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TAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013

Standart T
Competency/Based Culture,Value and No k Ke
Competence Indicator National Character soal Questions s y
I Choose the most approprite answer.
Telling about Job in past  Telling about future plans Independent 1 Tatik : ....
events and future plans Communicative Sarah : Definitely. a
 hard working Tatik : Remember that success comes with hard work.
Curious You should study more seriously from now
 Eager to read on.
Sarah : thank for the advice
a. Are you going to take the exam next week?
b. Did you do the exam last week?
2 c. Are you doing the test already?
d. Have you taken the test already?
Yesha : What’s your plan for the next long weekend? a
Wendy : I think ....
a. I’ll take my family to the mountain
b. I visited my grandparents in Makasar
c. I just stayed at home and watched TV
3 d. I should have got a great vacation in Bali d
Sean : What’s your plan for the next holiday?
Leon : I’ll go to medan with my brother.
Sean : Will you stay in a hotel.
Leon : I’m not sure. I have some friends there. ....
a. Certainly, I will be very happy.
b. Unfortunetely I haven’t contacted them.
c. It’s llikely that they have forgot my name
d. I’ll probably stay with them c
Laura : I didn’t see you at the meeting last
 Telling about activities in Monday. Where were you?
past events Gisela : I went to Lombok.
Laura : How was you trip?
Gisela : It was exciting. I .... many wonderful.
places when I was there c
a. visit c. visited
5 b. visits d. would visit
Yuni : What was your unforgettable
Ratri : When I was a small child, I entered an old
building with my sister. We found
an old lady who lived inside it slept alone on
the sofa. We were too scared
to get out of the house. We just stood
quietly. Then the old lady woke up a
and .... kindly to us.
6 a. speaks c. spoke
b. speaking d. spoken
Amalia: I bought this watch here yesterday. But
when I got home, ....
Shopkeeper : May I see the receipt? We’ll change
it with the new one.
 Communicative, b
a. it didn’t work at all
 Hard workers, b. c. my son broke his work
 Independent, c. I lost my new clock
 Democratize d. d. there’s no service centre address
 friendly, Customer : How much is it to rent a Kijang per
Express kinds of  Do the bargaining
 Curious, day?
Social Interaction Rental clerk : Rp.300 thousand without a driver.
Rp.500 thousand with the driver. b
8 Customer : So, the driver’s fee is Rp.200
thousand. .... for next Sunday.
a. Let me drive one c. We want to buy one
b. I’d like to book one d. You can book one
Customer : How much are we going to
contribute this victims of the disaster?
Employee 1 : ...., cut from our salary?
Employee 2 : I think it’s okay. I’m sure all of us
wouldn’t mind.
a. How much money is per employee
9 b. c. How if Rp. 10.000 per employee c
c. How about Rp. 10,000 per employee
d.What about Rp. 10,000 per employee
Shop assistant : May I help you?
Listy : Yes, the cardigan I bought yesterday was torn at
the end of the right sleeve.
Shop assistant : Let me check it. Oh, we are
sorry, ....
Listy : Oh, what a pity!
10 a. All kinds of cardigans are sold out
b. c. I will change it with teh new one d
c. All items bought cannot be returned
d. all customers will get a discount
Teacher : What are you going to do tomorrow
11 Student : ....?
a. I’ll see you then c. I would meet a
a friend
b. I’m going home now d. I’m going to
stay at home
Gea : Whose camera did you borrow?
II Dea : ....
a. My brother lent it to me
12 b
b. c. I took a picture of my friend
c. My sister left it at the store
d. d. My son borowed it from me
Choose the inappropriate structure in the
sentences below.
Assistant : Would you like to register for a
Telling about future plans part-time or full time progr am?

13 Aura : I think I’ll took the first one because it

b c c

doesn’t last long.

Farel : What happend to your car?
a b d
Shinta : It is stolen when I was in ‘Tunjungan’
 Telling about life story C d
in past event and future Plaza. I’ve reported it to the police.
plan c d
Customer : What does this diamond ring cost?
a b
 Do the bargaining Clerk : Oh, that’s Rp1,750,000.00.

Customer : That’s quite expensive. May you

15 c d
give it for Rp1,250,000.00? c

Clerk : that’s too low. I’ll let you have it for


 Telling about activities in

Garry : Did you see my notebook? I left it here
past events a
yerterday. c
Anne : Which one? I see two notebooks over
there. b

Garry : The one is covering by the brown plastic.

c d
 Telling about activities in
past events Rangga : Please return the cassete which you
17 lent from me a week ago. b

Wilda : So sorry, I forgot to bring it. I’ll gave it to

you tomorrow.
Teacher : Why is the class room very dirty? Didn’t
it cleaned this morning?
Students : We cleaned it, Sir. But our shoes are
dirty as it rained heavily last night.
Read the following memo and answer the

Reading section
19 March 2013

To : Aprilia Widjayanto
From : Septori Nurbandana

Subject : Sales Conference

I think we should hold the Annual Sales Conference in a hotel
this year. The travel between the different hotels and the
Conference Centre last year wasted a lot of time,
So this year i suggest we have meetings and accommodation
in the sama venue.
18 I have asked for recommendation from some colleagues and
they have given me the names of the following hotels:

 Jogya Plaza Hotel

 Sahid Raya Hotel b
 Melia Purosani Hotel
 Santika Hotel

(Please keep me informed when there is any development)

According to the text, where might the conference a

20 be held this year?
a. In a hotel c. At the conference
b. At the different places d. At some
buildings nearby
The main idea of paragraph 1 tells about ....
a. hotels recommended by Septori
b. b. accommodation of the conference
c. the reason of holding the conference at
the same hotel
d. the plan of holding the conference at a
different hotel
“ I have asked for recommendation from some
colleagues and they have given me ...”
The underlined word refers to ....
a. colleagues c. recommendation
b. conferences d. Aprilia and Septori
Read the text below and answer the questions.
My Dreams
Everyone should have their own dreams.
They can be about what job a person wants to get
when they graduate from school or any activities
and hobbies they want to do in the future. I have a
big dreams that I want to achieve when I graduate
from school.

I want to travel around the world as a

backpacker. I love traveled to many places in
21 Indonesia and some other countries in South East a
Asia. I have been to Java (where I was born),
Sumatra, Bornoe, Sulawesi and Papua. While the
countries of South East Asia I have backpacked in
are Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and
Cambodia. b
22 My next destination is Europe. I heard that
backpecking in Europe is easier then in Asia. We
only need one visa which is called a Schengen
Visa to travel arround, while in asia most countries d
require a visa.
23 I believe where there is a will there ia a way
and I will make all my dreams come true.

The writer’s dremas is to backpack ....

a. all over the world
b. all over Asia
c. all over Europe
d. all over Africa b

24 The word “they” in the second sentence of

paragraph is refers to ...
a. job c. college
b. dremas d. activities
25 c
Why does the writer think backpacking in Europe
is easier the Asia?
a. Because it is cheaper
b. Because backpacking in and interesting
c. Because Europe is abeutiful place
d. Because a traveler only needs one visa to
travel to countries in Europe.

which countries has the writer visited?

a. Korea and Singapore
b. Malaysia and Thailand
c. Thailand and UK
d. Indonesia and Europe
The five big Island of Indonesia are ....
a. Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia
and Vietnam
b. Sulawesi, Europe, Korea, Japan and China .
c. Sulawesi, Java, Borneo, Sumatra and
d. Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Thailand and

Good luck

Pau M. A. Riwu Kaho

Nip. 19650112 199112 2 002

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