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Computer Science – IX (2017 Syllabi) Chapter: 05

Q. 1. Describe any 3 difficulties a company may face in running a business without

having computer network.
Without having computer network:
 A company will not be able share hardware & software resources easily.
 A company has to install individual hardware & software resources which will
be costly.
 Sharing & accessing with other networks, for example internet is not possible
for all computers in a company.

Q. 2. What is meant by data transmission?

Data transmission is the process of sending data from a device to another. It
consists of sender, receiver & the medium which carries the information. It refers
to the movement of data in form of bits between two or more digital devices.

Types of Data Transmission

Q. 3. Differentiate among data transmission.

Basic methods/modes of Data Transmission

Simplex transmits only one-way

communication. It only receive/send
data, i.e. T.V/radio broadcasting &
display screens at platforms etc.
Half-Duplex travels in two ways. It
transmits & receives data only one way
at a time, i.e. ATM & walkie-talkie etc.
Full-Duplex transmits data in both
directions at the same time, i.e.
telephone etc.

Q. 4. Define network architecture?

Network architecture refers to the layout of the network, consisting of the
hardware, software, connectivity, communication protocols & mode of
transmission, such as wired or wireless.

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Computer Science – IX (2017 Syllabi) Chapter: 05

Q. 5. Differentiate between a server & a client computer.

Server Client
A server is an administrator computer in Clients are workstation computers in a
network which manages network resources network that asks services from the server
& sets the privileges, permission & access & they have a limited access.
to other computers.
Computers used as server is expensive. Client computers have low specs.
Server device needs to be fast processor & Client computer does not need any specific
have more internal & external memory. requirement of memory or processing

Q. 6. Compare LAN & WAN.

LAN (Local Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network)
Computers situated within a limited/small Its geographical scope is much larger than
geographical area (e.g. within a building) LAN, used over remote/vast geographic area
(e.g. continents)
doesn’t require external telecommunication needs modem, external phone lines,

Offers high speed communication in mbps, Provides many of the facilities found in LAN.
In this network the expensive h/w & s/w can be The communication medium/link is the
shared using coaxial/twisted-pair cables. telephone line/fiber optics/ wireless

Q. 7. Why star topology is more reliable than bus or ring topologies?

1. If the medium or any computer is damaged in bus/ring topology is out of order,
the whole network is affected. However, failure of one computer does not stop
functioning of a network in star topology.
2. It is easy to detect & fix faults in star topology as compared to ring or bus
3. Star topology provides centralized control & security of network.

Q. 8. Mention any 3 problems which may occur if peer-to-peer network is used

for a large number of users in an organization.
i. It doesn’t provide centralized security because every user has complete control

over the resources of their computers.

ii. It is difficult to manage because every peer can share or access resources at the

same time.

iii. It needs a large number of cables every computer must be connected to every
other computer on a network.

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Computer Science – IX (2017 Syllabi) Chapter: 05

Q. 9. What is Dial-up, ISDN & DSL connections?

• Dial-up connection refers to a networking program is used to connect to the
ISP (Internet Service Provider) by dialing the phone via modem. User name &
password is used to login to the account & then a PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
connection is established to connect to the internet.
• ISDN connection (Integrated Services Digital Network) is high speed phone lines
used for swift internet access & phone calls. An ISDN adapter is used to
• DSL connection refers to Digital Subscriber Line. For this type of connection
high speed phone lines known as ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) are
used. Asymmetric means that more data can be downloaded from the internet
than uploaded to the internet. DSL line can be used simultaneously for
connecting to the internet & calling from a phone. For using a DSL connection,
a DSL modem is required.
• CDMA connection (Code Division Multiple Access) is a wireless cellular
communication technology which provides speed in Mbps to many users at the
same time.


Q. 1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of using networks?

 Sharing devices such as printers saves money.
 Site (software) licenses are likely to be cheaper than buying several standalone
 Files can easily be shared between users.
 Network users can communicate by email and instant messenger.
 Security is good - users cannot see other users' files unlike on stand-alone
 Data is easy to backup as all the data is stored on the file server.
 Purchasing the network cabling and file servers can be expensive.
 Managing a large network is complicated, requires training and a network
manager usually needs to be employed.
 If the file server breaks down the files on the file server become inaccessible.
Email might still work if it is on a separate server. The computers can still be
used but are isolated.
 Viruses can spread to other computers throughout a computer network.
 There is a danger of hacking, particularly with wide area networks. Security
procedures are needed to prevent such abuse, e.g. a firewall.

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Computer Science – IX (2017 Syllabi) Chapter: 05

Q. 2. Describe different types of network architectures.

Network architecture refers to logical control/layout using an O.S of a network.

1. Client-Server Networks

A computer functions exclusively in a network & shares/maintain its resources

across the network is called server where as a client requests information from the
 It suits in large networks.
 It provides centralized security to ensure that
resources aren’t accessed by unauthorized.
 Resources & privileges are assigned to user
accounts (clients) by administrator (server).

2. Peer to peer Networks

It acts simultaneously both as a client & server with the other computers in the
network. It benefits the user to transfer large files efficiently & equally providing
the bandwidth & storage capacity etc.
 It is suitable for small network (up to 10 computers).
 It does not provide centralized security.

3. Point – to – Point Networks: In this architecture the message is sent from one
computer connected to a LAN via servers to another computer network. It is used
to connect multiple LANs to create a larger network (WAN).
 Point – to – Point networks are generally used for long distance communication.
 There may be different paths for transmission of data.

