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Tishk International university

Business and management Department

First Stage

Group: - C -

Academic debate and critical thinking I

Computer skills

prepred by : Supervisor :

Sivan Malayosif Zado Mr. karwan H Saeed

Id : 130320061

2020 - 2021
A computer is a machine that accepts data as input, processes that data using program
, and outputs the processed data. Many computer can store and retrieve information
using hard drive. Computer can be connected together to form networks, allowing
connected computer to communicate with each other

Computer can be designed to do almost anything with information. Computer are

used to control large and small machine which in the past were controlled by humans.
Most people have used a personal computer in their home or at work . they are used
for things such as listening to music, reading the news and writing .

Content( table )




5-classification of computers




A computer system has three main components: hardware, software, and people. The
equipment associated with a computer system is called hardware , software is a set of
instruction that tells the hardware what to do people, however are the most important
component of a computer system – people use the power of the computer for some
purpose, In fact , this course will show you that the computer can be a tool for just
about anymore from a business person , to an artist to a housekeeper , to a student –
an incredibly powerful and flexible tool

Software is actually a computer program to be specific a program is a set of step – by

– step instructions that directs the computer to do the tasks you want it to do and
produce the results you want . A computer programmer is a person who writes
programs. Most of us do not write programs we use programs written by someone
else this means we are users – people who purchase and use computers software.

A computer is a machine that can be programmed to accepts data (input), process it
into useful information (output), and store it away (in a secondary storage device) for
safekeeping or later reuse. The processing of input to output is directed by the
software but performed by the hardware.

To function a computer system requires four main aspects of data handing: input,
processing, output, and storage. The hardware responsible for these four areas
operates as follows:

1- Input devices accept data in a form that the computer can use ; they then send the
data to the processing unit.

2-The processor more formally known as the central processing unit (CPU), has the
electronic circuitry that mainipulates input into the information people want.

3-Output devices show people the processed data – information in a form that they
can use.

4-Storage usually means secondary storage. Secondary storage consists of devices,

such as diskettes, which can store data and programs outside the computer itself.

Input is the data that you put into the computer system for processing. Hare are some
common ways of feeding input data into the system:

1-typing on a keyboard computer keyboard operate in much the same way as electric
typewriter keyboards. The computer responds to what you enter; that is , it "echoes"
what you type by displaying it on the screen in fornt of you.

2- pointing with a mouse a mouse is a device that is moved by hand over flat surface.

3-scanning with a flatbed scanner , wand reader or bar code reader. Flatbed scanners
act like a copying machine by using light beams to scan a document or picture that is
laid upon its glass face.

The processor and memory:

In a computer the processor is the center of activity. The processor as we noted , is
also called the central processing unit (CPU). The central processing unit consists of
electronic circuits that interpret and execute program instructions, as well as
communicate with the input , output, and storage devices.

Output the result produced by the central processing unit, is a computers whole reason
for being. Output is usable information; that is raw input data has been processed by
the computer into information. The most common forms of output are words ,
numbers and graphics. Word output , for example may be the letters and memos
prepared by office people using word processing software. Other worker may be more
interested in numbers, such as those found in formulas schedules, and budgets, in
many cases numbers can be understood more easily when output in the form of charts
and graphics.

Classification of computers
Computer come in size from tiny to monstrous in both appearance and power. The
size of a computer that a person or an organization needs depends on the computing
requirements. Cleary the national weather service keeping watch on the weather fronts
of many continents has requirement different from those of a car dealer service
department that is trying to keep track of its parts inventory. And the requirement of
both of them are different from the need of a salesperson using a small laptop
computer to record client other on a sales trip.



Personal computers

Notebook computers

Getting smaller still

In the past when people thought about computer they thought about machine the
tapping on the keyboard the clacking of the printers the rumble of whirling disk drive
the changing flashes of color on a computer screen – these are the attention – getters
.however it is really the software - the planned , step by step instructions require to
turn data into information – that makes a computer useful.

Some task – oriented software

Most users whether at home or in business are drawn to task – oriented software
sometimes called productivity software that can make their work faster and their lives
easier the collective set of business task is limited and the number of general paths
towards performing these tasks is limited too thus, these major categories are word
processing (including desktop publishing), spreadsheets, database management,
graphics and communications. We will present a brief description of each category

As you have seen, computers are an exciting addition to the writing process.
Computers and the internet can provide an in-depth and thorough search of virtually
(notice the word choice) all different forms of primary and secondary sources. In
addition, computers greatly enhance the writer's ability to revise and edit his/her
essay. The computer has provided the writer with better and faster methods of writing.
It is a new medium for the writer, in every sense of the word; through development,
editing, revision, the final draft, the presentation, and ultimately-communication.

1. Balakrishnan, R., Fitzmaurice, G., Kurtenbach, G. and Singh, K. Exploring
interactive curve and surface manipulation using a bend and twist sensitive input strip.
Proc. Symposium on I3DG, 1999, ACM, 111-118.

2. Bickmore, T. and Schilit, B. Digestor: Deviceindependent access to the World

Wide Web. Proc. 6th International World Wide Web Conference, 1997, ACM.

3. Fitzmaurice, G.W., Situated information spaces and spatially aware palmtop

computers. Communication of the ACM, 1993. 36(7), 38-49.

4. Furnas, G. Generalized Fisheye View. Proc. CHIʼ93, ACM, 18-23.

5. Gelinck, G., Geuns, T. and Leeuw, D. High-performance all-polymer integrated

circuits. Applied Physics Letters, 2000, 77, 1487-1489.

6. Harrison, B., Fishkin, K., Gujar, A. et al. Squeeze me, hold me, tilt me! An
exploration of manipulative user interfaces. Proc. CHIʼ98, ACM, 17-24.

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