, the teachers revealed a considerable gap in communication

experienced on the general level, but others were due to accessibility, field and status, and social-

cultural barriers. However, on rare occasions, field and status barriers were experienced in

considering the branches and gender of the teachers. Basing on the research its recommended for

the community to create awareness of significant of enhancing parent-teacher communication,

attendance of school meeting and parent-teacher exchange ideas on how to raise the learners.

Conclusively the result depicts the same paramount communication. Moreover, it was indeed

found that there was poor communication between teachers and parents.


Parent-Teacher Communication




Elementary Level


Table of Contents



Chapter I: Introduction............................................................................................................7



Background of the Problem..............................................................................................................10

Research Question(s)........................................................................................................................12

Definition of Terms..........................................................................................................................13

Chapter II: Literature Review.................................................................................................14

Conceptual Framework....................................................................................................................14

Communication Gap Between Parents and Teachers.......................................................................16

Awareness of Communication..........................................................................................................16

Chapter III: Description of the Intervention...........................................................................18

Statement of Objectives...................................................................................................................18

(Objective 1) Improve Communication.............................................................................................19

(Objective 2) Enhance Parent-Teacher Relationship.........................................................................19

(Objective 3) Effect of Teacher- Parent Communication on Learners................................................19

(Objective 4) Improvement of Performance Through Teacher-Parent Communication....................20

Chapter IV: Methodology......................................................................................................21

Objective Analysis Design.................................................................................................................21

Data Analysis....................................................................................................................................22

Limitations of the Data Collection Plan............................................................................................22


Chapter IV: Discussion/Results..............................................................................................22

Chapter V: Conclusion............................................................................................................24




Appendix A............................................................................................................................29

Problem Analysis Worksheet...........................................................................................................29

Appendix B............................................................................................................................30

Business Application Project Topic Proposal....................................................................................30

BUSINESS APPLICATION PROJECT TOPIC PROPOSAL......................................................30

Appendix C............................................................................................................................35

Questionnaire used..........................................................................................................................35

Miscommunication Between Teachers and Parents in The School System

Chapter I: Introduction


In the education sector, communication barriers between teachers and parents are

prevalent in elementary school, affecting the student's success. The purpose of the study was to

bridge parents-teacher communication by ensuring their partnership offers a solid background

that enables academic performance for all students. For instance, researchers such as Epstein

(2001) depict that when educators and parents communicate efficiently, the learners' academic

performance propels them to higher heights. When information is not well communicated to

address issues appropriately, and ultimately leads to a communication gap. Moreover, the study

emphasized on gathering the information to ascertain if both parents and teachers comporehend

dynamics of communication where it is based on two aspects, direct and indirect, where both

methods need to pass information correctly. Moreover, the study was to enlighten both the

parties on channels and forms of communication and problem they cause if they fail. For

example, when parents and teachers fail to pass information, a misunderstanding arises, leading

to division within the environment. When there is a massive division within the environment,

teachers' and parents' roles fail, leading to a substantial negative impact on the students (Epstein,


Though the parents are laid the burden of contributing to poor communication due to

their relationship at home, even the model family lacks mutual understanding comprising the

parents' communication with their children's teachers. Reflecting the poor communication at

home in an institutional environment significantly affects the children in elementary schools.

Most are involved in terms of performance others' behavior deteriorates, leading to unwanted

activities such as missing school. Parents need to try and improve their background

communication which directly reflects on communication with educators to bridge the gap of

communication that leads to poor performance by the learners. Moreso, the effort to enhance

proper communication with educators helps develop the right relationships that work with the

learners' best interests. If continuous communication is maintained between the educators and the

parents' clear expectation based on the perspective of both parties is developed (Leuven,

2010). Hence the goal of the study will help to understand the causes of miscommunication and

how to solve the issues to enhance proper parent-teacher communication.

