Unit 9-Passives-QU

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We form the passive with the verb be + past participle.
Tense Active Passive
Present simple makes/make is/are made
Present continuous is/are making is/are being made
Past simple made was/were made
Past continuous was/were making was/were being
Present perfect has/have made has/have been made
Can/must can make can be made
must do must be done
will will make will be made


We use the passive voice when we want to focus on an action or the object of the action, rather

than the person who is doing the action. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of

the passive sentence.

subject object

Active: The workers carry the boxes onto the lorries.

subject object

Passive: The boxes are carried by the workers onto the lorries. (In a passive

sentence, we can say who did the action (the agent) using by


If you want to change an active-voice sentence to passive voice, consider carefully

who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb, and then make that

agent the object of a by the...phrase.

How to formulate the Passive Voice?

To formulate a passive sentence:

1.-Put the object of the verb at the beginning of your sentence;

2.-Conjugate/Put the verb ‘to be’ in the same tense as the active sentence;

3.-Put the main verb in the Past Participle form

How do we form Yes/No Questions?

To form Yes/No questions in the passive voice, start with

Verb to be, subject, the past participle of a verb.

Be + subject + past participle

Passive: Salt is used.

Question: ……………………..? (The answer here is Yes/No Yes, the salt is used

OR No, the salt isn’t used)

Passive: Dinner was prepared.

Question: ………………………………..

How do we form the Wh- Questions?

To form Yes/No questions in the passive form with verb-to-be, to have and

can, start with:

-Wh word (We keep it and DON’T REMOVE IT)

 Verb-to-be, subject,
the past participle of
a verb

 has/have, subject,

 Can, subject, be



(Wh- word, verb-to-be, Subject, P.P)

Active : Who sells umbrellas? (The answer here is NOT Yes/No The answer is:

Jashua sells umbrellas )

Passive: …………………………………

2-Wh+ verb-to-have

(Wh-word, has/have, subject, been, pp)

Active: Whom haven’t you given the money?

Passive: ………………………………….

Active: Whom hasn't Jessica called?

Passive: ………………………………………..

Active - What have you done?

Passive - ………………………………………..

Active - Where have you made that silly mistake?

Passive - ……………………………………………..

Active - Who has broken the glass?

Passive- …………………………………………..

Active - What has encouraged Jerry for this competition?

Passive - ……………………………………………

Active - What have not diverted her mind from study?

Passive - ………………………………………….

Active - What have you done?

Passive - ………………………………..


(Wh, can, subject, be, pp)

Active: Who can do this exercise?

Passive: ………………………………………

Active: Who can make the beds?

Passive: …………………………………………………..

The Passive voice with the different tenses

1-Passive with the Present Simple Tense:

An Active structure: Subject + first form of the verb + object

A passive structure: Object of the active sentence + is/am/are + past participle form of the verb +

by + subject of the active sentence


Active: The gardener waters the flowers every evening.



Active: Helen doesn't drink anything in parties.


Active: My mother doesn't paint the walls.



Active : Who sells umbrellas? Jashua sells umbrellas?


2- Passive with Present the Continuous Tense:

Active structure: Subject + is/are/am + -ing form of the verb + object

Passive structure: Object of the active sentence + is/are/am + being + past

participle form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence.


Active: The postman is delivering the mail.


Active: Harry Potter is measuring the room.


Active: The coach is congratulating the team at the moment.



Active: GPS is not calculating the route to your destination properly.


Active: She is not writing a story.



Active: Are they opening the gifts now?


Active: Is he washing my car?


3-Passive with the Past Simple Tense:

Active structure: Subject + past tense form of the verb + object

Passive structure: Object of the active sentence + was/were + past participle form

of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence


Active: The teacher corrected the mistakes.



Active: Did the little boy sell all the candy bars?


Active: Lauren didn't eat any apples.



Active: Did the little boy sell all the candy bars?


Active: Were the masons building a house?


4-Passive with the Past Continuous Tense:

Active structure:

Subject + was/were + -ing form of the verb + object

Passive structure:

Object of the active sentence + was/were + being + past participle

form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence


Active: She was writing a novel.


Active: They were saying their prayers.


Active: He was giving a lecture.



Active: She was not preparing dinner.


Active: He was not making a speech.



Passive forms of these sentences begin with was or were. If the active

sentence begins with a question word, the passive sentence will also

begin with a question word.

Active: Was she writing a letter?


Active: Why were you cheating me?


Active: Which book were you reading?


Active: Why was she beating the child?


Active: For what were you making such a noise?


5-Passive with the Present perfect simple:

Active Structure: Subject + has/have + past participle form of the verb + object

Passive structure: Object of the active sentence + has/have + been + past

participle form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence


Active: I have written a story.


Active: They have built a house.


Active: He has broken my window.


Active: I have placed an order for a digital camera.


Active: She has done her work.



Active: I have not received a telegram.


Active: She has not written a story.


Active: She has not cheated anybody.



Active: Has James kept the secret?


Active: Have Lilly and Brooke written the letter?


Active: Has the policeman caught the thief?


Active: Has the postal department released a new stamp?


6-Passive with can/must/will:

Active: Subject + will/can + first form of the verb + object

Passive: Object of the active sentence + will/can + be + past participle form of the verb + by +

subject of the active sentence


Active: I will write a letter.


Active: She will help me.


Active: John must learn the lesson.



Active: She will not help us.


Active: We mut not visit our elderly this year.


Active: We will not betray our country.



Active: Will you help him?

Passive: Will he be helped by you?

Active: Will you not help me?

Passive: Will I not be helped by you?

Active: Will they accept our invitation?

Passive: Will our invitation be accepted by them?

