Confidential Image Using Cryptograph

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Confidential Image

Using Cryptograph

significant advancements in information

I) Abstract technology and the move from the
Desktop to the Internet Generation.
With the advancement in technology, threats
With the advancement in technology,
have also increased. Data are available in
many form such as text, audio, image and threats has also increased. Data are
video. The best way to protect the data is available in many form such as text,
through encryption techniques. Encryption is audio, image and video. Security
the traditional way of clearing data beyond breach to and misuse of sensitive,
recognition. Most popular encryption secret, and privileged data included in
techniques such as AES, DES and RSA are images has become a severe concern.
widely used in most of the applications. Over So, the best way to solve the problem
the years, encryption has been widely used in to encrypt the data by the some new
a variety of fields and domains, requiring technique. One of the most essential
privacy and confidentiality. In this paper, we approaches for ensuring protection
propose a hybrid image encryption method. and maintaining the secrecy of image
The hybrid method includes encrypting the
data is image encryption. Various
image DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), Chaotic
image encryption algorithms have
and Hash Function. The main advantage of
been proposed, including those DNA
proposed method is highly efficient. The
computing, cellular automata, logistic
proposed technique includes diffusion and
permutation at the DNA level. In the DNA chaotic systems, fractional transform,
level permutation, a mapping function and so on. In the DNA based image
depending on the chaotic maps is used to the encryption has some good
DNA image to dynamically rearrange the characteristics which attract
locations of bit in the DNA picture. The researcher to work under this
experimental findings and security evaluations encryption method like huge storage,
show that the proposed model not only has a massive parallelism and ultra-low
decent encryption effect and can withstand power consumption. When
known assaults, but it is also fast enough for implementing simply DNA-based
practical applications. image encryption is insecure,
Keywords: Image, Encryption, secure, DNA, researchers are integrating DNA
Chaotic, hash computing with chaotic systems to
establish more efficient image
II) Introduction encryption solutions. In this
Internet communication has become a vital paper, we propose a new image
part of modern life as a result of encryption method for this study that
is based on a hybrid algorithm of DNA
computing, hash functions, possesses high anonymity, a wide key
and chaotic systems. The key space, and a more dynamic and
contribution of this paper were as unpredictable nonlinear.
follows:  The DNA level diffusion uses not only
various DNA operators, but also two
 Having started values and operational
classical algebra operators based on
parameters for chaotic systems are
DNA sequence, the DNA left and right-
formed to use a mixture of an
circular shift.
external key, MD5 and SHA-256 hash
algorithms, and plain picture data. As
a conclusion, the external private key
and the plain picture are very III) Literature Survey
vulnerable to the recommended
encryption process. A. An encryption based on DNA and AES
 Rather than binary coding, we used algorithm for hiding a compressed text in
quaternary coding in DNA encoding
coloured image.
and decoding, which is comparable in
data type to picture information. In this paper researcher used to encrypt
 The computational complexity of a 1D the message into 4 stages followed by the
chaos system is lower than the
DNA Algorithm.
computational complexity of a
multidimensional hyper chaos system. GZIP algorithm: In this stage message
To reduce encryption time, analyse were encrypted by compressed and
the 1D chaos system to measure the
reduced the size by 75%. GZIP algorithm is
combination of Huffman coding and LZ77
encoding, decoding rules for
encoding, decoding each pixel of a
simple image each clear picture pixel,
on the other hand, contains encoding
 AES Algorithm: After the message
encrypted, use the AES algorithm
and decoding rules that are
for increase the level of security.
determined by the clear image and
the outside private key. In summary,
the recommended encryption
techniques can withstand the current
potential threats. o This is an iterative algorithm, each
 To dynamically rearrange the iterative can called as round.
placement of bits in the DNA picture,
a mapping function relying just on o Round key is added in the first
chaotic sequence out from logistic round operation and cipher key is
map is used to a DNA image in the used to XOR the input plain text.
DNA level permutation.
 To decrease the execution time and o In each round there has 4 stages
enhance the security of the presented but the final round has only 3
encryption strategy, the key DNA stages.
image is formed directly from the
multiple hyper chaotic system, that
 LSB Steganography: LSB cryptography for encrypting the digital
steganography is for hiding the colour image.
encrypted message in a high
quality image. Researcher discuss the method called
Wavelet packet tree(WPT) decomposition
o In this physical picture is converted and reconstruction to generate an
in to arrays called digital image, encrypted image, after that it will XOR the
and density of image pixel is image to obtain final encrypted image.
represented by the number.
This method is based on the 2 phases to
 At the last stage, researcher used generate encrypted image.
DNA Algorithm to show that, it
make complex and difficult for the C. Color Image Encryption-Decryption
hacker to find gap and hole using RANDOM Noise and PMT.
between transferring information.
In this paper author use RGB colour image
  for encryption. This type of image is used
to contain confidential data.
 Researcher discuss the new field of
cryptography, called DNA Researcher discuss in paper about the
encryption. random noise and image rearrangement.
RGB image pixels values lies from 0 to 255
o It is represented by the collection and they are integer value, so its very
of bases and formed as sequential difficult to add noise in it.
pattern in which there are four
bases adenine, Guanine, cytosine, For adding noise, first need to convert
and thymine which is represented into YIQ format after that will able to add
by A, G, C, and T respectively. or subtract random noise in image in it by
using different formula.
o Message is Collection of letter and
It may be represented by the DNA Researcher proposed method to encrypt
format (A,G, C, T). by using two private key which is hard to
Using both cryptography and
steganography the system will provide • First private key is special random
security by combination of both DNA and noise array with a very huge size
AES algorithm. and it generated only once and
saved by both sender and receiver
B. Protecting digital colour image and it contains value range from -1
applying double phase encryption. to 1.