Parents and teachers are responsible for coming together and possess various perspectives

regarding communication. When the different perspective is laid down, and adjustment is made,

the learners will benefit the most and make the work of educators easy. However, despite the

massive effort to maintain effective communication, numerous distractions tend to go against a

communication partner in the school sector. For instance, time management affects both parties,

language barriers, limited education background, past negative experiences in communication,

and many more unpleasant elements (Dixon, 1992). Though the primary goal of elementary

school is to create a smooth environment for learners to achieve their goals and the general

school goal, better communication as one of the elements to promote the goals needs to be

considered for the stated objectives to be achieved.


The education stakeholders must bridge the communication gap between educators and

parents, especially at the elementary school level. The gap can be bridged by the teachers and

parents getting together and discussing efficient and consistent means of communication. This is

possible because both the parents and the teachers are able to raise their views on challenges

faced that hinders communication and how to overcome them. This is critical because

elementary school forms the foundation of learners; hence in case of any interruption in their

environment, it can reflect on the future. Arcetaining the issues related to communication

between both parties can be of great importance by presenting information that shows the effect

of proper communication in the education sector. Consequently, its significance to bridge the gap

between school and home. It is appropriate for the parents to take the vital role of being involved

in the children's schooling of proper communication rather than wait for the teacher to handle all

the issues.

If critical action is taken in enhancing communication the overall child development

improvement would be witnessed. Which would reflect on the learner’s motivation for study, a

positive attitude on handling class work and homework, and improved regular attendance. In

addition, due to the fact that teachers tend to teach better when the parents are involved, bridging

the gap of communication would foster more focus by teachers. For instance, the parent knows

their children's behavior better, for example, how they are stimulated, when bored, learning

styles, hidden issues, and what interests them. Hence parent enhancing communication with

teachers, educators will create a smooth learning environment for the student by applying some

of the parents' information to their children.

By bridging the communication gap, consistent communication will help educators to

scale their teaching strategies and apply appropriate working strategies to suit learning.

Moreover, in improving parent-teacher communication, the teachers are not the absolute gainers

in the process. Parents also, by getting involved, they learn more about their children. As the

parents share information with the educators, it expands parent knowledge and new skills in

handling their children at home. Moreover, through interaction, parents tend to learn the complex

nature of the education system, which leads them to appreciate what the system does.

The data from this research revealed numerous negative influences related to poor

communication and how the miscommunication continues to expand. From the analysis, not only

is the problem affecting the local school but also nationwide on an elementary level. The most

affected group will be the learners, followed by the teachers if a solution is not found. Moreover,

if the resolution fails, there will be an increased record of poor performance in the education

sector. Exploration of the issue was crucial in determining the embedded problem that reacted to

miscommunication between parents and teachers.

Background of the Problem

The problem of miscommunication between parent and teachers have increased through

the years. Both parties have numerous ideas that cause miscommunication in the urban school

district. The instructors have laid the burden of failed communication entirely on the children's

parents (Roberson, 2010). Teachers are eager to seek better opportunities to enhance

communication with the parents in the learning environment. Nevertheless, they are primarily

uncertain about the efficient technique to apply in making the learning environment smooth.

Due to varying of different behavior of students, teachers are finding communication

gaps to be of significant worry among institutions that lack functioning PTAs and poor parental

attendance during school conferences or teacher-parent meetings (Schumacher,2007). over the

years, parent's perception of the creation of gap of communication has been viewed differently

from the teachers, terming the negligence of teachers is the school responsibility while that of

parents it's a personal obligation. The records have shown that parents have neglected

communication initiation by becoming mere agents in education, making it difficult for children

to develop fully.

Looking at the local level, parents hardly communicate with educators or offer assistance

to their children due to insufficient educational background (Bousakaz & Persson,

2007). Moreover, language and cultural barriers have created a gap in communication between

teachers and parents. This has led educators to carry all the burden of shaping the children

leaving parents who feel as being disconnected from their children. Mainly in those schools,

negativity has precedented due to past wrangles between the parents and the teacher, affecting

even the current environment, leading to parents developing a lack of trust in the education

system (Bousakaz & Persson, 2007).

