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1.1 Background of the company 1-2

1.2 Organization chart 3


2.1 PETRONAS’S Vision 4

2.2 PETRONAS’S Mission 5
2.3 PETRONAS’S Objectives 5
2.4 PETRONAS’S Value System 6
2.5 SWOT Analysis 6

3.1 PETRONAS’S Organizational System 7

3.2 Functional Strategies 7-8
3.3 Organization Structure 8


4.1 Top Leaders and Succession Planning for Critical 9

Management Position
4.2 Compensations and Benefits 10


5.1 Financial Year in Review 12

5.2 Segmental Performance 12-13
5.3 PETRONAS’S Goals 13



1.1 Background of the company

PETRONAS was a national oil and gas company of Malaysia that was established on
August 17, 1974, in accordance with the Malaysian Company Act of 1965. The Parliament enacted
the Malaysian Petroleum Development Act (PDA), 1974, on October 1st. The Prime Minister's
portfolio was given responsibility for petroleum development. According to the PDA, PETRONAS
was granted ownership of the world's petroleum resources and given exclusive rights, authority,
freedoms, and privileges in relation to the exploration and development of these resources. The
Federal and State Governments received royalties from PETRONAS in exchange for the
ownership and two rights. PETRONAS was granted the authority to handle the processing,
refining, and production of petrochemicals. By virtue of this law, PETRONAS was granted
exclusive authority to oversee Malaysia's petroleum resources and was tasked with managing them
for the benefit of the country. With three distinct large oil corporations, Sabah Shell, Sarawak
Shell, and Esso, the first production sharing agreements were inked before the end of 1976. In the
early years, PETRONAS' tasks mostly consisted of overseeing and controlling the exploration
efforts of its contractors to make sure the upstream activities were being properly managed and

Since PETRONAS first came into existence in 1974, it has evolved from just managing petroleum
resources to project management, subsequently establishing itself as the operator in upstream
activities, before diversifying its operations and becoming global. When PETRONAS CARIGALI
Sdn Bhd was founded in 1984, it became the operating arm for upstream operations. Later,
PETRONAS conducted several strategic studies that encouraged it to diversify its business
operations into oil refining, gas processing and use, petrochemical manufacture, and international

marketing. It has integrated upstream and downstream activities, turning PETRONAS into an
integrated oil and gas company, to maximize the value and synergy of the natural resources.

Through its operating subsidiary PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd, PETRONAS began to
diversify its international business in 1994. In 1998, it increased its global operations into 15
additional countries, both upstream and downstream. The Confederate Independence of the Soviet
Union (CIS), the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific region were all included in the PETRONAS
global business. Algeria, Sudan, Libya, and South Africa (downstream Engen) were a few of the
Arica nations. Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan received investments from the CIS. Iran, Syria, and
Iraq were included in the Middle East investments (still in negotiation). The overseas portfolios in
the Asia Pacific region comprised Vietnam, Myanmar, China, and Australia (both Upstream and
downstream). PETRONAS had created a new mission and vision in accordance with its new
strategic plan in response to globalization.

Petrochemical industries, manufacturing, transportation, and hydrocarbon exploration and

extraction were all core businesses for PETRONAS. Activities related to exploration and
production included the discovery, advancement, and production of petroleum resources. The main
goal of reining activity was to rein the crude oil. Marketing was in charge of selling petroleum
products at retail and in trade. Gas processing and transmission, gas liquefaction, and gas use for
district cooling were all handled by the gas business. The production and marketing of the
petrochemical were handled by the Petrochemical company. Marine transportation, port
administration, terminating, and logistics overall were all included in the maritime and logistic

1.2 Organization chart

Figure 1 Organization Chart Petronas Gas


Setting goals and objectives and developing a plan of action to attain them constitute planning,
the first and most crucial function of management. It helps to boost managerial performance
and direct an organization's future operations. When projecting and preparing for future
situations, a firm or organization must be aware of the environmental challenges that they are
currently facing. To lead the organization in attaining its goals and objectives, managers are
required to have strong decision-making abilities. Managers will establish detailed strategic
action plans that strive to fulfil organizational goals. Identifying the organization's mission and
goals, developing strategies, and putting those plans into action are the three processes in