When do we use by+ agent?

We use by + agent when it is important to know who did the action. It isn't always
necessary to use by + agent.
When is it NOT important to put by+ the agent?

1-When it is obvious who has done the action

Farmers grow bananas in Costa Rica.

The workers carry the boxes onto the lorries.

We will have to examine you again.

Policeman arrested the thief.

When we don’t have any idea of who can be the doer of the

action. If the subject of the sentence in active voice is

something, somebody, someone, they, you etc.

Someone broke the window.

The window was broken.

We should obey the rules.

The rules should be obeyed.

They make shoes in that factory.

Shoes are made in that factory.

2- When it isn't important or relevant.

Many people begin new projects in January.

Choose the correct passive form of the verb.

1. Many people begin new projects in January. New projects ……………… in January.

a) were begun b) are begun in January c) are being begun d) was begun

2.You must wash that shirt for tonight's party. That shirt for tonight’s party.

a) had to must washed c) must be washed d) should be washed

3.Mom is going to prepare the food. The food by mom.

a) was being prepared b) were being prepared c) was going to be prepared d) is going to be


4.They make shoes in that factory. Shoes .in that factory.

a) are made b) were made c) was made d) are being made

5.We will have to examine you again. You again

a) have been examined b) will have to be examined c) will be examined d) would be examined

6.The delegation will meet the visitors at the airport. The visitors at the airport by the


a) would be met b) would meet c) will be met d) shall be met

7.All workers will read the memo. The memo by all workers.

a) would read b) have read c) have been read d) will be read

8.Nobody can beat Tiger Woods at golf. Tiger Woods at golf.

a) cannot be beaten b) could not be beaten c) will not be beaten d) would not be beaten

9.They also speak German at EU meetings. German at EU meetings.

a) is spoken b) is also spoken c) is being spoken d) was spoken

10.We must look into the question. The question into.

a) should be looked into b) had to be looked into c) must be looked into d) must be looked

11.Someone stole the watch. The watch

a) is stolen b) is being stolen c) was being stolen d) was stolen

12.Policeman arrested the thief. The thief

a) is arrested b) was arrested c) was being arrested d) were arrested

13.People expect the Chief Minister to come tomorrow. The Chief Minister to

come tomorrow.

a) is expected b) was expected c) will be expected d) is being expected

14.Someone has stolen my wallet. My wallet

a) have been stolen b) had been stolen c) has been stolen d) will be stolen

15.The enemy has defeated our army. Our army a)have been defeated  b)has

been defeated  c)had been defeated  d)would be defeated

2. Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. Use by - agent where appropriate.

1-They will transport the goods to Europe by ship.

2.-Sir Alfred Green bought the Allied National Bank last month.

3-Will they build a new factory in order to create new jobs?

4-They are producing fair-trade crafts in this village now.

5-Were Muso Tech & Co making MP3 players last year?

6.The company can't complete the project in less than two years.

7. People will not buy so many TW computers next year.

8. They have sold JC Bookshops to Waterwells to raise money for the company.

Fill the gaps with the correct tenses (active or passive voice)
The contract…………..(cancel) by the studio managers. Hidden behind their stoic

lawyers the messages …………..( pass) down. Words like ‘iron clad’ and ‘final

notice’…………..(thrust) into their faces. Voices…………(raise).

Emotions………….(not keep) in check. Fury………(rise) unbridled. Tears

……….(make) black rivulets down red cheeks. A Union-rep…………(call). False

hopes and empty promises……………(dole out) to hysterical actors.

Hands………….(fly) ; papers………….(fly) even further. Exasperation and

desperation………….(etch) on their expressive faces. No acting……….(require).

Unemployment cheques…………..(do not) promise a merry Christmas.

Fill the gaps with the correct tenses (active or passive voice)
In the year 1997, Lady Diana (visit) _________________ London in Britain. On her visit, she

was (tell) _________________ that Prince Charles………………(cheat) on her. So, Lady Diana

(give) _________________ her order to return to Buckingham Palace immediately. After six

years of troubled marriage, in August 1996, she______________(finish) her divorce procedures

and she became officially free. It (be) _________________a marriage full of misery, heart

breaks, and scandals. Lady Diana’s new palace had a garden which was (guard)

_________________ by 400 British secret agents. Every kilometre there (be) __________a

checkpoint where visitors…………….(meet) strict search meaures. The world (watch)

________________Lady Diana’s tragedy unfolds. People……..(check) her every photo in

admiration and awe. In order to pass through the gates of her palace, people………..(have) to go

to one of the checkpoints that (serve) _________________ as gateways to her massive mansion.

Her palace………….(call) _________________ “Kensington Palace” because it was situated in

the village of Kensington. Between checkpoints there (be) _________________ two secret

agents who………….. (guard) the princess. If Lady Diana’s palace……………… (attack) by

enemies, the secret agents at the checkpoints (run) _________________ to rescue her. At times,

they……….(light) up a fire that (can + see) _________________ by the intruders and would

scare them off the property. The palace………………. (abandon) by Lady Diana’s sons.

----------- Kensington Palace…………. (visit) _________________ by millions of tourists every

year. In

2000, it (become) …………. a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Rewrite the questions in the passive form:

1-The technician hasn’t repaired the air condition.

2-Someone must have broken into the apartment.

3-They will have reached their target sales by 2024.

4-We were making a cake at 9 PM

5-The burglar robbed the bank yesterday.

6-James skillfully opened the tomato jar.

7-Lilly wrote the article.

8-We will discuss the issue next meeting.

9-The teenager crashed a brand-new Lamborghini.

10-They prepare brunch for the workers everyday.

11-Someone must have stolen the tablet.


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