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Quantitative Analysis Instructions Forthe flowing questions ansner them indvialy Question 1 ‘You rave by Delhi Metro every day from Botanical Garden, Noda to Hou kha, Deli. At Hae Khas metro station, you wee an escalator to get out ofthe station. The escalator takes 80 seconds to gel you down. One day, the escalator was not working and you uialeup the szesistor in 50 seconds. How many mines does It approximately take you to walk up the working escaletor? A 1Sminutes B 2.2 minutes © 2.8minutes D 2.6minutes answer: 8 Expl leis given that by using the escalate, one can get out ofthe station in80 sec When the escalator was not wotking the me taken by & pesor ‘The speed of he person 0/5081 5 stensisen Time ken by@persan waking down e moving esealator= * 1 » 2220 Bie the correct unewer Free Mock Test for IIFT Question 2 —v8benty = 2- Vom (25)! wanenee D ata? Anamer: D Expianaton 28 Vandy 2. V2 Marnmtoseesivanner (x | 8) on collegedunia: Poti g2 i? 96 — 6172 -20{8 —2V' 2) a0H047 wogeha® — Gt! Dis the correct answer. tesmative sliion| vy (@ VRQ vB av3(VF 1s VIF. 1)-s@-y-8 @s2y=8 p= 8) (er) ‘question 3 tte co-ordinates of enhocentr andthe centroid of atrangle ABC are (~5, 7) and (5,5), then the crcurncentre of the triancle ABC A gsm) B (10,4) © (92) D (06) anawer 8 explanation Centro aivides oatacenter anctereumcenterin the ratio of 21 The coordinates of erthocenive end the centoid of @ Wiangle ABC ave (-5,7} and (5.5) Lstthe -erinate of ekeumesnter be xy) 7 — wand 7 8 veWandy=4 HHenee the okeumeanter= (10,4) PP collegedunia Question 4 CConetder a cuboidal underground tunnel of length 500 m whose eross-eecton is given Inthe figure. fm" of conerate costs 1000 rupees, find the amount of meney needed to bul the Tunnel Concrete iom A 8(4—-m)10 rupees B f4(4 FLO? rupoos © 10(4 =)10% rupees D- Aa|d — =)108 rypoes answer © Explanation: ‘Area of the tunnel obe filed with concrete = 16+8- (32) Length of tre length along which he tunnel hae 1 be filed with concrete = 500m Volume 168-7 (22}*500, 2824 —x}+500 Cost of concrete pr Lv? = 1000 Cost of 82(4 ~ x)*S00 = 82(4 — =) 500000 =16(4 =} «10 Ccisthe correct answer. Download IIFT Previous Papers PDF Question 5 In AINE.ine NP bigecte the angle NL. NP: NL*2: 3 and gla MNL® 120. Then NP WL: RAN is M Answer: 8 PP collegedunia Explanation: Lethe value of MN bee Since NPis the enguler bisector nos "Nd cose ae ee cost prox NPSML: NaN = 296 Bis the correct ancwer, Derivation forthe length of ang bisoct Let P be the angular bisector of £ AAC'B. And longlhs of A8.BC,CA, CP.AP.PS bo salar respectively From ingles CPE and CPA using cosine ula we get n= a? 428 2asCos(C) andm? = 0 e2 — 2beCos(C) According to angle bisoeter mle: = ec Upon equating weet (a? bx Qabla B)Cos(C)— 0 since xe 0, ak Meo ‘Question 6 ‘Aroup of women in society decided to execute interior and exterior decoration of the socity in aweek’s time, Since 17 women cropped out every day from the eecond dy, the entire decoration was completed an 12" day. How many women participated athe becinning 7 (Answer tothe nearest integer) Aw em cus Dove answer PP collegedunia Explanation: Let be the number of women who decided 19 exorute te interior and exterior decoration of the sie in aweek’s time Lettneetiseney of each of them be Total work= 7x Number ef wamen wt worked on first day ~ Number of women wa worked on second ‘umber of women wa worked on thite day = 3-22 On sinilarines, the number of wernen who worked an 1! ay =n) ‘Number of wamen we worked on day 12-%-121 ET THB AAOATITT = ae (t4224..420)-7% be Oro; mx ty xvas Cig the correct answer Question 7 Joseph sina dilerme. He has been offered a job which would pay him € £0,000 per month for fist three years and % 120,000 per ‘month forthe next three years, and T 1,50,000 per month for the remaining four years. He has also been offered an MBA at a prestigious place and he ie considering whether to apcent the jal or go forthe MBA, The first year ution feo forthe MA program ie ' 16,00,000 and the second year tution fee for the MBA program is € 20,00,000. aftor MBA, hell gt. salary of €2,00,000 