2.1 PETRONAS’S vision

The goal of Petronas Gas is to become a leading gas infrastructure and utilities company that
aids in the growth of the country. This study underlined the importance of integrated upstream
and downstream activities in enhancing the value of the primary resources and described oil
and gas as the core business. PETRONAS wants to provide more weight to gas and
petrochemicals in accordance with the downstream industry trend and the relevance in the
value chain. It stated a desire to focus on the core businesses while outsourcing the non-
strategic tasks and divisions. PETRONAS has created strategies that concentrate specific
industry sectors, focus on specific geographic areas, and take advantage of its competitiveness
in a particular market segment.

PETRONAS began its globalization process in 1994 to become an international corporation.

As a result, a sizeable amount of its operations was conducted in other nations besides
Malaysia. Like any other multinational corporation, PETRONAS had to cope with
multiculturalism and multinationals both in Malaysia and in the other nations where it did
business. Since the strategy called for PETRONAS to be a world-class organization, the
management started reengineering business processes in 1996 to increase PETRONAS's
competitiveness on a global scale. The vision also emphasized the need of creating a company
that all stakeholders, customers, and partners fervently prefer.

2.2 PETRONAS’S mission

The PETRONAS mission statement was created to clarify the organization's goals, reinforce
its vision, and specify the corporate course for accomplishing the vision. The mission
statements are ‘We are a business entity”, “Petroleum is our core business”, “Our primary
responsibility is to develop and add value to this national resource”, and “Our objectives is to
contribute to the well-being of the people and the nation”

The mission statement identified petroleum—which includes both oil and gas—as the primary
business. It was necessary to search, develop, manufacture, process, and transform petroleum
as a natural resource into consumer goods like gasoline, ethane as a feedstock for petrochemical
plants, and gas for power plants. By coordinating the upstream and downstream processes,
PETRONAS was able to maximize the value chain of this natural resource. Exploration and
production of petroleum were upstream activities, whilst processing and conversion of the
natural resource into other utilities and feedstock for petrochemical plants were downstream
activity. The mission also stated that one of the goals was to promote the welfare of the
populace and the country. PETRONAS believed that because it was given the exclusive rights
and the duty to develop the natural resources under the PDA (Petroleum Data Analytics), it
also had the duty to safeguard the welfare of the people and the nation, who it considered to be
the owners of the wealth of the nation's natural resources.

2.3 PETRONAS’S objectives

The PETRONAS Exploration and Production (E&P) business unit has defined its unique
objectives to achieve the corporate vision and mission, using the vision and mission as the
cornerstones of the company's strategy. The specific goals are they want to generating RM 58
billion in value for the company by the year 2005, being the top quartile Total Corporate Return
(TCR) in the international E&P sector, in the same year they want to increase the proportion of
income from overseas operations by 30%, by the year 2000, to amass 1 billion of oil equivalent,
and to become the top gas firm in South Asia's upstream.

Some of these strategies were integrated across businesses to create synergies and provide value
to the organization to achieve the PETRONAS E&P objectives. PETRONAS established
service firm alliances to reduce development costs and strategic relationships with other

companies in its overseas initiatives to share the risk to optimize value creation for the

2.4 PETRONAS’S value system

The PETRONAS value system was created to outline the ideals that the company promoted
and the standards it sets for its employees. The four ideals that PETRONAS adopted are
cohesion, loyalty, professionalism, and integrity. The term "loyalty" referred to employee
loyalty to the company and the country. A devoted workforce upheld a positive corporate image
and refrained from disparaging the organization or the nation. The personnel would constantly
offer constructive criticism in corporate forums, support and take part in ensuring that the
company's mission, roles, and objectives were met in all their operations, whether private,
public, or social.

