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Sure, let me give you an example of how Patanjali's planning and control mechanism works in


Imagine Patanjali wants to launch a new product in the market. Here's how the process would

Centralized planning: The central team at Patanjali would conduct market research to understand
the demand for the product, and formulate a launch strategy. This might involve setting a target for
sales and market share, determining the target customer segment, and deciding on the marketing
and distribution channels to be used.

Decentralized implementation: The regional managers would be responsible for executing the
launch strategy in their respective regions. They would use their local market knowledge and
expertise to adapt the launch plan to the specific needs and characteristics of their region. For
example, they might choose to focus more on online sales in regions with a high internet
penetration, or on personal selling in regions where face-to-face interaction is more common.

Monitoring and control: The central team would monitor the progress of the launch by receiving
regular reports from the regional managers. They would compare the actual sales and market share
to the target set during the planning phase, and identify any deviations. If necessary, they would
adjust the launch plan to ensure that the desired outcomes are achieved.

Performance assessment: Patanjali regularly assesses the performance of its employees, including
the regional managers, to ensure that they are meeting expectations and contributing to the
company's success. The performance assessments might include feedback from customers,
colleagues, and superiors, as well as a review of the sales and market share achieved by the regional

In this way, Patanjali balances the benefits of local decision-making and market knowledge with the
need for centralized monitoring and control, to ensure that its operations are efficient and effective.

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