per ‘onth fo the first four years and then € 250,000 per manth fr the reining four years, Wha wll be the approximate percentage {gain for Joseph in opting forthe MBA instead of the job inthe 10 years hrizon considering no discounting of money ? A 2% Explanation: Tho sum acerued by Joseph if he hae taken the ob = (9000037 20000%3+"1s0000r4}"12, aen10 If Joseph has taken the MBA program tution fe forthe program = Yee0000+z000000, ‘sum accrued past MBA = 2anang"12442s0n00«1244=27600000 Net amount = 21600000-a600000 = 18" LO [Net gain if Joseph had taken MBA over ob 10 years dovin the lane= 364105 Persentege atgain= 1 ty 1 Bis the correct answer Download IIFT GK PDFs on collegedunia: Question 8 ‘AB Is the tongenton the circe at point A. The line BC meets the circle et points C and E, Line AD bisects the engle EAC, Iengle EAC= GD and angle BAC : angle ACB =2:5, Find angle ABC A Zk. 7, a ag 8 60 © 30 None oF the options newer: Explanation: Letu consider angle CAB=2« and angle ACB=5x From Alternate segment theorem, angle AEC = 2x In tiangle AEG, 6018051424180 ceo 20 Intiangle ABC, angle ABC= 1BO7%20-a0 Avs the ommaes answer ‘uection 9 BC restaurant chain regularly conducts survey of is customers. The customers are asketlto rate the food quality, service and price 188 Excellent, Good and Fair. Customers are also acked whether they would comeback. Iwas founcthat 76% of customers cay that they will come back. Amongst those whosay that they will come back, 67% rate the restaurant as Excellent, 36% rate it as Good and romalndorrat it as Fair. Of those whosay that thoy will not retun he respective values are 14%, 32% and 54%, What porcertago of ‘customers rated the restaurant as good ? A 278% 8 ase © st% 2 ao7% PP collegedunia answer: 8 Explanation: Lethe tata! customers be 100 ‘Number of customers who sald tha they il rtura = 78x Number of customers ho said that will not return = 24x Number ef customers among those wha said that they will etum rated! theresteurant as good = 76x40 35 number of customers among those who sad hat they will not rum rated the restaurant a8 good e092 Number af customers who rated the resturant 2s good = 76x 6424600 2 6.04% Parnentage af customers whn tated the reetaurant a8 gee en 35% isthe correct answer ‘Question 10 Four couples are tobe seated ina circular table suck that each couple sits together. In how many ways they can it such that to ‘aos sl to tho rant of thee femalo partners andthe other two malesst to the loft of thor female parnors 7 Aas © 1480 > 70 Ansner 8 IIFT Free Topic-Wise Important Questions (Study Material) Question 11 [Nawab hse twe sone Saif and Amir who have expert businesses. Nawab's satisfaction’ uty levels given by adding ice of the sailsfacton level of Saf withthe satisfection level of amir If Self makes a profit of € 100, his satisfaction level goes up by 10% and ithe suena lose of £100, his aatefection level ces doin by 10%, Amira pro of © 100 his setefeoton level goes up by ‘5% and fhe suffers a loss of € 100, his satisfaction level oes down by 15%. Currently, Nawab's stistation level is 24 andthe satiofacton level of Saif f the sam asthe anisfaction level of Amit. |f Saf makes a profit of 100 and Amir suffers e lose of € 100, Uuhat isthe approximate percentage change in Nawab’ satisfaction level? A258 B 190% co 18% D 1.66% anawer: 0 Explanation: [Nawab's satisfaction utlty lavl is given by adding tice af the satitactin lve of Sait with the eatisfacton evel at Ami Saif makes 4 proft of € 100, his satisfaction lool goes up by 10% and If he suffers a loss of €100, his satisfaction level goes down by 10%, ‘Amn takes profit of ¥ 100, is satsfaction level goes up by 5% and if he suffers a loss of % 100, his satisfaction level goes down by 15% 'Nawab's satiafaction level is 24 and the satisfaction lavel of Sis the same asthe satisfaction level af Amir Leta be the sotinfation val of Som on collegedunia: 2a 8 Uf Saif makes a prolt of 100 and Amir suffers. los of ¥ 100, he satisfaction level of Saif and Amir goes up by 10% and goes devin by 18% respeetweiy. ‘The satisfaction of Saf ane Amit Band 68 Nawab's new satisfaction uty level = 20.046, Percentage change= "3." 