2.5 SWOT analysis

1. High growth rate. 1. New product and service produce.
2. Good product reputation across the globe. 2. Income level is at constant increase.
3. Owned stability in financial capability. 3. New international business venture.
1. Insufficient manpower. 1. National economy.
2. Staff over burden with job task. 2. World oil price.
3. Outdated format. 3. Disloyal staff.


The management function of organizing entails creating an organizational structure and

assigning human resources to guarantee the achievement of objectives. The organizational
structure, which is typically depicted by an organization chart, provides a framework within
which effort is coordinated. The chain of command within an organization is graphically
depicted in this organizational chart. Organizational design decisions are the general term used
to describe decisions made about an organization's structure. Designing individual tasks inside
the organization is another aspect of organization. The responsibilities of each job must be

considered when making decisions. It also specifies how the obligations are to be fulfilled. Job
design decisions are those that are made about the nature of positions inside the business.

At this level of organization, the optimum way to departmentalize or group jobs into
departments is determined. This is to efficiently coordinate work. Departmentalization can be
done in many ways, such as by function, product, geography, or client. Multiple
departmentalization strategies are employed by many sizable corporations. The two concepts
of centralization and decentralization are distinct. When decisions are centralized, they are
made at the highest levels, and lower-level personnel just carry them out. Decentralization, on
the other hand, involves delegating decision-making to managers who are near the activity.

3.1 PETRONAS’S organizational system

The way decisions were made was centralized, and each business unit had its own committee
that was presided over by the president of that company. The Management Committee and
Board meetings were used to make the organization's decisions and guiding principles. Most
of the members that represented the Management Committee were the various business unit
heads. Members of top management and government representatives made up the board.

The upstream operations were handled by the Exploration and Production (E & P) business
unit. The holding company's Petroleum Management Unit overseeing the execution of the
Production Sharing Contracts that had been signed between PETRONAS and the contractors
as well as managing the domestic petroleum business. The subsidiary of PETRONAS and its
operating arm in the upstream industry was PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. (PCSB), which
was a part of the E&P business segments. It possesses both domestic and foreign assets.
International subsidiaries that were fully owned and led by the country managers oversaw
managing the global assets. The case discussed PCSB's struggles with globalization.

3.2 Functional strategies

The functional organizational structure is adopted by PETRONAS. It promotes

specialization and permits employees to concentrate on their specialized fields. The
corresponding divisions and departments are interconnected on a functional level. The
organization's success is a result of its specialization process and cohesiveness. The
organization promotes teamwork, and all departments collaborate to meet its objectives. This
has shown to be profitable for the organization as a whole, as well as for the staff, clients,

vendors, and the community at large. Orders are given from the highest level, the president and
CEO, according to a clearly defined line of power. To enhance organizational and business
performance, PETRONAS has also employed consultants.

While the education division oversees all the educational activities related to PETRONAS, the
corporate planning and development division designs both long- and short-term business
strategies that help the firm develop. It involves the educational programs offered to the
underprivileged population and the scholarships offered by University Technology
PETRONAS. Additionally, the Finance section serves as the company's accounting and
financial reporting foundation. Its job is to uncover lucrative markets where the company can
invest money to get higher returns. It also identifies funding sources to finance the company's
operations. Through its investment in the Mercedes F1team, PETRONAS is involved in the
world of sports. By spending US $ 1.8 billion in the oil and gas industries, it has also helped
Turkmenistan's economy grow.

Then, a section called technical services is created to oversee and direct PETRONAS'
technology endeavors. The Human Resource section comes last and is the most crucial division
because it is responsible for hiring, selecting, and training people, among other things. Through
talent hunts among local and international graduates, PETRONAS chooses the best and
brightest staff. Through technical training and creative programs offered by University
Technology PETRONAS, PETRONAS develops and molds its own workforce.