In this paper, Researcher talk about the Second private key is the partition map
colour image for protecting from any third table (PMT) which is generated by sender
party. He proposed the method of and sent to the receiver. The key store
information about the parts of image, was input, the same random data was
segment, location etc. generated.

D. A Novel and Efficient Multiple RGB We see many methods involve encryption
Images Cipher Based on Chaotic System of single images, but, only a few methods
and Circular Shift Operations. involve the encryption of multiple images.
There are a few good features introduced
This research talks about the multiple RGB by MIE. This method of encryption and
image rendering process. Multiple image decryption of multiple images is based on
encryption schemes are required when simple circular row and column shifting.
we want a real time bunch of Colour The selection of rows and columns is
Images. Cipher is one of the chaotic generated by two streams of chaotic
system with shift operations and SHA-384 maps. The other one helps in deciding the
codes techniques. RBG numbers are amount by which the selected column or
combined in rectangular fashion to get row has to be shifted. The diffusion effect
hash codes. There are many operations is added by the third stream from the
performed in order to get the right pixel, chaotic map. SHA-384 codes help to get
diffusion with different components etc. the sensitivity of the plain text. The 16
The performance also will be analysed and colors demonstrate the practical
carried out in effective, efficient, robust usefulness of the framework and its
and the real life adaptability of multiple effectiveness. To handle the different sizes
RGB image Cipher. of the images sic different ciphers are
used. This comprehensive security and in-
depth and analysis depict the efficiency
The present era of digital technologies,
and effectiveness of this scheme.
the internet and the Internet of Things,
Big Data, etc. have revolutionized virtually
all the cultures of the nations. We E. A Common Method of Share
frequently save them and transmit them Authentication in Image Secret Sharing.
through some public channel like the
internet. Traditionally, the objective of the In this work, we have designed an ISS for a
integrity of data has been realized by (k, n)-threshold with a separate common
encrypting it by classical ciphers like RSA, share authentication ability, which is
DES, AES, etc. But unfortunately, these suitable for both dealer participatory and
ciphers cannot be used for images dealer non-participatory authentication.
encryption due to their different These ISS fuses the principle of polynomial
characteristics like strong and bulky and VSS to achieve the additional features
volume, a connection between the of separate share authentication, no pixel
adjacent pixels, and repetitiveness. On the expansion, low encryption and decryption
other hand, chaotic maps/systems have (authentication) complexity, less
proved very excellent in generating decryption and auxiliary encryption. The
random data which was in turn used for experimental illustrations and theoretical
image encryption. analysis have shown the effectiveness of
the designed scheme (ISS). We have
The reason for the breakage of these performed feature comparisons with the
ciphers was that no matter which image related schemes to present the
advantages of this scheme. We chiefly
focus on following the works in future. We
will start with extending our scheme to VI) Deoxyribonucleic acid
achieve tamper detection and location.
Then, we will apply some other typical ISS
principles to our scheme, such as the DNA Computing is a revolutionary method of
Chinese remainder theorem-based ISS. At data security based on the biological DNA
last, we will study the tamper tolerant structure. Data may be stored and sent via
ratio. DNA. A (Adenine), C (cytosine), G (guanine),
and T (thymine) are the four kinds of nucleic
IV) Preliminaries acids that make up deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA). The base-4 numeral system, often
In this draft paper, Hybrid algorithm is
known as quaternary, employs the numbers 0,
implemented to analyse the image encryption
1, 2, and 3 to represent any real integer. The
time and security level. In this draft paper, we
DNA Bases nucleic acids A, C, G, and T have a
implemented three algorithm DNA, Hash
one-to-one connection with the quaternary
Function and Chaotic System.
integers 0, 1, 2, and 3. Complementary digit
V) Chaotic systems combinations 03 and 12 (binaries 00 11 and
01 10) match complementary DNA pairs CG
In probabilistic dynamical system, chaos is a and AT according to Rule 1 and 4th order
typical occurrence, showing unpredictable coding in Table1.
behaviour and being highly sensitive to
starting states and features. Due to their
simplicity and low computational complexity,
single dimensional chaos systems are
frequently utilized in some picture encryption
schemes. The logistic map seems to be a As in proposed crypto algorithm, each pixel's
chaotic one-dimensional structure that works grey value is first marked as a four-digit
like this: quaternary number, and then encoded into a
four-digit DNA sequence using one of Table
1's rules.