187% Die thecomreet answer Question 12 ‘Aman standing on the line joining the two poles finds thatthe top of the poles make an angle of elevation of GQ! and 45 respectively. After walking for sometime towards te other pole, the angles change to "and i’ respectively. The ratio of the height ofthe poles i Explanation: Let at and’ be the helghts of the two poles be the nial postion ofthe man and the anges of elevation be G0!" and 25 Distance between pola 1 ane X = 0's and distance between pole and X= Let be the poston of the man utor walking sometime tewards the ether pele = Distance between Vand pole 1= av’ and distance between the pele? end Y=. 8 Since the distance between the poles vil remain the same “saps avBs ys Aig the correct answer Question 13 ‘n E:riekshaw over makes 24 trips a month with 4 passengers per trip this interest cost for purchase of E-ickshaw ie & “120/month, he earns 15 percent profit a month (Profit isthe ciffaranoe between revenue and cost) What wil be the approximate percentage profit for the same month if te owner undertakes 20 trips a month with § passengers and his interest cet is reduced by “TO percent forthe month ? Assume: (2) Total costo be proportional tothe intrest cost (@) Revenue per passengeris the same in both eases. ana B 6867 on collegedunia: oo” 100 newer: Baplanati ‘consider the revenue per passenger = P = Total revenue = 24"4P = 96° Sines the total cst is proportional to interest it can be assume! 2s 1208K Total cost*(1+Profiv100}+Revenue => 120K(1415/100) = 96P (1) New Revere = 20*5P = 12040. 9)K4(14ProfH/1O0} 42) Diving (2) by (1, 25/24 = (99/1.15}1+Pra/100) Profit 100 = (25¢23}/(18%24)- = brafit= 83%, Option Ais the anewer asa Top 500+ Free Questions for IIFT Question 14 400 students were admitted tothe 2078-19 MIA batch, 200 of them did not choose “Business Statitis", 100 of them didnot ‘choose “International Management. There were 80 students whe didnot choose any of the two subject. Find the number of students who chose both Business Statistics and Inrnatonal Management A 180 8 20 © 280 300 Ansar: 6 Explanation: ‘The numer of stents fn 2018119 MBA batch = 400 Number of students who did not choose Business S tata’ = 200 ‘Number of student who aid not ehoase International Management [Number of sudents who dd not choase any ofthe two sublects = 80, ‘Number of sudenis who choose at leat one he two subjects = A00.80=920, es ~ 2 x | az } 80 rans on collegedunia: sesu0aas180 As the correct answer. Question 15 ‘Atohat time between 2.00 pe snd 2.00 phe two arms of 2 wateh are completely opposite ta each other? A 240pm 8 2.44pm © 245pm D247 9m nanan Explanation: Time when thetha hands of the clack re completely opposite to each other between 2.00 pm and 3.00 pn let be the minaten covered in belween 2.00 pt and 3.00 pr rg0-'" we Bethe correct enewar ‘Question 16 ‘The number 37° — 26" Is dlvistble by aw eu ev bis answer: 8 Explanation: option a: BH! 26! mod 10 git ‘Since 7 ond 10 are co-pnmne ta eachother eqij=to"((1 2) 4) Pmad 10 = 712 7 mod 1 = 167 mad 10 67° mod 10-0 Hence 378°! 268"! js not avsiie by 10, Option : 871 — 2617 moat 8 mod Hence 378°) — 265° is divisible by 11 PP collegedunia option: at 2687 mod 12 Li 281 mod 12 Hence 878°! 20! isnot dvsile by 12 Option: 871 — 2679 mod 15 1 LB rod 15 87871 — 26471 jg not dvisibloby 15 bie the coractenewar Download IIFT Syllabus PDF Oucstion 17 ‘A motorboat takas the passengers from Rishikesh te Herder end back. Both the cities, ishikash and Haridwar are located on the banks of River Ganga. During Kumbh Mela;to ‘earn more meney, the owner of the motorbest decided to have more tris from Rishikesh to Haridwar and back, so he increased tho spac of tho motorboat instil wate, by 50%, By Increasing the spoed, he was abo to cut down the travel e from Rishikesh to Haridwarand back, by 60%. Whalls the ratio ofthe speed of motorboatng still water to that ofthe speed of river Ganga? aft answer: Explanatio Lethe snsel af she boat inthe stil water = 1008 ane the travel time 0t an the eistanaeberwesn Rishikesh and Haver be Lethe speed of heriver be 1001 Since the