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 We live in an age when English is

spoken worldwide. Besides our mother
tongue, we need to have a language
which allows us to communicate with
others, regardless of their origins. This
essay will discuss the reasons for
learning English in today's society.
  First and foremost, English is a useful
tool when it comes to studying since lots
of informational sources, especially the
ones on the internet, are written in this
language. It enables the reader to
understand various books and articles,
therefore contributing to one's
education. In addition, knowing English
also increases work opportunities
because of the value that knowing this
language has at a high level. 
   In contrast, there are many other
languages that are very helpful in a lot of
ways. For example, Chinese is the most
used one among Asians, having more
than one billion native speakers. It, as
well, is significant when it comes to
gaining knowledge and achieving higher
communication skills. Also, the rise in
English speaking people promotes the
idea of globalization, which plays a
major part in losing
the country's and culture's identity.
    In light of the above, in my opinion,
English is a high-value asset in today's
world, especially in education, providing
the means to explore many fields in a
much ampler manner. In conclusion,
English can be considered the most
powerful language.

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