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Walle a_mote on" Impact of technology on —_Emvizarmemt” | The technology is _developed_foa_the _huanamn. The development fm_dechnology has made _ouy ide _veny _[uccuafous lout Hts — Jodverse efsect om _emviacmnment ts _vewy —hearfutl Tempnet — ee et divided into thaee _ —|categ. fes 3 cin Dis tT uct a a | Imdusisies i Ain waters amd Noise paltutfon P, 1h a_temed crn a: at @) | pesfne food chutn —emnd food wel. fa plain diiienent aypes of | {food chain = {He yn cee age ee ge | | The biotic _ecasysiean— ih __ [Sood fos eacrmple the producers form ihe food fox the herli- 105 The herbivores fora ihe Sood fo% the —ccamni s Ropal eco * |Qusing io repeated eciting heimg eciten the en Tacx: nes] —> [connivanes | | The various teas ino food chain cane tuted tno vel. Jonamed 4: ome __4.20phic__lewel +9 _omothi jaophic level Desaring food chain 0% Predatos food _chesin. iD Aoneisiic “Sood chinensis | Gancrtog o% Predatos, food cheba $ | Sao luge, _omganisins jo smalles organisms usithout Netty tn ccie ot os Geericiag - Boral eco * Food wel in donest? > gout —» jackeal Mom Grseen Plant > Sxubbit — wid cat i ; gS ““nouse —? Ow! ite —> snake —~ 21 — ain] fio pnophytic os Detstius —_soad —chuin + ____ ad fi ee ee accent | Namious dood _clein: item tnteriinked at ditt. oot trophic. | _Lewels to fosen ct conmplen fnthaction hetineem dittenemt | pscies Snow the point of view of food This nekooak (fhe fntenuciion fs culled the food wel. | Explain ditsesent + mids ust: ‘i nelutive cidvemtag im each tmophic level fs comsidened as a level tn the pyncumia | [some situations like tht of the detstius food chef iohene opal eco Tentfaer, Consume? ends sunmnenS Pa fmany camsumes Produces jagesi Biomess data is diiifeut Jo obtata as the anisan needs to be Lille) cmd henied tno Boral eco hich ts calencny level S the osgamfsins jo a spectite trophic level = As well as the csgantems tn + Joos eee sthene is 4 pacbieam oat assignt 5 +he de~ swe compas cmd _detatatvote a _pusafeul ae lene aa (4) Goxplafn —crmehon —cycle—emnd nf taegem cycle asta nec __ sketch. if suaes coms? | Cosben cycle 3- 2 Gone) Boral eco “casbem crycle i5 the process cahese curbon compounds ce interchanged cmemg the biosphere .geasphene pedos-— Lphene. hydsosphere cmd _cumasphere of the ecioth" j-Canbom cycle shams tne movement of costoem ta ermemien! tnd combined ste m_eciieth Diamond _and_gaciphite ne the clemeniul Joss ot cursbon| ominehal amd a umbom _dforide gas fm the atmosphere | oe —become toss) fuels __ back into the catmesphene _evemiucniay = | these _fosst! fuels ome them used fos) mnem-cmede ccatviites, | 2 1602 n_ atmosphere Photosynthesis _Josigemtc: compounds ) cplant> mic compound | Le conimatsy) | Vo ot F Cor pie) {Petmoleum | // t ometes be m_waser arhomule ov Limestone Combon cycle Nitwagem Cycle . Oagamt nti gem 29. it faa thsi. ae am: and they, yet dp |passed through the jond chain by the comsumesion of |___lotinen Musing csiqermfsoms Imonganic forans of nit 2 cb Soumd im iby dom: |___|imane crtmasphene => [Ga andesgnes — econ ty £ 4oumstos mation to _ameiniein la _bulnce Ja“the ecosysiean — | Pnocese of _nitmogem Cycle + —| Rao of _witoogen cycle com sig Of the follnuiing steps? | CD Nimogem fiaation i) Nitsiticcation = |{ nitmogecn Fiaccatigan + [sy is the tnilful Slea of the miltsiogen cae. Here, Bimosphak ll nitmogem Cua) ushich ts primenthy cuetluble ta cm inent_fomon fs comented mio +n usable jonam - Aymmonica cNtts) Ropal eco — —|mitnagem ges is deposited iio soils fnom the citmosphere| — pond _siakice weites: amnuinky through precipi: zation | The entize p00 £ Nitzegen fireion fi leted toy pribiotic hactericg usthfch cme kmoon as Diaze tropa Nitmiticatfom 3- Lt : t e dhe pnesemce of buctesfa tn th, il nud 4 307 ——> ono; + ant +aHao. aNo3z 10a — anoz s HiT Assionatlessionn i — |Plonis take fn the onitnagem mpounds 4, thy LL usith pommonic. nitrite fons nitmate fons on commenium fons jund cme sed‘: We _fohmeatiom of +he plant cmd amie paotein: ——_iithem_plamis _o% animals die, the niisiegem presen} fn ahe fosgumic amates fs snelersed back mie the soft Raval eco ne Nitnogem im ei cuimasphene nitrogen Hacufon 14 i | Rao toplaser Luttaates J Raotoplasm | Cgneen_planis> > * T mimes) J. Stes | Armoniffcation. XN — ue ~[aanmoniaak— ~~ ptmosphentc Oe Roxdtion % a Nitrogen Gycle [cess of decomposition produces ammonia. The decomposes nermely bacteria om Jumngi presem in ne sail, | comyeht the ogamic malik back m4ecmnomenium This pro. Demitsi {eusion + - Demitsitfcutfan ts the psocess im ushich the mitmagem pos lumds make thei 114 back %nto the

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