2A - OE1 - Aldi Suhendri

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Name : Aldi Suhendri

Nim : E1D022003

The Biggest Mistake That a College Student Can Make

One of the biggest mistakes that a college student can make is failing to prioritize their time and
manage their workload effectively. This can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including
poor grades, increased stress levels, and even mental health issues. With the freedom and
independence that comes with college life, it can be easy for students to fall into the trap of
procrastination and time mismanagement. However, this can quickly spiral out of control, leaving
students feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with their academic and personal

One way to avoid this mistake is to prioritize time management from the very beginning of college.
This can include creating a schedule or to-do list, breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable
steps, and setting aside time for both academic work and self-care. Another common mistake that
college students make is failing to take advantage of the resources and support available to them.
Colleges and universities offer a wide range of resources, including academic advisors, tutoring
services, and mental health support, but many students fail to utilize these resources until it is too

In conclusion, the biggest mistake that a college student can make is failing to prioritize time
management and not taking advantage of the resources available to them. By taking steps to manage
their workload effectively and seeking support when needed, college students can set themselves up
for success both academically and personally. As for my opinion, I believe that another major mistake
that college students can make is getting too caught up in the social aspects of college and neglecting
their academic responsibilities. While it's important to make friends and have fun in college,
academic success should always come first. Striking a balance between social and academic activities
is key to making the most of the college experience while also setting oneself up for future success.

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