Regarding Robberson (2010), approximately entire urban schools in the state have

encountered similar experiences of poor performance due to issues related to poor

communication between teachers and students. In addition, the data released on the conditions

indicate that elementary schools failed to meet professional standards on the state standardized

test. Taking an example of the state of Texas, data gathered from reviewing the state rating of

every school on the foundation of Texas Knowledge and Skills showed that most of the schools

and districts failed to meet the academic state requirement for more following

periods (Stutz,2010) Consequently, this schools faced an alarming elevation of unaccepted

behavior from learners in grades pre-kindergarten to fifth grade.

Students' behavior plays a crucial role in influencing the learning environment. When

there is an increase in bad behavior, learners' performance deteriorates due to teachers' inability

to offer practical and efficient academic instructions. This issue reflects the possibility of failed

communication between educators and parents. If the parents and teachers work together, some

behaviors can be shaped and avoided, leading to better performance.

Research Question(s)

There is a vast field to be researched on and worked upon despite the research depicting the

advantage the learners gain in school due to efficient and effective communication, which highly

reflects on the performance of the elementary schools. Moreover, the most current research on

the lack of proper communication and technique for enhancing parent-teacher communication in

this situation was required. This research utilized both quantitive and qualitative approaches to

comprehend the communication of parents and teachers better. The research question guiding the

study were as follows:

1. What limitations lead to a lack of proper communication between educators and parents?

2. What is the relationship between student academic performance and communication

between educators and parents? And how do parents and teachers perceive the


3. What underlies proper communication to parents and teachers that supports students'

academic performance?

4. Are parents and teachers willing to bridge the communication gap?


Definition of Terms

Communication: communication is written or verbal contact between teachers and parents of

Elementary school including channels such as conferences, meetings among


Parent-teacher communication: it’s the interaction or communication between parents


parent involvement: it involves how parent get tangled and concerned on the learners’ process


Elementary level: elementary level is the first stage in formal education which radges from

grade one to six.

Reading: The ability for leaners comprehends what is taught at school inform of word, sentence,

printed material or while the teacher is administering studies.

Education stakeholders: education stakeholders involve those involved in education either

directly such as teachers, parents and students and those

indirectly such as society and the government

Creating awareness: involve offering of education on an issue such as importance of

parent-teacher communication

Chapter II: Literature Review.

Conceptual Framework

This research was based on foundation of aligning ideas from Bronfenbrenner’s

ecological system reasoning and Epstein’s typology hypothetical basis (Swick &

Williams,2006). Both Epstein and Bronfenbrenner’s established theories which showed the

significance of communication between the teacher and the parents as well as contribution of

communication towards the learner’s success (Keyes, 2002). Moreover, the established

hypothesis depicts the significant relationship between communication of parents and teachers

that aid in developing positive behavior on student within the metrics of learning environment.

The four-structure ecological model developed by Bronfenbrenner’s, demonstrates a

person psychological maquillage. Though with the course of research the ecological model

structure if Bronfenbrenner’s was modified and became five-structure (Schumacher,2007). The

intersection of the approach signifies a communication system that concentrates on support,

norms, generating responsibilities, support, guidance, rule shaping development and societal

association in an individual life directly. The model comprises of microsystem, exosystem,

mesosystem, chronosystem and macrosystem (Education Commission of the state, 1996).

Mesosystem produces connection growth between school and home and home or home and

school. Microsystem is an individual immediate relationship with the environment within for

instance family and school. The connection which indirectly impacts an individual life in

workspace or school is referred as exosystem. Moreover, macrosystem comprises the cultural

relationship of an individual. While chronosystem was added into the approach after being

identified as a social connection recognizing influence and change on an individual (Education

Commission of the state, 1996).

In regards to Epstein’s model which comprises six significant elements associated with

parental participation with primary relationship to communication (Keyes,2002). On the theory

communication is ranked as the major focus in creating connection that brings together teachers

and parents to develop partnership that aid in improving and anchoring learners’ achievement.

The five major components of Epstein’s model include volunteering, parenting, home learning,

decision making and collaborating with the community (Keyes,2002). From the study the

negligence of looking at the issue of poor communication has prolonged for long without

sufficient solution for the issue. Communication should be enhanced due to its effect on learners’

performance, through pushing the technique to rejoin and create a bridge between parents and

teachers’ communication merits can be archived. Through this model two-way communication

benefits and growth of learners are developed at school as well as home. Furthermore, the model

has proven that its applicable for the communication gap be eliminated.