onner ofthe metoraoat decides to inereane the numberof rips he increased te snes Increased speed in sill water = 150% Fina tavel ume = 401 tane"toae | vons"ieee — 1008 ={1) After the ence in speed tne" ae teat = abe (2) Divcing 1 by2,wegerxfe= Vo Ais the correct answer ‘Question 18 ‘cricket team has 11 players and each of them hae played 20 msichestll date. Vira, Rohit, Mahendra, Rahul and Shikher have scored runs at an average of 60, 55,50, 45 and 40 respectively. Rest ofthe playa have cooved at an aver2ge of 25 each. Inte next “10 motehae,Vrst and Rohit each scored 900 rans whereas Mshenera scored twice thst of Reh, After 30 matches, if Vire’s nem average scores tos tat of Rah what she approximate average seas of Mahendra? on collegedunia: A a4 c 48 answer © Explanation: ‘he avers cores of Viet, Ret; Mahendra, Rehuland Shikhar inthe fst 20 matches are 6, 5,50, 4540 respectively Inthe next 10 matches, viat and Rohit each scored 900 uns whereas Mahendra scored tice that of Rahul Vira score in 30 mate ox2n4900=2100 Lets consider Rehul seared x runs in last 10 matches, then Mahendra scares 2x nna, Rahul's ecoren 30 matches = 48*208 00% Mat rs soot in 30 matches = $0420+2x = 100042 tis given tna ‘Alter 30 matches, Vira’s now varage score is tice tht of Rot 2700=2(900+%) x50 ‘Mat a's seore m 80 matches ~1300 ‘Average score of Mahendra = 43 isthe corract answer uestion 19 ‘Asquare of length 1 m i inside a square of langth 2 m and four quarter circles a oven A Joined as shown in te figure. The value of y —x is ye Anamer: D Explanation: PP collegedunia Im 2m From the above igure ree of th Which is same as the area ofthe square with de 1 om 4y ana 14 fred yas Dis he correc! answer Quant Formulas for IIFT PDF Question 20 jon bounded by ABCDEFGH = Are ofthe square with side 2-(4*quadrans with sie tem + 4x) Rohit purchased a cistern which had leakage. The cistem can be filed by two inlet pipes, which can individually fl the este In 12 ‘nin and 15min respectively, Despte leakage, the two Inlet pipes together cen fll the elsterm in 20 mi. How long wil It take to empty the-completly fl the elstem due o leakage? A 10min Bem © 15min D 16min Answer: Explanation: Let the capacity ofthe cisiem bo LOM of 12 and 18 = 601 ‘The rate of flew through theinlt pipe 1 = 60/12-S Yimin ‘The rete f flow through the inlet pipe 2= 64/154 rin leis given that despite leakage the two inlet pipes together can fil the cistern in 20:min Letthe flaw thraughahe lesiage ne min (o+4)20=60 oxen 6 ‘The leskage wilemply the ester in 6O/6=10 min Aig the coc answer. PP collegedunia Question 21 In atriangle, the two longest sides are 13 em and 12cm, The anglesof the triangle are in erthmetic progression, The radlus ofthe cite inser in hia angle ie A V3em Anawer: 0 Explanation: Lets be the other side Ite given tha the angles are in AP, so the angles are 60, 6, 64x coseas “04 ae | 2% ¥2106,2.35, leva (} = Atea Semi perimeter nen x 10.8 Site 309 nen x= 2.34 fn -09) x=terfappros} (isthe comect answer. ‘Question 22 Consider he equation sh 13/2 5 M0 The sum ofall he real roots ofthe above equations ca D0 naman: D Explanation: Lets considers-508 Covet:p» 0 pt 5p M0 pi tp sp 4 = 0 ple +8) ~8(p—8) = on collegedunia: @1S)ip 3-0 pesand pen s:5e23e8 Ts areal oo since sls greaterthan 500,369. This rat ean ne nagatee becouse inno erastartnan 6 coos tsp <0 pop oo pi = 8p +3p —24 =0 pas 5+8,3=13. This root con be megated becouse x Isnt ess than S| 9°Ga°2 This is areal rootbecause xis les than 6. ‘The sum af he ea roots = 82°10 {Dis the correct answer. IIFT Free Preparation App question 23 ‘According to bln regletraton data avallablo withthe South Delhi Munlelpal Corporation, 7 bablos were born Ina particular week Ina private hosptal, whet isthe probability thet ‘tee babies were born on the seme day of the week? nana Explanation: ‘The thre bables who are born on the sare day ofthe week can be selected in Ca ays ‘The number of ways in which a particular day ean be selected =7 ‘The remaining four babies ean be botn in *5°4°2 ways The probability tha three bobios were born onthe same day ofthe wook = “79! ‘isthe comact answer ‘uecton 