Q. 3. Describe the types of networks based on area covered.

LAN & WAN has been described above.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) spans area

larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN. It
usually covers 2 or more networks with in a city.
For example, Telecommunication companies for
providing Cable TV and internet services.
i) It can connect computers with in several blocks
of building to entire city.
ii) Data transmission speed is slower than LAN but faster than WAN.
iii) Fiber Optic cable or wireless microwave communication is used as transmission

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Computer Science – IX (2017 Syllabi) Chapter: 05

Personal Area Network (PAN) is a computer network

organized around an individual person. It typically
involves a laptop, a cell phone and/or a hand held
computing device such as PDA.
i) It can be wired (using Data Cable) or wireless
(Bluetooth or Infrared) network.
ii) It is used to transfer files such as pictures, audio or video files.
iii) No need of any cable to form a network.
iv) Transmission is secure, reliable and fast.
v) Devices must be closer to each other for transmission of data.

Bluetooth Network
Pairing a Bluetooth Network
➢ The process of setting up a Bluetooth network is called pairing.
➢ Pairing is done through interaction between two users.
➢ Users have to confirm the identity of the devices.
➢ After pairing, the devices can communicate with each other.
➢ It is possible to pair one device to multiple devices.

Q. 4. Explain the types of networks topologies.

Network Topology is the physical

layout/arrangement of computers, cables &
other peripheral devices.
There are 3 basic types of network topologies.

Star topology: all the terminals are linked to the central point known as
“switch/access point” & information is passed from a terminal to another through
the central point.

Advantages of star topology Disadvantages of star topology

i. Network & cable arrangement is i. If the central point (switch/access
centralized. point) fails the entire network fails.
ii. It’s easy to install & expand. ii. It’s more expensive because of
iii. Errors can be detected/troubleshoot & switch/hub & individuals wires
remove the parts easily. connected to each node.

Ring topology: All the computers are connected in a closed loop. The information is
passed from a computer to another in one-way direction & each computer has the
capability of identifying its own address, this term is also known as “token ring

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Computer Science – IX (2017 Syllabi) Chapter: 05

Advantages of ring topology Disadvantages of ring topology

i. It’s faster because of less network i. If a terminal fails the entire
traffic/high network performance. network fails.
ii. No additional device is required. ii. Difficult to trace the fault.
iii. All the nodes have equal chance to iii. Expansive/liberal than star & bus
transmit data. topology.

Bus topology: All the terminals are connected through a single cable using
connectors. Each computer in a network identify it message itself. At the both end
of bus topology “terminator” are attached so that signals don’t bounce back
causing errors.

Advantages of bus topology Disadvantages of bus topology

i. It’s inexpensive to implement. i. Difficult to troubleshoot.
ii. Easy to setup / expand. ii. Network fails, if any node is out of

MESH topology is the combination of 2 or

more networks. All the nodes are
connected to each other using individual
path having separate switch/hub installed
with each node.

Q. 5. Write differences on Dial-up, DSL, ISDN & CDMA internet connections.

Dial – up Line DSL ISDN CDMA
Digital Subscriber Integrated Services Code Division
Line Digital Network Multiple Access
Maximum speed is 56 Typical speed is Maximum speed is 128 Speed can be several
kbps 256Kbps or above Kbps Mbps
Cheapest connection Costly than other types Costs more than Dial – Cost depends upon
of Internet services up service but less than connection speed &
DSL download.
Easily available DSL connection is Easily available. Not available
everywhere, no extra always available. everywhere.
line required
Internet connection is Connection is available Connection is available Connection is available
not permanently. as soon as computer & as soon as computer & if the Modem/ Router
DSL Modem are turned ISDN Modem are can receive signals from
on. turned on. tower.
Telephone Telephone Can transmit both voice Provides improved
communication is not communication & & data at the same voice quality
possible while using internet connections time.
internet. are available at the
same time.

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Computer Science – IX (2017 Syllabi) Chapter: 05

The advantages of DSL over dial-up connection

 The system is always “on”/no need to dial into ISP every time while accessing.
 The connection/data transfer rate is much higher (broadband 11 000 kbps &
dial up rate of 60 kbps).
 It is possible to use the telephone at the same as the internet with broadband,
the line isn’t tied up.
 Broadband permits other facilities such as skype/VOIP.

There are, however, a number of disadvantages:

 The range can be very limited.
 Possible interference from nearby electronic devices.
 Security issues (i.e. tapping illegally into WiFi networks).
 Access speed/transfer rate is often slower using wireless systems.

Main Differences Between DSL and ADSL

1. DSL is the general term for the Digital Subscriber line, whereas ADSL is a type
of DSL.
2. The full form of DSL is Digital Subscriber Line. The full form of ADSL is
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.
3. ADSL represents the internet which makes use of digital relations between a
phone line and a modem. In the ADSL type of network, the data sending
speed is called upstream, and the data receiving speed is called downstream.

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Computer Science – IX (2017 Syllabi) Chapter: 05

4. In DSL the upload and download speed is almost the same. On the other hand,
in ADSL the download speed is faster than the upload speed.
5. DSL is the main family of technology, whereas ADSL is a part of this family.
6. DSL is not asymmetric in nature whereas ADSL is asymmetric in nature.

Advantages of DSL
1. It is broadly and easily available as it is built using existing telephone
2. The cost of DSL is less as compared to satellite or broadband
3. You can use internet connections even while making calls.

Disadvantages of DSL
1. One has to be near the telephone in order to have a high-speed internet
2. These cost more than other faster types of connections.

Internet (International Network) is the largest computer network all over the

world using telephone lines, fiber optics / wireless signals.

Internet has brought a huge revolution in our daily life & reduces the distances.

It allows sending/receiving e-mail, sharing the information etc.

www / web is an online network system used to access the Internet.

It’s a collection of websites formatted in HTML & accessed via HTTP.

To access a website a URL is typed in address bar of a web browser.

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