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Speech is the expression of or the abbility to express thought and feelings by articulate sound.

Or is the
formal address or discourse delivered to an audience. Speech has it's procedure to follow in order to
make it clear and understandable so as people can get the message as expected. And the following are
the procedures of making good speech.

Something to note before presentation you must greeting the audience in majority so as you can create
the attention of the audience to want to hear what are you want to talk about. Don't start direct to
present the speech before greetings the majority. For example. "Good morning my fellow citizens" or
"Good afternoon my fellow citizens"

Maintain self confidence. Confidential is the feeling that one can rely on someone or something. (Firm
trust). If we maintain our self confidence this can help to make our point clear and people can
understand the messege we want to deliver to them Many people are fail to maintain self confidence
during presentation of speech. This can led people not to understand your message you want to deliver
to them. Others are getting stumbling and others were getting shock, pressures.

We must know well the topic or subject we are going to talk about. In advice before getting to the stage
we must practicing the topic we are going to talk in order to make it remembered in our brain and this
will help to explain it well when we get to the stage and can make people to understand the messege.
Others were fail during in the stage cause they don't know well the subject or topic they are going to
talk about, So they fail to deliver the message to the audience.

Clarify your point during the presentation. Anyone who is going to deliver the speech to the audience
must make his or her point clear and understandable so as people can understand and can't remain with
question in their brain. This also include the use of correct language which people will understand it
easily. Do not make your explanation too long this will led the people to tired listening and to no
understand your point. So this can help during preparation of you speech.

Speek loudly so as people can hear you and understand what you are talking about. Anyone who is
going to present the speech he or she must raise his voice at least the audience can hear what he is
talking. And they also can understand the message cause they hear what is talked their. But many
people are fail in this procedure of speak loudly cause other they are not experienced in speaking in
front of people, others were feeling shy and fail.

Apply non verbal communication during presentation of your speech. Non verbal communication
include the use of gesture posture and other. If anyone is going to present the speech he or she must
involve the use of non verbal communication this led if people can't here what you are talking the will
understand what is your meaning by seeing the sign from your body like moving head left and right in
mean of agree or disagree something.

Be honest with the question you are asked and give it clear answer so that the questioner can
understand what they want to understand. If you're getting the question during the stage you must
answer it clearly and make a questioner understand. Do not make too complicate sentences during
question. If you can't answer the question you can reply to questioner that with start with word "I'm
sorry" and questioner can understand. Don get mad if you are asked the question and start shouting.
You will destroy you presentation.

Therefore if anyone want to prepare the speech he or she must follow the procedure that
presented above and can make his speech clear and understandable to an audience. All in all remember
to greet all the audience in majority for example " good afternoon my fellow citizens " or "good morning
my fellow students" this can create attention bin everyone to want to hear what you want to talk.







BIKA RAJABU MBAGE. 02.6717.21.01.2022

YUNUS ALLY MHANDO. 02.3181.21.01.2022

MAYASA ALLY KATOTO. 02.7742.21.01.2022

ABDULSWAMAD AHMAD SHAIBU. 02.1073.21.01.2022

IBRAHIM HAFIDH HASHIM. 02.4269.21.01.2022

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