24 “Monika buys @ Samsung's 360 litre refrigerator from Mis Coldrush Agencies for € 42,000. She makes 2 down payment of € 12,000 and the remaining emountin 4 equal half yearly instalments. If M/s Coldruch Agencies charge an interest of 10% per annum, approximately what amount Monika has to pay every six month? A 48230 3 38600 © 38460 > ¥8s20 on collegedunia: answer: © Explanation: Cost of retrigeratr= 42.000, ‘Amount paid as doxpeyment by Monika = 12000 So the amount on which Monika hasto pay the interest = 20,002, Interest charged per annum = 10% Since she repaying the amount half yearly, th interest BODDO" Tah = ise nat bs — 318002 3.7294 ws0060 Gis the correct answer Question 25 Ms. Dabjani ater her MEA graduation wants te have start-up ef her own. For this, she use % 800,000 of her own savings and borrows € 12,00,000 from a public sector bank under MUDRA Schome.As per the agreement with the bank she i supposed to ropay the principle of thie loan equally over the period ofthe loan whieh is 25 years, Two years aftr taking the frt loan, she borrowed an additonal loan of ¥ 8,00,000 to finance exparsion plan of her start-up, If Ms Debjani clears all her loans In 25 years from the date of taking the fet loan, how much total interest she has to pay on her Intl borrowing? Assume simple incest rate at & per cont por A. s1248,000 8 Rs1784000 © e1420.000 1D Re1296.000 Answer: Explanation: For the fst year, nterest= 12000000 08 Ithas been given that she repays the principal of the loan in 25 years Le she pays. "2" = Rg 48000 atthe end of every year. ‘Therefore the interest forthe sscond yeor a calculated ony an the remaining sum ie 1200000 48000 = Rs 1152000 forthe second yeas, terest =7152000°0.08, (n sitar ines for the twenty-fifth year = 4800040.06 ‘Thisisin AP with fist tems 48000%0.08 with carnmon eifference 3640 Totalinterest= 7 (2 / 48000 0.08 ~ 24. 9840) 1248000 Ais the correct answer. Download General Science Notes for IFT PDF Reading-Comprehension Instructions Read the passage and answer the questions. ‘Successful companies, ne ater what the source oftheir capabilites, are pretty good at responding 1o evolutionary changes in thelr markets-whet in The Imovator’s Dilemma {Harvard Business Schoo, 1997), Clayton Gistensen refered to os sustaining inovetion ‘Where they runintetrauble sin handing or inating evolutionary changes inthe markets, at dealing with di eanie collegedunia: Sustaining technologies are innovations that make a praduct or sevice perform better in way that customers inthe mainstream ‘market alrudy value, Compacls cari adepon of Intel's 22-bit 486 miccoprocesvor instead ofthe 1Gbit286 chip wae a sustaining Innovation, So was Merril Lynch's inroduction of ts Cash Management Account which alowad customers to write checks agalnst ‘thai equity accounts. These were breakthrough innovations thot sustained the best customers af these companies by roving something better than hal previously heen available Disruptive innavatons create an entirely new market through he inrodction of a new kindof product or service. ane thats actualy or9e inital, 9 judged bythe performance metrics hat mainstream customers value, Chavles Schwa’ itil enya @ bare-banes ‘iscount broker was a cisrupive innovation relative tothe oflerng of ful-sesice brokers ike Merril Lynch, Meri Lynch's best ‘customers wanted mare than Schwab-lke services. Early personal computers were w disruptive innovation relative to mainframes nd rminicomputers. PCs were not powerful enough ta run the eamputing applications that existed atthe ire thoy wereinirccuced. These innovations wera disruptivain that they dict address the next-generation needs of laading customers in existing markets They had ‘other atriouas, ofcourse, that enabled new market applications to emarge-and te disruptive Imnvatons mpraved so rapidly that hey utimataly could acldrass the needs of customers inthe mainstream af the oat as el ‘Sustaining innovations are nearly always developed anc introduced by estalished Instr leaders, Bul those same companies never Introduce or cope well with

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