Social behavior is highly affected by environmental and personal issues. this is evident

where most of the learners are raised in nontraditional settings for instance being raised by

grandparents and single parents or in the foster home. Such environment contributes a lot in

creating a disabling environment where there is minimal communication which reflects on home

to school communication. In search an environment the gap of communication is so huge hence

contributes to depriving of the student’s behavior and performance. Through interaction in the

school sector students grows cognitively through better communication, social cues are improved

as well as academic. To support education parents and teachers have to improve their

communication techniques, this is due to the fact that education is the key to opportunities in life.

Communication Gap Between Parents and Teachers

For goals and balance to be maintained in school environment parent-teacher

communication is essential. According to Schumacher (2007), enhancing communication in

regards to positive, intentional and teacher-initiated communication can upgrade learners’

performance. The study by Schumacher was entirely focused on how to initiated better ways of

communication. Looking at the study conducted by Schumacher in 2006 showed that

questionnaire surveys were issued to 101 parent and only 46 were returned. According to the

study the result gathered showed that parents were satisfied as long as the school maintains

effective communication techniques. Moreover, the result depicted that parent were aware of

importance if communication and they acknowledged that they have a great role in collaboration

with teachers to enhance open effective communication.

Awareness of Communication

Through the examination of parent’s perception about proper communication showed the

absence of awareness of teachers on different learner’s culture. McCoach et al. (2010) conducted

a study on awareness of communication where participant in the study included teachers, parents

and administrators from 25 merit outlier schools and 12 negative outlier schools. The result

depicted the difference understanding of communication due to various culture barriers. Where

most of the participant had insufficient understanding of communication and its relationship in

improving learning condition. It was astonishing to learn that most of the parents lacked

background information on the connection of achievement and communication between

educators and parents.

Through the exploration of teacher involvement experience with school-based

conferences and meeting as a technique of ascertaining behavior that fortified parental concerns

and communication. To get the result 17 members from district serving several areas of

metropolitan city participated in the research (Esquival et al., 2008). Parents, teachers and stake

holders from the community were included in the study as advisory committee membership. The

initial motive of the study was to ascertain the thoughts of stakeholders on meeting experience

while the second motive was to determine if stakeholders understood the district brief. After the

study was conducted it was revealed that most of the parents had negative experience than

merits. Parents believed that teachers were entirely concerned with their children education.

Parents believed on the creativity of the educators to design their instruction method to suit

learners. However, it was noted that local educators played a key role in enlightening the parents

on behavior of their children which was helpful in collaborating in developing and shaping the

learner’s behavior.

A study conducted by Marshall and Swans in 2010 on different views of mathematics and

how it prejudiced the teachers and parents’ partnership within the school system. To support the

partnership of the two parties a mathematical clinic workshop was conducted o parents. After the

four predetermined question were administered a revelation was ascertained on change of

parents’ behavior. parents showed concern of trying to help their kids in achieving their set

goals. However, there was a concern by parents on what is intended for them and if they could

maintain their stand on ability of helping their children. Most of the parents displayed the love of

mathematics and their motivation to help their children in mathematics and academically.

Chapter III: Description of the Intervention

Communication has become of essence not only in the business world but also in the

education sector. Despite the educators given the mandate to shape the learners especially those

in elementary school it has been note there is a huge gap between the communication of

educators and parents. The issue has been neglected but due to increase of depriving of behavior

and performance, studies have taken place to investigate on the matter and ascertain the root of

the problem and mitigation measures to put in place in mending the gap of communication

between both parties.

Though the teachers are laid the entire burden of shaping the students’ parents have the

responsibility of becoming active on the life of their kids especially during elementary period.

Most of the parents are just mere agents of education ignoring participation in the life of their

children. The most causes of poor communication include language barrier, cultural differences,

previous bad experience, lack of time of parents to avail themselves on their kid’s life and lack of

background education.