VII) Cryptography
The regression sequence is in 0 and 1 when a
belongs (3.89, 4]. The logistic map is an
operation using DNA
excellent contender for selecting DNA computing
operations and DNA rules, as well as The encryption operation turns plaintext to
completing the permutation operation in less cipher text, whereas the decryption function
time. Hyper chaos is almost like a chaotic reverses the process. We will explore certain
system with two or more significant Lyapunov algebraic functions and biological DNA
exponents, as opposed to conventional sequences in view of the recent growth of
chaotic systems. In addition, the hyper chaotic DNA computing. The first row of Fig-1 the
method has great secrecy, a vast key space, picture depicts the subtraction, multiplication,
and more complicated and unexpected addition, exclusive-nor and exclusive-or of
nonlinear behaviour, all of which help in the DNA operators. In computational
formation of the key image. mathematics, a right circular shift seems to be
the function of restructuring the components
of a tuple to move the last entry with the first
place while moving all those other entries
towards the appropriate location.

Figure 2 (a) and (b) illustrate the results of the

DNA left-circular shift and DNA right-circular
shift operator operations determined using
Rule 1. The second row of Fig. 1 shows the
DNA left-circular shift and the DNA right-
circular shift.

Steps1: Construct the value K-XOR and the

secret key K and the using the plain image's
MD5/SHA hash value and the external key K.

Steps2: Construct the quaternary image P2

from the plain image P1.

Steps3: To the DNA image P3, encode the

image P2.

Steps4: To obtain a sequenced DNA image P4,

apply a DNA-level sequence to the DNA image

Steps5: Algorithm 1 is used to compute the

key DNA image KDNA.

VIII) The proposed Steps6: Perform DNA level diffusion

between the randomly generated DNA
image P4 and the key DNA image KDNA to
scheme: obtain the diffused DNA picture P5.
Figure 3.1 illustrates the proposed image
Steps7: To have the cipher DNA picture P6,
encryption system's flowchart. The following
decode the diffuse DNA picture P5.
are the overall steps of the encryption
algorithm: Steps8: To have the cipher quaternary
image P7, decode the cipher DNA image
Steps9: Decoding the cipher quaternary Steps6: Erase the permutations effect by
picture P7 to the integer range [0, 255] applying the reverse of DNA permutation to
cipher image P8. the non-diffused DNA picture P5, yielding the
non-permutated DNA picture P4.
IX) The Decryption Algorithm
Steps7: Decode the plain DNA picture P3 from
The picture decryption algorithm is the the non-permuted DNA picture P4.
inverse of the secret key image encryption
Steps8: To have the plain quaternary picture
method (the external key K and the hash
P2, decode the plain DNA picture P3.
value H). The visual decryption algorithm's
workflow can be seen in Figure 5. The Steps9: The plain quaternary picture P2 is
decryption algorithm is divided into the deciphered to the plain picture P1.
following steps:
X) Experimental results:
A number of experiments analyses are carried
out in this part to assess the durability of the
proposed picture encryption technique. The
simple pictures are the grayscale photos
"Lena," "Baboon," "Peppers," and
"Cameraman" of size 512x512 from the CVG-
UGR image database. We compare the
proposed picture encryption system to many
alternative image encryption schemes in the
experiments. Each test was replicated ten
times to improve the accuracy of the data,
and the average results were published. The
test results of the proposed picture
encryption system are presented in Fig. 6
when the external
984c176f4e529f684748ad052241b17". We
can determine that the cipher pictures are
Steps1: Using the external key K and the hash comparable to the noise-like image, and that
value H, calculate the private key K and the they can provide no valuable information
value K-XOR. about the plain image.
Steps2: Construct the quaternary picture P7
from the cipher image P8.

Steps3: To that same DNA image P6, encode

the quaternary picture P7.

Steps4: Algorithm 1 is used to calculate the

key DNA image KDNA.

Steps5: To have the non-diffused DNA picture

P5, do the inverse of DNA diffusion between
both the DNA picture P6 and the key DNA
picture KDNA.
XI) Conclusion:
This paper offers a new technique to picture
encryption depending on a hybrid version of
chaotic systems, DNA computing, and hash
functions. Use the hybrid MD5/SHA256 hash
function of the plain image and the secret key
to verify that changing one bit of the plain
picture or secret key changes the initial state
and control parameters of the chaos system.
Two novel algebraic operations DNA based
sequencing are the DNA right-circular shift
and DNA left-circular shift. The results of the
trials demonstrated that the suggested
picture encryption system not only
outperforms five prior common image
encryption techniques in terms of security,
but it is also fast enough for practical

XII) Reference:

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