PR1 Performance Task 2 1

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Practical Research 1 11

Quarter: 1 Performance Task: 2

Activity Title: Qualitative Research in Area of Interest

Content Standards:

 the kinds and importance of research across fields

 the range of research topics in the area of inquiry

Performance Standard

 decide on suitable qualitative research in different areas of interest

Learning Competencies

 describes the kinds of qualitative research

 illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields
 designs a research project related to daily life
 writes a research topic and title
Overview of the Learning Activity

The learners have been familiar with the nature of qualitative research including its
kinds and importance across fields, and its suitable research topics and titles.

For this activity,

1. Learners will work with their groupmates to make a DIGITAL POSTER about
ONE of the ISSUES AND PROBLEMS they observed in their FIELD OF
2. Digital Poster can be created using some poster making application in your
smartphone or computer such as CANVA or Adobe.
3. Once the digital poster was done, the students are expected to formulate a
Research Topic explaining the central idea of the poster.
4. Research Title will be formulated based on the research topic indicated in this
activity. Make sure to follow the guidelines in formulating a good research title.
5. Lastly, the students are expected to EXPLAIN the KIND OF QUALITATIVE
RESEARCH reflected on their formulated title. (such as Phenomenology, Case
study, Ethnography, etc.)
6. Do not forget to put your SECTION-GROUP NUMBER on the lower right portion
of your digital poster.
7. Submission of the performance tasks:
a. WHEN: Deadline will be OCTOBER 17, 2021 (Sunday)
b. WHERE: Infographics will be Submitted at GOOGLE CLASSROOM (USE
c. WHO: ONLY ONE of the members per group will be TURNING IN the
Practical Research 1 11
Performance Criteria:


o learners demonstrate understanding on the nature of Qualitative Research

such as its kinds and importance across field, as well as the research topic
and title formulation.


o present the topic and title clearly and concisely

o provide accurate and relevant information about the chosen kind of
qualitative research
o create a poster reflecting one of the issues/problems in the chosen field

Rubric for Scoring the Performance Task 2


Interesting The topic is The topic is somewhat The topic is
interesting. interesting. uninteresting.
(3 PTS) (2 PTS) (1 PT)

Availability of Reading materials Reading materials Reading materials

Information related to the topic related to the topic are related to the topic
are easy to find. somewhat easy to find. are difficult to find.
(3 PTS) (2 PTS) (1 PT)

Timeliness The topic is relevant The topic is somewhat The topic is irrelevant
and relevance and timely. relevant and timely. and untimely.
(3 PTS) (2 PTS) (1 PT)

Personal The topic is The topic is somewhat The topic is not

Resources achievable by SHS achievable by SHS achievable by SHS
students. students. students.
(3 PTS) (2 PTS) (1 PT)

Elements The title includes all The title includes some The title does not
the aspects of study. of the aspects of include any aspect
(3 PTS) study. of study.
(2 PTS) (1 PT)

Length The title is long Some words need to Either too long or
enough. be deleted/added. too short.
(3 PTS) (2 PTS) (1 PT)

Suitability The indicated type of The indicated type of The indicated type of
research is highly research appears to be research appears
appropriate for the appropriate and inappropriate or
title and are directly related to purpose of unrelated to purpose
linked to the purpose research. of research.
of research. (2 PTS) (1 PT)
(3 PTS)
Practical Research 1 11
Justification Well-written, detailed Partial description and Incomplete and little
description and justification. description.
justification. (2-3 PTS) (1 PT)
(4-5 PTS)

Relevance to The central point of The central point of The central point of
the field the poster greatly the poster somehow the poster does not
reflects the issues reflects the issues and really reflect the
and problems of the problems of the issues and problems
chosen field. chosen field. of the chosen field.
(4-5 PTS) (2-3 PTS) (1 PT)
Layout/ The poster had a The poster was The graphics had
Color/ Font great layout, with somewhat applicable nothing to do with the
applicable graphics. to the infographic, topic and had a poor

The font was legible, creating an average layout. There was an

and the color scheme layout. The font was overload of design.
enhanced the poster. somewhat legible, and The font was not
(4-5 PTS) the color scheme did legible, and the color
not affect the poster. scheme detracted
(2-3 PTS) from the poster.
(1 PT)
Creativity The poster is The poster is attractive The poster is
exceptionally in terms of creativity acceptably attractive
attractive in terms of in design and ideas. in terms of creativity
creativity in design (4-6 PTS) in design and ideas.
and ideas. (1-3 PTS)
(7-9 PTS)



GROUP MEMBERS (Rate your members from 0-10; 0=no contribution and 10=highest
1. Ashley Cleine Hernandez - 10 8.John Allen Ignas - 3
2. Hyalei Ludivico - 10 9. Mark Galvadores - 3
3.Mykaella Flores - 10 10. Mohd jamel - 3
4. Rosario Dela cruz - 10 11.
5.Breech Ann Langa - 10 12.
6.Abegail Mae Cruz - 3 13.
7.Princeandrei Guillermo - 3 14.
Disadvantages of current pandemic to economic situation

Disadvantages of current pandemic to economic
Situation of every bussiness man/woman
in Quezon city year 2020-2021
Practical Research 1 11
RESEARCH: FORMULATED TITLE: (Give the description of the indicated
kind of research and how its related to your title. 5-10
Phenomenology Our qualitative research is phenomenology because we study
or analyse people experiences from a certain phenomena
which is the pandemic. We analyze those bussiness
man/woman's experiences when pandemic strike our country.
We all know that pandemic is a big problem, it affects our
study, business, country, life, health and also our economy.
Due to the lockdown and the risk of spreading the disease, the
manufacturing of essential goods has slowed down. The
supply chain of products has been disrupted, and national and
international businesses face losses. The cash flow in the
market is poor, slowing down the revenue growth in the
economy. Millions of workers have lost their jobs as
industries have shut down. Efforts to curb the pandemic
include imposing quarantine, preparing health facilities,
isolating infectious cases, and tracing contacts involving
public health resources, human resources and implementation
costs. At this time of pandemic a lot of businesses here in the
Philippines have closed because of corona virus. According to
what I read in an article, Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI) Secretary Ramon Lopez told senators That based on a
survey from the month of April to May there is a total of 38%
businesses closed , June and July have 11%, and lastly August
to September have 6% total closed businesses.
Practical Research 1 11
Practical Research 1 11

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