Statement of Objectives

The general objective of this study is to identify major causes of miscommunication

between teachers and parents, their effects on the overall school system as well as student

performance. Moreover, the study is aimed at identifying technique applicable in bridging the

gap of teacher-parent communication.

The most important part of the Business Application Project is writing measurable (result-

oriented) objectives. At least two objectives, but preferably four or five objectives, should be part

of the study.

(Objective 1) Improve Communication

As it has been previously highlighted the aim of the study is to bridge the communication

gap between parents and teachers. This has highly affected the education sector especially in the

elementary level where proper upbringing of learners is essential. Hence trying to find the issues

that form the part of gap creation will help in mending and bridging the gap of teacher-parent

communication. Moreover, if proper communication is implemented huge changes in terms of

behavior and performance will be witnessed. Relevant question will be administered to gather

the information of improving communication and the underlying problems. however, the

progress will be measured according to the duration of the study.

(Objective 2) Enhance Parent-Teacher Relationship

Through the study is evident the parents in most of the school have very poor

relationship with teachers. They rarely talk about their children nor attend the class meeting or

school conferences. As part of parent-teacher relationship their other influential factors may

affect why parents fail to maintain relationship with their children’s teachers. At the core center

of this objective is to ensure parents take full obligation of their kids by being active in school

system where normal and regular interaction with teachers is enhanced. Its is possible to suggest

that there will be high improvement in communication if the objective is met. Huge effort will be

applied to ensure parents understand the importance of enhance good relationship with the


(Objective 3) Effect of Teacher- Parent Communication on Learners

Despite looking at the benefits the teachers gain by enhancing communication with parents also

students play a key role because they’re the major stakeholders in the education sector. The

technique to be applied in enhancing the cause should absolutely align to the needs of the

students. The process of bridging a gap should be perceived as a continuous process rather than a

one-time thing. The overall change of the course will highly depend on how fats the relationship

of teacher-parent will be enforced. The success of the objective will be measured in accordance

on how the students will perceive the changes.

(Objective 4) Improvement of Performance Through Teacher-Parent Communication

The overall result of bridging the gap between teachers and parents’ communication is to

enhance students’ performance. Hence development of technique to push the bridging is

essential in hastening the development of learners which reflects directly on their performance

and behavior. the objective will measure how fast can learners adopt to changes brought by

proper communication between teachers and parents and how the changes affect their


Chapter IV: Methodology

The study will be based on the Orange Park elementary school in Florida where willing

participant, teachers, parents and student will be involved to gather relevant information of the

study. The result of the school will be availed by the administration for the purpose of reference

when changes are implemented.

Objective Analysis Design

Improve Communication

To improve communication teachers and parents will be involved in the study where the

participant will be given questionnaire to try and highlight the limitation hindering proper

communication and their personal view on bringing the communication gap between them.

Enhance Parent-Teacher Relationship

To fulfil the objective of enhancing the relationship between teacher and the parents,

interview will be appropriate to determine in depth hinders of enhancing the relationship and

which technique both parties find as helpful in enhancing teacher-parent relationship.

Effect Of Teacher- Parent Communication on Learners

learners will be involved to determine how they are affected by lack of communication

between their teacher and parents, through random question and observation, the methods will be

employed to depict the large effect on the learners and lead to better improvement of


Improvement Of Performance Through Teacher-Parent Communication


After the learner have given their view on the implication of poor communication

between teachers and parents school performance result will be displayed as reference to see if

the problem is solved learners will increase their performance. Moreover, teachers and parents

will get involved by few participants being questioned on the effect of proper communication

and performance.

Data Analysis

Data analysis was according to selected sample randomly of about 100 participants both

parents and teachers. Its fair to note instead of randomly asking the students question their

questionnaire was administered before the participation of the event. The parents and teachers

will be given ample time to analyze the question and answer them. Another random sample of

about 20 parents and teachers will be chosen for questionnaire.

A review on the data will help to determine the issues that hinders proper

communication, technique to change and improve communication as well as perspective of the

course by the learners.

Limitations of the Data Collection Plan

Some of the limitation of the above data design is the inability of some parents to

evaluate themselves, language barrier, poor expression of their concern and generalizing of the

matter. Moreover, there is limitation of learners’ failure to effectively evaluate their own feelings

on the matter. Due to past experience teachers might apply emotions in answering the question

rather than reasonable facts.