3.3 Organization structure

PETRONAS Crigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB), which conducts business both domestically and abroad,
served as PETRONAS' operating arm in the upstream sector. Regional offices at Kertih for
Peninsular Malaysia, Miri for Sarawak operations, and Kota Kinabalu for Sabah operations
oversaw the domestic activities. The organization's general management and control were
under the management of the main corporate headquarters, which was situated at the
PETRONAS Twin Tower in KLCC.

The CEO received regular updates from the Chief operating officer (COO), who oversaw the
three regional operations. The daily operations were overseen and regulated by three regional
general managers, who regularly updated the COO. They made sure the safety and goals of the
regional office were met while conducting most of their operations offshore. The major goal of
these regional offices was to satisfy the national target established by PETRONAS by

producing oil and gas at a specific rate. In doing so, the daily operation of the equipment, the
production platforms, maintenance, and operation safety were maintained.


Leading is the next function of management. The administration of people, such as

specific personnel, teams, or groups, is the main responsibility of this position. Leading entails
using informal and social networks to encourage others to act, which includes inspiring
employees to accomplish organizational goals. Instead of giving orders or giving their staff
blunt direction, managers should be able to motivate and inspire them to give their all in their
work. This requires strong interpersonal skills on the part of the managers. Managers can
influence their staff in a variety of ways, such as through a hands-on approach or through
empowering and collaborating. In addition, a manager has authority over their power as a leader
within their team or organization, including legitimate power, reward power, coercive power,
expert power, and referent power. These abilities are crucial to a manager's leadership because
they determine whether they can use the power to motivate their staff to put out their best effort
in attaining their goals or fall short of them.
It's not always about the manager's position of authority; sometimes it's about the traits
of the manager and their personal characteristics. Intelligence, knowledge and experience,
dominance, self-assurance, high energy tolerance for stress, integrity and honesty, as well as
maturity, are examples of God traits. These traits are crucial for effective leadership and
motivating staff to put up their best effort in accomplishing the organization’s goal
4.1 Top Leaders and Succession Planning for Critical Management Position

The leaders of PETRONAS are Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohd Bakke Salleh as the Chairman
and YM Datuk Tengku Muhammad Taufik Tengku Kamadjaja Aziz as the President and
Group Chief Executive Officer. While the leadership team is hold by MohamedFirouz Asnan
as a Senior Vice President of Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM). The coronavirus
pandemic, the OPEC+ alliance's failure to reach a timely production agreement, and ongoing
energy market imbalances all came together in 2020 to have a profound impact on both
global energy demand and oil prices. PETRONAS today reported a commendable
performance for its fiscal year that concluded on December 31, 2020,

Notwithstanding these obstacles and the speeding up of the energy transition. The Group
produced good operational results throughout the year by putting risk mitigation measures into
place as quick responses to harsh market conditions as well as intentional moves to increase its
resilience. Along with this, PETRONAS continues to put emphasis on improving operational
efficiency, commercial excellence, and financial restraint throughout its value chain.
The Group's earnings for the fourth quarter of 2020 were better than the previous quarter,
primarily because of an increase in the volume of liquefied natural gas (LNG) sales, which was
made possible by a minor increase in oil prices. If there are still questions about how the
coronavirus pandemic will affect the economy, PETRONAS will continue to take decisive
actions to reshape its portfolio mix, rework its human capital equation, and place an emphasis
on focused execution at a rapid pace in order to weather the storm. This is all done in
accordance with its three-pronged growth strategy.

4.2 Compensations and Benefits

PETRONAS has implemented preventive health and safety measures to keep its staff,
clients, and contractors safe since the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020. Additionally, special
working arrangements have been put in place to allow whenever possible for all of our staff to
work from home. The highest priority for PETRONAS is safety. To maintain business
continuity and value preservation in this regard, competent pandemic crisis management is
essential. By utilizing technology, digitalization, and providing its personnel with the essential
digital skills and capabilities, the Group has maintained its business operations. The new
methods of working have produced a more secure and productive workplace that maintains a
steady supply of energy to meet the everyday needs of partners, enterprises, and communities.

