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Sickle Cell Trait - Family Origins Questionnaire

What is Sickle Cell Trait (SCT)

SCT is a medical condition that affects some people’s blood and may lead to problems during intense
exercise. SCT is most common in people with African and Caribbean family origins, but is also more
frequent in people with Mediterranean, Middle-Eastern and Indian heritage than it is for those of a white
Northern European, including white British, ethnicity. SCT can increase the likelihood of experiencing heat
stroke and muscle breakdown when doing intense exercise, such as competitive sports or military training,
whatever the weather conditions. This is known as Exertional Collapse Associated with Sickle Cell Trait
(ECAST) and can be life-threatening.

It is therefore important that the RAF understand whether or not you have SCT and the purpose of this
questionnaire is to reduce the risk of harm to candidates wishing to join the RAF. Please be assured that if
you are identified as having SCT, this is unlikely to prevent you joining the RAF, but will allow us to put
appropriate measures in place to minimise your risk of ECAST during selection and training.

The Questionnaire

This is a new process that is being introduced for all candidates wishing to join the RAF. If you have
previously completed this questionnaire and then there is no need to complete it again. Whilst you are not
required to complete this questionnaire, you must do so if you wish to progress with your application to
join the RAF. Your answers will help us decide if you need a blood test to look for sickle cell trait (SCT).

Because the incidence of SCT varies by ethnicity we need to understand yours; this might not be obvious
from where you live now, where you were born, or your nationality. You may need to ask your family for
help with some of the answers. If you have a question about the form, please contact your assigned
recruitment team or recruiter for advice.

Data Protection

It is important that you understand that you are providing this information freely. Given the danger that
may be caused to individuals with SCT undertaking physical exertion, the RAF will not allow anyone to
proceed with their application without being able to assess the risk to their health in doing so. Whether or
not you still wish to proceed with your application to join the RAF is, of course, up to you.

The data that you provide will be used for ascertaining your risk of SCT and for no other purpose, and will
be shared only with medical health professionals and personnel working closely with them. Your data will
be retained with your occupational health data should you join the RAF, otherwise it will be deleted
automatically 12 months after your application is terminated. You have a right to withdraw your consent
for us to process your data. However, this may impact your ability to join the RAF, given the health and
safety implications of SCT.

If following completion of this questionnaire it is determined by a health professional that a blood test is
required, we will be in contact with you again and you will be asked to consent to this separately.

Your data will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, General Data Protection Rules
and all extant and applicable data protection law.

Instructions for completing this form:

 Once you have read all of the questions below:

o If one or more of them apply to you, please place an ‘X’ in the ‘Yes’ box.

o If none of them apply to you, please place an ‘X’ in the ‘No’ box.

o Sign and date the form, and enter your name.

o Upload the form and return it to your recruiter.

 Do not write any free text notes on this form.

 Do not circle, tick or otherwise make a mark against any of the questions.


1. Are any of your biological mother (your birth mum), biological father (your birth dad), maternal
grandmother (mum’s mum), maternal grandfather (mum’s dad), paternal grandmother (dad’s mum),
paternal grandfather (dad’s dad):

a. Black: African or African-Caribbean (excluding North Africa)

b. South Asian: to include Indian or African-Indian, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lankan, Nepalese
Tharu (Caste) and Terrai Region Only, Afghan, Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan areas.

c. Other Non-European: to include South or Central America, Middle Eastern, Saudi Arabian,
Iranian or North African.


2. You do not know the family origins of any of your biological mother, biological father, maternal
grandmother, maternal grandfather, paternal grandmother, paternal grandfather.


3. You were adopted.


4. You have had a bone marrow transplant.

5. One of your parents had a bone marrow transplant before you were born.

6. You do not know if either you or your parents have had a bone marrow transplant.

Yes No
(One or more of the (None of the above
above apply to me) apply to me)

I confirm that I consent to my data being processed for the purposes described in the covering letter to
this questionnaire.

Signature ____________________________________ Date ______________________________

Name ______________________________________

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