Chapter IV: Discussion/Results

On the study 100 participant of parents and teachers were chosen randomly where the

sample included 70 parents and 30 teachers. while other and student of the elementary school.

The participation was highly recorded where three quarter of the sample got involved on the

study that was as illustrated below.

Participant Number of participants Number of Actively


Parents 70 40%

Teachers 30 20%

learners 50 33.3%

Total 150 93.3%

Number of participants

43% learners


From the participant parents were offered questionnaire and teachers with specific question that

were to be filled. The result varied from various group where teachers and students were highly

affected by absence of parent communication. Though the blame was mostly entire on parents

also the teachers had a role to play ensuring the parents had awareness of the progress of the

student and the teachers were required to offer a little push in creating awareness of the

importance of bridging the communication. consequently, parents blamed the issue of

miscommunication on high daily life involving in different activities, language barrier and lack

of awareness of importance of attending the meeting. conclusively both parties agreed

communication was important for better development of the learners. The figure below

illustrates the outcome of interview.

Chart Title






Number of partic- Communication Non-communication Others
ipants supporters supporters

Parents Teachers learners

Chapter V: Conclusion

In reviewing the importance of the study intention both parties participated 70%, but the

learners and the teachers took the higher percentage in participation. As it has been effectively

documented in different literature review, there is a huge a gap in communication between

teachers and parents. From the study the negligence of looking at the issue of poor

communication has prolonged for long without sufficient solution for the issue (Keyes,2022).

According to literature review student re key stake holders in school system and they are mostly

affected by miscommunication which affects their performance.

Consequently, parents admitted of neglecting their key role in fully participation in

children school life. Other had past experience which hindered them to get involved. In addition,

teachers had not initiated any mechanism to educate parents on bitterness of enhancing

communication. Through the answers of the learners, it was evident they needed the attention of

both parents and teachers. According to the models used in the literature review it was noted that

they can be applicable in bridging the communication between teachers and parents.

Conclusively the questionnaire and interview gave 85% of the required information and solution.


In accordance to the study, it was found that there was relationship between student

performance with teacher-parent communication. The findings can be applied where in school

teachers and parents’ ought to enhance proper engagement that leads to directly affecting

positively the performance of students in any level of education. There should be regular set

meeting between parents and teachers to discuss and share their experience with dealing with the

learners. This is essential because both patents and teachers will learn new behaviors of the

learners and try to shape them.

The changes of enhancing proper communication will be beneficial in that parents and teachers

will always be aware of the progress and changes of behavior of learners and collaborate to

enhance positive ones which directly reflects on the learner’s performance.


The following recommendation would be applicable


a) Creation of awareness of the importance of enhancing parent-teacher relationship

b) Creation of awareness of importance of attending school meeting and conferences

c) Recommendation on usage of technology gadget to enhance communication between

teachers and parents

d) Recommendation to both parent and teachers to share changes in behavior of the learner

to allow room of discussion on the way forward


The study was meant to ascertain the impact of miscommunication between the teacher

and the parents on effect on the students. According to literature review teacher parent

communication has a huge impact on learners’ performance. Indeed, after the study it was

proven that if the communication is maintained learners can increase their performance and meet

their set goals.


Bouakaz, L., & Perrson, S. (2007). What hinders and what motivates parents’ engagement in

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Epstein, J. (2001). School, family, and community partnerships: Preparing educators and

improving schools. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Epstein, J. (2011). School, family, and community partnerships: Preparing educators and

improving schools (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Westview Press.

Esquivel, S. L., Ryan, C. S., & Bonner, M. (2008). Involved parents’ perceptions of their

experiences in school-based team meetings. Journal of Educational and Psychological

Consultation, 18, 234-258. doi:10.1080/1047441080202258

Keyes, C. R. (2002). A way of thinking about parent/teacher partnerships for teachers.