PETRONAS Berhad has been given a good impression based on their salaries. Most of
their employees think they are paid fairly at PETRONAS. Report has been made for the most
popular benefits at PETRONAS. The employees are mostly agreeing that PETRONAS gives
their employees a lot of perks such as paid sick leave, life insurance and disability, paid
holidays and vacation, education, training, tuition, and certification reimbursement, flex- time
and flexible schedule, casual dress and atmosphere, and also free drinks. This shows that
PETRONAS is giving their employees morale support to keep up the effort in obtaining the
company’s objectives.


Controlling entails making sure that performances adhere to norms. Establishing

performance, measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance to standards, and
taking remedial action when appropriate are the four phases that make up controlling. Output
control, behavior control, and clan control are the three organizational control systems. The
three output control methods are the operational budget, organizational goals, and financial
performance metrics, whereas the three mechanisms for behavior control are direct
supervision, MBO/balanced scorecard, rules, and standard operating procedures. Values,
norms, and socialization are the clan control methods. The organizational change process
consists of four steps in addition to that: determining the need for change, choosing the change
to make, carrying it out, and evaluating it.

Performance assessments, a consistent analysis of internal and external difficulties, and

the implementation of remedial measures as necessary are all parts of strategy evaluation and
action restriction. Establishing the parameters that must be measured opens the possibility of
a successful evaluation of the plan. Thus, these requirements must reflect the Stage 1
objectives. by comparing the actual results to the plan to measure the progress. Monitoring
internal and external issues may enable a response to a potential significant change in the
business climate. Actions should be performed after identifying the strategy that is not
actively pursuing the objective. Repeat the strategic management process whenever an action
fails. Any information gathered during this stage must be kept on file because improvements
are always being made. Currently, Petronas' Malaysia Petroleum Management, or MPM, is
responsible for carrying out the PDA's obligations to Petronas as the custodian of petroleum
resources. Being dependable, MPM is charged with administering and directing all E&P
activities carried out in Malaysia. This includes encouraging exploration investment and
facilitating development and production activities while defending the interests of the country.
Next, the job of MPM includes managing all E&P firms operating in Malaysia and optimizing
its E&P assets. With crucial duties as a base, Malaysia Petroleum Management manages the
nation's operations across the E&P life cycle.

MPM currently consists of several departments. There are the following: Petroleum Resource
Exploration (PREx), Petroleum Resource Development (PRD), Petroleum Operations
Management (POM), Strategic Planning (SP), Finance and Account (FA), Technical Data
(TD), PSC Sourcing Governance (PG), Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) and Gas
Management (GM).

5.0 Financial Year in Review

Despite their ongoing recovery efforts, PETRONAS produced a strong set of financial
and operational performance for the year. For the fiscal year that concluded on December 31,
2021, PETRONAS reported a Profit After Tax (PAT) of RM48.6 billion, which it obtained
thanks to RM248.0 billion in revenue. From the Loss After Tax (LAT) of RM21.0 billion the
previous year, this represents a significant improvement. The significant increase in profit was
caused by a pickup in sales as well as the success of the cost-control strategies that PETRONAS
is still using. The Group's revenue increased significantly to RM248.0 billion, up 39% from the
RM178.7 billion reported in 2020 and above the RM240.3 billion reported in 2019. Rising
energy costs after a comeback in demand for gas, petroleum products, and liquefied natural gas
(LNG), among other market factors, were a major contributor to the income gain. Other
important financial parameters also experienced improved performance for PETRONAS.
Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) increased to
RM100.5 billion, an 82% increase from RM55.3 billion the previous year, in accordance with
the increasing revenue and efficient cost management.
The result was an increase in Cash Flows from Operating Activities (CFFO) to RM78.6
billion. As of December 31, 2020, total assets climbed to RM635.0 billion, with the majority
of the increase coming from increasing cash and fund investments and higher receivables. As
of December 31, 2021, shareholder equity increased to RM350.9 billion from RM330.6 billion,
mostly due to profit realized over the time period. For the time, upstream projects accounted
for the majority of the RM30.5 billion in capital expenditures (CAPEX).