International Journal of Early Years Education, 10(3), 177-191. doi:


Laluvein, J. (2010). Variations on a theme: Parents and teachers talking. British Journal of

Learning Support, 25(4), 194-199. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9604.2010.01466.x

McCoach, D. B., Goldstein, J., Behuniak, P., Reis, S., Black, A. C., Sullivan, E. E., & Rambo, K.

(2010). Examining the unexpected: Outlier analyses of factors affecting student

achievement. Journal of Advanced Academics, 21(3), 426-468. doi:


Robberson, T. (2010, December 22). Nurturing new lessons. Dallas Morning News, pp. 1, 5.

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Schumacher, R. W. (2007). Bridging the communication gap: The value of intentional positive

teacher-initiated communication. Lutheran Education Journal, 142(2), 104-124.

Schumacher, R. W. (2007). Bridging the communication gap: The value of intentional positive

teacher-initiated communication. Lutheran Education Journal, 142(2), 104-124.


Stutz, T. (2010, December 16). 42 Dallas ISD campuses listed among Texas worst Swick, K. J.,

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for early childhood educators: Implications for working with families experiencing stress.

Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(5), 371-378. doi:10.1007/s10643-006-0078-

yschools. Dallas Morning News. Retrieved from

Swick, K. J., & Williams, R. D. (2006). An analysis of Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological

perspective for early childhood educators: Implications for working with families

experiencing stress. Early childhood education journal, 33(5), 371-378.


Appendix A

Problem Analysis Worksheet


Appendix B

Business Application Project Topic Proposal



Name: Waydelle Carey Group: Date:

Using your completed Problem Analysis Worksheet as a guide, type your responses to the

following questions. Strive for complete, yet concise, statements.

1. Abstract statement (This can take the form of a statement or question and should include

where the problem is found, major elements or variables involved, and the population

affected.) The abstract is always the first page (i.e., page ii) after the Title/Approval Page.

It is a single block paragraph and no more than 120 words--it is not indented.

Abstract must address the following:

• Background of the problem or context: of the research (importance).

• Purpose and Theoretical Rationale: of the research problem or question

• Method: be sure to include design, sample size, data collection and analysis.

• Results: concisely describe findings (e.g. statistical findings, themes, patterns,



• Conclusions: summarize important findings and describe the importance.

Research indicates that positive communication between parents and teachers is critical to

students' success. However, when parent-school communication declines, it can have

a negative impact on students' academic achievement, motivation, and self-esteem.

Parent-teacher communication has numerous advantages for teachers, schools, and

parents. However, a number of barriers stand in the way of effective parent-teacher

communication in school settings.

2. What is your personal involvement with the problem, and to what degree do you have

control over the situation?

I had the opportunity to intern at a learning institution this summer. While I was there, I

saw firsthand how miscommunication can strain relationships between parents and

teachers. As a receptionist in the office, I had little to no control over the situation.

3. On the basis of your problem analysis, what are your explanations and assumptions about

the cause(s) of this problem?


This problem is caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of parental involvement,

teachers who do not foster a trustworthy relationship with parents, parents who refuse to

comply, unclear school rules and expectations, and so on.

4. Specifically, in what practical ways will the situation improve if the problem is solved?

How will your organization benefit?

If the issues are resolved, it will help to improve workplace miscommunication. In the

school system would become a more conducive learning environment, and parent-teacher

communication would improve.

5. What are the first two or three steps you need to take?

Discovering what causes the miscommunication, the effects and then finding possible solutions.

For example, to help improve communication teachers can: display a warm, friendly


Foster a sense of trust and communicate often and using different communication tools.

6. How do you plan to go about gathering your information?

I will gather information based on web research such as online scholarly articles. I will also

use personal experience.


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Appendix C

Questionnaire used


Miscommunication between Teachers and parents in School Survey

1. How to define academic success?

2. Do you interact with your child?

3. Do you interact with the parents/ teachers?

4. What major discussion do you share with the teacher/parent?

5. What are the barriers found when discussing with teachers/parent?

6. Do you find communication between teacher and parent interesting?

7. Does the communication have any benefits?

8. If there are barriers what are solution to them?

9. If there is better communication with the teacher/parent, are there any performance


10. Name techniques to be used to enhance communication?

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