5.1 Segmental Performance

In 2021, PETRONAS Group had growth in each of its three business segments. Even if
different business areas were affected differently by the erratic crude oil market in 2021, the
Group benefitted from the integrated operation that spans the whole oil and gas value chain.
Upstream businesses increased revenue by 48% to RM104.4 billion by taking advantage of
rising energy costs and increased gas demand from activities in Malaysia and abroad. The PAT
for upstream for the year is RM34.5 billion. Revenue for the Gas + New Energy (G+NE) sector
increased by 38% to RM85.8 billion. The rise in energy prices had a favorable effect on
G+NE's overall performance, increasing gas and LNG sales to close the market supply-demand
gap. By taking advantage of the rising need for innovative energy products, G+NE also saw
growth. Upstream earnings increased by 46% to RM124.5 billion. The cost of inputs increased
for the company in 2021 since energy and feedstock costs were higher than usual. An increased
emphasis on cost discipline and gaining more favorable commercial partnerships by being
more customer-centric are responsible for the year's stronger financial outcomes.

5.2 PETRONAS’ Goals

Their commitment is to run and expand their business in a way that benefits people and
the environment. Their four sustainability lenses, which are in line with the Sustainable
Development Goals of the United Nations for 2023, serve as a roadmap for this. The dedication
of PETRONAS is consistent with their Statement of Purpose, which is to "enrich lives for a
sustainable future" as a partner in progressive energy and solutions. The sustainability goals of
PETRONAS include reducing GHG emissions, advancing clean energy, advancing the circular
economy, and developing the next generation of leaders. By 2021, PETRONAS' Malaysia
activities must limit their GHG emissions to 49.5 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent to
regulate GHG emissions. Stepping up on clean energy to increase renewable energy capacity
to 3,000MW by 2024. PETRONAS promote circular economy by using 3r to manage waste.
To nurture future leaders, PETRONAS must reach over 24,000 beneficiaries through education
programs cumulatively between 2020 to 2024.

6.0 Conclusion

As a final observation, if the company want to continue to grow in a healthy manner, it

is very suitable for them to apply the POLC in their work. The people that are responsibility
which is the manager should do their best in monitoring or implementing the framework through
the company. For example, every person has different role and task to do so manager have to
teach them how to do it. As we know, Petronas have effectively marketed their product which
is oil and gas throughout Malaysia alongside Petron and Caltex. In addition, their income
statement shows they are very stable and successful company in terms of assets, liabilities, and
equity. Given suggestions on how to enhance their performance by utilizing POLC,
PETRONAS can improve their industry performance by taking deliberate steps to manage the
uncertain outlook to strengthen resilience and ensure long-term sustainability.

7.0 Reference

“How We Are Structured.” PETRONAS Gas Berhad (PGB),


Williams, Shannon. “7 Types of Organizational Structures.” Lucidchart, 17 Jan. 2017,


“PETRONAS Company Overview and Analysis.”, 2010,

University of Minnesota. “1.5 Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling.”,

University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2015. This edition adapted from a
work originally produced in 2010 by a publisher who has requested that it not receive
attribution., 27 Oct. 2015,

“Principles of Management and Organization.”,

“Our Leaders | Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM).”,

“PETRONAS | a Progressive Energy and Solutions Partner, Enriching Lives for a Sustainable
Future.” PETRONAS Global,

“PETRONAS Integrated Report and Financial Report 2021.”


“PETRONAS Delivers Solid Half-Year Results, Remains Focused amidst Uncertainties |

PETRONAS Global.”,


Figure 1: Financial Results of PETRONAS

Figure 2: Growth Strategy of PETRONAS

Figure 3: PETRONAS Around the World


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